Prometheus was chained
Prometheus was chained to Mt Kazbek in the Caucasus by Zeus for stealing “Cosmic Fire” from Olympus and giving it to Man.
At Eagle Rock in Sochi, Prometheus breaks Free of his chains.
Prometheus is Lucifer, the Bearer of Cosmic Fire “Light”.
The Saturnian Brotherhood are called “Light Seeking Brethren”.
Sochi symbolism can be seen in this video:
A Russian, Greek, Assyrian Orthodox Hermitage in the Cave called Bethlehem marks the spot on Mt Kazbek; where else would it be? Lucifer is the Caucasian Angel of Light, impersonating Jesus Christ after all!
Prometheus personifies “Rebellion”; the Greek “Trickster”, “Adulterer” and “Champion of Humanity” stole “Fire” (Sochi) from Zeus and gave it to man, encouraging the quest for “Scientific Knowledge” even at great peril. At Sochi (Russia), Prometheus breaks free of his chains, strangles the Eagle (Edom is the Eagle) which has been pecking at his liver (Source of human emotion in Greece), sending the Eagle to Hades. Why? In Obadiah 18, Jesus burns every single Edomite to Stubble and sends them to Hell!
The US Flag used in Sochi Olympic advertisements has 13 Stars, the number of “Rebellion” and age of Ishmael at his Circumcision (Abraham was 99; important in a moment) is the number of Colonies which began the Revolution. Saturnian Initiate Ben Franklin joined the 13 Colonies with a Serpent and the slogan “Join or Die”; this became our 2nd Flag just before the 13 Star Flag and American Revolution. How many people notice things like this? About as many as noticed Hillary Clinton using a flag with all 50 stars sewn on upside down
Dome of the Rock is “Ground Zero”
Gramma means “Something Written” At the Grammy’s Katy Perry rode a broom and mixed potions in her cauldron as Interfaith Minister Rev Queen Latifah (Latifah is Feminine for Arab Saint) married 34 mostly Sodomite couples. At the Super Bowl Bruno Mars sang “Locked out of Heaven” and Vulcan (Prometheus) Sports/Entertainment won. Rabbi Yehuda Glick ex head of the Temple Mount Institute said in 2010 their goal is to “Build a house of prayer for all religions and all nations”; they get this from Is 56:7 but it is Jesus Christ who does this! The Temple Mount Institute will declare to the world “God is One…He is Allah, the One and Only…Allah, the Eternal, Absolute”-Rabbi Yehuda Glick Strange for a Rab bi to worship the Arab moon god Allah, known for 4000 years as “Sin”? How about the Roman Catholic Vicar of Jesus Christ sitting on the Chair of St Peter with the Shahada “There is no god but Allah” on it? On Feb 9, 2014, Glick led a group of Israeli military and settlers in an attack on the Al Aqsa Mosque. Soon, an Alternative Messiah will sit on the Throne of Pergamon “Satan’s Seat”, set up the “Abomination of Desolation” and enforce worship with a “Mark of the Beast” The Temple Mount Institute believes the Rock is the Foundation Stone of the World and the spot where Abraham was willing to sacrifice Ishmael; Wrong! Abram was willing to sacrifice Isaac on that rock, but the Lamb took his place. In my view, this is an enormous development
New Bible versions change 1 Tim 6:20 KJV “Science” to “Knowledge”, the 2 words have little in common. Paul warned “Science” was to be avoided (Daniel uses Science in relation to the “Tongue of the Chaldeans Dan 1:4) as vain and profane (Profane means Blasphemous contempt of God) babblings in opposition to truth of God. Nowhere is this more evident than in the quest for the “God Particle” whose “Energy” gives “Mass” (Creation) to Matter. Scientists walk passed an idol of Shiva “The Destroyer”, so get ready! At the end of the movie The Prestige Nikola Tesla’s technology is given to man with the warning man will use it to destroy. Tesla was murdered by his lab assistant, Prescott Bush (Nazi George Scherff Sr) and his technology given to fellow Saturnian Cult initiate Joseph Stalin who ran the Communist killing machine; murdered far more Jews, far more cruelly than Hitler did; developed Nuclear Weapons courtesy of fellow Saturnian initiate J Robert Oppenheimer and the “Manhattan (Man Aton) Project” secrets and developed Tesla’s technology in the privacy of 9 Time Zones courtesy of FDR and Churchill, from his favorite Dacha (Country House) in Sochi. Leonid Breshnev later commented “We have a fantastic new weapon capable of destroying the earth”. 200 million people and counting are dead because these Saturnian “Brotherhood of Death” initiates. Nice weather in Sochi isn’t it? It was for 1 day in NYC for the Super Bowl too, just ask Vulcan (Prometheus) Sports/Entertainment owner Paul Allen. How does the Red Star look now?
Fire in the sense of Prometheus/Lucifer is derived from “Ignis” (Ignite) and the Sun=Illumination; the Animation of Inanimate Matter is turning men made of clay into the gods of Olympus. The Olympic Torch begins on Mt Olympus in Greece and is mixed in the Olympic Cauldron of Circe (Circassia) in Sochi to form “Cosmic Fire”. Cosmic Fire is the “Living Force” of Lucifer, seen in the color Red. Red means Edom, the name God gave to Esau after he sold his Birthright. It just had to be the Red Ring that malfunctioned! Now, whether the Red Ring was supposed to form from a Hexagon Snowflake or the BP Solar Logo, I’ll leave up to you; either war it displays the occult concept of “Fire and Ice”
The Covenant God made with Abram and his sons was “Do not take a wife of the daughters of Canaan”. Abram became Abraham; the h means “God is with me”. Esau married Hittite (Heth=Cathay) wives as did Ishmael leading to their name change Edom and Ismail. America takes its name from Amurru the Edomite Serpent and Shepherd god; Amar the Canaanite god of the west and Ameru, the name of Serpent Priests. Since Vietnam, the drug trade has been facilitated by the CIA Airline “Air America”, today known as Cathay Pacific Airlines. Cathay means Hittite and is the ancient name of China which is derived from Sina=Sinai=Sin, the ancient Akkadian moon god was “Sin”; Muslims are taught to call this moon-god “al-Allah”. How’s that Chinese Red Dragon look now?
Fire and Ice: Saturnian Brotherhood
***Olympic Rings form a seemingly unfinished, downward pointing isosceles triangle, the sigil of Saturn; Take note of how many people display this Sigil using their hands on TV today. The sign is unfinished because the White Ring is on a White Background; the Hidden Hand of the Great White Brotherhood. The Olympic Rings represent the 4 elemental forces of Witchcraft: Earth, Air, Fire, Water plus Black and White. The Red Olympic Ring represents Fire. During the Opening Ceremony the Red Ring failed to materialize from its Snowflake (Ice forms a Hexagonal structure called the Seal of Solomon or Star of Molech); This apparent “mishap” need not have been broadcast to the world as it was pre-recorded. Ice changes state at 33° the so-called “Saturnian Demiurge” is represented by the 33rd degree.
Four Years Ago
Four years ago at the Vancouver Olympics, a similar incident happened with the Olympic Cauldron; Russian hockey player Wayne Gretzky was left holding his torch when one of 5 supports failed to rise. You may also recall as William Shatner (James T Kirk is backwards for Knights of St John; Kirk is Scottish for Church) Bohemian Grove initiate Walter Koenig’s (Checkov means “Son of the Devil” in Russian) son hanged himself from a Tree. “Cursed is anyone who hangs from a Tree” (Ref Deut 21:23; Acts 5:30; 10:39; 13:29; Gal 3:13; 1 Pet 2:24; Jn 19:17) You don’t suppose God is sending a message to these Satanists do you?
Twelve Years Ago
Twelve years ago the theme of the Salt Lake Olympics was “Fire and Ice”, the name refers to the Teutonic Brotherhood of Saturn (Fraternitas Saturni) formally founded Easter Sunday 1928 in Berlin where “Satan’s Seat” is kept ready for the “Aquarian Age of Saturn”. Saturn is illuminated by its higher octave Lucifer the “Light Bearer” during the “Aquarian Age”. By my estimates, April Fool’s Day 2014 might start this Aquarian Age on God’s New Year; Inauguration of the 11th sign Aquarius would be on Jan 20, 2015. Just a guess folks!
