Gnostics aspire to liberate the Soul. People who fear God aspire to pass His Judgment of the Soul.
“You get me the pictures and I’ll get you the war” 33° Luciferian Freemason William Randolph Hearst. On Aug 26 the Headline “On the way to War” appeared in Israel with Obama on the Right, Bashar al Assad on the Left, and a ship (USS Barry?) launched Tomahawk Cruise Missile headed for Assad. Hitler and Hirohito V Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin (4 were Freemasons; Hitler “Wagged” by Churchill and Jesuits) occupied these same positions 72 years ago; 99 years ago the Ottomans V US and Russia laid waste to the world; in the middle? Chaldeans. This technique is called “The Tail Wagging the Dog” and the USS Barry (Barry Soetero) is in position to launch the first strike on Damascus as it did on Tripoli. The Dog is the Dog Star “Sirius” (Remember Sirius Black in Harry Potter?) and its Heliacal Rising occurs during Mania. Tripoli is Phoenician ie Chaldean, transplanted to Carthage to initiate the fall of Rome. North Africa was “Scorched and Salted” and times have changed little; long ago, the Phoenix was planned to rise from the ashes of the scorched Earth.”Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap” Is 17:1 The war is a foregone conslusion! The question is who is Right?
“Syria is confederate with Ephraim” Is 7:2 Ephraim came to be called Israel, receiving Joseph’s blessing that extends back to God’s covenant with Abraham. The spiritual blessing however is through Judah, the ancestor of Jesus Christ (ref 1 Chr 5:1-2; Eze 37:16; Rev 11:1-2) Mormons consider themselves modern day Ephraim.
“Babylon…the beauty of the Chaldees excellency, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah” Is 13:19 “…the LORD shall hiss…for the bee shat is in the land of Assyria” Is 7:18. Chaldees aka Celi Dei “Servants of god” (Lucifer) are Celts “Warriors”; Druids (Knowers of Trees) who entered America as “Culdees”under the 151 ft tall Statue of Liberty, heading for Protestant, Catholic and Jewish pulpits (Christmas and Hanukkah are Chaldean) , bringing the Chaldean Bee “Word” (Lie) and the utterly ruthless Assyrian Military with them. The NSA Data Collection Facility is nearing completion in the Mormon “Beehive State”, so we had better decide now, which Covenant (Law or Promise Ref Gal 4:21-28) and which Judge (Man using Sharia and Noahide Law or Jesus Christ) your want, because Israel and Syria are about to touch off WWIII using the Assyrian (US) Military.
August 24-27 is “Mania” commemorating the opening of the “Gates of the Netherworld”. In 325 AD, Mania was celebrated at the Council is Nicaea; good ole St Nick (Nicholas of Myra) was Constantine’s representative and Nicolaitanes (Conquer Laity by becoming their Priests/Pastors/Imams/Rabbis) have infiltrated Christian, Jewish and Muslim Churches ever since; Christmas? Constantine proclaimed that; Sunday Sabbath? Constantine Mt Sinai in Egypt? Constantine. In 1572, Mania was celebrated with the St Bartholomew’s Massacre of 30,000 Calvinist (Calvin nee Cohen was a Nicolaitane who Conquered the Laity from within) Huguenots in Paris by the Swiss Guards (Templars) under orders of Black Nobility Queen Catherine de Medici.
In 2013 Mania featured Taliban (Student), Mujahideen (Warrior of Allah) Barack Obama (Columbia U missing years were “Training” in Pakistan and Afghanistan) handing out the Medal of Honor (Inverted 5pt Star is the Goat of Mendes; same symbol as the Pentagon) for bravery in battle against the Taliban. Obama bowed to King Abdullah “Servant of Allah”; Ironic?
On Aug 25 (St Bartholomew Day), SMOM, Jesuit Gen Martin Dempsey began a 3 day “Emergency” meeting with 10 Nation Military Commanders (US, UK, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, France, Italy, Germany, Canada) in Amman, Jordan. Why? US, CIA, Mercenaries are already enroute to Damascus, having crossed the border on Aug 17! Edom, Moab and Ammon (Dan 11:41) escape the hand of Lucifer (4th Beast; Dan 7:7); the Hashemite (Edomite) Kingdom of Jordan is that land, ruled by 330 Grand Orient Mason King Abdullah II. Ironic?
330 Scottish Rite Luciferian Mason, SMOM, Jesuit, CFR Traitor, Bilderberg, Skull & Bones, Bohemian Grove, Samaritan John Kerry (Kohen) called for a strong response to use of Chemical Weapons in Syria. Dir of Nat Dir James Clapper said the US was aware Saddam Hussein transferred WMD’s to Bashar al Assad in 2002; those were Iran-Contra era US supplied weapons. John Kerry was with “Friends of Syria” (Syrian Rebels) awaiting shipment of weapons destined for Syrian Rebels thorugh Saudi Arabia and Turkey. 50,000 Tons (4950 Cargo Containers) of weapons, loaded in the Russian Cargo Ship American President Lines-Russia (renamed “Mol Comfort”) split in half in the Arabian Sea June 17 John Kerry accepting Russian weapons for Syrian Rebels? The ship launched from Singapore before Obama and Kerry even edmitted the US was supplying weapons to the Rebels; that’s Treason in its highest form! The US and Russia supply Internationally banned Chemical Weapons to both sides in Egypt, Syria and even in Iran! That’s Ironic and Manic.
The proof? 330 Luciferian Mason Benjamin Netanyahu (famous for his Acme Bomb portrayal of Iran) intercepted Syrian communications stating Bashar al Assads brother launched the Chemical Attack; that’s Stupid. Pictures of a “Rebel” (al-Qaeda Mercenaries) Chemical Weapons being posted by RT show them with English labels; just how do “Rebels” make Chemical Weapons with US Labels? No matter, guess who is going to take the blame for this? Who do we trust? A Luciferian Mason, Fake Jew in Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt (Rev 11:8) speaking in front of the Star of Molech? or a Luciferian Mason at the State Department? The world fell for these Lies in 1988; US Chemical Weapons were used by 330 Mason Saddam Hussein to gas the Kurds. US Chemical Weapons were also used in the 2003 attack on Falluja (along with UN banned White Phosphorus, Depleted Uranium and Microwave Weapons) 330 Luciferian Mason and Kabbalist Collin Powell and his models of Anthrax Vials and Mobile Chemical Weapons Labs were as rediculous as the Acme Bomb drawing, yet we fell for it hook line and sinker. The question this time is why Syria and Iran in 2013?
