On the Hebrew calendar all 3 fall Feasts occur in the 7th month “Tishrei” Trumpets (1st), Atonement (10th), Tabernacles (15-22). In 2016 the dates for Rosh Hashanah (Trumpets) Oct 2-4; Atonement Oct 11-12 (Kol Nidre “All Vows” Oct 11); Tabernacles Oct 16-23. In essence, the Holy Days are a reversal of what God wrote; God’s New Year is always 1 Abib. God forgives Sins after the fact not before, Kil Nidre “All Vows” forgives Sins of the Synagogue of Satan in advance for the coming year from Atonement to Atonement. Tabernacies is Jesus’ real Birthday; Sukkoth Benoth “Booths of Daughters” is a Canaanite derivative involving incest having nothing to do with the original Sukkot.
2016-17 is a Satanic Jubilee; think it coincidence a Black Moon (2nd New Moon in calendar month) on Sept 30 is followed by Rosh Hashanah, the Rabbinical New Year “Rosh Hashanah” and the Islamic New Year “al Hijra” on Oct 3? Arabs call the 1st visible sighting of the Waxing Crescent “Hilal”; the word means Crescent and Lucifer. Mormon Melchisedek Priests know the phrase “Pey Heylel” meaning “Wondrous Lucifer”.
On the Feast Day of Lucifer Aug 15, 2016 Jesuit CDC Chief Tom Frieden instituted “Control of Communicable Diseases”; Federal Register #2016-18103. Anyone with a “Communicable Disease” deemed a threat to the population at large may be interred indefinitely without recourse. Zika or the new Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever might become the CDC-WHO vehicle. Think you own your body? Guess Again, the Jesuits own the Body and Soul of everyone on Earth in their sick twisted Luciferian minds. Comments on the proposed Law, due by Oct 14, 2016.
Warnings about 9/11/2001 “New Pearl Harbor” began in Year One Satan 1966, the year the Church of Satan was formed, the Temple Mount was taken in the 6-Day War and the Cornerstone was laid for the Twin Towers. This event was timed during the 6th Tetrad of 4 Lunar Eclipses on Passover and Tabernacles 1966-7; 2014-15 saw the 7th Tetrad accompanied by 2 Solar Eclipses on 1 Nisan and 1 Tishrei. 2016-17 is the Satanic Jubilee; Esau, currently Yoked to Jacob (Gen 27:39-41KJV) becomes Free and all Hell is goiing to break loose. Here are a few of the Warnings put out in Plane Sight. www.theresnothingnew.org/index/911_Warnings
Aug 28-Sept 5 “Burning Man”
A week long Bacchanalia in the Nevada Desert; got to love those “Tent Trists” eh? Celtic Druids call this “Wicker Man”; check out Knight of Malta Nic Cage’s movie “Wicker Man”. Bohemian Grovers present Holocaust Sacrifices to a 40Ft Owl called Molech in a 4000 yr old ritual called “Cremation of Dull Care”. Think Burning Man and Bohemian Grove are strange? Israel and the UAE United Arab Emirates) are training together just south in Las Vegas at “Red Flag 2016” (Edom=Red); thought Israel and Arabs were enemies?Wrong.
Sept 1
Solar Eclipse “Ring of Fire”
“World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation” Pope Francis calls on the Catholic (Universal) Church to “Confess Sins of not Recycling, using paper and plastic or not turning off unused lights…the cause of Global Warming and Climate Change”. Jesus referred to such men as Hypocrites.
Space X Falcon 9 Rocket carrying Internet.org Satellite explodes. Elon Musk using taxpayer financed Cape Canaveral (Cape of Cain’s Bearers) assets has his Internet controlling Satellite explode on verge of ICANN assuming control over the Internet. Elon met with Ash Carter on June 8 at the Pentagon; now what do you suppose they spoke about?
DHS was founded in response to America’s New Pearl Harbor on 9/11/2001. From the makers of the Patriot Act comes DHS Chief, Clinton asset, Jesuit War Hawk Pentagon Lawyer Jeh Johnson declaring US Election “Critical Infrastructure”; citing potential Cyber Attacks DHS to assume control over the 2016 Election. “People who vote count for nothing. People who count votes count for everything” Fr Joseph Stalin SJ
Sept 2
twitter.com/alyciaxuality/status/771659474910097409/photo/1 Charlie Hebdo (read French Government) depicts Italian Earthquake victims as Pasta. And that’s how Satanism works.
ISIS affiliate Abu Sayyaf bomb starts Phillippine Civil War, nation in State of Emergency as is France and Turkey.
Impending bankruptcy of Hanjin Shipping strands 50 ships at sea with 500K Shipping containers.
Red Flag Exercise Aug 15-Sept 2, 2016 put Israeli Jets alongside UAE and Pakistan Jets. Arabs and Israelis get along well because Israel is a mix of Edomite-Arab-Canaanite (Ref 2 Ki 17:30; Obadiah)
Sept 3
Newton X-Ray telescope “Discovers” missing mass in Sagittarius A, the Black Hole at the center of the Milky Way. Bull or rather Cow Shit from the Celestial Cow. Sagittarius is derived from Archer; Sagitta=Arrow; Sagax=”To Know”; Opus Dei Knight of Malta Paul Ryan (Ryan=Celtic “Little King” or Little Horn if you will) will lead the secret vote should Hillary or Donald not reach 270 Electoral College Votes. Hillary’s Logo the Arrow thorugh the H is the Arrow piercing Jesus (H=God is with me) or in this case Hillary (HIllarious) Diane (Diana/Artemis) shooting Apollo (TrumpPence=Trumpet; Knight of Malta fake Jew Donald’s 66th Floor Penthouse is a Shrine to Apollo aka Apollyon/Abaddan/Shiva of Rev 9:11). Sagittarius or Orion shooting the arrow through the center of the Galaxy (Black Hole) mirrored by Ophiuchus “Serpent Holder” in the middle of Sagittarius symbolizes the arrival of the Antichrist. Rosicrucian Alchemist Luciferian Mason Isaac Newton (Newt=Lizard) would be so proud of his made up nonsense “Gravity”.
Sept 4-5 “Labor Day Weekend”
The real labor day is May 1 “Beltane”, in America, the annual celebration of the 1894 “Pullman Strike” murder of workers at Pullman Rairoad Car who unable to afford raised rents on lowered salaries initiated America’s 1st Labor Strike set up by their own union
Vladivostok hosts Eastern Economic Forum led by Russia, Japan, South Korea, China; sounds like US partners have found a new home.
Obama and Xi Jinping sign and hand over Climate Agreement to UN Sec Gen Ban Ki Moon; the US will assume the “Lion’s Share” responsibility for Worldwide “Climate Change, Pollution and Greenhouse Gas emissions”. The US is about to become “3rd World”
China G-20 Economic Forum. Kenyan born Obama (He is with us in Farsi ie Zoroastrian) arrives with no Ramp or Red Carpet greeting (1st time in history); real name Bari Malik Shabazz (Shabazz=1st Race of Cain/Canaan) China=Cathay=Sons of Heth=Hittites=Canaanites; Playing both sides of the Dialectic raher well eh?
Sept 4-10 Caucasus 2016 Russian Military Drill in Crimea/Black Sea
Sept 4-23 “Mekudeshet”
Canonization of Mother Teresa. The Jet Setting, Celebrity, New Age Universalist Nun with a mythical resume of 100+ Family Assistance Centers (none existed), feeding the poor of Calcutta (hunger, malnutrition, little medical care, unsanitary, disease filled “Human Warehouses”) who believes Catholics, Jews and Muslims all have Salvation; Oops!
