A New Pope
Francis I, the first Jesuit Pope. Elected on Red Heifer Day, Jesuits are no more Catholic than Freemasons are Protestant; Talmudists or Qabbalists are Jewish or Wahhabists or Twelvers are Muslim. Jesus warned the Roman Catholic Church “Thyatira”; this is not an anti-Catholic tirade, rather a short expose’ of the Jesuit Order, a Roman Catholic “Cancer” now in public charge of the Vatican.
Theosophical Society (God Philosophy) founder and spiritual mentor to Adolf Hitler, Mao Tse Tung and Joseph Stalin, Helena Blavatsky stated this best on book cover “Externalisation of the Hierarchy”. Folks, It’s out in the open now; the Black Pope (Adolfo Nicholas) is now essentially one with the White Pope. It’s hard for most of us to imagine the self-declared “Vicar of Jesus Christ” kneeling before the Jesuit General pressing a Black Crucifix and Ritual Athame (Dagger) to his heart in front of a Black Banner with a Skull & Bones and INRI, the official meaning of which “It is just to exterminate impious or heretical kings”; hidden meaning “The world is renewed whole by fire”, originally a Gnostic Cathar motto isn’t it? Jesus Christ was their first executed impious, heretical King, when THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS was put above His head on the Crucifixion Tree.
Jesuits “Militia of Zeus and Minerva” have been ejected from most every nation on earth because they are 5th Column Traitors, Double Agents, “Double minded men, unstable in all their ways” and “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes”. The truth that Jesus is God in Flesh will set us free; the Cross of Free French Forces aka Cross of Lorraine is the Double Cross; Catholics have just been Double Crossed.
The Jesuit motto is “Be all things to all men”. Here is a short synopsis of the Extreme Oath of Induction to the Jesuit Order (Google it). The Oath has been a part of the US Congressional record 100 years, just longer than the Federal Reserve has been printing “Fiat” money and financiing Wars with Gold. WWI was their first World War and it ended in Armistice because a sequel was planned long ago. WWIII will pit Zionism against Islam in order that Lucifer, the Devil and Satan can be accepted by the world as an Alternative Messiah to Jesus Christ. This ultimate “Revenge” has been 6000 years in planning and nothing has been left to chance. Ready for Great Trubulation? Get ready.
The Oath
“No man can command who has not consecrated his labours with the blood of heretics…without shedding blood no man can be saved…Act as dissembler and a spy, sowing seeds of jealousy and hatred among families, communities, states and nations…be as a Protestant among Protestants…be as a Catholic among Cathlolics, while denouncing the Pope and the Church…descend so low to be a Jew among Jews…ingratiate yourselves in into confidences and family circles of merchants, bankers, schools, universities, sciences, parliaments and legislatures….involve others in blood deeds, civil wars and revolutions…as novice, neophyte, co-adjurer, confessor and priest of the Army of Loyola, you must be an executioner as directed by your superiors anywhere on earth”. Would you swear an Oath like that? Jesus’ 1/2 brother James said “Above all things, my brethren, Swear Not”. Oaths are not part of Born Again Christian life! Just make sure Jesus knows who you are!
Jesus warned of the Synagogue of Satan “Those who say they are Jews but are not”. Cardinal Bergoglio is fond of lighting the Chanukkah Menorah as is the ADL (Anti-defamation League), founded in 1913, the same year the Jesuit Oath became part of the Congressional record and the Federal Reserve was illegally accepted by traitors in Congress; isn’t it a little strange ADL President Abraham Foxman praises a man who “Descends so low to be as a Jew among Jews”? That’s because the ADL like Chanukkah is not Jewish in the slightest.
