Abomination in God’s Eyes
False teachers are coming out in droves; Prophecy in the News, Prophecy Summit, Rick Wyles, John Hagee, Mark Biltz, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn etc. Google “4 Blood Moons” and you will see what I mean by this. They all claim the 2nd Coming of Jesus, New Dispensation for Israel ie 7 Yr Trib/Daniel’s 70th Week and Rapture of the Christian Church will occur at the Shemita Sept 13-14, 2015. Rapture is a Jesuit Lie; 2nd Coming? No way, the Great Tribulation hasn’t begun yet. Amos 5:26; 7:2-3; 5-6 AB describe why Jacob can no longer be called Israel and will no more rise. The Six Pointed Star is the reason, because it is the Chaldean STUR or Star of Saturn, Moloch, Chiun, Milcom; an Abomination in God’s eyes.
Sept 13-14, 2015 as the 6th Seal? Read Rev 6:12-17 and compare that to Rev 12 and you will see why the fall feasts Trumpets, Atonement, Tabernacles in 2015 are drawing so much attention. They may very well be the start of Great Tribulation.
Keep these things in mind: Pre-Trib Rapture is a Jesuit inspired Lie having no biblical basis. Dispensationalism and the 7 Yr-Trib are also Jesuit inspired Lies. A new Dispensation for Israel over those 7 years (Daniel’s 70th Week) is a Jesuit inspired Lie. Amos 5:26; 7;2-3;5-6 AB cover the reasons why Israel is an Edomite imposter God will destroy. The Flag of Israel is the Chaldean STUR, Star of Saturn, Molech, Chiun, Milcom, PHoenician/Canaanite Seal of Solomon not the Star of Israel of the Star of David. Daniel’s 70th Week? When God writes one week, or 70 Weeks (Dan 9:24-27) He means 7 Days, and 490 Days. When God writes “Last Trumpet” (1 Thess 4:17; 1 Cor 15:52), He means 7th Trumpet. When God writes “Jacob shall no more rise” Amos 7:2-3;5-6; He means it. God doesn’t stutter, read the Word! Here is why the Solar Eclipse on Feast of Trumpets Sept 13, 2015 may be the beginning of Great Tribulation and why you need to be in personal covenant with the Creator of the Universe JESUS by then.
America: Scapegoat Babylon
Lucifer desires to be like Jesus. Amurru is the Edomite Serpent and Shepherd god; Amar the Canaanite god; Ameru means Serpent. The Serpent is the Dragon, Devil, Lucifer. Jesus is the Scapegoat of Lev 16:8-10; He takes on the Sins of His Congregation. America will be the Scapegoat of the world, destroyed to absolve the Sins (Debt) of the world. $50T in direct liabilities and $1.5 Quadriollion in Derivative Debt is a lot of Sin and the Shemita absolves that. America is destined to become a Wilderness; a falsification of Rev 18 “Babylon is fallen”; the Messiah that follows will be Lucifer inhabiting the Temple (Body) of the Alternative Messiah or Antichrist.
Jade Helm: Master the Human Domain July 15-Sept 15, 2015. At the start of the Great Tribulation (Rev 13) JESUS uses the term “Earth Dwellers” to describe those not in Covenant with Him. Among those who reject God are Ismailis and Edomites. Earth is the Human Domain.
Jade Helm is an exercise involving Green Berets, Navy SEALS, 82nd Airborne, Marine Special Ops, DEA, FBI, JPRA (Civilian Inmate Detention Training), and Militarized Police in western states, conducting night raids in land comprising Aztlan (To Make White) simulating a Russian led invasion from Latin America and Mexico. Voz de Aztlan, MEChA, La Raza Unida teach immigrants So Cal, NV, UT, AZ, W TX, SW CO, NM are their land; arguably correct, Masons were on both sides of the Alamo setting this situation up. Russian troops have been training for this for over 2 years with NORTHCOM traitors under the shadow of Pike’s Peak; Zebulon Pike the explorer or Albert Pike, the man who laid out the Jesuit inspired plans for 3 world wars of Jean Pierre DeSmet? It matters little; 9/11/2001 was planned and executed from the exact same spot by NORAD traitors. Sodomite, Confederate, Luciferian Mason Albert Pike laid out the plan on the Feast Day of Lucifer (Aug 15) in 1871 to reveal the doctrine of Lucifer through spiritual, physical, economic and moral exhaustion.