The only way to Salvation is the Baptism of the Holy Ghost and asking JESUS to forgive your Sins.
Mekudeshet: Build a hours of worship for all 3 major world religions; worship of JESUS is not one of them.
“Jerusalem is our Heart of Hearts; Tikkun Olam!”; the motto around which 3 Monotheist Faiths (Christian, Muslim, Jewish) will gather in Jerusalem for Mekudeshet; JESUS refers to Jerusalem as “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” Rev 11:8KJV JESUS is not a Monotheist; He exists as Father, Son, Holy Ghost and the Word. He came in His Father’s name and was rejected; another will come in his own name and be accepted” That time is not far off.
Mekudeshet Festival is called “Amen: A House of Prayer for all believers”; Jesus of course referred to the Temple as a “Den of Thieves” just before He was Crucified; this Amen is the Egyptian Amun-Ra.
“Harei at mekudeshet li K’dat Moshe V’Ysrael” is the fake Jewish Wedding Vow meaning “Behold, you are consecrated to me by this ring through the Laws of Moses and Israel”; those Laws were fulfilled by the author, Jesus at the Crucifixion. Jesus warned adherence to Old Testament Law nullifies the New Covenant and Jesus’ sacrifice thus profits you nothing. Why? there is no legitimate Levite Priesthood nor a Temple to offer those sacrifices; this is why fake Jew Benjamin Netanyahu is ready to give the order to build the 3rd Temple which will house Antichrist, Satan’s Seat “Throne of Pergamon” and the “Abomination of Desolation”.
Mekudeshet is a mass, interfaith Wedding Ceremony to Satan; Jesus is the “Narrow Path”; this is the “Wide Gate”. You may want to skip this and read scripture instead; especially Amos 5-7 which explains, the Virgin of Israel has fallen and none shall raise her up, because Israel accepted the Star of Saturn/Molech (Six Pointed Star) and lost the right forever to be called “Israel” (One who wrestles with God); this is why JESUS refers to Jerusalem as “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” Rev 11:8KJV. Pope Francis says “We are all chldren of God”; true that, but not all the children are obedient. Tikkun Olam “Repair the Earth” refers to eliminating those of us who will refuse the Mark of the Beast and rule of Lucifer. Create a single house for world’s 3 major religions? No thanks, I’ve got my “Prayer Closet”.
Sept 5 “Labor Day”
Hillary Clinton obtains endorsement of Henry Kissinger, her lifelong idol, 33 degree Luciferian Mason, Bilderberg, CFR Traitor, Jesuit SMOM, Bohemian Grove, Mitt Romney adviser, Open Marriage (Gee I just can’t see why!) Mass Murder, Henry Kissinger: Outlawing of DDT (500M so far Billions with Transgenic Mosquitos to come), 1975 E Timor Civil War (1M), 1969-1971 Vietnam/Cambodia War, Pol Pot “Killing Fields” (2M), 9/11/1973 Chilean Coup. Nice resume eh?
Most of the world celebrates Labor Day on Beltaine “May Day”; the Elite Cretans “Liars, Evil Beasts and Slow Bellies” know little of real labor.
Sept 7 “Feast of the Beast”
Every 28 years (Saturn’s period) is a year long “Feast of the Beast”; every Sept 7 is an Imitation Ritual called “Bride of the Beast” “Festival of the Bride” or “Marriage of the Beast” satanicmagic.wordpress.com/2012/08/31/bride-of-the-beast-fall-equinox-feast-and-joining-a-satanic-coven/
Massive Billboard set up across the street from the NY Times by Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.
A total of $115B worth of Arms Deals to Saudi Arabia over last 8 Yrs; the Sharia Law, ISIS arming Wahhabist Dictarorship where 19 (alleged) 9/11 hijackers were from. US Congress to vote this week on 9/11 Bill allowing Lawsuits by 9/11 victim families to go forward against Saudi Arabia. There were no Arab names on flight manifests of AA #11, AA #77, UA #175 or UA #93 11 or 19 Hijacker names have been discovered living in Saudi Arabia and Morocco to this day.
Feast of the Beast: Sept=7th Month, 7th Day, thus 7/1/16 or 777. In Liber 777: And other Qabbalistic Writings of Aleister Crowley 777 is the “Key to all religions and practical occultism”. There is too much to cover on 9/11/2001
MH-370 here
suffice to say Black Stone Group at 345 Park Av (Black Stone is used in Masonry to reject an aspirant; Cubes of 3-4-5=666; Park=Enclosure for Animals) controls Hardware Chipsets via RF (Radio Freq) used in Commercial and Military Aircraft, Missile guidance, Drones, Communications, Power Grid, Fuel, ATM’s etc etc. 9/11/2001 was the biggest “Inside Job” False Flag in history.
Fake Jew (Ashkenazis descend from Japheth-Gomer-Ashkenaz not Shem) 33 degree Luciferian Freemason Benjamin Netanyahu is ready to build the 3rd Temple over the Al Aqsa Mosque pitting Zionism against Islam, and the long awaited plan for WWIII and the revealing of Antichrist. Got JESUS in your life? Now is a good time.
EPA expands Waste Injection Sites in Drought plagued California for Oil/Gas Corporations. How’s that for “Destroying the Earth”?
“Meet the new boss; same as the old boss” New ISIS Military Commander Gulmurod Khalimov (Kerry’s fake broken leg was on the trip to France to meet with him) replaces previous ISIS Military Commander Tarkhan Batirashbili, both US Trained (2003-2014).
White Helmets nominated for Nobel Peace Prize, joining the ranks of Joseph Stalin, Henry Kissinger and Barack Obama, White Helmets is a George Soros and Blackwater connected, US funded arm of Jabhat al Nusra. Seems logical since the Peace Prize is named after Alfred Nobel, the inventor of Dynamite.
Commander in Chief Forum: Hillary Clinton “Gun Control is the key to the war on terror”
ASEAN Summit: Arriving in Laos “Americans are lazy and uninterested in knowing other people” Kenyan born, illegal alien, US President Bari Soetero aka Bari Malik Shabazz (Nation of Islam name)
Libertarian Party Gary Johnson “What is Aleppo?” Here you go Gary, maybe this will help endtimebibleprophecy.wordpress.com/tag/aleppo/ Forced Vaccination, Carbon Tax, TPP, Gun Control, Private Prisons are not really Libertarian platforms Gary; I guess idiocy is though. Gary can’t even recall propaganda poster boy “Aleppo Boy”? aanirfan.blogspot.com/2016/08/aleppo-boy-fake-photo.html
Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever spreading rapidly across Europe, Russia, Africa, Middle East, India; 40% Fatal, Tic borne virus, human to human transmissible thorugh direct contact with body fluids. Sort of Tics me off the US Army (Plum Island) uses Tics to spread man-made diseases like Lymes Disease.
