“No person shall enter the new age unless he or she accepts a Luciferian Initiation” UN Planetary Initiative. There are a few reasons the New Age of Saturn (STUR=666; Six Pointed Star of Saturn) may begin on 3/22/2016, the real Passover. Nowruz “New Light” is Persian New Year Mar 23-24; the Rooster Idols represent Mars/Ares/Nergal the god of war. On Mar 25 “Superman versus Batman” debuts; Superman represents Ahura Mazda the Persian god of Light “Lucifer. The Red/Blue suit is are the colors of visible light seen in the Red-Blue Feathered Serpent Quetzalcoatl. Batman is the Dark Knight representing Ahriman the Persian god of Darkness. Planet X will allegedly begin affecting Earth on Mar 26; Coincidental? Sure just like Star Wars: The Force Awakens X-Wing fighter pilots wearing the Phoenix rising from the Flames on Iran’s Flag. Zoroastrianism’s final battle of good versus evil may be coming shortly. Get right with JESUS and sit this one out.
Plan 9 at Bell Labs became the “Inferno” Operating System at Lucent (Lucifer’s Tech) operating on Styx (River boundary between Earth and Hell); HQ 666 No Broadway; Microsoft version is “Singularity” aka Black Hole. Waking up yet?
“We are the riders of the Pale Horse Death. God creates, we decide who lives and who dies; we do this for the good of Earth” Barbara Marx Hubbard. Hell follows this horse because this represents Spiritual Death; Death of the Person. Jesus forgives and forgets all manner of Sin except “Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost”; JESUS is the Holy Ghost (1 Jn 5:7KJV) “Depart from me I never knew you” is not something anyone on Earth will want to hear because Hell is your address for eternity.
“I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds” J Robert Oppenheimer, Ashkenazi, German-fake Jew, Luciferian Mason, Soviet Spy. Jesus returns to “Destroy them which destroy the Earth” Rev 11:18
Planet 9 “Planet of the Crossing” is the Labarum
the symbol formed by the Earth’s Axis (World Tree, Yggdrassil, Dervish Qutb, Stauros etc) Ecliptic (Path of Planets, Sun and Moon) and Zodiac. FOX TV (F=6; O=15=1+5=6; X=24=2+4=6; Jesus called the Edomite King Herod “That Fox” for a reason) “X-Files: The truth is out there” pulls out the Nazi-NASA Alien and hybridization of DNA. This was also the theme of David Bowie’s Darkstar. Planet X now, designated Planet 9 is pure unadulterated Bull Shit. The irregular “Crossing” with Earth’s orbit has been tied with the Pyramids, Flood, Exodus and Sodom and Gomorrah; Earth is Fixed, it does not Orbit anything. Man reproduces with Woman, no other species can breed and hybridize Man’s DNA. Plan 9 is Edomite Dominion through Deception in the Age of Saturn.
God instructed Abram to leave Ur (URI “United Nations Religion Initiative is modern day Ur) of the Chaldees where Priests of the Torroid (Konn-Torrs) received guidance from the Council of 9 Planetary entities. Abram arrived in Haran where Sabians of Haran, the same Planetary Astrologers held sway. Abraham went to Egypt and for 430 years the Amalekite Hyksos and their Priests of On, once again held sway. Planet means “Wanderer”; Cain is the Wanderer East of Eden whose religion has no come full circle.
Shiva the destroyer is doing the “Nataraja” (Cosmic Dance of Destruction) in front of CERN; can CERN actually create the God Particle and Dark Matter? No, all CERN creates is Bull Shit. Brahmins like Aryans believe they are the Noble Priest Class, the 9 aspects of Shiva fully depict “Brahmn” the “Universal Consciousness” representing earth, water, air, fire, ether (Dark Matter), mind, intellect, pride and the yet un-revealed 9th “Mystery of Creation”.