Jade: Pain in the Side; Wear Out/Tire; Whore. Jade is also the stone of Imperial China . China=Sina=Sinaloa Drug Cartel=Sin; the ancient name of China is Cathay or Sons of Heth=Hittites.
The Covenant God made with Abram changed his name to Abraham; the added “h” means “God is with me”. The Covenant (Agreement) stipulated his sons would not marry Canaanite women. Isaac and Jacob obeyed; Ishmael and Esau did not. The Red Dragon symbolizes Canaanite women married into Ishmaelites (Wild Men)and Edomites (Red) in violation of God’s Covenant with Abraham. The Pain in the Side a reference to the Spear of Destiny used to pierce the side of Jesus at the Crucifixion. Whore refers to people who sold out God and their Oaths of Office for Money; Shabboz Goy leading the human sheep “Goyim” to slaughter if you will. Pretty Jaded isn’t it?
Shemita means “Release”, the 7th year when land is fallowed; 2015 is the 7th Shemita since 1966 “Year One Satan”. The Satanic Jubilee will likely feature a fake Rapture. Jesuits Francisco Ribera and Manual Lacunza invented that lie and spread it using Kansas con man Cyrus Scofield using his “Study Bibles”; pretty tough to tell what God meant by “Last Trumpet” eh?
Rosh Hashanah is the Rabbinical version of Feast of Trumpets; Rabbi Jonathan Kahn “The Harbinger” and dozens of other false pastors claim the Solar Eclipse on Rosh Hashanah Sept 13, 2015 will herald the Rapture of the Christians, 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ and begin a new Dispensation with Israel. BS! Jesus said call no man on earth Rabbi. On Feast of Atonement, Rabbis will write the names of the Saved in their own version of the Lamb’s Book of Life and forgive Sins of the Congregation in advance for the upcoming year; neat trick eh?
Jade “Whore” Helm “Steer a Ship”: Master (Rabbi) the Human (Hu=Druid god) Domain (Earth Dweller) may make more sense now. The date may very well be the harbinger of the Great Tribulation. Jesus will send the “Strong Delusion to believe the lie” at that point; the point where the world is willing to accept an Alternative Messiah.
Jade Helm covers the period when 2700 men will descend on Bohemian Grove to offer sacrifices to Molech in a Sumerian Ritual going back 4000+ years called Begone, Dull Care. At the end is the Grand Climax, aligned with Tisha B’ Av (26 July) commemorating worship of the Golden Calf at Mt Sinai (no not the tourist attraction in Egypt, the real one at Jebel al Laws in Saudi Arabia); 12 Spies report and beginning of 40 years wandering in Arabia; destruction of Solomon’s Temple (Eze 8 describes why God was upset), followed in 666 biblical years by the destruction of the Herod’s Edomite Temple; the Bar Kochba Revolt (declaring yourself God will draw the wrath of God every time) and subsequent ploughing of the Temple site; 1st Crusade (Edomite Bankers posing as Jews instigated this and no, Crusaders were not Christians); explusion of Edomite Bankers (fake Jews) from England in 1290, France in 1306, Spain in 1492 (no Columbus was not an explorer, only a gold thief and mass murderer) Germany entering WWII, and Holocaust deportations. Edomites always celebrate the misfortune of Jews.
