[frame_right][/frame_right]George Bush Sr., affectionately referred to as “Magog” in his Skull & Bones (aka Thule or Tula “Dark Sun” Society; Nazi SS were Knights of the Dark Sun) Initiation; he is also a 33° Luciferian Freemason, Bohemian Grove worshipper of Molech, Knight of Malta, CFR, Bilderberger, Muslim Shriner and son of Nazi Empire financier Prescott whom Nikola Tesla called “Curious George” as in Scherf, his real name. Bush Sr. founded “1000 Points of Light” in 1991 exactly 700 years after the fall of Acre (Akko=Haifa). “In 700 years the Laurel will grow green again”; the Fall of Acre to Islamic Saracen (Empty of Sarah) Mamluks was in 1291 A.D.
“Nothing in Politics happens by chance; if it happened, it was planned”
– 33° Mason WWII traitor FDR
Father’s Day (Great Sky Father’s Day) falls in the week before the Summer Solstice; the Points of Light Conference in Chicago June 18-20 will coincide with Super Typhoon Guchol (150MPH=Cat 5 Hurricane as of 6/18) tracking across Tokyo and Fukushima; guided Typhoon? I don’t know, but it developed on Father’s Day, likewise, Fukushima was no accident. It was no coincidence Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans at sunrise on the Feast Day commemorating the Edomite beheading of John the Baptist (Aug 29) either.
As President Obama was presenting George Bush Sr with the 2011 Presidential Medal of Freedom (this year Palestinian butcher 33° Mason Shimon Peres got the award), on Lent 2011, an EM ELF Wave (Electro-Magnetic Extremely Low Frequency Scalar Wave) triggered the 9.0 Earthquake and subsequent Tsunami; 1/2 hour later Nazi era Corporation Siemmens coolant controllers shut down before control rods were inserted; the nitrogen inerting system also was turned off which caused the now melting Uranium/Plutonium reactor cores to cause the hydrogen explosion which blew out the containment buildings; Radiation are these “Points of Light” and the TSunami had nothing to do with the event, evidenced by the radioactive “Floatsam” hitting the American west coast currently. Typhoon (Typhon and Hurakan are called “Father of all Monsters”) Guchol is a codename for Typhoon “Butchboy”, a name means “Illustrious Butcher”; a slang term for a masculine lesbian or cross-dresser. Moving right along.
Following the Points of Light conference will be the United Nations Rio Earth Summit under the Giant Christus Statue facing East; Jesus? Uh No. Ever wonder why the UN windows are “Green” or the Conference Room is green? or Why Iran Hostage Crisis guard and current Shiite puppet Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has stated his Divine Mission is to usher in the Occulted Imam “al-Mahdi” 3 years in a row in that Green Room? Templar “Green Man” ring a bell?
Points of Light merged with the National Volunteer Network, Freedom Corp (Note: Freedom Works, founded by 33° Mason Dick Armey formed the Tea Party “Tammuz Party” which now backs Mitt Romney), AmeriCorp (Amar is the Canaanite god of the west; Ameru the Canaanite Serpent god; Amurru the Edomite Shepherd god; Corp means Corporation; Fasces is the Fascist symbol of Corporate Governance), HandsOn and GenerationOn (Generation is used in scripture not as a separate Race, but to illustrate becoming “Born Again”; Luciferians also have their own version called “Divine Union” or “Sacred Marriage” aka “Hieros Gamos”) in 2007, the same year Knight of Malta, Rhodes Scholar Gen Wes Clark (nee Kahne=Cohen a Samaritan Priest name). Heard of Generation X? Same thing, X and On refer to Osiris and the Priests of Heliopolis “On”; remember Asenath a Priest daughter married Joseph and gave birth to Ephraim whom Mitt Romney and indeed most all white Mormons believe they descend from (It’s a lie obviously); Isaiah informs us “Syria is confederate with Ephraim” (Is 7:2); “The head of Ephraim is Samaria” (Is 7:9) The Bee is in Assyria (Is 7:18), Ephraim made the treasonous pact with Assyria (2 Ki 18:17) and Manasseh and Ephraim are together against Judah (Is 9:21) Remember, there are 2 Sticks upon which everyone on earth is measured: Joseph and Ephraim and Judah; Jesus Christ is the Stick of Judah; Lucifer is the Stick of Joseph; those 2 “Israels” are not the same; Joseph is physical, Judah is spiritual. Got it?
The symbol of the GenerationOn, OnStar, GenX etc are the Benben “Pyramidion” (Capstone); Pryamid means “Amid the Flames” as does Tammuz (Tam=Purify; Muz=Fire) as does Cathari “Pure Ones” or Catharsis “Discharge of Pent up Emotion”. It is no coincidence 1991, 2007 and 2012-2013 are 700 years after significant events in Gnostic Cathar, Knights Templar (Knights of the Temple) and Hospitaller (Knights of St John, Malta and Rhodes) history.
Acre is the Holiest City in Bahai faith which unites the 3 bloodlines of Abraham and the faiths which sprang from them. Heard the term “One Ring to rule them all?” It’s a Bahai term referring to Bab=Gate and Baha’ u’ llah. Ullah is Allah, the original Assyrian moon god “Sin”. Bahai is literally the Gate of Sin “Babylon” uniting bloodlines of Abraham-Hagar-Ishmail-Esau-Korah-Muhammad and the Shiite Imam “al-Mahdi” (He who rises) with Abraham-Sarah-Isaac-Jacob-Moses-David-Solomon and Abraham-Keturah-Krishna-Buddha-Zoroaster (the latter line is largely mythical).
Like the Titanic, America is set to be Scuttled as a Scapegoat for “Babylon” (Gate of On) to the bottom of the Atlantic (Atlantis) in order the Phoenix (mythical self immolating bird connecting Heliopolis, Egypt and Mt Sinai in Arabia) will rise at the New Atlantis described by Plato and written of by Francis Bacon. Americans have no vote and neither do any other nations (Goyim); a Barcelona based vote counting firm SCYTL (cute eh?) will count the votes “No matter who people vote for, they always vote for us” (Attributed to the Illuminati aka Allumbrados, Theraputae of Heliopolis aka Priests of On) It is no coincidence the LaSagrada Familia (Sacred Family is Father, Mother, Son) Cathedral is built as forest of trees topped by the 1000 Points of Light Mirror Ball.
WWIII “Mede-Persian Ram versus Grecian Goat” will begin with Syria and Iran and center on Israel which is why the Points of Light conference is coinciding with Syrian Ambassador Robert Ford (Remember the movie “Assasination of the outlaw Jesse James by the coward Robert Ford? A very symbolic movie on pg 13 of my Movie Review article) meeting with the Free Syrian Army concerning the “Salvador Option”. Ford, you may recall is adept at fomenting Revolution; in Iraq, he was the Iraq Provisional Authority adviser who financed Shiite Death Squads in Najaf’s “Mahdi Army” with the missing $60 billion 9/11/2001 Butcher and current Mitt Romney adviser, Rabbi Dov Zakheim is looking for; he lost $2.3 Trillion just ahead of 9/11, so it’s a fair bet he won’t find this money.
God’s Longitude is the 77th Meridian where the Pentagon, White House and Washington Monument align with the Supreme House of the Temple and Freedom Hill Park. God’s Acre is called a Churchyard; which is by Churches are “Sheep Pens” Time to get out folks!