Jesuit Pierre Tielhard du Chardin promoted Erasmus and Charles Darwin’s “Evolution Theory”; just gives a warm fuzzy feeling to know our ancestors were once alien pond scum and God’s Creation in His image and likeness is just a myth eh? Jesuit Georges LeMaitre gave us “Big Bang Theory”; God of course says He “Stretched” the Firmament and placed the Earth on a “Foundation that shall not be moved”. Jesuit Bernhardt Staempfle created the Nazi Reich by ghost writing Jesuit Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf. Pope Pius VI signed the Reich Condordat in 1933; Propaganda minister (Edward Bernays mentored Goebbels and Mitt Romney’s father George) Joseph Goebbels and Sodomite Heinrich Himmler fashioned the Nazi SS after the Jesuit Order with Himmler serving as a sort of Black Pope and Webelsbourg Castle as the “SS Monastery”. Jesuit Francis Spellman filled caskets of dead Vietnam War servicemen with Opium in Spelly’s War. Think Skull & Bones, Knight of Malta George Bush created a giant Opium field out of Afghanistan looking for Osama bin Laden? Guess again.
Francis means “Free”; Satan’s motto “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” means Free of God, Equality with God and Fraternity with like minded people who are capable of believing the Serpent’s Lie “Thou shalt not surely die…but shall be as God”. Jesus is the Cornerstone of New Covenant Temples; Jesuits like Freemasons prefer Alternative Stones such as Peter, the Small Stone of the Roman Catholic Church. Folks, Mat 16:18 refers to Jesus’ Divinity, not Peter! Francis of Assisi gave us the Sigmata, Monasteries, Monks, Convents, Nuns, and Friars, none of which are even suggested in Scripture; he also gave us the heartwarming but entirely false “Nativity Scene”. Folks, the Magi witnessing the birth of Jesus is myth; that “Nativity” is Natalis Solis Invicti (Nativity of the Un-conquered Sun); Black Cloistered Monk Martin Luther added the Evergreen Tree to the Pagan “Festival of Lights” and began the Protestant Reformation by declaring the Pope was the Antichrist; He is not! Francis Xavier co-founded the Jesuits; IHS “By this sign Conquer” over the Cross is now as popular with Protestants as with Catholics; it refers to Laity being Conquered by Elevating the Clergy. The Merovingian Franks “Free” gave us the Holy Grail (Bloodline of Jesus) nonesense, it is no coincidence the mythical founder of the Merovingians was Merovee, a Sea Beast. Sounds a bit Fishy eh? So is the Jesuit/Phoenician Fish Symbol of the Fisher King.
Jesuit Pope Francis I (Jorge Bergoglio) is an Operation Condor Operative (War criminal Henry Kissinger managed CIA Coups in Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay and Brazil)), well versed in kidnapping, torture and extortion of South American political opposition; he serves the Black Pope aka Jesuit General Adolofo Nicholas; under him is the head of the Vatican Cultural Council aka Office of Inquisition and head of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre aka Knights of St John of Jerusalem aka Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi. Heretic is anyone who rejects the Office of the Roman Pope, and Jesuits believe it is encumbant upon them to exterminate Heretics. Think the Inquistions are over? 700,000 Serbians and Jews murdered by the French Jesuit collaborators “Oustachis” beg to differ. Think Mahmoud Ahmadinejad knows about the Jesuits? Tehran was the first land acquisition made by Francis Xavier.
Time to Wake Up folks! Time is getting very short; the only thing Jesus has left open is the Book of Life. Ask Him to keep your name in it! Jesuits regard Christians as Sheep for the Slaughter.
3/11/2013 is the anniversary of the Madrid Subway bombings and Fukushima “Beware the Ides of March” Mars/Ares is the “UNKNOWN GOD” occultists ignorantly worship that Paul warned of in Acts 17:22-24; the Roman/Greek god of War. Congress is derived from the Latin “Congredi” meaning “To meet for War”; traitors in the Roman (Latin) Senate during the reign of Julius Caesar are no different than the US Senate of today; as Cicero noted “A traitor inside the gates is worth more than 700 outside the gates…” America has 535 of them in the Capitol (Womb of Zeus), named after Amurru, the Edomite god and Amar the Canaanite god. A CIA trained Mujahideen “Warrior of Allah” is occupying the White House, a Knight of Malta is VP, a Jesuit (Militia of Zeus) is Speaker of the House, a Skull & Bones Satanist is Sec of State and a Wahhabist Sunni Islam convert in charge of the CIA. No, this is not a joke. Latins are one of the Pagan groups that founded Rome; the “Latin Rite” Red (Edomite) Papal Shoes left vacant by Benedict XVI and his Red Robed Cardinals who kiss his shoes as if the Pope were Jesus are a dead giveaway. There are more than a few White Robed, Red Turbaned Samaritans you can’t see yet because they are hidden in “Plain Sight”. Sequestration? No that isn’t the War either, only a Bureaucratic (Red Tape) smoke screen covering the real War for your Soul.