Jade Helm is being called “Red Dawn”; not because Russia is Red, but because Esau rejected God and was renamed Edom “Red”. In Gen 27:40 AB we see Esau obtaining “Dominion” not Jacob. Dawn is Lucifer aka Devil, Dragon, Serpent, Satan (Ref Rev 12:9). Rev 12:1 Woman clothed with the Sun? How about the Sun in Virgo; with a Lunar Eclipse? How about the “Moon under her feet”? All this as the astrological sign of Virgo begins during the Shemitah? In Rev 12:6 the woman flees into the wilderness 1260 days; the exact number of days of the Great Tribulation. Paying attention yet?
Hopi “Great Purification” Prophecy States the 5th age will begin with the arrival of Blue Star; Disease, Great Dying, Earthquakes and the World rocking to and fro. Sochi is the ancestral home of Circassians (goddess Circe=Circle) the “White People”. Good thing Ukraine and Crimea are not in the news eh? Prophecy Rock in AZ puts this plan in stone. “When Blue Star comes Red Kachina will remove his mask in the plaza before the Unitiated” and White Brother “Pahana” will be revealed. Red Kachina are Edomites inside the gates pretending to be Jews, Catholics, Protestants, Muslims. White Brother is Lucifer; the White bearded Jesus is a Gnostic creation. You will want to be “Uninitiated”!
“al-Mahdi” arrives after the great war in the 40th generation; the 40th Sayyid of Muhammad”
Sheikh Nazim adul al-Haqqani, the 40th in the “Golden Chain” of Sayyids died May 7, 2014 al-Khidr is “Green Man” aka Bacchus/Dionysys/Hermes/St George. War seems inevitable in 2015.
11Q13 Prince Melchisedek Scroll After 10 Jubilees, the Trumpet blast will herald the coming Melchisedek. Folks, Jesus is Melchisedek! This will be an Alternative Messiah. 10 Jubilees=500 years from what? Black Cloistered Rosicrucian Monk nailed 95 Thesis against the Catholic Church to the Church of Wittenburg on Halloween 1517. Black Pope Leo X in 1513 bankrupted the Vatican Bank and signed the Ecumenical Council of the Lateran in 1517 (The first recognized by the Catholic Church and last before the Reformation). Hatshepsut, the Cross Dressing Female Pharaoh of the Exodus built the 2 largest Obelisks in the world, one broke in pieces, the other stands in front of the Archbasilica of the “Christ”, a combination of John the Baptist and John the Evangelist called St John Lateran or St John the Divine (NYC Cathedral of St John the Divine echoes the UN Bldg theme). Black Nobility (Khazar/Sarmation/Sepharvite) Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel with a crack separating Man from God for a reason. This crack represents initiation by the Mark of the Beast and God sending the “Strong Delusion” at the start of the Great Tribulation (Rev 13). Guess who claims to fill the Melchisedek Priesthood today? Mormons. Mormo means “God of the living dead”; claiming God’s title makes one the “Living Dead”.
Mormon White Horse aka Blood in the Streets Prophecy states “Elders of the church will step up to save the Constitution as daughter rises against mother, son against father, neighbor against neighbor and blood runs down the street from Ogden to Salt Lake as water down a storm drain” . Which “Elders”? My guess is Iran-Contra drug money launderer Mitt Romney whose Revenge goes back to the murder of his 4th generation ancestor Parley Pratt, and ex-Chinese (Hittite) ambassador, and lead off batter of the Arab Spring Revolutions from Tiananmen Square Jon Hunstman.
There will be no invasion, because traitors are already inside the gates as they always have been. Ismailis even have direct flights from Abu Dhabi (world’s largest arms bazaar) to Dallas, Los Angeles, NYC and Washington DC free of pesky US Customs inspections; no higher treason than that eh? Initiated Jesuits occupy positions of VP, Speaker of the House, Chairman of Joint Chiefs, CIA, Sec of State and Defense for a reason. Jesus said “A man’s foes shall be they of his own household”. Isis “Black Virgin” is not our enemy; they are born and raised in our own house.
