Updated 08Dec15
“…the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service. And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me. John 16:2-3
“Ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars…be not troubled…the end is not yet…nation shall rise against nation…famines, and pestilences and earthquakes in divers places…all these are the beginning of sorrows…and shall kill you” Mat 24:6-8 “Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen” Romans 1:25
“Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed…” Psalms 2:2
Kali in New York City
Heathen means “Living on the Heath or Earth”. Kali “Dark One” or “Dark Mother” represents “Mother Nature” the goddess of Creation, Time, Change, Preservation and Destruction; Kali was put on the Empire State Bldg last August for a reason. Kali is also the name of the Apocalyptic Demon Kali the “Black Alchemist” is the goddess of Strife, Discord and Quarrel, all attributes of UB313 “Eris” the so-called entirely fictional Planet X or “Wandering Christ”. Kali is also the consort of Shiva “The Destroyer” whose Idol stands guard at CERN (Cernunnos is “Little Horn”). Jesus refers to the Heathen as “Dwelling on the Earth” Rev 13:8. In Jer 1, the Word of God condemns Heathen worship of cutting a Tree from the Forest and decking it with silver and gold; we call this time “Christmas”. The Holidays (Holy Days) are here. The Earth Mother (creature) is in labor with the Beast, and the Whores causing all this are in Paris (House of ISIS) during the 13th (13 is the number of Rebellion to God) Astrological Sign Ophiuchus “Serpent Holder” as CERN begins smashing Lead Ions to create the “Prima Materia” (Chaos) and a return to the Saturnian “Golden Age” when the Serpent changed men into gods. “creature” is spelled this way because earth is inanimate (earth worship is what God calls a “vain thing”, whereas the Creator has a Name and physical, animated body in Jesus.
The House of Isis
Paris means “House of Isis”. The Chartres Cathedral is France’s Cathedral of the Green Man. Cathedral of St Denis is the Cathedral of Dionysus aka Cult of the Severed Head. Knights Templar and Ismaili Assassins transported Idols of the Black Virgin “Isis” all across Asia and Europe; they also carved “Green Man” into their Cathedrals and Castles (eg Chartres the Druid “Grove” south of Paris and Roslyn Castle in Scotland). Who is Green Man? Sumerians called Green Man “Abu” meaning “Father of Vegetation and Plants”. UN Agenda 21 (now Agenda 2030) proposes returning most of the world to Wilderness “Land devoid of human activity given over to Plants and Vegetation”. This is precisely the Agenda at the Paris Climate Change Summit. You may recall Abu from Disney’s Aladdin. Aladdin means “Nobility of Religion”, specifically “Black Nobility”. Disney’s “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” debuts on Saturnalia “Balance of the First Order returns to the Force emerging from the ashes of the Empire” Like a Phoenix rising from America’s ashes, Kali the goddess of Destruction was plastered on the Empire State Bldg 3 months ago not by chance but a warning
Black Nobility are Merchants of Sin; Black Knights sworn in service to the Black Virgin “ISIS” meaning “Throne” of the Alternative Messiah or Pergamon “Satan’s Seat”. Knights of the Black Sun (Nazi SS) for example. Science is “Vain and profane babblings in opposition to God” 1 Tim 6:12 “Black Matter”, “Black Holes”, “Dark Energy” for example. CIA “Black Ops” or “Black Budgets” other examples. In Hollywood (Holy Wood) “Dark Knight” or Star Wars “Sith” a word meaning “obsolete, since, after or subsequent” in reference to the Age of Grace through JESUS, the Holy Ghost and Word made Flesh.
Confederate means “Against the Covenants with God”; Sin s committed in Adulthood voids those Covenants; Freedom from God is the goal of “Earth Dwellers” enforcing UN Agenda 21 are the Paris COP-21 Summit. 21 is the Age of Accountability.
ISIS is not Muslim; ISIS is called DAESH “Nation of Islam in Levant”. It’s based on the First Born Sons: Cain, Japheth, Canaan, Elam (Persia), Joktan (Arabs), Haran, Lot, Ishmael, Esau. Esau is prophesied to obtain “Dominion” (Gen 27:39-41 AB) and his written intent is to slay his brother Jacob. Brazen eh? The 3rd Beast Kingdom of Esau is Brass.
The #1 Commandment written on the Georgia Guide Stones is “Maintain world population under 500 Million living in perpetual balance with nature”. Anonymous (Anonymus) are Secret Societies whose Initiates represent that “Balance”; eg White and Black Checkerboard floor in Masonry.
Bohemian Grove Initiates are relieved of Care; the first Sumerian Ritual “Begone, Dull Care” is today’s Bohemian (Bohemian means One who does not conform to Laws or Customs of the host nation) Grove Ritual; Care is placed at the feet of Molech; Care is a human sacrifice.
Freedom, Liberty, Equality are buzzwords used by Anonymus aka “Il Separatio” meaning Separated or Holy. Anonymus means “Personification of perfect neutrality” symbolized by Pontius Pilate washing his hands at the Crucifixion, the Masonic “White Gloves”, the Anonymous Mask (Guy Fawkes was the Jesuit Scapegoat for the Gunpowder Plot of 5 Nov 1605 to prevent publication of the 1611 Authorized Bible; Thomas Percy (Pierce as in Barbara “Babalon” Pierce/Bush) was the real ring leader or Black wrapped face of ISIS.