CERN’s arrogant search for the “God Particle” and it’s parent “Shadow Matter” is the 9th Mystery of Creation. Gravity (Graviton) gives “Mass to Matter” and “Order to the Universe”, however this only represents 7% of the picture; 93% is “Shadow Matter”, the “Ra Material” of Creation. In Gematria, Thelema (Will), Aiwass (Demon Aleister Crowley channeled to create Thelema) and Agape (Greek for Love) all result in 93; a common greeting among the millions of Crolweyites worldwide is 93/93 “Love is the Law; Love under Will”; in math 93/93=One.
Frijof Capra in his book of lies “Tao of Physics” refers to the Naranja as the “Dance of Sub-atomic Matter”; the arousal of the Cosmic Serpent through Kundalini. 12/21/2012 symbolically began the Dance and the 2016-17 Jubilee Year will likely finish it. In March 2016, CERN resumes smashing Lead Ions (Turning Lead to Gold or Man to God is the Alchemical Wedding) Great Tribulation beginning on Nowruz? You tell me.
9 refers to Judgment; not God’s, but Man’s before Jesus arrives. The 9 Magick Square resulting in 15 signals 15 years since 9/11/2001, the day Crowleyian Thelema was put on display with AA11 (AA Ceremonial Magick), AA77 (Magical Perfection of Spirit in Matter), UA175 (Liber 175 “Book of Uniting”; the demon Ahriman showed up in the smoke of WTC #2) and UA93 (Thelema), all associated with Crowley’s Thelema brought to us by Crowley’s AA (Argentinium Astrum) ritual “Scarlett Woman” Barbara Bush and GHW “Magog” Bush (Scherff) in the lifelong Sodomite, Skull & Bones George W Bush. Daddy Bush ended Gulf War I on Purim; Srub started Gulf War II on Purim; Obama started the War in Libya (Benghazi is the ISIS arming/training center) on Purim. In 2016 Purim (Cast Lots for Marduk). Skull & Bones is “Society 322” or “Saturnian Brotherhood”; 3/22 is the actual day of Passover, the day after Nowruz “New Light” on 3/21 and before Mar 23-24 “Purim”. What if anything will happen has already been planned long ago. On Mar 25 the movie Superman versus Batman: Dawn of Justice
Dan will be a Judge of his people at the end of the Millennium; fake Dannites in Mormon Church leadership will Judge beforehand; this is the reason Dan does not appear among the “Saved” Tribes of Israel in Rev 7 (Ephraim does not either as this tribe makes up the bulk of the Mormon Church. This Judgment described in Eze 37:16 and Rev 11:1-2 initiates the Great Tribulation.
Planet 9 completes the Labarum (Chi-Rho) the Royal Christ envisioned by Constantine the Great and his Druid princess mother Helena and later used on Tim LaHaye’s Jesuit masterpiece of Lies “Left Behind”; Wolves dressing like Christians was not new; Wolves dressed like Jews long before Jesus arrived. The Labarum and slogan “In Hoc Signo Vinces” were used to conquer followers of Jesus. Was it the Cross? No, Jesus was hung on a Tree (Stauros or Pole) amid 2 Thieves, Pope John Paul II revived the pagan custom from Constantine’s day of carrying the Twisted Crucifix commemorating victory over Jesus in the Tree. The Cross used today symbolizes Tammuz in the Mystic Tau; in Egypt the Cross of Isis “Ankh”. Was it the X formed by the Milky Way and Ecliptic? No. Was it Niburu aka Planet X? No.
Plan 9 or Planet 9 is Earth; specifically Judgment of the Earth. Earth-Sun “EM” weapons will be used to destroy the Earth and blame or Scapegoat this destruction on the Rogue Planet X. Plan 9 from Outer Space, the material “Solaronite” connected the Sun to Earth. The proposed names for Planet 9 all have one thing in common; Earth. Jehosaphat, George and Planet of the Apes all refer to Earth. Jesus returns to “Destroy them which destroy the Earth” Rev 11:18. On 12/21/2012 the Sun rose through the X formed by the Milky Way and Ecliptic at 11:11UTC, the date indicated on the Mayan Calendar as Plan 9 is designed to complete “As Above; So Below”, the “Celestial Pole”, “World Pillar”, “Staurogram” (Stauros=Pole) or “Labarum”, the so-called “Laurel Standard” or Crown of Bacchus. “In 700 years the Laurel will grow green again”- Gnostic Cathar Perfecti. As they said in Lion King and the Octogon “It is Time”.
