[frame_right][/frame_right]Eleven years ago Sodomite, Skull & Bones, Bohemian (Bohemian=Boii “Eunuch Priests of Cybele”; Yarmuke worn by Bush, Romney, Obama et all at Herod’s Wailing Wall is the Cap of Cybele; the goal is to rebuild the Temple) Grove Initiate, Knight of Malta George Bush Jr, the Grandson of “The Beast” Aleister Crowley instituted “Tax Cuts”, in a 418 page piece of legislation set to expire on 1/1/13. By 2015, a $418 Billion Budget shortfall is projected. The Un-constitutional 13 member “Super Congress” chaired by 33° Mason, SMOM, CFR, Bilderberg, Bohemian Grove initiate John Kerry (Kohen) will enact “Austerity” (Aus =Shine; “The Shining” was about native slaughter) $1 trillion spending cuts that combined with the Bush era Tax Cuts results in
Why then has Congress just approved the NDAA 2013 with $663 Billion in Military Spending yet suspended Habeaus Corpus rights? A bit like Debtors Prison isn’t it?
House Bill #418 provided a Moratorium on the prohibition of Brine Injection “Fracking” of Natural Gas Wells; destroying aquifers, creating natural gas induced “Sink Holes” and forcing Methane into surrounding aquifers and towns seems unthinkable; triggering “Gas Fracking” earthquakes can quite literally destroy America by causing it to erupt in flames. Why? New Altlantis is slated to Rise as a Phoenix from its own Ashes and America is New Atlantis. Phoenix means “House of Enoch” but which one? Enoch was Cain’s eldest son and 1st City Builder in Nod “East of Eden”; Seth’s Enoch was taken directly to Heaven before Death at 365 years, the number of days in the Gregorian Calendar “Solar Year” also matches the Gematria of Abrasax (Abraxas) meaning Father and Son in Gnostic and Gnostic Catholic theology Where are the Holy Ghost and Word of God? Welcome to Gnosticism and Sabian Astrology. Abrasax represents the 7 classical planets Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Planet means “Wanderer”. Where is Earth? Well folks, God stated Earth is Fixed and shall not be moved. Gnostics realize this but choose to Lie with Heliocentric and Gravity Theories. America was founded by Sabian Astrology and will be destroyed by it. Sabah means Sunrise which is why the Lady of Freedom, Statue of Liberty and Angel Moroni all face East toward the Rising Sun.
Senate Resolution #418 (Cain’s Lamech is born in Gen 4:18) and House Resolution # 777 (Seth’s Lamech, Age at death) praised the B-25 raid on Tokyo by 330 Mason Jimmy Doolittle following the “Pearl Harbor” attack, set up by 330 Freemasons Emperor Hirohito (Obama bowed to his son just ahead of the intentionally created MOX Fuel disaster at Fukushima; reasons for Hiroshima and Nagasaki were falsely attributed to his father) and Franklin Roosevelt.
Skull & Bones Satanist Prescott Bush had his assets seized by Congress the same year Doolittle’s raiders murdered innocent civilians in Tokyo under the “Trading with the Enemy Act”; he was laundering money through Union Bank to build up the Nazi War machine including the Gas Chambers used in the Holocaust “Burnt Offering”. His 330 Mason, SMOM, CFR, Skull & Bones son George “Magog” Bush Sr is most likely, the grandson of Pauline Pierce and Aleister Crowley “The Beast” who wrote “Liber 418: The Vision and the Voice”, “Liber 77” aka “Liber Oz: Book of the Goat” and “Liber Legis” (Book of the Law). Barbara Bush (Pierce/Percy) descends from Thomas Percy, the Jesuit ringleader of the “Gun Powder Plot” of 5 Nov 1605. Why? The 1611 Authorized Bible (KJV) is the greatest weapon a Christian has because, Jesus Christ is the Word made Flesh (Jn 1:1; 1 Jn 5:7). Barbara is the perfect age and a “Dead Ringer” for Aleister Crowley who conceived her during an Order of Silver Star Ritual aka Order AA “Argentium Astrum”. The Voice is that of the Demon “Aiwass”, whose name in Gematria is 418; this same Demon, Madame Helena Blavatsky channeled to establish the Theosophical Society aka Thule (Tula is the ancient concept of a Black Sun; today, lying physicists call this a “Black Hole”) Society and Vril (when someone speaks of Orgone, be careful!) Society. Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin were initiates. These were the forerunner of Skull & Bones aka “Brotherhood of Death”, the American branch into which 4 generations of the Bush family and John Kerry have been initiated. Noteworthy at this point is #77 refers to Lamech’s Revenge (Gen 4:24); you may recall AA#77 (cute eh?) allegedly hit the Pentagon on 9/11/2001; by Magick it only appeared that way. 777 then refers to Lamech’s (Seth’s) age when he died at the Flood. Gosticism is all about Repairing the Earth to pre-flood conditions; re-creating the Garden of Eden when only Adam, Eve and Cain were there. Rabbis refer to this as Tikkun Olam which is why Jesus said “Call no man on earth Rabbi”.
