ISIS is not Muslim; ISIS is a Chaldean-Saturnian Death Cult
“Saturn will rule during Aquarius” Theosophist-Lucifer Publishing (UN Lucis Trust) Alice Bailey. The Sulpice Society in Paris claims the Age of Aquarius is beginning now; the Aquarius symbol and 76 (the Aquarius symbol was under the number 76, but the 76 appears to have been removed recently) are displayed on the Obelisk and Brass Line aka “Rose Line”. 76 represents Perfected (7) Man (6) aka “Rebels” (6+7=13 the number of Rebellion to God) ruling during the 42 (7X6) month “Great Tribulation”.The Brass Line marks off the Sun’s path from Summer Solstice (Cancer) in the Square to the Altar on the Equinoxes and up the Obelisk (Baal’s Shaft) at Winter Solstice (Capricorn). By typing Noah into Wingdings II one can see the path: Skull & Bones-Square-Cancer-Aquarius. The Capricorn (Goat=Pan) Solstice is Dies Natalis Solis Invicti (Nativity of the Sun); Capricorn is ruled by Saturn; a return to the Antediluvian Age when Nephilim (1/2 Human 1/2 Alien/Demon) reigned over Atlantis; guess where Satanists claim Nephilim came from? Capricorn; Baphomet/Goat of Mendes ringing a Baal? 76 appears to be timed with the Solstice and the Aquarius symbol with Jan 20th, annual beginning of Aquarius. The Brass Line was the French “Zero Meridian” and projects a line south to the Cathar (Perfecti) Church of Rennes le Chateau and Montsegur, their 1244 AD execution site. “In 700 years the Laurel (Crown of Bacchus) will grow green again” was their prophecy which came true on D-Day in Normandy. The execution of the last Cathar Military-Banker Jacques de Molay in Paris was 3/18/1314, 700 years later the start of the 7th Shemitah “7 Blood Moons” occurred; coincidence? No way. Question: Is the 2016 “Jubilee Year” of any special significance? The answer is a resounding Yes. In 1966 the Church of Satan was formed, and the Golan Heights and Temple Mount were occupied by Chaldeans.
Chaldeans in Persia were called Medes; their religion is Zoroastrianism (Zoro=Zero=Seed; Ashta=Star) which predicts and plans a final battle of “Good versus Evil”; both sides are Evil folks! The Theosophical Society claims WWIII is planned for 13 Weeks/91 Days; Dec 21 “Dies Natalis Solis Invictus” +91 Days=Vernal Equinox, the Iranian New Year called Nowruz “New Light”. Nowruz is a Holy Day for Sufis (Esoteric Islam), Ismailis (Nizari Assassins, Twelvers, Shias), Alawites (Monopysite Syrians; followers of Ali; Jafaris), Bahai (Bab and Baha’ullah=Antichrist and False Prophet), Babis (Gate of the Sun; same as Bahai) and Alevites (Spiritual Shia, followers of Ali, Hagarenes or Twelvers). What all have in common is the Gate (Bab) of al-Mahdi (He who rises). Islam has nothing to do with Nowruz.
Nowruz celebrates the Sun moving out of Pisces and into Aries, the constellation appearing just after the Flood at Vernal Equinox and birth of Sargon the Great. WWIII is the Mede-Persian Ram versus Grecian Goat (Capricornus) out of this war a King of Dark Sentences causing Craft to prosper (Dan 8:20-23). Babylonian Priests of Osiris wore Leopard skins because Dan 7:6 describes a 3rd Beast who obtains “Dominion” as a Leopard with 4 Wings followed by the 4th Beast with Iron Teeth. In Dan 2:39 the 3rd Kingdom of Brass is followed by a 4th Kingdom of Iron. Forget your Study Bible notes for a moment and you will see all these speak of the same thing.
Zoroastrians predict a final battle of “Good versus Evil” between Ahura Mazda (sons of Light/Lucifer) versus Ahriman (Darkness). Recall Iranian President stated 3 times at the UN “America is Ahriman”. Sanjak Idols are Roosters made of Brass heralding the Dawn (Dawn=Eosphourus=Lucifer). Recall Peter betrayed Jesus 3 times at the crowing of the Rooster. Mars, the Roman god of war is the “UNKNOWN GOD” of the Areopagus or Mars’ Hill Ref (Acts 17:22-23) is represented by the Rooster. Chaldeans call Mars “Nergal” (Ref 2 Ki 17:30). The 3rd Kingdom is Brass; pretty Brazen eh?
You may recall Obama’s “Yes We Can” speech given twice at the Brandenburg Gate under the Quadriga of Apollo next to the Pergamon Museum where the Throne of Zeus aka “Satan’s Seat” resides. Saturn is Satan; Saturnalia begins Dec 17. Yes We Can in “Reverse Speech” is “Thank You Satan”. Inaugurate is derived from Augury, Chaldean Priest “Augurs” foretold the future; is it any wonder US Inauguration Day was made to coincide with Aquarius?
The Brass Kingdom is the 3rd Kingdom given Dominion (Dan 7:6), Esau’s Dominion (Gen 27:40KJV). Saturn, the 6th planet is the Chaldean STUR; Gematria=666. The Babylonian-Assyrian Beast is Rising with the Six Pointed Star of Saturn on Muslim Mosques, Hindu Shrines, Mormon Temples, Synagogues of Satan, false Christian Churches and the Flag of Israel.
ISIS or DAESH is a homegrown mix of Chaldean, Assyrian, Arab Gnosticism and Scientology coming soon to your neighborhood. Time to decide how you will react. It may help to recall how Jesus told His followers to react in the Garden of Gethsemane; Kill with the sword and we die by the sword.
ISIS “Islamic State of al Sham”. Sham is the Levant thus ISIL means “Islamic State in the Levant”. DAESH means “Nation of Islam in the Levant”. Nation of Islam has nothing to do with Islam; Nation of Islam is a Chaldean Cult based on Shabazz. Shah=Persian King + Azz “God”. Nation of Islam has nothing to do with being Muslim and Scientology has nothing to do with Science; words that hide their true meaning; in scripture Science is mentioned twice as the “Tongue of the Chaldeans” (Dan 1:4) and “Vain and profane babblings” (1 Ti 6:20KJV). Can you Dis-CERN the times we are in?
Sharia and Noahide Laws replace the New Covenant. Sharia (Revealed Law) and Noahide Laws are virtually the same representing both sides of the Islam and Zionist “Dialectic”. Both require the rejection of Jesus as God and the Word made Flesh. The New Covenant is a legal contract (covenant) between God and Man via the Holy Ghost. ISIS/ISIL/DAESH was created to dissolve that contract giving man “Freedom”.
ISIS/DAESH is the result of the Nestorian Heresy; Nestorius (b 386 AD) originated the Church of the East ie Rising Sun holding that Jesus had 2 distinct natures not truly Divine nor truly Human. In 1445 the Nestorian Church and Catholic Church joined in Communion. Settle this matter in your minds right now; Jesus is Alpha and Omega, I AM, Melchisedek (King of Jerusalem; Priest of the Most High), Shiloh (He whose it is), the Word (Authorized Bible aka KJV) made Flesh and the Holy Ghost or He isn’t. Eternity hangs in the Balance. Whether Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu or Atheist, we are all being deceived by Satan and his Chaldean Priests.
DAESH released a video “Meeting at Dabiq” depicting the final battle of Islam against the Crusaders at Dabiq, Syria will culminate at the Vatican with the return of Jesus. Bull Shit! Nothing new, this plan was written by St Malachy (Molech) describing the Last Pope #266, Peter the Roman leading the flock into Tribulation as Rome burns; Rome was called Saturnia “City of Saturn” Pope Francis knows this is his role as Obama does; President #44, the 12th from Harry Truman is the last according to C Alan Martin.
