[frame_right][/frame_right]Hurricane Sandy, an engineered late season tropical cyclone collided with an engineered Pacific Ocean cold front on the 21st anniversary of the 1991 “Perfect Storm” – it’s name and path predicted by NOAA in a 1997 pamphlet.
In Sandy’s wake?
.. black mold, rats, power, fuel and food shortages,
..and a potential Nor’Easter following the same path – “Engineered Chaos”. Old fashioned hand pumps at gas stations or back-up generators might be a good idea, eh?
Black Nobility engineered the Black Death using Rats in ship’s holds carrying Ticks and Fleas carrying Bubonic Plague (“Black Death”). Samhain is a Pagan “Culling the Herd”. Round 2 will feature a slow moving Nor’Easter after Guy Fawkes Day (November 5th), Election Day (November, 6th) and before Veteran’s Day (November 11th). Veteran means “Beast of Burden” which is exactly what these storms are! WWI ended in “Armistice” on 11/11/18 at 11 a.m. meaning the sequel was planned long ago. The primary killer was not lead, but US engineered Spanish Flu. Warm moisture laden Atlantic air, carried north by an unusual south to north bend in the Jet Stream, timed with a large Arctic air mass streaming in from Alaska and Canada at the very start of the winter season.
Who benefits?
LIBOR (London Interbank Offering Rate) is the Black Horse of Revelation, a quadrillion dollar financial “Black Hole” made possible through hedge funds and derivatives. In Rome, Liber and Liberia were revered in the “Bacchanalia”. Not coincidentally, Mitt Romney laundered Iran-Contra drug profits at 173 percent per year (the scheme returned laundered money in 1 month), the drugs shipped from the Liberia airport in Costa Rica to the U.S. – managed by Oliver North and Bill Clinton, overseen by George HW Bush.
Black Nobility are Germanic descendants of Japheth dwelling in Shem’s Tents i.e. fake Jews using Canaanites as their servants, Noah prophesied this 4300 years ago in Genesis 9:27-28.
They worship Lucifer,
..the Canaanite gods Baal and Molech, equivalent to the Akkadian god “Sin” (Allah=Sin) and Mammon (Wealth). Edomites followed this Chaldean path (Magick) as Isaac prophesied Genesis 27:39-41KJV; hence the Rothschild (Edom=Red; Rothschild=Red Shield) dynasty founded by Mayer Amschel Bauer (b 1743) in Frankfurt; Bauer=Farmer=Cain changed the name to Rothschild and the symbol 666 (Hexagram on the flag of Israel..
Israel is not Jewish.
Neither are the Rothschilds), controls the Weather, delivers weather forecasting and controls the publication of weather information on TV, Newspapers and Internet from the London branch, NM Rothschild. Weather Central and the Weather Channel provide forecasts, maps and “Expert” analysis to an army of TV meteorologists reading their scripts. Controlling Weather?
This is the delusion of conspiracy theorists, right?
Japan “Land of the Rising Sun” is supplying radioactive Plutonium/Uranium from the engineered Fukushima reactor melt-downs; these serve as consensation nucleii, guided by a daily army of Chemtrail spraying Trans-pacific commercial flights (Jet Fuel laden with mono-atomic Aluminum/Barium) traveling along the Jet Stream track. Fukushima is also contunually producing radioactive, neutrally buoyant “Bucky Balls”, serving an identical purpose in the Paciific Ocean as they travel on Ocean currents. In the atmosphere, combustion of Jet Fuel (Kerosene) forms Water Vapor which combines with atmospherically buoyant (Lighter than Air) “Chemtrails”; these hitch a ride on the Pacific Jet Stream. Engineered “Chemtrail” flights (Evergreen Int’l) over western states, guide the toxic brew across the San Joaquin Valley in California, the US Grain Belt and on to the Northeast where 55 Million people are in its path; a Nor’Easter will block or “Dam” the Jet Stream causing precipitation which could remain most of the winter. A similar condition exists over the North Atlantic where a daily swarm of 500+ Trans-atlantic flights prevent precipitation of the toxic brew until Europe is reached; again, the cold temperatures across Europe prevent the radioactive precipitation to dissapate. Why? Catharism is Gnosticism, the religion of Cain and this is their idea of “Culling the Herd”. Why 2012? “In 700 years, the laurel will grow green again”. Who?
