“Synagogue of Satan”
[frame_right][/frame_right]..also known as “Zionist Christians” or “Gnosticism”. Samaritans have an outward appearance of being Jewish and Christian using Eucharist Rites such as Communion or Water Baptism and by using symbols such as the Menorah (Shamash is represented here), Six Pointed Star (Star of Molech and Chiun), Yarmulke, Kippah, Zuchetto (Cap of Cybele), Cross, Mitre of Dagan etc. Samaritans educate the young in Yeshivas and worship in Synagogues and Churches. Samaritan Holy Days include Hanukkah, Purim, Kol Nidre, Christmas, Lent and Easter. If this sounds familiar you are in a Samaritan Synagogue or Church led a Reverend, Priest or Rabbi aka “Wolf in Sheep’s Clothes”. Time to leave!
The Samaritan/Mormon Jesus is a white, long haired, bearded version of Zeus (Egyptian Serapis), conceived on Easter and born on the Solar Solstice “Dies Natalis Solis Invicti”. The Samaritan God is the Tetragammaton YHVH, a combination of 5 pagan deities collectively referred to as Baals (Obelisk means Baal’s Shaft) brought to Israel during Assyrian captivity under Sargon II and his military commander Tartan (Scottish Plaid “Tartan” was outlawed for this reason and still should be) Priests of Baal “Baalims” are today’s Christian Reverends, fake Jewish Rabbis, Roman Catholic Priests, Orthodox Priests, so-called Eastern Religion Gurus and Islamic Imams; all Samaritan in origin.
Babylonians brought the Evergreen Tree aka Grove or Christmas Tree. The Tree was America’s first flag “Ensign” because Amar is a Canaanite Deity; it means Succoth-benoth “Booths of Daughters”. The Lights refer to Festival of Lights, a Samaritan modification to Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah), the date Jesus was conceived. Succoth-benoth were Tents of Evergreen boughs where Ritual Incest (Conception) occurred. Evil was done in sight of the LORD in “Groves” on high places such as the Samaritan Mt Gerizem. The North Pole being the Norse Yggdrasil or Buddha “World Pillar” symbolized by the Kaballah “Tree of Life”; a Samaritan creation.
Cuthites aka Medes brought Nergal aka Mars from Cuth (Tel Abib) to Tel Aviv symbolized by the Rooster as a herald of Lucifer aka Dawn, Eostre, Easter,Venus, Lucifer.
Avites brought Tartak symbolized by the Donkey (Democratic symbol) a Hellenic Greek symbol. Samaritans pretended to be Hellenized Jews in Libertine Synagogues such as in Cyrene aka Benghazi. When expedient not to be Jewish such as when Syrians under Antiochus IV ruled, they claimed Phoenician (Tyrrennian or Sidonian) descent; the Phoenix symbol came from this period. Solomon’s architect Hiram of Tyre originated the Samaritan lineage when Omri (885BC) built the Hill of Samaria and Ahab and Jezebel allowed Samaritans to raise their children.
Hamathites brought Ashima, a Goat Idol venerated by Knights Templar and Secret Societies as the Goat of Mendes, Sabbath Goat, Wilderness Goat or Baphomet. Cathar Priests were both men and women called Perfecti; the overused term “Illuminati” was the Order of Perfectibillists from Alexandria, Egypt, were one such Samaritan ie Gnostic group. Jesus is the Scapegoat upon whom all Sins of the Congregation are placed; Azazel “Goat that departs” is the alternative version (Lev 16:8); the so-called first Race “Shabazz” (Obama’s real name is Bari=Barque Malik=Molech=Lord; Shabazz the son of Malcolm X who assumed the same name) venerated to the Nation of Islam uses the Falcon, a symbol of Horus, the Egyptian Divine son of Osiris to represent the First Race of Lucifer. More on this in a moment.
Sepharvites brought the Assyrian sun god Adramellech aka Molech, Melek-Taus (Persian version), Shamash, Marduk. Purim means “Cast Lots for Marduk”, one of the fake Jewish Samaritan Holy Days when Wars of revenge are often started. Sepharvites also brought the consort Anamellech, venerated as a Rabbit Idol under the guise of Mary, Easter, Ishtar, Astarte, Ashtoreth, Isis etc.