China is derived from Sina (Sin); a territorial dispute over the Senkaku Is us reaching a boil with Japan (Rising Sun); China has admonished the US to stay out of the issue; odd in that China signed on to US and UN economic sanctions on North Korea; an act of War. Korea is derived from Korah, the Alternative (Fake) Priesthood originated in Moses’ Day.
Afghanistan leader and CIA drug smuggler Hamid Karzai accused the US of aiding the Taliban; that’s true but Hamid and Wali Karzai get paid by the US to do the same; manage the Heroin pipeline.
On March 11, 2013 (Anniversary of the intentional Fukushima Meltdown on Lent) North Korea officially ended the 60 year old Armistice amid the US Exercise “Foal Eagle”. 3 years ago during this exercise the US torpedoed the ROKS Cheonan ASW Ship during this same exercise in order to blame North Korea. Noisy Diesel subs do not “Sneak” up on Anti-sub ships during major exercises, especially in the Yellow Sea, and conventional torpedoes do not split ships in half. On Mar 9, 2013 Kim Jong Un severed the “Hot Line” with South Korea and told troops to prepare for War. They are awaiting attack orders.
Mar 11, Conclave begins to select a new Pope (according to St Malachy Peter the Roman #112 is the last). After 7 years in office, Pope Benedict XVI appointed the majority of Electors, 66% of whom or 77 votes are needed for election; Why? “If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, truly Lamech seventy and sevenfold.” Gen 4:24. Coincidence? Vatican is derived from Vatis “Divine” and Can “Serpent”. Aleister Crowley calls 77 “Magical manifestation through matter….Ayin Zayin- Oz” in Liber 77 aka Book of the Goat or Liber Oz; 77 is “Capricornus, the Devil of the Tarot and Sabbath Goat upon the Altar”. Folks, America is the world’s Sabbath Goat (Azazel is an infernal name of the Devil) Sabbath Goat! Not coincidentally, Anton LaVey lists 77 infernal names of the Devil (including Mormo “King of the Ghouls” aka “God of the Living Dead”; Mormon is a person who worships Mormo) in the Satanic Bible. Is it coincidence AA Flt 77 allegedly hit the 77ft tall Pentagon, built on the 77th Meridian and began construction on 9/11/1941, the year Crowley published Liber Oz? Guess Again. Crowleymas (Crowleys Birthday) is 10/12; on 10/12/2000 the USS Cole bombing was used to blame Osama bin Laden; on 10/12/2002 the Bali nightclub bombings tested a micro-nuc. 911 days after 9/11/2001 on 3/11/2004 ie March 11, the Madrid subway was bombed and on 7/7/2005 ie 777 the London subway was bombed. Coincidence? Liber Oz ends with “Man has the right to kill those who would thwart these rights”. Jesus says “Thou shalt not Kill”.
On Mar 11, Israeli forces fired tear gas at Muslims worshipping at the al-Aqsa Mosque on Friday. In my opinion, Korea and the al-Aqsa Mosque will be the triggers for WWIII.
Nicholas Maduro is accusing US-Israel of poisoning Hugo Chavez. In 2009 Chavez accused the US of creating the earthquake with Scalar EM weapons which caused the Haiti disaster; Don’t believe it? NATO and SOUTHCOM were in the midst of a Haitan disaster relief drill in Miami the day before. Subsequently, UN aid workers exposed to Cholera intentionally caused the Cholera epidemic by polluting the river serving Port au Prince with sewage (Halliburton also did this to the Euprates River in Baghdad). The epidemic continues to this day. In 2010 Chavez accused Mossad of trying to poison him.