Fraternitas Saturni is by far the most unabashedly Luciferian Order in Europe and by extension the World. It’s membership comes from Freemasonry, Jesuit, Sufi, Kaballah, Witchcraft etc; it’s membership is kept strictly secret which is why they are called “Secret Chiefs” or “Shadow Government”. The Brotherhood of Saturn is a Germanic (Teutonic) outgrowth of the Oriental Templars (OTO); Thule and Vril Societies, Atlantean Brotherhood, Society 322 aka Skull & Bones: “Brotherhood of Death”, Theosophical Society, Golden Dawn, Siver Star (AA) and the most exclusive and openly and Satanic 99 member Order of Golden Centurium.
Centurium means 100; the 100th member of this Saturn-Uranus Lodge is Satan in the form of the Oroborus Serpent aka Apollyon-Abbadon in Rev 9:11 or Leviathan, the Beast from the Sea. During the Sochi Opening Ceremony you may recall the Chariot of Apollo pulled the Sun across Fisht Stadium causing the Sun to Rise from the Sea. WWIII in Israel may very well start over the largest natural gas field in the Middle East called the “Leviathan Gas Field”. Why? Lucifer is cast to earth at Rev 9:11; his number is 11 (9+1+1); the Lodge has 99 living members 9X11; one is sacrificed every 5 years as a new member is brought in). All totaled, this is the “Great Beast” Aleister Crowley’s “Palladium Rite” or “Great White Brotherhood”. Saturnian Fire and Ice is on display at Sochi. Notice the White Ring of Saturn is invisible on a White Background because his lodge is the “Invisible College”.
Palladium, Adamantium, Vibranium
Saturnian Sodomite Albert Pike called the Brotherhood of Saturn the “Palladium Rite” Palladium was created in the movie Iron Man 2 used to battle his Russian Nemesis “Ivan Vanko” (God’s Gift); the symbol on Iron Man’s chest is the Brotherhood of Saturn; the 6th Planet and 6th Day “Saturn’s Day” is the Sabbath; a Hex used by Witchcraft to Curse! The sigil of Saturn-Uranus “Six Pointed Star” appears on Hindu Temples, Shinto Shrines, Buddhist Temples, Synagogues of Satan, Islamic Shrines, Mormon (Mormo is King of the Ghouls; one of 77 names of Satan used by the Church of Satan) Churches. In Hindu cosmology, the Universe (One Word) is supported by a “Cosmic Frequency” produced by Saturn. Jesus calls the “Synagogue of Satan”, “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes”; Marvel Comics uses Adamantium (Jesus is the Adamant Stone) in Wolverine’s Claws, so what else would come from Palladium, than the Marvel Comics fictitious metal used by “God’s Russian Gift” but Vibranium? Let’s call Vibranium what is, Tesla EM Scalar Waves used for Geo-engineering. Marvel not folks; Satan is fooling the world into believing he is Jesus Christ, the Word made Flesh by which Creation was made! (Ref 1 Jn 5:7 KJV and Jn 1:1) Research the Brotherhood of Saturn here
“Do what thou wilt shall be the sum of the law”
– Aleister Crowley
***”Fuck the EU” Ass Sec of State Victoria Nuland speaking to the Ukraine Ambassador; needless to say Angela Merkel was less than pleased. An oversight? Bad judgment? Sure just like Obama sending a Sodomite delegation to Sochi representing the US. 33° Luciferian Freemason Ed Sullivan welcomed the Beatles, avid followers of Sgt Pepper aka Aleister Crowley, to America 50 years ago on Feb 9, 1964. “All you need is Love” Not quite, Saturnian Gnostics change 1 Cor 13:13 “Charity” (KJV) to “Love” in new versions, but the 2 words have little in common. Love comes from IOVE=Jove the name of Jupiter. Jupiter is another name of Zeus.
Feb 9 is World Marriage Day; the Sunday (Dies Solis) before Valentine’s Day, the US Justice (Saturnus is called the “Great Judge”) Dept. will announce federal legalization of Sodomite Marriage. The Saturnian Brotherhood is an outgrowth of Valentinian, Ophite (Snake), Barbelo (Babalon Working in Thelema), Cathar (Lodge of Perfecibillists) Gnosticism and others. “Society of Ormus”, “Hospitallers” (Knights of St John), Templars (Poor Knights of Christ), Jesuits (Society of Jesus), Theraputae, Essenes, Priests of On (Osiris=Heliopolis), Order of Melchisedek “OM” (Mormons) are all part of a very long list of names for the Saturnian Brotherhood. All ultimately derive their source from Chaldean and Sabian (Planetary) Astrology upon which America was founded and the Serpent in Eden. Catharsis means “Discharge of pent up emotion” so get ready folks! 3/18/1314 is the 700th anniversary of the execution of Jacques DeMolay in Paris; Cathar’s predicted “In 700 years the Laurel will grow green again”, just ask Knight of Malta Pat Robertson “700 Club”. The point is Prometheus is breaking free at Sochi during the 11th astrological sign Aquarius, ruled by Saturn.
The Saturnian Brotherhood is more properly a Saturn-Uranus Brotherhood; Uranus personifies “Rebellion”; he is “Father Sky”, the husband of Gaia “Earth Mother”. Saturn goes by the names Ninurta (Sumeria), El (Phoenicia), Chiun (Ammonites), Remphan (Moabites), Stur (Chaldean), Kronos (Greek), Molech (Hebrew), Quezalcoatl (Aztec), Kulkukan (Inca); his symbol is the Hexagon, or more specifically the Earth or Downward pointing Triangle. Uranus is equivalent with the Cretan Zeus, Persian Mithra (Christmas is the birth of Mithra aka Solis Invicti), Sumerian Anu (Tuatha de Danaan means Children of Danu=Anu) and the Persian Ahura Mazda of Zoroastrianism; his symbol of the Upward pointing Triangle. Uranus is the Rain Maker joining Earth and Sky with Saturn, according to the Emerald tablet of Toth (Prometheus is Toth) “As Above, So Below”. The Sapphire Blue color of the sky is thus the supreme color of Freemasonry. Uranus is considered the higher octave of Saturn aka Zeus or Lucifer.
Hillary and Bill Clinton ran Iran-Contra Cocaine from Mena, AK; MENA (Middle East and North Africa) is now an acronym for what is to be a worldwide “Arab Spring”, a Worldwide Islamic Caliphate under Sharia Law; a bit dramatic? Allah is Sin; Sin is Prometheus/Lucifer aka the Serpent, Dragon, Devil and Satan which deceives the whole world (Rev Rev 12:9); Muslim means “One who submits”. Israel’s official military website published a report Feb 9 “Israeli Mossad cooperates closely with Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UAE, Afghanistan and Azerbaijan” The symbol of the Saturnian Brotherhood is the Six Pointed Star of Molech; Israel is no more Jewish than the Ismaili dictatorships of Bahrain and the UAE or the Sunni Caliphate of Saudi Arabia. I strongly urge you not to submit. The place you spend Eternity depends on it!