Sept 8, 2016
OSIRIS REx NASA Satellite launch to Asteroid Bennu. Answering the question, Where did we come from? Easy for followers of God, not so for followers of Osiris or Re. Re is the Egyptian Sun god aka Ra. Osiris is On “Heliopolis”, Ilu “Allah”, El seen in Babel “Gate of El” and Babylon “Gate of On”. Masons reaching the Raibow Arch Degree Blaspheme God by learning His real name is JahBulOn a combination of Jah (Antichrist; JAH is JESUS CHRIST) Baal (Lord) and On (Osiris). Rex means “King”. Asteroid Bennu was “Discovered” 9/11/1999; Bennu is the Phoenix (Pa=House + Enoch; Cain’s Enoch not Seth’s) aka Benben Stone or “Pyramidion” upon which the mythical Phoenix Bird perched; every 500 years it sacrifices and resurrects itself from the flames. The Bennu “Pyramidion” means “Amid the Flames”; the Bennu Bird is the “Lord of the Jubilee”; NASA is completing the Unfinished Pyramid (Ben ben) with King Osiris in the Satanic Jubilee 2016-17.
Sept 9= 9/9/2016=999
Note: The picture seems to be hoax; the Idol of Kulkulkan perhaps not.
Pope Francis Hosts Feathered Serpent God Kulkulkan as part of the Deity Exchange Program with Chichén Itzá and the surrounding Yucután communities. The Vicarius Christ took and Idol of Kukulkan (Kulkul=Feathered + Can=Snake) aka Aztec Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered War Serpent aka Satan out for pizza on the first night of the exchange before showing him around some of Rome’s most famous landmarks such as the Vatican (Vatis=Divine or Divining + Can=Snake) Once Kukulkan gets settled in, the Pope plans to let him answer some basic prayers on his own, as well as try performing a transubstantiation or two. And perhaps toward the end of his stay, if he’s feeling up to it, Kukulkan can treat us all to an authentic human sacrifice.
Kulkulkan always travels ahead of the Rain God Chaac; may want to prepare for Rain.
US Prison Strike; largest in US history, protesting Conscripted Labor practices of world’s largest, largely Privatized Prison Population of any Nation in history.
North Dakota legalizes the use of Weaponized Drones. National Guard activated in violation of Posse Commitatus against US citizens of the Standing Rock Sioux, protesting expected Court ruling on Dakota Access Oil Pipeline. The traitor seems to be the tribal leader who sold the land to oil exploration.
Gen John Abizaid appointed US-Ukraine Defense Liason tasked with “Bringing Ukraine in line with western military goals” Abizaid is a Jesuit Co-adjutor decryptedmatrix.com/wp-content/uploads/pdf/Jesuit-Temporal-Coadjutors-USMC-General-Peter-Pace-and-Army-General-CFR-John-Abizaid.pdf veteran commander in Grenada, both Gulf Wars, Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq who promotes GITMO and Drone killings. Why Ukraine? The fake Gog and Magog war is about to start.
Dame of Malta “Eagle Forum” President Phyllis Schlafly funeral in St Louis Cathedral Basilica. Knight of Malta Donald Trump (Ashkenazi Drumpf) given standing ovation; a Black Dagger, Sworn servant of the Black Pope (Jesuit General Adolfo Nicholas and Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi may ring a Baal) who receives a Screen Actors Guild retirement for President. Louis IV was no Saint; he was the “Sun King” as is Donald Trump whose 66th Floor Penthouse is a Shrine dedicated to the Sun God Apollo aka Apollyon/Abaddon of Rev 9:11. (No we are not at the 5th Trumpet or TrumPence if your prefer; not yet anyway) The St Louis Arch is a Modified Cantenary Arch (shape of an Anchor Chain) considered the “Freemasonic Gateway/Arch to the West”. Amurru/Amar is the Edomite/Canaanite god of the West or Land of the Dead if you prefer Egyptian religion. Why now? 9/11 is Toth 1 the Egyptian New Year. Toth is Hermes (Mercury) the messenger of Apollo/Osiris sent to “Repair the Earth” (Hebrew Tikkun Olam) by slaughtering everyone associated with God. Eagle Forum and the Mormon Church “Eagle Gate” may ring a Baal; Mormo is the “God of the Dead/Graveyards”; Mormons are “Ones who worthip Mormo”. The Eagle clutches the Beehive in its talons; Bee is Chaldean for “Word”. The Christus Idol casts a shadow over the Earth for a reason! May want to research the Mormon “Oath of Vengeance” folks. Esau is the Eagle.
Sept 11 aka Toth 1 “Egyptian New Year”
Is 9:10-11 tells the story
“The bricks are fallen down but we will build with hewn stones…the Lord shall set up the adversaries of Rezin against him and join his enemies together…for the people seek not… the Lord of Hosts…Therefore the LORD will cut off from Israel head and tail, branch and rush in one day” Is 9:10-11;14 Adversaries of Rezin are the Assyrians currently holding real Israel in captivity called Churches and Synagogues. Why build with hewn stones? Altars to the LORD are made with rough stone; Jesuits, Kabbalists, Talmudists, Freemasons build with hewn stone (Ex 20:25)
Patriot Day aka National Service and Remembrance Day. Patriot means “Fellow Compatriot or Countrymen”; America is the “Eponymous Land, People and Culture of the Amorites”; Canaanites who wrote Laws contrary to the Laws of God eg Code of Hamurrabi and Magna Carta. In honor of 9/11/2001, the day 2 Commercial Airliners not scheduled to fly, vaporized 200,000,000,000 Tons of Steel Reinforced Concrete; dissappeared into a 30ft diameter hole as Cleveland Tower Logs recorded the landing and 9ft of Titanium Reinforced Concrete walls at the Pentagon were destroyed by Arabs who never made it onboard any of the 4 aircraft. Oh, but the 1006 page Patriot Act was written, read by Congress and signed into law in 6 weeks.
Plan B: Hillary Collapse; Stage Managed? www.youtube.com/watch There is no way Hillary could survive scrutiny over Iran-Contra, Benghazi or Operation Gun Runner.
“I want to be Bernie’s Plan B” Green Party Jill Stein. Jill=Juliana=of Julius=of Iovilius=Descendant of Jove or Zeus. History calls them Tuatha de Danaan where Danu=Anu=Zeus. Stein=Stone; Jesus is the Stone the Builders Rejected.
Jill wants 100% mobilization to combat Global Climate Change, 100% Employment, $15/Hr min wage, Universal Free Medicaid, Universal Free College, Citizenship for all illegals.
Gladiator told us partial truth; Commodus and his sister had a son Caracalla who with the strike of a pen made all Free Men and Women in the Roman Empire “Citizens”; Rome collapsed within 200 yrs after from internal rot.
“Nothing in politics happens by chance. If it happened it was planned” FDR
“Socialism will come to America not by the Sword but through the Ballot Box” Luciferian Mason/Bohemian Grove/Green Cross International Mikhail Gorbachev
Sept 12
Eid al Adha The day Abraham offered Isaac? or the Day Abraham offered Ishmael? One account was written in 1492BC the other in 632AD. Time to choose the Time tested Truth of God.
www.youtube.com/watch Doppleganger or Real Hillary Clinton? Arrested, collapses, stuffed in van.
ABC TV New York reports “Hillary Clinton’s death” If the Wicked Witch of the West is dead; who will play the role of Wicked Witch of the East? Wizard of Oz isn’t a children’s story; 33 degree Mason Frank Baum wrote it for the times we are in; Liber Oz: Book of the Goat (God Of All Things and Mirror Image The Ark Of God) by fellow Luciferian Mason Aleister “Great Beast” Crowley may ring a Baal.
