Saturn, the “Messiah Planet” is the 7th and last Gate “Bab-El” aka “Gate of Saturn” which opens only after every Soul is exhausted from the Body during the Jubilee. Saturn is the “Planet of Destruction”; 2017 is the Jubilee.
Fukushima Radiation 530Sv/Hr Not hearing about the world’s worst pre-planned Extinction Level Event? How about “On the Beach”, a 1957 post WWIII novel where Radiation in the Northern Hemisphere kills everyone on Earth except a few survivors huddled “On the Beach” in Melbourne Australia? 530Sv/Hr measured at Reactor #2 from a distance; a “Scorpion” Robot designed to test radiation levels failed at 1000Sv on Feb 17. Nuclear fuel from all 3 reactors is no longer in containment and has been for 6 Years; it is underground, meaning the radiation levels are 10X that or higher. Reactor #3 was loaded with MOX Fuel, 1Million Times more toxic to life than Uranium Fuel. Plutonium enhanced fission occurring underground is likely causing the radiation spike; when criticality is reached, underground atomic detonations will cause “Earthquakes in diverse places” Mat 24:7 as shock waves propagate from the intersection of 3 Tectonic Plates. “The earth shall reel to and fro as a drunkard…” Is 24:20 Fukushima is the man-made disaster capable of producing this.
Radioactive Cesium, Strontium, Iodine are distributed across the Pacific Ocean; entering the food chain they lodge in Bones, Liver, Brain and Thyroid “Except those days should be shortened, no flesh should remain” ring a Baal?
“Decomissioning schedule pure speculation…technology not invented to extract fuel…molten core in contact with ground water over large area…reactor floor has 2M hole, unstable ready to collapse” TEPCO Jan 30, 2017. Fukushima was intentionally built over an underground river at the intersection of the Pacific Ocean currents and origination of the Pacific Jet Stream. MOX Fuel (Mixed Uranium-Plutonium Oxide) fuel was delivered by the US (Obama bowing to Emperor Akahito may ring a Baal) and intentionally loaded into Reactor #3, 6 months before the pre-planned event. The Earthquake and Tsunami had nothing do do with the event; coolant was intentionally shut-off. MOX Fuel was intentioally mixed at a ratio making the melted fuel in contact with seawater Buoyant; the resulting molecules called “Bucky Balls” after Buckminster Fuller.
Fukushima is the largest Extinction Level Event since the Flood. Fukushima is the 4000 year old goal of Saturnian Religion; the 7th and final Gate only opens when will eventually cause a massive Exodus westward across the Silk Road across China, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, and Jordan to Armageddon; Japan is the “Land of the Rising Sun”; Armageddon is “Valley of Slaughter”; welcome to Shephelah “Lowlands”. When Radiation was first harnessed as a weapon, Luciferian Mason, fake Jew J Robert Oppenheimer quoted Shiva aka Apollo “Destroyer” “I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds” Barbara Marx Hubbard, a protege of Buckminster Fuller said “We are the riders of the Pale Horse Death. God creates, we decide who lives and who dies. We do this for the good of the Earth”. Pope Francis in teh Encyclical “Laudato Si” (Be Praised) praises the Earth saying “The triumph of Science is finally realizing Earth can only support 1 Billion people” which means 93% of us need to die. 93 corresponding to the Lost Word in Freemasonry and Thelema, the religion of Aleister Crowley; 93/93 means “As Above. So Below” In other words, as Jesus is the gatekeeper of Heaven, Lucifer “Rising Sun” is the gatekeeper on Earth.
Knight of Malta Grandmaster Mathew Festing resigns; Jesuit Pope Francis I takes over the order known as Knights of St John of Jerusalem (Quds/Jerusalem Force in Iran), Sovereign Military Order of Malta or Hospitallers; Donald Trump is an Oath sworn Knight of Malta. Pope Francis expels Freemasons from Catholic Church; essentially igniting a New Crusade. Don’t buy this Bull Shit, Jesuits and Freemasons are 2 heads of the same snake. Pope Francis’ Encyclial “Laudato Si” calls for the elimination of 93% of humanity.
Rex “T-Rex” Tillerson confirmed Sec of State; not one question about his membership in the Pilgrim’s Society. #2 appears to be fake Jew Elliot Abrams; convicted Iran-Contra operative, lied to Congress, CFR Traitor, American Enterprise, Heritage Foundation, NED (Nat Endowment for Democracy ie George Soros) Reagan Neo-Con PNAC (Project for a New Am Century) adviser, GHW Bush adviser, Clinton adviser (Balkan Wars; Milosevec oust), GW Bush adviser (Saddam Hussein; Hugo Chavez oust) and now Trump adviser
Trump’s 7 Nation Immigration Ban are the 7 Nations Wes Clark (Kohen) outlined in 2007; 31 yr old racist fake Jew, Senior Trump adviser Stephen Miller, and Steve Bannon promote Trump’s Mexican Wall and wrote the Executive Order banning Muslims www.univision.com/univision-news/politics/how-white-house-advisor-stephen-miller-went-from-pestering-hispanic-students-to-designing-trumps-immigration-policy Iran is the only nation remaining. Saudi Arabia is excluded from the travel ban list yet 9/11/2001 hijackers were said to be from Saudi Arabia; whom Donald Trump accuses of 9/11/2001. Hidden by the “Travel Ban” is the real Treason IRS travel ban for delinquent US taxpayers; not into the US but out of the US. Passports and Citizenship revoked for deliquent taxes. No big deal if you don’t owe taxes right? The legal fiction we all received at birth is CAPITALIZED for a reason; Congress just authorized the IRS, a collection arm for the International Bank of Settlements to withhold Passports and revoke Citizenship for anyone unable to “Settle” their fair share of CORPORATE AMERICA’s Debt: $20T Debt + $70T Unfunded Liabilites put every American but the Elite in unpayable debt. Welcome to the American “Debtor’s Prison”. Now, Why Iran?
Atop Jebal al Laws “Mountain of Laws” where Moses received the 10 Commandments in Arabia (Gal 4) is a Chinese built site with Chinese Ballistic Missiles and Chinese Radars ready for launch toward Jerusalem and Iran. Mt Sinai in Egypt? “There are 11 days journey from Horeb (Mt Sinai) by way of Mt Seir (Petra, Jorda) unto Kadesh-barnea (Southern border of Israel) Deut 1:2 is not possible from the Mt Sinai your study bible notes locate on the Sinai Peninsula.
Iran tests Nuc capable Ballistic Missiles; Iranian missiles are Chinese made. Most of the world’s Oil transits the Straits of Hormuz (Horus and Tammuz; eastern edge of the Kingdom of Ormus (Serpent) and South China Sea. Oil=Oui=Yes; Yes We Can ring a Baal? Languedoc “Language of Yes” is “Green Language”, “Language of Birds” and “Language of Sight” (Occular) aka Enochian Magick. Wahhabist/Qutbist Saudis push one button and WWIII starts. Out of that War Antichrist will rise; not ready? Better get ready for the new 9/11. The US not only guards Jebal al Laws but built Project 911 on Site 911 in Beit Shemesh (Shamash “Sun” is the center candle of the Hanukkah Menorah) Israel, a radiation hardened bunker with the Mezuzah “The LORD our God is One” (Deut 6:4 should read “The LORD our God is one LORD”) over every door denying JESUS is LORD.
