The UN Flag and Israeli Flags are Tekhelet Blue, a Canaanite copy of God’s priestly color designed to represent World Peace. “For when they shall say Peace and safety then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape” 1 Thess 5:3. America is now 239 years old, the same age Peleg (Archipelago means “Separated by Water”) died; the Tower of Babel was destroyed and the Nations separated by water during Peleg’s day 239 years after the Flood. Do you suppose God wants us to pay attention?
Arriving at the White House, Pope Francis received this Tweet “Welcome to the White House@Pontifex! Your message of love, hope and peace have inspired us all” “The triumph of Science is finally realizing Earth’s carrying capacity is under 1 Billion people”-Pope Francis’ Science Adviser on Laudato Si. @Pontifex? Means “Bridge Builder”, a Rainbow Bridge from Heaven to Earth to be precise aka Tower of Babel.
On Eid al Adha a stampede killed 717 and injured 900 near Mecca (Mecca means “Adultery”; this following the collapse of a bin Laden crane killing 111. The only Hajj required for the entire world during the Millennium is to Jerusalem for Feast of Tabernacles. (Ref Zech 14:16-19) During Feast of Tabernacles 2015 the US Government will shut-down should International Bankers (Jesuits/Templars) not extend more credit.
The movies “Re-Wind” and “TomorrowLand”; French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius’ 500 Day Climate Chaos warning; the Serpent Kukulkan descending the steps of Chichen Itza; the Sun striking the altar on the Rose Line at the St Sulpice Cathedral in Paris (House of Isis); the Washington Monument shadow at sunset hitting the Capitol; a host of celebrities like Madonna, Britney Spears, Justin Bieber; The Simpsons; the NYSE, CERN; Google Maps have all highlighted the date Sept 23, 2015; Why? For starters CERN will attempt to create Rainbow Gravity on 9/23; another way of writing the date is 23/9. America was born on July 4, 1776 according to Rosicrucian Astrology (Sibly Natal Chart) 239 years ago. America’s Army and Navy just celebrated their 239th anniversary, in charge of both is Jesuit Martin Dempsey serving Jesuit Pope Francis, delivering his “Ministry to the Poor” to the Nation living highest on the Hog on borrowed money; a lifestyle far in excess of Pope Francis’ “Sustainability”. Babel was destroyed, Language Confounded and Nations separated by Water in Peleg’s (Archipelago means “Separated by Water”) Day 239 years after the Flood (Ps 55:9 speaks to this); Peleg and his son Reu both died at 239 years of age; Peleg an ancestor of Jesus the “Living Water”. Eber (root of Hebrew) died when Abraham was 239; 23/9 is the intersection of Abraham offerering his sons Ishmael (Quran) and Isaac (Bible). In other words Pay Attention! America, the land between 2 Oceans is now 239 years old and the Scapegoat for “Babel/Babylon”; the UN will put them back together again.
Chiliasm is the concept of putting a human Messiah “Jah” from the House of David (Judah) on the Throne of King David in a rebuilt 3rd Temple. This Jah will however sit on the Throne of Pergamon “Satan’s Seat” next to the “Abomination of Desolation”. JESUS is JAH/JEHOVAH (Ps 68:4; Mat 1:25 KJV) “Jah” will be the Antichrist and is largely the reason Jesuits were so intent on keeping the Authorized Bible (KJV) from being compiled. Ps 12:6 promises the Word of God will be purified 7 times as Silver in a Fire; it is no coincidence 12/6/2015 is “Hanukkah” (Feast of Dedication) or that Jesus said “Call no man your father upon the earth” in Mat 23:9 or that Pope “Father” Francis will meet Obama on 23/9 in the White House. Francis is Pope #266, 23/9 is Day #266, human gestation is 266 days; Jah will be the human Messiah Jesus said would come in his own name and be accepted.
Sept 23, 2015 is Yom Kippur “Feast of Atonement”, the day Christianity and Judaism connect through Isaac and the Lamb “Scapegoat”. On this day the Chief Levite Priest sacrificed 2 Goats, one for himself, the Scapegoat for the Congregation presented alive and released into the Wilderness. Jesuit Pope Francis’ Earth Encyclical calling for the elimination of 6 Billion people sinning against “Mother Earth” is essentially from 2 Cathedras (Teaching Seat). The Vatican Basilica has the Cathedra St Peter; Jesus gave the Keys of Heaven to Peter as He did for anyone who asks Him for them; the Catholic Church falsely assumed Jesus’ role through the office of Pontifex Maximus “Master Bridge Builder”. The 2nd Seat is the Jesuit Cathedra of St John Lateran, the Jesuit HQ and “Mother of all Churches in the World” including Islam according to the Jesuits misguided views.
Sept 23, 2015 is Eid al Adha the Feast of Sacrifice for Abraham’s offering of Ishmael according to the Quran. Ishmael married Hittite women in violation of God’s covenant with Abraham as did Esau. Lateran means Hidden Frogs, the 3 unclean spirits of the Dragon, Antichrist and False Prophet (Rev 12:9); St John Lateran Basilica is considered the Mother of all Churches Worldwide, thus he is the current false but Chief Priest and America is to be the Scapegoat for the Sins of the World. These Cathedras were conceived in the St Denis Cathedral as was the Jesuit Order (Feast Day of Lucifer Aug 15, 1534); Denis is Dionysus aka Green Man, the Arabs call this false Messiah “al Mahdi”.
Zionism is Chiliasm; the equivalent of Chiliasm is Messianic Islam; both are ideas Satan dreamed up and both converge on Sept 23, 2015.
August 15, 1871 is the date the Jesuit inspired letter between Luciferian Masons Albert Pike and Giuseppe Mazzini calling for 3 World Wars to usher in the doctrine of Lucifer. WWiii is about to begin.
Desert means “Land devoid of human life and returned to Nature” ie Wilderness; this then is the role of the United States and it begins on Mabon.
Rick Warren Inaugurated Obama a name meaning “He is with us” in Aryan/Persian/MedeanFarsi. The Benediction paid homage to Jesus, Isa, and Hesus. Hesus is Esus (H means God is with me in Hebrew; it’s missing from Esus for a reason), the Celtic Druid god to whom sacrifices were nailed to trees and flayed alive; part of the Trinity Taranis, Teutates and Esus. Isa is the Arab moon god Sin, repackaged in 632 as Allah.
Rick Warren has largely assumed the mantle of Luciferian Mason Billy Graham as “America’s Pastor”; his religion is “Chrislam”, a combination of Zionism and Islam. America is named after the Canaanite god Amar; Ameru “Serpent”; Celtic “Amorica” and Amurru the Edomite Serpent and Shepherd god; hence Rick Warren invoked the Isa at Obama’s Inauguration (Augury) foretelling the future of the likely last American President. A note in Amorica; Amor “Love” is the name of the Cathar Church of Amor; Cathars were executed by fire in 1244; feel the love yet?
Obama wears 2 rings. 1. A Prince Hall Mason Ring because his Nation of Islam name is Bari Malik Shabazz Jr. 2. A wedding ring with the Shahada “There is no god but Allah”. He will meet the Jesuit Pontiff who sits on the Cathedra of St Peter which also has the Shahada written under it. Allah is not Muslim; it is a 4000 yr old moon god called Sin. WWIII is Zionism versus Islam; neither side wins this fight; when JESUS returns to Zion everybody in front of Him dies including every last Edomite pretending to be Jewish, Christian and Muslim (Ref Obadiah).
On Sept 22 “Kol Nidre” (All Vows) Talmudic Rabbis will forgive the Sins of their Congregations for the coming year; these are Oaths and Sins they swear and plan in advance; in 2016 there will be a lot of Sin forgiveness during the Jubilee Year. Sept means 7th Month, but on the Gregorian Calendar is the 9th Month; note the connection to Heb 9:22-23 because Talmudic Rabbis certainly have. Note also the connection to Rev 22/7, not only a mathematical representation of Pi, but a blessing JESUS promises on those who read and understand His “Revelation”. Jesuit (Society of Jesu) Pope Francis will arrive at Joint Base Andrews; Jesuit Joint Chief of Staff Martin Dempsey and Obama will welcome him with honors accorded no other foreign dignitary. Andrews named after Gen Andrews? Sure thing. Andrews means “Manly Warrior”; the patron of Scotland, Greece, Romania (Romani are Gypsies from Tower of Babel fame) and Russia is worshipped with the the Cross of Andrew, an X (Greek Chi or Messiah), the same X Constantine saw in the sky with IHS (In Hoc Signo Vinces) meaning “By this sign conquer” is used on Pope Francis’ Papal Coat of Arms. Jesuits conquer Laity from the Pulpit as their Masonic counterparts do.
