Hiding in Plain Sight..
[frame_right][/frame_right]BBC reporter Jane Standley reported WTC #7 falling 23 minutes before it actually fell; the building had not been hit by anything and a live shot of WTC #7 was behind her as she spoke on 9/11/2001; FEMA had arrived with a full contingent on 9/10/2001 for a pre-scheduled “Terror Drill”. NOAA, NATO and SOUTHCOM were in Miami Jan 11, 2010 for a pre-scheduled “Haiti Disaster Relief Drill”; the 7.0 Earthquake hit Jan 12. NPR set up a radio station in Sichuan Province, China just in time for the 7.8 Earthquake that killed nearly 100,000 people May 12, 2008. The Glomar Explorer sat over the epicenter of the 9.0 Earthquake at the 90E Ridge which generated the 2004 Yule Tsunami in Indonesia killing 250,000 peope. CNN meteorologist Chad Myers was on scene as Tornadoes devastated Moore, OK on 5/20; he was also at El Reno, Ok on 5/31 calling the strength, touchdown time and place beforehand. Is this just accurate forecasting or warnings in advance of pre-meditated murder? Think it’s impossible to control weather with such precision?
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Another less publicized tornado ripped through the Westlake Landfill in the flood plain of the Missouri River just north of St Louis. Nice spot; a smoldering underground fire is lofting radioactive material from the oldest Superfund Site in the US into the atmosphere on a path northeast to the Ohio Valley. Missouri Governor Jay Nixon declared a Federal Emergency, largely absent from the news. If lofting radioactive material into the atmosphere and flooding radioactive material into the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers is bad, this is worse.
“My greatest concern is MERS-CoV (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus), we understand too little about this virus…MERS-CoV is a threat to the entire world”
– WHO Director Dr. Margaret Chan at the 66th World Health Assembly May 28, 2013.
As of 5/29 MERS-CoV has infected 50 persons and killed 30. Influenza Virus genes were manipulated into a Human to Human strain by Dr Ron Fouchier; Just before the Hajj in 2012, Dr Ali Mohamed Zaki sent a sample from an infected man in Jedda, Saudi Arabia to Ron, which tested positive as Novel Coronavirus, now named MERS-CoV. Manipulating, Sequencing and Patenting a potentially Global Plague in a private lab at the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam seems a bit odd to me. CFR Senior Fellow Laurie Garrett and Michael Bloomberg Health Commisioner now CDC Chief Tom Frieden lied about the post 9/11/2001 CDC created Anthrax attacks, so expect them to report on MERS-CoV. Seems a bit odd to construct a weapon of extreme mass destruction until Gnostic belief is understood. The timing? Ramadan begins July 8 and the virus is concentrated in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Qatar, Tunisia and the UAE. Frieden said “MERS-CoV is only a plane ride away from the US”; Congress is responding by approving a Customs by-pass for the UAE in Abu Dhabi. A modern day Trojan Horse to be sure; Guess what the original one had inside? Disease. The #1 topic for the June 3 Bilderberg Conference? Global Pandemic. The most recent Google Doodle honors Julius Petri, inventor of the “Petri Dish”. The message to all this? Pandemic. America is about to become a giant Petri Dish! Note: This does not mean Mat 24:8 is here. The confusion stems from changing “death” in Rev 6:8 KJV concerning the Pale Horse to “plague, pestilence or disease” in new bible versions. The words death and plague are not the same. The biblical “Pestilence” comes just before the “Abomination of Desolation”. Do not be fooled! WWIII and a worldwide Pandemic will not reveal Jesus Christ; it will reveal the “4th Beast Kingdom” of Dan 7:7. Why? Armageddon is not a battle of “Good versus Evil”; Jesus returns (Rev 19) and everybody dies. It’s as simple as that! The Pale Horse is named “Death” because “Spiritual Death” results from accepting the “Mark of the Beast”! “death” is merely physical death which will occur to those of us like me and I hope you, who say no to the “Mark of the Beast”. Got an Authorized Bible yet? Get one! See anyone claiming to be “Christ” running around? Just say no!
Margaret Chan is an Officer in the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire led by Prince Phillip; his stated goal “In the event of my reincarnation, I would like to return as a deadly virus in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation”..