Islamic Caliphate
In 2005 the 7 step plan for a Global Islamic Caliphate was released; it’s much like Gen Wes Clark’s (Samaritan Kohen) 7 nations in 5 years plan where Iran and Syria were the final 2.
- 2000-2003 “Awakening” obviously referring to 9/11/2001, the “New Pearl Harbor Event” in PNAC (Project for a New American Century) penned by traitors Don Rumsfeld, Michael Chertoff, Paul Wolfowitz et all, planning in advance the demolition of the Twin Towers (Jacob and Esau), laying blame on Radical Islam aka “al-Qaeda” (Foundation) and replacement with the Freedom Tower (Esau’s Dominion).
- 2003-2006 “The Awakening” refers to chasing the fictitious Osama bin Laden (CIA asset Tim Osman played by Israeli actor Adam Gadahn) as the excuse to devastate Iraq (Freemason Saddam Hussein) and Afghanistan, steal $Trillions and set up the global Heroin trade.
- 2007-10 “Standing Up”: Sarah Palin stated it best declaring April 14-17, 2007 “Prince Hall Freemason Week” in Alaska; Prince Hall is a Masonic Lodge based on Shabazz and Nation of Islam open to men with black skin; Obama then proclaimed “A new beginning for Islam” and bowed to Wahhabist Dictator King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia.
2010-2013 “Arab Spring”: George Soros (Grigori Schwartz) financed Arab Springs using stolen TARP funds, beginning in Tianamen Square; Mormon Ambassador Jon Hunstsman participated; soon the Black Flags swept over North Africa and Jordan. - 2013-2016 “Caliphate Formation”: ISIS, led by figurehead Israeli Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi aka Simon Elliot who goes by the title Caliph Ibrahim (Abraham) and propagandized by the US Army “SITE” (Search for Int’l Terrorist Entities) led by Israeli spy Rita Katz is an extension of al-Qaeda “Throne” which became ISIL “Islamic State in the Levant” and finally DAESH (Nation of Islam in the Levant).
- 2016 onward “Total Confrontation and Victory”: DAESH is everywhere in Federal, State and Local Police and Military combined with Foreign Troops, financed by the US (eg John McCain, Hillary Clinton and John Kerry) and Russian Military, managed by the CIA, propagandized by the Media and financed with taxpayer borrowed money from the International Monetary Fund in Washington DC. Everyone from Local Mayors to Governors to the Federal Government is aware and guilty of treason.
- “Global Islamization”: Islam means “One who submits” to Allah, the Arab moon god “Sin”; Lucifer is the “Man of Sin” Here is the propaganda video “Meeting in Dabiq depicting the Muslim Army against Crusader Army with Rome destroyed.
This has been the Gnostic plan for 700 years since the Catholic Church rounded up the Cathars in 1244, the Templars in 1307 and tortured Jacques de Molay in Paris 3/18/1314 “In 700 years the Laurel will grow green again”-Cathar Perfecti. The Laurel is the Crown of Bacchus/Dionysus/Lucifer born at Dies Natalis Solis.
Most if not all Muslims have no idea Nation of Islam has nothing to do with being Muslim or that Jihad has nothing to do with killing infidels. Most Orthodox (Greek, Syrian, Assyrian, Coptic, Russian) faithful have no idea their religion is Chaldean-Nestorian. Most Catholics have no idea Jesuits, Knights of Malta and Knights of Columbus are traitors in their midst. Most Protestants have no idea Freemasons are Luciferian traitors in their midst. Zionism is a cancer affecting Jews and Christians just as Sufism is the cancer affecting Sunni and Shia Muslims. Why now?
The 7 step Global Islamization plan is precisely timed with the 2014-2015 7th Shemitah (Blood Moons) Cycle and the 2016 Satanic Jubilee Year because Satan knows his time is short; JESUS returns when Creation is exactly 6000 years to the day old; Passover 2016 is actually 1 month off, the actual date is 3/22/16; Nowruz “New Light” and Society 322 “Brotherhood of Death” aka “Theosophical Society” may ring a Baal. Should WWIII last 13 weeks/91 days as planned by the Theosophical Society it will culminate 91 days after Dies Natalis Solis Invictius 2015. Time to get rid of the Lights (Lucifer is the “Light Bearer” and Tree (Grove) folks; Jesus was born Feast of Tabernacles and He will return 3 1/2 years after Passover; 2016? Time will tell, but Signs of the Times certainly point to that.
Shabazz is derived from Shah (Persian “King”) + Azz or Aziz (Strong, Powerful, Precious); Azz is cognate with Oz. LThink “Great and powerful Oz” in Emerald City here. Luciferian Mason, MI6 asset Aleister “Great Beast” Crowley’s (Luciferian Mason Jeb Bush’s maternal grandfather) book “Liber Oz” (Liber 77: Book of the Goat) or Luciferian Mason L Frank Baum’s “Wizard of Oz” (Emerald is the mythical Stone cut from Lucifer’s Crown) may ring a Baal. According to Crowley, 77 is the ultimate incarnation of Spirit in Matter aka Satan incarnate in Antichrist aka “Beast”.
Shabazz like ISIS/ISIL is no more Muslim than Zionism is Jewish or Christian; “Don’t think for one minute Islam is a religion of peace; Islam is a religion of War” ISIS Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi aka Zionist Israeli fraud Simon Elliot. ISIS beheadings? Video taped by the US Army SITE (Search for Int’l Terrorist Entities) and publicized by Israeli Rita Katz (Rita=Pearl + Ka=Kohannim + Tz=Tzaddiq or “Righteous Priest”), just like all the fake Osama bin Laden videos and pictures featuring Israeli Zionist Adam Gadahn.
WWIII is Zionism versus Islam. ISIS is merely one side of the Dialectic: Thesis (Zionism) + Antithesis (ISIS) =WWIII (Edomite Dominion Gen 27:40KJV; 3rd Beast Dan 7:6; Brass Kingdom Dan 2:39). Esau impersonates (Gen 27:39KJV lives off the dew of heaven from above) his brother as worshippers and priests of God, but like the blessing Isaac gave he and Jacob, God was not fooled; Esau’s goal is to be free of God “Do what thou wilt” may ring a Baal. Esau lives wealthy (“dwelling shall be the fatness of the earth”); Bankers committing Usury and Esau lives by the death of others (“by thy sword”); disease, war, destruction of the earth. Esau married into and adopted Canaanite religion (Sun worship) and cleverly adapted it to God’s religion.
Chaldeans: Worldwide Solar Priests
Chaldeans are the Priesthood of the indigenous people called Sumerians, Akkadians, Amorites, Babylonians, Assyrians and Aramaeans (Syrians). The condition of worldwide economic, moral and physical exhaustion they create will lead to Freedom from God, the Doctrine of Lucifer and that of the Chaldeans who “Came from the East” to Babylon. The 4th Kingdom of Iron (Dan 7:7) is that of Lucifer treading down the entire world. Iron also forms the Earth’s Magnetic Field; the first Priests in Chaldea were called Konn-Torrs meaning “Priests of the Torriod” the Torroidal (Doughnut) shaped Magnetic Field, and yes they knew all about it. The Elect? Electron is derived from the Phoenician word Elekron “Shining Light”; the Shining Light is Lucifer “Light Bringer”. The 4th Beast Kingdom is part Iron and Clay (Dan 2:42-3) Followers of God do not mix with “Earth Dwellers” (Rev 13:8) because they are Holy (Separate). Forget about the Nephilim Bull Shit; Demons do not mate with Women.