Sept 13
On 10 Elul (Sept 13, 2016) Noah opened the Ark for the 1st time after the mountaintops became visible and released a Raven. The Raven never returned because Ravens are “Unclean Birds” which feed on carcasses of dead animals/fish/carrion. The 1st visible mountaintop? Mt Everest aka Chumolongmo “Earth Mother”. Plant life would not begin for another week when the Dove brought back an Olive leaf. Noah would become a Vine dresser, drunk, his son Ham would mate with his Cainite mother to give birth to the “Cursed” bloodline of Canaan. “They came from the East” to Shinar (Babel) to build a Tower (Magdala) aka Holy Grail, prompting God to separate the Nations by Water in Peleg and Joktan’s day and confound the languages to inhibit building progress. Get ready folks, the Tower of Babel is about finished.
HAARP induced Cat-5 Super Typhoon Meranti hits Taiwan, heads for China. Probably coincidence on 10 Elul; or Not.
Sept 15
Bayer announces purchace of Monsanto for $66B; Holocaust Gas maker meets GMO Food Supply, What could possibly go wrong?
US Flag flying in Tel Abayad Syria; Turkey-US conducting 3rd phase of Operation Euphrates Shield. Simultaneously, Lebanese Army launches border attacks near Baalbek; notice ISIS and Lebanese Army both use new US made vehicles. Why? The invasion force from Russia will go through here; control of the Euphrates is essential for the fake Gog and Magog invasion (the actual Gog and Magog is after the Millennium Rev 20:7-8 “After the thousand years”); God dries up the Euphrates in preparation for Armageddon (Rev 16:12)
Just ask New Mexico Moron in Chief Gary Johnson, he knows all about Aleppo.
Sept 19
Arch of Isis (Isis=Black Virgin) aka Arch of Triumph or Arch of Septimius Severus to be installed in Time Square NYC. Sacrifices to Molech, usually young children offered by their parents were offered as Holocaust (Fire) “Burnt Offerings” to Satan in Amurru (Palmyra, Syria) under the Arch of Isis. America is modern day “Amurru” the Edomite Feathered Serpent and Shepherd aka Quetzalcoatl, Qucumatz or Kulkulkan. Amurru means “Land of the Amorites”.
Septimius Severus was a Phoenician ie Canaanite (Marduk=Molech=El=Saturn) traitor from Carthage Libya (remember Anakin Skywalker? he was Carthaginian and turned into Darth Vader). “Synagogue of the Libertines”=Benghazi=Cyrennaica; ring a Baal? America or Amurru Can if you will, arms, trains and finances Isis in Benghazi. Severius was tutured and promoted by Emperor Marcus Aurelius, the last Emperor initiated into the Eleusinian Mystery religion (watch The Matrix, the Merovingian in Hell with Persephone illustrates this). His Incestuous/Sodomite Son Commodus (Gladiator ring a Baal?) took over, and incest with his sister produced the son and co=Emperor Caracalla who pronounced the Edict of Caracalla: All Free men and women in the Roman Empire became Roman Citizens overnight in 212 AD; the end of the Empire resulted from internal rot then as the American Empire will end. Amurru is Kulkul “Feathered Serpent” + Can=Snake. Citizenship courtesy of the Jesuit sponsored Voz de Aztlan (Aztec), LaRaza Unida and MEChA sound fun? watch Mel Gibson’s Apocalypto. The word means “Reveal” the Antichrist.
Tophet (synonomous with Hell on Earth) in the Valley of Hinnom (Outside the walls of Old Jerusalem) is where sons and daughters were burned in the fire… “behold, the days fome waith the LORD, that is shall no more be called Tophet, nor the valley of the son of Hinnom, but the valley of slaughter…and the carcases of this people shall be meat for the fowls of the heaven…for the land shall be desolate” Jer 7:31-33 What fowl of heaven? “For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together” Mat 24:28 Who is the Eagle? Esau “Exhalts himself as the Eagle” Where? Inside the gates of Jerusalem Ref Obadiah. Folks, America uses the Eagle as its symbol for a reason.
The Talmud predicts this Gate from Palmyra (Tadmor) heralds the arrival of the Messiah from the House of David; Jesus, from the House of David said “I am come in my father’s name and ye reject me. Another shall come in his own name and he you will accept” Get ready for the Alternative Messiah; he demands a lot of sacrifices. So, who are the keepers of this Gate of Isis to be installed on 9/19? 1 Chronicles 9:19 “Korahites…keepers of the gate of the tabernacle…keepers of the entry”; perishing in the “Gainsaying of Kore” Jude 7 may ring a Baal.
Sept 19-25
UN Climate Group: 51 more Nations to sign Paris Climate Change Agreement to drastically reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions such as CO2 and Methane aka human/animal waste. “America means business: US leadership in a post Paris world” Keynote speech by Billionaire, Knight of Malta, fake Jew, Hurricane Sandy liar Michael Bloomberg. “…the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service…they do these things because they have not known the Father, nor me” Jn 16:2 “Love God” “Love your neighbor” isn’t very difficult to understand is it?
Sept 22 “Behold I come quickly” Rev 22:7
The Feathered War Serpent Kulkulkan/Quetzalcoatl descends the 91 (4 sides of 91 steps=364 Days) steps of the Pyramid at Chichen Itza; the Idol of Kulkulkan was hosted at the Vatican by Jesuit Pope Francis and hopes to Transubstantiate the Sacrament and offer some real human sacrifices as Aztecs did and do to this day. Lev 25:10 describes the Jubilee; 2016 is the Satanic Jubilee of Kukulkan. Sept 22 may end up being the Mirror Image of Rev 22:7. Time to choose JESUS or Kulkulkan.
Sept 25
Knight of Malta Donald Trump (Ashkenazi fake Jew Drumpf; Ashkenazis descend from Japheth-Gomer, Germanic not Jewish) meets 33 degree Luciferian Freemason Benjamin Netanyahu (Ashkenazi fake Jew) in Trump Plaza NYC declaring “Jerusalem has been the eternal capital of the Jewish people for over 3000 years”. Jesus declares Jerusalem is “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” Rev 11:8. Real Jews are still in Diaspora. Amos declares “The Virgin of Israel has fallen…there is none to raise her up” Amos 5:2 Why? The Six Pointed Star of Molech/Chiun/Sikkuth/El which they made to themselves. Hell is modern Israel’s capital Don; the Antichrist will sit on Satan’s Seat (Throne of Pergamon) next to the Abomination of Desolation on the 8 Pt Star of ISIS supporting the Golden Dome of the Rock of Offence. Jesus, the real “Trump of God” returns to destroy everything on that spot (Ref Obadiah) Hell is where Don, Bennie and the rest of the “Synagogue of Satan” will spend eternity. “Japheth shall dwell in the tents of Shem” Gen 9:27
NASA announces finding water on Europa. “All these worlds are yours except Europa. Attempt no landing here” Message from the Black Monolith in 2001: A Space Odyssey. Why? Europa aka Whore of Babylon is riding the Beast (Zeus/Jupiter) at the European Parliament Bldg with Seat #666 vacant. The occult communication here? The Tower of Babel is about finished; there are millions of Black Monolith’s (Bricks) building it. The water? Just NASA (Nazi) Bullshit. JESUS is the “Living Water” I suggest you ask Him for it soon.
Attorney Nathan DeSai wearing a vintage Nazi uniform, carrying 2600 rounds of .45 caliber ammunition, a .45 caliber Tommy Gun and handgun kills 9 in Houston. Adam Lanza (Adam=Red/Edomite; Lanza=Spear) carrying 1000 .223 rounds into Sandy Hook (Play the Trump/Joker Card) was rediculous.