The big picture? Karzai is Pashtun, he claims to be a descendant of the Israelite tribe of Joseph just like the Mormon Church and Mitt Romney; together they grow, transport and launder profits from the largest drug running empire in the world. Isaiah warned long ago “Syria is confederate with Ephraim” because Hugo Chavez is Bahai, a monotheistic faith centered in Lebanon and Syria.
UN Sec General Ban ki Moon is a South Korean CIA Agent and US CIA asset; he is a Unification Church Disciple of Sun Myung Moon who was proclaimed “Messiah of the Universe” by traitors in the US Congress in 2004 http://www.salon.com/2004/06/21/moon_7/ Hard to believe WWIII will start because of these misfits isn’t it? The US just installed Wahhabist Sunni Muslim convert John Brennan as CIA Chief; he believes Drone Wars conducted by the CIA need no Congressional approval either abroad or on domestic soil against US Citizens. Right or wrong, many people also believe the CIA poisoned Hugo Chavez with Polonium. “It matters little what the truth is, only what people believe the truth to be”.
CENTCOM Commander (In charge of Iraq, Afghanistan) Gen James Mattis says “It’s a helluva hoot to shoot people…He is paid to take a dim view of Iran”. Their boss Barack Obama is not legal to be US President and is an Indonesian Madrassa schooled, CIA trained Mujahideen (Warrior of Allah) using a fake Passport. Lovely isn’t it?
On Mar 20 Iran and other Medean (Samaritan) influenced “Monotheists” (Twelver, Assassins, Bahai, Alawite, Baathist) celebrate Nowruz “New Dawn” exactly 700 years after the Council of Vienne. On Mar 20, the Anglican Communion will enthrone an ex BP Oil Executive Justin Welby who is in “Communion” with Protestants, Catholics, Orthodox and just about every Pagan religion; Henry VIII would be so proud.
Folks, the next War is the 3rd Act of Chaldean (Medean) Magick “Prestige” pitting Political Zionism against Islam. The sole goal is the presentation of a Luciferian Alternative Messiah. You will want to put up your Steel Sword, get out the real Sword (Word of God) and sit this one out! Nobody wins this War and nobody wins a fight against the Creator of the Universe! No it is not Sun Myung Moon! or the Assyrian moon god Allah!!
Writing on the Wall
One-Heaven (+ seven other sites just like it) declares the Pale Horse “Death” (Spiritual Death meant here) was released 12/21/2012.
Prophecy of St Malachy declares Rome will burn when Peter the Roman, Pope #112 from Celestine II (1143 AD) is elected; Pope Benedict was #111 and resigned on cue Feb 28, 2013. Will you kiss the Red Papal Shoes or Signet Ring of Pope #112? I pray not!
“In 700 years the Laurel will grow green again” Cathar Prophecy On 1/13/1313, the King of France and Pope Roman Pope illegally confiscated Templar wealth and made a new Concordat with the Knights of Malta, with “Licet Pridem” Catharsis means “Discharge of pent up emotion”. The “Council of Vienne” ended March 20, 1313. Do the Math.
11Q13 Prince Melchisedek Scroll After 10 Jubilees, the Trumpet blast will herald the coming Melchisedek “King of Jerusalem” “Priest of the Most High”. Folks, Jesus is Melchisedek! Repeat! Jesus is Melchisedek!! This will be an Alternative Messiah. 10 Jubilees=500 years from what? Black Nobility Pope Leo X in 1513 bankrupted the Vatican Bank and rebuilt St Peter’s Basilica with the Exodus Era Obelisk (Baal’s Shaft) in the Labarum (Birth Canal) in front. Seen any Melchisdedek Priests lately?
Hopi “Great Purification” Prophecy
States the end of the 4th age will begin with “Spider Webs and Tracks in the Sky”. Seen any Chemtrails lately?