Margaret Chan, Prince Phillip, Jacques Cousteau, Ted Turner, Maurice Strong, Obama science adviser Ezekiel Emanuel (son of Irgun terrorist Ben Emanuel; brother of Rahm Emanuel), Obama Science Czar John Holdren and many others feel the same way and wrote their #1 Commandment 33 years ago in stone at the North Georgia Guidestones in Elberton GA #1 Commandment in the New Age? “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature” What does Jesus think about Overpopulation; well besides commanding “Go forth and multiply”? The Earth’s final battle “Gog and Magog” will number “…as the sand of the sea” (Rev 20:8); that battle is on earth just over 1000 years from now, and those are just those in rebellion to Jesus Christ! The point? Overpopulation is a Satanic idea. Why target 2013? “In 700 years, the Laurel will grow green again” Norman Cathars; Gnostics whose assets were seized and whose military order was disbanded 3/20/1313 in France. The symbol of France is the Fleur de Lys, the symbol of an irrevocable covenant with Lucifer.
Masonic ChIP (Child ID Program) is a CD containing DNA, Video, Picture, Fingerprint, Ear Picture, Dental Bite, Allergies and Vaccination records. Load the information onto an RF Transmitter Chip, and the program, sponsored by Luciferian Grand Lodge Masons all over the world has the earmarks of the Mark of the Beast. Want a number to go with the RFID Chip? www.One-heaven.org/ can provide you with an 18 digit in 3 groups of 6 membership number in the “United States of Free Spirits”; sounds similar to the ones developed by IBM during the Holocaust. Your “Spirit” did not “Evolve”; it is provided by God to communicate with Him; your relationship with Him determines the Judgment of your Soul and residence for Eternity. Are you sure you really want to be Free of God?
This is just a guess, but the Gateway to the West “Setting Sun” as seen in Obama’s Prince Hall Masonic Logo seems likely to open June 21, 2013. The Google Zeitgeist (Zeit=Time; Geist=Spirit/Ghost) Conference June 1-5 and Bilderberg Conference June 6-9 at the Grove (Groves are where Evil is done in sight of the LORD) Hotel near London will put the finishing touches on a Global Police State. Iran elections on June 14 will “elect” the man Grand Orient Mason, Ayathollah Khamenei’s “Guardian Council” decides should take the world into WWIII and reveal the occulted 12th Shia Imam “al-Mahdi”.
Amurru (Calneh in Gen 10:10) is the land farthest West; Amurru is the Serpent (Snake) and Shepherd god of Edom (Esau). B’rith-ish (British) means “Covenant Men”; What Covenant? Cain, Japheth, Ishmael and Esau. Who was prophesied to obtain “Dominion” (Sovereign Authority to Rule); Jacob or Esau? ESAU. Who are the Wealthy? Jacob or Esau? ESAU. What does Esau want to do with this “Dominion”? Thin the herd by 95%. Read Gen 27:39-42 in the Authorized Bible (it is opposite in New Versions) until this sinks in. Jesus returns to “…destroy them which destroy the earth” Rev 11:18 “…except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved” Mat 24:22.
God’s Timing
There were 1656 years from Creation to the Flood. Axis precession (God’s Time Clock) is 10 every 72 years, so from Aries to Pisces to Aquarius (600) took 4320 years. Sargon the Great was likely pronounced “Legitimate King” at 21, the biblical age of accountability; do the math and the world is 5997 years old give or take. www.One-heaven.org boasts the Pale Horse “Death” was released on the “Day of Divine Judgment” 12/21/2012. God’s “Divine Judgment” is over 1000 years from now, so whose God is Judging humanity now? Want a “Mark of the Beast”? You can apply for an 18 digit number in 3 groups of 6 at this site and 6 others just like it. Bee Careful! Bee means Word in Chaldee and this Bee has a big WASP stinger!
The Ecliptic and Milky Way intersect at 600 forming an X “Chi”; the 11:11UTC Sunrise on 12/21/2012 aka formed the Chi-Rho symbol “Royal Christ”; Jesus Christ? No, “Sol” ie Lucifer. On 1/11/13 the first “New Moon” of the “New Age”. On 1/20/13 “Sun rising in Aquarius” was “Inauguration Day” of the “New Age”. 3/20 “New Light”, the Aryan New Year and Spring Equinox, the Serpent descended the steps at Chitzen Itza. In sum, the Sun, Moon and Stars are now aligned with the “New Age”.