The intent of Anonymous Secret Oaths (Jesuit, Masonic, Sufi etc) is to become outside the system, Free of Laws, Customs, Tax, Money worries or Cares of the World; Secret Societies provide the tools (Weapons, Opportunity etc) for others to commit Sin; Blackmail holds them accountable.
Both sides of all Revolutions, Civil Wars and International Wars are financed, armed and instigated by Anonymus; Catholic V Islam; Catholic V Protestant; Democracy V Communism; Zionism V Islam (WWIII) matters not. All wars are planned by 5th Column Traitors outside the system aka “Global Citizens”.
“Yes We Can” is an Obama speech at the Brandenberg Gate under the Quadriga of Apollo (4 Horsemen of Revelation; Apollo is Apollyon “Destroyer”) next to the Pergamon Museum (Satan’s Seat) ISIS controls the flow of Oil and Heroin through Turkey Afghanistan Opium is the “Graveyard of Empires”. In Old French Yes is Oil; the Language of Yes is also called “Green Language”. Now where have we seen Opium Poppies before? Oh that’s right on the way to Emerald City aka Oz; Emerald is the mythical Green Stone cut from Lucifer’s Crown. Notice Dorothy (Door) is wearing Silver Slippers in “The Wiz” rather than Ruby; Silver is the “Cord of the Mystery School Initiations”. Satan is coming out in the open here, just as the movie “Interstellar” used Saturn (Satan) for the Star Gate rather than Jupiter in “2001: A Space Odyssey”
The creature has “Earth’s 10 Commandments” written in stone at the Georgia (Geo=Earth) Guide Stones, dedicated on Earth Day 3/22/1980 (Society 322 is the Brotherhood of Death).
Financed by RC Christian (Rosicrucians) on Hwy 77 (Crowley’s book Liber 77: Book of the Goat) call for eliminating all but 500 Million people living in harmony with Nature. The creature has a Justice Dept “Earth Justice”
The EPA is armed as a military. Pope Francis as the Jesuit head of the Mother Church of every church on earth (St John Lateran Arch-basilica) has an Earth Encyclical (Teaching Paper) “Laudato Si” (Be Praised ie Worshipped) Lateran “Hidden Frogs” are the 3 unclean spirits of the Dragon, Antichrist, False Prophet. The earth has a Geo-Engineering Dept. Electro-magnetic Radars are superior to all other weapons in creating Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions, Explosions, Climate Change. The earth has asset custodians (Trustees) “Order of the Garter” (Garter is a Witch’s Belt signifying Luciferian Marriage; Prince Charles heads this, given authority from the forgery “Donation of Constantine”) Brazen? The 3rd Beast Kingdom is made of Brass; the 3rd Kingdom is Edomite (Gen 27:40 KJV;Dan 2:39). Want in? Sell your Soul like Esau did.
Aleister (Great Beast) Crowley’s Thelema is the Law of the “New Aeon” summed up as “Do what thou wilt shall be the sum of the Law”; nothing original, the phrase also applies to Phoenician trained St Augustine “Love and do as thou wilt” or the Wiccan Rede “Do what ye will”. Thelema means “Will”, Agape means “Love”; in Gematria, the 2 added=93; the Gematria of the “Lost Word” in Masonry is 93; Aiwass, the demon Crowley channeled for his Thelema Religion is also 93; the percentage of earth that needs to die is 93 (7% of 7.3Billion=500Million, the number of people indicated on the Georgia Guide Stones). Science claims the Universe is made up of 7% Visible Matter versus 93% Dark Matter. Thelema is called the Philosophy of Nature or Law of Liberty; the French Revolution in Paris like those America and London, England were instigated using the motto “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” meaning Liberty from God, Equality with God and Fraternity with those of like mind. Paris (House of Isis) and the Place of Concord may ring a Baal. Crowley’s “New Aeon” is represented by the number of the Alternative Messiah (Antichrist) “11”. 13 is the number associated with Rebellion (1+7+5=13); hence Flt 175 was used to indicate the change in Abram to Abraham (h means “God is with me”) in Gen 17:5 and the description of “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS UPON THE EARTH” in Rev 17:5 A Jubilee is 49 years hence Flt 77 (7X7=49) is seen in Crowley’s Book Liber 77 (Liber Oz): Book of the Goat. It was not by chance these numbers were the flights used on 9/11/2001; 77 is Crowley’s “Ultimate Manifestation of Spirit in Matter”. The arrival of Antichrist in the New Aeon, is the Universal Ethic, Received Religion, Law of Liberty and Philosophy of Nature calling for a Global Extermination.