Sept 23, 2015 is the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) and Eid al Adha Feast of Sacrifice the day Pope Francis will advise Obama in the Oval (Human gestation is on average 266 days; Oval Office is the Primordial Egg/Womb on Day #266 by Pope #266) Office; above the doors is the Fasces. Pope Francis will deliver Mass at the National Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (Mary conceived through normal pre-marital sex and kept sinless by the not yet conceived Jesus; Jesuit nonsense on par with the Assumption of Mary; Jesus lived Sinless, not Mary) CERN plans to produce Rainbow or Dark Matter.
On Sept 24 Pope Francis will deliver the news to the US Congress; behind him soon to announce Presidential run Jesuit Joe Biden and Sodomite Jesuit John Boehner; flanking the Speakers Rostrum is the Fasces. Viewed from the US Capitol, the Sun will descend on top of the 666ft tall Obelisk (Baal’s Shaft aka Satan’s Phallus) and cast a shadow aligned to 88.880 reaching the Capitol Dome (Womb of Zeus/Jupiter/Lucifer). Fancy that, the Vatican “Key” and “Labrys” is also aligned to 88.880. This 88.880 line is the Earth “Mother” in the Federal Triangle (A2 + B2 =C2); Why 88.880 ? The Gematria is JESUS is 888. Standing atop the Capitol is the 19 1/2 ft tall Lady of Freedom, facing East to the Rising Sun with her back to the Nation; Every 19.5 yrs (Metonic Cycle) Apollo (Apple) returns to Avalon (Glastonbury Tor).
On Sept 25 Pope Francis will deliver the news 6 Billion people need to die to save Mother Earth to the United Nations where the Vatican Flag will fly for the first time in it’s 70 year history and Russia will chair the UN Security Council; Putin will deliver a speech on Sept 28 as the Pope departs. The Keys of Gold and Silver represent spiritual and temporal wealth to be handed over to Antichrist (Dan 11:38). UN Agenda 21, in place since 1991 gets an upgrade to Agenda 2030 calling for a Global Climate Agreement and returning much of the Earth to Nature minus some 6 Billion people. Korean CIA asset, Unification Church disciple of Sun Myung Moon, Sec Gen Ban Ki Moon says “This is the start of a new era” That’s right Ban, this is Esau’s (Esus) prophesied but very short lived “Dominion” (Gen 27:40 KJV). The Feast of St Andrew is Nov 30, what a coincidence the Paris Global Climate Summit begins on that date eh?
On Sept 27 under Martial Law security, Pope Francis will deliver Mass at the RC Trinity Church and visit the Liberty Bell. RC Christian financed the Georgia Guide Stones calling for a human population under 500 million people. “America’s Pastor (JESUS is mine) and CFR (CFR magazine “Foreign Affairs” has the Pale Horse Death on the cover); Warren is pastor of Saddleback Church; he literally saddles the Pale Horse. Traitor Rick Warren will introduce the Rosicrucian Pontiff and his Focus on the Family Summit. RC is “Rosicrucian”; the Rosicrucian Crucifix replaces “JESUS KING OF THE JEWS” with “INRI” Latin for “Nature is Renewed by Fire” aka Holocaust. Philadelphia (City of Brotherly Love) is the Church Jesus referred to as the “Synagogue of Satan” (Rev 3:7-13); this Brotherly Love is the love Cain had for Abel and Esau for Jacob. Rick Warren gave the Benediction for Obama’s Inauguration invoking the Arab “Isa”; not JESUS but Allah the Arab moon god Sin. Warren quoted the opening line in all but one of 114 chapters of the Quran “Compassionate and Merciful One”; JESUS comes with a Sword; best get behind Him and let Rick Warren be Satan’s Pastor. Warren invoked Yeshua, the Hebrew rendering of Joshua the warrior. Isa is the Arab moon god Allah equivalent with the Celtic/Druid Esus to whom victims were sacrificed on Trees as Jesus was. Isa is also Esau, the Twin who sold his relationship with God for a bowl of beans and is hated of God because of it (Mal 1:3; Rom 9:13; Heb 12:16).
On Sept 28th “Feast of Tabernacles” the Jesuit Pontifex Maximus will travel to Rome for the Super Moon Lunar Eclipse, the last of the 8th and final Tetrad in human history on Jesus’ real Birthday. JESUS is the 8th and final covenant between Man and God; don’t turn your back on Him and face the Rising Sun as happened in Eze 8.
On Sept 30 the US Government funds run out with the funding vote hinging on Gov’t funding of Planned Parenthood.
Sept 23, 2015 is the 70th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations. (Oct 24 to be precise) The UN Planetary Initiative says “Nobody shall enter the New Age unless he or she accepts a Luciferian Initiation”. Cool, count me out. Aliens? Awaiting their arrival is Malaysian/Edomite Dr. M. Othman (Mothman Prophecies may ring a Baal). Pope Francis? He said he would Baptize Martians when they arrive.
Sept 23, 2015 is the 50th anniversary of the first Pope, Paul VI addressing the UN; the Sovereign Vicar of Jesus pledged his full and unconditional support to the United Nations, The Nations JESUS separated in Peleg and Joktan’s day with the Flood (Gen 10:25). Now is the time to Separate (Become Holy) from this nonsense with the “Living Water” JESUS.
50 years is a Jubilee Cycle which is why Pope Francis will begin his “Special Jubilee Year” on that day. This 50 yr Jubilee is also the anniversary of the Gemini (Gemini Twins aka Jacob and Esau were represented by the Twin Towers, now replaced by the Freedom Tower) Space Program transitioning to the Apollo Program and the founding of the Church of Satan in 1966 coincident with the 7th Tetrad of Lunar Eclipses. How do you like them Apples? Cut an Apple and a 5pt Star “Pentacle” (Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Quintessence/Illumination) forms, cut vertically and the Labrys (Birth Canal) forms. Witchcraft folks, nothing more.
The Vatican (Divine Serpent) Flag will fly alongside the UN Flag for the first time, symbolically handing over the Gold and Silver Keys of Heaven and Earth (Relax, JESUS gave those to everyone who asks Him) to the UN and Korean CIA asset, Unification Church disciple of Sun Myung Moon Ban Ki Moon.
The United Nations Flag and Israeli Flag are Tekhelet Blue; the Priestly Color. Modern day Tekhelet is a Canaanite forgery using UV Light and Snail Feces; No shit. Maimonides said Tekhelet was Sky Blue, another fake Jew, Talmudic-Kabbalist Rashi said it was Green, then Dark Blue. One thing is certain, God doesn’t give a Shit about a Priest in Tekhelet any longer, only a one on one relationship through the Holy Ghost is required. Harsh? The Glory of the LORD departed Solomon’s Temple in Eze 8 because Israel chose the Six Pointed Star of Molech; now the symbol and color of the Chief Priest with a Moonie putting the Nations together under Satanic rule. Peleg and his son died at 239 years; do you think God is pointing something out to the 239 yr old United States? On 23/9? In a 50th year Jubilee? Since the founding of the UN? on Feast of Atonement?
Mabon is the Gaelic (Galatians) name of King Arthur; Witches celebrate the Sept 23rd Fall Equinox “Mabon” as the harvest at the end of summer. Eid al Adha is Sept 23, 2015 the day Abraham offered Ishmael on the future Temple Mount; according to the Chaldean (St Augustine “City of God”) inspired Quran. Don’t you think it a bit coincidental the Winged Horse Al-Buraq surveyed the Earth for Abraham and again for Muhammad as recorded in the Quran and Barack “Lightning” is the current US President? In the Word of God Isaac is the son God instructs Abraham to offer. Time to choose.
The Zohar is the definitive book upon which Kabbalah is based. Note the similarity to the 14 yr old Muhammad in a cave receiving the Quran, the 14 yr old Scottich girl Margaret McDonald who had a vision of the Jesuit inspired “Rapture” and the 13 yr cave exile of Rabbi Shimon ben Yochai who received the Zohar (Radiance). The Zohar described every false Scientific Theory we have today some 2000 years ago: Gravity; Heliocentrism (Sun centered), Evolution,;Rainbow Theory of Light; Dark Matter; Time Travel; String Theory; Space-Time and Black Holes.
Abraham’s first born son Ishmael lived 137 years matching the DNA of Light ie Radiance. Note the Secret Service names: Obama=Renegade; Michelle (Michael)=Renaissance; Jesuit Joe Biden=Celtic; Jill=Radiance ie Zohar. Folks, we are waist deep in Chaldean/Jesuit Bull Shit. Time to get Holy and separate from this Celtic Renaissance before the sacrifice offerings begin.
The Zohar is the definitive Kabbalah (Gematria 137) book of Light and Matter. As passionate as genuine Christians are about maintaining a Vessel (Body) for JESUS (Holy Ghost=Day 1 “Light”), people who reject Him are about maintaining a Vessel for accepting Light (Lucifer) and that is what Kabbalah and the Zohar are all about. No they are not Jewish; they are Chaldean.