Hillary Clinton’s protégé Victoria Nuland lied about the al-Qaeda training facility in Benghazi (Cyrenaica was the start of the Synagogue of Libertines aka Synagogue of Satan; notice how Gen David Petraeus (CIA), Hillary, Gen Ham (AFRICOM), Gen Allen (CENTCOM) and Gen Gaouette (Accepted bin Laden’s body aboard the USS Carl Vinson “Fed Ex Package”) were all excused from testifying?), creating the myth the attack was a spontaneous reaction to the Sheldon Adelson/Mitt Romney (Romney laundered Iran-Contra funds through Bain Capital) produced video Innocence of Muslims Blaming Muslims for 9/11 and Benghazi was conveniently fueled when a Chechen Terrorist got a bomb into a cargo jet (not easy) yet was fooled into believing Istanbul was Sochi; a 1.5hr flight versus at 45 minute flight? Sure. Nuland’s husband is Skull & Bones (same Teutonic Order of Saturn) Satanist, CFR, Georgetown Jesuit, PNAC (Project for a New American Century) author (9/11/2001 was the brainchild of the Saturnian Brotherhood using PNAC as the playbook for a New Pearl Harbor; yup also their creation) and Mitt Romney foreign policy adviser Robert Kagan. Kagan is a title for Khazar Princes much like Qutb is to Sufi-Muslim, Dervish Orders; the name of Ibn Sayyid Qutb may ring a bell as he created the name “al-Qaeda” in San Francisco in 1966 “Anno Satanae” or “Year One, Satan”.
The Saturnian Brotherhood was forced underground from 1933-1966 but reformed on Easter Sunday 1966 at the same exact time al-Qaeda took shape and the Church of Satan was formed; pretty coincidental eh? On Easter Sunday 1969, at least 3 groups of Saturnian Brotherhood joined and have grown exponentially ever since; months later 33° Masons in Apollo 11 claimed “The Eagle has landed”; now does the Eagle pecking at Prometheus’ liver make sense and why Prometheus strangles the Eagle when free of his chains? America was fore ordained by Luciferian Freemasons for this role! RA Phoenix giving rise to New Order of the Ages “Novus Ordo Seclorum”, a Secular Order without interference from God.
Victoria Nuland’s husband Robert Kagan wrote the Brookings Inst articles “Which path to Persia?” and “Time to strike Iran”. Wouldn’t it be strange if Angela Merkel was Brotherhood of Saturn initiate Adolf Hitler’s illegitimate daughter and Barbara Bush was Aleister Crowley’s illegitimate daughter, both born of Saturnian Sex Rituals? Truth is stranger than fiction! Bonus question: Who is Curious George”? Ans: George Bush Sr Nikola Tesla used to say “Get that monkey out of my lab” before his lab assistant and Nazi financier Prescott Bush had him murdered.
Rosemary’s Baby was a book and movie about Satan being born during the re-birth of the Saturnian Brotherhood; Prometheus breaking free is Satan’s Jubilee!
The biblical origination of Prometheus is Tubal-cain. Tubal-cain is the instructor of all artificers of Brass and Iron; the Kingdom of Brass rules over the entire earth (Dan 2:39). Rule over the earth is “Dominion”, the 3rd Beast described in Dan 7:6 is the prophesied “Dominion” of Esau in Gen 27:39-41 KJV. Esau (Edomites) hands this “Dominion” over to a 4th Beast with Iron teeth (Dan 7:7), an Alternative Messiah “Antichrist” willing to become Satan’s human vessel on earth. Ever heard of FATCA or GATCA? Foreign or Global Account Tax Compliance Act is an IGA (Inter-government Agreement) between Barack Obama, the IRS, Treasury Dept and Vladimir Putin’s government to share financial data provided on tax returns. Odd? Mol Comfort and Nour M are/were 2 cargo ships operated by the US and Russia to supply arms to al-Qaeda “Rebels”, including ISIS and the Chechen “Rebels” promising attacks on the Sochi Olympics “On the bones of many, many Muslims killed”. Recall the alleged Chechen Bomber at the Boston Marathon? One of many False Flags! Shriners (Noble Arabic Order of the Mystic Shrine) proudly wear the Red Fez; Red for the 50,000 Christians slaughtered at Fez, Morocco, and yes they know it.
Prometheus means “Fore Thinker” or “One who possesses foreknowledge”; God? Not on your eternal life! The “Plan” Masons have for WWIII is to put forces of Political Zionism against Islam in order to present the true doctrine of Lucifer; the presentation and acceptance of a Luciferian Order is called the “Great Work”. Incidentally, the Force of Gravity across the Universe in the form of the “God Particle” does this quite nicely! Too bad it’s a Satanic Lie! Newton was also a Saturnian “Fire and Ice” Initiate and 33° Mason. In accordance with this Luciferian plan, 33° Luciferian Mason, Shriner, Jesuit, Knight of Malta John Kerry (Kohen) removed the UN Agreement #242 from the “Peace Talk” negotiating table on Feb 2 (Imbolg); Arab States must recognize the 1967 borders of Israel, enforced by the US Military. The last Tetrad of 4 Blood Red Moons followed this Israeli provoked War; didn’t hear about that part? The USS Liberty was mercilessly attacked to prevent that. These lands include the Golan Heights, taken from Syria, the West Bank from Jordan and the Sinai and Gaza Strip from Egypt. 11 years to the day before, Space Shuttle Columbia was destroyed using Tesla EM weapons, scattering wreckage across the 33rd Longitude from Phoenix to Atlanta; the occult message? 11 is the number of the Alternative Messiah; 33 (3X11) is the number of Sovereignty; by America’s (Columbia) planned destruction by Fire (Pyre=Pyramidion=Capstone), the world will be Free of God.
Cosmic Fire=Expansion Cosmic Ice=Contraction
Dialectic: Thesis Anti-thesis=Synthesis, is the continual battle of Cosmic Fire and Ice; seen in the Big Bang and Big Crunch/Black Hole Scientific Theories. Saturnians believe the Expanding Universe (It isn’t) gives birth to Galaxies and Galaxies to Suns which then collapse on themselves (Black Hole) to form Planets which eventually collapse into their respective Sun. The concept of the Nazi SS “Knights of the Black Sun” illustrate this Black Sun concept called “Tula” (Thule Society is Saturnian)in Egypt. Relax, it’s Satanic nonsense!
Gog and Magog
Before continuing, study Eze 38:2-6 and Rev 20:8-9. In new bible versions “Rosh” or “Rus” is added between Meshech and Tubal “Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshsech and Tubal, and prophesy against him…” Gog and Magog is the end of Millennium battle. WWIII is the false “Gog and Magog”! Russia is not Rosh; Moscow is not Meshech and the Siberian capital Tobolsk is not Tubal; Russia has nothing to do with this deception.! “And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison. And shall go our to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, God and Magog, to gather them to battle…” Rev 28:8-9
The Masonic password in Esoteric (Red Lodge=Edomite) Freemasonry “Who is Tubal-cain? Ans: Vulcan of the Canaanites”. Tubal-cain is also known as Vulcan, the god who personifies unfaithfulness to his wife; Adultery is grounds for terminating the “Marriage of the Lamb” (Rev 19:7) folks! Do that and Hell is certain. Commandment #1 is “Thou shall have no other gods before me” Ex 20:3 Talmudic Rabbis open Synagogue with the Sign of Shin; the “V” representing the Roman numeral 5 and Hebrew number 6 means “Nail”; Tubal-cain is the instructor of the forge used to produce the Iron Nails used to fasten Jesus Christ to the Tree (Cross). Masons, Jesuits and Talmudic Rabbis are followers of Tubal-cain. They work hand in glove with Ismaili Assassins and Wahhabist Sunnis to help you commit Spiritual Adultery.
Tubal-cain/Vulcan is also the Egyptian “Ptah” and “Hermes Trismegistus” (Thrice Great Hermes); the source of the “Trinity” seen in Osiris (Helios), Isis (Throne) and Horus (High Flying One); Jesus is Father, Son, Holy Ghost and the Word.. In Ireland, Ptah is St Patrick symbolized by the Celtic Cross which when broken at the corners forms the Swastika, the symbol of the Aryan (Noble or Nobility) Race. Tubal-cain is Vulcan, also called Prometheus (Fore Thinker). The Fire Prometheus stole is “Sochi”, the “Flame” in the Olympic Torch which “Illuminates” the Cauldron! For this indiscretion, Prometheus was chained to Eagle Rock in Sochi for eternity where an Eagle/Vulture continually pecks at his liver.