*****COP-21 “Conference of Parties” or “Coalition of Partners” to UN Agenda 21. The 1992 Rio Earth Summit came out of the 1987 World Socialist Party paper “Our Common Future”. The “Christ” in Rio is not Jesus. “Socialism will come to America not by the sword but through the Ballot Box” 33 degree Luciferian Mason, Star Wars (Ionosphere used as a giant TV “Operation Blue Beam”) Cold War, Reagan pal, Bohemian Grove Initiate, Soviet Dictator and Green Cross International Founder (McMartin pre-school pedophile scandal with Church of Satan co-founder, Temple of Set founder, NSA Col Michael Aquino may ring a Baal) Mikhail Gorbachev.
“…implemented by every person on earth…reorientation of humans unlike anything the world has ever experienced”-Text The Refugee Crisis is intentionally created.
“Current lifestyles of the affluent middle class including consumption of meat, fossil fuels, energy, appliances, air-conditioning, suburban housing are not sustainable…the world population must be reduced to 1 Billion” Maurice Strong
“We will make the earth insecure and inhospitable to Capitalists…we must tear down dams, reclaim roads and plowed lands, and return to Wilderness millions of tens of millions (meaning about a Trillion Acres) of settled land” Earth First Dir Dave Foreman Now you know why the Hoover Dam being destroyed is on the $50. America is unbridled Capitalism and will become very inhospitable soon.
Wilderness means “Land void of human life that has been returned to nature, where plants gain the upper hand” Root is Norse Will “lost, unruly, disordered ungoverned; environment of evil”
Pan the Nature god represents “unbridled sensuality and boundless sportive energy”; the GOAT “God Of All Things” Severed Head? The Goat of Mendes.
Why Paris
Why Paris? Place of Concord; the Arch of Triumph and Star of Isis-Champs Elysee (Field of the Blessed ie Dead in Battle)-Luxor Obelisk.
Hatshepsut was Moses’ adoptive mother and Pharaoh’s daughter; the Temple of Luxor is her monument as “God’s Wife” the embodiment of Isis; Par=House + Isis thus Paris is the “House of Isis” and therefore the House of Hatshepsut, the Exodus Pharaoh. The Obelisks were commissioned by Ramses II, the Masonic/Hollywood/Israeli Exodus Pharaoh (Exodus was 1492BC; Ramses II reigned in 1279BC). Ramses II led Egypt into a slaughter at the Battle of Qadesh (Holy Cow) against the Hittites; today represented by China=Sina=Wilderness of Sin=Cathay=Heth=Hittites.
Just south of the Luxor Obelisk across Pont Neuf (New Bridge) is the reliquary of the Crown of Thorns (fake of course) in St Chapelle, the Nails and pieces of the True Cross (fake of course) in Notre Dame (Our Mother). The symbology is evident Earth over God.
Are we not witnessing a similar Exodus and return to the Wilderness of Sin today? Mt Sinai is Agar (Gal 4)=Hagar=Hagarenes; these are the Ismailis ruled by the Ayathollah ali al Sistani (Iraq) and ali-Khameini (Iran), Agha Khan IV (Nizari Assassins) and the Arab nations surrounding the Persian Gulf (UAE, Yemen, Oman, Kuwait) aka Kingdom of Ormus (Snake) represented by a stylized symbol of Virgo; ISIS is the “Black Virgin”. All these Arab leaders are Grand Orient (Rising Sun=Osiris, husband of Isis/Hatshepsut) Lodge Masons initiated in Paris. The Kingdom of Saba (Sunrise) is also seen in Syria and Malaysia-Indonesia-Brunnei-Japan (Rising Sun) the nations leading representing TPP (Trans-pacific Partnership) who will divide Capitalist Nations up for gain.
The glory of the Masonic-Jesuit orchestrated French Revolution in Paris enshrined at the Paris Pantheon (Pantheon is Voltaire’s Mausoleum; Voltaire’s Castle is CERN) is coming to America with Crowley’s motto “Do what thou wilt”; now you know thy American Pharaoh won the Triple Crown and why Obama is Time Magazine’s American Pharaoh complete with cross dressing partner.
The St Sulpice Cathedral has a Brass Line “Rose Line” (3rd Beast Kingdom is Brass; Dan 2:39) marking the Sun’s Noon Day progress from the Square (Tool of the Masons to re-make Earth; Rabbis call this “Tikkun Olam”) to the Altar. French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius’s 500 day “Climate Chaos” warning for Sept 23 was Feast of Atonement; the day before, the Sun hit the Altar on Kol Nidre “All Vows”, Rabbis in the Synagogues of Satan forgave all Sins and false Oaths for their Congregations during the Jubilee Year. Neat trick eh? Jesus said “Call no man Rabbi” for a reason! The beautiful hewn stone altar violates God’s commandment “And if thou will make me an altar of stone, thou shalt not lift up thy tool upon it, thou hast polluted it” Ex 20:25. Rebels do that sort of thing. From the altar, the Brass Line or Rose Line continues on to the Obelisk where the Age of Aquarius and the number 76 mark the Rising Sun, culminating with the birth of Solis Invictus (Unconquered Sun) on Dec 21. Why 76? 7+6=13; 7X6=42 months of Great Tribulation. 7 is the umber of Perfection; 6 is the number of Man thus 76 represents “Perfected Man”. The 3rd Beast in Dan 7:6 is about to obtain “Dominion” by traitors mentioned in Micah 7:6. Why Brass? “…third kingdom of brass, which shall bear rule over all the earth” Dan 2:39 So who gets to run this Brass Kingdom over all the earth? Esau “…thy dwelling shall be the fatness (Wealthy) of the Earth, and of the dew of heaven (Priests) and by thy sword shalt thou live (Military)…when thou shalt have the dominion…then I will slay my brother” Gen 27:39-40KJV Seeing Red yet? We soon will.