Trump’s National Security Adviser Gen Michael Flynn puts Iran on notice. Iran responds by testing more Missiles and threatening the US Navy 5th Fleet in Bahrain and Tel Aviv with Missile strikes. Donald Trump on FOX before the Superbowl “Iran is the #1 Terrorist State”. If so, why did the US install the Ayathollah Khomeini and put the Grand Ayathollah Ali al Sistani in the Green Zone? Shia “Twlevers” await the arrival of al-Khidr “Green Man” and al-Mahdi. Gen James “Mad Dog/Chaos” Mattis, Rex “T Rex” Tillerson and Steve (Israel hand puppet) Bannon predict War with China; why China? China is Sina=Sin=Cathay=Cathars (Pure Ones)=Heth=Hittites whose daughters Ishmael and Esau married into against the Covenant God made with Abraham. Esau obtains worldwide Dominion (Dan 7:6) and hands over control to Antichrist (Dan 7:7) the Chinese Red Dragon is the Devil and Satan (Rev 12:9) China makes US Vaccines and Controls US Ports
Saudi Frigate allegedly attacked by Iranian backed Houthi “Rebels” in Yemen; Yemen is home to Joktanite Arabs (Gen 11:30) WWIII is one False Flag away.
Mede-Persian Ram versus Grecian Goat (Dan 8) aka WWIII will reveal “Little Horn” aka Antichrist; his Throne of Pergamon/Satan is in the 3rd Temple
Space Shuttle Columbia photographed over San Francisco Imbolc 2003 as temperature rise begins; hit by foam during ascent? Not quite, more like an Imboc Sacrifice; foam comes off the fuel tanks every flight. Imbolc “In the Belly” the 2003 sacrifice was on the New Moon; the first of 8 Witch Sabats. The Purim “Shock and Awe” Tomahawk Cruise Missile attack on Baghdad and May Day “Mission Accomplished” sign on the Abraham Lincoln Aircraft Carrier would soon follow. As Columbia passed over Dallas, explosions and rumblings were heard for 1 1/2 minutes as the ship broke up at 200,000Ft. Sonic Booms? Hardly, the pressure waves from 200,000Ft would be inaudable. The Rune associated with Imbolc represents uplifted human hand of Benediction. Cathari “Pure Ones” are readying the Purification; Tammuz means “Purify by Fire”; ISIS is the “Black Virgin”
Roman Catholics call Imbolg “Candlemass” commemorating the “Purification of the Virgin Mary” in accordance with Old Testament Law and the presentation of Jesus at the Temple (not in scripture). The problem is Mary didn’t deliver Jesus at Christmas. The Belly is Mother Earth “Gaia” aka St Brigid (Bride of Odin). Groundhog Day (Groundhogs emerge from hibernation) or Chandelours “Feast of the Bear” (commemorated Bears ending hibernation) and the obligatory fictitious Catholic Saint Ours (Bear) and St Blaise (Bear) celebrates the coming Carnival (Meat) Celebration. Columbia and the District of Columbia symbolize the end of United States Government; Trump is the “President of the Divided States” after all.
National Prayer Breakfast on Imbolc The Fellowship aka The Family claims Trump VP Mike Pence, Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Dir of Nat Intel Dan Coats as members; in addition to dozens of members of the House and Senate www.theresnothingnew.org/index/The_Family On Jan 3, House Res 10 authorized the use of force against Iran; WWIII “Mede-Persian Ram versus Grecian Goat” (Dan 8) may ring a Baal. The Family sponsored the 70 nation multi-faith event as they have most every Genocidal Dictator in the last 80 years. Doug “Stealth 33 degree Mason Billy Graham” Coe heads the group and sets the agenda with Uganda Genocidal Dictator Yoweri Kaguta Museveni. Coe regards Fr Joseph Stalin SJ, Mao “Great Experiment” Tse Tung (Yale Divinity School), Adolph Hitler and Pol “Cambodian Killing Fields” Pot as understanding the true meaning of the New Covenant better than anyone else. The Fellowship started by promoting Haitian dictator Papa Duc Duvallier, Indonesian genocidal dictator Suharto, Somali War Lord Siad “Comrade” Barre and Uganda’s 30 Year murderer Museveni. Guessing, I’d say 250M people met their end by National Prayer Breakfast Satanists.
7th Day Adventist Senate Chaplain Admiral Barry Black gave the keynote address with Donald Trump who said “The God who gave us life, gave us liberty”; No Donald, God gave us Rules, Satan gave us Liberty; God did however give us the ability to choose. 7th Day Adventist Ben Carson has given the address twice; fitting he is Trump’s Sec of Housing. 7th Day Adventists regard Ellen White as a Prophetess; 1 Cor 14:34-5 “Let your women keep silence in the churches” and Lk 16:16 “The Law and prophets were until John” may ring a Baal. 7th Day Advent teaches that during the Millennium, only Satan and his Fallen Angels will live on Earth; in other words 7th Day condones the mass murder of most of humanity. Dead believers in Christ will be asleep during the Millennium awaiting the 2nd Coming and Ressurection. The Word of God says the opposite; Jesus reins with King David from Jerusalem during the Millennium with Antichrist and False Prophet the first 2 men consigned to the Lake of Fire and Satan returned to the Bottomless Pit for the 1000 year Millennium (Ref Eze 37-38 and Rev 19-20). “And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire buring with brimstone. And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh. And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great shain in his hand. And he laid hole on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years” Rev 19:20-20:3 Fowls filled with human flesh? “For whersoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together” Mat 24:28 Folks, America and the Eagle symbolize Esau; America is to be destroyed as a Scapegoat for Rev 18 “Babylon” and arrival of the Antichrist and False Prophet at the start of the Great Tribulation. The Jesuits who dreamed up the Doctrine of Indestructability of the Soul at the 5th Lateran Council in 1517 have planned this event for 10 Jubilees; Lateran means “Hidden Frogs”, the 3 unclean spirits of the Devil, Antichrist and False Prophet. “After 10 Jubilees Prince Melchisedek will return” 500 years from 1517 is 2017 folks! The Writing is on the Wall and 2017 is the Year. www.theresnothingnew.org/index/mn41087/Writing_on_the_Wall
Unblemished Red Heifer “Discovered” by Chabad Lubavitch Rabbi in Cabo San Lucas; filling the requirement in Numbers 19 for purifying the 3rd Temple Cornerstone? One little eensie weensie problem; Jesus is the only Legitimate Priest; the Levite Priesthood became corrupt long ago (Ref Heb 7) An unblemished Red Heifer never under a Yoke, sacrirficed by fire, it’s ashes used to purify the Congregation, Priest and Cornerstone for the Temple. Chabad Lubavitch and the Temple Mount Institute has the Cornerstone, Temple Veil, Trained Levite Priests, Kohannim “Chief Priest”, Breastpate, and Temple Vessels at the ready. Another eensie weensie problem; JESUS is going to destroy it. The Six Pointed Star of Molech as the ensign of Israel is Satanic, as is the Canaanite Tekhelet Blue. There is no Millennial Temple because Gog and Magog (Eze 38-39) and Eze 40-48 is after the Millennium. Catholic means “Universal”; Pope Francis was elected 3/13/13 on “Red Heifer” Day; there are 313! in the KJV, the last in Rev 18:19 details the fall of “Babylon”. Purim (Cast Lots for Marduk) is on the Eve of 3/13/17; Gulf Wars have a nasty habit of occurring on Purim. www.theresnothingnew.org/index/Purim Why 313? Shia’s remember the 313 warriors of Allah at Islam’s 1st Battle; when there are 313 sincere Shia worshippers of Allah, al Mahdi will be revealed. removetheveil.com/
Smyrna State Prison Hostage Crisis. Prison guard Prince Hall Mason Sgt Steven Floyd only person killed; what are the odds a Prince Hall Mason is the only person killed? Prince Hall Masonry originates not with the founder of African Masonic Lodge in America Prince Hall, but “First Race” of Shabazz “Royal Falcon” aka “Horites” descended from Lotan Son of Seir aka Edomites. Smyrna is named for Myrrh, used in “Oil of holy ointment”; myrrh is used in the “Purification of Women”; hence the Smyrna prison crisis on Candlemass is no coincidence. Wine and myrrh “Gall” was offered to Jesus on the Tree which He refused due to its numbing/anasthetic effects; myrrh is also used in embalming. Gall is equivalent with Hemlock aka “Cup of Borgia” aka “Poison of Serpents”. The Church of Smyrna (today Izmir, Turkey) in Rev 2:8-11 is about followers of JESUS being cast into prison. Suffering, poverty and persecution of God’s followers with the promise of salvation for those faithful unto death. JESUS offers a specific warning to the “Synagogue of Satan”, those who say they are Jews but are not.