Who? Black Nobility.
Black Nobility (Baathists are the Islamic counterpart or Renaissance Black Nobility) go by dozens of titles; Moriah Conquering Wind pretty much sums it up because Mt Moriah is the Temple Mount; CFR, Bilderberg, TC, UN, RIAA, BIS, World Bank, World Court, NATO, Federal Reserve, Lucis Trust aka Lucifer Publishing, P-2 (Propaganda Due), World Council of Churches, Club of Rome, Jesuits, Freemasons, Rhodes Scholars, Thule Society (Hitler, Stalin) or their foot soldiers al Qaeda, Mujahideen, Taliban, Sikhs, Ansar al-Sharia, MeK, Free Syrian Army, Hezbullah, Iranian Republican Guard, Muslim Brotherhood or Lehi aka Stern Gang. 700 years ago International Bankers went by the title Knights Templars or Assassins; today Hospitallers a.k.a. SMOM (Sovereign Military Order of Malta) aka Knights of St John of Jerusalem, Malta, Cyprus and Rhodes. Nauseating in the extreme, their goal is simple:
Re-build the Temple in Jerusalem,
end all National Sovereignty and identity, create wealth from Opium and Cocaine, end industrialization, mind control all world citizens (Tehnotronics) and cull the herd of useless eaters.
Their man in America is Mitt Romney.
Again, why guide plumes of radiation across the globe and through the oceans? Cathars (Gnostics) believe imprisonment in the human body is inherently evil because God made human bodies in His “Image and Likeness”. Liberation and Freedom may sound like benevolent terms but to Sir Evelyn de Rothschild and Lynn Forester de Rothschild whose family financed the American, French, and Russian Revolutions, Hitler and the Nazi Empire, Stalin and the Bolsheviks, Pol Pot and the Kmer Rouge, Mao Tse Tung’s “Great Famine”, and George Bush/Obama’s debt financed Middle East Wars,
weather modification and reaping profits from weather derivatives is the ultimate weapon.
FEMA under Mike Brown during Hurricane Katrina did according to Skull & Bones Sodomite George Bush Jr “A Fabulous Job”; the job was keeping supplies out and using Black Water mercenaries to clear the coast of useless eaters; Craig Fugate seems to be following his lead only this time black mold and rats may prove to be the weapon of choice.
Why is it FEMA is nowhere to be seen, but every MSN News Crew is broadcasting the devastation? Was it coincidence Michael Bloomberg waited until 100,000 people arrived for the NY Marathon before canceling the event?
Don’t you suppose bringing a portable generator to gas stations might be easier than Chris Christie ordering Odd/Even Gas Rationing in NJ?
(On his trip to Israel Christie said he will seek the wise counsel of King Abdullah II of Jordan concerning the Palestinian genocide issue; Abdullah means “Servant of Allah”; he is a Hashemite ie Edomite folks!)
In 1997 NOAA put out a planning pamphlet on Hurricane Preparation; the Hurricane was named “Sandy”; it’s hypothetical path to NY matched Hurricane Sandy, amazing coincidence? In 1991 the “Perfect Storm” was a combination of Hurricane Grace and an Arctic Cold Front forming a Nor-Easter; it formed Oct 28, 1991 and dissipated Nov 4, 1991, exactly 21 years ago; pretty amazing eh? What do you suppose will happen if a Nor’Easter adds 2 feet of snow and drops the temperatures to freezing? On Guy Fawkes Day and Election Day no less. FEMA knows, they plan for this sort of thing; it’s called “Order out of Chaos”.
Got Jesus Christ in your life?
Now is the time!