Pope Francis’ Teaching Paper “Laudato Si” (Be Praised) calls for the extermination of 6 Billion people sinning against Mother Earth by their Carbon emissions (Breathing, Eating). Easiest way to cause people to stop breathing is SARS (Sudden Acute Respiratory Syndrome); it seems Pasteur Paris lost 2300 vials of SARS in 2014 and SARS II is now out. Francis (Free) is head of the Mother of all Churches in the World; the St John Lateran Arch-basilica is given this title and is the HQ of the Jesuits, the Cathedra “Teaching Seat” of the 3 Unclean Spirits (Lateran means Hidden Frogs) of the Dragon, Antichrist and False Prophet (Ref Rev 12:9; 16:13). Catholic means Universal; the Catholic Church is the Universal Church of the Earth; the United Nations intends to put all Nations under common Luciferian rule “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how are cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations” Is 14:12 Lucifer “Light Bearer” assumes JESUS’ title “Son of the Morning” or “Morning Star” here; the ! used matches Rev 9:11, the “1st Woe” when Lucifer/Satan is cast from heaven to Earth. “Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabitors of the Earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the 3 angels, which are yet to sound! Rev 8:13. “And they worshipped the dragon which gave power to the beast…” Rev 13:4 “Inhabitors of the Earth” or “them that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb” in Rev 13:8. “If any man have an ear, let him hear”.
Why Now?
Why now? The Egyptian Great Year is 25,920 years; in theory the Earth’s Axis would come full circle, causing the Equinox Sunrise to traverse through all 12 Astrological Houses. 2160 years is the time it takes for the Earth’s Axis to precess 1 Astrological House. 1656 years Creation to Flood + 2160 years Aries to Pisces + 2160 years Pisces to Aquarius=5976 years. Sargon the Great was pronounced “Legitimate King” at the age of Accountability at 21. This is the only way to tell Time accurately and Time reads 5996 years when the Age of Aquarius begins. A matter of debate, but the St Sulpice Society in Paris believes Aquarius begins in 2015. I cannot stress enough, Creation is provably at or near 5996 1/2 years old. Carbon Dating requires a stable ratio of Radioactive Carbon 14 versus Stable Carbon 12; the Flood disrupted this dating method.
Peter said “But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise…” 2 Pet 3:8 The promise Jesus made was He would return, and Peter is very clear here, that return would happen the day the Earth is 6000 years old.
The Mark of the Beast is 666; this comes from 6X6X6=216, the number associated with God’s measurement of Time. 33 + 43 +53 =216; these numbers in Pythagorean Geometry of the Great Pyramid (A2 + B2 =C2); Occult Secret Societies refer to this as Father, Mother, Son.
Time, Saturn, El or Kronos (Cronus ie Chronometer, Calendar, Clock) is god of the “Golden Age” aka Chaos. Time is up folks! Cronus is El; the Gate of El (Babel) is dead ahead; Babylon is simply the Gate of On (On=Heliopolis or Osiris the father of Horus). The EU Parliament (Tower of Babel) has Seat #666 vacant but not for long. The UN has 11 Chairs in the Meditation Room behind Satan’s Altar; 10 Kings and one empty chair, but not for long.
Are these people from all nations really doing God’s service in killing most of humanity? Global Warning is Bull Shit, a clever, crafty Satanic Lie. Earth has 2 primary mechanisms to correct Temperature: 1 Evaporation or Hydrologic Cycle and 2. Thermohaline Conveyor. 75% of the Earth’s surface is covered by Water, most of it Salt (Haline) Water. Warming increases Evaporation; Water Vapor is lighter than surrounding Air, so it rises to the Saturation Level. Clouds form which are White and Opaque reflecting Light away from the Earth’s surface. Red Light refracts to form Infrared which interacts with Water in the Atmosphere causing Heat Energy. More clouds, less heating, it’s that simple.
The Thermohaline Conveyor works because Salt Water is heavier than Fresh Water. Salt Water also differs from Fresh Water in that Colder and or Saltier Water is denser; circulation occurs as denser water migrates toward less dense. Warming at the equator is offset by melting of Fresh Water glaciers nearer the poles. Heavier Salt Water dives under Fresh Water inhibiting the heat distribution at higher latitudes, both north and south. Again, Earth has a self correcting system to keep the temperature necessary for life just right.
Earth Dwellers who do not know JESUS plan on murdering 9/10th of humanity exactly as JESUS said would happen “Except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened” Mat 24:22 Want to become “Elect” Ask JESUS “Knowing brethren beloved, your election of God” 1 Thess 1:4 New bibles change this to “God’s election” but rest assured John Calvin and his TULIP Doctrine is Bull Shit just like Global Warning.