33 degree Mason Arnold Palmer dies
Palmer was a 33 degree Mason and shill for Obama’s FDA Chief Robert Califf from Latrobe PA, named after Capitol architect Benjamin Latrobe whose picture was directly behind Obama and Roberts when the repeated Oath of Office was taken minus his hand on the Bible. The 1st time in US history a President has refused to put his hand on the bible; nations that forsake the LORD end up destroyed.
This was the same day Knight of St John aka Knight of Malta, Donald Trump ended the Obama “Birther” debate, albeit illegally, debuted his Trump the Government World Peace Dollar and Ivanka (derived from John) received the SS Codename “Marvel”.
Marvel not, the Devil has indeed turned into an Angel of Light.
Talmudic Crypto Jew, CDC Chief Tom Frieden declared Zika a CDC Level 1 Emergency. Zika Virus is a Hoax replay of the 2014 Ebola Hoax. Bill Gates financed Oxitec released GM Aedes Aegypti Mosquitoes in February in South Florida after FDA Chief Robert Califf approved the GM Bio Weapons. Mandatory “Simian Flu” Vaccines are soon to follow; not coincidentally, Simian Flu was the plague that wiped out humans in Planet of the Apes
Sept 27
Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn “100% certain US Dollar collapse” Oops! “And be ye not called Rabbi” Jesus “I come in my father’s name and ye reject me. Another shall come in his own name and he you will accept” Jesus Rabbi Cahn receives enlightnment from “Alpha Light”; that would be Lucifer folks!
Sept 28
“BUC Missile used to shoot down MH-17 came from Russia” Dutch-American investigators. An Air to Air Missile fired by a Ukrainian pilot shot down MH-17. The Tail Number on the wreckage doesn’t match the Tail Number of the claimed MH-17 aircraft in Amsterdam. MH-17 was cancelled that day. No mention of the fully dresssed, long deceased corpses that rained down and were loaded onto trains headed to Amsterdam.
“US will impose new sanctions against Russia” WH Spokesman
“Russia will continue to sent troops home in body bags” State Dept Spokesman.
Elon Musk plans Re-usable Mars Mission by 2022 at the Int’l Astronautical Congress in Guadalajara. A mere $10B/person with returnees synthesizing Rocket Fuel from CO2 and Water on Mars. There is not Water on Mars you moron! Mars is the UNKNOWN GOD of Black Path Satanists Paul warned of in Acts 13 as Mars, Ares, Nergal, the “God of War”. Congress is derived from Congredi “To meet for War”. The symbol is the Rooster crowing at the Rising Sun “Lucifer” Elon. You can practice for your Mars Mission by waling into a Dry Ice Freezer in a Giant X-Ray machine.
Donald Trump debuts his Trump the Government “World Peace” Dollar
Talk about Mark-up; at $55, the Trump Dollar takes the cake
Ivanka Trump gets SS Codename “Marvel” (Wonderful). Mormons know the phrase Wonderful Lucifer “Pey Heylel”
Shimon Peres dies at 93; hailed as Israel’s “Man of Peace” (Gag Me)
Thelemites and Witches greet themselves with “93”, short for “Do what thou wilt” or “93/93” short for “As Above, So Below”. Aleister (Great Beast) Crowley’s Thelema (Will) + Agape (Love)=93.
93 is also the gematria of the “Lost Word” in Masonry known only to Temple Architect Hiram Abiff. The goal of Masons is knowing the Lost Word
Aiwass is the demon Crowley channeled for his Thelema Religion; 93% is also the percentage of earth that needs to die (7% of 7.3Billion=500Million, the number of people indicated on the Georgia Guide Stones on Hwy 77). 93% is also the percentage of the Universe lying physicists claim is made of Dark Matter.
For this reason, UA #93 allegedly crashed into a Black Hole (it landed at Cleveland Airport) in PA on 9/11 and the 9/11 Shanksville Memorial was made to look like the Islamic Crescent.
Sept 29
Rosetta Spacecraft planned crash on Comet 67p; carrying OSIRIS camera, the crash site “Ma’at” at the crater Deir el-Medina. The site NASA occultists claim represents the Comet’s formation. Occult communication 101. Ma’at is the goddess of “Order out of Chaos”; Souls judged against the weight of the Shu Feather placed by Ma’at on the Scales of Judgment. OSIRIS or On is “Heliopolis”; Judgment based on worship of the sun-god aka Lucifer in his various forms: Osiris, Bacchus, Apollo, Dionysus, Attis, Mithra etc Deir el-Medina (Servants of Truth) is on the west (Land of the Dead) bank of the Nile across from Luxor “City of Light” in the the “Valley of the Kings”. So, how did Comets form? Noah’s Flood (Fountains of the Deep ejected water, forming Comets) 67 designates Man (6) + Perfection (7)=13 the number of Rebellion and 6X7=42, the number of months of the Great Tribulation, beginning at Rev 13. “As the days of Noe were, so shall the coming of the son of man”. Antichrist is coming; better ber ready.
Sept 30
Black Moon Herald of 2nd Coming? No Way; herald of fake Rapture? Herald of Operation Blue Beam arrival of the fake Messiah? We’ll see. Mat 24:29 “Immediately after the tribulation…” The Tribulation hasn’t started yet and most certainly is not at an end. Luke 21:25-6 describes the same time frame. Don’t get fooled; this is not JESUS returning.
Secret Ballot Voting for the 9th UN Secretary General and is expected to be finished. Christina Figueres heads the Global Climate Change Framework, seems logical she would be tasked with murdering 93% of humanity for “Mother Earth”
DeepWater Horizon Debuts The intentionally created Earth Destroying event was predicted in the Knight of Malta Nicholas Cage movie Knowing 1 yr in advance. Methane is filling the Gulf of Mexico (Place where Earth’s Oceans converge), propelled by nearly 100K PSI and 1200 Hydraulic Fracturing Sites. FEMA, NOAA and the US Navy have planning maps depicting the New Madrid Fault from New Orleans-Memphis-St Louis underwater and that’s exactly what will happen when Methane collapses the Salt Dome overlaying the multi-trillion oil deposit tapped by DeepWater Horizon, which not coincidentally caught fire on Weed Day and was scuttled on Earth Day.
On the Oct 4 2016 “Jubilee Feast of Trumpets”, the Sanhedrin declared “Liberty to the Captives” on Rosh Hashanah 2016. “The Prophesied return of the Jews to Israel has been fulfilled” Not Quite!
Jews are still in Diaspora; Zionist imposters are in Israel.
Shimon Peres funeral. Shimon is derived from Simeon “Simeon and Levi are brethren; instruments of cruelty are in their habitations” Gen 49:5 Peres means “Divide” Think it’s coincidence he dies at 93 on the anniversary of the Oslo Accords dividing Palestine in 1993 and his funeral is scheduled for the Black Moon with 93 days left in the year? 93 is the Gematria of Aiwass, the demon channeled by Aleister Crowley to write Liber Legis (Book of the Law) “Do what thou wilt shall be the sum of the Law” sound familiar? God’s Law is “Love God” (Charity) and “Love our Neighbor”.
93 is the Gematria associated with Aiwass, Thelema, Agape and the Lost Word in Masonry. Witches greet each other with “93” short for “Do what thou wilt” or “93/93” short for “As Above, So Below”
Like Jacob holding onto the heel of Esau and later buying his Birthright, Perez did the same thing when Jacob and his dead son’s wife, whom he believed to be a prostitute gave birth to Perez who shoved his brother aside in the womb to be born first in the line of Jesus Christ.
