Eric Holder (Operation Gun Runner) arms Mexican Drug Cartels at the Department of Justice.
Today, he announced he may step down. Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital uses Drug profits to arm south of the border (South, Central AM and Mexico) Drug Cartels and purchases Chinese weapons with Blood Diamond profits for use in Africa; today, Mitt said he wants in. The CIA arms the Free Syrian Army, al-Qaeda and Ansar al-Sharia in Benghazi for Arab Spring uprisings; CIA Chief David Petraeus abruptly resigned today citing a marital affair; probably best, ordering a stand down in Benghazi and running guns is not a fitting legacy for a man who has allowed the Muslim Brotherhood to take over in Egypt, Libya and Iraq whose goal is Sharia Law; nice work Dave. Jon Huntsman was Chinese Ambassador in Shanghai and present at the start of the uprisings (why he was not put in chains is beyond me); he wants in. Hillary Clinton financed Operation Gun Runner through US Direct Commercial Sales and watched Libya set ablaze from the Champs Elysee (Elysian Field means Roman Field of the Chosen) with fellow Satanist Traitor Nicholas Sarkozy; she is stepping down. Tim Geithner used $1 Trillion in Treasury held TARP funds to purchase naked Silver Shorts, neting George Soros (Grigori Schwartz) by some estimates $15 Trillion; he is stepping down. Funny how Silver topped out at its Atomic Number of $47/Oz before collapsing eh? Didn’t notice that? How about the Dow at $9651.51 on 9/11/2001 and again on 9/11/2009? Missed that one too? How about the S&P hitting $666 on 3/6/9? No? Well, China did. Energy Sec Steven Chu wants out; no surpirse if people found out just how US Oil prices are manupulated at the Energy Dept; he’d be tar and feathered with all the US Oil being hoarded. Leon Panetta wants out; probably best if he isn’t remembered for closing the Straits of Hormuz with the USS Enterprise; Janet Napolitano, the Sodomite Queen of Operation Gun Runner wants to take his place. EPA Director Lisa Jackson wants out; probably best, her continued blind eye to the use of UN banned Corexit in the Gulf of Mexico is killing the Gulf. Remember that scene in Titanic where the Rats seek higher ground?
Form 4473, sent to US Gun Shops in April 2012 allows Transient Aliens the ability to purchase OTC Firearms (BATF considers 50 Cal Sniper Rifles, Body Armor, RPG’s, Automatic Rifles “Over the Counter” according to Operation Gun Runner) without proof of Residency, Background Checks or any sort of Loyalty Oath to the US or the Constitution. The form separates Ethnicity into 5 areas without asking any questions on Arab or Middle East birth. Why? LaRaza Unida, MEChA and Voz de Aztlan. The goal? Sharia Law and Noahide Law, the “Order out of Chaos”. US Citizen? Purchasing a Firearm is one of the tougher things to do, for resident aliens, it’s much easier which is why “United We Dream” has called for National Amnesty for 11 million un-documented Hispanics; Dream Act? Double that number and add that number to 23 million unemployed and internal Chaos will destroy America the way Rome was destroyed, ironically by the same Pagans; Latins and Goths/Visigoths.
Want more Chaos?
Mission America is pushing for Pedophile Rights similar to those being given the LGBT community; Greek Pedophile Plato couldn’t be more proud eh? Obama even referenced same sex freedom in his Election Night speech. Ref Gen 13:13; Lev 18:22; Lev 19 and Rom 1:27-32 before you get too exicted; God has a little something to say about all this; it was one of the reasons His glory left Solomon’s Temple in Eze 8.
Want more Chaos?