The UN Planetary Initiative uses the term “Planetary Citizens”, claiming “Everyone in the New Age will take a Luciferian Initiation”. Ban Ki-Moon a Unification Church Disciple “Moonie” of Sun Myung Moon knows the Green building was constructed according to the Ratio of Life (1.618 to 1), facing East on Manhattan Is. with a 13,000lb “Lodestone” altar Illuminated by a single shaft of Light, built in the dimensions of the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid in front of 11 Wicker Chairs in an 11X18X33ft Room facing a Serpent wrapped Pole. Sun Myung Moon was pronounced “Messiah of the Universe” by the US Congress. Druids called their Sacrifices by Fire “Wicker Men”. Can it get more obvious? Yup.
Summer Solstice is a date Masons call the Keystone of the Royal Arch. The St Louis Arch is a necked down Catenary Arch; think single file here much like a chute used to lead Sheep to Slaughter. Born Again Christianity is Holy and Ekklesia meaning “Separate” or “Called Out”; it is not a “Team Sport” nor found in a Congregation, Mosque or Synagogue, much less so in Masonry or Mormonism.
Royal Arch candidates learn the Satanic Lie, God is really a composite of Jah-Baal-Osiris called “Jahbuhlon”; in doing so, they voluntarily take a Luciferian Initiation by committing the “Unforgivable Sin”. David Spangler of the UN Planetary Initiative boldly states “No one will enter the New World Order unless he/she will pledge to worship Lucifer; No one will enter the New Age unless he/she takes a Luciferian Initiation”. The St Louis Arch symbolizes Luciferian Initiation and that folks, is the Unforgivable Sin! Want to become “Walking Dead”? Take that Initiation; want Eternal Salvation through Jesus Christ? “Just say No”! Ever heard the phrase “Pey Heylel”? Mormons have, it means “Marvelous Lucifer”, which is why Mormo is the “god of the living dead”. The word Zombie is derived from worship of the Snake God “Glykon” (ca 150 AD) a made up god much like the previous Egyptian-Greek “Serapis” (ca 500 BC). Paul referred to these made up gods as the “UNKNOWN GOD” (Acts 17), a Universal God, forming the Pagan Trinity Father, Mother, Son. Seems like Jesus, but it isn’t. Glykon was described as the earthly manifestation of the Deity, having Virgin Birth, Prophecy, Miracles and Healing the Sick; sound familiar? The price ls admission to this Cult is Blasphemy (Rejection) of the Holy Ghost. It’s a 1 way ticket to Hell!
Warnings and Prior Planning
A 2 mile wide, 200+MPH, F-5 Tornado ripped through the Oklahoma City area the day “Anonymous” warned to “Expect Us”, 2 years in advance; 5/19/13 was to begin their so-called “Apocalypse”.
Coincidence? Over 100 Tornadoes have hit since the warning with Moore Ok hit again May 31. A thumb tack on Oklahoma City can be seen in the video My Pet Goat II.
If you haven’t seen it yet, you may want to; GOAT means “God of All Things” and it’s mirror image The Ark of God; this Scapegoat however is not the Scapegoat in Lev 16:8-10; it is Lucifer in the form “Azazel”; Jesus is the real Scapegoat. My Pet Goat II begins with Martial Law and ends with the revealing of the Solar Christ aka Son of Apollo (Glykon) and June 21 is his big day.
World War Z?
World War Z will be released June 21 by Brad Pitt’s production company “Plan B Entertainment” (Angelina Jolie + Brad Pitt=Angel of the Bottomless Pit; no I am not trying to be funny; Abaddon and Apollyon mean “Destroyer”). Plan-B is slang for the Morning After Pill RU-486 which comes from “Are you for 86ing”; America is about to be 86’d. World War Z, a rehash of “Night of the Living Dead”, “Dawn of the Dead”, “I Am Legend” and the “Walking Dead” series. It may pay to understand “Zombie” means “Snake god fettish”. Mormo is is the “god of the living dead”. Mormon is a worshipper of Mormo; they refer to America as “Zion”, but Jesus rules the real Zion (Jerusalem) after destroying it by fire. “Zombie Apocalypse” may sound like a Hollywood movie, but the CDC invented the term “Zombie Apocalypse” and posted it on the CDC website. Is it coincidence the “Walking Dead” series takes place at the CDC in Atlanta?
The CDC is just south of the Georgia Guide Stones which proclaim a 90% destruction of humanity is necessary for earth (Gaia) to survive. Does this mean Rev 9 (5th and 6th Trumpet warnings) are here? NO! and neither is the 7th Trumpet warning at the 2nd coming!