Prometheus the Hollywood Lie
The 2012 movie Prometheus put Erich non Daniken and Zechariah Sitchin’s Satanic analysis of Gen 6 on the silver screen; “Giants” are not “Nephilim”. Prophecy Summit will meet Mar 28-30, just before God’s New Year begins on April Fool’s Day, 2014 in where else but the Mormon/CIA stronghold called “Disney’s Magick Kingdom” (Walt was a Mason) in Orlando! Liars Gary Stearman, LA Marzuili, Doug Hamp, JR Church teach this Alien-Human “Nephilim” garbage in books, radio, TV, books, websites and conferences with titles like “Nephilim Theory”, “Nephilim Stargates”, “Trial of the Nephilim” and my personal favorite “Romancing Nephilim” Folks, these men are Satanic Liars trying to deceive you and me!
“Sons of God” did not have Demon-Human intercourse with “daughters of men”; the human genome has been corrupted from Incest not by Giant, White Hair Aliens. Jesus was not White and His return is not imminent; the revealing of Lucifer is! In the movie, Jesus is an Alien Engineer (Aliens in Prometheus were created by self admitted Satanist HR Giger, an initiate of Aleister Crowley’s Oriental Templar “OTO” Lodge) sent to earth to fix things, until humans murder Him. David (read King David here) is an 8th generation (The New Covenant is the 8th Covenant between God and man) android who learns dozens of ancient languages (read Tower of Babel here), reads dreams, conducts biological experiments on human “Goyim” and admires Sodomite/Pedophile TE Lawrence (British Agent Lawrence of Arabia) while piloting the USS Prometheus with Liz (read Elizabeth, John the Baptist’s mother), a lapsed Roman Catholic. Skip the movie and get right with Jesus folks!
Isis means “Throne”, Isis holds the Torch, the Sun in her Crown, the Ankh (Solar Cross) in her hand and the “Alternative Messiah” on her lap. Isis is the Foundation; the name of “al-Qaeda” (Solid Foundation) in the Levant (al-Sham is the Fertile Crescent aka Eretz Israel), she holds the Torch of Illumination seen in the Roman goddess Columbia; Washington DC is her Sovereign District; note here the 5pt Star Logo used at Sochi is also seen at the Pentagon as well as the layout of Washington DC. Freemasons called the “Columbian Faction” designed it this way, even demonstrating the destruction of the Space Shuttle Columbia using Tesla EM weapons. Folks, America is Columbia; America is named after “Amurru” the Edomite Serpent and Shepherd god; “Amar” the Canaanite god of the west and “Ameru” the Serpent; like the Shuttle bearing its name, America is about to be destroyed by the same technology.
Aryan Shaman of Sochi
Circassians, the natives of Circassia (Sochi and Adler) were/are Aryan Shaman; Aryan means “Noble Caste”; Shaman means “To Know” or “Priest”. Shaman were also called “Witch Doctors”, “Sages”, “Scryers” (John Dee “007” and Mormon Church founder Joseph Smith were Scryers), “Snake Charmers”, “Mediums”, “Augurs” (Saturnians will Inaugurate the Age of Aquarius, perhaps as early as April Fool’s Day 2014), “Fortune Tellers”, “Astrologers”, etc. Shaman functioned as Intermediaries between the gods and men ie Priests. Shaman use “Enthogens” like Amenita Muscaria (Santa’s sack full of Red and White Hallucinogenic Mushrooms) as “Practitioners of Altered States”. They use the idol of a Rooster (Melek-taus in Iran=Aryan) representing Nergal the Pagan god of War from Cuthah (2 Kings 17:30) known to Romans as Mars. Why? Roosters herald the Sunrise. Bruno Mars and the Seahawks may ring a bell, Paul Allen’s Sports/Entertainment Co is “Vulcan LLC”. Whether you realize it or not, we are in a war for out Souls against Shaman Priests standing on the altars of our favorite Church. Shaman were also “Masters of Runes”, the pagan religion of the Picts who settled Scotland and Ireland called Witchcraft. That folks is “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT… (Rev 17:5)
Circassians are Causasians named after the Caucasus Mtns and Circe, the goddess of Witchcraft and Hallucinogens; her magic potions mixed in a Cauldron. Circe cleanses “Sins” and is also is the keeper of the “Golden Fleece”; sounds a bit like Priests forgiving Sins, collecting Tithing as they “Fleece the Sheep” eh? Tithing is only authorized by God to be collected by Legitimate Levite Priests; all other Priests are “Bigots”, the root of “Beggar”. Question: How many Legitimate Levite Priests are in the world today? None. Mt Fisht is the Holy Mountain of the Circassians; named after “Fish” they like Disciples of Jesus Christ are “Fishers of Men” only their Messiah is the Phoenician “Fisher King” (Lucifer/Satan). The Olympic Stadium is “Fisht Stadium”; the theme is the “Rinbow”; the Mascot is a “Ray of Light”; Sochi means “Flame”.. Catching on yet?
Circassians generally adopted the Sunni Islam worship of Allah; and why not? Allah is the Aryan/Akkadian moon god “Sin”. Turkey is largely a Circassian creation; Ottomans, Turkomen and Mamluks; they are comfortable in Christian, Jewish and Islamic circles as it benefits them, and why not, Jesus referred to Pergamon, Turkey as “Satan’s Seat”. The “al-Qaeda” and “ISIS” (Islamic State of the Levant/Babylon) affiliated Chechen Terror group is trained, financed and equipped by Russia and the US ”Imarat Kavkaz” means “Caucasus Emirate” or “Aryan Emirate” if you will; their goal is a worldwide Islamic (One who submits) Caliphate under Sharia (Revealed) Law. Revealed Law? Allah, the Aryan/Akkadian moon god “Sin” revealed Sharia Law which proscribes decapitation for followers of Jesus Christ. The Man of Sin? Lucifer/Satan. Keep is simple folks; there are and only have been 2 choices Jesus Christ or Satan.
Circe is the Keeper of the Winged Ram with Gold Hair in Colchis (Georgia). Golden Fleece refers to Sheep Husbandry; in this case Priests of Baal leading Sheep to Slaughter as “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing”. The Golden Age and Golden Horde are also terms that will become more familiar shortly when the Priest-King “Melchisedek” is revealed.
“OM” (Aum means Serpent) is the “Order of Melchisedek” aka the “I AM” Movement is the “Priesthood of Light” Jesus used the term “I AM HE” saying “Even before Abraham, I AM”; Gnostics believe they too can become as God. As Melchisedek, Jesus authored the Abrahamic Covenant. Jesus said “As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world”; the goal of Gnosticism is to remove Jesus and the Holy Ghost from the world so that Lucifer can be the “Light of the World”.
French Masons designed Olympic Rings and Statue of Liberty carrying her Luciferian Torch. FATCA will be negotiated in Paris in March, as was the “October Surprise” in 1980 between Iran’s Ismaili leadership and George Bush Sr; the Ayathollahs are in fact Grand Orient Lodge (Rising Sun) Freemasons trained in Paris. The Olympic Rings form an Upside-down truncated Pyramid on a White background; the missing Capstone (Pyramidion) is White symbolizing initiates of the “Great White Brotherhood”; the Hidden Hand of the so-called “Illuminati”. Masons completing the Rainbow Arch Degree learn God is really Jah=I AM; Baal=Lord; On=Helios; Oops! 5 Rings represent the 5 Ages of Theosophy in the “Great Year”, symbolized by the Snake eating its own tail “Oroborus”. Aryans are the so-called 5th Root Race; of course the 6th White Ring is invisible but will be soon revealed as the Buddha, which also means “Enlightened or Awakened Priest” and Ismaili “al-Mahdi” meaning “He who rises”. Whether you accept this leader as Jesus Christ will depend on your personal relationship with Him; I suggest establishing that now if you have not already done so.