WWIII: Feast of the Beast
“The US plans to invade 7 nations in 5 years” Jesuit, SMOM, Rhodes Scholar Wes Clark (nee Samaritan Kohen) in 2007; Iran and Syria are last on the list. 330 Sodomite Freemason Albert Pike said WWIII would reveal the “Light of Lucifer”; this is why at every juncture is a 330 Sovereign Luciferian Mason leading the way into Hell. Bartholomew is Aramaic (Syrian) for “Son of Talmai” which is why the US (Obama is Prince Hall Mason), France (Francois Hollande is in or at least handled by Grand Orient Lodge Masons as is the Ayatollah Ali Khameini in Iran), Germany (Angela Merkel) and Britain (David Cameron is a York Rite Mason) had a conference call, stating the “Missile Attack on Syria would occur within 2 weeks” of Saturday Aug 24. Why 2 weeks? Sept 5-6 is “Rosh Hashana”, the Rabbinical “Head of the Year”, it is also the Eve of the “Marriage to Satan” aka “Feast of the Beast” on Sept 6-7. Why these dates? September means 7th month; Dan 7:6 describes the 3rd “Beast”; Dan 7:7 the 4th “Beast”, the Dreadful and Terrible “Beast”. http://zodiacmansonevidencerevealed.com/tag/feast-days-for-the-satanic-church/
First let’s get one thing straight: Lucifer, Satan, Dragon, Beast, and the Devil are the same entity (Is 14:12; Rev 12:9). 330 Luciferian Mason/Israeli Pres. Shimon Peres called on the International Community to attack Syrian Chemical Weapon sites. Shabboz Goy (Useful Idiots) Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Bob Corker and Rep Eliot Engel all called for the US to attack on the Sunday Talking Head Shows. 330 Prince Hall Mason Barack Obama stated it matters not who used Chemical Weapons, his “Red Line” was any use; good chance both sides are using US weapons too! UN weapons inspectors are not even tasked with determining who used chemical weapons; only if they were used. Al-Nusrah Front leader Abdulla Al-Jaledi admitted Rebels made and used the chemical weapons; not quite; the US made them. NATO stated they will attack with or without a UN Security Council Resolution; necessary because Russia and China will veto any such resolution. The US, Israel and Britain have at least 6 cruise/ballistic missile ships in the Eastern Med with undoubtedly submarines as well. Syria has Russian made Yakhont Supersonic Cruise Missiles along the shore (150 mile range) and S-300 and S-400 defense missile systems on land. Land based aircraft began arriving in Cyprus Aug 24 (SMOM “Hospitallers” are Knights of St John of Jerusalem, Malta, Cyprus and Rhodes) for the attack. Templars were forced from Syria (Tartus), to Cyprus, to Malta and into Egyptian prisons 700 years ago and have not forgotten or forgiven the act.
If all this seems opposite God’s plan, it is because Satan designed it this way and attracts lots of followers. God Creates, Satan Destroys. God forgives Sins committed; Satan forgives (Satan has no Authority to do this) Sins one is about to commit. Nol Kidre is the day Talmudic Rabbis Atone for Sins ie Forgive the Congregation “Synagogue of Satan” for Sins they intend to commit in the coming “New Year”; this year on Sept 14. Nol Kidre is an Aramaic (Syrian) Prayer, just like Bartholomew (Talmai). Now maybe the war in Syria will make more sense. The only words spoken in Aramaic (Syrian) by Jesus were spoken just before He “Gave up the Ghost”. “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me” Mat 27:46 Without the Holy Ghost, we are all truly Dead! Every Luciferian Mason has severed the connection to God through ritual “Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost” and they all know it!
“Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinious heap” Is 17:1
Talmai (Bartholomew) means “Abounding in Furrows” ie Farming; the unacceptable “Sacrifice to God”. Cain was the first Murderer was a Farmer; Rothschild (Red or Edom Shield) is a name change from Bauer “Farmer” ie modern day Cainites; how did Cainites cross the Flood? Noah’s wife and through her sexual relations with Ham, produced Canaan.
John Calvin (Jehan Cauvin), a French “Zionist” set up the necessary conditions to split the Christian Church and get it fighting itself; his TULIP Theology (Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace, Fixed Pre-destination) popular in Protestant Churches is 100% Luciferian nonsense. Note: TULIP and the Ottoman (Turkomen) Symbolic Flower “Tulip” are the same as the Netherlands National Flower. By Papal decree, Sept 11 commemorates the massacre (The page on 9/11/2001 goes into more detail). On 9/11/13, AMPAC (American Muslim Political Action Committee) will lead the “Million Muslim March” on Washington DC; Sounds like AIPAC (American Israeli…) because they were formed by the same Satanists. In all likelihood, Queen Elizabeth I and her occult astrologer Sir Francis Walsingham (narrowly escaped the Paris massacre) orchestrated the St Bartholemew Day massacre during Mania.
Mania is what Jesus referred to in Mat 16:18 “…thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it”. The “rock” here is the Divinity of Jesus Christ as God and the Word made Flesh, not Peter! Jesus has the Keys to Heaven; the catch is we need to ask for them. The occult think its fun to mock Jesus as the Huli Fool, Santa Claus, Court Jester; hearing “Depart from me, I never knew you” will not be so fun. Committee of 300 member and ex-Pope Benedict XVI began Mania saying “God told me to resign” No, Benny, He said “…call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven” Mat 23:9 That Philistine Miter you wear is also against scripture.
Claude De bussy, Grandmaster of the Prieure of Sion and his August 22 Google Doodle
First off, Zion is not Mt Sion. Mt Zion is the Temple Mount; Mt Sion is Mt Hermon “Mt of the Chief” in the Golan Heights. The Holy Grail? It’s not Mary Magdalene and Jesus’ family! It refers to Demons mating with human women in Gen 6; just remember, Angels and Demons do not physically mate with humans, period! Google released its latest Google Doodle Aug 22 on the Eve of Vulcanalia, http://www.google.com/doodles/claude-debussys-151st-birthday featuring Claude De bussy’s Clair de Lune “Moonlight”; Looney eh? The Full Moon was Aug 20, the next on Sept 19 is Feast of Tabernacles and Jesus’ real Birthday. Debussy was a Rosicrucian and reputed Grandmaster of the Prieure of Zion (Guardians of the Holy Grain, Merovingian Bloodline) which is of course a Satanic Lie. The Red Balloon represents Edomite “Red” Dominion; the backdrop in San Francisco refers to the Franciscans and the Golden Gate Bridge to the Golden Age.