The Rabbinical “Head of the Year” Rosh Hashanah matches 137 in 2015 seen as the 13th day of Sept (7th Month) or 137; a Solar Eclipse marks off the Waxing Crescent (Allah=Arab Moon god Sin)days to the 8th Teetrad Lunar Eclipse. This is why Edomites married Ishmaelite wives who in turn were Hittite ie Canaanites which violated God’s Covenant with Abraham not to take a wife of the daughters of Canaan. Notice this Rabbi generated day is directly opposite Passover, the day Jesus died (Bodily) on the Tree. Remember what He said “As long as I am in the world, I am the Light of the World…” Occultists believe He left the world on Passover and reject the power of the Holy Ghost; thus only Light is left.
137, the 33rd Prime Number; Fine Structure Constant; odds of an electron absorbing a photon (Matter absorbing Light); theoretical Light based age of the universe; theoretical Light based Size of the Universe using the Einstein’s value for the Speed of Light; Gematria of Kabbalah and age Ishmael (Abraham’s 1st born connected to Adam and Eve’s first born Cain through Ham’s incest with his Cainite mother “Only Noah was perfect in his generations”) died is seen by occultists in Sept 13, 2015. 1 Tishrei “Feast of Trumpets” or “Rosh Hashanah” (Head of the Year) 13th day of September (7th Month).
Marduk is Nibiru (Planet X where Planet means Wanderer or Cain) and Marduk is Mercury (Toth-Hermes) in Tishrei (7th month); 9/23/2015 thus represents T”ikkun Olam” (Repair the Earth) taught by Talmudic Rabbis who originally nailed God to the Tree. Repair the Earth refers to Cain murdering his brother Abel; for Pope Francis it is “Laudato Si” (Be Praised), the Mother Earth encyclical calling for the murder of 6 Billiion+ people sinning against the Earth.
9/23 is Mabon the Gaelic name of Arthur (Bear or Big Dipper) Arthur’s burial place Avalon means “Place of Apples” which is why CERN was built over the ancient Temple of Apollo (Apple) and why CERN intends to create Rainbow Matter on Sept 23. The Rabbi created day of Purim means “Cast Lots for Marduk” which is why 9/23/2015 Eid al Adha matching Feast of Atonement is so critical; WWIII is after all Islam versus Zionism. JESUS returns to Zion; now maybe you can see why He said “Never call any person Rabbi” Mat 23:9.
Ps 137 describes Edom (Esau=Esus) being destroyed as the daughter of Babylon (same thing described in Obadiah) The Mormon Doctrine and Covenants 137 describes the Gate of Heaven; that would be Bab=Gate of El because Mormons believe they are Elohim.
Ishmaelites or Hagarenes (Abraham cast Hagar and Ishmael out; they were sustained by the Zamzam Well where the Ka’aba is today) control Mt Sinai (Agar of Gal 4) in Arabia NW of Mecca and the Temple Mount (Jerusalem) currently holding Zionists and the World in bondage. Jerusalem above is JESUS the Mother of us All.
On Sunday Mass in Cuba Sept 20th, Pope Francis (Pope #266) carried openly the Pagan Twisted Crucifix depicting Jesus hanging and nailed to the Tree wearing Green (Green Man is Pan aka Bacchus or Dionysus) Papal Vestments in honor of “Mother Nature”. On Sept 23, 2015 the Jesuit Scapegoat head of “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT. MNOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS ON THE EARTH” will meet the Scapegoat head of “Babylon” Barack (Lightning) Hussein (Handsome) Obama (Farsi “He is with us”) on Eid al Adha and Feast of Atonement (Day #266). Prince Hall Mason Obama is Bari (Boat) Malik (Molech/Marduk) Shabazz (First Race) Jr the son of Nation of Islam leader, Sovereign Luciferian Prince Hall Mason Malcom X (Marduk/Molech/Milcom and X=Christ=Messiah). The Christ/Messiah (266 day Human Gestation period) the world will accept and install on the Throne of Pergamos (Satan’s Sea currently at the Berlin Museum’s, Brandenberg Gate and Quadriga of Apollo) on the Temple Mount is the rejected Messiah Jesus, said would come in his own name and be accepted.
CERN was built over the Temple of Apollo; Avalon means “Place of Apples or Apollo” and Mabon is King Arthur, King of the Celtic Britons. Atop Glastonbury Tor is the Aquarian Cross in St Michaels Monastery; Sept 23rd is also called Michaelmas. The RAinbow symbolizes the Aquarian Age as does CERN’s stylish 666 (Triskelion) Logo.
CERN as a Time and Place is seen (Google=Gogol or 10100, the estimated number of Atoms (Given Mass by the God Particle) in the visible (13.7 Light Year Diameter Universe=DNA of Light) Universe Google Maps renders 9/23/15 as the address of CERN. Tomorrowland stresses this date of Chaos as does Re-Wind as does Eid al Adha as does Feast of Atonement the only day Kohen Gadol entered the Holy of Holies after sacrificing a suitable Scapegoat which in this case is the US.
The Zodiac is Arthur’s Round Table and so is CERN with the Rock Star Pope calling for the death of 6 Billion people on the cover of Newsweek (aka The Daily Beast), Time (aka Chaos or Chronos) and People Magazines.
Pardon me, I know waking up is a very hard thing to do, but how on God’s Green Earth can people not see this Jesuit (Jesuit HQ is St John Lateran meaning “Hidden Frogs” the 3 Unclean Spirits of the Dragon, Antichrist and False Prophet) Pope in Green Robes carrying the Pagan Twisted Crucifix in Cuba (Fidel and Raoul Castro are Jesuits), meeting Obama, Congress (To meet for War), the Green UN Bldg and Philadelphia (City of Brotherly Love aka Synagogue of Satan) as anything but a mass murdering Satanist?
Before Wednesday (Woden/Odin’s Day) enter your Prayer Closet and establish a one on one relationship with JESUS who promised “It is appointed unto man once to die, but after this the Judgment” You do not want to hear “Depart from me…I never knew you”
Luciferian Mason/Khazar Royal Zbigniew Brzezinski advocating US attack Russia for Russian attacks on US assets in Syria.
The US and Russia are now coordinating attacks with each other fearing their jets may hit each other.
Russia arms Assad openly; Russia arms ISIS; Mol Comfort and Nour M (Turkish Ship) were loaded with Russian weapons headed for Syrian Rebels last summer.
The US arms Assad; Bob Gates admitted Saddam Hussein’s Iran-Contra era WMD’s were flown in chartered (Evergreen Intl) B-747’s to Damascus just ahead of the 2003 invasion.
The US arms ISIS openly; John McCain and John Kerry have meet with Syrian Rebel/ISIS leaders regularly. John Kerry meets with Saudi Arabians who arm ISIS and accepts Russian weapons deliveries and meets with ISIS commanders in Switzerland.
Treason is now open; with the creation of a US-UN Global Police Force times with Russia heading the UN Security Council and Saudi Arabia in charge of UN Human Rights Council how in the world can people stay asleep as to what’s is going on? George Soros, another Khazar (Chaldean) Royal ie Schwatrz aka Black Nobility as is Elena Kagan (Khazar King); Lazar Khaganovich Stalin’s chief henchman and architect of the Pentagram shaped layout of Gas Chambers may ring a Baal. Soros is pouring $1B into Gun Control and HIllary Clinton’s campaign.
Soros’ (On=Osiris aka Priests of On aka Amalekites at war with God from generation to generation” Ex 17:16) is financing Hillary Clinton who just announced the “Central Pillar of her administration will be LGBT Rights”; if Hillary goes down, Benghazi goes with her along with a host of Traitors from Bob Gates, Gen’s Petraeus, Gaouette and Allen.
Hillary is attacking Kevin McCarthy over his Benghazi investigation, so tomorrow’s vote will swing for bought and paid for Mormon Jason Chaffetz. Soon we will see how this plays out, but these are truly perilous times we are in. If nothing else, a UN-US-NATO, Russian, Saudi Arabian Global Police Force should scare the Hell out of anyone not wanting to spend eternity there
China is sending troops into Syria. Why? China=Sina=Sin=Cathay=Cath=Heth=HIttites. Hittites married Ishmaelis and Edomites which made the contract God made with Abraham and Ishmael null and void; Esau voluntarily sold his Right to that contract. Hitttes and Arameans (Nabatteans or Syrians) collaborated against Israel; today not the nation of Israel at all but the 12 Tribes in Diaspora and all Born Again Christian followers of JESUS. The only Aramamaic words in the Bible are “Why has thou forsaken me?” spoken just before Jesus gave up the Holy Ghost and commended His Spirit unto God for Judgment. God was “Well Pleased”; how will God feel about your Spirit when it returns?