Prometheus stands on Eagle Rock in Sochi. “Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle…” Oba 4. Obadiah “Servant of JEHOVAH” pronounces 100% certain annihilation of the “House of Esau”; that’s Edom and all his “Confederacy” Oba 7. The full list of Confederates is in Ps 83; again notice JEHOVAH is the most high over all the earth. Prometheus is said to have created Man from Red Clay (Edom=Red); Esau sold his Birthright to inherit God’s Covenant promise for a bowl of Red Beans, henceforth he was called Edom meaning “Red”. How are the Communist Red Star, Red Cross and Red Crescent looking now? Remember Iron Man in his Red Suit? Clever eh? Edomite “Dominion” coming from Sochi? Bet you didn’t see that one coming? I sure didn’t. In Obadiah, Esau is said to “Exhalt himself as the Eagle”; remember Hitler’s “Eagle’s Nest”? Nazis were Aryan Edomites, but remember, the Nazi 3rd Reich never obtained “Dominion”; it was designed to fail!
Phoenicians are the “inhabitants of Tyre” Ps 83 7; the Phoenician “Fisher King” is the “Beast rising from the Sea”. You may recall the 2012 Olympics in London featured a Red Phoenix (Phoenix is derived from Pa=House of Enoch) Rising from Flames (Sochi=Flame). Colchis Gold was actively traded for Phoenician (Tyrian) Purple, the color of Royalty; notice the Chi-Rho (Royal Messiah) symbol on every Catholic Cathedral? Sorry, but that is not Jesus. Why? The stores of Gold worldwide will be handed over to the False Messiah (Dan 11:38). By who? Edom, Moab and Ammon, the latter being “children of Lot” in Ps 83:8.
The Poseidon myth goes like this. Poseidon means “Husband and Lord of Earth”; Poseidon in the form of a Golden Hair Ram turned Theophane (Appearance of God to man; in this case a goddess) into a Ewe in order to procreate among the Sheep; sounds like your Church I’ll bet. Why? Circe is the root of Church! Remember Lord of the Rings? The “One Ring to Rule them all” is Church! Holy means “Separate” not “Congregate”! Your Priest, Rabbi or Imam? “Bigot” means “Sanctimonious religious hypocrite”; folks, Jesus needs no earthly Priests! The Golden Fleece was said to hang in the Oak Grove of Ares (Ram) guarded by a Dragon. At the UN and at the Cathedral of St John the Divine, St George can be seen slaying the Dragon at Summer Solstice. It seems 2014 may turn out to be the year “All Hell breaks loose”.
7 Blood Red Moons (Consecutive Lunar Eclipses on Passover and Tabernacles) and 2 Solar Eclipses (1 Abib and 1 Tishrei) begin on April Fool’s Day 2014; the term ois promoted by Mark Biltz of www.elshaddaiministries.com and Zionist John Haggee “Cornerstone Church”. Shaddai means “Mountain and Destroyer”; sounds like Jesus, the stone cut without hands from the mountain, but it isn’t; it is Lucifer in the guise of “Shiva the Destroyer”. Haggee worships the wrong “Cornerstone” as well. Witnessing the Trinity Atomic detonation 33° Luciferian Mason J Robert Oppenheimer quoted Shiva “I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds” Tesla technology and Fukushima Radiation are bringing that Death.
In Gen 49:10 “Shiloh” means “He whose it is”; remember Esau hands his new found “Dominion” over to an Alternative Messiah (Iron), the 4th Beast. 5 Olympic Rings form 4 “Labrys” aka “Vesica Piscis” or “Golden Mean”; looks like the misnamed Christian Fish Symbol doesn’t it? In Egypt, Nun means Fish; Catholic Nuns ring a bell here? Joshua was the “Son of Nun” who attacked the Amalekites (Ishmaelites and Edomites married into Canaanite bloodlines); they have not forgiven nor forgotten that, but just remember, Jesus and Joshua are not the same! Aryans are called the “Elohim Race”; Mormons (Mormo is King of the Ghouls and God of the Living Dead,) worship Elohim, and no this is not Jesus Christ. Aryans are Akkadians, the original followers of Marduk, the original form of Belu, Bel the “Confounder”, or Baal “Lord”. “They” came from the East to Babylon to build the Tower of Babel. Sochi is the 22nd Winter Olympics; there are 22 chapters in Revelation; I wouldn’t bet against the Sochi Olympics finishing that Tower! Confused? Satan wants it that way!
Howard send this Past week with my nephew on WWE MAIN EVENT.. Wade barrett wrestler broadcast the endgame to US being brought by Chinahttp://wade-barrett.com/2014/02/26/bad-news-and-good-news-for-february-26-2014/
This is old news but wanted to hear a pilots take. Howard I meatiness pilots run in to this kind of stuff all the time. I wonder what is going threw their heads when they see this stuff? Seems like hearing more about blue bionic plague .
Video claiming spraying blood, looks more like reflection off the sun to me. Any comment? http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_gZG6LTgBi8
Absolutely Karl, I regularly see aircraft visually spraying Chemtrails hundreds of miles long without the A/C appearing on Radar of our TCAS equipment.
Barium and Aluminum poison the soil; “Control Food you control people” Henry Kissinger
Obama just met in California with Edomite King Abdullah II of Jordan to discuss a multi-billion arms deal and cut water supplies to CA farmers by at least 60%. Food prices are already reacting to this treason and Derivatives Speculators are raking in the profits.
Here is an article depicting the spraying of Bubonic laced fleas in California last week
One of my theories is that big media entertainment events such as the Olympics and Super Bowl are used to show future events. And from a few weeks ago at the Super Bowl – the drums of ( Bruno ) Mars.Beating the War Drums.
WWIII will falsely fulfill Armageddon which comes from the East: Japan (Rising Sun), Korea (Korah or Core), China (Sina=Sin Hittites), Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Edomite Sheepfold of Jordan to Armageddon.
It also needs to falsely fulfill Gog and Magog falsely identified with Russia and Siberia in Study Bible notes.
The British split India and Pakistan along Hindu-Muslim lines in 1948
Is John Brennan Shaping Pakistan’s New Counterterrorism Program???
Sochi Olympic Mascots: Bear, Rabbit, Leopard. The Rabbit is Anammelech (2 Ki 17:30) representing Easter, Ishtar, Ashtoreth. The Bear is Russia and California experiencing a 500 yr Drought and the Leopard, used in Dan 7:6 to describe the 3rd Beast given “Dominion”.
“Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the Leopard his spots” Jer 13:23 Sounds like Jesus is warning us about Obama to me. Read Jer 14:3 and a severe Drought warning follows this.
this is a great site. I´ve been researching for truth for about 2 1/2 years now. Many knowledgable people, but most drift off into the annanuki or hologram existence etc.
What do you think about JB Campbell of extremism online? I listened to an interview with him by Jeanice Barcelo and read some of his articles last week. I wrote to him as well but he will not admit what he truly believes in so I have given him up as a gnostic.
I find it troublesome that he lauds guns and insists that murder is the only way to save yourself against tyranny.
What do you think?
There is also quite an erudite guy on you tube who goes by the name of “tramplesonsnakes”. He can really put the pieces together. However, he did mention that the “illuminati handsign” that people like Angela Merkel are constantly making has to do with the Annanuki. Very disappointing.
Also, there is a person, who unfortunately goes by the name of Lord Steven Christ who says that the earth is like an egg, a womb, and we live in it. The earth contains the universe and does not spin or rotate – the sun and moon are close, as are the stars, which are very small “twinkle, twinkle” … I think he is right, however he insists we all get into the underground tunnels so that we are not killed by the fire.
I don´t think a tunnel will keep us from being killed by that fire.
Keep up the good work.
Kristine, all I can say about evaluating anyone is verify it in Scripture and not any Bible, but the Authorized Bible falsely called the KJV as it is not a “Version”, nor did James I have anything to do with it’s translation; he merely financed it.
Now for specifics: Anunaki means the same as Tuatha de Danaan “Offspring of Anu”, the Mesopotamian An=Sky god Greeks called Zeus.
“Thou shalt not kill” is the commandment; “He who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword”. This “Sword” is a spiritual weapon called the Word of God. We will be killed Spiritually if we attempt to justify the killing of another person using Scripture.
No Anunaki, no Nephilim, no Rapture, no 7yr Trib and no Idols such as the Cross, Six Poited Star, Menorah etc.