How about setting up foreign criminals in Special Economic Zones not subject to US Laws, Jurisdiction, Government oversight or regulation, and giving them EB-5 Visas to conduct their tax-free enterprises? Remember the 2010 Census was conducted under Obama’s fellow Man’s Country Sodomite member, White House Chief of Staff, now Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel? That’s why you don’t hear about these. Brings in a whole new level of “Diplomatic Immunity” eh? Aiding our enemies is nothing new; Prescott Bush and George Romney aided Hitler; why wouldn’t their sons run drugs and weapons or construct the NAFTA Super Highway for them? Norm Coleman and Don Rumsfeld even gave Saddam Hussein the keys to the City of Detroit for Pete’s sake.
Chaos is Lucifer (Satan).
Masons call Lucifer the “Grand Architect” (Grand Architect of the Universe). Science calls Lucifer the “Graviton” or “Dark Matter”; Muslims call Lucifer “Allah”; New Agers call Lucifer “The One”; Twelvers like Ahmadinejad call Lucifer “al-Mahdi”; Hindus call Lucifer “Krishna” (Black); Mormons call Lucifer Jesus’ brother. Mitt Romney has been told the same thing Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has “The One, Mighty and Strong, clothed in Light” to usher in the 2nd Coming; of Jesus Christ? No Way, Lucifer aka “al Mahdi”. Lucifer is Monotheist; his Priests are Chaldean aka Culdees. Rarely do Chaldeans assume visible leadership roles; Merovingian Franks called them “Mayors of the Palace” (Think Sultan and Jafar here); ironically the real Jafar Ibn Abi Talib was the son of Muhammad’s uncle Abdulmutallib; ever heard these names before? Taliban means “Student”; the Prophet Muhammad was Abdulmutallib’s student “Talib”; of course this name became famous as the Nigerian Christmas bomber Abdul Mutallib; clever eh? These Satanic Morons think we are just such gullible sheep eh? Mormons also believe Jesus and Mary Magdalene had a family aka “Holy Grail” and they are a part of it; they refer to the rest of us as Gentiles. Thank God for that; Gentiles are not Judged so long as we stay out of the 3rd Temple! (Eze 37:16; Rev 13:1). Want to be a Temple of God? Ask Jesus!
Mitt Romney has asked Barack Obama to be part of his cabinet; my guess (Just a guess folks!) is the role his father played as Nixon HUD Secretary; as Jesus said “A man’s foes are the men of his own household” (Mat 10:36); Canaanites like Mitt love Gentile City Building (Urban Development); Mitt in fact claims descent from Joseph and Chaldean “Priest of On” (On is Allah) daughter Asenath. Jon Huntsman is also on a short list to replace Hillary Clinton as Sec of State. Why? Special Economic Zones allow foreign busineses the ability to do in America what Shenzen did in Hong Kong, conduct illegal business with complete immunity from US Laws and our Constitution. Jon was in Tianamen Square watching the Chaos; Mitt has no loyalty to the US, even listing the US as a “Foreign Nation” on his 2011 Tax Return.
Hillary Clinton desisted MeK (Mujahideen E-Kalk) an Iranian terrorist organization from the “Watch List”; we hear every day how the Straits of Hormuz is the key to US energy survival, yet not one word about the several Trillion Bbls of Oil in the Green River Formation, Bakken Formation, ANWR or Gulf of Mexico. Don’t hear much about the US exporting 500,000 Bbls/day abroad do we? One mention from Mitt Romney about Obama offering to pay (using taxpayer money of course) 123,000 severance packages to Lockheed-Martin employees being terminated in exchange for delaying the announcement until after Nov 6 and Mitt would be President. One debate question from Obama such as “Mitt, America would like to hear how Bain Capital returned 173%/yr for 10 straight years” and Mitt would have been tar and feathered.
Obama, playing the role of the Cushite/Kennite “Nimrod” (Just remember Babel was built by men who came from the east, not Nimrod who came from north Africa), David Rockefeller (Check out the statue of his hero Prometheus at 30 Rockefeller Plaza) man Joe Biden, Sodomite Jesuit (Jesuits aka “Militia of Zeus and Minerva” wrote Mein Kampf; the Vietman War was called “Spelly’s War” after Jesuit Cardinal Francis Spellman; they have been evicted from most every nation until Reagan brought Skull & Bones, 330 Mason, Nazi financier, George HW Bush to the White House) John Boehner (Watch if Sodomite Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts fails again to deliver the Oath of Office correctly) and perhaps Jon Huntsman would be in line. What if several hundred thousand absentee military ballots that arrived Nov 7, show Mitt Romney actually won? Chaos.