DAESH is Nation of Islam in the Levant; Levant is further refined as Iraq ie Babylon and Greater Syria (fi’l-) specifically Haran, the locations Abraham went from Ur to Haran.
Jesus was rejected in the “House of His friends” and said another Messiah/Christ would come in his own name and be accepted. Messianic Rabbi Johathan Cahn claims the 7th Shemitah Cycle heralds the 2nd Coming of Jesus. Not so fast Rabbi. Assyrian-Akkadian ie Chaldean King of the World Sargon the Great, son of a Changeling (child sacrificed to Saturn/Chronos and replaced by Nephilim; recall Sodomite 33 degree Mason Clint Eastwood’s movie Changeling) Temple Prostitute and an unknown father, allegedly reigned as “Legitimate King” 2334-2279BC.
The story of Sargon’s birth and pitch sealed reed basket in the Euphrates mimic that of Moses in the Nile because Jesus accused Pharisees of illegally sitting in Moses’ seat. This is true today as there are no legitimate Rabbis, Priests or any other intermediary between God (JESUS) and Man; Scripture refers to all of them as Baalams “Worthless Persons”.
The most widely accepted date of Noah’s Flood was 2348 BC. According to the western calendar in use today 2334 BC + 2015 + 1656 (Years from Creation to Flood)=6005 Years. According to Ussher’s Chronology Creation was 4004 BC. Accordingly 2014-15 7th Shemitah, Jubilee Year and the Start of Aquarius is timed with the precise time, 6000 (2 Pet 3:8) years Jesus promised to return! Hallelujah? Not so fast “Hail Jah” maybe, the Zionist and Messianic Islam Human Messiah aka Antichrist more like.
God provided the Sun, Moon and Stars to tell time and seasons; using God’s calendar we have 1656 years Creation to Flood + 2160 years Aries to Pisces + 2160 years Pisces to Aquarius=5976 years + 21, the biblical age of Accountability, Legitimacy and Adulthood=5997 years. The difference is the 3 1/2 year Great Tribulation; make no mistake, the Man of Sin will be revealed before the return of Jesus.
ISIS is the vehicle to bring in the reign of the Scarlett Beast of Is 14:4 preparing the way for Lucifer’s arrival V 14:12 that makes the world a Wilderness (V 17), the precise goal of the Paris Climate Summit. ISIS is the Whore Riding the Beast in front of the EU Parliament with Seat #666 Vacant. Paris means “House of ISIS”; the Pimps are in the Red (Edomite) Whore House.
“Meeting at Dabiq” is the Dec 2015 ISIS propaganda video claiming the Muslim War against Crusaders will meet in Dabiq and continue to Rome; fancy that so does the Prophecy (Satanic Plan) of St Malachy claiming Pope Francis is the last “Peter the Roman”.
Chaldeans (Culdees) are the Celtic-Druids and Priests of Cybele; the Yarmulke, Skull Cap, Zuchetto or Kippah is the Cap of Cybele (aka Isis), a rejection of Jesus tearing the Temple Veil at His Crucifixion, today called the Syrian Orthodox Church, Assyrian Church, Syrian Church of the East (Rising Sun), Persian Church or Chaldean Christian Church. Chaldeans followed Abraham from Ur of the Chaldees to Haran; the United Nations Religious Initiative URI continues the Chaldean goal of uniting the world religions. God instructed Abram to leave Ur and God is telling you to do the same. You may recall Assyrians gave no quarter or mercy to anyone in their path; the 4th Beast will do the same.
Nestorius was a Syrian Monk born in Turkey who created Orthodox Religions in Constantinople.
Islam was created by a Syrian Orthodox/Nestorian Monk from Baghdad (Babylon) named Waraqa b. Nawfal
Muhammad, a Quyraish Bedouin of Mecca descended from the Rebel Priests “Korahites” in Numbers 16 was introduced by his wife Khadijah to Nestorianism. Jesus is acknowledged in the Koran and Mary takes more prominent role than Jesus, but make no mistake here the Koran diminishes Jesus to the role of an Enlightened Master or Messenger not God in Flesh. Khalifah means “Successor”; the goal is Muslim Unity around Khalifah (Caliph) aka Ummah; this is also the UN goal of Unity around the Roman Pope; WWIII will be the clash of the 2. Unification Church “Moonie” (Allah is the Arab moon god “Sin”) Disciple Ban Ki Moon will see to the installation of the 3rd Assyrian “Legitimate King” Sargon III.
Chaldeans “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes”
Most Muslims have no idea the Chaldean monster in their midst called the Nation of Islam; it is Gnostic-Chaldean-Nestorian in nature. Most Catholics likewise have no idea the Jesuit Beast in their midst (Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta and Opus Dei). Most Protestants cannot discern the Freemasons in their midst. Most Jews are not wary enough of Kaballah, the Talmud or the Chaldeans in their midst called Chassidim (Chaldeans were called Kasdim). Most Orthodox ie Assyrian, Syrian, Coptic, Russian, Greek etc etc cannot identify the Chaldean Beast in their midst either.
Chaldeans inside the Gates
How do we identify the Chaldeans in our midst? Tithing: Jesus did not collect Tithing or authorize any person to do so in the New Covenant; only Levites may collect Tithing. Elevated Clergy: Nicolaitanes are Chaldeans who conquer (Nico) the Laity from the Pulpit. Priest Confession. Fake Holy Days: Christmas, the Nativity, Santa, Christmas Tree, Easter (Rabbit is the Assyrian Anammelech 2 Ki 17:30), Hanukkah. Halos: Symbolize the Sun. Communion: Trans-substantiated Communion is the Eucharist ie Body and Blood of Jesus aka Cannibalism. Who taught that Bull Shit? Kahn-Baals in Phoenicia of course; these Chaldean Priests wore Fish Capes, assuming the role of the Philistine god Dagon (1/2 Man; 1/2 Fish with Goat Horns). Orthodox and Roman Catholic Priest Mitres are Mitres of Dagon; flames from the side, fish jaws from the front and back. Yarmulke, Kippah, Skull Cap, Zuchetto are all replacement Temple Veils rejecting Jesus giving access to the Holy of Holies. Cappello romano aka “Saturn Hats” worn by the Pope, clergy and seminarians in training as Priests of Saturn. Saturday is Saturn’s Day; Sunday “Dies Solis”; every day is the Sabbath of the New Covenant. Saturn is the Black Sun; lightning bolts of the Nazi SS (Schwarze Sonne=Black Sun) or Harry Potter ringing a Baal? Phoenicia is derived from Pa=House + Enoch; Enochian is the Language of Yes or “Yes Men” used in Witchcraft and Enochian Magick practiced in the Church of Satan; Black Mass ringing a Baal? How about in education? Big Bang, Evolution, Helio-centric (Sun centered) Theory, Gravity, Dark Matter are all Chaldean Bull Shit.
The Whores of Babylon “ISIS” represent Barbelo the Gnostics call this the 1st Emanation, Womb of the World, Mother of the Aeons, Co-Creatrix, Sophia, Cybele or Isis. Roman Catholic worship of Mary is in fact worship of Isis the Whore of Babylon (Barbelon). The SPIRITUAL battle is not with Muslims or Catholics or Protestants, it is with Gnostics pretending to be all of these.