Zbigniew Brzezinski : Shortly, the public will be unable to reason or think for themselves. They’ll only be able to parrot the information they’ve been given on the previous night’s news.1972
Brzezinski is Khazar Royalty as is Elena Khagan; they are the original Chaldeans of Ur out of whom came Sargon the Great; Sabeans of Haran; Sarmation Priest Kings exiled to Baghdad and then Odessa, Crimea. “They” of Tower of Babel fame. Mika Brezezinski “Morning Joe” means “Joseph” Eze 37:16; Rev 11:1 They will be judged at the Altar of Antichrist; Jesus will not Judge Gentiles on the Porch. Stay on the Porch? 33 degree Luciferian Mason Brezezinski is headed for Hell Don’t follow him.
Jubilee year of mercy runs from Dec 8 to Nov 20; the Opening and Closing of the Holy Doors of St Peter’s Basilica and the Archbasilica of St John Lateran. Local Priests are now able by Papal Bull (April 11, 2015) to forgive sins of Abortion. These dates are Feast of Immaculate Conception to Feast of Christ the King, considered the last Sunday in Ordinary Time. The color of the Feast of Christ the King is Green. In Lutheran Churches it is called Sunday of Doom marking the return of Jesus and the Judgment Seat.
Everything is wrong with this. Immaculate Conception refers to Mary being Sinless during a normal conception with Joseph by the Grace of her yet un-conceived Son; in truth this day of conception was of the LORD during Hanukkah (John the Baptist’s 6th month of pregnancy) Feast of Dedication.
The Holy Doors? Rather obvious, but Lateran means Hidden Frogs, the 3 unclean spirits of the Dragon, Beast and False Prophet (Rev 16); the Archbasilica is considered the Mother Church of all Churches in the World, HQ of the Jesuits and Sedes Vacante (Long Vacant Seat). Basilicas all hold Teaching Seats (Cathedras) The Pope is Pope of the Holy See Sedes Sacorum (Sacred Seat) being held Vicariously for the one who will occupy Sedes Vacante ie Dragon, Serpent, Devil, Satan (Rev 12/9)
Now when is the Serpent, Devil, Dragon, Satan cast out? Rev 9:11 exactly 18 months (360 day years), 1 day, 1 hr (5th Trumpet=5 months; 6th Trumpet-1 yr, 1 month, 1 day, 1 hr)
So, the question is Has Pope Francis via the Unclean Spirits just tossed out the timeline?
One more thing, Ordinary Time is an Earth based time having nothing to do with God. Jan 6 Feast of Epiphany? The Magi arrived when Jesus was a Young Child of 1 1/2 during the Spring of 4 BC, the time of the Slaughter of Innocents and death of King Herod for ordering this act. Easter is a Pagan Day celebrating not the Resurrection of Jesus (Actual date was 17 Nisan Feast of First Fruits 3 days after 14 Nisan Passover) but the conception of Easter (Oestre, Ishtar aka Mother of God). Baptism of the Lord on Sunday after Epiphany? Not even close; Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles and Circumcised on the 8th Day of Tabernacles. His Baptism came when He was 30; John the Baptist symbolized the washing of Sin with Water, but it was the descent of the Holy Ghost that did the Baptizing. Jesus having lived the Law, then preached His New Covenant of the Holy Ghost and offered His Body as Remission for everyone who asks for a Baptism of the Holy Ghost.
Peter never taught in Rome, nor from a Seat; in Mat 16:18 Jesus says His Divinity is the Rock the Gates of Hell shall not prevail against; Peter is the Small Stone the Nicolaitanes used to form the Catholic Church; the elevation of Clergy is something Jesus hates as much as Esau wearing the robes
Truly the whole earth is filled with Satan’s worship. You should really put the links for others to research. It’ll help them figure out where they are,in mindset.
Many people are frightened and need to have reassurance.
Speaking of predictive programming, in Evan Almighty (2007), the great flood is said to come on September 22nd. According to our calendar conversion, that sets it at October 5th. And according to The Little Shop of Horrors (1986), September 23rd – aka October 6th – is the date we encounter a deadly threat to our very existence.
Interesting Travis; Can you and anyone else here look at Sept 23, Nov 5 (Gunpowder Plot) and Dec 6 (Hanukkah) in comparison with Dan 12 1335, 1290 and 1260 day warnings? I really don’t get the calendar conversions but know that the world is getting quite close to 5996 1/2 years old (1656 years Creation to Flood) + 2160 years Aries-Pisces + 2160 years Pisces to Aquarius. Sargon the Great Legitimized at 21 as Taurus moved into Aries?
Anyway, I’d sure appreciate the input
TPP was finalized on Oct 5 with the HQ in Japan and Japan PM Shinzo Abe in charge. His father Shintaro was in Unit 731 which made Dr Mengele look like a Saint; he worships at the Shrine of the Martyrs of the Manchurian slaughter “Rape of Nanking” and constantly lies about the severity of Fukushima.
Fukushima is a true ELE (Extinction Level Event); Plutonium enhanced Fission is ongoing underground as Water turns to Steam forming spherical shells similar to the bomb core of “Fat Man”; when Fission begins across the cores at the location 3 Tectonic Plates coincide “The earth will reel to and fro as a drunkard” Is 24:20 is a very real possibility because the Earth’s core contains vast amounts of incompressible Water
STATE regulators IN CALIFORNIA have approved a controversial plan to bury nuclear waste in concrete bunkers within 125 feet of a seawall and the beach at the shuttered San Onofre nuclear power plant.
Above San Onofre and the Swastika shaped Marine Barracks of Camp Pendleton is Mt Ekklesia the Rosicrucian Temple of AMORC. Abe Lincoln was president of AMORC; Obama stood on the spot Abe accepted the presidency, took the same train stops to Washington, used the same bible and both were/are closeted Sodomites.
U.S. Senate candidate admits to sacrificing goat, drinking its blood
Invictus, a 32-year-old lawyer who changed his given name — which he declines to reveal — to a Latin phrase that means “majestic unconquered sun,”
I did sacrifice a goat. I know that’s probably a quibble in the mind of most Americans,” he said. “I sacrificed an animal to the god of the wilderness. … Yes, I drank the goat’s blood.”
Sol Invictus “Unconquered Sun” is MIthra the Indian god and source of Mitre; Philistine Priests wore the Mitre of Dagan as do Orthodox and Roman Catholic Bishops. Philistines are Caphtorim ie Cretans “Liars, evil beast and slow bellies” Titus. Sol is Apollo the root of Apple.
I have a feeling Saturnalia/Yuletide 2015 is going to be pretty crazy
Pet Goat ll Apple occult communication
progression along the time line of history is in view, starting “In the beginning,” with the Creation account. This segment concludes with the ritual of the 5th ring, which is a picture of when Apollo is received by the world. If you’ve been following this blog closely you may compare this to what’s pictured by Heliofant in “I, pet goat II,” when the girl inside the circle drops the apple and it rolls across the checkerboard floor to bump into Obama’s foot and blossom into a lotus flower. There, the scenario spans from the Garden of Eden to the revealing of the lawless one, featuring the casting of a potent spell that involves the fruitful advance of the knowledge of good and evil through time.
The entire ceremony unfolds under a collection of cylindrical rods that represent the opened stargate and portal between dimensions, a symbol that will be explained shortly.
Augustus Sol INvictus was ejected from Ordo Templii Orientis (Order of Eastern Templars) for sacrificing a Goat? Pictured doing the HIdden Hand Lion’s Paw sign? An adherent of Aleister Crowley’s Thelema and self proclaimed Fascist?
Running for Senate?
This reeks of a PR stunt to boost OTO. The motto of Thelema is “”Do what thou wilt” for Pete’s sake
Zbigniew Brzezinski: Obama should retaliate if Russia doesn’t stop attacking U.S. assets |AP
Brzezinski has been the “Mayor of the Palace” (White House) since Eisenhower. He is Khazar ie Chaldean Royalty. War with Russia was also forecast by fake Christian (Scrying) Edgar Cayce
Secret Service Agent Says Obama Is Muslim & Gay In New Tell-All Book
former agent, Paul Horner, in his new tell-all book “The Black House,” reveals what goes on inside the White House when the news cameras are turned off.
In an interview with NBC News, Horner told Senior Political Analyst Tom Downey that he is one-hundred-percent positive that President Obama is not only gay, but a radical Muslim as well.
“Everyone on the inside knows that Obama is gay and a Muslim, it is common knowledge,” Horner said. “I saw many men coming and going from Obama’s room, at all hours. I would say a good portion of the men, over fifty-percent, were Muslim.”
Looks like they are getting ready to take him out; membership rolls of Man’s Country, Rahm Emanual, Mohammad Chandoo, Kal Penn, Michael Robinson (Crack Whore Marion doing Santeria Rituals in the White House), Obama visit to Hawaii just before election when his alleged mother mysteriously died, Body Man Reggie Love (Sandusky-Paterno trained).