The Labarum is formed by Celestial Pole (Earth’s Axis), Zodiac and Ecliptic;
the Sun rose into position to form the Celestial Chi-Rho on 12/21/2012; the 7 sites associated with
claim the Pale Horse “Death” was released on this, the Day of Divine Redemption; “Hell” follows this Horse so this was obviously not the case; the warning from God however is something occultists key on. The Labarum symbolizes the UNKNOWN GOD ignorantly worshipped at the Areopagus (Temple of Ares) on Mars’ Hill in Athens. This is the same Babylonian god of War “Nergal” (2 Ki 17:30) symbolized by the Cock heralding the Dawn “Lucifer”; in Iran and among the Yezidis, Nergal is called Melek-taus the Peacock Angel. The Labarum is the Rising Sun “Lucifer”, rising through the Ecliptic and Milky Way X to form the Royal Christ. This symbol happened on Dec 21, 2012, now it will complete the picture with Planet 9.
The intersection of 3 ecliptic paths can be seen in CERN’s Logo and the Triskele (Triskelion) used on New King James Bibles and the cover of “Aquarian Conspiracy” CERN’s plan is to create Dark Matter, a material that absorbs 100% of Light (Photons); when this theoretical and totally made up Bull Shit material comes in contact with visible material total annihilation results; sounds like Star Trek Anti-matter Warp Drive doesn’t it? Remember, Jesuit sock puppet Stephen Hawking also says creation of Dark Matter will destroy the Universe. CERN is complete nonsense just like Planet 9.
Plan 9 and 9P Protocol from Bell Labs was symbolized by the 9P Bunny using the voice of Plan 9 from Outer Space director Ed Wood’s 1st movie from 1953 Glen or Glenda? The movie was about Ed Wood, the real life Cross Dresser playing a Transvestite X-Dresser. The final experiment Patrick/Patricia commits suicide as a baby is born. Patrick is derived from Ptah-Rek name highlights Day St Patrick’s Day. Patrick was not Catholic, but rather Celtic-Druid; the Circled Cross is the completed Sun-wheel. Is it just coincidence VP Knight of Malta Joe Biden has a SS Codename “Celtic” and the Unknown Planet “Biden” is claimed to prove the existence of Planet 9? Bell Labs merged with AT&T forming Lucent Technologies; the 9P Operating System essentially became “Inferno” operating on Styx (River separating Earth and Hell) Architecture from 666 N Broadway. Waking up yet?
Rapture and Aliens go hand in hand; Jesuit hands.
Crusaders (Warriors of the Cross) were led by Knights Templars. Jesuits the re-born Knights Templar are the Knights of Malta who invented the pre-Trib “Rapture”; the 7 yr Tribulation and Rapture. None of these are in Scripture. .
God created Man not Aliens “Reagan at the UN said “Nothing would unite the nations of earth faster than the threat of an alien invasion from outer space”. The UN created the Office of Space Alien Ambassador in 2010; filled by Malaysian Edomite M.Othman; you may remember Sodomite Richard Gere in Mothman Prophecy. The UN Planetary Initiative “Nobody shall enter the new age unless he or she accepts a Luciferian initiation”. How does one do that? Accept Noahide or Sharia Law. How about the timing of Jesus’ arrival? Let’s keep this simple, Jesus arrives and everyone in front of Him dies; you look up and see a Messiah (al-Mahdi, Krishna, Baha’ullah, the Jewish Messiah) that’s Antichrist. You may only have until Mar 26 to figure it out. The Labarum is on the cover of Tim LaHaye’s “Left Behind” for a reason; Jesuit Knight of Malta Nic Cage’s 2014 movie “Left Behind” telegraphed the plan just as his movie “Knowing” forecasted the intentional scuttling of Deep Water Horizon. Next up fake Aliens and a fake Rapture.