Zombies are portrayed as Cannibals because Kahn-Baals (Priests of Baal) taught Cannibalism after the Flood; Why? God’s Covenant with Noah prohibited this (Gen 9:4); the “New Age” is all about Rebellion to God! In Rev 19:17 an angel standing in the sun gathers men to Armageddon “That ye may eat the flesh of kings…” World War Z seems a presage to the revealing of the Alternative “Solar” Christ.
Sandy Hook means “Play the Joker Card”; Adam Lanza means “Red Spear”, a thumbtack highlighted Newtown CT in My Pet Goat II; and Sandy Hook was warned ahead of time in Dark Knight Rises which premiered on 7/22, the night 12 people died in Aurora CO 7/22=Pi; Still Coincidence? The Twin Towers and Pentagon can be seen on fire in the $20; Hoover Dam is destroyed on the $50; out in the open isn’t it?
FEMA was in place in NYC on 9/10/2001; their #1 stated concern was a Terror attack in NYC, #2 a Hurricane in New Orleans and #3 an Earthquake in LA; when that list is completed, people in LA may wish they had built their own personal Ark.
A Planning Map with America’s growing regions underwater was made by FEMA, NOAA and the US Navy with most of California and the Mississippi River Valley Underwater.
Can they make this happen? Overpumping the Ogallala Aquifer for Ethanol Production; Insane. Dumping Glyphosphate “Round Up” into the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers causes Algae Blooms and “Dead Zones” in the Gulf of Mexico; Insane. Hydraulic Natural Gas and Oil “Fracking” is polluting underground water and eroding Salt Domes supporting the area; Insane. Pumping Hydroflouric Acid into Oil and Gas Wells (Acidizing) in California and the Mississippi River Basin; Insane. Monsanto Genetically modifies the Seeds, produces the Pesticides which create “Super Weeds” (over 60million AC infested), hires Blackwater mercenaries to infiltrate opposition groups which enforce this mass murder. The best part? They wrote their own Monsanto Protection Act giving immunity from prosecution and got the US President to sign it! How? Monsanto VP Michael Taylor worked in the USDA during the Clinton Admin and now is in charge of the FDA Foods Division. Taylor is now the Obama Food Safety Czar! A dozen State Laws led by the North Carolina “Commerce Protection Act” are being dubbed “Ag-gag” bills; they make it illegal to report on Food Industry practices, so be quiet, nobody needs to know China just purchased Smithfielod Foods, processor of 30% of America’s pork! Congress allowing Fracking, Acid Jobs, Aquifer Depletion, GMO Seeds, and Neonicotinoid “Bee Killing” Pesticides is pre-meditated mass murder and Treason. Guess who is enforcing the Monsanto Protection Act? Blackwater mercenaries, fresh off their latest charade in Boston. Food in the US is primarily controlled by Tyson Foods (Iran-Contra Drugs were shipped in Tyson Chickens from Mena AK by Gov Bill Clinton), Cargill, Nestle (Dairy) and Smithfield (Pork); China purchased Smithfield Foods May 31, 2013; Wanna bet the USDA has no objection? Obama and Romney adviser Henry Kissinger said “Control Oil, you control Nations. Control Food, you control People”. Henry will likely be taking his Steak “Well Done” in the “Lake of Fire”. Don’t join him!
Grove Meetings
Davos, Switzerland, Sun Valley Mtgs, TED and Bohemian Grove are pretty well known. Abraham built the first “Grove” but these “Groves” are where “Evil is done in sight of the LORD” On May 30, 2013 Knight of Malta, Iraq/Afghanistan War architect, Benghazi Gun Runner Gen David Petraeus awarded fellow Knight of Malta, 330 Mason, Bohemian Grove Satanist, Bilderberg, TC and CFR Globalist Henry Kissinger the Intrepid Air/Sea Peace and Freedom Prize; Henry was asked “How does the prize feel when you are wanted in several nations on charges of mass murder?” I must say, Henry is indeed “Intrepid” for stepping standing with a 4 star General on that Aircraft Carrier after saying “Soldiers are dumb stupid animals to be used as cannon fodder in our wars”. Henry received the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize for carpet bombing Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia into the stone age, managing “Operation Condor” (with Pope Francis I) and financing Pol Pot and the Kmer Rouge “Cambodia Killing Fields”. He wrote NSSM-200 proposing the use fo “Food as a Weapon”; his puppet Barack Obama will sign the treasonous UN Small Arms Agreement on June 3 while Henry and David Petraeus attend the 2013 Google Zeitgeist Conference June 1 followed by the Bilderberg Mtg at the Grove Hotel near London.