Jesus explained in Jn 4, Samaritans worship what they don’t know; We worship what we know. We being Born Again Christians who revere Jesus as the Jewish Messiah; Samaritans revere an Alternative Messiah; al=Mahdi, Krishna, Buddha, The ONE etc. Jesus and Paul said Charity was visiting the widows and orphans because unless Jesus Christ is our Father and sole mediator to the FATHER through the Holy Ghost, we have no real Father; only a Samaritan “UNKNOWN GOD” ignorantly worshiped at Mars’ Hill or the Areopagus in Temples made with hands. Jer 10 (Christmas Tree), Acts 7:48 (Temples made by hand ie Synagogues), Acts 8 (Samaritans), 12:4KJV (Easter) all explain this Samaritan “Tabernacle of Molech” (Acts 7:43) in detail.
Shas (Sephardic Torah Guardian) Party Rabbi Ovadia Yosef says Israel needs to flatten Gaza and destroy all food, water, roads and fuel; he is a Samaritan “Sepharvite”. He knows the real goal is war with Iran (Iran means Noble Caste ie Shabazz, a nation built after Cyrus the Great allowed Jews to return from exile during the Inter-testament “Silent Period” when Samaritans using Nabattaean Arabs, Maccabees, Hasmoneans, Edomites, Pharisees and Sadducees took control and manufactured Israel as we call it today. Read Amos 7:-3;5-6KJV God did not create this monster.
Gaza (Uzza is the Arab Star Venus-Lucifer) is being flattened using F-16 “Falcons” given to Israel during Reagan’s presidency by Samaritan Neo-cons, primarily Rabbi Dov Zakheim. Tel Aviv (Cuth) and Jerusalem (Spiritually Sodom and Egypt Rev 11:8KJV) are being protected by the “Iron Dome” defense shield given to Israel by Rabbi Dov Zakheim. Fajr (Dawn=Lucifer) missiles are Iranian built. Making sense yet?
Lucifer will rise as the Phoenix from WWIII “Zionism versus Islam” and Samaritans will instigate and fund the war from all sides. How? On 9/10/2001 Rabbi Dov Zakheim as DOD Comptroller admitted the Pentagon was missing $2.3 Trillion (many including me believe the figure is $9 Trillion; $2.3T was chosen because $9T is absolutely ridiculous); this money was from Reagan’s years funding the Star Wars (Medes ie Cuthah are Zoroastrians “Star Seed”) defense shield. One problem There is no Star Wars shield! Most of Reagan’s debt was inherited from Nixon funding the Vietnam War a Samaritan (Jesuit) War with Gold and from funding the “Cold War” with Russia. One problem There never was a Cold War! Gorbachev, Putin et all are all on board with the Samaritan agenda.
Samaritan Rabbi Dov Zakheim even supplied the remote flight and Termination systems on the C-40 B-737 BBJ aka AA Flt #11 and the B-767 AF Tanker aka UAL #175 used to hit the Twin Towers. Aside from the vast sums of money that vanished that day; C-40’s are used to transport 4 Star Generals like David Petraeus, Stan McChrystal and John Allen; can you see why these men are on board with the Samaritan agenda of WWIII? Ever wonder why Tim LaHaye would use the Templar Cross and Crown on the cover of his Left Behind garbage? Rapture is a Samaritan lie and what better way to dramatically fake a “Rapture” than “Terminating” Commercial flights as outlined in his books.
After the Flood the Assyrian monarch Sargon the Great usurped the throne of the known world in Babylon (ca 2323 BC). When Israel was taken into Assyrian Captivity (ca 722 BC) Sargon II claimed the title “Legitimate King”. Sargon III will come out of the wreckage of WWIII. He can only claim the title Legitimate King” is Jesus Christ is not here and that will occur in Rev 6:14 when Heaven departs as a scroll when it is rolled together.
By my calculations, the world is quickly approaching the arrival of the Pale Horse (Rev 6:6-7). Whether it is or not, is not nearly as important as establishing a one on one relationship with the “KING OF KING AND LORD OF LORDS”. Tell your Samaritan Priest/Rabbi you have had enough Grove Lighting and Rabbit Eggs and ask Jesus to become your Priest-King.