[frame_right][/frame_right]A caller asked “Was there a time of nothing?” He answered “The laws of physics predict the creation of the Universe spontaneously out of nothing in a rapidly expanding rate…no need of miracles or divine intervention. It makes no sense to talk about time before the universe began”. Translation: “Order out of Chaos” 1st Law of Thermodynamics “Energy and Matter can neither be created, nor destroyed…only exchanged” P-Brane (no I’m not kidding) Theory says Space and Time are twisted by Gravity Strings “God Particles”. So, Stephen Nothing explodes into God Particles which bend Space which God says is “Nothing”. Got it!
P-Brane Hawking believes Alien contact will be for humans as it was for natives contacting Columbus. Translation: Disease. What disease? Weaponized H5N1 Bird Flu, paid for by US taxpayers in a 7 year contract with the CDC, NIH and the Eramus Medical Center in Rotterdam. It’s architect Ron Foucher says “Airborne H5N1 virus may lead to the deadliest flu in pandemic history. How deadly? 1918 Spanish Flu killed 50 million at a rate of 2% of people infected; this kills 50-60%. Colleague Dr Henderson says “This is the ultimate organism of population destruction”. Who would want to do that? “I would like to be reincarnated as a killer virus” Prince Phillip “I’m comfortable with 500 million people on earth” Ted Turner “350,000/day need to be eliminated from earth”-Jacques Cousteau “Earth can only support 1 Billion persons” Maurice Strong Read the Georgia Guide Stones is this is not enough. Influenza means “Astral Influence” ie “Influence from the Stars”. When?
In 1871 Gen Albert Pike said WWIII would pit Zionism against Islam. In 1991 Gen Wes Clark (Rhodes Scholar/CFR/Bilderberger) quoted Paul Wolfowitz saying “The US has 5-10 years to clean up former Soviet regimes and Syria, Iraq, Iran”. Purim 1991; Bush Sr ordered the slaughter of Iraqi’s on Hwy 8 aka Highway of Death; in 1992 Wes joined the CFR. Sept 2001 Wes Clark was given a list of nations projected for regime change; Iran was last on the list. Wes remembers Flt #77 allegedly hit the 77ft tall Pentagon which was built squarely over the 77th Meridian. In 2007 Wes Clark listed 7 middle east nations planned for war; Iran and Syria were last on the list.