It’s getting pretty obvious. My question is do they install Jesuit Joe or go back to the election and install Mitt Romney? or Hillary Clinton?
This State Just Voted to Ignore ALL Obama’s Executive Orders
Arizona House Bill 2368, introduced by Rep. Bob Thorpe (R-Flagstaff), prevents the state of Arizona from funding any executive orders issued by President Obama, or policy directives issued by the Department of Justice.
The Arizona State Legislature website described the bill as prohibiting “this state or any of its political subdivisions from using any personnel or financial resources to enforce, administer or cooperate with an executive order issued by the President of the U.S. that has not been affirmed by a vote of Congress and signed into law as prescribed by the U.S. Constitution.”
Trade negotiators hope to wrap up Pacific trade deal
Trade negotiators say they hope to seal a final trade deal between the U.S. and 11 Asia-Pacific countries on Monday. The landmark Trans-Pacific Partnership, under negotiation for eight years, would open up trade and set commerce ground rules for 12 countries representing about 40 percent of the global economy. If finalized, the next hurdle will be getting it ratified in all 12 member nations. A deeply divided Congress is expected to debate the pact for months. [The New York Times]
TPP is a Corporate Trade Deal eliminating rights of Citizens as is TTIP. The Mormon Church is not a Church but a 501c3 Corporation holding Court much like TISA Courts. The Mormon Priesthood follows the Prophets who claim Dannite genealogy; Dan is prophesied to be a Judge of Israel (Gen 49).
It hinges on Israel; modern Israel uses the Star of Saturn, El, On, Ilu=Allah, Molech, Chiun as does the Mormon Church. Dan will Judge at the Judgment Seat 1000 years from now; the fake Dannites will assume that role soon which is why Dan and Ephraim the 2 tribes most representative of the Mormons are not listed as Saved in Rev 7.
Bottom Line is Mormons have a deep seated hatred of Jesus. A Mormon Baptism by a Melchisedek Priest is necessary for Re-generation as it was in the Campbelite Church which started the “Restoration Movement”.
House will use “Secret Ballot” vote and Tea Party darling, (Tea Party was started by 33 degree Mason and ex-Speaker of the House Dick Armey “Freedom Works” Mormon Jason Chaffetz may spearhead the Foreign Corporate takeover of America shedding the blood of every man woman and child who rejects the Gospel of Joseph Smith.
NASA Releases 10,000+ Apollo Images Ahead of TPP Approval
The U.S. government will hold a meeting of Trans-Pacific Partnership trade ministers in Atlanta Wednesday and Thursday to discuss the controversial trade agreement championed by President Barack Obama
Canada and Japan are expected to increase access to their tightly controlled dairy markets, but New Zealand wants the U.S. to provide significant access, too. Sen. Ron Wyden (D., Ore.) and Rep. Paul Ryan (R., Wis.), two key lawmakers overseeing trade policy, have insisted that dairy producers in their states gain more access to Canadian consumers. U.S. lawmakers don’t want to make it too easy for New Zealand to sell more dairy products in the U.S. because it could threaten less-competitive U.S. dairy farms.
GSA Steers Pentagon to $1 Billion Contract to Track Global Threats
Chaldean-Welsh Iran-Contra drug dealing Latter Day Saints (Mormo “King of the Ghouls” or Living Dead is one of 77 names of Satan) Mitt and Ann Romney (Romanichal=Romani=Gypsy) are back in the news just in time for Mormon General Conference concluding on the Great 8th Day of Feast of Tabernacles; what a coincidence on the day Jesus was Circumcised in accordance with the Law He wrote; of course Mormons teach the Satanic garbage Jesus failed His mission.
Speaker of the House of Representatives, Jesuit John Boehner resigned as did Jesuit Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Martin Dempsey (Rats crawling out of the Titanic comes to mind). Mormon (Chaldean) Jason Chaffetz as Speaker of the House? Jason comes from a fake Jewish father and Christian Scientist mother; he converted Mormonism ie he is a classic Crypto. The Mormon White Horse Prophecy is called the Blood in the Streets Prophecy “Blood running down the streets from Ogden to Provo like water in a storm drain sound fun to you”? Oh yeah, the written plan is for Mormon elders to step in when the Constitution hangs by a thread. Mitt and Jason believe (at least outward) the Garden of Eden is in Jackson MS and the Mississippi River is really the Euphrates. Mormons believe the Bible is only accurate as far as it was translated correctly; that folks is Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost and is the Unforgivable Sin. Question: Why is the Star of Molech in the Mormon Tabernacle window? Why is the entrance flanked by an Eagle clutching a Beehive? Bee is Chaldean for Word.
Calvinism teaches Limited Atonement (Jesus died only for His Elect) as do the Mormons. Everyone who denies the Mormon Gospel must have his own blood shed as Atonement
Mitt Romney and Jason Chaffetz Don’t be fooled as to their agenda
Edmund Burke said “Jesuits are an infectious plague requiring the most severe quarantine” Brigham Young’s Jesuit handler was Jean Pierre De Smet
An editorial in the Apache Chief Newspaper said “The Mormon disease is a desperate one and the rope and shotgun are its only cure…hang a few polygamis leaders like Romney and Udall…”
Missouri Governor Liburn Boggs signed Executive #44 aka Extermination Order calling for the Removal and/or Extermination of Mormons.
Congress vote on Thursday October 8 for House Speaker is not random; Octo=8;Oc=Light; Occident=West; Occitane=Languedoc “Language of Light”; Oculus=Eye etc 2015, year of the 8th Tetrad is the International Year of Light. 2015=2+15=17=8; 2+0+1+5=8. October means 8th month, so the 8th day is obviously thought out.
A sworn Mormon traitor serving his Luciferian Mason Prophet as House Speaker and a sworn Jesuit VP serving his Black Pope is reminiscent of Brutus killing Caesar.
Cicero said “A traitor inside the gates is worth 700 outside the gate because the traitor inside the gate speaks the language of his intended victims”
JESUS is the Holy Ghost and has a Gematria of 888
Jason Chafffetz may very well be elected Speaker of the House on Thursday Oct 8. A Sephardic Crypto sworn to “Avenge the blood of the prophet Joseph Smith on America till the last drop of blood is spilled in every house and every family”
With Jesuit Joe Biden and Jason Chaffetz one heartbeat and vote away from controlling America with Supreme Court Jesuit trained John Roberts, these are some very serious times.
Mormon Mitt in Bed with Big Tobacco
Is Limited Atonement the same as Sovereign Grace?
No. Limited Atonement is a Protestant as well as Mormon Doctrine. It refers to Jesus dying on the Cross to save His pre-chosen Elect rather than everyone on Earth who accepts His Blood (Heb 9:22) as Atonement of Sin.
JESUS is GOD of all Religions, Nations and People. Election refers to “Your election of God” (1 Thess 1:4) not “God’s election of you” Calvinists reversed this critical scripture and most new bible perversions use the change.
You need to open the door before JESUS will come in to your heart.
Both the “shooter’ and the MSNBC Reporter are ACTORS in the Umpqua CommunityCollege’s CenterStage Theatre company
Obama Tweet Before Oregon FF/HOAX VERY Suspicous! + Freemason Code
Umqpua means Thundering waters as well Oregon came is the 33 State to be apart of the US of America on Feb 14th
Education Secretary Arne Duncan steps down
Oregon school shooting Live Shooter Drill held just days before. Sandy Hook, Aurora CO, Columbine, Boston Marathon all had similar Drills.
State Department Publication 7277 was personally delivered to the United Nations by President John F. Kennedy in September of 1961.
“It is the official policy of the United States of America, and reveals the plans of the federal government of the United States to retroactively transfer its military forces to the United Nations. It specifically outlines an ongoing agenda to combine the police and military forces of the United States of America with Russia in three distinct stages, into what will be the ‘peace-keeping’ forces of the new world government under the authority of the United Nations bureaucracy
Reagan Foreign Policy adviser, CFR Traitor and UN Ambassador Jeanne Kirkpatrick said “America’s role is to Police the World”
Jeanne=John as in Gnostic Johnnitters; Kirk=Scottish for Church; Patrick is Ptah-Rek or King Ptah/Mercury/Hermes.
Pope Francis comes to Washington DC, New York, and Philadelphia.
He left for Rome on September 27.
The next day September 28, JOAQUIN forms in the southern Atlantic, with a target path of Washington DC, New York, Philadelphia.
Did Pope Francis stir up some powerful Magic?
JOAQUIN reminds us of the TWO PILLARS of Solomon’s Temple, JACHIN and BOAZ.
“AND he reared up the PILLARS before the temple, one on the right hand, and the other on the left; and called the name of that on the right hand JACHIN, and the name of that on the left Boaz.”