WWIII Mede-Persian Ram versus Grecian Goat: 13 Weeks of Economic, Physical and Moral exhaustion
According to the Theosophical Society, WWIII will last 13 weeks/91 days. Culminating with the acceptance of the doctrine of Lucifer. ISIS, IS (Islamic State) is one of Submission to “Allah” the Arab moon god “Sin”; Lucifer/Satan is the “Man of Sin”; Muslim means “One who submits”. ISIS requires submission to Sharia Law, the “Revealed Law” of Lucifer. Sharia Law is the same as Zionist Noahide Law. In Iran (Noble Caste) President Rouhani, a Sharia Law Judge and Ayathollah ali al-Khameini (Shia Ismaili/Twelver) know quite well Brass Idols called “Sanjak” represent the Persian Peacock King “Melek-Taus” and the rule of Satan. Sanjaks are made into the likeness of Roosters, the symbol of the Cock heralding Dawn/Sunrise and Mars the Roman god of War aka Babylonian Nergal. Noruz “New Day/Light” occurs on the Spring Equinox (3/21) exactly 91 days after the Solar Solstice. Sharia and Noahide Laws prohibit worship of Jesus Christ, the sole source of the New Covenant. Iran means “Noble Caste”; 2016 is a Satanic Jubilee Year; I would not bet against Mar 21, 2016 Inaugurating the worldwide reign of Lucifer.
DAESH “Nation of Islam in the Levant” (Greater Syria) is the outgrowth of the Muslim Brotherhood created by Hasan al Bana in 1928 based on the Cult philosophy of Muhammad Wahhab (Wahhabism). Nation of Islam was born July 4, 1930 by Wallace D Fard Muhammad who taught he was the incarnation of the Jewish Messiah as well as the Ismaili Messiah al-Mahdi. Perhaps he was as both are the same; Satan incarnate. The Arab League in 1945 secured the “Levant” (Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria aka Fertile Crescent inclusive of the Atlas Mountains in NW Africa). This Cult philosophy was continued by Dervish Stanford University Professor of Islamic Studies Ibn Sayyid Qutb (Qutb means “World Pillar” or “Axis Mundi”, same as the Norse “Yggdrasil”) who coined the term “al-Qaeda” meaning “Solid Foundation” in 1966 “Year One, Satan”. Today’s Nation of Islam leader Luciferian Prince Hall Mason Louis Farrakhan encourages followers to study Scientology and Dianetics because they have the same Satanic source. DAESH is the outgrowth of these Demon delivered Cults and 2016 is the Satanic Jubilee.
Taliban means “Student” training the youth is done by Mujahedeen “Warriors of Allah”; Allah is Sin; Lucifer is the “Man of Sin”. Take your pick: DAESH or Zionism “Synagogue of Satan” aka Church of Philadelphia (Brotherly Love is Cain’s love of Abel and Esau’s love of Jacob; Ref Rev 3:7-13; Both are Satanic and JESUS is the only way out.
ISIS is the “Black Virgin”; both Knights Templar and their Arab Ismaili Assassin counterparts transported Black Virgin statues all across Europe and Asia; ISIS is the consort of “Green Man” aka Bacchus, Dionysus or the Arab al-Khidr. Muslims have no idea al-Mahdi is Satan in disguise just as Christians can’t see Santa is an anagram of Satan. The child in the lap of the Black Virgin with the “Moor’s Head” represents the Saturnian Age.
DAESH is derived from Dawlat=Nation; al-= Islamiyya; fi’l-=Iraq aka Babylon; wa’s=Sham=Greater Syria or Levant. ISIS is the Nation of Islam in the land God promised Abraham’s descendants who are in covenant with God ie Isaac and Jacob; Ishmael and Esau married Canaanite (“Strange” in Scripture is) women violating the covenant. In Egypt the “Was” Scepter symbolized Dominion and Power; the Anubis headed, forked shaft used by Pharaoh as the incarnate Sun and Priest of Isis represents the “Thyphonic Beast” aka “Beast Kingdom” in Dan 7:7, illustrated by the Aleister Crowley and Witchcraft axiom “Do what thou wilt”. Once again DAESH is the Fertile Crescent, the land Chaldeans controlled in Abraham’s day. The head of the Chaldean Church is in Baghdad (fi’l) in the US created “Green Zone”. Now can you see why Syria (Aram) is being destroyed in similar fashion? There is no difference between bombing Iraq and Afghanistan to get al-Qaeda versus bombing Syria (Sham) to get ISIS? In 2003 Gen Wes Clark (Samaritan ie Chaldean Cohen) said the goal is to destroy 7 nations: Syria and Iran are the last 2 on his Satanic Christmas list.
Earth is just shy of 6000 years of age (1656 years Creation to Flood + 2160 years Aries to Pisces + 2160 years Pisces to Aquarius (St Sulpice Society in Paris claims Aquarius is beginning now; Aquarius symbol on the Obelisk and Brass Line=Brass Kingdom) + 21 the Age of Adulthood for Sargon the Great to be declared “Legitimate King”. Jesus returns when Creation is 6000 years old to the second on His real Birth “Feast of Tabernacles”.
ISIS and Scientology are virtually the same. The Satanic Cult called “Nation of Islam” begins 66 Trillion years ago. The Satanic Cult of Scientology begins with “Incident 1” 4 Quadrillion years ago and “Incident 2” 75 Trillion years ago. NOI started when the mad scientist “Shabazz” blew the Earth up splitting off the Moon (Sin/Allah) and only the 13th “Black Race” Shabazz survived. Again notice the Black Hair rulers “Moors Head” during Sargon the Great’s Day who made him “King of the World”
A basalt relief from Ashurbanipal’s Temple shows just such a child with Moor’s Head enraptured by a Lioness ie Isis.
The Tribe of Shabazz was consigned to the area from the Heliopolis on the Nile to Mecca. Later another scientist Yakub (Jacob) created the White Race and the western idea of Santa Claus and Jesus being White.
Mormonism is also a Chaldean Cult. Sent by Jesus just after the Flood, Jaredites travelled with Ismaili (Shia Islam is Ismaili) wives in corked wooden submarines (Oh tell me about it) from Ur of the Chaldees (Babylon) to America. Subsequently Mormons represent the lost tribes of Israel: Dan, Ephraim, and Manasseh plus the Priesthood of Levi and Melchisedek. Neat trick eh?
Shabazz means “Glorious People”, “1st Race” or “Royal Falcon”; that would be “They” who came from the East to build the Tower of Babel and the Canaanite women Ishmael and Esau married. Horites are “Worshippers of Horus” born and re-born at the Solar Solstice. Freemasons worship ISIS putting her deceased twin brother Osiris back together and impregnating herself with his Phallus, giving birth to Horus, putting those 13 Tribes (13 Colonies joined by a segmented serpent) on the Pyramid (Amid the Flames) on the $US under the Pyramidion where the Phoenix perched before his death-re-birth flight from Heliopolis on the Nile to Mecca. Walid Shoebat is an Arab League, Muslim Brotherhood, PLO initiate who believes Mecca is the “City on 7 Hills”; make no mistake here, Jerusalem is the Whore (Gal 4; Rev 11:8KJV) holding the world in bondage as “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt”. Rome is not the Whore and neither is Mecca.
Stuart Little joined NOI and Freemasonry; as a 33 degree Luciferian Mason and NOI initiate Malcolm (Milcom=Molech) X took the Nation of Islam name Bari Malik Shabazz. Bari=Solar Barque; Malik=Molech or Milcom; Shabazz is derived from Persian “Shah” for “King”. His son Bari Malik Shabazz Jr is Prince Hall Freemason, Sodomite Barack Obama. Barack=Lightning; Obama means “He is with us in Farsi”; Iran means “Noble Caste”) 6 initiates of the Muslim Brotherhood form public opinion in the US concerning Islam and ISIS: Arif Alikhan (Dep Dir of Homeland Security), Mohammed Elibiary (Dep Dir of Homeland Security), Rahsad Hussain (Counter-terrorism/Islamic Cooperation Council), Salem el Marayati (Islam Public Affairs Dir), Eboo Patel (Ismaili ie Assassin; Inter-faith Neighborhood Partnership). Ismaili is derived from Ishmael minus the “h” meaning “God is with me”; Ismailis like Edomites sold their Birthright to any inheritance from God and they know it; their goal is to get you to do the same.