Why Paris? Arc de Triomphe (Arch or Gate of Triumph on the Place of the Star “Sirius”, the Star of ISIS), Champs Elysee (Elysium “Field of the Blessed”; aligned with Sirius rising as is the US Capitol Mall), Luxor Obelisk (Luxor=Palace; Obelisk=Baal; a Gift from Ottoman “Turkoman” Muhammad Ali), Place of Concorde and Palace of Concorde (Agreement with ISIS) and Notre Dame (Our Lady) should suffice to explain why Paris is the House of ISIS; ISIS is “Our Lady”; Phoenicians called her Asherah “Our Lady of the Sea” or Pillars of the Groves in Masonic Lodges. ISIS is also seen in the Statues of Liberty in Paris and NYC, facing East to the Rising Sun; she was originally designed by Paris Masons as a Muslim woman; in NYC she stands atop an 8-pt Star of Isis. JESUS describes her judgment this way “…the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters..the waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations and tongues…the 10 horns…upon the beast…will agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast…” Rev 17:15-17
Why would multitudes of people and nations agree with this Beast? Because Jesus will not open the door, you need to ask Him to receive a Baptism of the Holy Ghost; only then will you Know Him. The vicar of Jesus, Pope Francis for example believes in the Big Bang, Evolution, Human caused Global Climate Change and Baptizing Martians; think he is going to open that door? Masons learn the real name of God is a combination of Jah-Baal-Osiris “Jahbulon”; thing they will plead with JESUS? Witches turn the cross upside down, urinate on it and blaspheme Jesus; think they ask Him for help? Jesuits swear to murder pregnant women and tear their babies from their wombs in service to the Black Pope; think they are apt to accept JESUS as the LORD? James said “Above all else Swear Not” Secret Society Initiations all begin with Oath Swearing. Is 2 minutes of humbling yourself before the LORD JESUS worth Eternity in Heaven?
Why 2015?
Why 2015? 1656 years are accounted from Creation to the Flood; 2160 years from Aries to Pisces and 2160 years from Pisces to Aquarius whose symbol is carved into the Obelisk (Baal’s Shaft) in the St Sulpice Cathedral in Paris, marked for the 2015 Solstice (Birth of Sol, Attis, Dionysus, Mithra, Krishna, Horus etc). The St Sulpice Society in fact has stated that 2015 is the start of the Age of Aquarius (Water Pourer). Add these years up and the only viable means to tell Time (Chaos) indicates the Earth is getting close to 6000 years of age, the date Jesus will return to “Destroy those who destroy the Earth” (2 Pet 3:8; Rev 11:8) First, however is the short lived reign of Lucifer, Antichrist and False Prophet.
Why December?
Why December? Roughly 2160 years ago, on 25 Kislev, 165 BC (Roughly because Jesus was born in 6 BC, not at Christmas, nor at the change from BC to AD; Anno Domini is the Year of Lucifer) the Macabbees “Hammer of God” cleansed Temple, Syrian King Antiochus Epiphanes (Syrian King Bashar al Assad?) had dedicated to Zeus; the US Capitol is the Womb of Zeus; Speaker Paul Ryan is an Opus Dei (Work of Zeus) initiate.
Nov 30-Dec 11, 2015, 40,000 people will meet in Paris (House of Isis) to reach a “Core Agreement” on Global Carbon contributions. The hidden meaning here is Core or Kore is the Goddess and Queen of the Underworld and Triple Goddess: Maiden, Earth Mother, Death. She is the central figure in the Eleusinian Mystery School Initiations (Today’s Masonry, Jesuit, Sufi, Shaman etc) which will as Luciferian Mason, Jesuit, Hospitaller John Kerry (Samaritan Kohen) admitted, create “Order out of Chaos” and a “New World Order”
Make no mistake about this out in the open admission, these New World Order Priests like Laurent Fabius and his Global “Climate Chaos” speech and Jesuit Pope Francis in his Earth Encyclical “Laudato Si” (Be Praised), the Teaching Paper of the Jesuit Mother Church St John Lateran or Hidden Frogs, the 3 Unclean Spirits of the Dragon, Antichrist and False Prophet in Rev 12:9;16:13, worship the Earth not God. They will as Jude 7 says “Perish in the Gainsaying of Core” (Common Core ringing a Baal yet?) You don’t need to be part of this; JESUS is still there at your door; open it!
The Core Negotiations and Core Agreements are of course off-limits to Presstitutes and the public, 90% of whom are slated to be exterminated due to the ISIS “False Flag” in Paris. Not coincidentally, this Hannukah (Dec 6-14) “Feast of Dedication” Summit is an Offering of Human Temples to the sun-god Shamash, the center candle on the 9 Branched Hannukah Menorah. On the center candle is the Star of Molech; in Amos 5:2;26 we read that Star is the reason the “Virgin of Israel has fallen” and the reason the LORD removed the name Israel. Modern day Israel is Satanic not Jewish. Hanukkah is also called “Festival of Lights”; Jesus said “As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world” Well folks that “Light” is about to go out for the last time; the “Strong Delusion” is quite real!