Keep it simple; if it is in the Word, you are in God’s Grace; if it is not, God help you!
Obama Administration Committed to Nuclear Power Generation, Gives $6.5 Billion Loan Guarantee to Vogtle Reactor Construction
It’s all for ” low-carbon energy future”, says Obama’s Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz.
Additional loan guarantee of $1.8 billion is still pending, according to the article below.
Obama was given a blank check last week; he wasted no time doling out $Billions.
No I haven’t heard of the Tokyo Convention; I do know that Shinzo Abe and the ex-mayor of Tokyo are Shinto adherents who worship their ancestors who in this case founded the Aum Shrinkyo Doomsday Cult and another whose name escapes me. The Rape of Nanking was their family’s doing and they are proud to destroy the earth. They are both actively goading China into a war over the Senkaku Is as well. JihPun is Land of the rising Sun after all and we all saw Obama grovel at Shinto Emperor Akihito’s feet just before the MOX Plutonium Fuel was delivered to TEPCO
Howard have you heard about this ??? The International Workshop on Radiation and Thyroid Cancer in Tokyo, February 21-23, 2014
The workshop is ongoing, co-hosted by the Ministry of the Environment, Fukushima Medical University, and the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency.
Thanks for the Big Picture of Biblical Spectrum Howard. Keep Up the Front Running Work
Its Interesting That all the Economic Hitman are now speaking George Soros and zbigniew Brzezinski speaking Now Ukraine’s Would-be Coup As New Example About US Gangsterism
The three great imperatives of geopolitical strategy are to prevent collusion and maintain security dependence among the vassals, to keep tributaries pliant, and to keep the barbarians from coming together.”
Zbigniew Brzezinski, 1997 The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy And Its Geostrategic Imperatives
Right, the Ukraine coup is managed by Victoria Nuland and the State Dept ie John Kerry; they are financing al-Qaeda terrorists there just like they are arming Mexican Drug Cartels and Venezuelan opposition forces.
Soros made the money he uses 2 years ago by running silver from $34 to its atomoc number of $47 before purchasing naked short positions using TARP funds held at the Treasury; this involved cooperation of Obama, Bernanke, Geithner and TARP fund regulators.
They think they can get away with this because God can’t see them; same mis-conception the “Ancients of Israel” had in Eze 8
Now for some nice global warming. Our frost is a a record 8 feet deep and people’s and cities water lines are freezing and bursting. One town s line burst flooding the street! Wow !
A couple weeks ago our Potato warehouse Mysteriously burnt down ! The flames were 100 feet tall ! I believe there were 21 fire stations from surrounding towns their to help contain the fire for almost 12 hrs. They claim they cannot begin to determine e cause of fire as weeks later fire is still smoldering. Humm?
yesterday on Morning Joe NBC they pictured the red and blue elephant with one leg of star down yet the blue and red donkey had two legs of the star down.\
Keep looking what they are sending
has anyone used the sec football mascot names?
1 leg down is GOAT meaning God Of All Things or the mirror image The Ark Of God.
As it was in the days of Noe (Noah) it shall be at the 2nd coming; what they are saying is displayed in the movie Noah due out next month; their Alternative Messiah is about to be revealed.
The Goat is Baph + Metis meaning the Union of Spirit and Wisdom; the end goal of Gnosticism.
Watch the closing Olympic ceremonies; Sochi=Cosmic Fire; Prometheus means “One who has foreknowledge” He breaks free in Sochi which is why George Soros (Grigori=Watcher; Schwartz=Black), Victoria Nuland, John McCain et all are starting a Revolution in Kiev Ukraine, the capitol of the Kievan Rus. Rus does not beling in the description of Gog an Magog in Eze 38:1; Rev 20:7. The Mother Of All Battles is MOAB; their god is Prometheus in the form of MIlcom=Molech and is about to be revealed.
Cargo plane crashes because pilot and co-piglet are tired! I am not buying that , are you Howard?
About as much as I buy Sully Sullenberger getting hit by a flock of Canadian Geese in January with no blood, feathers or A/C damage of any kind. Sure had those water weenies under the wings in a hurry didn’t they?
“….It has been revealed to myself and others that there are presently assassinations of bankers, who are decision makers in these criminal banking cartels. These banksters are the ones who are creators of the false flag events carried out by the alphabet soup agencies and now, disaffected former military and paramilitary forces are sending a clear message that enough is enough…..they are being assassinated by former Seal teams, Army Rangers and disillusioned intelligence service operatives….”
The Iranian Bank Note is really telling; the winged archer on top is the symbol of Assyria and Shem’s 2nd son Asshur who built Nineveh. New Bible versions always accuse Nimrod of building the Tower of Babel and Nineveh, but this is not the case in the KJV.
Soros is using NED (Nat Endowment for Democrazy) and USAID to foment Revolutions right now in Kiev, Ukraine and Venezuela.
Kiev is critical to understand because Kiev is shortened for Kievan Rus and Ukraine means Borderlands of that pagan tribe which held that territory with the Scythians.
Notice in Eze 38 “Rus” is added to Meshech and Tubal in new bible versions to make it appear as though God and Magog is occurring now; IT IS NOT! That war is 1000 years after the 2nd Coming as Rev 20:7 states plainly.
Be careful, the Titanic is going down from
Treason rather quickly now.
Why did George Soros open a new position in Essent Group? is there link to all these Banker death and BITCOINs??
Chevron apologizes for fracking well explosion with coupons for free pizza
–Residents affected by the massive explosion and fire are also eligible for a 2-liter bottle of soda.
18 Feb 2014 If, say, a fracking well explodes in your community, causing a fire that raged for five days and leaving one person presumed dead, you might get a free pizza out of it! The Philadelphia Daily News has confirmed that, following a massive explosion last Tuesday, Chevron’s been making up to the good residents of Bobtown, Pa., by distributing gift certificates for one large pizza and a free 2-liter bottle of soda.
http://www.banknotes.com/ir59.htm Brother Howard Checkout what I found…
A dozen Bankers have committed suicide in 2014; Chicago CEO of American Title Services Richard Tully put 7 nails in his head with a nail gun. About as believable as Vince Foster using 2 different guns to put 2 bullets in his head with no blood spatter right Hillary?
Why a Title Executive? If Americans found out we have no real Title to property (land, financial asset), there would be rioting in the streets. Alodial Title is called Color of Title, it is no more valuable or tangible than Fiat Currency.
Prince Charles did his best to enter into the spirit of things during a ceremony celebrating cultural life in Saudi Arabia last night.Charles of Arabia:
via lamecherry.blogspot.com on creosote
as the utility poles that have been covered in ice are breaking into flames in south falls SD.. just another message that needs decoding and all about the grid that is forth
coming to US.
I wonder if the ice is causing them to conduct high voltage to ground?
There is a really interesting article on
The U.S. Army has built a 300 acre ‘fake city’ complete with a sports stadium, bank, school, and an underground subway in order to train for unspecified future combat scenarios.U.S. Army Builds ‘Fake City’ To Practice A Martial Law Take-over
Mysterious Devil coins found hidden in Scandinavian churches
Last banker to Jump was in HK and he was 33 years old ..
Seems like a lot of Bankers are Dieing. What is the hidden message. (Total world wide currency failure ?)
Bankers are dying because they want to take their ill gotten gains and retire; that is not the way this works and they know they are liabilities to the NWO with such knowledge. Bankers are the Money Changers and unless they Repent soon, they will suffer the having the Tables turned on them as they did 2000 years ago
On Valentine’s Day Obama was given unlimited check writing ability; currency failure is now one check away
Vision of Chariots by Zechariah in Chapter ^6 made me think of those white horse at the SOCHI Olympics.. Interesting Clue to a Memorial sites ????
That was my take on those horses (4 horses of Rev) are the Quadriga of Apollo in Berlin, Germany next to the Throne of Pergamon “Satan’s Seat”; this is why they pulled the Sun behind them.