Plan 9 from Outer Space was originally a 1959 movie Grave Robbers from Outer Space; Just a silly Sci-fi movie? Plan 9 is also a NASA and CalTech Plan called Planet X. The salute made to the Alien leader Eros (Cupid, Nimrod or St Valentine) is the X for a reason.
The movie was about Aliens arriving on Earth in Flying Saucers looking identical with Saturn, and resurrecting dead humans into an army of controlled “Ghouls”. Mormo means “King of the Ghouls” aka “God of the Living Dead”; Mormons have been planning for this falsely called “End Time”. The “Walking Dead” series should ring a Baal. This series originated at the CDC in Atlanta; think ATL Mayor Kasim Reed was invited to Bilderberg 2015 because of his good looks? Recall Samaritans Purse (330 Luciferian Mason Billy Graham’s corrupt organization) and Paris based Doctors without Borders (staged ISIS beheadings ringing a Baal?) Dr Kent Brantly and Susan Writebol traveling back to ATL with CDC created Ebola aboard Phoenix (Crowley’s Liber 44: Mass of the Phoenix ringing a Baal?) Air Ambulance and all the Ebola Actors dressed in Green? Ebola means “Balls used in a Roman Flagrum before Crucifixion folks! There are 1000 MASH style Tent Hospitals with Bio-waste disposal capability and multi-person coffins under command of Hindu nut job Surgeon General Vivek Murthy in the US alone. Jesus gave His blood for remission of your Sins, if you are not ready to give yours, stop reading and go back to sleep.
In Plan 9 from Outer Space, the Alien leader is Eros My Valentine’s Article may help understand this; suffice to say Eros is Cupid or Nimrod the Scapegoat for the Tower of Babel; the real Chaldean builders came from the East to Babel; Nimrod came from the West; Obama, President #44 will play this role. Aliens arrive on Earth in order to prevent the creation of a Universe destroying weapon utilizing “Solaronite” to connect the Earth and Sun. Plan 9 is designed to prevent the weapon connecting Earth to the Sun by Solar Rays from destroying the Universe. Far fetched? Sure, but Stephen Hawking believes the creation of Dark Matter will destroy the Universe too. The weapon has a real basis in EM (Electro=Sun) Magnetic (Earth) based weapons developed as a Free Energy, Security and Communication solution by Nikola Tesla. Secret Societies call this connection of Earth and Sun the Divine Union or Sacred Marriage.
Exploding Sunlight is “Ra Material” aka “Soul of Horus”, CERN’s Dark Matter etc. God said “Let their be Light” Gnostics believe Ra Material was used. David Bowie’s Darkstar was well timed and tells the story. Jesuit sock puppet/actor Stephen Hawking (Martyr/Crown of Horus) claims that CERN creating Dark Matter will destroy the Universe with Vacuum Energy. The only Vacuum is in his head; occupying the seat (Lucasian Chair of Math) once held by another vacuum headed Rosicrucian, Freemason Isaac Newton. Newton believed he could design a blueprint for God’s Temple just like Hawking believes Worm Holes connect to Universes where Time runs backwards.