Shimon Peres was a 33 degree Freemason; wonder if he ever found out what the “Lost Word” was?
SPX vs 93 Trading Day Cycle + US Election
93 Trading Days ≈ 135 Calendar Days ≈ 19.3 Weeks ≈ 4.5 Months ≈ 0.37 Years.
Regardless of the election outcome, in November and December the S&P 500 advances 72.2% of the time.
Source: Jeff Hirsch
PX vs 93 Trading Day Cycle + US Election
93 Trading Days ≈ 135 Calendar Days ≈ 19.3 Weeks ≈ 4.5 Months ≈ 0.37 Years.
Regardless of the election outcome, in November and December the S&P 500 advances 72.2% of the time.
Source: Jeff Hirsch
Hopi “Great Purification” Prophecy States the 5th age will begin with the arrival of Blue Star and Red Kachina; Disease, Great Dying, Earthquakes and the World rocking to and fro. Sochi is the ancestral home of Circassians (goddess Circe=Circle) the “White People”. Prophecy Rock in AZ puts this plan in stone. “After Blue Star arrives, Red Kachina, the “Purifier” will remove his mask in the plaza before the Unitiated” and White Brother “Pahana” will be revealed. White Brother is Antichrist; the White Jesus is a Gnostic creation. You will want to be “Uninitiated”! Ref Eze 37:16; Rev 11:1-2
The real 10 Commandments are in Heaven with Jesus who fulfilled every “Jot and Tittle” of them; the oldest, fake 10 Commandments is at Phoenician Rock in Los Lunas New Mexico because Phoenicians using King Solomon’s “Ships of Tarshish” brought them to America (Land of the Amorites) to create a New Atlantis rising as a Phoenix from the ashes.
White House Tribal Nations Conference; Obama given Crow Tribal Hat, and called “Black Eagle”. The Eagle is a symbol of Esau exalting himself as an Eagle (Ref Obadiah) Significant because Obama has a Nation of Islam name Bari Malik Shabazz Jr a name meaning Barque + Molech + First Race; literally “Obama He is with us” is the Amorite (Edomite Shepherd and Serpent god Amurru=Canaanite god of the West Amar=America “Land of Amorites”) shepherd leading the flock to Slaughter for the 1st Race of Cain and Canaan.
The Elite believe Lucifer and Adam’s 1st wife Lilith gave birth to Cain; the 1st Race. Cainites then crossed the Flood when Ham (Black) had incest with his Cainite mother to give birth to the Cursed “Canaan” whom Edomites married into.
This is why Abraham and his sons Isaac and Ishmael were commanded to not marry Canaanite women. Ishmael and Esau disobeyed.
1949 67 years of Celebration(National Day) of China(Hittites) Republic
Historical milestone: IMF launches new SDR(Special Drawing Right) basket including China’s RMB .Meet the New So-called GLOBAL NEW RESERVE CURRENCY ???? October Surprise!!
Significant of Jesuit Pope Francis being Azerbaijan theories are cited for the etymology of the name “Azerbaijan”: First, “land of fire” ( azer , meaning “fire,” refers to the natural burning of surface oil deposits or to the oil-fueled fires in temples of the Zoroastrian religion); second, Atropaten is an ancient name of the region (Atropat was a governor of Alexander the Great in the fourth century B.C. ). Is
Vulcan socalled god of fire Zoroastrian(Persa/Iran are fire worshippers .
Jesuit Pope Francis will be visiting the RC Trinity (Rosicrucian Trinity; INRI “The World is Renewed by Fire”) in Philadelphia (Synagogue of Satan; City of Brotherly Love as in Cain’s for Abel, Esau’s for Jacob) reading the Liberty Bell inscription “Liberty to the Captives”. Edomites are the Captives; Christian followers of JESUS are SPIRITUALLY FREE (Gal 4)
INRI has the same meaning as Tammuz (Purify by Fire) or Holocaust. Sort of “Feast of Atonement”, a Fire Sacrifice is required (Lev 23:27)Lev 25:8-11 describes this start of the Jubilee “50th Year”; this being 50 years from the 7th Tetrad, founding of the Church of Satan in 1966
and 6-Day War.
Father Adolfo Nicolas, superior general of the Society of Jesus, and Pope Francis, also a Jesuit, are seen together before celebrating Mass at the Church of the Gesu in Rome in this Jan. 3, 2014, file photo. Jesuits from around the world will meet in Rome beginning Oct. 2 to elect a new superior general. Father Nicolas, who turned 80 in April, plans to resign after leading the order since 2008. With a Mass near the tomb of St. Ignatius of Loyola, 215 Jesuits from around the world will gather in Rome Oct. 2 to begin a general congregation meeting and elect a new superior general for the order.
The 215 elected and ex-officio delegates include six religious brothers; and 33 of the delegates are from the United States and Canada, said Jesuit Father Patrick Mulemi, director of the Jesuit communications office in Rome.
Pope Francis is probably the best-known member of the Jesuits. As a priest, he participated in two general congregations: one held in 1974-75 and the other in 1983.
He is scheduled to be in Azerbaijan(Azerbai) when the general congregation begins but is expected to address the delegates sometime during their meeting.
Jesuit General Conference GC-36 “Rowing into the Deep”. Mass to elect the 36th Jesuits Superior General aka Black Pope. Mormons also 93rd Fall General Conference. Jesuits consider the Arch-basilica of St John Lateran the “Mother of all churches worldwide”; Lateran means “Hidden Frogs”; the Cathedra “Teaching Seat” of Satan, Antichrist and False Prophet (Ref Rev 12:9; Rev 16:12) is called Sedes Vacante (Vacant Seat), but not for long. Jesuits and Knights of Malta swear blood oaths using a Black Crucifix to serve the Jesuit Superior General “Black Pope”; Satan is of course the “Dark Lord”; just ask Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, John Kerry, Ashton Carter, John Brennan, Paul Ryan and the other countless traitors “Rowing their Nations into the Deep”.
With ICANN now open to the world, a whole host of anxious governments and organizations are grabbing for the power that is the internet. The European Union, pushing for a “Web 3.0” that will facilitate the Internet of Things, is one potential player. “The European Commission’s position on jurisdiction and choice of law could lead to imposition of the European Union’s approach on data protection, cybersecurity, and other matters on entities outside its direct jurisdiction — including U.S. companies,” writes Corwin.
As former Bush administration State Department advisor Christian Whiton stated, ICANN may end up as part of the United Nations
Condi Rice and Madam Albright are both tied to the $2.5 million lobby effort to get ICANN’s internet ‘transition’ passed. [And evidence of ‘walking around money’.]
Transition Thanks to Snowden
For many years the final privatization of the private governance body had been postponed, despite the original promises to the contrary. Christopher Wilkinson, former European Commission official and participant of process leading to ICANN’s creation remembers: “In 1998 I expected the transition would be complete by, say, 2003. The reasons for the delay are to be found in the US context.” The trigger that revived the privatization plans was finally provided by whistleblower Edward Snowden.
After Snowden’s revelations of the US’ massive surveillance system, Strickling’s NTIA and the US government in an effort to regain lost ground in international diplomatic fora announced that he was prepared to let IANA contract run.