I Goofed sorry its the 44 book in the bible ! Acts chapter one, where the deciples asked Yahusha (Jesus KJV) if it was at this time he would restore the Kingdom!
http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UL9dFDpMyio this is the link to 44 book ! Last years superbowl had # 44 pass through the birth canal opening and turn backwards and fall into the end zone! 44 birth of the anti-messiahs kingdom? ( Howard thanks for your info on 44
The JK Rowling Bible can be put next to the Queen James Bible.
Both are Satanic Blasphemies
Al-Qaeda inmates freed in Yemen jail attack is this Operation of AL-CIA_DA .. ??? Howard
Yemen is the home of Joktanite Arabs (Mesha to Mt Sephar in the East). It is an Ismaili Dictatorship supported by the US.
Hamid Karzai, another CIA asset in the Opium trade with his brother Walid just released 65 Taliban Freedom Fighters from Kabul.
America trains, equips and finances its own enemies
China and Russia are tasked with removing Assad’s WMD’s. China and Russia have stockpiles of anti-tank and surface to air missiles in Jordan and Turkey now arriving in Syria for the “Rebels” aka al-Qaeda Freedom Fighters.
If this isn’t the biggest clue yet, what is?
Mol Comfort had 5000 tons of weapons John Kerry was in Jeddah Saudi Arabia waiting on when it collapsed. Turkish ship Nour M had 50,000 Kalashnikov rifles headed for Syrian “Rebels” when it was intercepted
Satanists supplying both sides of a biblical War called “Burden of Damascus” Is 17:1.
Hispanic Bush’ Nervous, Dodges Hard Question on Bush Family Nazi Financial ConnectionThttp://21stcenturywire.com/2014/02/15/hispanic-bush-nervous-dodges-hard-question-on-bush-family-nazi-financial-connection/
UK Mail Online is reporting the winter storm and flooding is the worst since 1776; there was no flooding I 1776; that is the year London and Washington linked an occult ritual on July 4, 1776 to give birth to the US; a very rare conjunction of planets planned by Ben Franklin and his Brit counterpart Ebeneezer Sibly called the “Sibly Natal Chart”.
Nemo means “The Man”, this mega storm linked up with the British storm on the Full Moon of Valentine’s Day as it tracks across the Atlantic toward Great Britain.
This is no coincidence
Howard, you mentioned over on your other site, Nothing New, that ” By August 2014, Project 911 on Site 911 will be completed near Jerusalem at the south end of the Valley of Mediggo”.
Do you have any more info on this? Or confirmation on the date (not that I don’t believe you).
The reason I ask is that in Isaiah 28
14Therefore hear the word of the Lord, you scoffers,
who rule this people in Jerusalem!
15Because you have said, “We have made a covenant with death,
and with Sheol we have an agreement,
when the overwhelming whip passes through
it will not come to us,
for we have made lies our refuge,
and in falsehood we have taken shelter”;
It seems to be indicating, spiritually, that “sacrifices” are the lie that people hope to protect themselves from God’s wrath/ the “overwhelming scourge”. Going by Dan 8’s “2300 daily evenings and mornings” (ie 1150 days of sacrificing) puts an Aug 2014 start for sacrificing until the mid-point (10-2-17) of the 7 yr covenant (4-21-14 + 7 yrs = 4-21-21 (middle of the ‘7’ / feast of weeks shabua (in other words Passover started 24.5 days earlier). Tack on another 75 days (1335-1260) to get 7-4-2021, the 245th anniversary of the US (breaking the covenant in the middle of the ‘7’/ 490/2=245. Dan 9 can be read literally for the USA.) When Satan gives the beast authority to rule for 1260 days in Rev 13, it will go from dusk of Inauguration Day, 1-20-17 to dusk July 3, 2020. The 1261st day would be Independence day. One year later would be the aforementioned 245th anniversary.
So all of that is to say, when it says “a lie will be your refuge”, I didn’t expect that to mean a bunker where the sacrifices are performed!
Acts chapter 44 the decouples as the messiah Yahusha will you at this time restore the kingdom? ( does anyone else see the #44 popping up a lot ?)
Sorry for the auto correct (deciples )
Acts doesn’t have chap 44; which verse? Obama means He is with us in Farsi, the language used by Medean ie Zoroastrian Priests; WWIII is virtually assured I believe under this illegitimate President #44.
Chronos=Chronus=Chaos “Order out of Chaos”=Prometheus (Breaking free of his chains in Sochi) “One who has foreknowledge”; according to Phoenician Priests he has 44 assistants. Tribulations occurs 11 times in the Old Testament and what else but 33 in the New Teatament, the age of Jesus and number of Sovereignty.
Vatican City occupies 44 Hectares of Rome; it is destined to be destroyed in Revenge for the breaking of the covenant with the Knights Templars (Bankers) and execution of Jacques deMolay 700 years ago on 3/18/1314
#44 is 4X11 seen in the 4 Labrys (Fish=Phoenician Fisher King) of the Olympic Rings; the White Ring is 6th Hidden Ring soon to be revealed.
& the councils of 13 (grand druids) & 33 (‘grandmasters’) ? they in the ‘golden centurium order’ ?
Correction: Ayad Adhtar another Dervish wrote American Dervish. The point to glorifying Dervish can be seen in the short video My Pet Goiat II; note the Whirling Dervish springs to life from the destruction of America (bin Laden, Twin Towers are all there) as the White, Bearded Jesus in the Solar Barque sails into the Rising Sun. Remember, Ibn Sayyid Qutb, a Dervish philosopher and Stanford U lecturer created the “al-Qaeda” myth in 1966 for which he was executed for treason
“Kite must hit steel; plane must hit” School kids chanting as the planes hit the South Tower. Bush Jr was reading “My Pet Goat” upside down. Awake yet?
Kite means Screech Owl; Kabbalist Rabbis call Lilith the Screech Owl. Bush, a Bohemian Grove Initiate worships a 40ft Screech Owl called Molech.
You may recall Khalid Hosseini wrote Kite Runner and American Dervish; Kite is Screech Owl; Hosseini is a Dervish Sufi Mystic hiding the Afghanistan War behind a seemingly innocent sounding title
This short video tells the Dervish (Sufi) plan to usher in the Solar Christ in the ashes of America. Why bow to the Goat? Dan 7; 8 tells us the Grecian Goat ushers in “Little Horn”
The main aim if the BLACK AWAKENING is to implode Western society by a “Great Strike”; a trigger event when all of the collective forces of the Illuminati and its slumbering army of Sleepers are marshalled into war with humanity, Christ and God. This is the long-planned, massive rebellion, a planned, co-ordinated world-wide wave of death, destruction and chaos. The “Great Strike” is the planned chaos and violence to be unleashed across the nations of the West, but especially in the United States of America. It is designed to destabilise the Western world so that all functioning authority is destroyed and civic society made impossible. And, because it is ultimately a spiritual war, a key objective in this demonic plan of the Illuminati is the elimination of their spiritual enemies: those who recognise them as Soldiers of Satan and oppose them; those who work in the flesh and in the spirit to thwart their ambition. For, gentle reader, the BLACK AWAKENING is not only about the collapse and destruction of Natural Moral Order (the “Old Order”) but also its planned elimination on Earth. It is not just the planned destruction of secular authorities and old orders but the planned elimination of God’s presence and authority on Earth.
Remember this commercial from this years Super Bowl. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmpiwU50f5w
Who Is Behind Latest Iran-Pakistan Border Incident? Who Benefits. also Howard do have any websites to Police Manuals thanks…
Has anyone noticed that the GOP symbol of the elephant is the 3-star up-side-down star that Hillary R Clinton also used on the flag.
Watch for the symbol on MORNING JOE,
NBC..always hollering to get the GOP back in power…….What does GOP stand for?
I know but can you?
Thanks CL I put that on my Sochi article at http://www.Theresnothingnew.org/
The Eagle on the Presidential Seal and Resolute Desk are also out of synch. Rt faces the 13 Olive Branches for Peace and Left faces the 13 Arrows for War. Obama sits behind the Left facing Eagle Bill Clinton did.