Charity is the Love, Value and Esteem of God.
If you don’t have Charity, you don’t have anything.
Randy, I’m not striving with you, I just don’t agree with you. Charity and Love are 2 separate issues clearly stated in the 2 parts of the Great Commandment to Love God first and Love our Neighbor second. Mat 22:37 is precisely mirrored in Deut 6:5 because Jesus wrote Deut 6:5 as the LORD. This is proven in Jn 1:1; 14 and 1 Jn 5:7 which explain Jesus is the Father, Son, Holy Ghost and Word made Flesh. In Rev 22:13 He explains He is Alpha and Omega. This is why the Pharisees Crucified Him. Jesus was explaining to them there is nothing else but to place Jesus in the highest place of esteem, reverence and value. All else is secondary.
As for the Love Feast and Agape. Agape is Love in Greek; it also translates to Eros which the Gnostics exploited immensely in their “Love Feasts”.
In fact, initiations into Secret Societies at the higher levels involves this form of Agape; the exact sort of thing Jesus explains as an Abomination in Rom 1:27, Lev 13:20; Lev 18:22; 1 Cor 6:9; 1 Ti 1:8; Jude 7.
Christians following JESUS as the sole Messiah are fighting a SPIRITUAL war against not Flesh and Blood but Gnosticism; the twisting ot Truth that began with Simon Magus in Samaria.
The Love of our Neighbor generally doesn’t take on the Gnostic level of depraivty seen in the Johnitters, Yezidis, Paulicians, Bogomils, Albigens and Cathars; it starts with Comraderie seen in the Military. If they Loved God (Jesus) they would know they must be killed with the Sword they wield, yet they transfer this to Comraderie and receive the backing from their Chaplains on both sides of the battlefield whether Catholic V Protestant; Christian V Islam etc.
The high esteem, reverence, valuation of God/GOD (Jesus/JESUS aka JAH or JEHOVAH) is and always has been #1 seen in the 1st Commandment “Thou shalt have no other gods before me” JEHOVAH is the Covenant; there is no other and never will be.
Finally as to Prophesy. Randy, 1 Cor 13-14 lead from Charity directly to Prophesy. One will never have the ability of Prophesy without Charity “Love of God” (Jesus).
“Control oil you control nations. Control food you control people” Satanist Henry Kissinger.
On the Ides of March 2015, NASA warned California has 1 year water supply left; a Geo-engineered (RRR “Rediculously Resilient Ridge created by HAARP and NexRad Doppler Radars), pre-planned control of the food supply.
On April Fool’s Day Gov Jerry Brown (CA Water Project started by Gov Pat Brown was a “monument to himself”; Jerry intends to divert more water underground to Palm Desert in lieu of agriculture) announced mandatory Water rationing. Summer 2015 may very well see inundation of the Sacramento Delta with salt water. Hammibal and Hamilocar Barca did this to Libya 2200 years ago, scorching, salting and pissing the ashes.
Why now? The 7th Shemita (Ref Gen 41; Land goes fallow) ends on Rosh Hashanah with a Solar Eclipse, commensurate with exercise Jade Helm (July 15-Sept 15, 2015); the 50th Jubilee Year from the founding of the Church of Satan in San Francisco 1966 during the 7th Tetrad of Lunar Eclipses on Passover/Tabernacles. The 6-Day War taking control of the Temple Mount and Mt Hermon (Gen 6 Mt of the Chief aka Sion as in Prieure of Sion) and USS Liberty murder by Israel occurred during this 7th Tetrad. Warned? http://propheciesoftheendtimes.com/?p=54116
The US Government, Nat Guard and Military used on US soil against US citizens in the land called Aztlan (To Make White). La Raza Unida, Voz de Aztlan, MEChA are all prepared for the Revolution.