(II Chronicles. 17)
In all the languages of the Semitic stock the letters J and Y are interchangeable, as we see in the modern Arabic “Yakub” for “Jacob” and the old Hebrew “Yaveh” for “Jehovah.” This gives us the form—- “YACHIN,” which at once reveals the enigma. The word Yak signifies “ONE”; and the termination “hi,” or “hin,” is an intensitive which may be rendered in English by “only.” Thus the word “JACHIN” resolves itself into the words “one only,” THE ALL EMBRACING UNITY.
This Hurricane JOAQUIN is a SEAL on the Covenant created by POPE FRANCIS — UNITY is coming for all of us this is the birth of a ONE WORLD ORDER. Recalled that Joe Biden Classified File he was holding last year Howard
Obama Administration and UN Announce “GLOBAL POLICE FORCE” to Fight “Extremism” IN US CITIES – .
Police is from Polis “City” Cain is the Metropolis Builder through Enoch; Phoenix is the Arabian Bird that self immolates and re-generates from its own ashes meaning “House of Enoch”; America is “New Atlantis” the Phoenix as written in Francis Bacon’s New Atlantis ca 1620
Jesuit Joe treasonously and intentionally displayed a Top Secret Brief called CODEWORD Fancy that “CODEWORD BARBELON: The sons of Loyola and their plans for world domination” is a book by PD Stuart Written in 2006 it features an entire section on Senator Obama. How’s that for advance planning?
Who is BARBELON? Barbelo Gnostics may ring a Baal; Ophites, Cainites, Sethians are mystical Satanists worshipping Barbelo as the 1st emanation of God called the Divine Feminine or the Androgynous “Mother-Father”.
3Allah and Khabar (Information), the pre-Islamic Moon God and Goddess of Mecca (Mechus=Adultery). The latest al-Qaeda (Foreign Toilet) iteration “Durka Durka” is a real hoot, “Durka Durka Mohammad Jihad” is a line from the movie “Team America: World Police”. Especially hilarious since America created al-Qaeda, essentially NATO’s “Mercenary Army” trained, funded and armed by Uncle Sam. From your Jibesr
The US and UN announced the formation of a World Police on Oct 1 to “Enforce General and complete disarmament in a peaceful world”, “Combat extremism in US Cities” (such as enforcing the UN Small Arms Treaty by taking guns). 330 Luciferian Mason, MAFIA Capo, Muslim Shriner, Jester, Jesuit Knight of Malta, CIA, NSA creator, Atomic Bomb mass murderer Harry Truman chose Dean Rusk to divide North Korea from South Korea (Kim Il Sung a US-Russia creation as is his knuckehead son and grandson) along the 38th Parallel (520-380-900 Pythagorean Triangle and Egyptian Great Pyramid “Queen’s Chamber” may ring a Baal). US Sec of State Dean Rusk then created US State Dept Pub #7277 which assigned control over and combined US Military Forces and US Police Forces to the United Nations in conjunction with Russian Military Forces to be an Urban Police inside America. JADE HELM 15: Master the Human Domain may ring a Baal, at the center of the Logo is a Wooden Shoe worn by Holocaust Camp Inmates during WWII. Treason doesn’t begin to describe this. UN Sec General Ban Ki Moon is a Unification Church “Moonie” Disciple of Sung Myung Moon and a Truman era South Korean CIA asset who believes “Jesus failed in his mission”; those same words were spoken by Pope Francis “Jesus’ Crucifixion was a failure”. Got JESUS aka Holy Ghost in your life yet?
Police is from Polis “City” Cain is the Metropolis Builder through Enoch; Phoenix is the Arabian Bird that self immolates and re-generates from its own ashes meaning “House of Enoch”; America is “New Atlantis” ,the Phoenix as written in Francis Bacon’s New Atlantis ca 1620. The Phoenix Bird perched on the Benben (Pyramidion) of Heliopolis “City of the Sun”; the Benben with the All Seeing Eye of Horus is above the Pyramid (Amid the Flames) on the $US for this reason.
Last year Jesuit Knight of Malta Joe Biden treasonously and intentionally displayed a Top Secret Oval Office Brief called “CODEWORD”. His Secret Service CODEWORD is “CELTIC”; CODEWORD is for the “Baggage” he carries; what is it? Creating a World Police to destroy America.
“CODEWORD BARBELON: The sons of Loyola and their plans for world domination” is a book by PD Stuart Written in 2006 it features an entire section on Senator Obama. How’s that for advance planning? You may recall Michelle/Michael Obama/Robinson wore a Black Widow Dress on Election Night 2008 standing on the same spot Abraham Lincoln did. The “Baggage”? Destroying America. Jesuits are the “Sons of Loyola” as well as Celtics; in Wales they were called “Culdees” a they are in America because they are the original “Chaldeans”. Their Priests “Konn-Torrs” means “Priests of the Toroid”, the Toroid shaped Magnetic Field created by the Earth (Magnet) and Sun (Electro) powers EM Scalar Weapons capable of producing Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions, Hurricanes and Nuclear size Detonations anywhere on Earth. Mat 24, Luke 21 and Mk 13 describe the Great Tribulation which is about to begin. Couple this with Project Blue Beam (another US-Russia project aka Star Wars) turning the Earth’s Ionosphere into a Global Television Screen and the entire world will be “Positively Entertained”.
Who is BARBELON? Barbelo Gnostics may ring a Baal; Ophites, Cainites, Sethians are mystical Satanists worshipping Barbelo as the 1st emanation of God called the “Divine Feminine”, Androgynous “Mother-Father” or “Eternal Aeon”. The extremists in US Cities are Christian followers of JESUS who see through this Satanic-Celtic-Jesuit garbage. Celtic “Esus” for example is not Jesus but Mars (Roman), Nergal (Babylonian; 2 Kings 17:30) or Ares (Greek) all gods of war to whom sacrifices were hung on trees (Deut 21:23; Gal 3:13 “Cursed is anyone who hangeth from a tree”) and bled to death. It’s likely no coincidence Pope Francis was elected on 3/13/13; Galatians=Gauls=Celtics; Mars is the Gallic Rooster heralding the Dawn ie Lucifer. 3/13/13 was Red Heifer Day (2 Nisan) the sacrifice of an unblemished unyoked Red Heifer will precede the building of the 3rd Temple; 313 the number associated with Egyptian Initiation (Ref Elizabeth Hatch book “Initiation”); Eris is Ub313 Drawf Planet? Hardly, the Code for Eris “Goddess of Discord”; al Mahdi (Green Man) will rise when there are 313 sincere followers of Shia (Messianic) Islam; there are 313 ! in the KJV for a reason! America is to be the Scapegoat for Babylon, the fall of Babylon is the last of 313 ! Hurricane Joaquin? Oh that’s Jachin meaning “One and Only”, the right hand pillar of Solomon’s Temple that formed on Sept 28th “Feast of Tabernacles”. Joaquin is a “Weather Weapon” with many more close behind.
Who will save the Widow’s Son ? I’m half expecting an albino to turn up any day .
Of course, the Joe Biden image is staged. In short, we are seeing another episode from ‘The Ministry of Truth’ with the government shutdown and the usual themes and esoteric references. Since god knows when, we have been seeing a series of ‘masques’ with cardboard cutouts parading on the stage and the audience thinking it real and normally retreating to division, apathy, fear and powerlessness.
If I have any advice, it is be aware of the tricks of The Magus, ignore them and head towards where you want to go.
And in the week following the Nairobi Westgate siege, President Obama compares the government shutdown to a hostage situation : “The Republicans cannot collect a ransom for crashing the US economy”. And in a week or so, a new TV series “Hostages”
Right, all Stage Managed Entertainment. SMOM, Hurricane Sandy Liar Michael Bloomberg in Oregon; Live Fire Shooter Drill in Roseburg (Pop 21K); ISIS assumes responsibility for Chris Harper Mercer’s training; George Soros (TARP Thief Grigori “Watcher” Schwartz “Black”) begins massive Gun Control publicity and Obama grandstands and calls to “Politicize” the incident.
What a load of Bull Shit
THE POPE’S SECRET LGBT MEETING REVEALED: Prepare yourself for full and complete acceptance of openly-gay LGBT Catholic church members. His secret meeting last week with same-sex couples shows you the Popes true intentions. Pope Francis is building his One World Religion, and the gates of Hell fully support him. Grassi said the Pope has long known that he is gay, but has never condemned his sexuality or his same-sex relationship.
So-called Evangelicals praying blessings on Trump and begging God to make him president!
Apparently God can’t hear group prayers unless half the people in the room are videoing them on their cell phones and uploading to the *cloud*!
Attending are the usual heretics like David Jeremiah, Ken Copeland and Paula White… among others.
Howard your have a file or superdata base for these sickos or something wow.
The Pope’s Chemtrail Depopulation Coin Minted By The Vatican in 1985Vatican’s “chemtrail coin” was minted in 1985 just as NASA began to indoctrinate school children into accepting chemtrails as normal clouds.