Feb 3
Trump orders Trey Gowdy and Jason Chaffetz to resume Clinton investigations; Benghazi (Arming ISIS), Operation Gun Runner (arming Mexican Drug Cartels) and using a Private Server for Classified Information; Trump may face the same fate so many others have in trying to out the Clinton Global Initiative. Nice timing eh? Trump has put NAFTA on notice just like the TPP. The NAFTA Superhighway (I-35W): Mexican Trucks, Rail, Oil and Natural Gas shipped via Fast Track Customs to and from the US and Canada began during the Reagan era. Iran-Contra was largely about shipping drugs from Central America into the US.
Trump ordered Mexican Wall construction to be paid for with a 20% Tarriff on Mexican Imports (Like the TARP financed Auto Plants producing cheap cars for Americans from Mexico). The Mexico wall will curb Mexican Cartel Financing which is why Mexican President Nieto is against the Trump Wall; Nieto is the Cartel’s Man in charge, bankrolled by the Juarez Cartel; their partner? The US Army in El Paso; just ask Mitt Romney. Trump is the enemy of China, Mexico, Pacific Rim Nations, NATO, the UN, Mexican Drug Cartels, the CIA and refers to Global Warming as a Hoax, 9/11/2001 as a fraud and the Apollo Lunar Program as a Hoax. Who better than Trump to be the Scapegoat for the Great Tribulation?
Feb 4
Gen “Mad Dog” Mattis in Tokyo drawing pledging support for Japan and War with China over the Senkaku Is. “The US will deny China access to 7 artificial islands” Rex Tillerson “We will be at war with China over the islands in the South China Sea at the same time the US will be in another major war in the Middle East…our 2 biggest threats are China and Iran” Steve Bannon
Iran “Discovers” 15Billion Bbl Oil deposit Mohammad Mosadeq tried nationalizing Iranian Oil just like Muammar Qadaffi with similar results Iran tests Ballistic Missiles. Gen Flynn put Iran on Notice over Missile Tests; Iran responded by ending oil transactions in $US, a surefire prelude to War with the US, and testing more missiles. “If we see the smallest misstep from our enemies, missiles will fall on their heads” Republican Guard (Quds or Jerusalem Force) commander Amir Ali Alajizadeh. Netanyahu (Ashkenazi fake Jew) responds by urging Theresa May (Britain) and Donald Trump to take a tough stance on Iran”; Dan 8 Mede Persian Ram versus Grecian Rough Goat (Britian-Israel-US) is up next; “Little Horn”, Antichrist rise from the conflict. Of course most people watched Superbowl pre-game shows rather than concerning themselves with Extinction Level Radiation and WWIII.
Feb 5
Superbowl LI, the last Superbowl before the Alien invasion wiped out most of humanity in Tom Scientology Cruise’ movie Oblivion. There are no Aliens, don’t fall for the coming deception. Notice the Downward Triangle on Cruise’ suit; this is about the Thelema Axiom “As Above; So Below” or ONE (seen on the $ONE. Written as 93/93, the greeting of Thelemites and Witches; 93 is Thelema + Agape; the gematria of the demon Aiwass, the source of Aleister Crowley’s “Thelema” religion and “Lost Word” in Freemasonry; Druids referred to as “HU”. GHW and Barbara Bush coin toss in Houston (HU) were not by chance; Barbara “Babs”=Gate, the ritual “Scarlett Woman” called “Babalon” in “Babalon Working” rituals of Aleister Crowley and Pauline Pierce. GHW Bush turns 93 on June 12, 2007; Flt 93 dissappeared in Shanksville (actually landed in Cleveland Intl) on 9/11/2001. GHW Carrier is CVN 77 matches AA 77 allegedly hitting the 77ft tall Pentagon on the 77th Meridian matches Crowley’s Liber 77: Book of the Goat; Witchcraft is “Riding the Goat”. 2017 is the Satanic Jubilee following the 1966-7 6th Tetrad of Lunar Eclipses and founding of the Church of Satan and 6-Day War and 10th Jubilee following the 5th Lateran Council in 1517 proclaiming “Indestructability of the Soul” Catholic Dogma; it is Jesuit Bull Shit. “After 10 Jubilees, Prince Melchisdek will return” written by the Essenes (Essen=Priest) may ring a Baal; Lateran means “Hidden Frogs”, the unclean spirits of Devil, Antichrist and False Prophet (Rev 12:9; 16:13). Superbowl 51 fell in 9/11/5777 on the Hebrew calendar; 9/11 being Toth 1 the Egyptian New Year by design.
Pope Francis addressed Super Bowl 51 in spanish on the JumboTron; with English subtitles? gutsy. The Sign? BLESSINGS FROM THE 9TH SATANIC CIRCLE
Pope Francis, Emeritus Pope Benedict and Justin Welby Archbishop of the Church of England are initiates of the 9th Satanic Circle, accused by an international tribunal in Brussels of child Kidnapping, torture, ritual sex abuse, sacrifice and cannabalism. The Signs? #1 War The Patriots have a habit of winning the Super Bowl at the start of Wars: 2001 Afghanistan, 2003 Iraq, 2004 Pakistan, 2015 ISIS, 2017 WWIII? #2
Lady Gaga as Lucifer Descending
Lady Gaga as Lucifer descending; this happens at Rev 9:11 5th Trumpet. #3 Mary the Untier of Knots is behind him. Gen 3:15 is altered in new bibles “I will put enmity between thee and the woman…It shall bruise thy head…” It is the enmity; Catholic Bibles (Douay Rheims) change “It” to “She” and Protestant bibles to “He”; notice Mary is gently resting on the serpent and crescent moon (Hilal=Crescent=Lucifer).
Lagy Gaga descending as Lucifer from Above to Below singing “Born this Way” promoting the LGBTQ+2 agenda with the Victory Sign. “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! Note: There are 313 ! in Scripture; these are “Woes”; Lucifer falling from heaven corresponds to Rev 9:11 5th Trumpet 1st Woe!
Alpha Romeo: Jesus is Alpha and Omega “First and Last”; Alpha Romeo is “1st Seducer” aka Lucifer commercial highlighted Amarucu the Aztec Serpent eating a man aka Quetzalcoatl (Mormons are taught this if Jesus; Wrong!) Kukulkan or Virachocha, the source name of the Americas. Note the logo is a Crowned Serpent eating a man. The commercial highlighted the car Julia “Many cars take your breath away, but only one gives it back; Julia” Julia is the feminine of Jupiter/Zeus
84 Lumber is named for Grover Cleveland’s 1884 election; the only president to serve 2 non-consequtive terms made Donald Trump the 44th person elected President. www.theresnothingnew.org/index/44:_Mass_of_the_Phoenix Crowley’s demon channeled Liber 44: Mass of the Phoenix may ring a Baal; it’s the theme of Oblivion; the Lumber 84 commercial featured Mexican Immigrants.