America was foiunded on Rosicrucian ideals by Comte de St Germain, this is why Rosicrucian HQ in the US is in San Jose and San Diego at Mt Ekklessia. CA up to San Francisco will be returned to Mexico along with the rest of the Sates in Jade Helm.
The addition of Alabama and Kansas to Jade Helm may very well see an inundation due to collapse of the Salt Dome under the New Madrid Fault as planned by NOAA and FEMA. Kansas is the end of the Yellow Brick Road; Dorothy means “Door”; the eastern border is the Mormon “Zion” where elders will return at the so-called “End Times” to sit in Judgment as a Tribe of Israel per Gen 49:10 when Shiloh comes. This is why they claim to be Dannites “Judge”. They own 1.5M acres of farm/ranch land here for this reason.
Cow with 7th on it Forehead interesting
Did God reveal to America the 7th sign of the Shemitah?
Wasn’t this dream Pharaoh had interpreted by Joseph as the portend of Famine? Seems like a sign we should pay attention to
The cow was born on Feast of Trumpets, the 7th of God’s Feasts. Vale Wood Farms Pittsburgh? Vale is the separation between the Holy of Holies Jesus tore at the Crucifixion as He was hung on the Wood. This year the last Solar Eclipse and Lunar Eclipse on Tabernacles finish off the 8th Tetrad.
Seems to me God blew the Shofar at America.
Oops, Trumpets is the 1st day of the 7th month, not the 7th Feast which is Tabernacles.
I saw where Saudi Arabia is about to invade Yemen; the US is bombing Shias in Yemen yet arming them in Iraq; here is why
The secret name of the Khazarian Mafia is “Gog and Magog”. These are the original HOrite Priest-Kings who brought worship of Horus (Osiris, Isis, Horus) into Egypt and thence around the world as Saturnalia (Six Pointed Star of Saturn), Hanukkah (8 and 9 Branch Menorah) and Christmas (birth of Horus). In the Ukraine, they came to be called Sarmations; Sar means Prince, the first King of the World was Sargon the Great. They are also called Kievan Rus; new bible versions add Rus or Rosh to Eze 38 Meshech and Tubal to falsify “Gog and Magog”; the real battle of Gog and Magog is after the Millennium just over 1000 years from now.
MAFIA is actually a Latin acronym “Mazzini Authorizes Theft, Fire, Poison” seen in Aleister Crowley’s Church of Thelema motto “Do what thou wilt shall be the sum of the law” or the motto used by Revolutionaries the world over “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”. These then are Gnostic mottos adhered to by Cain, Ham, Joktan, Ishmael, Esau etc.
Sheba and Dedan (Saudi Arabia and Yemen) are sons of Joktan, in whose life the world was divided by waters rising after the Flood. In Eze 38 Sheba and Dedan join forces of “Gog”; Russia? No, this is the falsification of Gog and Magog coming up; the real Gog and Magog occur at the end of the Millennium, but Arabs reject everything to do with God, the Flood and Jesus Christ including His reign during the Millennium. Saudi Arabian military brass are trained in Moscow. Russia supplies weapons and training to ISIS as does the US; proven when 50,000 tons of weapons aboard the Russian cargo ship Mol Comfort broke in half off the Yemen coast June 17, 2014 with John Kerry awaiting arrival in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The same thing happened to the Turkish ship Nour M, intercepted with 50,000 Kalashnikov rifles headed for Syrian Rebels aka ISIS.
The US arms Shias in Iraq and with Saudi military forces bombs Shias in Yemen; Hypocrites aren’t we? In March 2015 Saudi Arabia began shelling Sanaa, destroying Yemen’s airport and sending in 5000 Takfiri mercenaries. Why? Sheba and Dedan are Gog setting up the fake battle of “Gog and Magog” centered on Jerusalem. The revealing of the Alternative Messiah cannot be far behind.
Khazars aka Crimean or Kievan Rus are false converts to Judaism, Christianity, Islam; their start began with Simon Magus, a man from Samaria claiming to be God.