De bussy was born on a Full Moon Aug 22, 1862; 2013 is the 151st anniversary. 151 is the 36th Prime Number representing 2 6’s (6+6=12 Disciples), the 3rd will be the “Beast” (3rd Adam). The Statue of Liberty is 151ft tall, donated by French Masons. Psalm #151 is an Essene (Gnostic) Psalm not part of Masoretic (Inspired Jewish Texts) Canon but part of Aramaic (Syrian) Canon dealing with David slaying Goliath; the “Beast” will be an impostor of Jesus Christ who is the “Root of David” Rev 5:5. The critical element in Ps #151 is David uncovers the Sword of the Philistine Giant and uses his own weapon to sever his head. America will suffer the same fate, being destroyed by its own weapons! Christians are also destroyed by their own weapons “He that killeth with the sword, must be killed with the sword” Rev 13:10 The Christian Sword is the Word of God! Jesus made perfectly clear that enough Steel Swords to defeat the Roman Army could not be purchased by His followers.
The 7th hour of the 7th day is Hour #151, William Milton Cooper’s site “Hour of the time” refers to this; recall he wrote Behold a Pale Horse. Flt #77 hit the 77ft tall Pentagon on the 77th Meridian not by chance but by plan; a self inflicted plan Muslims had nothing to do with; Lamech’s Revenge is “Seventy and Seven fold” (Gen 4:24). Jesus won this battle 6000 years ago, we just need to drop the sword and join His side! So if Gnostics regard the number 151 so highly, what number is Jesus? 150, the last Psalm praising God and everything in creation! Daniel means “God is my Judge” The 151st verse of Dan 5:14 “I have even heard of thee. That the spirit of the gods is in thee, and that light and understanding and excellent wisdom is found in thee.” The Gnostic goal is acquisition of Wisdom and Understanding, so it’s no surprise Holy Spirit (Saint Espirit in French) is 151. They just have to go Jesus 1 better eh? Well 5 better actually, Psalms 151-155 are found in the Syriac (Aramaic) Peshitta, found in a trash can at the base of Mt Sinai where St Catharines Monastery sits. Constantine the Great’s Druid princess mother Helena thought Mt Sinai should be there rather than Arabia as Gal 4 states plainly. I suggest cutting the crap; the last 5 “Apocryphal Psalms of David” are just that Gnostic Crap!
The Illuminated Windmill in the Google Doodle is at 1691 John F Kennedy Dr, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco; Sand Dunes were turned to a Tulip Garden using that Windmill; note the connection with Netherworld and Netherlands, the “Tulip Capital”. The Tulip is the emblem of the Ottoman Empire, a symbol of Ottoman Re-birth (Syria is Baathist meaning “Re-birth”) and the number 6 “Man”. Tulip is derived from “Turban”, the cloth Mitre used by Ottoman Turks as well as the Levitical Priesthood; a false Kohannim “Chief Priest” and “Red Heifer” should precede the building of the 3rd Temple right over the Mosque of Omar. Pretty coincidental in 1691 Emperor Ahmed II took the Ottoman throne appointing Albanian Rabbi Koprulu Faizil Mustafa Pasha “Grand Vizier”; military commanders then ruled the Ottoman Empire in what became known as the “Tulip Era”. If you need a cartoon visual of the events about to unfold, watch 330 Mason Walt Disney’s Alladdin Grand Vizier Jafar is about to use US weapons to destroy the world. Just guessing Google’s Sergei Brin knows this; he is about as “Jewish” as Karl Marx, Sabbatei Zevi, Babylonian Talmud, Kaballah, Six Pointed Star and Sanhedrin.
1691+322=2013. Congress signed ObamaCare into law on Sunday 3/22 at 3:22 UTC and will enforce the illegal law, lawmakers have exempted themselves from in Oct 2013; October means 8th Month; 13/8=Golden Mean or Labrys “Birth Canal”, and no this is not Jesus! Skull & Bones aka Society 322″ is called the “Brotherhood of Death”. Ritual Sodomy Initiations occur in Yale’s “Tomb” with Skull & Bones Initiates dressed in costumes; among figures of the Pope and Devil are the famous Wind Mill tilters Don Quixote and Sancho Panza; funny eh? “Tilting at Windmills” refers to “Fighting an Imaginary Enemy” and Gnostics have had the world doing exactly that since Genesis 14. The final Imaginary Enemy? Aliens. “Nothing would unite the nations of the world faster than the threat of an Alien Invasion” SMOM Ronald Reagan. Rapture? A fake Rapture is also planned; Jesuits created this Lie and are likely planning the event for Rosh Hashanah. In 2013? We’ll soon see. “Order out of Chaos” is the motto of 330 Masonry and Jesuit Orders; nothing would create more Chaos in the Christian Churches than the thought of being “Left Behind”. A grand stage show 6000 years in the making! Gnosticism in Man began at Gen 3:22 and Jesus grants eternal life in Rev 3:22 to those who “Have an Ear”. Do you have an ear for biblical truth? Jesus returns for His Bride at the Last Trump, (7th Trumpet is the day before God’s Wrath) not before! Jesus is Alpha, He is God who created Man in his image and likeness; not Aliens! “…at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible…” 1 Cor 15:52. Rosh Hashana is the Rabbiinical name for Feast of Trumpets. This is why Jesus said “But be ye not ye called Rabbi, for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren” Mat 23:8 Rapture is a Lie!
99 Red Balloons
Abram was 99 when Isaac was born; remember Control Agent “86” Maxwell Smart and 99? Abram was 86 when Ishmael was born. “The War machine springs to life. Opens up one eager eye…99 years of war. 99 ministers meet…to call the troops out in a hurry…the President is on the line” The lyrics to 99 Red Balloons and Obama’s promised Red Line in Syria may come to mind here because WWI began 99 years ago and War has never stopped! The Church of Satan was founded in San Francisco; LaVey listed 99 names of Satan (Mormo is one of them) The Quran lists 99 names of god; Jesus Christ? Nope, He is definitely not on their list!
Look at the cars and old time airship transiting the full moon in this Google Doodle; those type cars would have been driving in San Francisco during the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake. FEMA was New York on Sept 10, 2001 for a pre-scheduled “Terror Drill”; spokesman Tom Kennedy said their #1 concern was a Terrorist Act in New York City. #2 was a Hurricane in New Orleans and #3 was an Earthquake on the west coast. A signal? We will soon see. Look at the puffs of smoke during the Doodle animation; buildings falling from Earthquake?
You may recall Michelle Obama wore a Red Dress shaped like an Hourglass or Black Widow Belly on Election Night; this was no fashion Faux Pas. If you prefer, recall the Red Hourglass in Wizard of Oz; Dorothy means Door; same idea as the Golden Gate. At the end of the animated Doodle, 2 people cross paths traveling in opposite directions as a Shooting Star rises toward Heaven as they share a Red Umbrella under the Rain. In Dan 11:43 we are told Edom, Moab and Ammon escape the hand of Lucifer (4th Beast in Dan 7:7); Edom means “Red”. The Shooting Star is the release of the Soul at Death for the Gnostic; real Meteorites travel down, not up! Egyptians believed Souls resided in Sirius; Mormons on Kolob; SSDD folks! The Red Umbrella is the Travelers Insurance Logo where Traveler means Vagabond, Wanderer ie Arab meeting on opposite sides of the world; Arab Spring or Pan Arabism rininging a bell here? Recall Solara “Daughter of the Sun” took the mantle from Eli in the Book of Eli there.