Scapegoats have Red Legs
Feel like a Sheep being led to Slaughter? Jesus set it up that way. He is the only escape! “For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter” Rom 8:36; Ps 44:22. Problably coincidence the US has President #44 and scripture ends with Chap 22 eh? NOT!
Mars-Ares-Nergal: The Crowing Cock and Roaring Lion
Mars (Roman month March) is the Roman god of War and Bloodshed, equivalent with the Greek Ares. Attendants are Terror, Fear and Discord. The symbol of Mars/Ares is the Rooster aka “Persian Bird” (Mar 20 is the Persian Nowruz “New Dawn”), originally called “Shepherd of Anu” (Cretan/Greek Zeus is the Sumerian Anu). The Idol is “Nergal” (Assyrian/Babylonian Idol of War ie Rooster); ref 2 Kings 17:30. The Cock is the Herald of Dawn aka Lucifer. If you can’t hear the Cock Crowing, or see the Red Sun rising in a new “Red Dawn”, you will soon. Edom’s “Dominion” (Gen 27:39-41KJV) is right around the corner. It’s time to decide whose side you are on. “Jacob I have loved; Esau I have hated”- God
Mars’ Hill Areopagus means Rock of Ares, the Court of Appeals to Dionysius Areopagites, the “UNKNOWN GOD” ignorantly worshiped in Acts 17:23 It is capitalized because it refers to a SPIRITUAL APPEAL AND JUDGMENT. 700 years ago on March 20, 1313, the Council of Vienne (France and the Roman Catholic Church) seized assets of the Military/Financial guardians of the Gnostic Cathars “Knights Templar” and burned the last Grand Master, Jacques de Molay (some claims state Mar 18, 1313, others 1314; it matters little) in Paris. Cathars (Perfecti or Pure Ones) predicted “In 700 years, the Laurel will grow green again”; the Laurel of Dionysus aka “Green Man”. March 20, 2013 is “Nowruz” aka New Dawn in Zoroastrian religion. Ready for their version of the final battle of “Good V Evil”? Get Ready.
The Roman Catholic Church was built on the “Small Stone” Peter by the maternal grandson of Druid King Coel, Constantine the Great. The Universal Church will end in the reign of a Pope called “Peter the Roman” because it was planned that way. “And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” Mat 16:18 Jesus was referring to the ROCK of His Divinity, not Peter! Constantiine the Great gave us the Babylonian Solar Holy Days Christimas and Easter as well. If you do one thing in 2013, get rid of these Pagan Holy Days!
Rosicrucian, Black Cloistered Monk Martin Luther (who incidentally was hit by lightning just like the Vatican on Feb 11, 2013) was the first to publicly declare the Roman Pope was the “Antichrist”; This is a Lie. “And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must contunue a short space. And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition” Rev 17:10-12
The last Liars in this vein are Bro’s Peter and Michael Dimond of the Most Holy Family Monastery in Fillmore NY http://www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/ Peter Dimond proposes Pope Benedict XVI is the “7th King”(measured from the Lateran Treaty of Feb 11, 1929); if so, the next Pope would be the “8th King” aka “Beast”. This is a Lie; Jesus gives His warning to the Catholic Church “Thyatira” in Rev 2:18-2 4 years after the Lateran Treaty, the Catholic Church signed the Reich Concordat with Adolf Hitler and Jesuit Fr Staempfle wrote Mein Kampf Peter Dimond is a Liar! He also proposes the 1611 Authorized Bible is flawed; fine he can stay with Douay-Rheims/Vaticinus, but if you want truth, get an Authorized Bible and understand every “Jot and Tittle” God (Jesus Christ) delivered to Man via the Holy Ghost; Peter is a “Small Stone”; Jesus is the “Immovable Stone”. Why now?
The Catholic Church is set to begin a final “Inquisition” under Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre and the Hospitallers aka Sovereign Military Order of Cyprus, Rhodes and Malta aka Knights of St John of Jerusalem or Knights of Malta. Heretic: Person who rejects Roman Catholic teaching. Schismatic: Person who refuses Communion with the Pope. If you are not ready to face an Inquisition and boldly affirm Jesus is the Father, Son, Holy Ghost and the Word made Flesh; you had better get ready. Who will Peter the Roman be? Who cares; Jesus left no Vicarious Christ on Earth; the entire New Covenant is between you and Jesus Christ through the Holy Ghost.