Legion series In Mark 5:2-9 a man of great strength tormented by demons named Legion (6000 men in a Roman Legion indicate the number) who reveal to Jesus’ disciples he is the Son of God; casting the demons out they ask to be allowed to enter the Swine Herd before jumping to their deaths; seeing what happened, the Gadarenes prayed to Lucifer for Him to leave. Such will be the fate for America, the strong man plagued by demons destroying itself before the Luciferian Age.
Avocados from Mexico featured a Secret Society and subliminal advertising; financing Trump’s Wall with 20% Import Tarrifs creates a Trade War hurting both sides. Fake Moon Landing? Nice timing, Trump’s Science Adviser publically declares the Apollo Program a Fraud, just as CIA asset Wikileaks is set to expose the Apollo fraud; nothing new, Stan Kubrick featured the fraud in “The Shining” with Danny wearing an Apollo 11 shirt and Rm 237, the distance to the moon; 237 + the Mirror 732=969; the velocity of Saturn being 9.69Km/s. The Adler Typewiter used in the Shining means Eagle, the symbol of Esau seen on the currencies of the Americas carrying the Serpent into the New Age. The Cult of Saturn and acceptance of Green Man thorugh subliminal advertising on display.
Tom Brady and Bill Belichick; Donald Trump supporters 16 years in the making. The Patriots win with Tom Brady 3 months after 9/11/2001, the “Inside Job” which stripped US Citizens aka “The People” of most every Constitutional Right with whatelse but the pre-written “Patriot Act” In 2002 after winning his first Super Bowl as starting QB Donald sent Tom a private jet and made him a Miss Universe Judge “Tom loves women and women love Tom…he would be a great combination with Ivanka”. “Make America Great Again”? Crypto- Templar-Knight of Malta Donald Trump-Pence (Pence takes his marching orders from Doug Coe and “The Family”, lovers of every mass murdering dictator in the last 50 years) who has never paid a dime of Federal Income Tax (a gift from fellow Knight of Malta Jimmy “JC” Carter) in 40 years will likely be America’s 44th and final US President just like they said in Oblivion.
Neil Gorsuch Supreme Court Neil is a CFR Traitor. How can a Supreme Court Justice sworn to interpret the Constitution swear an oath to undermine it? The Constitution requires the President to nominate and Congress to approve Supreme Court positions; like it or not, Obama’s Supreme Court pick Merrick Garland needed to be considered first; if Neil regards the US Constitution as inviolable, he should withdraw until this it corrected. Jesuit educated at Georgetown Prep School, fan elite all male school much like Bush’ prep school Andover Prep. Neil allegedly founded the Fascism Forever Club in 1985; this now claimed “Joke” based in a Year Book entry.
Neil’s mother Anne was honorary Knight of Malta Ronald Reagan’s (read George HW Bush, after the John Hinckley Jr incident) EPA Director, cited for Contempt of Congress, she resigned amid 30% cuts and rifts at the EPA and alleged mismanagement of Superfund Nuc Waste clean-up. In college Neil promoted SDI (Star Wars Defense Initiative), Columbia Daily Spectator newspaper and The Federalist Papers (Foederus means Covenant). in 2006, George W Bush rewarded Neil with an appointment to the 10th Circuit of Appeals at 38 years of age. There was never any “Star Wars” Missile Defense Program; Reagan’s Star Wars Program was a $2T “Cold War” Debt financed spree, not on SDI Satellites but Operation Blue Beam satellites; turning the Ionosphere into a Giant Screen TV for the arrival of the Antichrist? “Positively Entertaining”. No technology exists to place a satellite in orbit with the energy required to destroy incoming MIRV Warheads; there was never the need to do so. Microwave Atmospheric Heating Antennas and Earth based Plasma weapons can bring down incoming warheads just like Space Shuttle Columbia or Space Shuttle Challenger (destroyed during lift-off). Reagan and Luciferian Mason Mikhail Gorbachev attended Bohemian Grove rituals for 25 years together; Gorby now runs Green Cross International (Bacchus, Dionysus, al-Khidr are “Green Man”) in San Francisco; McMartin Pre-school pedophile scandal at the Presidio Army Base may ring a Baal. Neil promoted boycotting Russia during the Cold War; at least in principle, this is diametrically opposed to Trump’s plan. Above the Supreme Court Doors is the Fasces (Bundle of Rods tied with Red Edomite Cord surrounding an Executioner’s Axe). Kissinger (nee Crypto “Heinz”) is perhaps the world’s most prolific Satanist; a 33 degree Luciferian Mason, Muslim Shriner, Jesuit Knight of Malta, CFR, Bilderberger, Bohemian Grove initiate whom Neil admires. Donald Trump’s spiritual mentor 33 degree Luciferian Mason Norman Vincent Peale like Neil Gorsuch was initiated at Phi Gamma Delta.
9 Commercial fisheries fail AK-CA. Millions of Sardines washing up on Chile shores. Fake Jew, Billionaire High Priestess of the Church of Satan in Chicago Penny Pritzker claims failures die to “Unusual Climate conditions” Sure Penny.
NOAA energy map shows the intensity of the tsunami caused by Japan’s magnitude 8.9 earthquake
Betsy DeVoss Education Secretary DeVoss wants to dismantle the Education Department to usher in the Kingdom of God just like Energy Secretary Rick Perry wants to dismantle the Energy Department; good choice Donald. The 50-50 Vote was Tie Broken by Zionist, “The Family” Initiate Mike Pence, the person who chose her. “My work in De-funding public education is to advance the plan for God’s Kingdom” DeVoss speaking at “The Gathering”, a $1B/Yr group of wealthy Zionists benefitting from Tax-payer funded Private School Vouchers. Who founded “The Gathering”? “The Family” of course, at “The Cedars” named after what else but the Phoenician Cedar used in Solomon’s Temple. DeVoss compares the goal to Shephelah “Low”; the battle of David and Goliath or Samson and the Philistines at Shephelah “Lowlands”; the final battle “Armageddon” means “Valley of Slaughter”; Israel even has a Radiation Hardened Bunker at Beit Shemesh in Shephelah called “Site 911”. SPIRITUALLY Shephelah means “To be brought Low” which is exactly what JESUS will do to these Zionists. 500 Years ago Zionism went by the name Chiliasm, building a 3rd Temple and installing King David on the Throne. Jesus will establish His Kingdom, by destroying the 3rd Temple of Antichrist and the Throne of Pergamon “Satan’s Seat” and the Abomination of Desolation at the 2nd Coming. De Voss brother Knight of Malta Black Water Mercenary Eric Prince is doing his part as well.
Jeff Sessions Attorney General “The Family’ Initiate confirmed to Attorney General Mass murdering Kleptocrats and False Christian Preachers all have a place in “The Family” and “The Gathering” www.theresnothingnew.org/index/The_Family
Feb 8
Mystic Rabbi Amram Vaknin has vision of Elijah in the Prophet’s Cave in Haifa Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD…” Mal 4:5 Amram is the father of Aaron, Moses and Miriam, the latter the source of the false priests “Korahites”; Jude 7 warns of perishing in the “Gaynsaying of Kore”; Amos 5:2;26 warns Israel shall no more rise and warns against using the Six Pointed Star of Molech; Jesus warns in against calling anyone “Rabbi”. Where are the “Visions” coming from? Certainly not Elijah. Elijah and Enoch (Seth’s not Cain’s) will be God’s “2 Witnesses” during the 1260 Day Great Tribulation. I’d say this was a warning of the Great Tribulation, and the arrival of Mosiach, the Messiah coming in his own name whom Jesus said Israel would accept.
Nat Sec Adviser Gen Michael Flynn hires Tri-lateral Coimmission, CFR Traitor Ken Juster to “Coordinate Trump’s Internaational Economic Policy with National Secuity and Foreign Policy” Juster will at the G-7, G-20 and APEC Summits directing WWIII and the Foreclosure of the United States; the Scapegoat for Rev 18 “Economic Babylon”.