Google Fiber business Launches in Nashville
With this changeover about the IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) won’t be a huge change from the way things have been running. As per the sources mentioned in the NTIA blog on this transition, NTIA is initially partnered with ICANN in the year 1998 and began to move DNS management to private sector and the NTIA’s stewardship was supposed to temporary. However, it doesn’t have the allegations on how DNS is perceived internationally
Congress approves $1.1B for Zika research. Same day Dengue Fever is reported in Miami, the suspect vector not travel but Aedes aegypti mosquitoes; the ones released by Oxitec which were approved by FDA Chief Robert Califf, Xarelto crook whose advertizing was done by 33 degre Mason Arnold Palmer; all this the day after Palmer dies and the Simpsons make a joke about Arnold Palmer squirt guns. What a coincidence Florida Gov Rick and Ann Scott are heavily invested in the Mosquito Services LLC, the business receiving the Federal money eh? It’s even reported Ann Scott is invested in Oxitec, the company breeding the genetically modified Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Not to be outdone, Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez is spraying Naled (Organophosphate) incesticide on Miami known to cause nero-toxicicity. “And a man’s enemies shall be the men of his own house”
2016-17 is a Satanic Jubilee; 50 years after the 6th Tetrad, the 1966 founding of the Church of Satan and 6-Day War captured the Golan Heights (Mt Hermon aka Mt Sion) and the Temple Mount
A Black Moon (2nd New Moon in calendar month) on Sept 30 is followed by Rosh Hashanah, the Rabbinical New Year “Rosh Hashanah” and the Islamic New Year “al Hijra” on Oct 3? Arabs call the 1st visible sighting of the Waxing Crescent “Hilal”; the word means Crescent and Lucifer. Mormon Melchisedek Priests know the phrase “Pey Heylel” meaning “Wondrous Lucifer”. The Christus Idol in the Mormon visitor’s center depicts the Mormon Messiah casting a shadow over the Earth; this is not Jesus people!
Ivanka’s Secret Service codename revealed as Marvel as she becomes the first of Donald Trump’s children to get official protection
Ivanka Trump’s Secret Service codename has been revealed as Marvel, a report claims.
The 34-year-old has become the first of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s five children to receive their own protection.
Up until Monday, Trump’s children were only given protection when they were with him.
Ivanka took to Instagram on Sunday evening to share a precious video of her husband Jared Kushner, 35, and their children Arabella, five, and Joseph, two, huddled around Theodore during the special moment.
Ivan also had an FAA departure named after her in West Palm Beach; before Donald began the “Birther” campaign, the points BAYBE, CRYER, AHHAB, BIRTHR pretty much told the story. At the debate he finally showed his true colors putting the “Birther” debate to rest.
Dan(13th Tribe of Dan, missing from the list of “Saved” tribes in Rev 7; Dan) ???Gunderman Editor(Writer of the Post???
The episode, entitled “Monty Burns’ Fleeing Circus,” aired just hours after Palmer, who won multiple PGA Tour and Champions Tour events dating back to 1955, passed away from heart complications in a Pittsburgh hospital.
The joke involved Homer Simpson telling Marge he was going to fill water guns with iced tea and lemonade and “Arnold Palmer” Lenny, one of Homer’s best friends on the show.
Coincidence 13 Photo of The dubbed King in this NYDaily Article
Palmer was a 33 degree Mason and shill for Obama’s FDA Chief Robert Califf from Latrobe PA, named after Capitol architect Benjamin Latrobe whose picture was directly behind Obama and Roberts when the repeated Oath of Office was taken minus his hand on the Bible. The 1st time in US history a President has refused to put his hand on the bible; nations that forsake the LORD end up destroyed.
This was the same day Knight of St John aka Knight of Malta, Donald Trump ended the Obama “Birther” debate, albeit illegally, debuted his Trump the Government World Peace Dollar and Ivanka (derived from John) received the SS Codename “Marvel”.
Marvel not, the Devil has indeed turned into an Angel of Light.
Former Israeli president Shimon Peres dies at 93
September 28, 2016
Former Israeli president Shimon Peres dies at 93
Wed Sep 28, 2016
HomeMiddle EastPalestine
Former Israeli President Shimon Peres, known as the regime’s “last remaining founding father,” has died almost two weeks after suffering a stroke.
The Sheba Medical Center in Tel Aviv pronounced the 93-year-old dead at 0000 GMT on Wednesday
He served as foreign minister under his Labor Party rival Yitzhak Rabin, became prime minister between 1984 and 1986, and then again during 1995-96 after Rabin’s death. The politician also served as the regime’s president from 2007 to 2014.
Thelemites and Witches greet themselves with “93”, short for “Do what thou wilt” or “93/93” short for “As Above, So Below”. Aleister (Great Beast) Crowley’s Thelema (Will) + Agape (Love)=93.
93 is also the gematria of the “Lost Word” in Masonry known only to Temple Architect Hiram Abiff. The goal of Masons is knowing the Lost Word
Aiwass is the demon Crowley channeled for his Thelema Religion; 93% is also the percentage of earth that needs to die (7% of 7.3Billion=500Million, the number of people indicated on the Georgia Guide Stones on Hwy 77).
93% is also the percentage of the Universe made of Dark Matter.
For this reason, UA #93 allegedly crashed (it landed at Cleveland Airport) in PA on 9/11 and the 9/11 Shanksville Memorial was made to look like the Islamic Crescent.
Sept 30
Black Moon Herald of 2nd Coming? No Way; herald of fake Rapture? Herald of Operation Blue Beam arrival of the fake Messiah? We’ll see. Mat 24:29 “Immediately after the tribulation…” The Tribulation hasn’t started yet and most certainly is not at an end. Luke 21:25-6 describes the same time frame. Don’t get fooled; this is not JESUS returning.
Elon Musk announces Re-usable Mars Mission by 2022 at the Int’l Astronautical Congress in Guadalajara Sept 28. A mere $10B/person with returnees synthesizing Rocket Fuel from CO2 and Water on Mars. There is not Water on Mars you moron! Mars is the UNKNOWN GOD of Black Path Satanists Paul warned of in Acts 13 as Mars, Ares, Nergal, the “God of War”. Congress is derived from Congredi “To meet for War”. The symbol is the Rooster crowing at the Rising Sun “Lucifer” Elon. You can practice for your Mars Mission by waling into a Dry Ice Freezer in a Giant X-Ray machine.
Oct 11 Kol Nidre
James said “Above all things my brethren, swear not…” James 5:12 Jesus said “Be not ye called Rabbi for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren” Mat 23:8 Talmudic Rabbis open Synagogue with the Sign of Shin (Spock’s Vulcan ie Canaanite sign “Live long and prosper”) which means “Nail” used to Crucify Jesus. In Gen 27:39-41KJV Esau is prophesied to “Prosper” “Behold thy dwelling shall be the fatness of the earth, and of the dew of heaven from above…” Still think Israel or Rabbis are Jewish? http://www.theresnothingnew.org/index/Kol_Nidre
DeepWater Horizon has never stopped spreading Methane across the Gulf of Mexico which is why the US is Fracking (Hydraulic Fracturing) 1200 Sites in the Gulf.
Scientists are puzzled over the Atlantic Thermohaline Conveyor slowing? Bull Shit. Deep Water Horizon caught fire 1 yr to the day after Knight of Malta Nic Cage warned about the event in his movie “Knowing”, on Earth Day, 2009 in the Gulf of Mexico (Mexico means Navel; Gulf means Whirlpool) This location is where the Earth’s Oceans Converge and is the only location on Earth an event releasing 7000PSI Methane from a 22in orifice could Destroy the World.