The land of Shabazz extends from the Nile to the Euphrates aka “Fertile Crescent”; the Crescent represents the Arab moon god “Sin” aka Al-Lah. Fertility refers to the Earth Mother giving birth to the Beast rising from the Earth (False Prophet) and Sea (Antichrist) as written in Mat 24, Lk 21 and Mk 13. Convulsions in the Earth such as “Earthquakes in diverse places” Mat 24:7; Earth reeling to and fro as a drunkard Is 24:20 are/will be caused by EM (Electro=Sun; Magnetic=Earth) Weapons (CERN is merely the Scapegoat); Famines and Pestilences are/will be caused Geo-engineering (Global Warming is merely the Scapegoat); wars and rumours of wars will be/are caused by ISIS, a self created Frankenstein Beast.
The Black Virgin “ISIS” gives birth to the Canaanites, produced from Ham (Black) and his Cainite mother, “Cursed” with this illicit “Seed” (Gen 9:20-25). “Black Nobility” have nothing to do with skin color; they are the Noble Caste of Satan.
At CERN, ALICE (Alice means “Nobility”; Bankers are “Black Nobility”) and ATLAS (Atlas Mountains, Red Fez of the Shiners, Atlas Shrugged and Atlantis “Isle of Atlas” may ring a Baal) detects “Shadow Matter” created by smashing Lead Ions together at the PeV (Peta=Penta=5) an energy above 1 Quadrillion eV. Why now? The so-called 13th Astrological Sign “Ophiuchus” (Nov 30-Dec 17) or “Serpent Holder” (ISIS the Black Virgin holds the Alternative Messiah) matches the CERN ramp up and switch to Lead Ions. Krampusnacht Dec 5 (Krampus is the Shadow of St Nicholas; the Hittite god Santa; Krampus and the new Star Wars movies are no coincidence) represents the Prima Materia of the Alchemists (Chaos/Dark Matter) filling the Universe moments after the Big Bang. This ridiculous theory is actually derived from the Ejaculation of the Egyptian creator Atum the root of the word “Atom” (Atomic Theory is also Bull Shit).
Kali “Dark Mother” in her role of Destroyer is Shiva doing the dance of destruction out front of CERN, a return to the 1st Creation (Chaos) before God said “Let there be Light”. Recall Alchemists (actually Gnostics such as the Cathars) believed Lead could be turned into Gold as Men could be turned into God by destruction of Matter/Body (Christ Mass is destruction of the Host/Body). Dark Matter is of course Bull Shit; CERN calls it “Strangelets” because Canaanite women are the “Strange Women” (Prov 2:16;5:3;7:5;1 Ki 11:1) leading the world into Sin.
Take specific note of 1 Ki 11:1 because the Seal of Solomon (Six Pointed Star) is of Phoenician Origin ie the 1000 Canaanite women who led Solomon astray and later Jezebel who led Ahab and Israel astray. America was created as the Phoenix (Ref Francis Bacon “New Atlantis”) to self immolate so the New World Order (Atlantis) can rise re-born from the ashes. Shabazz is the land overlaying the Phoenix connecting its perch (Ben-ben=Pyramidion) on the Nile to Mecca.
Notice this; Peta (5) electron volt is not Quad (4); tricky eh? Quint=5 not 6 yet Quintessence is the 6th Sense beyond the 5 senses (Sight, Hearing, Smell, Taste, Touch). Moreover Quintessence is the Ether comprising the Dark Universe beyond the 4 forces of Witchcraft: Earth, Air, Fire, Water. The 3rd Eye of Horus over the Pineal Gland (Pineal Gland looks like the Pine Cones used to sprinkle Dew from Heaven aka Holy Water) if you will turns Man into God; now can you Dis-Cern the esoteric implication of PeV?
You may recall the Chi-Rho symbol (P=Christ ie Royal Christ) is Px The Royal Christ has come to “Repair the Earth” (Hebrew Tikkun Olam) brining Heaven to Earth (Masonic Square and Compass), creating “Order out of Chaos”. Notice the Eye of Horus (Born at Christmas) is above the Masonic Pyramid (Pyre=Amid the Flames); the meaning is by America’s (Amurru is the Edomite Serpent and Shepherd god; Amar is the Canaanite god of the west ie Setting Sun on Obama’s Logo and the Carbon Fund Logo) Death, the world will be made new; and what better time than a Satanic Jubilee Year?
6000 years of world history is about to culminate in the 3rd Act of Chaldean Magick “Prestige”. Isn’t it about time to get right with JESUS? FROSTY (FReemasonry Only System of Training the Young), Santa (Satan) with a sack full of Amenita Muscaria), Rudolph (Famous Wolf), getting easier to Dis-CERN? CERN is Cernunnos “Little Horn” (Dan 7:8), the Antlers shed like Serpent skin perhaps for the last time.
America’s Game & The Iran Hostage Crisis | The Timeline | NFL Network
George Clooney narrates the incredible story of a Los Angeles-based reporter stationed in Tehran during the Iran Hostage Crisis who made an audio recording of Super Bowl XIV and smuggled it into the American Embassy Steelers vs Rams Interesting
This is Pentecostal minister Matt Smith’s vision for 2016-17, the Jubilee Year 50 years after the 1966-7 Tetrad, Golan Heights occupation (Genie Oil found the largest oil deposit there recently; casus belli for WWIII because Russia will back Syria in reclaiming it) Arab “End Time” prophecy has Jinns (Genie=Jinn) in the army of Dajjal (Dark Lord) emerging from Khorasan (Land of Rising Sun in Iran) to battle al-Mahdi and Jesus who returns to Damascus just north of Mt Hermon (Mt of the Chief) not Mt Zion. Notice the same cities LA, PIT, Philly, New Orleans, Oakland are in this vision; New Orleans flooded and CA falling into the Sea in 2016.
NASA predicted 13 months ago Dec-Feb 2016 is “D-Day; a calamity involving ancient diseases, economic chaos, rioting, and martial law”
Clinton CIA Dir James Woolsey predicted (told us the plan) exactly the same adding 2/3 of America will be dead in 2016
ISIS is allegedly planning (according to Dave Hodges, a shill like Alex Jones) a TET Offensive on every US Capital City in the near future. TET is the Lunar New Year which begins Feb 8.
Pope Francis says “this may the be the last Christmas now that WWIII has begun; the world will look quite different in a year”
Isn’t it a bit coincidental CFR, Sodomite George Clooney’s fake marriage to UN Human Rights Atty Amal ends; his Blue Smoke (Blue Beam?) production company puts out the Iran Hostage documentary on “Timeline” the very moment Congress approves $4.4M for the 444 day ordeal? I have an article Iran Hostages or Crisis Actors on my site
Astronomer Gil Broussard and Prophecy Summit Paul Begley believe Planet X “Nibiru” from the Nemesis (well what else would it be called?) Solar System (Getting Deep here roll up your pant legs) is a Dwarf Star (Gravity collapsed Star at the end of its hydrogen fuel supply appare33ntly becomes Ice), the Comet “Wormwood” due to wreak havoc with Earth by “Crossing” (X=Planet of Crossing; X=Chi=Christ=Messiah) the path of Earth in its orbit around the Sun on March 26, 2016.
First, Gravity has never been proven, nor is the Earth in orbit around anything, Scripture says it is Fixed on a foundation that shall not move”
Why March 26, 2016? That’s the Eve of Easter, the Edomite Holy Day Herod celebrated (Acts 12:4KJV) by killing James and attempting to kill Peter.