Hi Howard,
I see Gematria a little different than you do. I’ve calculated just like this website:
Take care
How about the definition of Charity being “Love God”? So what exactly is a “Love Feast” Randy? Anything to do with the Cathars being the Church of Amor?
I’m not quite sure what your referring to Howard? When did I say anything about a ‘Love Feast’?
Okay, I understand now. Your talking about the Greek translation of the word Charity. God ask the Greeks, I just showed you the translation.
G26 (Mickelson’s Enhanced Strong’s Greek and Hebrew Dictionaries)
G26 ἀγάπη agape (ag-ah’-pay) n.
1. love, i.e. affection or benevolence
2. (specially, plural) a love-feast
[from G25]
KJV: (feast of) charity(-ably), dear, love
I’m not a linguist but I can look up definitions of words in other languages. I prefer to select the # 1 answer for the translation but if you want to go with the 2nd definition then that’s your call!
Correction: Go ask the Greeks, not God ask the Greeks. Sorry.
Let’s evaluate the follow verse:
(1Cor 13:3 [KJV])
And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.
If he bestows all his goods to feed the poor and have not charity? That makes no since but if it means love then it makes perfect since! Get it now Howard?
And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity [Meaning = LOVE}, it profiteth me nothing.
No Randy I don’t get it. You and I are on different pages here. The great commandment “Love God” and “Love our Neighbor” means Charity and Love. All the benevolence in the world will never make up for a lack of love for God. Mother Theresa comes to mind.
Faith in God and His Word. Hope in His return and Charity, the Love of God.
After Charity comes Prophesy, not being a Prophet because the Law and Prophets were until John; Joseph Smith comes to mind but the ability to understand God’s Word written before the foundation of the World, eternal and not subject to interpretation of change. The entire Bible is Prophecy ie Pre-written history, not a human being’s recollection of the past.
No amount of Works will ever be enough to build a Jacob’s Ladder or Tower of Babel. What separates all the great men/women of the bible from others is their Love of God. All falling short, but I find Daniel hard to find fault with, but all having unwavering faith in God.
The change from Charity to Love on new bible versions has taken the Love of God and turned it into all sorts of evil like Orgies, Vampirism and Cannibalism which in mimic the Last Supper in a very sick way.
God is the Word, the Word made Flesh, the Holy Ghost and the Father. Love these first and all else will fall into place.
Believe it or not the New Testament was written in Greek and not English. In Matt 22:36-40 where you quoted love of the great commandment, the greek work for love in those verses is ἀγαπάω agapao (ag-ap-ah’-o) v. And it a verb or action word meaning 1. to love (in a social or moral sense) {chiefly of the heart (wholehearted, unconditional, devoted)
Matthew 22:36-40 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law? 37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
Charity in 1 Corinthians 13:3-4 is the Greek word ἀγάπη agape (ag-ah’-pay) n. which is a noun and it means 1. love, i.e. affection or benevolence and 2. (specially, plural) a love-feast. Note: love-feast here does not mean Orgies, Vampirism and cannibalism like you mentioned in your response to me. Where is your mind at anyway? That’s pretty sick if you ask me!
I certainly don’t know what heathens like Mother Theresa and Joseph Smith has to do with this discussion about charity changing to love the new editions of the Bible. Furthermore, why did you introduce prophecy into this conversation as well? Old Testament prophets have nothing to do with the change in the translation of charity to love in the new editions of the Bible either!
I don’t read the New editions of the Holy Bible, I only read and study the Authorized King James Version/ Pure Cambridge Edition so tell where in those new translations are they changing ‘charity’ into meaning love as in ‘Orgies, Vampirism and cannibalism’ like you mentioned in your response to me? I would like to check that out for myself and see if you are correct about this issue and if you are then it will give me more proof why people need to stay away from those translations.
You’ve turned this whole conversation into envying and strife which the word of God warns against in several places! STOP trying to stress me out and act like a Christian brother!