Sept 21-25
Just Peace Festival at the Hague International Criminal Court. likely not a one of them will read 1 Thess 5:3 or be concerned about destruction coming when they say peace and safety.
Sept 22
“Only US planes should be allowed in Syria” Skull & Bones, Jesuit Knight of Malta, Luciferian Mason, Bohemian Grove Satanist John Kerry on the announcement the SAA (Syrian Arab Army) backed by Hezbollah and al-Quds launched the final assault on Aleppo. That’s right John, ISIS should and is using only US vehicles, using Russian (Google Mol Comfort and Turkish ship Nour M) and US weapons and should be guarded by only US aircraft. Makes sense, the same day a US Predator Drone took off from Incirlik Airbase Turkey, headed for a UN-Syrian Aid Convoy and fired a Hellfire Missile with a “Metal Augmented” (Fluorinated Aluminum) warhead. Jesus warned against “Hypocrites” like these.
Charlotte in State of Emergency; Police in full riot gear; protesters (actors) mostly from out of state.
Serpent Kukulkan descends steps of Pyramid in Chichen Itza.
Sun hits altar at St Sulpice Cathedral in Paris.
Sept 25
US, Britain and France in Emergency UN Security Council MTG on Syria, calling for “No-Fly Zone” for anyone other than US, Britian, France and their Arab and Turkish allies. Gary Johnson still doesn’t know anything about Aleppo? How about Isaiah 17:1?
Syrian-Russian “Operation Handarat”
US Special Forces enter 7 cities in northern Syria
Mysterious Hellraiser Cube Erected At WTC COMPLEX
The satanic looking cube is supposed to commemorate the September11 tragedy and reflect the vitality of New York, according to board members of the Ronald O. Perelman Performing Arts Center at the site.
The 90,000-square foot building will include three auditoriums and a rehearsal room.
Because artistic directors need flexibility with new productions, the rooms and halls will feature moveable walls to create up to 11 configurations, Prince-Ramus said. The largest configuration will hold up to 1,200 people for events like rock concerts.
Bayer-Monsanto: A Sacred Marriages in Hell”?
Monsanto has agreed to be sold to Bayer for $56.5 billion − a deal worth a total of $66 billion when Monsanto’s debt is taken into account. The combined company would be the world’s largest seller of both seeds and agrichemicals.
Monsanto, arguably the most loathed GMO company on the face of the earth, has been the subject of heated discussions for decades, especially in recent days as their top-selling product (RoundUp) contains glyphosate, which has been linked to cancer, autism, and respiratory sickness.
Monsanto has lobbied widely and even filed lawsuits to prohibit labeling of GMO products and bury the World Health Organization’s report listing glyphosate as a probable carcinogen. If Monsanto joins forces with Bayer (one of the most hated Big Pharma companies in the world)
Michelle And Barack Obama Remain In The White House In 2017 Predictive Programming
On ELLENTUBE when Michelle(Michael)CVS video at the coin machine Obamas coins add up to $45.17 (45th President 2017)…when she walks out of the store at the end, she says “See you in 2017”.
Sept 19
Arch of Isis (Isis=Black Virgin) aka Arch of Triumph or Arch of Septimius Severus to be installed in Time Square NYC. Sacrifices to Molech, usually young children offered by their parents were offered as Holocaust (Fire) “Burnt Offerings” to Satan in Amurru (Palmyra, Syria) under the Arch of Isis. America is modern day “Amurru” the Edomite Feathered Serpent and Shepherd aka Quetzalcoatl, Qucumatz or Kulkulkan. Amurru means “Land of the Amorites”.
Septimius Severus was a Phoenician ie Canaanite (Marduk=Molech=El=Saturn) traitor from Carthage Libya (remember Anakin Skywalker? he was Carthaginian and turned into Darth Vader). “Synagogue of the Libertines”=Benghazi=Cyrennaica; ring a Baal? America or Amurru Can if you will, arms, trains and finances Isis in Benghazi. Severius was tutured and promoted by Emperor Marcus Aurelius, the last Emperor initiated into the Eleusinian Mystery religion (watch The Matrix, the Merovingian in Hell with Persephone illustrates this). His Incestuous/Sodomite Son Commodus (Gladiator ring a Baal?) took over, and incest with his sister produced the son and co=Emperor Caracalla who pronounced the Edict of Caracalla: All Free men and women in the Roman Empire became Roman Citizens overnight in 212 AD; the end of the Empire resulted from internal rot then as the American Empire will end. Amurru is Kulkul “Feathered Serpent” + Can=Snake. Citizenship courtesy of the Jesuit sponsored Voz de Aztlan (Aztec), LaRaza Unida and MEChA sound fun? watch Mel Gibson’s Apocalypto. The word means “Reveal” the Antichrist.
Tophet (synonomous with Hell on Earth) in the Valley of Hinnom (Outside the walls of Old Jerusalem) is where sons and daughters were burned in the fire… “behold, the days fome waith the LORD, that is shall no more be called Tophet, nor the valley of the son of Hinnom, but the valley of slaughter…and the carcases of this people shall be meat for the fowls of the heaven…for the land shall be desolate” Jer 7:31-33 What fowl of heaven? “For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together” Mat 24:28 Who is the Eagle? Esau “Exhalts himself as the Eagle” Where? Inside the gates of Jerusalem Ref Obadiah. Folks, America uses the Eagle as its symbol for a reason.
The Talmud predicts this Gate from Palmyra (Tadmor) heralds the arrival of the Messiah from the House of David; Jesus, from the House of David said “I am come in my father’s name and ye reject me. Another shall come in his own name and he you will accept” Get ready for the Alternative Messiah; he demands a lot of sacrifices. So, who are the keepers of this Gate of Isis to be installed on 9/19? 1 Chronicles 9:19 “Korahites…keepers of the gate of the tabernacle…keepers of the entry”; perishing in the “Gainsaying of Kore” Jude 7 may ring a Baal.
“…the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that they doeth God service. And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me” Jn 16:2
UN: 20 more countries ready to ratify Paris climate deal
Published on 16/09/2016, 9:32am
UN expects nearly 50 countries to have ratified new global pact to slash fossil fuel emissions by 21 September2
The annual event, which is convened by The Climate Group, will take place from 19-25 September 2016, in New York, US, during the 71st session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA). The opening ceremony, titled ‘America Means Business: US Leadership in a Post-Paris World,’ will focus on climate leadership in the 21st century, technology and innovation, and the clean energy transition.
Climate Week NYC’s “signature” event, ‘Securing a Paris Dividend: Leadership and innovation for a strong, sustainable economy,’ will include keynote addresses from: John Kufuor, former President of Ghana and the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy on Climate Change; Prakash Javadekar, Minister of State Environment, Forests and Climate Change, India; Michael Bloomberg, UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Cities and Climate Change; Angel Gurria, Secretary-General, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD); and Jim Yong Kim, World Bank Group President.
Carbon Forum North America and a US-Canada Renewable Energy Roundtable will also convene, as will the UN Private Sector Forum, which will focus on realizing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Climate Group, which was founded in 2004, works with business and government to promote clean technologies and policies, in order to expand clean technology markets and reducing emissions.
dates: 19-25 September 2016 location: New York City, US
read more: http://sd.iisd.org/events/climate-week-nyc/
David bowie supposed ashes was taken to the burning man festival. Haven’t connect the significant of this sick endeavor??
Dopleganger or Real Hillary arrested, shackled, collapses, stuffed in van