“When the lights go out in New York for the last time, we will have the earth”
– Ayn Rand Atlas Shrugged
Timing is Everything
- The Paris Summit is Nov 30-Dec 14.
- The 13th Astrological Sign of Ophiuchus “Serpent Holder” is Nov 30-Dec 17.
- CERN begins smashing Lead Ions (changing Lead into Gold and Man into God is the Alchemical Wedding) in the vain attempt to create a Black Hole/Star Gate
- Nov 3-Dec 17 CERN is Cernunnos the Horned God “Little Horn” holding the Serpent.
- World AIDS Day is Dec 1. The Red Ribbon symbolic of Edom (Red) like the Red Cord binding the Rods (People) in the Fasces Symbol.
- The IMF (International Monetary Fund) will add the Chinese Yuan to the SDR (Special Drawing Rights) basket on Nov 30; collapse of the $US will follow.
- Hanukkah “Festival of Lights” and “Feast of Dedication” is Dec 6-14.
- Krampusnacht is Dec 5; Hollywood movie Krampus released Dec 4; Krampus is essentially Pan.
- The Festival of Light “St Lucia” is Dec 13; Lucia is the Bride of Lucifer in Nordic countries “Clothed in White and Crowned with Light”.
- Dec 17-23 is Saturnalia; Dec 19 is Opalia, commemorating Ops the Sister-Wife of Saturn; Black Ops may ring a Baal or Opus (Ops) Dei as Zeus is the son of Saturn. Dec 17 was timed with the Advent of Capricorn (Io Saturn is the rally cry of the Triumph of Bacchus/Dionysus “Green Man”; Cathedral of St Denis is Dionysus in Paris.
Paris Confederacy
Federal means “Covenants between God and Man” Confederates Reject Covenants with God and aim to have you follow their lead using buzzwords like Freedom, Liberty, Equality. JESUS represents the 8th and final Covenant with God; reject JESUS as God in Flesh, the Word made Flesh and the Holy Ghost and Hell for Eternity awaits.
Putin and Obama in private meetings in Paris as they were in Antalya at the G-20 just days after the Paris False Flag and the day before Turkey (Turkmen) shot down the Russian Jet. All planned with meticulous detail
Turkey received all 7 Church Warnings from JESUS in Rev 2-3 because they created most of the world’s religions (Talmud, Kaballah, Russian/Syrian/Greek/Coptic Orthodox)
“The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take councel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed” Ps 83 Prov 1:7 and Ps 83 also say the same thing. Who are God’s “Anointed”? JESUS Baptizes His anointed with Fire and the Holy Ghost, so you tell me? Are you Baptized?
The Confederates ie (Rebels) are Edom: Obadiah describes them as inside the gates of Israel; British means Birthright of Esau; America is Amurru the Edomite shepherd and serpent god; the Red Star of Communism generated Putin; the Red Dragon of China Chairman Mao etc
Ishmalites: Hagarenes, Twelvers or Jafaris are Turkmen, Shia followers of Ayathollahs and Assassins following Agha Kahn IV all trained in Paris Moab: Jordan is Moab, Edom and Ammon aka Idumea; these escape the hand of Antichrist in Dan 11. eg Obama pal King Abdullah II
Hagarenes: Hagar and Ishmael were cast out to Mecca by Abraham. They are the “Twelvers” awaiting the revealing of al-Mahdi.
Gebel: Tyrians- Phoenicians who migrated using Solomon’s “Ships of “Tarshish” all over the world with Astarte aka Our Lady of Byblos or Easter. Tyrian Purple was used to “Set Apart” Royalty and is used in Tekhelet Blue today for use in false Levite Priests
Ammon: The Six Pointed Star has nothing to do with the Nation of Israel, it is the Ammonite Star of Remphan; Chiun in Moab; Molech in Syria/Lebanon; Saturn in Chaldea or El in PHoenicia; Babel means Gate of this Star and can be seen in the European Parliament built as an Unfinished Tower of Babel with Seat #666 Vacant and the Whore riding the Beast our front
Amalek: Amalekites are at war with the LORD from Generation to Generation in Ex 17; they are the Ishmaelites who married Canaanite women and Edomites who followed that violation of Abraham’s Covenant with the LORD; during 40 years in the Wilderness they became the Alternative Korahite Priesthood aka Rebels and later Turkmen, the Synagogue of Satan Rabbis, Imams, Fathers and Pastors leading their flocks astray Jesus warned against in Mat 23:8-10.
Philistines: Originally from Crete; Cretans are admitted “Liars, Evil Beasts and Slow Bellies” who originated worship of Zeus seen today by most all Churches, Opus Dei “Work of Zeus”, Jesuits “Militia of Zeus and Minerva”; Cretans found their way into Egypt as the Hyksos aka Amalekites who taught War and Metallurgy to Egyptians. God covered them with Lava on Thera and destroyed their Bull-Minotaur worshipping Palace of Knossos on Crete. The Golden Bull Altars and Apis (Word) Bull is the basis of Wall St and Bullshit.