The 7th Warning to the Church of Laodicea is directed at you and me; Luke Warm? Get ready to be spewn from Jesus’ mouth! It’s time to pick a side; Lucifer or Jesus; tough choice eh? Folks, if you take only one thing from this; know this is a Lie! America is not Rev 18 “Babylon”. The Roman Catholic Church is not Rev 17 “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT…”.
Revenge has been in the making since the beginning when Satan (Lucifer/Devil) stated his desire to assume the throne of God. The world is near the start of the last 3 1/2 year, 42 month, 1260 day “Great Tribulation” and the start of the 7 Trumpet Warnings in Rev 8, not at the second coming of Jesus Christ! Conclave will begin soon, and St Malachy’s Prophecy (really a plan) will come to fruition with “Peter the Roman”, Pope #112 from Celestine II. It will also fulfill the Gnostic Prophecy (Plan) stated in 11Q13 “Prince Melchisedek” scroll, but just know with certainty, this “Judge” is not Jesus Christ. God says “Vengeance is Mine”, why not let Him do the fighting! Head for your “Prayer Closet”; let Him know He is Lord, Saviour, and KING OF KING AND LORD OF LORDS. Then, you can sit back and watch the 3rd Act of Chaldean Magick “Prestige” knowing your SPIRITUAL SALVATION is 100% assured! Time is getting short folks, I would do this soon.
On March 6-7, 1962 “Ash Wednesday Storm” an “Omega Block” (named for the Greek letter Omega shape of the Jet Stream over america’s Heartland and of course Jesus Christ “Omega”) in the Jet Stream over the cental US caused a Superstorm much like Sandy last October, Winter Storm “Nemo” (Nemo means “No Man; Nobody”) came in Feb 2013; Winter Storm “Saturn” hit Mar 6-7, 2013 ; Why? Saturn is Chronos (Calendar, Chronometer ie Time) the Father of Zeus the god of weather much like Thor. In Akkadian, Saturn means “Constant Enduring”. This has only just begun.
Engineering weather events is done by Chemtrial aerosoling using conductive materials such as Aluminum and Barium followed by Atmospheric heating using Scalar Radars such as HAARP which steer the Jet Stream, causing the colliding of Warm Moist Gulf Air with Arctic-Canadian Cold Air. Winter Storm Nemo and Q were engineered much like Hurricane Sandy, Katrina, Francis or Ivan. Why? Hundreds of $Billions in Federal Disaster Relief which never makes its way to the victims and Weather Derivative Investments. Get ready for a sequel March 6-7, 2013. Pretty prophetic eh? Saturn was engineered.
2/28/13 America is scheduled for destruction; to serve as the Scapegoat for “Babylon” of Rev 18. The “Alternative Messiah” that is revealed will be Satan incarnated in human flesh and he will be gladly accepted by much of the world.
There are 313 ! in the Authorized Bible; Detroit means “Straits” and uses Area Code #313; Detroit declared Bankruptcy and will be taken over by the State of Michigan which in turn is in illegal Debt to the Federal Government; it’s no coincidence the city with large Muslim and Assyrian impoverished communities is first; the first ! deals with Abraham’s plea for Ishmael to accept God’s terms of covenant; he and his offspring did not. The last ! is the destruction in one hour of the Witchcraft entity “Babylon” in Rev 18. Whether 3/13/13 becomes the Day of the 3rd Red Heifer remians to be seen, but the stage seems to be set.