ISIS is Messianic Islam the exact same as Messianic Judaism; Sharia Law and Noahide Law require denying Jesus is God in Flesh, the Word made Flesh and Holy Ghost. Al-Masih ad-Dajjal is the Islamic version of Antichrist; Armilus in Hebrew. Dajjal means Lie or Deception; the word Kafir (Infidel or Unbeliever) written on his forehead; blind in his Right Eye.
Messianic Islam holds al-Mahdi (12th Shia Imam) arrives with Jesus to battle Dajjal and his army from Khorasan (Rising Sun) in Iran during the battle of Gog and Magog seen as the US and Russia. Scripture records the Mede-Persian Ram (Iran) versus Grecian Goat in Dan 8:8; Dan 2:39 (Brass Kingdom) and Dan 7:6 (3rd Kingdom; Leopard); this is Edomite Dominion prophesied in Gen 27:40KJV. Sunni and Shias are taught Jesus survived the Crucifixion and returns to Damascus on Mt Afeeq with al-Mahdi to do battle with Dajjal. This Lie is the root of Restoration Theology seen in Mormonism and Zionism as well.
In Nov 2014 NASA put out a 13 month warning until D-Day, get ready for a cataclysm”
Clinton CIA Director James Woolsey, now Gatestone Inst Dir with ex UN Ambassador John Bolton is guiding the US Islamic Relations group heading the DHS and advising Obama) said “2/3 of America will die from ancient diseases, mass riots and worldwide economic chaos”
What a coincidence folks, ISIS is planning a “TET Offensive” mimicking the north Vietnamese TET Offensive. TET refers to the Lunar New Year which begins Feb 8, 2016. ISIS is allegedly in all 50 States preparing to hit all 50 State Capital Cities with presumably EMP weapons.
Another coincidence is NASA announced a Dec 28th M-Class Solar Flare with a 10% chance of creating a later X-Class CME; the first wave due to hit New Years Eve.
Is this not the most obvious bunch of Bull Shit imaginable? One thing is certain, the CIA and our Government is ISIS and Boeing has the weapon needed to cause a Black Out called CHAMP.
NASA’s articles are reposted dutifully all over the web using the buzzword “Magnetic”. Magnetic Field, Magnetic Activity, Magnetically Active, Magnetic Reconnection etc etc is all Magnetic Bull Shit
The Sun has no Magnetic Field; Magnetism is created by Ferrous Magnetic material below its Curie Temp (700 Degrees) in the presence of an Electric Field; the Sun ejects Electrons; it does not have a Magnetic Field.
The Sun is becoming the Scapegoat just as JESUS is the Num 16 Scapegoat. New Bibles change Scapegoat to Azazel (Goat that Departs); Azazel is Satan not JESUS.
Why America? Amurru is the Land of the Amorites (Canaanites) after which America is named; Amurru=High One; Ameru=Serpent; Amar=Canaanite god of the West; Amurru=Edomite Serpent and Shepherd
ISIS “Throne” is the Black Virgin presenting Antichrist and NASA, CIA Satanists know it. Don’t be fooled “A man’s foes shall be they of his own household” Mat 10:36; Mic 7:6 Dan 7:6 describes this 3rd Beast 7+6=13 the 13 month NAZI warning of the 7X6=42month “Great Tribulation” was given here.
On Feb 4, 2016 the Christian Mafia aka “The Family” will hold its annual “National Prayer Breakfast”; previous speakers include Edomite Freemason King Abdullah II, Bono, Tony Blair, and twice 7th Day Adventist Ben Carson honoring such magnificent examples of Christian living as Indonesian mass murderer Suharto, Brazilian mass murderer Costa el Silva, Raytheon CEO Tom Phillips (Raytheon builds CHAMP EMP Drones with Boeing), and Samaritan’s Purse Ebola Liar Dr Ken Brantly.
“We corrupt in order to Control” Luciferian Grand Orient (Orient means East or Rising Sun) Jansenist, Catholic, MAFIA founder, Revolutionary Giuseppe Mazzini.
Jansenists are Calvinists believing in Original Sin, Total Depravity,Efficacious Grace and fixed pre-destination meaning God chose only a finite number to be Saved. MAFIA is an acronym “Mazzini Authorizes Theft Fire and Poison”Luciferian Grand Orient Masons Ayathollah Khameini (Iran), ali Sistani (Iraq) and King Abdullah II of Jordan who works with Prince Hall Mason counterpart Obama and the Saudis; together they corrupt and control both Shia and Sunni Islam including their Frankenstein baby ISIS.
Mazzini’s revolutionary philosophy was the root of the Jacobite (Scotland ie Presbyterian), Jacobin (English), Martinist (French) and American Revolutions
Oriental religions are Orthodox (Orthodox means “Having the correct opinion”; they do not) examples are Assyrian Orthodox, Chaldean Catholic, Syrian Orthodox, Coptic (Egyptian Orthodox), Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox (Putin for example).
Mazzini and his Scottish Rite counterpart, Sodomite Confederate Albert Pike wrote the plan for 3 World Wars. Federal means “Covenant with God”; Confederate means Liberty from God; the exact motto of all Revolutions “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” and the Statue of Liberty in Paris and NYC.
Mazzini’s revolutionary philosophy is Chaldean, affecting every religion on Earth from Catholicism, Orthodox religions, Protestant religions, Islam, Eastern Religions, Kabbalah and Talmudism. Jesus said our enemies are the men of our own house (Mat 10:36; Mic 7:6) because it is we that invite these Satanists in, or place ourselves under the care of Wolves in Sheep’s clothes; the Elevated Clergy Jesus hates called the Doctrine of the Nicolaitanes (Rev 2:6;15)
Holy means “To Separate” isn’t it about time to do that?
My Pet Goat was read upside down by George Bush on 9/11; the short video My Pet Goat II tells the story of Bush in the Dunce Cap on the Masonic Floor morphing into Obama in the Graduation Cap and America’s incarceration, Mark of the Beast and Rising Sun. Notice Osama bin Laden in the CIA patch because al-Qaeda has similarly morphed into ISIS.
In 2014 the US Navy began running an advertisement for “239 Years” standing watch; in 2015 America is 239 years old; Ray Mabus is the Sec of Navy, a CFR, RAND Inst initiate whose name matches the Nostradamus plan “The death of Mabus will herald thirst, hunger and a cataclysm when the comet runs”.
2015 is the Chinese Year of the Goat and ISIS is allegedly planning a TET offensive on every US State capital city; TET means Feast of the 1st Day of the Lunar Year.
Dan 2:39 describes the 3rd Kingdom of Brass; same 3rd Kingdom described in Dan 7:6 is Esau’s Dominion (Gen 27:40 KJV)
Feb 8, 2016 begins the Lunar Year of the Monkey; notice the word being guessed at in the school game of Hang Man in My Pet Goat II is Evolution; a Hanged Man is Cursed (Deut 21:23)
Why 239? Mormo is the God of the Living Dead; Mormon means “One who worships Mormo”; the Book of Mormon is considered by Mormons to be Another Testament of Jesus Christ; it has 239 chapters.
Sort of makes one think all this was planned out long ago eh?
America is named after the Amorites and their land of the west “Amurru”; the birthplace of the Dark Arts (Enochian Magick); hence Mormons believe Cain’s Enoch to have been translated to Heaven. Cathars are the Church of Amor; 1 Cor 13 “Charity” in the KJV is changed to “Love” (Amor or
Agape) to hide the hideous plan recorded in Rev 19:18. Agape Love Feast is in fact a Satanic Cannibal Orgy.
