[frame_right][/frame_right]Habeas Corpus: “You have the Body” is the “Great Writ”, a guarantee of appearance before an authorized Judge and Court compelling charges to be levied and the defendant to answer to those charges; it is not the right to a fair trial; it serves as the basis for a fair trial. Distractions like Trayvon Martin and the Secret Service Prostitute scandal are smokescreens for the real attack on Habeas Corpus.
UN Agenda-21 is the overall framework for laying claim to all “Earth” resources including human (recall Adam was made from the Earth); US Sovereignty and the Constitution must end for Agenda 21 to become enforceable; all members of the US Congress are by definition “Traitors” and they all know it. MAP-21, NDAA-2012, Executive Orders, Particularly #10995-11005, and the Enemy Expatriation Act will all become enforceable if Habeas Corpus is subverted. Congress has illegally given the military the ability to violate Posse Commitatus Act (prevents the military to be used against its own citizens; Bill Clinton, Janet Reno and Gen Wes Clark were the first to violate the provision on April 19 “Cerealia” 1993 at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco), arrest, incarcerate, extradite to foreign nations, torture and likely soon, withhold passports and strip citizenship from US citizens. This is nothing new.
Habeas Corpus would have protected Jesus Christ; Pilate washed his hands of the matter; Herod would not rule on the matter and the full Sanhedrin was never convened to rule on charges of blasphemy; they hung an innocent man.
Habeas Corpus only extends to lawful US Citizens; HR 4388 is being heralded as protection against NDAA-2012 but is in fact the enabler of the treasonous defense bill. HR4388 does not stop the military from being used to lock up US citizens without charge or appearance before a court. HR 4388 does not include US citizens in foreign nations; Why? Consider that Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld and FBI Director Robert Mueller stated several times “We have never made the case or proven Osama bin Laden was involved with 9/11/2001…he has never appeared on the FBI Most Wanted list in connection with 9/11….Saddam Hussein has never been proven to have had WMD’s, involvement with Osama bin Laden or 9/11/2001” (paraphrased). Exactly what are 150,000 US troops fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan for? Will the world consider them US citizens on a valid mission if the US Congress does not consider them US Citizens entitled to Habeas Corpus? This is nothing new.
When internment without charge or trial is allowed by law, Habeas Corpus does not apply. FDR issued and Executive Order incarcerating 120,000 Japanese, many of whom were US Citizens after his well orchestrated false flag “Pearl Harbor”; no Charges, no Judge, no Trial; FDR was a Freemason and a Traitor. Rosicrucian leader and likely Sodomite, Abraham Lincoln blocked Confederate Ports on April 19, 1861 “Ceralia” in retaliation to outlaw Freemasons Larry, Jesse and Frank James firing on Ft Sumter to start the Civil War; a well planned, orchestrated, needless slaughter. Why?
“Earth Dwellers” believe Earth’s resources including Man and Woman made from Man are the property of the Earth and subject to the Laws of Man such as the early post -flood Code of Naram-Sin, Code of Lipit-Ishtar, Code of Hammurabi and later, Magna Carta, Sharia Law, and Noahide Law. Christians, “Born Again” of the Holy Ghost accept the Blood of Jesus Christ as Atonement of Sin and live under the Law of God “Love God” and “Love your Neighbor”; Earth Dwellers are described after Rev 6:14 when Heaven is “Rolled as a scroll when it is rolled together”. Soldiers on any side of combat have been tricked into forgoing God’s Laws and are subject to the Laws of Man. Good news! You can change that with one prayer of repentance to Jesus Christ through the Holy Ghost, the 2 parts of the Trinity, denied by Earth Dwellers.
On Weed Day 4/20/2009 Deepwater Horizon was set ablaze; on Earth Day, April 22, 2009 Deepwater Horizon was scuttled; spectacular, but the real action was 1 mile below as Corexit and Oil laced the Gulf of Mexico with carcinogenic, oxygen depriving chemicals in the “Place where Ocean Currents Coverge” (Mexico); 9 months in the “Womb” from now the “Golden Age” will likely be Inaugurated on Jan 20, 2013. It’s time to choose whether you want to be an Earth Dweller, free of God and His Laws or a Born Again servant of Jesus Christ. Gaia is likely going to be suffering some Birth Pains this year.