San Francisco sits in the 38th Latitude as does Fukushima and the Korean DMZ. Recall Pythagorean or Mr “Peace” Triangles are approx 900 520 380 the 380 degree angle being Mother-Son in this occult “Trinity” seen in the Sirius Shaft of the Queen’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid. This is coincident with the Heliacal Rising of Sirius, not by chance, but by design! Mania celebrates the Heliacal Rising of Sirius!
Clair de Lune “Moolinght” also means Pale Green, Blue-Gray, the colors of the Pale Horse “Death”. Why? “The wages of Sin is Death” (Rom 6:23) The Arab moon god “Sin” is today known as “Allah”! De bussy was a self-proclaimed Gnostic Bishop of Montsegur and Rennes le Chateau in the Neo-Cathar Church; Cathars were executed at Montsegur in Languedoc 1244 AD. Languedoc means Language of Oc (Ocitane); it also refers to the Green Language (Dionysus/Bacchus=Knight Templar “Green Man”), Language of Yes (Obama’s campaign motto “Yes We Can” means “Thank You Satan”) and Language of Oil (Natural Gas Fracking off the coast of California may very well lead to an inundation of San Francisco and the San Juaquin Valley) FEMA, US Navy and NOAA have a planning map with this area underwater for a reason! Janet Napolitano met in San Francisco July 4 with fake Jewish leaders; the meeting in August was at Rosslyn VA; Rosslyn Castle is the Scottish Knight Templar Castle of the “Green Man”. Recall the last of the Holy Grail line ended with Sophia (Gnostic Wisdom) here with Tom Hanks role of a “Symboligist” in the movie rendition of Dan Brown’s book DaVinci Code, plagiarized from Holy Blood, Holy Grail. Claude Debussy also fancied himself a “Symboligist”; “Red Balloon”, “Red Umbrella” and Syria’s “Red Line” are about as symbolic as it gets, and all on the same day? Remember the Jesuit Cardinal and Opus Dei Assassin? The Catholic Church has a Jesuit Pope who is to be the last one according to St Malachy (Molech) now. The lyrics to the song Iron Maiden say it all; Gnostics (Manicaens, Johnitters, Yezidis, Bogomils, Albigens, Cathars, Mormons etc) have not forgotten nor forgiven the Albigens and Cathar Crusades; in fact, they have plotted Revenge for 700 years since the Templars were disbanded in 1313. http://songmeanings.com/songs/view/3530822107858492128/
At Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland, Knights Templar symbolically await resurrection to fulfill their destiny as soldiers of the “Green Man”; we will all be utterly amazed how many modern day Knights Templars live among us! It’s not just Revenge for Montsegur, but Revenge for the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah; Debussy like the Templars was a closet Sodomite who died of Colon Cancer. The 2 people crossing paths and sharing the Red Umbrella refers to Sodomite Initiation often called the “Latter Rain” to mock the “Wedding of the Lamb” and the pouring out of the Holy Spirit; now you know the real meaning behind (pun intended) “Rainbow Coalition”. Cathars had Sodomite initiations as do the Templars. The Templar Logo is 2 Riders on the same horse? It’s not that much of a secret, and what better place than San Francisco for this Symbolism to emerge.
De bussy and his Symboligist group (Rosicrucians, Mystics, Satanists) in France claimed to have discovered the resting place of Jesus Christ under the Mosque of Omar “Great Speaker”; the so-called “Remains of Christ would shake the foundations of the Christian world”; they certainly would, but rest assured when the Mosque is destroyed and bones exhumed, they will be fake! 330 Mason Jim “Titanic/Avatar” Cameron even has a documentary out with this nonsense, filmed by fake Jew Simcha Jacobavici; sounds Jewish doesn’t it? It’s not!
I urge you to establish a 1 on 1 Personal Covenant with the Lord Jesus Christ before Sept 19!!
Mantus and Mania are the mythical “Guardians of the Underworld”; Mantus was equated with Pluto (Roman god of Destruction) from where Plutonium was derived. Mania the “Goddess of the Underworld” causes “Moon Sickness” aka Lunacy and Insanity; she is appeased with child sacrifices, all of which are happening over Mania, 2013.
Mania “Souls of the Dead”
Persian (actually Medean) Manichaeism (3rd C AD) was Dualist (Light versus Dark; Lucifer versus Jesus) Gnostic religion based on the Prophet “Mani” aka “Manes”, much like earlier Zoroastrianism based on the Prophet Zoroaster (Greek Zarathustra) or its successor Mithraism; all 3 are made up Luciferian nonsense. Manes and Zoroaster are Gnostic Philosophy based on Men like “Buddhism”, “Lutheranism” or “Mormonism”. Science uses the term “Super-symmetry” (Matter/Anti-matter Black Hole nonsense) for this same Gnostic Dualism.
Zoroaster means “Star Seed” and “Manes” means “Souls of the Dead” similarly, Mormon as “King of the Ghouls” is the “God of the Living Dead”. Strange? Not really, Adam, the first Man was consigned to physical death after Gen 3:22; Man must put forth his hand as the “Tree of Life” to be anything more than “Dead”. Seen any Priests in Mitres? Mithra was born Dec 25; the Sun rising from the Sea is depicted on that Mitre.
It is not coincidence the Journal “Science” (Science is derived from Scire, Gnostis, or Sophia meaning “To Know”) published the article “Strong Magnetic Field around the Black Hole ar the center of the Galaxy” Aug 20 on the Blue Moon as the Star Seed Assembly began Aug 24? Egyptians called this mythical Black Hole “Tula”. Stars do not create Magnetic Fields and Black Holes are Gnostic BS! Question: If Black Holes produce Infinite Gravity, how Magnetic Fields escape?
Manichaeism is the same religion as the Johnitters (SMOM=Knights of St John), Bogomils, Albigens, and Cathars. Mania is equated with the Evil Nymph “Lara”; you may recall Angelina Jolie played Lara Croft who opened Pandora’s Box, and folks, it’s open!