James 3:14 Authorized (King James) Version But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth.
Philippians 1:15 Authorized (King James) Version Some indeed preach Christ even of envy and strife; and some also of good will:
You can’t participate in Charity without having brotherly love anyway!
Interesting events occurring with Wrestlemania in Santa anagram for (S#t#n) Clara Tonight. IN A STADIUM CALLED Levi stadium ironically. TRIPLE H(888) VS Sting. Return of Groups from 90″S GENERATION X AND NWO from Ted Turner from Wcw days. Maybe its hidden occult communication going on. Ephesians’ 6 we do not wrestle against
Hmmm Interesting trails of spiritual communication here.Wow Thanks you have taught me something new to use. Why now?? So much for Scoffers huh ahaha
Off the top I remember Santa Clara is Sanctus Clarus or “Holy Light”; are they wrestling on Easter? Yesterday was Palm Sunday which this year is the correct day in relation to Passover, Unleavened Bread and First Fruits.
Maundy Thursday and Good Friday however are always a mess as they pertains to nothing biblical.
Sting refers to Bee “Sting” a Chaldean “Rigged Game” where Bee is Dabar meaning Word. WASP another example of the False Word promoted by Luther, Calvin and Knox infecting Protestant Churches or Hornet named after the Horite Priest-Kings.
H is 8th Letter and first element Hydrogen, when combined in Nuclear Fusion produces He; JESUS=888 and said He is “I Am He” meaning God in Flesh which is the basis the Parisees used to Crucify Him according to Deut 21:23. Occultists see He produced by H in the Sun as the Giver of Life; Easter is the Day the Holy Light enters the Womb of Easter/Ishtar, and conveivbes the Sun god “Sol”, born 9 months later as Solic Invictus “Unconquered Sun” during Saturnalia.
Germanwings 9525 has some interestiung Gematria
The 24th is 8+8+8.
24+3+2+1+5 = 35 and 3+5 = 8
2+4+3+2+1+5 = 17 and 1+7 = 8.
2x4x3x2x1x5 = 80+80+80.
Hwy 80 is the Hwy of Death between Kuwait and Basra where JESUS gave Daniel the prophecy in Dan 8.
The plane first flew on 29/11/1990 with Serial Number 147. 147 + mirror 741 = 888. 1+4+7+7+4+1 = 8+8+8.
Between the dates of 29/11/1990 to 24/3/2015 is 8880 days.
The previous A320 to crash was AirAsia Flight QZ8501 on 28/12/2014.
9525 – 8501 = (8+8+8+8) x (8+8+8+8)
The previous 3 flights that either went missing or crashed, 370, 17, 8501, all added to 8888.
Total deaths –
MH370 239 8/3/2014
MH17 298 17/7/2014
QZ8501 162 28/12/2014
4U9525 150 24/3/2015
Total = 849 = 8x4x9 = (8+8) x (8+8) + (8+8)+(8+8) or 288.
The initials of the two pilot’s names spell out ALPS which is exactly where the plane crashed.
ALPS in Simple Gematria Equals: 48 = 8+8+8+8+8+8.
Can all this be coincidence?
The number 8 signifies Eternity and New Beginning. 8 saved in the Ark; JESUS is 888 and the 8th Covenant between God and Man.
From the video and article on this disaster:
Airbus 320 (3+2 = 5)
“Three Americans were among the 150 people killed” (3+1+5 = 9)
27 year old co-pilot Andreas Lubitz (2+7 = 9)
“….directly after training, and had flown 630 hours” (6+3= 9)
“His captain was an “experienced” pilot, with more than 10 years’ experience with the organization and more than 6,000 flight hours on the Airbus model. (1+6 =7)
“….a practice implemented industry-wide after the 9/11 attacks.