Its has on the inscription of CITTA DEL Vaticano 100. The coin that is
Found it here
itta Del Vaticino? Citadel means Fortress commanding a City; Vatis=Divine or Divining and Can=Priest of Cain. Chemtrails? Chemical is derived from Alchemy and Pharmacy the Cadeuces being the staff of Hermes aka Mercury or Toth. Cainites want to “Repair the Earth” to the conditions when only Cain was there; ie like minded people who reject God. It’s sick really, Chemtrails have mercury, barium and aluminum but also desiccated blood. Just follow the professions of Cain’s children to see how this works: Metal working, Cattle ranching, music and City building all to control people.
2015 Year of the Sheep is on Silver Shield Bullion coins with 2 wolves eating a lamb. They think they are going to win because for them JESUS is not in the world. Oops!
Saudi Arabia mis-reported the deaths in the Sept 23 stampede on Eid al Adha; it is well over 4000 dead now.;
The president of Argentina said at the UN that an Obama official approached them with a request that they sell enriched Uranium to Iran back in 2010.
CALL MITCH MC CONNELL AT 202 224 2541 and demand Obama be impeached for this, that Planned Parenthood be defunded, and the Iran Deal stopped.
I have no doubt, the US was sending Niger “Yellow Cake” Uranium to Saddam Hussein as an excuse to start that war
Mitch McConnell will do nothing; his marriage to Sodomite Bush Jr Labor Sec Elaine Chao is a cover for his homosexuality. He was 2S draft deferred for 5 yrs 1962-67 before serving from July ’67 to Aug ’67; booted out for his homosexuality. His press secretary remembers none of that little tid bit claiming he never served because of childhood polio. Look at Bush Jr’s Vietnam record, it’s the same preferred treatment for blatant homosexuals
Israel has launched at least three airstrikes against positions of the Syrian army on the Golan Heights.
6-day War took the Golan Heights from Syria during the last Jubilee and 7th Tetrad; Mt Hermon is Gen 6 “Mt of the Chief” where sons of God took daughters of men as wives; not physical intercourse but women pledging themselves in Sacred Marriage/Divine Union to Demons who left their 1st Estate.
Howard, Came Across something significant in 1Chron in regards Ashur. In strong concordance they have meaning Black(Israelite) Egyptian . His Dad is Hezron. SAYS HE DIE IN EGYPT .ASSHUR ALSO REFERS TO AS Aram for IRAQ. Have you ever look into this Chap 2 and Chap 4 of I Chronicles unto Ethiopians and Tribe of Judah. Is an real one Egyptian and fake one Ethiopian like HALIE Selassie. When you get a chance examine the Ashur in 1 Chro vs Asshur that’s known as Irag(Akkadians). 806 in strong concordance is the reference point .
Significant of supermoon harvest moon term in the media
Harvest Moon is Mabon the Gaelic name of Arthur ie Branch of the Terrible One. The Round Table is the Zodiac; look at Dan 12 (12 is complete zodiac ie 12 Apostles; Circular Time/Calendar) for the warnings of 1335 days, 1290 days and 1260 days because Arthur is returning. 9/22, 11/5 and 12/6 seem likely candidates thus far; any ideas?
So if i’m understanding this correctly there is 45 days from 9/22 to 11/5 for the the daily sacrifice to be abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up(ISIS/Antichrist), third temple at Al-Aqsa Mosque ? After another short war? and then we are at the 1290 day mark (11/5)? they call peace 30 days later..then all hell breaks loose (1 Thessalonians 5:3) at the 1260 day mark at 12/6? Then we enter into the Great Tribulation.. and then fake Gog and Magog/ strong delusion.. project blue beam maybe, fema camps… earth quakes?
PS the daily sacrifice is what?(Jewish burnt offerings that still go on today)? does it have to do with Dan: 9:27 is that the Mark of the beast being talked about?? please excuse my ignorance.
Hi Matt, I’m guessing about this as much as anyone; let’s try to get to the bottom of what “Daily Sacrifice” means and how it ends in this article. My observations are
Jewish Sacrifices ended with the corruption of the Levite Priesthood some 2700 years ago, and they were not done Daily. Jesus (Tribe of Judah) as Melchisedek (Heb 7) took over the corrupted Levite Priesthood of Aaron with His one time Sacrifice. He is Shiloh (Gen 49:10) the Lawgiver of Judah promised to come again and gather the people to Jerusalem (Zion). Ok so far?
Israel is a Satanic-Edomite creation not Jewish in the slightest; eg Ashkenazi=Ashkenaz=grandson of Japheth (the elder), Sephardic=Mt Sephar=Joktanite (Arabs); Mizrahi=Mizraim=Ham’s son. The Six Pointed Star is the sign of Molech/Chiun/Remphan/El, Saturn/Sikkuth (Amos 5:26) not David. The Tekhelet Blue used by God’s Priests is a Canaanite/Phoenician forgery. Ok so far?
Daily Sacrifice is described in the Church of Thyatira (Continual Sacrifice or Mass Ref Rev 2:18-29) The Roman Catholic Church started under Constantine the Great not Peter (Mat 16:18 makes clear Jesus is the Rock not Peter). Catholic means “Universal”. Mass means “Sacrifice” specifically concerning the Eucharist, but remember Jesus offered Himself once; the real Eucharist is Spiritual not Trans-substantiated Body and Blood; a remembrance of what Jesus did to become JESUS (Holy Ghost=New Covenant)
Universal Daily Sacrifice is something only the Roman Catholic Pope can lay claim to. As a Jesuit the home Church of all Churches in the World is also claimed by the Basilica (Cathedra=Teaching Seat; they are in Basilicas not Cathedrals) of St John Lateran. Lateran means “Hidden Frogs” the 3 unclean spirits of the Dragon, Beast (Antichrist) and False Prophet (Rev 16:13); the St John Lateran Obelisk is from the time of the Exodus, the Amalekite (Hyksos aka Priests of On=Amalekites at War with God from Generation to Generation) attempt to destroy Jacob.
Pope Francis (Free) is planned by St Malachy (Molechy of the Emerald Isle) to be the last Pope (We will see); he occupies the Sedes Sacorum, Chair of St Peter and has the keys Jesus gave to Peter, but Jesus gave them to anyone who asks for them, not just Peter. The Sedes Vacante is at St John Lateran presumably to be used by the False Prophet as the Throne of Pergamon “Satan’s Seat” is in Berlin currently.
Mass extends from (in Catholic theology) from JESUS called by the Pope into the Eucharist, then via the laying of hands to Cardinals, Bishops and Priests to the Laity; no Pope, no Daily Sacrifice “Mass”.
Now as to the 3rd Temple, go to Dan 9:24-27 for that. 70 Weeks means just that, 490 days, no Private Interpretation. 69 weeks=483 days from the time the order is given to rebuild Jerusalem to Messiah the Prince. He will make the Covenant with Many for 1 week (7 days) not 7 years. This is the final 490 days before the 2nd Coming not a new Dispensation for Israel. 70 Weeks to “finishh the transgression” (Remove the imposters) make an “end of sins” (only Jesus can do that), reconcile iniquity (workers of iniquity ie Priest Class/Warrior Class) and “bring in everlasting righteousness” (Jesus does this).
Obviously Nov 5 (1290 Day Warning?) nwill not see a rebuilt Temple, but it could bring an end to Daily Sacrifice (Mass) we will just have to wait and see, but if so Hanukkah is 30 days hence, an open and blatant rejection of Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross Start of 1260 Days? Time will tell.
Any thoughts?
Thank you! you did a really good job at explaining the Daily Sacrifice. Someone close to me practices communion when they go to church and at there bible study.. iv tried to explain that practice was made up by churches.. but I didn’t really know how to explain it because im not trying hard enough to understand these things and put forth the effort to research, to many distractions in this world that I need not to worry about.
Slowly i’m starting to understand your second paragraph, there’s a lot I guess to wrap my head around with Revelations. As far as timing goes, I got no clue. Other then sooner then later.. the rate that the world leaders lie to the public and the rate that the public believes them is pretty crazy to me.. its so obvious its insulting loll.. and the pope.. that dude wont quit with his BS and people think the pope is there way to Jesus, its extremely aggravating to say the least.