False Flag “Deliberate gross distortion of truth as propaganda”
Aug 23 “Vulcanalia” is one of 3 days the “Gates of Hell” were opened in Rome. Vulcan is of Etruscan origin; in Star Trek, Spock was from Vulcan and used the Sign of Shin Talmudic Rabbis use to open Synagogue; the Synagogue of Satan is now open!. Vulcan means Divinized Sun; Lightning or Lustre; the Cretan (Philistine) “god of the netherworld” is celebrated on Aug 23, 2013; the day US news reported the Pentagon is planning a Cruise Missile attack on Syria. The Gates of Hell are indeed opening, and what a coincidence on the Eve of St Bartholomew aka Aramaic (Syrian) Talmai! Why Syria? Read Is 17:1 “Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap” Tomahawk Cruise Missile equipped with Depleted Uranium warheads were used to start Gulf Wars I & II and Libya; no doubt they will be launched from the Mediterranean Coast of Syria. Mediterranean means “Sea in Middle Earth” ie “Netherworld”. Now, Who is Tubal-cain? Ans. Vulcan of the Canaanites. The biblical Tubal-cain was the first “Blacksmith”, artificer of metals; 6000 years ago folks! Vulcan this Cainite ancestor in myth form. “When men forget God, tyrants forge their chains” Patrick Henry. Folks, Canaanites are forging our chains right now, and only a relationship with Jesus can set us free! This Master Mason password query will get you in the Lodge, but send you to Hell! False Flag? The identical picture of a supposed dead woman with her child that appeared after the Egyptian uprising was released as being Syrian on 8/25. Dang, they are getting bold! I will not link to www.Whatreallyhappened.com but the picture is there. Michael Rivero is a “Dirty Sanchez” who claims Palestinians are Jesus’ extended family.
Mania means “Mental Derangement, Delusion, Insanity, Madness, Excessive Excitement or To be Furious”. The phrase “Once in a Blue Moon” refers to unlikely events happening at the same time. Blue Moon itself refers to the 3rd of 4 Full Moons in a Season; in this case Summer. The 4th Full Moon will occur on the real birthday of Jesus Christ “Feast of Tabernacles” on Sept 19th just before the occult celebrate the “Feast of Dionysus” on Sept 21. Dionysus is the Knight Templar “Green Man” aka Lucifer; Dionysiac and Bacchanalia Rituals were outlawed in Greece and Rome for a reason! The thought of Government officials participating in Cannibalistic Orgies doesn’t sit well with the Un-initiated!
Modern day versions of Blue Moons are the 2nd Full Moon in 1 Month or the 2nd Full Moon in an Astrological House in this case Leo. For occultists, the Moon serves as a clock moving backwards where the Moon is the Hour Hand and the Earth is the center of the clock; a Full Moon places the Sun and Moon in opposition (6 o’clock). Mania refers to the wisdom of 3 fold energy in the person of a “Crone” progressing to the next level, a “Divine Level” of existence where the Soul is liberated from matter (Body). Born Again Christians and real Jews realize quite well that the Soul will be Judged by God at death; for the occultist however, the Soul is indestructible and made free by destruction of the Body (Flesh). Jesus stated that unless He shortened “Those Days”, no Flesh would be Saved. Folks, “Those Days” are here!
Star Seeds
Ever wonder why Easter is at First Light on Dies Solis after the Equinox Full Moon? Easter is impregnated by the Star Seed; Lucifer (Sol) is then born 9 months later on Dies Solis Invicti, symbolized by the Illuminated Pine Tree.
Sir means Knight in service to the Queen of Heaven (Easter/Ishtar); 60 years ago when the NSA, CIA, Mercury Nevada Nuclear Test Site, Area-51 and the UN were created, Queen Elizabeth II proclaimed herself “Queen of Jerusalem” for Pete’s sake! That’s the height of Manic Derangement! Sir Paul McCartney is hosting the “World Star Seed Assembly” over Mania. The date will celebrate the annual Heliacal Rising of Sirius “Egyptian New Year”. Star Seeds are defined as people who have lived dozens or even hundreds of past lives on earth and on other planets/stars; Mormons use the fictitious star Kolob much like the Egyptians use Sirius. Shaman, Light Workers, Prophets, Spiritual Guardians etc. The terms Indigo and Rainbow Children are also New Age terms for Star Seeds. Stars presumably, (only the Sun can actually be tested) create Helium “He” from Hydrogen; Jesus stated “I am He” meaning He is God in Flesh. Occultists believe they too can become Gods because of the “Serpent’s Lie”. Their goal? To destroy all Flesh in order to liberate the Soul! It’s about as Deranged as it can get!
Mania begins on the Feast of St Bartholomew (Aug 24); known as Nathanael of Cana, occultists mimic Jesus’ “Miracle of Cana” with a “Wedding of Cana”; Nathanael means “Sons of the Ploughman”; Cain was the Farmer after all. Fertilizing the Earth is done with human blood! Aug 25 is Opiconsivia (Ops means Plenty), honoring the Underworld Deity “Opis” or “Ops”, responsible for Vegetation growth. The husband of Opis? Saturn, who is depicted as the “Grim Reaper”. This is about Human Sacrifice folks! Natural Gas Fracking, GMO Crops, Glyphosate, Chemtrails, Weather Modification using Microwaves, EM Fields, NexRad Doppler Radars, Depleted Uranium, Fukushima, Deep Water Horizon etc etc are intentionally Man-made, Earth destroying Manic “Ops”.
Mania precedes the “Feast of Nepthys” (Nepthys is Set’s imaginary wife) on Aug 28, and the “Feast of the Beast” aka “Marriage to the Beast” on Sept 6-7. Hilal means Crescent, the first visible Crescent occurs on this date; Mormons use the phrase “Pey Heylel” meaning “Marvelous Lucifer”, the Waxing Crescent.