Bilderberg Mtg June 6-9 Attendee List
HSBC (Hong-Kong Shanghai Bank) is the world’s largest drug money laundry; they use the profits to control US Airlines and Shipping Ports. Vaccine maker Novartis Food controllers Syngenta and Monsanto Los Angeles News 7 Anchor, US Treasury Sec. 2 former CIA directors, one Gen David Petraeus, the Benghazi Gun Running Chief. Amazon, Microsoft and Google CEO’s rubbing elbows with a man (really animal, who advises Mitt Romney and Barack Obama) Henry Kissinger advocates using “Food as a Weapon” and soldiers as “Cannon Fodder”, Pretty hard to figure out the purpose eh?
Bilderberg Agenda
- Global Pandemic MERS-CoV was gene sequenced and patented by Dr Ron Fouchier at the Erasmus Medical Center. The WHO lists it as the #1 Worldwide Health problem. Remember Obama “Birther” Lawyer Orly Taitz? Her husband is a private contractor for Vaccine maker Novartis.
- Iran-Syria War. Gen Wes Clark warned 5 years ago, Iran and Syria are the final 2 of 7 nations to be destroyed; Why? Acquisition of “Eretz Israel”; that 4th Beast in Dan 7:7 will be a doozie!
- Destruction of Iran’s Nuclear Facilities Isn’t it a bit convenient Qom is a nuclear facility and training center for Shia “Twelver” Clerics?
- Arming Anti-Assad “Rebels” such as Al-Qaeda, al-Nusra Front and Ansar al-Sharia. David Petraeus was in charge of this. Sen John McCain was just visiting these unsavory characters on Memorial Day as 12 al-Nusra “Rebels” were arrested at the Turkey-Syria border with 4 Lbs of Sarin. Where do you suppose they got that from? 2 weeks into the Libyan War the Central Bank of Benghazi opened to finance their arming and training; John had high praise for Libyan “Rebels” because they are one in the same. So how is it the EU voted to allow “Rebels” to open Bank accounts yet the UN Security Council voted to Blacklist the organization?
- Google’s Domestic Spying “Surveillance” Program. NSA Data Collection Facility is coming on line this summer. Google’s Street View virtually eliminates privacy and Google is archiving all Google searches.
- Control over the Internet Microsoft, Amazon and Google will ensure that
- Establish a “Ministry of Truth” George Orwell’s version is 1800 out; this is about Propaganda; Lies told over and over until people believe them, as taught by Edward Bernays to Joseph Goebbels and George Romney among others. We havent’ seen the last of Iran-Contra money launderer Mitt Romney
Bank Bailouts and Wealth Transfer FED money printing is $85B/month; this is a World War in and of itself. Now can you see why IMF Chief Christine Lagarde will be there? - Diffusing Austerity Social Protests ie Military enforced Martial Law. Aren’t hearing about this on the news? Most news outlets parrot what is said in LA, Chicago and New York. LA 7 News Anchor Lilli Gruber may seem small time for Bilderberg, but she keeps the secret about the real purpose of LA Water Fluoridation being to Diffuse Austerity Protests through Lethargy. George Romney supplied both Aluminum for Hitler’s Luftwaffe and Fluoride, used by Hitler and Staliin to pacify the masses being taken over. Protests occurred in 250 cities across the US and in 52 nations with 2 million people attending over the Monsanto Protection Act and Vladimir Putin said “This will surely lead to War”; didn’t hear about that either eh? Folks, It can’t get any more obvious!!