To understand Plan 9, we begin with NASA’s New Horizons and Horus the god of 2 Horizons. Intersect the 2 Horizons and the Labrys or Golden Mean forms; Christian Fish Symbol? Certainly not a symbol Jesus used. Obama (He is with us in Farsi) took the “Mile High” stage made to replicate the Throne of Pergamon aka Satan’s Seat in Denver. On Earth Day 2009, Deep Water Horizon was set ablaze and intentionally sank in Mile Deep water; the time and date forecasted 1 yr in advance in Knight of Malta Nic Cage’s movie “Knowing”. This was timed with the New Horizons spacecraft flying by Pluto, verifying it is a Dwarf and not our 9th planet. The pictures of Pluto are identical with 330 Mason Walt Disney’s 1930’s drawings of the Bloodhound Pluto because they are Bull Shit. Stephen Hawking says “Alien encounters will be like Columbus’ discovery of the Americas”; Conquistadore (“By this sign Conquer” ringing a Baal?) Bloodhounds were fed only human flesh and blood (Walking Dead making more sense?) Columbus, Pizarro, Cortez’ plan was to steal gold and kill natives with disease.
Why is Pluto a Bloodhound? Pluto is the Roman god of the underworld, a gate keeper of souls if you will. “Without the shedding of blood is no remission” Heb 9:22 For people who reject the blood of Jesus as payment of Sin, the blood of others is required. The Atomic weapon program Manhattan Project (Man + Aton=Atum=Atom, the Egyptian creator) created Plutonium used at Fukushima in the intentional MOX (Uranium-Plutonium) Fuel melt-down currently killing much of the northern hemisphere. Upon the Trinity Detonation 330 Mason, fake Jew, Soviet Spy J Robert Oppenheimer quoted Shiva (doing the dance of destruction in front of CERN) “I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds”. Plutonium is indeed a flesh killer having no equal.
Planet X is not our 10th Planet but rather X (Roman Numeral 10) is the Algebraic expression for “UNKNOWN” aka “Planet of the Crossing”. Caltech planetary science professors Dr Mike “Pluto Killer” Brown and Dr Konstantin (recall Constantine first used the X symbol to entice Jesus’ followers to War) Batygin believe Planet 9, along with many other extra-solar planets like Biden 2012VP113 (SS Codename Celtic; Celtic Cross ringing a Baal? 2012 Vice President for the 113th Congress; oh stop NASA my side is hurting from laughing) and Sedna (Inuit goddess of earth and sea); Yup no kidding, are in orbits tilted 300 with respect to the Ecliptic, a Bull Shit theory first put in print by Zechariah Sitchin with “Nibiru” but first put in stone on Egyptian Hieroglyphics over 3000 years ago; Flying Saucers? Yup, just like the ones NASA Nazis crashed in Roswell; incredible plan isn’t it.
The Ecliptic, Milky Way and now the made up Bull Shit Biden-Sedna Planet X system are all tilted 300 with respect to one another; draw that little symbol out and you get an X (Chi=Christ) on a Pole (Stauros in Scripture); a Crucifixion of Christ. IIN fact, Constantine first called this symbol the “Staurogram”. You also form the Hexagram or Beehive (Bee is Chaldean for Word) and the Six Pointed Star of Saturn. Clever little Satanic liars aren’t they?
Where did Egyptians get the Alien idea? Council of 9 “Planetary Rulers” of Sumeria of course.
Please be careful with this garbage. “I am Ra speaking from the Great Blue Lodge or the Great Blue Light and Lord Siraya from Orion and the Star Sirius”, “Gabriel Consciousness”, “Law of One” are all part of this site. Go back to Dr Konstantin and Constantine and recall the movie with Keanu Reeves Constantine; Gabriel was in that movie; the biblical messenger angel turned bad whispering in people’s ears to sell their soul.
What’s CERN trying to create? Ra Material aka Soul of Horus aka Shadow or Dark Matter. Isis is the mother and lover of Horus. Where is Isis? In Orion (her brother/husband is Osiris=Orion, the brother/lover of Artemis goddess of witchcraft) on the Star Sirius, Seriously folks, this is no joke, Mormons call Sirius Kolob; Mormo is King of the Ghouls.