All Seeing Eye
Remember that All Seeing Eye of Mordor on Middle Earth Volcano in Lord of the Rings? Vulcan, god of the Netherworld making sense now? The NSA Data Collection Facility near the Mormon (Momo means Gate of Hell) Temple in Utah is scheduled to open in Sept, headed (at least clandestinely) by Gen Michael Aquino, co-founder of the Church of Satan and founder of the Temple of Set. 28 is the number of the Beast, referring to the 28 yr Solar Cycle of Saturn, called “Chaos” or “Cronus”, the source of Calendar and Clock. Mormons have a prophecy (Luciferian plan) called the “Blood in the Streets Prophecy” for a reason! If everything seems a bit upside down now, it is by Satanic design. For occultists, Leo, not Pisces-Aquarius was the constellation of the Rising Sun at Vernal Equinox which is why the British “Lion King” needed to be born on the Full Moon of 7/22 as the Sun entered Leo. Prince William is the 1000th Knight in the “Order of the Garter”, a dynastic order claimed to have originated with the “Nephilim”, men of renown born of sexual intercourse between Demons and Human Women, whose offspring were Cain and after the Flood Canaan. Folks, there are no and never have been any “Nephilim”; the “Garter” simply refers to those in “Sacred Marriage” to Lucifer/Satan through the ritual of “Divine Union”. Chaldeans originated this lie; they infiltrate all religions as “Celi Dei” (Servants of God). Think Easter and Christmas have anything to do with Jesus Christ? Guess again. Nepthys is Easter (Ishtar=Venus) and Christmas is Lucifer’s Day aka Mithras Day; Lucifer’s symbol? What else but the Pine Tree! Druid “Holy Water” was sprinkled with what else but a Pine Cone! Today, Sacred Marriage Rites are part of the upper levels of Jesuit, Sufi and Freemasonic orders. The symbols of this “Beast” are the Unicorn (Pegasus), Peacock (Iranian symbol of Melek-Taus), Rainbow (eg Rainbow Arch Degree is the 28th Degree in Scottish Rite Masonry; 330 Prince Hall Mason, Rev Jesse Jackson’s “Rainbow Coalition”) and the Woman Riding the Dragon (Beast). That Woman (Whore) can be seen riding the Beast in front of the EU Headquarters in Brussels, built like an unfinished Tower of Babel with Seat #666 vacant. Like the Star Wars “Death Star”, it’s about finished and Earth is in the Cross Hairs! Jesus returns to “…destroy them which destroy the earth” Rev 11:18
Gates of Hell: God Creates; Lucifer Destroys
Fukushima atomic reactors were built on the site of a diverted river and above a gigantic underground aquifer. Reactor Cores melted through containment, and the Radiation filled River and Aquifer has been flowing into the Pacific Ocean for 2.5 years unabated. Tritium Levels are rising in Seawater, indicating atomic fission reactions have begun. 1900 Fuel Rods (15ft Long, 500Lbs each) will be removed manually (computer driven crane damaged from the original explosion on 3/11) beginning November from Fuel Pool. MOX (Uranium-Plutonium Oxide) Powder is the most toxic man-made substance ever created and the fuel rods are extremely delicate. Couple this with the very real possibility of Tritium enhanced Plutonium Fission explosions deep underground and the worst possible nuclear disaster will unfold.
Tritium levels in Kelp at Fukushima indicate ongoing Plutonium nuclear fission. “Heavy Water” radiated by Plutonium Fission may lead to Tritium enhanced Plutonium fission explosions in melted silica rock cocoons; a rupturing of the tectonic plates at Fukushima might also initiate increased volcanic activity, prompting an exodus from Japan. Nuclear winter and earthquakes in diverse places sounds a bit like Mat 24:7 the 2nd Trumpet Rev 8:8 because it was designed that way. Just ahead of Rev 8:10 fulfilled by Comet ISON. Martin Fleischman, Stanley Pons and BYU Professor Steven Jones dream of “Cold Fusion” may be created not in the lab but Fukushima. Reactor #3 Seawater piping trench was tested 150 Billion Bq/m3. Remember, a continuous river is flowing over this area underground; some Gate of Hell eh? Reactor #3 is MOX fuel; melted Uranium-Plutonium Oxide mixes with seawater to form neutrally buoyant “Bucky Balls” capable of traveling indefinitely in the Pacific Ocean incorporating radioactivity into Plankton and everything above it in the food chain. Now couple this with continuous incineration of Fukushima debris, lofting radiation into the Pacific Jet Stream.
If a continuous, neutrally buoyant river of radiation in the Ocean and Atmosphere using the most toxic substance ever created (Plutonium) and the possibility of fission explosions underground sounds like fun, how about this?
Contagion was released 9/9/11 Plot: Deadly strain of Bird Flu forces Quarantine of Chicago. FEMA, Chicago EMS are conducting Bird Flu Preparedness Drills 8/22-25 over Fundus Mundi “Bottom of the World”, the occult date the “Gates of Hell” open. Ron Fouchier vaporized Bird Flu by mutating Spanish Flu genes; this manifested itself as MERS CoV (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus). The disease seems to be transmitted to humans from Camels and/or Bats, The Hajj is on Oct 8.
Ron is now weaponizing Chinese Bird Flu “H7N9” because “he can”. On 8/15 China announced N7N9 Bird Flu transmission from Human to Human was through Feces (Sewer Pipes). Ron and 21 virologists are working on H7N9 Bird Flu strain “that may yield more potent strains”. This from the guy who genetically modified H5N1 Flu to the form capable of being transferred to humans from Camels and Bats seen in MERS-CoV; it has now allegedly mutated into a 50% fatal human to human form. In Ron’s words, this may lead to a “potent global epidemic”.
On 7/6/13, AZ State Bio-design Inst for Infectious Disease and Vaccinology Dr Charles Arntzen said “Anyone seen Contagion? That’s the answer, use Genetic Engineering to create a killer virus and 25% will die like in Contagion.” WHO Director Margaret Chan convened an “Emergency Meeting” concerning MERS-CoV saying “It’s my most pressing concern”. Margaret is an officer in the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire and a Committee of 300 “Olympian” working for Prince Phillip who stated his desire to be re-incarnated as a “Killer Virus” so he could do something meaningful to combat “worldwide overpopulation”. On Oct 8, 3 million Muslims will circumambulate the Black Stone in the Ka’aba and return to their homes throughout the world. 2 more “Gates of Hell” seem ready to open.
Burden of Damascus and Mede-Persian Ram
“Syria is confederate with Ephraim ” Is 7:2 Ephraim is Israel. Does this put the charade to rest for you? The Syrian Chemical Weapons attack is False Flag Propaganda. Assad and Russia claim “Rebels” used gas on innocent women and children; the US, Britain and Israel claim Assad used gas on innocent women and children. Israeli Military Affairs Sec Moshe Yaalon blamed Assad within hours of the alleged attack; British Foreign Sec William Hague blamed Assad on Aug 24 at the start of Mania and the Star Seed Assembly; Hague is an Israeli Sayanim (Sayan means Helper) or Shabboz Goy, a useful gentile stooge for Israel; just remember, Israel is Gentile, not Jewish; real Jews are in Diaspora. On Aug 24 Obama and David Cameron said “Plans are in place for a missile attack in 2 weeks ie on “Rosh Hashanah”. Britian has its Middle East HQ in Jordan; British means Birthright ie Esau’s Birthright; Jordan is Edomite ie Hashemite and both nations are led by Freemasons. Make sense yet? Jesuit Sec of War Chuck Hagel said “A quick response to the situation in Syria may be necessary” The US arms both sides and Russia arms both sides and Chuck knows it. On Aug 27 Hagel said “All options are ready and waiting for Obama to give the Green Light”; good work Chuck, especially from Malaysia! UN Weapon inspectors are not tasked with determining who used Chemical Weapons, only if they were used. War is a virtual certainty. James Clapper has already admitted Assad has the Iran-Contra era weapons the US sent to Saddam Hussein; sorry if this is blunt, but this a a Class-A “Cluster F—” aka “Orgy” with liars on both sides.