Israel Finkelstein leading Tel Aviv archaelogists on searth for Ark of Covenant. Finkelstein believes the Bible (New Covenant not inlcuded) is a fiction written by 7th C “Ghost Writers”; Israeites were never in Egypt; no Exodus; no Joshua or Conquest of Canaan; no United Monarchy. Israel “One who wrestles with God” Finkelstein “Spark + Stone” means Pyrite or “Fool’s Gold”. “And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament…” Rev 11:19 This passage describes the Jesus returning to destroy people who destroy the earth; the temple of God? In Heaven. The Ark of the Covenant? In Heaven. Want to be a part of it? Ask JESUS; His NAME is JEHOVAH (Ex 6:3), JAH (Ps 68:4) and JESUS (Mat 1:25) They are all the same Covenant Name of God. Look for Finkelstein’s announcement in August 2017; likely on the Feast Day of Lucifer on Aug 15.
The Roman Catholic Church is built on a mis-translation of Mat 16:18; Jesus’ Divinity is the Rock of His Church not Peter who was never in Rome. Jesus said never call any man Father on Earth; the New Covenant is built on the Holy Ghost, and Baptism of the Holy Ghost, not a fake Apostolic sucession to the Vicar of Jesus. The Apostolic sucession beginning with Peter is then transferred to Pope Linus according to tradition which began in 180 AD by the Gnostic Irenaeus of Lyons; Linus’ Feast Day is Sept 23, 76AD, the date in 2015 featured the 7th Tetrad Lunar Eclipse on Feast of Tabernacles and the visit to Washington DC and Philadelphia by Jesuit Pope Francis I. The date in 2017 will feature the alignment recorded in Rev 12:1; Start of the Great Tribulation? Dan 7:6 and 76AD may tell the story. 7+6=13 the number of Rebellion; the Start of Great Tribulation is in Rev 13; 7X6=42 There are 42 months in the Great Tribulation.
Feb 10
Donald Trump deploying Jared Kushner to broker Palestine-Israeli Peace Deal. “When they say Peace and Safety, sudden destruction shall come upon as travail upon a woman in child birth, and they shall not escape” 1 Th 5:3 Jared is a fake Jew, son of Charles, convicted of racketeeering, witness tampering, conspiracy and loan sharking.
Iranian Revolution Anniversary; Ayathollah Khomeini returned from Exile to depose US CIA installed dictator Shah Reza Phalavi. Khomeini, his successor ali-Khameini and Grand Ayathollah ali Sistani in the US created “Green Zone” in Baghdad are all US installed 33 degree Luciferian Grand Orient Lodge Freemasons dedicated to the revealing of Green Man “al-Khidr”. Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stated 3 years at the UN his Divine Mission was the revealing of the 12th Imam “al-Mahdi” who arrives with al-Khidr. Sharia Law Judge and current Iran President Hasan Rouhani “Iranian Nation has shown for 38 Yrs it will make anyone who speaks to Iranians with language of threats regret it” This referring to Gen Mad Dog Mattis declaring “Iran the world’s sponsor of terror” and Gen Mike Flynn putting “Iran on Notice”. Green Language is the Language of Lucifer.
CIA Director Mike Pompeo in Riyadh, hands Saudis the George Tenet (Saudi sandal licker) Medal for their intelligence work in combatting terrorism. Trump has stated Saudi Arabia orchestrated 9/11/2001. Mol Comfort, a Russian cargo ship with 50,000 tons of ISIS weapons bound for Jeddah, Saudi Arabia split in half and sank June 2013. Previous CIA Director John Brennan converted to Wahhabist-Qutibst Sunni Islam in Saudi Arabia and Obama bowed in submission to King Abdullah, just like Bush Jr/Sr before him. Trump bought Saudi Arabian Arms Dealer Adnan Khashoggi’s Yacht “Nabila” and sold the 45th floor of Trump Tower to the Saudi Government
Donald Trump has had a long history of dealing with Saudis. Here is the Real Estate Agreement. A Saudi Chartered Ryan Air B-727 collected the entire bin Laden family in the United States during the No-Fly period after 9/11/2001. Salem bin Laden and Prince Bandar “Bandar Bush” were not only investors in the Carlyle Group with the Bush’s, they were all together having breakfast at the Saudi ofices of the Watergate Hotel watching the show on 9/11 in Washington DC Here are 20 unusual ties to Saudis.www.washingtonsblog.com/2015/09/saudi-ties-to-911.html What is it about that place? Well besides hiding the real Mt Sinai? “For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children” Gal 4:25 Saudi Arabia is in bondage to Jersalem in Israel, the great city Jesus refers to as Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” Rev 11:8KJV Read that until it sinks in folks; Arabs and Israel are partners holding the world in bondage. The real Jersualem is in Heaven!
90,000 Nazi Ukraine soldiers on the front lines with Russia as US-Ukraine-NATO Military Exercise tests BUK Missiles; Malaysia 17 was not shot down using a BUK Missile; German, Polish and Kiev controllers vectored the plane over Ukraine Nazis and NATO shot the plane down duing Exercise Rapid Trident (Trident means 3 Teeth of the Russian Bear; Neptune’s Trident aka “Beast from the Sea”). www.theresnothingnew.org/index/Malaysia_MH-17. NovoRussia (New Russia) Flag is the Scottish Flag of St Andrew, used by the US Condeferacy (Foederis means Covenant with God; Con means Against) has the same Double Eagle of Lagash Donald Trump uses; the Lion on top may elude to Sept 20, 2017 “Christ Angle” the King’s Chamber Shaft aligning with Alpha Leo is the “Below” in “As Above. So Below” www.theresnothingnew.org/index/Christ_Angle Feast of Trumpets (Trump-Pence) is Sept 21-22 “Mabon” alighs with the Rabbinical New Year Rosh Hoshanah; if your bible has Rosh or Rus in Eze 38:2 toss it and get a KJV. Sept 23 is the sign “Above” www.theresnothingnew.org/index/Sept_23,_20173.
Lagash and it’s Double Eagle symbol adopted by the Nazis and today’s Neo-Nazis and Knight of Malta Donald Trump represent the Sumerian-Akkadian-Amorite god of war and hunting Marduk; equivalent with Nergal (2 Ki 17:30) the Babylonian god of War symbolized by the Rooster heralding the Dawn (Lucifer); the Iranian Sanjak (Rooster) of NoRuz “New Light”; Saturn “As Above; So Below” and Kronos “Order out of Chaos”. Why the Rooster? Jesus used the Rooster to symbolize Peter’s 3X rejection before the Cock crowed at the Rising Sun. If you can’t hear the Cock Crowing turn up your hearing aid by asking JESUS.
Nazi Azov Battalion in Ukraine uses the Wolfsangel Logo used by the Nazis in WWII; Nazi Ukraine Units are trained and funded by the US. NDAA 2016 provided $300M for training Ukraine Military just like the Kievan Rus “Black Sea Princes”, Sarmations “Warriors of the Steppe” did before them; ready for Sargon III? Better get ready.
Beyonce as Aphrodite
We can’t make this stuff up!!
The Golden Aphrodite of Cyprus about to give birth to twins Eros and Himeros. The daughter of Uranus (Heaven-Sky) and Gaia (Earth) ie “Sacred Marriage”, Aphrodite (Born of the Sea Foam) was born from the severed phallus of Uranus by Chronos, tossed behind him in the Ocean. Aphrodite was “Asherat” in Phoenicia “Our lady of the sea”, the equivalent of Ishtar, Ashtoreth, Hathor, Venus and Lucifer. Aphrodite personifies Adultery, with Ares (Roman Mars, Babylonian Nergal gods of War), Adonis, Dionysus (Priapus; god of sexual lust, root of Priaprism), Hermes (Hermaphroditos) and Poseidon she is the Queen Bey of the gods in her new demon inspired alter ego “Yonce”. Quite a change from Black Panther Shasha Fierce eh? The Beast from the Sea as a desirable sun goddess given the richest portion of Zeus’ house. Esau lives off the fatness of the Earth (Gen 27:39-41 KJV); Esau lives off the spoils of War; make no mistake, Christians are at War with Aphrodite, the goddess of lust, envy, fornication, boasting, deceit and covetousness (Rom 1:29). Don’t be deceived!