“Nothing in politics happens by accident. If it happened you can bet it was planned..”
– 33° Luciferian Mason, Pearl Harbor liar Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Here is the Mormon (Mormon means “Gates of Hell” in Chinese) plan:
Mormon Oath of Vengeance
“You and each of you do covenant and promise that you will pray and never cease to pray to Almighty God to avenge the blood of the prophets upon this nation, and that you will teach the same to your children and to your children’s children unto the third and fourth generation.”
White Horse Prophecy
“Fathers will turn against sons and sons against fathers. Mothers will turn against daughters and daughters against mothers. Crime will run rampant, America on the verge of crumbling to pieces, people will be starving and the Constitution will hang by a thread; saved by elders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.”
The Oath of Vengeance, allegedly penned by Mormon Apostle Parley Pratt, was chased down and killed by Hector McClean, for stealing his wife Eleanor is GGG Grandfather ie “Fourth Generation” to both Mitt Romney (by Marriage) and to Jon Huntsman; Think they have forgiven that little incident? Guess Again; Brigham Young ordered the 9/11/1835 “Mountain Meadow’s Massacre” of the Fancher-Baker party (120 men, women and children) simply because they were from Arkansas, where Parley Pratt was killed. Think it was coincidence Arkansas Gov Bill Clinton managed Iran-Contra Drug distribution in Arkansas? Guess Again. The “Mormon Mafia” are primarily businessmen conducting war in a modern day version of Brigham’s “Avenging Angels” and Joseph Smith’s “Dannites”; The Mormon Mafia stole Howard Hughes’ fortune and built Sin City; think it’s coincidence Sheldon Adelson manages the Las Vegas Mafia, is a MItt Romney supporter and bankrolled the fake documentary “Innocence of Muslims”? Guess Again. Think it’s coincidence Mitt Romney laundered $Trillions of Iran-Contra drug profits from drugs that entered the US at Mena AK? Guess Again. The Huntsman Family pretends to care about Cancer Research, but their billions came from cancer causing polystyrene and BPA (Bisphenols) found in food containers. “Control Oil, you control Nations. Control Food, you control people” Mitt Romney and Barack Obama senior adviser, Henry Kissinger, This is why 1.5 million acres of food production in the US is controlled by the Mormon Church and why their members store 2 years worth. Ever been to a Bishop’s Storehouse? You won’t unless of course you join the church.
Form 4473 identifies Latinos who are taught incessantly that 1/2 of California, New Mexico, Arizona, Southern Utah, West Texas, SW Colorado and South Florida (collectively called “Aztlan”) were stolen from them (They were); they are not told Latins stole South America, Central America and Mexico from Natives, nor are Canadians and Americans told White Europeans stole their land from Natives.
Chaos is coming to America spurred by the automatic spending cuts “Austerity” (Aus=To Shine=Lucifer) due Jan 2013.
Romney/Ryan didn’t need to be elected; it was already part of the plan which is why Jesuit/Knight of Malta, Paul Ryan ran for re-election to Congress.
Jesus has a better plan; it is in writing in the Authorized Bible (KJV); just read Gen 27:39-41KJV, Amos 7:2-3; 5-6KJV and Obadiah; this will take 10 minutes of your time and you will see Esau obtains “Dominion” (Sovereign Authority to Rule) not Jacob; Israel is not Jewish in any sense of the word and that Jesus wipes all this Edomite rebellion out in a flash. He is waiting at the door, but you need to open it. Now is a great time! If you can spare 10 minutes to read the Word; can you spare 2 minutes to open the door to eternity?