Masons built the Washington Monument Obelisk 555ft tall; they put 555 on coffins to represent the 3 Crucifixion Nails and the 5-6 level in Qaballah; 555 days after 9/11/2001, Shock and Awe (Shekinah) Bush Jr or rather his Neo-Con advisers, began the Iraq War on Purim, a date also coincident with Nowruz “New Light”, the Iranian “New Year” 3/20/2003. 911 days after 9/11 the Madrid Subway was bombed; clever eh? My best guess for the start of WWIII is Feb 23, 2013. Why? It’s Purim, Pur means “Lot”. Recall Paula Broadwell’s book “All In”? It refers to Casting one’s Lot for Marduk “Son of Pure Origin”. Bushmaster .223 is the AR-15; Crowley’s Gnostic Mass is Liber XV or Book 15; see the 5-6 here? “Pure Origin” mean “Light”; Sons of Lucifer. Make Sense? Purim is Edomite Revenge which originated in Persian captivity in the Book of Esther. God is not mentioned in Esther, nor in Song of Solomon; the sum of Solomon’s Wisdom. Gnostics, Masons, Mormons etc are the Church of the East “Rising Sun” aka Lucifer.
On 9/11/2001, we have Flt #11 representing the 11 levels in ABRAHADABRA (Qaballah has 22 paths for the Microcosm and Macrocosm; the Mirror Image. For Masons, Jesus is only at Level 5-6; Crowley’s Gnostic Mass uses 22 candles for the same reason). Flt #93 represents Crowley’s Gematria of the Lost Word in Masonry. Jah-Bul-On used at the Rainbow Arch degree is a replacement word meaning Yahweh-Baal-Osiris. Flt #77 “Argentium Astrum” (Dorothy=Door; had Silver Slippers in 330 Mason L Frank Baum’s 1st version journey to Oz). Flt #175 representing the “H” given to Abram in Gen 17:5 changing his “New Name” to Abraham. Jesus’ name name is “I Am He”, the h’ means “God is with me”. I suggest you get Jesus with you and forget this Masonic nonsense!
Liber 418 is called the “Great Work Accomplished”; Liber another name of Bacchus, Dionysus aka “Green Man” is seen today in the LIBOR (London Inter-bank Offer Rate), the Capstone of a $Quadrillion Hedge Fund and Derivatives “Black Hole”. The Demon “Aiwass” dictating the Book of the Law to Crowley in Egypt over his left (sinister) shoulder renders in Hebrew Qaballah “OIVZ”=93; in Greek Qaballah=418, matching the Gematria of Thelema (Will). Crowley’s Law was summed up “Do what thou wilt”; this from an ealier Phoenician saying adopted by St Augustine “Love and do what you will”. Excuse me boys, you are forgetting to “Love God” first! Aiwass claimed to be the minister of Hoor pa Kraat (Harpocrates) the “God of Silence”; we see this in Masonic and Mormon Ritual as well as Oprah Winfrey’s “Harpo Entertainment” pretty clever eh? Most would recognize her as New Age, but Satanic? Oh yeah! The Love of money is the root of all evil and LIBOR is as much love of money as one can get. Perhaps the most prolific is Mormon Mitt Romney, money launderer for Iran-Contra which operated out iof the Liberia Airport in Costa Rica. Liber 418? Not for me thanks!