188,000 people under evacuation orders below world’s tallest, Oroville Dam; 23,000 CA Nat Guard on Alert. Spillway damaged; Emergency channel failing.
Feb 14 Lupercalia
www.theresnothingnew.org/index/Valentine_039;s_Day Nothing says “Love” like Red (Edomite) Robed Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes and Demons riding the Goat eh?
Lupercus “Day of the Wolf” celebrates Pan aka Baal; 40 days Purification from Jan 6 “Feast of Epiphany” is Lupercalia; mates for a Year and a Day chosen at random. The Magi arrived in Bethlehem when Jesus was 1 1/2 and in Egypt with His parents, not on Jan 6. Valentines Day is Day 44; Trump is the 44th man elected president of Amorica (Amor=Love); Liber 44: Mass of the Phoenix ring a Baal?
Trump’s spiritual adviser is Paula White, a 3X married, Adultress with Benny Hinn, Pentecostal (Pentecost celebrates the descent of the Holy Ghost; PenFtecostal Charlatans today are the opposite) mega-church leader of New Destiny Christian Center; her Journey leads to one Destiny; Hell. Here is Paula dressed for a Halloween Party as Little Red Riding Hood with husband Journey keyboardist Jonathan Cain. Journey uses the Egyptian Scarab (Dung) Beetle as its symbol. The Scarab represents Re-birth/Re-generation from Fecal Matter; beginning life in Dung and laying its eggs in Dung, it is the symbol of the Egyptian creator Atum, the root of the word Atom. Scarab’s are seen pushing the Sun on its annual death/re-birth, thus Egyptians called it “Kephre” (Come into being); an Avatar of the Sun god “Re”. Luciferian Sun worshippping Evangelical Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes leading the unsuspecting Flocks to Hell now control the White House; quite a TRUMP eh? “Democracy is 2 Wolves and a Lamb making dinner plans” Rosicrucian, 33 degree Mason Ben Franklin. Lupercalia features Luperci (Wolf Priests) in Februs (Blood soaked Goat Skin thong) slapping naked women betrothed for a year and a day, chosen at random by Heart shaped “Billets”, with a goat skin whip to promote conception; Why? Heart is Baal in Chaldean.
Nat Sec Dir Mike Flynn resigns Gen McMaster to replace Flynn Flynn’s were/are initiates of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, a 19th century Masonic Order with roots going back to the pagan Scotti (Scythian-Egyptian) conquerors of Ireland.
The East-West Schism will be repaired Oct 31, 2017 on the 500th Anniversary of Martin Luther’s 95 objections and the Protestant Reformation www.ecumenicalnews.com/article/500th-reformation-anniversary-will-be-ecumenical-and-include-pope-francis/44650.htm the 10th Jubilee may herald the arrival of Prince Melshisedek (Mormon Church claims a restoration of the Melchisedek Priesthood) aka Antichrist www.theresnothingnew.org/index/mn41087/Writing_on_the_Wall JESUS, the Holy Ghost are the Melchisedek Priesthood! On Aug 21, 2017 cusp of Leo a Solar Eclipse cleaves the US from NW to SE www.eclipse2017.org/2017/path_through_the_… On the Fall Equinox “Mabon/Michaelmas” Sept 20, 2017 the “Christ Angle” forms with Alpha Leo “Regulus” (Law Giver) overhead at High Noon. www.theresnothingnew.org/index/Christ_Angle On Sept 23, 2017 the sign in Rev 12:1 “Woman clothed with the sun, the moon at her feet and a crown of 12 stars” forms www.theresnothingnew.org/index/Sept_23,_20173 the combination completing “As Above. So Below”. The Aquarian Cross www.theresnothingnew.org/index/Aquarian_Cross symbolizes the Aquarian Age of Jupiter/Zeus (Lucifer); the intersection of East and West at the Prime Meridian where the Aquarian Cross stands atop Glastonbury Tor awaiting the arrival of King Arthur. 11Q13 Prince Melshidedek Scroll written by the Essenes (Essen=Priest of Cybele) symbolizes the Golden Mean “Phi” aka Ratio of Life and the competion of “As Above, So Below” (Heaven Rev 11 brought to Earth Rev 13) the arrival of Lucifer seen in the Six Pointed Star (Intersection of Up and Down Triangles) forming the Bee Hive “Hexagram” in the Star of Molech (Ensign of Israel ie fake Jews). 44 Mass of the Phoenix www.theresnothingnew.org/index/44:_Mass_of_the_Phoenix is the Holocaust of America ie the TRUMP of Lucifer. “Nothing would unite the people of Earth faster than the threat of an alien invasion from outside out solar system” Knight of Malta Ronald Reagan at the United Nations; in case you missed it, the movie “Arrival” symbolozed just that.
Flynn (Flynn means Ruddy/Red ie Edomites posing as Ruddy Jews like King David) and Trump (Clan MacLeod Templars) represent the faction (Mormons falsely claim this lineage as well) falsely claiming descent from Zedekiah, the 44th and last king of Israel; Trump is the 44th person selected US President and likely the last ie the TRUMP. (Trump Tarot is the burning Tower Card) The lie and sebsequent motive for revenge begins with Nebuchadnezzar killing Zedekiah’s sons, gouging his eyes and sending him in fetters to die in a literal Shit Hole (Mire Pit). The Lie involves Jeremiah escaping with Jacob’s Pillow and Zedekiah’s mythical daughter (usually presented as Tea Tephi; Mormons use the mythical son Mulek as the basis of legitimacy) traveling to Ireland and marrying into the Irish Royalty-Scottish Royalty and British Royalty.
Flynn and his son run Flynn Intel Group, paid as a Turkish Lobby; Turkey arms and trains ISIS, brokers stolen Oil and Opium through Turkish Crypto Jew Erdogan and his family. Flynn’s negotiations with Russian Amb Sergey Kislyak prmising better relations came the day before Trump Inauguration and Obama imposed Russian sanctions; a violation of the Logan Act (Pretty coincidental the movie Logan is making its debut about a Werewolf on Lupercalia isn’t it? Trump making negotiations with Russia before the election is Treason.
Gen Keith Kellogg tapped to be Chief of Staff to Nat Sec Adviser Gen McMaster. “We are engaged today, as General George C. Marshall’s generation was engaged, against enemies who pose a great threat to all civilized peoples” McMaster to Virginia Military Institute speaking of Russia, Iran and ISIS. War with Russia and Iran is described in Dan 8 “Mede-Persian versus Grecian rough Goat” LIttle Horn rises from the carnage as “Antichrist” (Alternative Messiah) Jesus said “A man’s foes shall be they of his own household” I’d agree with that. Kellogg means “Pig Butcher”; Americans are the Pigs; Chief of Staff to 33 degree Mason, $60 Slush Fund thief, L Paul Bremmer, the Iraq Provisional Authority put in place after the US leveled Iraq a second time, accusing 33 degree Mason Saddam Hussein of involvement with 9/11; A Lie. Kellog managed Pentagon Contractor CACI who trained Abu Ghraib Interrogators in the art of waterboarding, rectal feeding, and electroshock. Saddam’s chips off the ole block Uday and Qusay made off with $30B US as US troops closed in on Baghdad; maybe the Dir of Nat Intel knows where it is? “The Iraq War was an unmitigated disaster” Donald Trump. ISIS arming Traitor John McCain loves Gen McMaster meaning War is on the horizon.