GW Bush changed the Elephant (Ganesha in Hindu religion) Logo placing the Stars Upside Down in 2000. On 9/11 he read My Pet Goat Upside Down and then appeared with Education Sec later that day with the US Flag Upside Down.
Russia Says IMF Chief Jailed For Discovering All US Gold Is Gone
A report prepared for Prime Minister Putin by the Federal Security Service (FSB) says that former International Monetary Fund (IMF) Chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn was charged and jailed in the US for sex crimes on May 14th after his discovery that all of the gold held in the United States Bullion Depository located at Fort Knox was ‘missing and/or unaccounted’ for.
Makes perfect sense Travis. In 1971, as the Vitenam War was coming to a close; America paid the bill in Ft Knox Gold. Nixon was forced to unilaterally withdraw from the Bretton-Woods Agreement and Gold doubled in 9 months from $35 to $70 and kept right on climbing until 1980 when it hit $1000. We have no gold and haven’t in quite some time
In 1993 RAmsey Yousef a FBI hack tries to blow up WTC 2 (no way this would have worked); the tunnels were closed to the Foreign Gold Depositories as the movie Die Hard 3 illustrated to a tee. On 9/11 nobody asked for the gold back because there never was any.
Truly evil people setting up Dan 11:38 to give stores of silver, gold and precious stones to the Alternative Messiah
I remember reading a LONG time ago that one of the primary reason for placing the NON-ELECTED Nelson Rockefeller in office as VP was to steal all of the US Gold in Ft. Knox.
In 1974, a New York periodical published an article claiming that the Rockefeller family, through Nelson Rockefeller as VP, manipulated the “sale” of all of the The US gold in Ft. Knox to the Federal Reserve for $42.22/oz. Of course, this is when the market value of that gold was $170/oz. Three days after the publication of that story, its anonymous source, long time personal secretary to Nelson Rockefeller, Louise Auchincloss Boyer, fell to her death from the window of her tenth story apartment in NY. Her sudden death was labeled an “apparent suicide” by police even though friends & family said she was not depressed, and she left no suicide note.
Government officials have NEVER allowed an audit of Ft. Knox since 1953, and on the one occasion that anyone was allowed in to see the actual gold bars, they were only allowed to view “a small fraction of the total bars”, and expressed doubts as to whether the bars they saw were actually REAL. Apparently the bars they were shown were much lighter in weight and varied in color from real gold bars. The speculation was made that the “gold bars” they were shown were counterfeit.
President Obama Has The Power And Opportunity To Implement Postal Banking DEFAULT soon
Yeah have you heard about this Iranian Warships ‘Ordered to Advance’ on U.S. Maritime Borders
Yes I did, and legislation McCain has put in NDAA 2014 gives Netanyahu full authority to commit the US military to war with Iran.. Read Dan 8 until this makes sense why Daniel fainted when Jesus and Gabriel told him about the war between the Goat and Ram. It ain’t going to be pretty.
Pluto is Hades; Ploutos is Wealth, Esau lives by the “Fatness of the Earth” (Gen 27:39-41 KJV) which is Wealth, and more specifically Mineral Wealth from the Earth
Thanks for this Bro Howard Man I gather More Info from You than I ever Have from school.. Do you have a Class ???? Thanks again
from Wonder Wonder episode 107 ______Irish terrorist “The Falcon” steals a formula designed to produce man-made earthquakes in order to level Washington, DC. Wonder Woman and the formula’s inventor must work together to stop him. The Falcon is also carrying the bubonic plague and must be quarantined.
The Pluto File and Plutonium named after Pluto the Roman god of destruction that is sweeping in from Fukushima MOX (Plutonium-Oxide) Fuel? Pretty innovative aren’t they?
US successfully tests B-61 atomic bombThe US has successfully tested an updated version of a B-61 atomic bomb in defiance of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which calls for nuclear disarmament. The National Nuclear Security Administration said in a statement that the test was conducted on Tuesday by the Los Alamos and Sandia national laboratories, National Journal reported.
Rabbi Yehuda Glick head of the Temple Mount Inst said their goal is to declare to the world “God is One…He is Allah, the One and Only…Allah, the Eternal, Absolute” Today, Glick led a group of Israeli military and settlers in an attack on the Al Aqsa Mosque. In my view, this is enormous http://www.joelstrumpet.com/?p=2395
A breakdown on superbowl. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/cfp-radio/2014/02/08/nathan-leal-on-the-hagmann-hagmann-report
Superbowl add for Mazda Ratti had the little girl saying we wait till they sleep. Come out of the dark and Strike ! Sounds a lot like the MTV commercials.. Bruno Mars/War
And little children singing the words to billionare. Every time I close my eyes a new city every night ( Prepare,prepare prepare). Grant people their last dieting wish! Probably visit where Katrina Hit ! And go further than FEMA did ! Circle+crescent moon + giant baby antichrist! 2 rings 2 ball cane /gulf club ..
Bruno in side the letter O
It’s def out in the open now; Grammys had Katy Perry on a Witch’s Broom mixing a Cauldron; 33 couples were married, many of them Gay. Gramma means “Something Written” Quite a legacy eh?
Forgot to mention, the couples were married by Rev Queen Latifah an ordained Interfaith Minister
Its official, Prometheus has officially broken free. The US Justice Dept plans to announce this evening that same-sex unions performed in any state where it is legal, MUST be recognized by any and every state the same-sex couple chooses to reside. This is a very timely announcement seeing as how tomorrow is the 50th anniversary of the “All You Need Is Love” Crowleyites, Beatles historic appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show.
33 degree Ed Sullivan hosted the group; Yellow Submarine is the Sun; Sgt Pepper is Crowley; Love is Gnostic Agape aka a Roman Orgy used in Saturnian Ritual aka “Fire and Ice” Ritual. The Red Olympic Ring failing to materialize from the Snowflake was the first hint Saturn aka Prometheus would break free
Kawasaki makes a motorcycle called the Vulcan…
Snowflake is Ice; Red Circle represents Fire. Fire and Ice is the name of the Teutonic Brotherhood of Saturn. These guys wasted no time putting out their occult messages eh? 12 is the number of completion; 12 years ago the Salt Lake Olympics had the same theme of Fire and Ice.
A Chechen “Terrorist” imanages to get a bomb in the cargo hold (no easy task) and is fooled into believing Kharkiv to Istanbul (720 miles; 1:30 hours) is actually Kharkiv to Sochi (410 milies; 45 minutes)?
That’s as believable as Abdul Mutalllib (Muhammad’s Uncle and originator of Islam is Abdel Mutallib) traveling on a cash paid ticket internationally without a passport and a bomb in his underwear.
Oh, and the Red Olympic Ring denoting Fire failed to materialize out of its Snowflake by accident; Sochi means Flame; Prometheus gave Fire to man; can’t he fix that?
Edom has usurped the role of Israel; they “entered the gates” during his brother Jacob’s calamity against God’s admonition. The land He gave Edom was Sela aka Petra in Nabattaea which is now Jordan run by Edomite (Hshemite) King Abdullah II (Abd=Servant ie Obed) and Ullah=Allah the ancient Moon god of Babylon).
Obadiah means Servant of God, but study bible writers confuse Obadiah with Obed=Servant and give God the “ineffable name” YHVH, the Rabbinical name of the Creator Jah or Yaweh or the Phoenican version El or Elohim (Mormon version).
God has been altered to Obed-Edom in that Esau obtains “Dominion” they are correct in the physical sense, but not in the Spiritual sense which all Christians are called into covenant. Notice in Dan 11:49 Esau, Ammon and Moab (the latter 2 are Lot’s offspring from incest) escape the hand of the coming false Messiah.
I have a Study Bible from 1785 John Brown’s Study Bible and an Oxford New Pilgrim Study Bible from 1900 that use the correct form of Obadiah as servant of JEHOVAH. For a person who has willfully broken ties (via Secret Society or Witchcraft) with God, Obadiah is the most frightening book there is I would think