Anthropodermic Bindings are records of sacrifices to Molech written in blood on Vellum Parchment (Vellum=Human Skin; Parca=Death of the Mind, Intellect, Body and Soul); Kidding? It’s called “Kid”. Every American at birth is burdened by debt to the Crown Bar, payable only in Gold Bars which serve as a prison for the Soul. Courts function to pass Judgment on the “Soulless”, rendered to the status of Animals (eg Veteran means Beast of Burden). There in lies the meaning of the Triple Crown both the horse races and Triple Papal Crown. Now you know why Congress has Sworn Jesuits Biden, Ryan, Kerry in line to be President should Obama be impeached (Michelle Black Widow Dress on Election Night ring a Baal?) Congress introduced Pope Francis in October as “Pope of the Holy See” See means Sedes Sacorum “Sacred Seat”; the Sedes Vacante “Vacant Seat” reserved for Lucifer when his time is done and control over Earth, Body and Soul of every person on earth reverts to the 4th Beast of Iron (Dan 2:39-40; Dan 7:6-7) Why Dan 2:39? America is now 239 years old.
Otherwise the TPP could be ratified without such debate, possibly as early as January 3, 2016, 90 days after the agreement was officially announced on Oct. 5
Congress approved Fast Track (no alterations to the TPP agreement) Does Congress have the text now? If so action on TPP by either an up or down vote must occur by Jan 3, 2016 right?
QUEEN Elizabeth utter the same thing as well Last Christmas I’m speaking of??. So Transpacific Partnership, Satanic Jubilee,Climate Chaos. (36) 2016 9(333) . Well keep up the Interesting foresight Howard
Christmas is cancelled, now that WWIII has begun. Christmas this year will be a charade” Pope Francis Nov 22 anniversary of the Masonic/Jesuit assassination of the 1st Born Again Christian Catholic US President
“This is the beginning of the End Times, this time next year the world will be unrecognizable. While the world starves, burns and descends into chaos we should realize this year’s Christmas may be the last” Pope Francis, Pope #266; #112 from Celestine V, Peter the Roman aka Final Pope on Dec 21 standing in front of a giant Evergreen Tree (Grove) at the Vatican (Divine Serpent).
Keep one thing in mind here; Jesuits and Masons have been planning revenge on the Catholic Church for 700 years for this particular year; 2016 is a Satanic Jubilee (50 years after the 6th Tetrad and 1966 6-Day War and founding of the Church of Satan) Rome is not the Whore of Babylon nor the City on 7 Hills and neither is Mecca (Claimed by Walid Shoebat, PLO, Arab League, Muslim Brotherhood Wolf in Sheep’s clothes Jerusalem is the City on 7 Hills, the Whore of Babylon aka Spiritually Sodom and Egypt where the LORD was crucified (Rev 11:8KJV). Christmas means Sacrifice of Jesus and consumption of His body in the Eucharist; it has always been a Heathen (Earth) based invention not remotely part of God’s Holy Days Calendar (Ref Lev 23; Jer:10)
WWIII was planned long ago to pit Islam against Zionism and Jesuit, Big Bang, Global Warming, Evolution, Pantheist Pope Francis knows it.
Bro Nathanael Kapner says Russia and Putin (Russian Orthodox) are Christian because they celebrate the birth of the Saviour at Christmas while the US and Obama celebrate Hanukkah with Jews
Kapner is Edomite; the Black Robe and Red Cross a dead giveaway. Israel is not Jewish and neither is Hanukkah or the 9 Branch Menorah. Orthodox religions (Greek, Syrian, Coptic, Assyrian, Russian et all) originated with the Nestorian heresy holding Jesus to be 2 distinct qualities not fully human nor fully divine. This is the Church of the East or Rising Sun which celebrates the birth of their Messiah (Horus, Tammuz, Dionysus, Attis, Krishna) 3 days after Solar Solstice and 9 months after Easter (Mar 25).
Kapner is one of the most dangerous liars around; don’t be fooled; Christmas has absolutely nothing to do with Jesus Christ
Satanists Plan Attack on Virgin Mary on Christmas Eve in Oklahoma
“Adam Daniels — the same satanist who sponsored a public, satanic Black Mass in 2014 — told The Oklahoman that he plans to pour costume blood over a statue of the Virgin Mary, treated with “sulfur powder and ash.”
To dismiss this satanic desecration right in front of St. Joseph Old Cathedral as a simple publicity stunt is to ignore the grave nature of this public sin and its consequences for our nation as one nation under God.”
FDA okays blood donations from gay men if they don’t have sex for a year
The ban on blood donations from gay men was put in place in 1983
Paul Ryan’s Express: US Public Debt Has Over Doubled Since Dec 2007, Average Wage Growth Down 28%
House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell delivered a $1.1 TRILLION omnibus spending package to President Obama who signed it gleefully.
Yes, there was ample quantities of pork barrel spending, too long to list here. Here is the 2009 page omnibus (Or cronybus) spending bill. omnibus-spending-bill-text
Why not? Austerity King Paul Ryan is a Jesuit Opus Dei sworn servant of the Pope and backed by the Masonic T-Party (Tammuz Party); heck, Ryan not only takes orders from Rome, he has the backing of Congress to conduct his Speaker Duties (Setting the Agenda) in Abstentia.
Mitch McConnell is a fraud; a closet homosexual with a Beard for a wife, given a military reserve discharge during the Vietnam War for a fictitious eye irritation (Optic Neuritis); the reality is he propositioned a male soldier; today he frequents Thailand’s gay brothels
CISA went through without a hitch in this Debt debacle; US taxpayers Debtors to the IMF Bankers with the loot stolen. America owes a large debt to developing nations south of the equator according to Pope Francis
People are making choices with eternal consequences now; they are desperate rats about to board the lifeboats as they did in Titanic
5,509 words in this Article
a tunic, an undergarment, usually worn next to the skin, a garment,
a vestment
2) dross (usually of silver)
Declassified U.S. Government Report Prepared a Week After Fukushima Accident: “100% of The Total Spent Fuel Was Released to the Atmosphere from Unit 4”
How can the world be so silent on such a tragedy that will effect all for generations to come?
How can we still be building the same type of nuclear power plants?
How did Japan keep all their lights on, and power supplied to its people though 51/52 of their nuke plants where shut down with no power losss? Same as in San Onofre, CA, when its power was shut down servicing 2 million people?
Declassified U.S. Government Report Prepared a Week After Fukushima Accident: “100% of The Total Spent Fuel Was Released to the Atmosphere from Unit 4”
We reported in 2011 that the International Atomic Energy Agency knew within weeks that Fukushima had melted down … but failed and refused to tell the public.
The same year, we reported in 2011 that the U.S. knew within days of the Fukushima accident that Fukushima had melted down … but failed to tell the public.
We noted in 2012:
The fuel pools and rods at Fukushima appear to have “boiled”, caught fire and/or exploded soon after the earthquake knocked out power systems. See this, this, this, this and this.
Now, a declassified report written by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission on March 18, 2011 – one week after the tidal wave hit Fukushima – states:
The source term provided to NARAC was: (1) 25% of the total fuel in unit 2 released to the atmosphere, (2) 50% of the total spent fuel from unit 3 was released to the atmosphere, and (3) 100% of the total spent fuel was released to the atmosphere from unit 4.
The Tsunami hit Fukushima after the Siemens control valves closed off coolant water; the tsunami wave never got close to the height of the intakes for the Diesel back-up generators nor was the building damaged which supply power the coolant pumps. The fuel had started to melt before the wave even arrived.
MOX Fuel (Uranium-Plutonium Oxide) was mixed at a ratio that when melted fuel came in contact with seawater; the 6 year ongoing hydrogen reactions create and are still creating molecules dubbed “Bucky Balls” after New Ager Buckminster Fuller (mentor to Barbara Marx Hubbard who said “We are the riders of the Pale Horse Death. God creates, we decide who lives and who dies; we do this for the good of earth”); the fuel was exposed to Seawater intentionally so that Neutral Buoyant molecules of Plutonium (Roman god of the underworld) would kill the Pacific Ocean and enter the Pacific Jet Stream.