Aleister Crowley’s “Book of the Goat” (God of All Things or the Mirror Image The Ark of God) is called “Liber 77” or “Liber Oz”. Extraordiinary Rendition was authorized by Bill Clinton’s NSD #77. UAL #77 hit the 77ft tall Pentagon lined up with Meridian Hill, the Supreme House of the Temple, White House and Washington Monument on the 77th Meridian called by Freemasons “God’s Longitude”. 77 also symbolizes God avenging Lamech (Cain’s Lamech); Sinners before the advent of Jesus Christ; The number of generations from Adam to Jesus Christ; Separation of Pure and Un-pure and Divine Revelation for Kaballaists (Lambs from Goats for Jesus Christ); the Limit of Sin; The limit of Cosmic Evolution; 77 Lambs were brought to Jerusalem by Ezra; 77 is Spirit + Flesh in Gematria (remember the Holy Grail nonsense started in France); “France” is 77 in Gematria; using A-Z as 1-26, Biblique is 77; Halley’s Comet has a period of 77 years; Iridium has an atomic number of 77 (Iridium is derived from Iris the Greek goddess of the Rainbow and Messenger of the gods); Zoroaster was said to have died at 77, WWIII will be the final battle of Good versus Evil according to Zoroastriian belief. So what is 77? Somewhere “Over the Rainbow” in “Emerald City” I suspect. Dan 7:7 describes Beast Kingdom of Lucifer and it is coming soon. What will the “Elite” do? Hide in Arks (Caves) similar to what Noah did in Gen 7:7. Folks, Jesus Christ is the Ark of the New Covenant! Question: How many times are Christians commanded to forgive the offenses of our Gnostic enemies? The answer is in Mat 18:22. 77 times? Nope, 70 X 7 times! If your bible says 77, it’s time to get an Authorized Bible. Day #77 is Mar 18. On that day Mar 18, 1314, the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar Jacques de Molay was executed by fire at Pont Neuf on the Isle of Paris at what was then the Prime Meridian.
Magdalene means Migdol an Elevated Pulpit; Jesus Hates this Nicolaitane doctrine
Jesus said never call any man Father, Master or Rabbi; the titles Reverend and Melchisedek apply only to Jesus; Sermon is not in Scripture; Paul said “Howbeit the Most High dwelleth in Temples made by hands” (Acts 7:48) Why is it these people can stand on elevated pulpits delivering Sermons? Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels said “The best place to keep a big secret is out in the open”; 2 warnings that far in advance of May 19 are a bit hard to ignore. The Evangelical Family Research Council Pres. Rev Fr. (Jesus told us to never call any man Father and only Jesus is entitled to the title Reverend (Mat 23:8-10; Ps 111:9) Tony Perkins announced the “Moore tornado was punishment from God”; Tony is a Ukrainian Orthodox spiritual adviser to TX Gov Rick Perry who managed Operation Gun Runner with Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, AZ Gov Jan Brewer, NM Gov Susanna Martinez and the Phoenix BATF out of the Alliance Airport in Ft Worth. Tony sounds like “700 Club” (700 refers to 2013 being the year the Laurel grows green again 700 years after the Hospitallers “SMOM” assumed the Mantle of the Templars) Pat Robertson “God did not sent the tornado, but he would have stopped it if people had prayed to him”; that was in 2012. In 2013 “God allowed the storm to come to Moore because people had not prayed hard enough” I have an idea Pat, become a Storm Chaser and pray them away! Pat is a SMOM (Sovereign Military Order of Malta) sworn to kill Christians and Jews anywhere on earth; he knows there was plenty of praying going on during that Tornado. Pat Robertson descends from signatories to the Declaration of Arbroath (Scottish Independence); his ancestors aided fleeing Knights Templar in Scotland 700 years ago; no he is not a Christian; He is a Jacobite in sheep’s clothes.
Noble Arabic Order of the Mystic Shrine: Shriner Clowns are not funny.
Moore is just north of Norman Ok; Norman “North Men” is derived from the “Normans” and Moore from the “Moors”; 50,000 Christians died at the hands of Moors; Shriner Masons wear the blood soaked “Fez” to celebrate this event. The surname Moore is derived from the Doomsday Book compiled during the reign of the Norman King William the Conqueror detailing the land Norman’s were entitled to. They acquired land through Usury (Interest). Norman Cathars were later executed by fire and their Military Bankers (Usurers), the Knights Templar were disbanded Mar 20, 1313, called in Iran “Nowruz” (New Light or Dawn); “Melek-Taus” the idol of Nowruz is also Lucifer. “In 700 years, the Laurel will grow green again” Cathar prediction. Cathar is derived from Catharsis “Discharge of pent up emotion” Better get ready for a lot of discharge folks!