Bnei Menashe (Sons of Manasseh) returing to Israel with the aid of Benjamin Netanyahu; one of the “Lost Tribes” in India collectively called Pashtuns, Beit Yosef or Yusufzai (Sons of Joseph). Jesus gathers the “Lost Tribes” (Gen 49:10) not fake Jews (Ashkenazi=Sons of Gomer ie Germanic; Sephardic=Sepharvaim ie Babylonian/Medean; Mizrahi=Hamathites, sons of Ham) like Netanyahu. This gathering is part of the Mormon “End Times”; they believe they are grafted to Joseph. Joseph married the daughter of the Priest of On (Shemsu Hor aka Priests of Horus); in Amos 2, Jacob loses the right to be called Israel; Ephraim took up the name and humanity wil be judged by the Plumbline separating Jesus-Jacob from Ephraim-Israel (Ez 37:11;16; Rev 11:1) Stay on the Porch! Messianic Judaism is awaiting the Alternative Messiah Jesus warned of.
72nd Anniversary of “Ash Wednesday/Lupercalia” incineration of 100,000 German civilians at Dresden; part of Jehovah’s Witness, “The Family” initiate Eisenhower’s hatred for German people, a barbarous act, pale in comparison to the unnecessary starvation/exposure death of 1.7M Germans in 200K makeshift corrals. “Operation Garden Plot” will soon bring this type barbarity to America.
Trump administration and UN Amb Nikki Haley demand Russia return control of Crimea to Ukraine. The Crown Jewel of the Black Sea Princes (Scythians) and Crimean Rus is the ancestral home of exiled Sarmation “Priest-Kings” and home to the idol of Prometheus breaking free of his chains and the Eagle pecking his liver; the Eagle on the $US ONE may ring a Baal. Crimea will be the catalyst for the fake “Gog and Magog” war (Eze 38:2; Rev 20:7-8) Folks, JESUS said “After the 1000 years” and He meant it. “Gog and Magog” associated with Russia is Satan’s biggest deception by far; don’t be fooled.
Feb 15
Crypto Ashkenazi Crypto fake Presbytrian Donald Drumpf and Crypto Ashkenazi fake Jew Benjamin Netanyahu press conference for Dan 8 “Mede-Persian Ram versus Grecian Goat”. Ashkenaz is a son of Gomer (Germans), the son of Japheth, not Semitic or Jewish but Germanic Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes. Israel is not Jewish in the slightest; “The virgin of Israel is fallen; she shall no more rise: she is forsaken upon her land; there is none to raise her up” Amos 5:2. Iran “Aryan”=Noble Caste symbolized by the Swastika is Germanic. Aryans are sons of “Japheth the elder” (Gen 10:21KJV), the eldest brother of Ham, Shem and Japheth is the “Noble Caste”. The collision of the Mede-Persian Ram and Grecian Goat will produce “Little Horn” aka “Antichrist”.
Evan McMullin declares Donald Trump a threat to the United States. Mormon Oath of Vengeance required Mormons to the 4th generation to avenge the blood of the prophet Joseph Smith on America until the last drop of blood is spilled; think the carreer CIA agent knows this?
Sufi Mosque, 100 dead, ISIS suicide bomber in Pakistan. The CIA runs ISIS; Abu Bakr al Baghdadi is Mossad asset Simon Elliot.
700K Square Mile lake of molten carbon “discovered” 217 miles under western 1/2 of US, a threat to Global Warming. No, an insult to intelligence; Carbon melts at 6917F far hotter than anything inside the earth; so where is the Oxygen coming from to create CO2? Bull Shit of course.
Jared Kushner picked most of Trump’s cabinet and is in charge of the Palestine-Israel negotiations; George Soros (Grigory Schwartz) partners with Jared and Joshua Kushner in “Cadre” Real Estate; pretty cozy eh? Soros used TARP funds held by the US Treasury under Tim Geithner to short the silver market on its one day climb and free fall from $19 to $47 and back 4 years ago; Cadre is synonomous with Comrade.
Feb 17
Pacific Storm “Lucifer” set to dump 1Ft of rain on California and Oroville Dam. 25% of US food and 200K people are in jeopardy.
Trump Damac Hills Dubai Country Club grand opening; Trump Public Relations courtesy of AF-1 and US taxpayers. Arabs and Israelis separated 4000 years ago with Joktan and Peleg (Gen 10:25) 239 years after the Flood when the nations became separated by Water (JESUS is the “Living Water”) and Language Arab means “Inhabitant of the Desert”; Desert means “Wasteland, Wilderness, Destruction, Forsaken, Abandoned”. In the SPIRITUAL sense “Absent God”. Israel means “Ones who wrestle with God”. Modern Israel is Saturnian, evidenced by the Star of Saturn (Satan) on the Israeli Flag; the one often standing alongside the US Flag. Dubai means “They brought lots of money”; US taxpayers graciously guard the UAE with the 5th Fleet; Dubai finances ISIS; Dubai supplies ISIS propaganda with the US Army through SITE (Search for International Terrorist Entities; managed by Israeli spy Rita Katz); Dubai even used a 3-D printer in Beijing to re-create the sacrificial Arch of ISIS from the Temple of Baal in Amurru (Palmyra, Syria; Amurru is the Edomite Serpent and Shepherd god) for the financial capital of the US, New York City and in London. Jesus said “The love of money is the root of all evil” Arab-Israeli conflict? Catching on yet? Better hurry, the TRUMP Card is about to be played.
Witch Covens across the US conducting simultaneous Midnight “Binding Rituals” directed at Donald Trump every Waning Crescent beginning Feb 24 and continuing until he is removed from office. Why? America was planned in 1620 in Francis Bacon’s New Atlantis: A work Unfinished, to be the Phoenix of the New Age, a New Atlantis (pre-flood world under rule of Saturn) rising from the ashes. Donald Trump is Saturnian, evidenced by his admission he never apoligized to God and his Trump Tower Penthouse shrine to Apollo (Saturn). Nothing unusual, Witches often take the “White” Magic side by conducting these same rituals outside Bohemian Grove. Similar rituals were directed at Adolph Hitler when he adopted the inverse Swastika denoting the Saturnian Black Path with Mussolini and Hirohito, a 33 degree Luciferian Mason with Joseph Stalin, FDR and Winston Churchill. This to me is a warning Donald Trump has taken up the Black Path aka Dark Side of the Dialectic with Israel (Ensign of Saturn) and Britain (8 Pt Star Flag is Saturnian) against China and Russia on the White Side. Demon chanelling fake Christian Edgar Cayce declared in one of his trances Russia would die and be reborn the saviour of the world. Take a look at the Golden Age Prometheus (Saturn) Statue if you don’t believe this is real. The Tower Card is Trump Tower destroyed; a Trump effigy was hanging in front of Trump Tower on Election Night. Ready for WWIII? Me neither, but it’s coming extranewsfeed.com/a-spell-to-bind-donald-trump-and-all-those-who-abet-him-february-24th-mass-ritual-51f3d94f62f4#. witches 2
The Simpsons predicted 9/11/2001 in 1996; they predicted Donald Trump would become President in 2000, and now they predict the death of Donald Trump
Church of Satan initiate Marilyn Manson predicted the beheading of Donald Trump in the Nov 2016 music video Say Ten
“We must start building the 3rd Temple today…man builds, God finishes with the resting of Shekinah…The 3rd Temple will not simply come down from Heaven, we must build it…ulike the 1st and 2nd Temples, the 3rd will be Eternal” Chaim Richman, Chief RabbiTemple Mount Institute. 33 degree Mason, Rosicrucian, Alchemist, Gravity Liar Isaac Newton devoted most of his well kept life in the Lucasian Chair of Mathematics (Jesuit sock puppet Stephen Hawking fills the same role today) developing the architectural plan for God’s Eternal Temple that does indeed simply come down from Heaven (Eze 40-48; Rev 21) just over 1000 years from now, after the battle of Gog and Magog (Eze 38-39; Rev 20:7-8). Jesuits at the Vatican control the Temple Mount; the Mother Church of all Churches Worldwide is St John Lateran Arch-basilica; Lateran means “Hidden Frogs”, the unclean spirits of Satan/Dragon, Antichrist and False Prophet (Rev 12:9; 16:13). Antichrist will sit on Satan’s Seat and force worship of the Abomination of Desolation with acceptance of the Mark of the Beast, likely the Six Pointed Star of Saturn on the Flag of Israel. Jesus returns to destroy the Temple Mount and everything the Cult of Saturn plans to build; there is no Temple during the Millennium! Shekinah is the presence and dwelling of the god Molech/Saturn/Satan!