The MOX Fuel was delivered by Nation of Islam/Prince Hall Mason Obama to Emperor Akahito, an initiate of the Order of the Garter (Prince Charles and Prince William who turns 33 1/2 tonight on June 21) and son of 33 degree Mason Hirohito, the reason fellow Satanist Harry Truman used for the needless fire bombing of Japan and use of Atomic Weapons on helpless civilians.
“Fat Man” used Plutonium enhanced Fission; Plutonium was first created when Satanist/Soviet Spy J Robert Oppenheimer created the Trinity explosion and quoted Shiva “I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds”; those conditions are being created under Fukushima inside the Earth; when Fission begins, and it will, it will cause compression ripples in the Water inside the Earth and “Earthquakes in Diverse Places”, as the location is at the intersection of 3 major Tectonic Plates. Japan means “Land of the Rising Sun”; it rises on Dec 25.
CERN has Shiva doing the dance of destruction out front for a reason.
Massive methane gas leaking 145,000 pounds per hour in California, 70 times more potent than carbon dioxide and no one can stop it
Barbara Starr Chief Pentagon Correspondent aka 9/11 witness, Aurora CO witness, Sandy Hook witness, AMTRAK Nurse Joan Elfmann, Boston Marathon witness, ABQ Church Pianist shooting witness, Presidential adviser to Bashar al Assad, San Bernardino transit official, ISIS victim James Foley’s mother.
“The best place to keep a big secret is out in the open” Joseph Goebbels
I thought it was pretty bold for CIA intern Anderson Cooper to show live pictures of the wrong school in Sandy Hook and interview the same person 4 times as James Foley’s sister, friend of Germanwings #9525 crash victim, James Holmes’ Aurora CO attorney and Sandy Hook childhood classmate of Adam Lanza.
Congrats Barbara, you win
Not sure about this? Check out the Wart on the right side of this Cretans nose Remember, as Paul left Titus in charge of Crete, it was a Cretan priest who described the Cretans as always being “Liars, evil beasts and slow bellies”. They are proud of themselves, able to fool people out in the open is a talent.
Cerberus Capital Management, Sandy Hook Elementary and the Hunter
Behind this giant is Cerberus Capital Management, the private investment company that first came to widespread attention when it acquired Chrysler in 2007. (Chrysler later had to be rescued by taxpayers). With far less fanfare, Cerberus, through the Freedom Group, has been buying big names in guns and ammo.
From its headquarters on Park Avenue in Midtown Manhattan, Cerberus has assembled a remarkable arsenal. It began with Bushmaster, which until recently was based here in Main
From its headquarters on Park Avenue in Midtown Manhattan, Cerberus has assembled a remarkable arsenal. It began with Bushmaster, which until recently was based here in Maine. Unlike military counterparts like automatic M-16’s, rifles like those from Bushmaster don’t spray bullets with one trigger pull. But, with gas-powered mechanisms, semiautomatic can fire rapid follow-up shots as fast as the trigger can be squeezed. They are often called “black guns” because of their color. The police tied a Bushmaster XM15 rifle to shootings in the Washington sniper case in 2002.
After Bushmaster, the Freedom Group moved in on Remington, which traces its history to the days of flintlocks and today is supplying M24 sniper rifles to the government of Afghanistan and making handguns for the first time in decades. The group has also acquired Marlin Firearms, which turned out a special model for Annie Oakley, as well as Dakota Arms, a maker of high-end big-game rifles. It has bought DPMS Firearms, another maker of semiautomatic, military-style rifles, as well as manufacturers of ammunition and tactical clothing.
Freedom Group has expanded its sales staff in the United States and increased its business internationally. It has sold weapons to the governments of Afghanistan, Thailand, Mexico and Malaysia, among others, and obtained new business from the United States Army, including a contract worth up to $28.2 million, to upgrade the M24 sniper weapon system.
There were no .223 casing/rounds or Bushmaster .223 weapon found at Sandy Hoax; a FEMA, FBI, CT Police Drill at a location not even Sandy Hook school. Cerberus Capital received $4B in Taxpayer Bailouts after acquiring Chrysler Cerberus chairman John Snow was CSX Chairman who sold CSX Ports/Terminals to Dubai. Seaport and airport operations in the US were sold to China via HSBC, the largest drug money laundry on earth after a predictable public fuss erupted over having an Arab Dictatorship host the 5th Fleet and control commerce in the US.
The partnership of China and Arabs began 2000+ years ago when Nabattaean Arabs and Hittites (China=Cathay=Heth=Hittites=Sina=Sin=Allah) took control over the Maccabean-Hasmonean “Jewish” Priesthood; it’s why JESUS called the Pharisees “Those who say they are Jews but are not”.
Cerberus is the 3 headed hound of Hades/Hell.
Wouldn’t it be refreshing to hear the truth: Columbus didn’t discover America; America has never been a Christian Nation; Washington DC is not part of the US; the Constitution offers no rights to Citizens; nobody will ever travel to the moon; paper currency is worthless; al-Qaeda and ISIS are Made in the USA and Americans are on the hook for $1Quadrillion Derivatives?
DOJ Atty Gen Loretta Lynch: NY Fed Reserve Bank board; HSBC drug money laundry pretend prosecutor; Civil Asset Forfeiture Queen (makes Eric Holder’s Operation Gun Runner arming of the Sinaloa Cartel seem tame) Gun Control proposals handed to Obama; Exec Orders expected within weeks.
Why now? Israel Whore Rand Paul’s “Audit the Fed” Bill Senate Vote in Jan. UN Small Arms Treaty took effect last Christmas, signed into law by DAESH arming, financing, training, Skull & Bones Satanist, Bohemian Grove MOlech worshipper, CFR Traitor, Bilderberger, Oath Sworn Jesuit, Knight of Malta, 33 degree Luciferian Freemason John Kerry (Kohen) “Right to own buy, sell, trade, transfer any and all means of armed resistance is denied civilians”
“All parties to the Treaty shall establish and maintain a national control system, list, quantity, type, value and identity of all weapons”
36K UN Multi-national Force Soldiers are on US soil to enforce the treaty, waiting for a Martial Law declaration. What would precipitate a Martial Law declaration faster than anything else? Realizing there is no gold to back Usury based Federal Reserve printed US currency.
Treason from within has been the downfall of every major civilization on earth; Chaldeans are inside the Gates as Cicero noted in Rome “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”
Time to drop the sword and accept JESUS as LORD and Saviour. While you are at it, toss the Tree in the garbage, tear down the lights and read Lk 1; Christmas is Satan’s birthday people! .
To start Saturnalia, CA Gov Jerry Brown (Jesuit) declares Emergency in San Bernardino (St Bernard of Clairvaux Cistercian ie Jesuit Templar/Crusades founder); not enough Health Dept Inspectors; fees/inspections waived on Death Cert requests.
CT Gov Dann Malloy (Jesuit) sealed Birth (Obama’s SS # is from Sandy Hook) and Death Certificates following Sandy Hoax because nobody died there; big payday for alleged victims though. Sandy Hook like San Bernardino were FEMA/FBI/Police/SWAT Drills designed to blame Muslims and destroy the 2nd Amendment.
Pope Francis (Jesuit; Operation Condor death squad operative) rides in a bullet proof car guarded by 12 armed guards “People who manufacture weapons or invest in weapons industries are hypocrites if they call themselves Christian”
Good choice of words, Jesus called the Pharisees the same thing