Proposed names of Planet 9 are 1. Jehosaphat; well “Jumping Jehosaphat” that phrase is a mocking of Jesus “Jumping” the Covenant from John the Baptist to the New Covenant which Satanists disregard entirely; Jehosaphat means “JEHOVAH has Judged”; JESUS is JEHOVAH (JAH Ref Ps 68:4; Mat 1:25 KJV; new bibles change this to Jah and Jesus) Jehosaphat did “Right in sight of the LORD” by destroying Groves and High Places; his son married Ahab and Jezebel’s (PHoenician/Canaanite Princess) daughter Athaliah and Evil in sight of the LORD 2. George; makes George Bush Sr and Jr happy but George is derived from Geo=Earth, the Earth god born at Geole (Christmas) is Solis Invictus, Horus, Tammuz, Attis, Adonis etc. 3. Planet of the Apes; Yup no kidding. Recall in Planet of the Apes 330 Luciferian Mason Charleton Heston (Moses with Ramses is a Lie) stood next to the Statue of Liberty on Planet of the Apes aka Earth? In the 1970 movie “Beneath the Planet of the Apes” an Atomic Bomb is the object of worship.
So what’s the New Covenant? A SPIRITUAL COVENANT with JESUS in Heaven. People who reject that COVENANT? Earth Dwellers who intend to destroy God’s Creation and re-make in their own image.
9 is the number associated with Judgment. The UN Planetary Initiative “No person shall enter the New Age unless he or she accepts a Luciferian Initiation” When you do, you are an Earth Dweller (Rev 13). Now back to the “Law of One”, the so-called “Archtype of World Consciousness”.
Planet 9 as “Nibiru” is derived from Jupiter (Capitol means Womb of Jupiter/Zeus); Mormon prophet (patsy) Joseph Smith was buried with a Talisman of Jupiter; as Planet X “Planet of the Crossing” Jupiter/Nibiru means “Ferryman of the Crossing” called Marduk in Babylon. In Egypt Jupiter is regarded as Osiris and his Morning Star son “Horus of the 2 Horizons”. The intersection of the 2 Horizons forms the Labrys (Fish Symbol) a representation off the Ratio of Life or Golden Mean; hence the term “Golden Age”.
Now finally, we can see Planet of the Crossing and Plan 9 is Judgment plain and simple; likely coming to the Sky near you Mar 26, 2016 on the Eve of Easter. In Kaballah the 5-6 (Saturn-Jupiter) level is where they put Jesus. You want to Cross from Saturn to Jupiter pay the Ferryman with your Soul.
Recall the movie Plan 9 Aliens came to stop man from creating a Doomsday Weapon using the “Solaronite” to connect the Sun and Earth; so what is it? Atomic/Hydrogen weapons? No way, Earth Dwellers can’t survive that. Think the Soviet Cold War was real? Guess again, the farce was a Black Hole of money called Operation Blue Beam designed to present a credible Alternative Messiah and Alien invasion. Gravity of the Unknown Planets tearing apart our Solar System? Gravity is a myth as is the Solar System as is Planet X and all of the other Biden-Sedna system.
Solaronite is EM Scalar Weapons.The Earth is a Magnet; the Sun streams Electrons; Electo-Magnetic Weapons were developed over 100 years ago; Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions, Guided Lightning, Weather Modification, Geo-engineering and Detonations larger than Nuclear Detonations have all been tested eg Space Shuttle Challenger and Columbia, Thresher Submarine, Twin Towers on 9/11/2001, Chernobyl, Indonesia and Fukushima Earthquake/Tsunami, Sichuan, China and Concepcion, Chile earthquakes, Hurricane Katrina and Sandy, India Floods,and numerous guided Tornados in OK and FL to name a few. Jesus said unless these days were shortened no flesh would remain. This is what He was referring to.
Time is very short; I suggest a one on one visit in your Prayer Closet with the Creator of the Universe is in order; His name is JESUS.
Sub for more: http://nnn.is/the_new_media | Telegraph’s Julian Ryall, in Tokyo reports, The joint US-South Korean exercises scheduled for March will be largest military drills ever staged on the Korean Peninsula and are both a warning to Pyongyang and an effort to reassure the jittery public in the South.