UN Chemical Weapons inspectors arrived in Syria and 2 days later, Syrian “Rebels” (US trained, funded, armed al-Qaeda Mercenaries) uploaded videos on the Internet claiming Bashar al-Assad used Chemical Weapons near Damascus on the August “Blue Moon” 8/20. Why on earth would Assad use Chemical Weapons on civilians with the UN watching? Bodies of lifeless children shown on worldwide television and the Internet is effective at rallying public support; much as the 100% false Kuwaiti story of “Incubator Babies” being murdered by Saddam’s forces; all Propaganda. The problem is the Syrian Gov’t is being accused of using Chemical Weapons on Aug 21, the day after the videos were posted. Oops! Bring out the Crisis Actors! Folks, this war was planned long ago and here is proof.
Iran? On Aug 24, Pat Campbell boarded a commercial aircraft in Paris and was arrested in NYC with “Yellow Cake” Uranium in checked baggage shoes destined for Iran. WTF? We are to believe Paris security baggage scanners missed this and Iran needs “Yellow Cake”? IAEA inspectors have never even said Iran has intentions or capability to enrich Uranium to weapons grade. We heard this before from 330 Luciferian Mason and avid Kabbalist, Vietnam Mi Lay Massacre Liar Colin Powell and guess what? We fell for that lie once already; let’s not do that again! Folks, We fell for the Lie twice already. Remember George HW Bush aka “Curious George Scherf” saying Saddam Hussein had gassed the Kurds? Chemical Ali was using the same Iran-Contra weapons now being used in Syria! Sodomite Satanist Bush Jr said “Fool me once shame on you. Fool me—you can’t get fooled again”. Oh, the Hell we can’t be fooled again!
The Who “I get on my knees and pray We won’t get fooled again” refers to Jacob impersonating Esau to gain his father’s inheritance. http://www.sing365.com/music/lyric.nsf/Won%27t-Get-Fooled-Again-lyrics-The-Who/761EF79AAB42FA9C48256977002E72F9 He didn’t fool anyone, Esau had already sold his inheritance for a bowl of Red Beans! Mormons have the “Blood in the Streets Prophecy” concerning the “New Constitution”. Guess Who the Who got their lyrics from? Don’t be fooled people! Get Jesus in your corner, now! Obama said “Change is coming to America”; The Who lyrics “Change it had to come”. Sounds the same because they are the same. Sodomite/330 Mason Albert Pike said WWIII would be preceded by “unleashing the Nihilists”; The Who said “Morals we worshiped will be gone”. Sounds the same because they are the same! Read Gen 27:39-41KJV and notice it is reversed with respect to new bible versions. The Elite and Wealthy? Edomites, that’s WHO! Now can you see why the WHO (World Health Org) is creating a Contagion capable of becoming a “Global Pandemic”?
Jesuit, Knight of Malta, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Martin Dempsey celebrated the opening of the Bomb/Missile proof CentCom “Forward Command Center” in Amman Jordan. Wahhabist King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia; Hashemite (Edomite) Committee of Luciferian Freemason, 300 member King Abdullah II of Jordan; 330 Luciferian Freemason, Ashkenazi (Germanic Pagan) fake Jew Benjamin Netanyahu and a Squadron of US F-16’s and 1000 US troops will command the invasion of Syria. On Aug 17, the French newspaper Le Figaro reported Israeli, Jordanian and US Commandos accompanied by CIA and Syrian “Rebels” crossed the Syrian border, heading toward Damascus.
Abdullah means “Servant of Allah” aka Chaldean/Akkadian moon god “Sin” “…but these shall escape out of his hand (Beast), even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon” Dan 11:41. Edom, Moab and Ammon is Jordan folks! Jordan is ruled by 330 Luciferian Grand Orient Lodge Freemason and Committee of 300 “Olympian” King Abdullah II. Still think Jordan is at odds with Iraq and Iran? The Ayatollahs are also Luciferian Grand Orient Lodge Freemasons! Does any of this seem normal? “But he shall have power over the treasuries of gold and of silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt…” Dan 11:43 Now can you see why Obama bowed to King Abdullah and proclaimed a “New Beginning for Islam” in Cairo? The US created the conditions for “Arab Spring” Revolutions in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Jordan and Egypt. The US is sending military aid to the Egyptian Military and the Muslim Brotherhood. The US sent Chemical Weapons to Bashar al-Assad in 2002 and now sends them to al-Qaeda “Rebels”. Recall, in June the Russian ship “Mol Comfort” sank en route to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia with 50,000 tons of weapons destined for al-Qaeda “Rebels” in Syria. John Kerry (nee Samaritan Kohen) was with “Friends of Syria” waiting on the shipment. Why? They all worship Lucifer/Satan/Devil folks! They all have committed the “Marriage to the Beast” in formal ritual and for them, there is no turning back. Remember the Hotel California song? “You can check in, but you can never leave”! They may not be able to leave, but you can choose to stay out!
The Muslim Brotherhood is initiating Civil War in Egypt to re-instate Muslim Brotherhood initiate Mohammad Morsi with US supplied weapons against the US supplied Egyptian Military. Does this seem remotely plausible? You be the judge http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpmFIWm1dWw&nomobile=1 Much of this CNN Production appears to be the work of Crisis Actors just like the Aurora Colo Theater Shooting, Sandy Hook, Boston Marathon and London Beheading. Crisis Actors are being hired all over the world!
Sodomite Lindsey Graham and John McCain are backing the Muslim Brotherhood, voting to send aid to the Egyptian Military and following the dictates of Israel. Strange bedfellows to say the least. Remember John McCain riding around with his “Heroes” on jeeps outfitted with machine guns in Benghazi, Libya after that war started? That undeclared war began on Tisha b’ Av, the date WWI, WWII, the Gulf War started and the date the first and second Temples were destroyed. Coincidence? Sure! Funny how these ragtag teenagers with guns managed to set up the Central Bank of Benghazi amid the rubble in 2 weeks eh? Benghazi became the largest illegal weapons running and mercenary training center in the world within months!! Quite a Stage Show eh?