Dr Ernest Moniz selected to become Sec of Energy. If you love the “God Particle” (Hindu goddess of destruction “Shiva” stands in front of the CERN Collider. God Particle Physicists are meeting March 7 in Italy; the God Particle is the “God of Forces” Daniel describes in Dan 11:38; “Dark Matter” and “String Theory” are the other nonesense Physics theories being discussed. Ernest Moniz also loves “Fracking”; forcing Benzene, Diesel Fuel and Methane in your drinking water and food is mass murder. This MIT Theoretical Physicist and Hydraulic Fracturing proponent on the payroll of BP, Saudi Arabia ARAMCO and BP (Anglo-Iranian Oil) is the new Sec of Energy. The US is littered with 600,000 un-necessary Waste Injection and Fracking Wells, used to destroy underground aquifers. Beachfront property in the middle of the US? Hydraulic Fracturing may flood the Mississippi River from Chicago to New Orleans if a large Quake hits the region; NOAA and FEMA disaster planning maps even predict it.
Skull & Bones, Knight of Malta, CFR traitor, 2012 Bilderberg initiate, 330 Freemason, Bohemian Grove initiate John Kerry (nee Samaritan “Fake Jew” Cohen) to Sec of State. War with Iran? Bet on it; it is already planned. Hugo Chavez was closely allied with Shia Twelvers in Iran, Hezbollah in Lebanon, Bahai (Lebanon/Syrian Monotheists) and Jesuits Fidel and Raoul Castro because all are modern day Samaritans who pretend to be anything required of them. Chavez did battle with Oil companies much like Iran’s democraticaly elected Mohammad Mosadegh, also removed by the CIA. In 2005, Heinz Corporation closed their main Ketchup plant and laid off workers; Chavez siezed the plant and re-hired them; John Kerry marries the Heinz heiress Teresa after her Senator husband John died in a helicopter crash; he gets appointed Sec of State by Foreigner, CIA trained Mujahideen Barack Obama (name is a false “Combination name” meaning Lightning, Handsome and He is with us in Hebrew, Arabic and Farsi) and Chavez dies of cancer a month later. War with Iran? Bet on it; it’s why Chuck Hagel flew to the US managed Afghanistan Opium Fields to give marching orders to Marine General Mattis.
CENTCOM Commander Gen James Mattis aka “Warrior Monk” or “Chaos”. “I’ll be frank with you, it’s a hell of a hoot and a lot of fun to shoot people; I love to brawl. I’m paid to take a dim view of Iran” Some inmprovement over Gen David Petraeus eh? Mattis is no stranger to illegal weapons such as White Phosphorus and EM Weapons (Microwave, Sonic, Millimeter Wave) used on civilians in Fallujah during “Operation Vigilant Resolve” 2004.
Illegal Drone War architect, Domestic Police Drone proponent, Saudi Arabian Wahhabist Muslim convert (yeah, how about that!) John O Brennan to CIA Chief; Freemason Sen Rand Paul is fresh off a trip to Herod’s Wailing Wall in Israel and a very public 13 hour Filibuster. Outing Brennan as a Wahhabist Muslim was not in the cards because Rand is a T-Party hack and team player just like his Luciferian father. Brennan was sworn in using a 1787 draft of the Constitution; symbolic because the Word of God was absent and it was missing the Bill of Rights which Citizens according to Brennan do not have such as Freedom of Speech, Right to Privacy, Right to bear arms, and Right to fair trial. NSA Data Collection Facility in Utah (Mormon Zion)? Taxpayer financed, CIA targeted Police Drones killing civilians? Indefinite Detention? Extraordinary Rendition? Sharia Law? Bet on it.
Georgetown Jesuit, Chevron Board, Atlantic Council Traitor (TAP “Trans-Atlantic Partnership” allows International Corporations to purchase public US assets; ditto for TPP “Trans-pacific Partnership”), Keystone XL proponent Chuck Hagel to Sec of War (Defense). IInternational Corporations buying assets are Fire Sale prices in the US? Bet on it.