“Look at what’s happening last night in Sweden” Donald Trump at a campaign (the campaign is to generate fear of Islam) rally in Florida enroute to Mar a Lago pedophile resort in reference to a made up event scapgoating “Muslim Terrorists” in Sweden. Nothing new, Kelly Ann Conway made up a similar non-existent story about “Bowling Green Terrorists”; Trump’s campaign featured a plethora of Craigslist paid Terrorist Actors. WWIII will pit forces of Political Zionism against Islam. Crusader, Knight of Malta, Crypto (Ashkenazi fake Presbyterian), Reality TV and Hollywood Star Donald Trump is Zionism’s Chief Propagandist. humansarefree.com/2011/03/3-world-wars-planned-by-illuminati.html
FEMA staging emergency supplies at Travis AFB in the event the Oroville Dam collapses. Fake News? No. The problem is not Dam Collapse, the problem is the Emergency Spillway is not on Bedrock. Water rushing over the spillway is eroding the soil, forming a channel. Examples of this all over the world are called Canyons, the largest Flood caused canyon is the Grand Canyon. FEMA, US Navy and NOAA have planning maps for these type man-made disasters
John McCain meets with King Salman in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and Reccip Tayyip Erdogan in Turkey in joint effort to defeat DAESH ahead of Syrian Peace Talks in Geneva; here is traitor John with ISIS/DAESH leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi and other ISIS commanders. Traitor McCain and Crypto fake Jew Erdogan broker arms to ISIS, he doesn’t want to defeat them. Saudi Arabia and Turkey arm DAESH. Hypocricy will get no easier to spot than this.
Feb 24
7 Earth size Planet Google Doodle is Bull Shit NASA announces Trappist 1 has 7 Earth size planets with potential Alien life. Trappist Order are the Reformed Cistercians aka Knights Templar. Transit Planets and Planissimals Small Telescope? Nah, just more occult communication coinciding with the Hollywood Propaganda movie “Arrival” “Nothing would unite the nations of Earth faster than the threat of an alien invasion from outside our solar system” Ronald Reagan UN speech. Trappist 1 is in whereelse but Aquarius; welsome to the Age of Aquarius folks! I suggest getting Jesus in your life before the outpouring of Saturn arrives; Saturn rules Aquarius. Baal Shem Tov (founder of Hassidic Judaism ie worship of Saturn) said “Saturn will pour out power and spiritual force”
Feb 27
Oscar “God’s Spear” Best Picture “Moonlight” Chiron, the son of Saturn (Chronus/Satan) and mentor to Achilles, overthrew his father Uranus (Earth) and ruled the “Golden Age” and later overthrown by Zeus. Chiron, the wisest Centaur was raised by his foster father Apollo and his twin sister/wife Artemis/Diana (goddess of Witchcraft); Donald Trump’s Penthouse is a Shrine to Apollo “Destroyer” aka Apollyon of Rev 9:11. Alleged PDS (Prieure of Sion is pure BS) Grandmaster Pierre Plantard went by the pseudonym “Cheyren” aka “Chiron”; Dr Mengele’s Twin Experiments with him produced the twins Connie and Ronnie Cooper (brother and sister to Bill Cooper “Behold a Pale Horse”) whose son is the current Grandmaster of the PDS Thomas Plantard de Saint Clair. The PDS is BS as is the Jesus/Mary Magdalene myth aka “Holy Grail”. Thomas “Twin” + Plant Ard “Vine Cutting” + “Holy Light”. Here is a picture of fake “Crypto” Catholic Pierre with Thomas dated 1979; his son? Sure; how about grandson, specifically an Antichrist figure born 1966 “Year One Satan”; the same year the HBO Series “Young Pope” was born.
Vaincre No. 3, September 1989, page 1
Managing Editor: Thomas Plantard de Saint-Clair
110 Rue Henri Dunant, 92700 COLOMBES
THOMAS PLANTARD de Saint-Clair becomes Grandmaster of the PRIORY OF SION
By virtue of Article XIV OF THE CONSTITUTIONS OF THE PRIORY OF SION: “their titles shall fall as of right to one of their children to be designated by them without consideration of sex.”
By virtue of article XVI “the various duties and titles of Grandmaster of the Priory of Sion shall be transmissible to their successor according to the same prerogatives.”
By act dated 6 JULY 1989, Pierre PLANTARD de SAINT-CLAIR, the present Grandmaster, informed the 121 Masters that, in view of the favourable response of 107 votes in favour, 5 abstentions and 9 votes against accepting the proposed succession of title and prerogative, ratification had been made on 6 AUGUST 1989 in PARIS, at 10 o’clock solar time, and that THOMAS PLANTARD de Saint-Clair had been proclaimed Grandmaster. Information has been sent to all members of the ORDER. – 836:1
Temple Mount Institute posts 3-D pictures of 3rd Temple in Jerusalem before it’s built; Google Maps picks up similar theme with a 3-D Google Tour of Solomon’s Temple and 2nd Temple. Har Habayit B’ Yadenu’ is the IDF phrase used after the 1967 6-Day War captured the Temple Mount to mean “The Temple Mount is in our hands”; well it was guys. Israel handed control over the Temple Mount to the Edomite (Hashemite) Kingdom of Jordan and subsequently, the Temple Mount, King David’s Tomb and Cenacle (Upper Room of the Last Supper) to the Vatican under Shimon Peres (fake Jew Perski). When the order to rebuild Jerusalem and the Temple is given (Presumably during the “troublous times” of WWIII) there will be 490 days (70 Weeks) until the 2nd Coming (Dan 9:23-27). Be careful for deceptions. The 5th Trumpet (Rev 9:1-11) lasts 5 months (150 Days); the 6th Trumpet (Rev 9:13-21) lasts 13 months, 1 Day (Day of Wrath) and 1 Hour (7th Trumpet destruction of “Babylon”) or 540 Days. We are not there yet. The 70 Week “Private Interpretation” your Pastor likely teaches is just that, “Private Interpretations”, specifically “Dispensationalist” and “Zionist” Private Interpretations. There is no 7 Yr “Tribulation” nor a Pre-Trib “Rapture”, nor a 7 Yr Israel “Dispensation”; these are all Jesuit inspired nonsense and Jesuits control the Temple Mount. The tours end at the Holy of Holies and the Temple Veil except for the Chief Priest on Yom Kippur. There is only 1 Chief Priest “Melchisedek” and that’s Jesus (Heb 7); He provides access to the Holy of Holies to everyone who asks Him; He even got rid of the “Money Changers” out front; why not ask Him? The Living God beats a fake Samaritan Priest “Cohen” every time!