The “Brotherhood” is opposed by the US supplied Egyptian Military; $1.6 Billion this year alone. The US is supplying weapons of mass destruction to both sides of Egypt and Syria’s Civil War. Anything seem wrong with this picture? Obama proclaimed a “New Beginning for Islam” in 2009 in Cairo standing next to 330 Mason Hosni Mubarak, just ahead of his famous bow to Saudi Dictator King Abdullah, a professed (Lie of course) enemy of the Muslim Brotherhood? Remember, the Russian staffed Cargo Ship “American President Lines-Russia” renamed “Mol Comfort” was full of weapons destined for Jeddah, Saudi Arabia when it sank during the 2013 Bilderberg Mtg! Russia is supplying weapons of mass destruction to both sides of the Syrian War. Who will get the blame for all this? Obama, just like Nimrod did 4000 years ago. Nimrod the Cushite was the Scapegoat for the beginning of the Tower of Babel and Obama the Cushite will be the Scapegoat for the completion of the Tower of Babel. So what is the Tower of Babel? “Marriage to the Beast” folks!
The Muslim Brotherhood wants Sharia Law; there is no quarter for Jesus Christ in Sharia (Revealed) Law because Lucifer “Revealed” the Law. No better actors in the world than Robert Ford, Col (oh don’t make me laugh!) Muammar Qadaffi, 330 Mason Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden (CIA asset Tim Osman) either! Want to have a better idea of what’s really going on? Watch The Dictator Seriously, Sasha Cohen (Cohen=Samaritan Priest) tells more truth in that! Listen to the parts about “Saddam’s Double” being shot and Osama staying at one of his homes. Time to wake up folks!
Robert Ford was named new Envoy to Egypt. Ford covered Uday and Qusay Hussein’s theft of $30 Billion and WMD transfers from Iraq to Syria. He oversaw the building of Oil pipelines from Baghdad to Haifa and the largest Embassy in the world in Iraq’s “Green Zone” where the Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani rules Shia Islam. He knows Depleted Uranium has turned the “Fertile Crescent” into a Radioactive Desert murdering millions and counting. He oversaw Saddam Hussein’s fake capture/murder, and ran 330 Mason L Paul Bremmer’s “Death Squads” in Iraq before setting up “Arab Spring” revolutions in Algeria and the Syrian Civil War. He will now enforce Sharia Law in Egypt.
On 8/3/13, the Satanic “Feast of Revelry”, Jesuit/Knight of Malta Gen Martin Dempsey was in Israel meeting with 330 Mason fake Jew Benjamin Netanyahu concerning attacks on Iran the same day Sharia Law Interpreter/Judge Hassan Rouhani was sworn in as President of Iran. In his Inauguration, Hasan swore to support Bashar al-Assad in Syria. Aug 1 was Lughnasadh;Israel attacked Homs on that day with a tactical nuclear cruise missile! Iran is ruled by the servant of the Grand Ayatollah, 330 Grand Orient Lodge Freemason Ayatollah Ali Khameini. Hard to believe Iran is on the US side? and on the Russian side? Not when their leaders have all ritually rejected and mocked Jesus Christ in favor of Lucifer!
Deep Water Horizon
The movie “Knowing” (Gnosis, Sophia, Logos, Science all means “To Know”) was released 1 year in advance of Deep Water Horizon, and featured an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico on fire. Seawater was pumped in to replace the Drill Mud which led to the pre-planned “Earth Day” blow-out. Oil at 7000psi and Methane at 100,000psi has been continuously leaking from the failed drill casing into the land under and around the Gulf of Mexico, creating “Sink Holes” and eroding the massive “Salt Domes” underlying the entire Mississippi River Basin. FEMA and NOAA have planning maps with this area submerged, because they are creating the disaster intentionally through the Deep Water Horizon disaster and Natural Gas Fracking. The west coast of California is in a similar situation with offshore Fracking. America is not listed in falsely named “End Time” prophecy because America was designed by Luciferian Masons to fulfill their ancient plan; a “Blood Sacrifice” to Satan.
Why 2013?
SMOM (Knight of St John of Jerusalem, Cyprus, Rhodes and Malta), Rhodes Scholar, Committee of 300 “Olympian” Wes Clark (nee Samaritan Kohen) said 7 nations would be invaded in 5 years in 2007; that’s 5 years ago and Iran and Syria are last on the list. Why? “In 700 years the Laurel will grow green again” Cathar Perfecti. Catharsis means “Discharge of pent up emotion”. Assets of their Military Bankers “Knights Templar” were confiscated in 1313 with their Grandmaster Jacques de Molay (Bill Clinton and Rand Paul are de Molay Masons) executed in Paris on 3/18/1314. Luciferian Mason/Rothschild asset Napoleon Bonaparte intended for an Obelisk to be installed over that very spot next to the Pont Neuf (New) Bridge. Jacquies de Molay is a very big deal to occultists! Paris means Par Isis “House of Isis”; Paris is a very big deal to occultists! France means “Free”; Free of God is meant here. Get the picture? Maybe this will help; remember the Frenchman called the “Merovingian” (Merovee means Sea Beast) owner of the Nightclub “Hell” in the Matrix? Persephone was his girlfriend whom myth consigns to 6 months in the underworld ever year; the actress, Monica Belucci also played Mary Magdalene in Passion of the Christ. Merovingian Kings of France claimed descent from Mary Magdalene and Jesus Christ. The Holy Grail myth that began with them is nonsense; opening the “Gates of Hell” is not!
The Love of Money is the root of all evil- Jesus Christ
Ever heard of the “End Game Memo”? Obama will appoint Larry Summers FED Chairman within days. Larry’s End Game Memo states the plan to repeal Glass-Steagall Act (1933 Banking Law) allowed Commercial and Investment Banks to merge investments, creating the $1.6Quadrillion “Derivatives” Market. The entire world has been forced into these “Toxic Assets” by International Bankers who call them “Bads”. When this Asset Bubble bursts, the whole world economy will instantly grind to a halt. Revenge has taken 700 years; War with Syria and Iran is a foregone conclusion!
The NSA seizes and searches all Upstream (Undersea Cable, Satellite) and Downstream (Internet, E-mail, Text, IM) Data. The NSA Data Collection Facility will process mountains of collected Data beginning in September in “Zion”, sorting people based on their willingness to accept a Luciferian Initiation (It’s as simple as repeating the Shahada “There is no god but Allah” or the Mezuzah “The LORD our God is One”) as stated in the UN Planetary Initiative. Booz Allen Hamilton/CIA/NSA asset Ed Snowden is playing the modern day Helen of Troy, the face that will sink a thousand (make that billions) ships. There will be no invasion of America; 150,000 Russian Troops trained at Ft Carson Colorado by NORTHCOM are already here, working for the US Military, Contractors and the DHS.
The Russian ship “Mol Comfort” split in half with 50,000 tons of weapons headed for John Kerry and “Friends of Syria” Folks, It’s not too late; WAKE UP!