Midianites: Kennites such as Moses’ wife’s father were subtle in undermining the LORD’s commandments; the Kennites of Kenya (both Michelle/Michael and Barry are Kennites) hide fake Ark of the Covenants, their Priests of Ameru (Serpent Priests) form the American story with the Eagle (Edom) carrying the Serpent.
Jabin: Persished at Endor because Endor is synonymous with Witchcraft, the true Whore of Babylon. Consulters with Familiar Spirits, Necromancers, Sooth Sayers, Astrologers are all Demon controlled entities called Shaman or Witch Doctors.
Ps 83:18 ends this description of the Confederacy with one name JEHOVAH. Obadiah means “Servant of JEHOVAH”; in Ps 68:4 KJV the name is shortened to JAH (not Jah as new bibles use) and in Mat 1:25 JESUS is the promised JAH. Don’t be fooled by the Yashua, Yehoshua, Yahweh, Jah, JahBulon (Masonic Name) Bullshit. There is one NAME and one NAME only which provides Salvation and that is JAH/JESUS.
The Aladdin Script
- ISIS (Cybele in Turkey) takes responsibility for the Paris False Flag on the eve of a G-20 conference in Turkey; a Syrian Passport appears; convenient eh?
- Turkey PM Ahmet Davutoglu (a Jafari playing role of Jafar) allegedly orders the shoot down of a Russian Jet. Turkmen Commander Alparslin Celik is at the exact spot inside Syria the Russian Jet was hit. Turkmen (aka Neo-Ottoman “Jafaris”) miraculously happen to be at the crash site? How can Russia not be involved with this?
- Reccip Tayyip Erdogan (330 Mason) manages the Baku-Tiblisi-Ceyhan Oil Pipeline. Ali Baba’s (ISIS) Plunder Oil, selling it to Turkish Middle Men (Merchants) bought at $20/Bbl which is marked-up to $60/Bbl. “Open Sesame”; the 40 Thieves Code Word opens Oil Vault.
- Erdogan arms, trains, and supplies Turkish passports (150,000) to ISIS for travel worldwide.
- Bilal Erdogan owns an Oil Shipping business allowing ISIS to sell stolen Iraqi Oil for $20/Bbl to Turkey for re-sale (mark-up) from Ceyhan, the hub of SE Asia, Russian Middle East Oil and Natural Gas. Russian and Saudi Arabia need $60-$100/Bbl to profit).
- Sumeyye Erdogan (Playing Jasmine) runs a Secret ISIS hospital in Sanliurfa, the start of the Turkish section of the Oil Pipeline from Sanliurfa to Ceyan. No surprise here Turkey is always the “Middle Man”. Turkey received all 7 Church warnings from JESUS (Rev 2-3) because Turkey founded Islam Talmudic Judaism, and Orthodox Religions, all use a Middle Man Priest/Rabbi/Imam selling Doves (Holy Ghost) and Sacrificial Animals at the Temple of the “Money Changers”. Afghanistan supplies 96% of the world’s Heroin, grown by Mujahedeen “Warriors of Allah/Sin”, guarded by the US Military, and transported through Turkey by ISIS.
- Genie Energy (Lord Jacob Rothschild, Dickhead Cheney, Rupert “Evil Merodach” Murdoch) miraculously finds one of the largest Oil deposits and is given a 238 SQ Mi license to steal Oil from Israeli occupied Syria (6-Day War) in the Golan Heights (Mt Hermon is Mt of the Chief; Gen 6 should ring a Baal) with protection from a UN Army of Blue Helmets (Genie).
- Abu, the monkey in Aladdin is the Sumerian god plants; Abu means “Father of Vegetation”; he is often identified with Tammuz (Purify by Fire) the god responsible for the Glory of the LORD departing Solomon’s Temple in Eze 8. Abu is “Green Man” and the Templars are in Paris worshipping Abu by offering 6 Billion human sacrifices.
Jafar, Sultan, Ali Baba, Open Sesame, 40 Thieves, Magic Carpet (Islam), Abu and a Genie? Now where have we seen that? Oh yeah, Luciferian Mason Walt Disney’s “Aladdin” and TE Lawrence “1000 Arabian Nights”. Sultan played by Erdogan. Sultan’s Vizier “Jafar” played by Davutoglu, and the Blue Genie played by the UN Blue Helmet Military soon backed by the US. Almost comical the White House Press “Corp uses Alladdin’s Lamp as its symbol and the US will soon give the Genie power over Jafar.
This Satanic Script has been played out for many years folks: Founder of the Ottoman Empire Osman or Othman I=Osama bin Laden aka CIA asset Tim Osman and UN Space Alien Ambassador M.Othman. Muhammad’s Uncle Abd al Mutallib can even be seen in fake Christmas Bomber Farouk Abdul Mutallib. Muhammad’s wife Fatimah even shows up in Catholic Church “Our Lady of Fatimah”.
Aladdin means “Nobility of Faith/Religion” That’s Arab Religion; the Arab moon god is “Sin”. As ridiculous as this Aladdin Script is, WWIII hangs in the balance, pre-planned to usher in Worldwide Economic, Moral and Physical Exhaustion and the reign of Lucifer rising as an Arabian Phoenix from the ashes
In 1620 Sir Francis Bacon published “New Atlantis” describing America as the Phoenix of the New Atlantis. That All Seeing Eye on the $US atop 13 courses of Stones is Lucifer in the Pyramidion (Pyramid means Amid the Pyre or Flames), the perch called the “Ben-ben” of Heliopolis “City of the Sun”. Ready to cross the Red Sea? Better get ready.