Feast of Epiphany to the Nativity of St John the Divine
A Pattern is developing: The US conference of Catholic Bishops met on Feast of Epiphany (Jan 6, 2013). This Orthodox Epiphany is of Sol Invictus not Jesus Christ who was born on Feast of Tabernacles, not Christmas. Christmas has the Tree where the Snake God resides! 33 days later, Legatus (Roman Catholic Business Leaders; Rom means Man; Catholic means Universal” “Universal Religion of Man” met on the Chinese New Year (2/11); 2013 is the Year of the Snake; the next day, Pope Benedict XVI unexpectedly resigns and Lightning strikes St Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican Twice! Francis is the first Jesuit (Jesuits wrote Mein Kampf) Pope ever elected by Conclave, a Conclave that was scheduled to begin on 1 Nisan (3/12) the Ecclesiastical New Year. Odd coincidence or pre-panning? The Pan-Starrs Comet became visible in the northern hemisphere that night! the next day 3/13 Pope Francis was elected on Red Heifer Day. Most every nation on earth has evicted Jesuits for subversion, now the Roman Church is led by a Jesuit Wolf in Sheep’s Clothes. 33 days later, bombs were detonated during a pre-planned Bomb Drill in Boston on “Patriot’s Day” (Barbarians of a commmon father ie Lucifer; T-Party=Tammuz, Son of Marduk folks!) providing the backdrop for an Interfaith Service between Muslims, Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants. Interfaith is Luciferian; Jesus is the Narrow Path! Boston was a False Flag and Beta Test for upcoming nationwide Martial Law; FEMA camps have been set up for this express purpose. 33 days later a record setting Tornado leveled 30 SQ Miles of Moore, Oklahoma. 33 days later is June 21, called the Keystone of the Royal Arch in Freemasonry. Is all this just coincidence? Folks, St John the Divine is Lucifer!
The movie World War Z will be released June 21; Zombie is a worshipper of the Fetish/Snake god “Glycon”. Wonder why the Snake wrapped phallus is used by the Medical establishment? WHO Director Margaret Chan is an Officer in the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, led by Prince Phillip; he sated his desire to be re-incarnated as a “Killer Virus”. MERS-CoV is a man-made, created Virus with an observed 50% mortality rate capable of aerosol human to human transmission. Why would anyone like Dr Ron Fouchier want to create H7N9 “Bird Flu” and MERS-CoV (Mid East Coronavirus)? Lucifer! Think this is a joke? The goal to remove 6-7 Billion people from the world’s population is written in stone at the North Georgia Guidestones in Elberton GA (RC Christian? my guess is fellow “New Age” mass murderer Ted Turner) Unprecedented in history? No way.
Glycon: Snake God and protector from the Plague-cloud
Greek mystic Alexander introduced the Eleusinian Mystery religion to early Christians during the reign of Marcus Aurelius (remember him in the movie Gladiator?) as a plague struck with the phrase “Glycon protect us from the plague-cloud”; in the movie, the Zombie Plague originates in China; H7N9 originated in China as well. In the series Walking Dead the Plague originates in Atlanta at the CDC, just south of the Georgia Guidestones. The WHO (World Health Org) Margaret Chan issued a Pandemic Alert on May 21, 2013 at the opening of the 66th World Health Assembly in Geneva (The ill-fated search for the “God Particle” is near there as well) stating “Bird Flu in its many forms is able to morph into a Human to Human virus capable of a global Pandemic” Quite a coincidence eh? she works for a man (animal really) Prince Phillip, who wants to re-incarnate as a “Killer Virus”! Will you be coerced into taking a Vaccine with a Serpent wrapped Phallus “Cadeuces” on the label?
Christians of today are being duped by man-made gods like Serapis and Glykon in the form of Santa Claus at Christmas and the Easter Bunny at Easter; June 21 is the nativity of the Son of Apollo. The opponents of Alexander? Christians of course! A true Born Again Christian is looked at much like a Zombie in their unfailing devotion to Jesus Christ and belief in the unseen. Z refers also to Oz, the Book of the Goat (God of All Things) Liber Oz written by Satanist Aleister Crowley; Dorothy (Doro=Door=Gate) at Emerald City at the end of the Yellow Brick Road if you will. Funny how Prescott Bush whom Nikola Tesla referred to as “Curious George” (real name George Scherff; Hitler’s Banker) married Dorothy Walker; Zombies are called Walkers! Click those slippers folks, it’s going to be a wild ride from here; Barbara Bush is Aleister Crowley’s illegitimate daughter! Have I convinced you of the more than urgent need to establish a 1 on 1 relationship with Jesus Christ yet? Ever wonder why the Brotherhood of Death is called Society 322? or why Obamacare was signed into law at 3:22UTC on 3/22?