See the report here:
Read more:
Perfect timing: China and the US agreed today to ban Jet Fuel shipments to North Korea in accordance with UN Sec Council Directives by KCIA Asset, Unification Church Initiate Ban Ki Moon. The Korean War created the Kim Dynasty (US Major Dean Rusk), split North and South Korea and ended in Armistice. The sequel may very well begin at any time.
X-Files put the plan in plain sight complete with Agent Einstein; Gravity Waves (Postulated in Einstein’s Relativity Bull Shit), Alien DNA (God assures us one Species cannot mate with to create a new or Hybrid Species) and Disease.
Gen 6 “Sons of God saw daughters of men and took wives from them” The Alien DNA protects the Elite with this Alien DNA, against Vaccine delivered Diseases. Rhesus Factor (Rh-) negative for the Blue Bloods “left alive to rebuild the Earth in their image”; Rh+ for the rest of us who evolved from Rhesus Monkeys, just like we saw in 2001: A Space Odyssey and David Bowie’s “Dark Star”.
2016 is the “Year of the Monkey”; in Planet of the Apes a Vaccine causes Ape Evolution and Death to Humans via Simian Flu; isn’t it a bit coincidental Rockefeller’s Zika Virus was synthesized in Rhesus Monkeys?
On St John’s Day (June 24) Independence Day: Resurgence will show the world the Gravity Wave generators; should be quite the stage show.
60% of Lake Erie freezes over in 2 days
Temperatures in Windsor, Ont., for instance, dipped to – 17 C on Sunday.
On satellite imagery showed three per cent of the shallowest of the Great Lakes to be covered in ice. By Sunday, it was 64 per cent covered, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
9 years ago in 2007 Family Guy “Meet the Quagmires” predicted Scalia’s death. Predictive programming as Scalia was immediately pronounced dead of “Natural Causes” by a US Marshall untrained to make the call, whose only function is to guard Federal Judges, not their bodies.
The tail is wagging the dog here; Scalia did not die of natural causes; likely he did not die at all and merely recused himself with the help of a dozen US Marshalls serving the Crown Bar
Scalia died on the 44th day of the year, the first day of Lupercalia and his death would leave the court split at 4-4 (44). Not so coincidental, Obama is the 44th President and Wiki said that he died 33 miles from the closest city. He was born on 3-11 (3×11=33). Hmmm!
The Jubilee reverses Debtor/Slave and Master; Silver Shield Bullion tells the story https://sdbullion.com/silver/silver-bullet-and-silver-shield-collection/2016-silver-shield-collection/2016-silver-shield-0 The 2016 Year of the Monkey coin features the Monkey on the back of Lady Freedom releasing the Chains of Bondage. The 2015 Year of the Sheep features 2 Wolves eating a Sheep. https://sdbullion.com/silver/sbss-silver-shield-collection/2015-silver-shield-collection/2015-silver-shield-year-sheep-1 Paul noted Christians are regarded as Sheep for the Slaughter. 2016 is the Year.
Asteroid 2013 TX68 due to pass 11,000 miles from Earth Mar 3-8, 2016 with its closest approach on Mar 5, 2016; NASA is equating the 150ft size and 32,000mph velocity comparable to the asteroid that hit Tunguska, Siberia and potential fragments to the Russian Meteor sighting.
The occult communication is Tunguska was caused by Nikola Tesla as verified in his letter to Admiral Byrd and in Byrd’s diary. Asteroids generally don’t shed pieces; Comets do because of the Solar Wind.
My guess is a Scalar EM event of some kind is planned.
Bright meteor fireball observed over southern Spain and Portugal
fireball observed over the South of Spain and Portugal on 21 Feb. 2016, at 2h42m UT. The event was produced by a meteoroid that impacted the atmosphere at about 120.000 km/h. It started at an altitude of about 100 km and ended at a height of about 42 km. The event by the meteor recording stations that the University of Huelva operates at the astronomical observatories located at La Hita (Toledo), Sevilla and Huelva.