Reached it’s cruising altitude at 38,000 feet (3+8 = 11)
“He set the planes altitude to 100 feet and for the next 8 minutes went quiet (1 + 8 = 9)
“the 3rd American victim was named that day… still looking for the 2nd cockpit recorder (3+2 = 5)
These are the only numbers quoted in the article and video but yet are the 3, 5 , 7 ,9 & 11 (as with most of these stories) – This is the Beast speaking (aka…occult communication)
Howard , also need to Added Florida and Mississippi to Jade helm exercise as well
Good point Travis. Fla and Al are the areas affected by Deep Water Horizon. Plugging the well only diverted the release of Methane underground where the massive Salt Domes and porous Limestone in Fla are getting more and more saturated. FEMA and NOAA have planning maps showing the New Madrid Fault underwater north to Memphis. Sink holes and Methane release continue to develop. One of the freakiest scenes is in SMOM Nic Cage’s movie “Knowing” where Deep Water Horizon is on fire in the Gulf of Mexico on CNN (hard to believe with the honesty of CIA hack Anderson Cooper and Wolf Blitzer); the movie was released exactly 1 yr before the incident. 1 Trillion Bbls of pressurized oil and unlimited Methane with a pipelin system in place and the US will not use any of it except to destroy itself.
Fort Lauderdale just had there ML drills couples days still haven’t made the significant yet
Staged. Luther blamed the Catholic Church for being the Whore of Babylon and the Pope the Antichrist. He began the Lies used by John Calvin (Cohen) that became TULIP, especially the Fixed Pre-destination eg “Sin and sin boldly for nothing can separate you from the grace of God” is one of his quotes. 30 years of war between Catholics and Protestants resulted from Luther steering the work done by Tyndale and Coverdale. Ps 12:6 promises the word would be refined as silver 7 times in the furnace and Satan more than anyone knows this which is why the Authorized Bible is attacked so much. It is not the “Version” King James and the Masons wrote; it is the accurate Word of God brought into English without copyright and translated from there into every other language. Every other version is copyrighted.
Remember, like the Jesuits infect the Catholic Church from within the Vatican walls, Protestants are infected by their founders, Henry VIII, Luther, Calvin, Knox and on to Joseph Smith, Charles Taze Russell etc. If we don’t have God’s true Word, we have nothing. If we place the Love of God (Charity) behind anything else, we have nothing.
The Solar Saros 125 Eclipses with the next one arriving September 13, 2015 have in the past been marked by panics in the stock market. It is important to note that there are about 40 active Saros cycles at any moment, and only a few of them have coincided with market crises on a somewhat regular basis so it is something to be aware of that could trigger a potential panic in the stock market this does not mean doom and gloom but a potential opportunity to take a position oneself in the financial markets lots of money can be made in all markets as long as your on the right side of the trend. I also notice that the next eclipse in this Slar Soros series will come in July 2, 2019, I found this date interesting as it is a year that is not included in the processional equinox graph I have been studying by Nick Forenza at Lunar Cycles that I have been speaking about in my posts so I do have my eye on that date just for future reference. You can read up about the Solar Soros cycles here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saros_%28astronomy%29
Another ANP reader also uncovered a HUGE number of Federal Business Opportunities that appear to be tied to both Jade Helm 15, ‘Mastering the Human Domain’ as well as a new slew of ‘crisis actor’ opportunities for upcoming mass casualty drills in Ohio for the month of June. Need a p/t job; you can check out the role player opportunities here. Why are they so busy preparing for disasters and mass casualties in America or is this just preparation for the next huge false flag event? Do they know something that we don’t know? Interestingly enough, the opportunity begins days after Jade Helm 15 starts on May 15th, and runs for UP TO 5 YEARS!
JADE (Joint Audio Decoder Encoder) Siemens trademark for their device that implements voice compression algorithms.
The link you gave http://www.al.kidr.org is no good. Did you mean khidr.org?
Can you elaborate a little more on black cloistered monk Luther what was his role. Did he turn on catholic or was it staged ?