June 24 is the Nativity of John the Divine, a made up composite of John the Baptist and John the Evangelist, in opposition if you will, to the Nativity of Jesus Christ on Dec 24. Christ-Mass means Sacrifice and Consumption of the Host, however Jesus Christ has nothing whatsoever to do with Christmas; Natalis Solis Invictus (Nativity of the Un-conquered Sun) is meant here. Likewise, the birth of John the Baptist has nothing to do with June 24; both are purely Luciferian fictions of a Solar nature. The Truth? John the Baptist was conceived in June during the 8th Temple service of Abia, and born on Passover 6 BC. Jesus was conceived at Hanukkah and born 6 months after John on Feast of Tabernacles, 6 BC. The St Louis Arch supports the Keystone of Royal Arch Masonry, so what is it?
Royal Arch
The Arch or Gateway to the West (Amurru) is derived from Gen 3:22 “…man is become as one of us, to know good and evil…”, and has its culmination in Rev 3:22 “…he that hath an ear; let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches”. The Spirit is the “Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost” rejected in Gnosticism. Do you hath and ear? If so, read on. Man was driven from the Garden of Eden, destined to till the land “East of Eden”; Mormons (Mormo is King of the Ghouls “god of Graveyards” hence the fixation with Necromancy and Genealogy) teach this Garden is at the geographical center of the US at Adam Ondi Amman, the land God banished Adam and later acquired in the Louisiana Purchase; relax, it’s BS! “Society 322” aka Skull & Bones, Theosophical Society or Brotherhood of Death is Cainite religion, continued after the Flood with Canaan, the eldest son of Ham whose incestuous Canaanite genealogy married into Ishmael and Esau (Edom=Adam=Red) in violation of the Covenant with Abraham. This continued with Greek Philosopher Demosthenes (d 322 BC) who led Civil uprisings in the name of Freedom and Legal Suits, the 3/22/1312 “Vox in Excelso” (Voice from on high) delivered by Pope Clement V disbanding the Bankers (Knights Templar) and the 1832 installation of the Brotherhood of Death in the US at Yale University who led the Opium trade with China.
Fleur de Lys
The Triptych entrance to the Yale “Tomb” is also used in Gothic Cathedrals and Masonic Lodges. This is symbolized by the Fleur de Lis “Flower of the Lily”, sacred flower of Buddha and the path of Enlightenment or Illumination. France means “Free”; Lucifer promised Freedom from God 6000 years ago in the Garden of Eden. Enlightenment, Illumination and Gnosticism seen in the Fleur de Lys is the Gnostic Trinity “Father, Mother, Son”. For this reason, Skull & Bones “Society 322” initiates are called “Knights of Eulogia” meaning “Blessing” in the form of a person ie a “god-man” seen in the word Manhattan (Man-Aton) or Hu-Man (Hu=Celtic god). The Fleur de Lys is the symbol of Luciferian Death/Re-birth seen in the Initiatiion of “Circumcision” (Think peeling a banana here and the Fleur de Lys will make more sense). Glykon as the Son of Apollo “Lucifer” was in fact an erect pallic snake idol. Ritual Sodomy Initiations are Homosexual by design; 2 Riders on one horse used on Knights Templar coins is pretty obvious and Masons and Jesuits are their spiritual heirs. 2013 is their Year, 700 years after their order was disbanded; Is it any wonder the Boy Scouts of America chose 2013 to admit Gays? Their first logo was the Swastika “Broken Sun Wheel” used in Buddhism and Jainism; their Re-birth? Fleur de Lys.
they are making us sick by poisoning the oil in processed foods. also the chemicals in processed foods. processed foods are poison. disease is caused by stress( fear not) exposure to chemicals (black gold) malnutrition. eat only natural foods all the rest is a lie. the Good Lord pours out the Holy Spirit along with other Blessings 24/7. I pray more will take advantage.
whirlwind is in the Bible 27 times, rain 148 -ish, clouds lots. I believe the weather modification, harp, tsunami bombs, microwave towers etc.. are a very bad sign for anyone watching. oh, and the wildfire thing. the pharmakia is also a very bad sign. dr.s do not like to be called on their relationship w/big pharma. they tend to react violently when their methods/programming are questioned. if the dr breaks with the programing and prescribes natural medicine he will be targeted by the establishment. multi trillion $ scam with multiple purposes. these guys like their ducks in a row.