ABRACADABRA was changed by Cowley according to the Qabalistic tradition to ABRAHADABRA; (I have no interest in or practical knowledge of Kaballah, so bear with me) changing C to H refers to replacing Jesus Christ with the Egyptian alternative Horus; in Egypt the predecessors of the Priests of On were called Shemsu Hor; named after Horus and Mt Hor where Horites, Amorites and Edomites settled; the historic enemies of Israel. The Society of Ormus aka Theraputae or Order of Perfectibilists or the overused term Illuminati, controlled the area from Alexandria, to the Persian Gulf and used a stylized form of Horus; they became famous for re-writing the Word of God into all New Bible Versions at the Nag Hamadi Library. A=Crown; B=Wand; D=Cup; H=Sword; R=Rosy Cross, the symbols of Tarot and Rosicrucian Alchemists. George Bush Jr began Gulf War II with the “Shock and Awe” campaign using Depleted Uranium tipped Tomahawk Cruise Missiles; the radiation is still killing innocent civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan to this day, and like Pearl Harbor, 9/11/2001 aka “New Pearl Harbor” was an “Inside Job”. Shock and Awe is the Shekinah, the Feminine Spirit of God (relax God is masculine; this is the Gnostic version) and “Flaming Sword” of Kabbalah. Qabal on the fake (Talmud, Zohar, Qaballah and Rabbis are not Jewish in the slightest) Jewish side is like Sharia on Islamic side; they mean “Revealed Law or Tradition”; Demon revealed that is.
33° Mason Aleister Crowley wrote “I am the finite Square; I wish to become One with the Infinite Circle”. Nazi propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels said “With enough repetition, people can be made to believe a Square is a Circle” He was mentored by Edward Bernays as was Mitt Romney’s father George. A perfect description of Freemasonry and its Square and Compass symbols in its vain effort to unite the Microcosm (5pt Star or Level 5 in Qaballah) with the Macrocosm (6pt Star of Molech or Level 6 in Qaballah). This is why America’s Flag was the Tree, then the Serpent and then the 13 Star “Betsy Ross” Flag; she suggested the change from 6 pt Stars to 5 pt Stars indicating the “Great Work” was to be finished by the US.
ABRAHADABRA has 11 letters usually arranged in an down triangle to form the Hexagram. In Gematria, Thelema is symbolized as the Hexagram
31 13
93 39
418 is the sum of the Mirror Numbers from 13-31. Multiplied by 3; 93 and 39 become Mirror Numbers adding to 132, the number in Gematria for the Shahada “No God but God” and 93 the number for “God is One” used by Talmudic Rabbis and Scribes to make the Mezuzah, a Monotheistic version of Deut 6:4. Folks, all you need to remember is God is not One; God is Father, Son, Holy Ghost and the Word! the correct reading of Deut 6:4 is “The LORD our God is one LORD”. ONE is the Masonic god sitting atop the Pyramid on the $1.
418 has other Gematria significance as Boleskine, the Scottish Castle Aleister Crowley used to conduct his initiations; Led Zepelin front man Jimmy Page later used the same house; Stairway to Heaven? It’s really not that hard to figure out. 418 is 22X19 where 22 is the number of chapters in the Word of God and 19 the foundational number in the Quran; I did an entire article called “Esau” on the the 8th Prime Number 19, suffice to say in Gen 19 Sodom and Gomorrah are destroyed by Fire and Brimstone and a Sodomite Alternative Messiah (Dan 11:37) will attempt to take Jesus’ place in a falsification of Rev 19. The 22 Levels form a Mirror Image or Reflection of the Hermetic Axiom “As Above; So Below”. One example is the Akkadian moon god “Sin” symbolized as the Crescent Moon; the Moon a “Reflection” of the Sun. Who told Eve she would not die? The Serpent aka Allah (Dambalah), became the Islamic version of God.
Folks, we can’t Square a Circle anymore than we can make a Tower to Heaven or become our own gods. Jesus is the only way. Why? He is God in Flesh. All the ABRAHADABRA’s and Gnostic Mass (Eucharist of the Lord Sun is called the “Cake of Light”) in the World isn’t going to change God’s Will. Why not take God at His Word?