“The love of money is the root of all evil”
The Hanukkah Menorah in Washington DC (center candle is the Assyrian sun god Shamash), Orthodox Talmudic fake Jew, Citigroup COO, TARP Bailout Architect (Jacob Lew personally received $950K as a bonus), Cayman Is offshore account manager, Georgetown Jesuit Lawyer, Jacob Lew is set to be sworn in as Sec of Treasury. Fox guarding the Hen House? Oh this is much worse. Chabad (Chabad stands for the first 3 levels in Kaballah, and no it is not Jewish; it’s Samaritan) Lubavitch Rebbes in charge of America’s finances? You bet! Stealing from Gentiles is not really Stealing according to the Talmud! Samaritans can act like Christians, Jews or Muslims when the need arises, but make no mistake about these Samaritan Wolves, all are Dyed in Wool Satanists.
John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, George Bush Sr and Mitt Romney “Marvelous Investments” accounts in the Cayman Islands. Vatican Offshore Investments are also in the Cayman Islands. Jacob Lew managed 100+ Citibank Venture Capital Funds, also in the Cayman Islands. Mitt Romney owns the majority of the shares in the Cayman Islands National Bank. Anything wrong with this picture? No? Mitt Romney will assume leadershop on March 7, 2013 of Solamere Capital with his son Tagg Romney; famous for investing in Allen Stanford’s $8.5 Billion “Ponzi Scheme”. Vaporizing “Gentile” Retirement accounts and Investments is what Mitt Romney does when he is not laundering Iran-Contra and Sinaloa Drug Cartel profits. Is Romney Christian? No. Jewish? (He claims descent from the Tribe of Joseph and hold the Levite and Zadokite Priesthoods after all) No. Romney is Samaritan. A fraud and Wolf in Sheep’s Clothes on every level.
Getting pretty obvious what the plan is eh? Watch Titanic is you are still not sure. Think Titanic and America were/are being “Scuttled” by accident? Guess again. Folks, our President (Judas Goat) is a Madrassa (Quran School) educated, CIA trained Mujahideen (Warrior of Allah). Our VP and Speaker of the House are Blood Oath Sworn Knights of Malta. Time to get Jesus in your life. Amerca’s story doesn’t end well!
Mar 19 Jesuit Pope Francis I installed on the Chair of St Peter under Peacock Feathers of Melek-Taus.
Mar 20 Nowruz “New Dawn” begins in Tehran in honor of Melek-Taus as Obama (He is with us in Farsi) and John Kerry (Kohen) say a wreath on the grave of Theodr Herzl
Mar 21 the Sun enters Aries as Anglican Priest Justin Welby is enthroned.
Mar 22 Obama and Kerry visit Hashemite (Edomite) King Abdullah II of Jordan and visit Petra the Horite, Amorite, Edomite and Nabbataean “Eagle’s Nest” Busy week eh?
Not sure Jacob. The Condor Eagle prophecy sounds a lot like the Blue Star Red Kachina prophecy to me. Hopi likely derived their Shamanistic prophecies from the Hopewall and Adena Indians who were in actuality Kelts; Red Hair, Blue Eyed Gypsies from Wales. Hard to believe but America is just the last on the westward migration of these Vagabonds prmulgating the ways of Cain
Is the Condor/Eagle prophecy Luciferian in nature? We know that he is the “god of this world” (2 Cor. 4:4).
Will the Mark of the Beast be a fulfillment of the prophecy by giving man a counterfeit “ascension”? Just a thought.
I wrote an article on Francis I; Francis means Free; Cross of Lorraine is the Double Cross or Cross of Free French Forces; Francis of Assisi gave us Monastery’s the Nativity Scene, and Stigmata none of which are biblical.
Jesuits all serve the Jesuit General Adolof Nicholas and sear oaths to kill “Heretics” on command Jesuits have ejected from nearly every nation on earth because of their subversive activities.
Jesuits invented Evolution and Big Bang Theories. and gave us the 3rd Reich and now 4th Reich. They are anything but Catholic
Any thoughts on the new Jesuit pope?
I’m not sure other than it is home to hundreds of offshore accounts with Citibank, Bain Capital and the Vatican.. I think the key is it is “Offshore” and not subject to National oversight
What’s the significance of the Cayman islands? Will they provide some kind of geographical advantage when the Earth begins to experience the Lord’s wrath?
From the context of the article, the significance of the Cayman Islands is as an offshore bank location – the geographical location is mere convenience.