Celibate Pope Francis extols the “Family”, welcomed by 12 pedophile priests to the Cathedral of St Peter and Paul praying with his head covered as Paul said not to do carrying the Keys of Peter which are made up fiction, extoling Religious Freedom when Jesus said He is the “Narrow Path”, saying Jesus’ death on the Cross was a failure while blessing a Homeless Crucified Jesus on a Park Bench, promoting Immigration when Vatican City allows virtually no Immigration, promoting giving to the poor whole traveling down 5th Ave and the Vatican Bank in the Cayman Is holds $Billions in tax free offshore accounts, traveling in a carbon spewing B-777 calling for drastic reductions in Carbon, teaching Big Bang Theory, Evolution and Alien Baptisms, while holding Inter-faith Mass praising “Mother Earth”
The purpose of electing Barack Obama to the presidency is to further the Jesuit order’s purpose-to enact and enforce the demonic Roman Catholic Council of Trent in America and to totally eliminate the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the genuine fundamental Protestantism, Christianity, based on the 1611 King James Reformation Bible, both of which go against the Vatican’s Council of Trent, whose basic purpose is to restore the temporal demonic authority of the Roman Catholic(Gesu) pope as a secular king, as well as the demon-spirit leader over the entire world.
Remember, Remember the 5th of November” Jesuit Thomas Percy (Pierce) tried in vain to prevent the 1611 Authorized Bible from being compiles and given out to the common man “Nothing is more powerful than the bible in the hands of the common man”- James
Pauline Pierce+Aleister Crowley=Barbara Pierce (Bush)+George Scherff Jr (HW Bush)=George (9/11/Mission Accomplished/Saddam Hussein pal), Jeb (Weather Derivatives), Marv (9/11 Securacom Security), Neil (No Child Left Behind, Silverado Savings thief, Common Core).
In the movie Green Mile, John Cofee (Jesus) is tortured intentionally by “Percy”.
5 Nov + 30 days=12/6 “Hanukkah” any relation to the Autyhorized Bible being Ps12:6 promised “Purified Word 7 times as Silver”? How about the 1290 day warning before the 1260 day Great Tribulation in Dan 12? How about Sept 23 being the 1335 day warning?
How about Pantheist “Mother Earth” Eco-Pope Francis and Rev 13 “Earth Dwellers”? Green Robes in St Patrick’s (Ptah-Rek=Green Man) was a bit obvious eh?
Hahaha Yep 5th column decide to leave before thing hit the WWlll fan. He on Oct 30 officially. He was mention on the 6 day of Sept 26 Friday(Freya) right
Jesuit war monger Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Martin Dempsey also quit today. When Babylon fell “MENE, MENE, TEKEL UPARSIM” was written on the wall; by then the Chaldean traitors had left; so it is now the Jesuit traitors are bailing; I wonder if John Kerry or Joe Biden is next?
47 is the Atomic Number of Silver; 47 is the Silver Cord of the Mystery Schools. Hitman 47 and 47 Ronin may ring a Baal. 4X7=28 the 28th Rainbow Arch Degree in Masonry is Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost and acceptance of the Silver Cord.
Compare 5 Nov (Gunpowder Plot to murder King James the AV is the 7th Purified Word of God per Ps 12:6; Hos 4:6) with 6 Dec Hanukkah (Feast of Dedication) and the 1335 days (Dan 12:12), 1290 Days (Dan 12:11) and 1260 day Great Trib (Dan 12:7). Hanukkah the 7 Branch Candlestick (Jesus hanging between 2 thieves on the Tree) with Shamash (Sun) between 8 candles (8th Tetrad). 1335-1260=75 or Diamond Jubilee (Diamonds are purified Carbon under pressure of 75 miles of Rock); Sept 22 the day Pope Francis arrived was Kol Nidre “All Vows” (Sins forgiven in advance). Dec 6=12/6 or 1260 days+30=1290 days or Nov 5. Jesuits managed the Gunpowder Plot.
So what if anything does this all mean? Accept Hanukkah (Festival of Lights) or accept JESUS but not both. Hanukkah is 25 Kislev the day the Temple Altar was Purified; this became 25 Dec “Christmas” or the Mass of Christ.
Christmas 2015 may very well be the last Christmas and Hanukkah 2015 the last Hanukkah. Time to Wake Up
Argentinian Pope Francis is the Silver Pope of Sedes secorum the Sacred Seat.
BOMBSHELL admission from Pope Francis:
Jesus’ Cross was a “Failure”…. [VIDEO]
On Eid al Adha a stampede killed 717 and injured 800 during the “Stoning the Devil” Ritual near Mecca (Mecca means “Adultery”); this following the collapse of a bin Laden crane killing 111. The largest Devil’s Obelisks (Phallus) are at St John Lateran, the Vatican, NY Central Park, Paris, London and Washington DC to which the Inauguration of the President occurs. Why? Jesuit planned WWIII is Political Zionism against Islam. The only Hajj required for the entire world during the Millennium is to Jerusalem for Feast of Tabernacles. (Ref Zech 14:16-19) During Feast of Tabernacles 2015 the US Government will shut-down should International Bankers (Jesuits/Templars) deny the US more credit; these are the same Creditors Jesus turned the tables on 2000 years ago.
Christine LaGarde is the US Creditor and as she admits she what she is told by the G-7 (77) Marduk (Nibiru) is called Mercury in Thshrei. Satanists use the phrase “Tikkun Olam” (Repair the Earth); the opening statement in the Emerald (Stone cut from Lucifer’s Crown) Tablet of Toth-Hermes (Mercury) “As Above, So Below”. Sept means 7th month as does Tishrei; the Ides of Tishrei 15 Tishrei is Jesus’ real Birthday, in 2015 Sept 28th. 77=Oz=Emerald (Emerald is the Stone cut from Lucifer’s Crown in Heaven) City. Sept 28th is the end of the 7th Shemitah (49 years) and beginning of the Jubilee when Debts are Forgiven after a suitable Atonement. Satan’s vacant Seat “Sedes vacante” is about to be filled, and with that comes the Mark of the Beast; the same OK sign Pope Francis flashed at his speech to Congress as Pope of the Sedes Sacorum.
The Word of God was purified 7 times as Silver in a fire (Ps 12:6; 12/6/2015 is Hanukkah) with the KJV Bible; God’s people are purified as Silver in fire aka Holocaust. Dorothy (Door) had Silver shoes on her journey to Oz; the UN World Health Org Bulletin #47 called for creating a “Virus to destroy human T-Cell System combined with a mandatory Vaccine program”; the result was AIDS and today Ebola (Balls of the Roman Flagrum used in Crucifixion). Think the WWII Jesuit managed Holocaust was bad? WWIII is right around the corner.
Obama administration released Abdul Shalabi(BID LADEN BODYGUARD from the Guantanamo Bay detainment center.
U.S. State Department “Welcomes” News That Saudi Arabia Will Head U.N. Human Rights Panel
Russia heads the UN Security Council with Putin giving a speech as Pope Francis departs on Feast of Tabernacles. Saudi Arabians are Wahhabist and Qutbist, not Muslim; Sharia Law is their goal. al Qaeda was coined by Ibn Sayyid Qutb in 1966, a Standord University professor of Islamic Studies later executed for treason.
The House of Saud arms and finances ISIS and claims descent form Mordechai (Servant of Marduk) of the Tribe of Benjamin just as Benjamin Netanyahu does. The Book of Esther and Song of Solomon do not mention the word God for a reason.
Saudi Arabian military brass are trained in Moscow. These Satanic misfits appear together in Eze 38 as Rosh (New Bible addition to Tubal and Meshech) and Dedan. The plan is to fake the Gog and Magog invasion which occurs at the end of the Millennium now.
bin Laden said “America is Hubal of the modern age” Hubal is the Red Agate Idol with the Golden Hand Muhammad smashed at the Kaaba along with 360 other Arab Idols he re-dedicated to Allah (Sin).
Mt Sinai is near Mecca (Gal 4) guarded by a joint US-Saudi military base. Arabia has given Israel overflight rights for an attack on Iran.
What will it take for people to wake up?
UN being run by the Jesuits and Vatican and the Vatican being itself involved child trafficking and “health” charades. The UN”s health arm, the WHO, has been committing genocide for decades, using sterilizing and even weaponized vaccines that caused AIDS.
“[A] 1972 report (Bulletin #47) issued by the World Health Organization …. referred to an immune virus requested which would selectively destroy the Human T Cell System, to be distributed in conjunction with a Nationwide vaccination program “to observe the results”. This coincided precisely with the extensive Small Pox vaccination program in central Africa – shortly preceding the outbreak of Aids in Africa, America & elsewhere. The determining factor most common in Aids victims is the breakdown of the T Cell System in the body. Another coincidence.
Memo 1:
Memo 2:
The UN’s WHO is now deeply involved in the ebola false flag. US bioweapons labs created ebola and through forced UN vaccinations programs it suddenly appeared in scattered places in West Africa, not the normal progression of an actual epidemic.
The Vatican (controlled by the Vatican):
– was involved in organizing the Holocaust down to the placement of camps in a Pentagram.
Pope Francis Flashes OK(666) HAND SIGNALS to Start Historic Address Before Congre$$
Jesuit Knight of Malta John Boehner in his Green Man tie was so moved to tears he resigned before WWIII starts.