Jesus separates Lambs on His right from Goats on His left; still think celebrating Christmas is a good idea? Scapegoats have Red Painted Legs because Sheep are color blind and willingly follow the trained Scapegoat to Slaughter. Still think Santa in his Red Suit behind the Red Nosed Stag has anything to do with Jesus? Saturnalia is the Festival commemorating Saturn, El, Cronus and the Golden Age ending with the annual Dies Natalis Solis Invictus “Nativity of the Unconquered Sun”. Sorry folks, the Wise Men arrived at the real Nativity Scene 1 1/2 years late in the Spring; your Priest and Pastor is lying to you. Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles in 6 BC. Christmas is the Nativity of the Sun.
The Summit is timed with World AIDS Day because Ritual Sodomy “Satan’s Sex” is part of the Mystery School Initiations. Anus means “Ring”; this Initiation is the “One Ring to rule them all” in Tolkein’s Middle Earth analogy; the Ring indicating the Sacred Marriage or Divine Union with Satan. In 1993 for World AIDS Day the Luxor Obelisk was covered in a Condom, a word meaning “Glove”; these “Gloves” carry the same meaning in Masonic Lodges as that of Pontius Pilate washing his hands saying “I am innocent of the blood of this just man, See ye to it”. We will all answer to JESUS one day soon; why not read His Contract aka New Testament.
The Summit is timed with NATO’s Emergency Mtg which could compel member nations to fight ISIS (Black Virgin or Throne of Antichrist), Turkey and all other NATO nations. Turkey is Pan-Islamist, Neo-Ottoman (330 Luciferian Mason Erdogan and PM Davutoglu). The attack on the Russian Jet in Syria is equivalent with the assassination of Arch-duke Ferdinand to start the pre-planned WWI. Erdogan’s son Bilal shot the pilot in his parachute in Syria. Exactly how the Hell did Bilal Erdogan know where the crash site would be unless all of it was planned precisely by both sides?
Erdogan is a Sovereign Luciferian Grand Orient (Rising Sun) Lodge Mason. Putin is Russian Orthodox ie Eastern Orthodox or Rising Sun. They are 2 heads of the same Snake.
“We are the riders of the Pale Horse Death. God creates, we decide who lives and who dies. We do this for the good of the Earth” Barbara Marx Hubbard. Pale means Chloro or Ash or Pale Green; Scorched Earth is Satanic Religion; the goal is Death, not physical death but SPITITUAL Death of the Person; the removal of the Name from the Book of Life is meant here.
Make no mistake, people who reject JESUS as God, the Word and the Holy Ghost (1 Jn 5:7KJV) are called “Earth Dwellers” beginning in Rev 13; ISIS is Cybele in Turkey; the Cap of Cybele aka Yarmulke or Kippah is a replacement of the Temple Veil Jesus tore at the Crucifixion.
The Summit and its World Energy Council says “Today’s unlikely weather events will be tomorrow’s reality” (Zeus is a weather god); “Expect and prepare for regular, extreme weather events and power disruptions caused by Global Climate Change”. The 1991 UN Earth Summit set the framework; participants (Ted Turner, Maurice Strong, Jacques Cousteau etc) called for the elimination of all but 1 Billion people. The Georgia Guide Stones call for all but 500Million. Pope Francis says the “The triumph of Science is realizing Earth’s carrying capacity is under 1 Billion people”.
Global El Nino? Come on folks, El Nino means “Little Boy”, the name of the Atomic Bomb that used Plutonium. Pluto is the God of the Underworld who with Core (Persephone) plunges the world into “Dark Winter”; Disney’s Pluto is a Blood Hound like the ones Conquistadores used; NASA’s pictures of Pluto are identical because it is all Bullshit! Luciferian Mason J Robert Oppenheimer witnessed the creation of Plutonium saying “I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds”; that quote is from Shiva the goddess of destruction aka Core who stands in front of CERN (Cernunnos “Horned One”=”Little Horn” or Antichrist). So the Paris Climate Change Summit in Paris (House of ISIS); NATO Emergency Mtg on ISIS (Black Virgin) and CERN’s attempted creation of Black Matter (Big Bang, Strangelets, Star Gates, Gates of Hell etc) all coincide with Hanukkah 2015. Jesus was Crucified between 2 Thieves forming the 7 Branch Candlestick Moses built for the Temple; Hanukkah replaces that with 8 Branches surrounding the Star of Molech (El, Saturn, Chiun, Remphan, Sikkuth, Milcom) and the Light of Shamash. Did you know Israel has a US taxpayer built radiation hardened bunker called Project 911 at Beit Shamash for the arrival of Satan? Pardon me but why the Hell are you not in a personal relationship with JESUS?
Jesus, born on Feast of Tabernacles 6 BC was 331/2 years old at His Passover Crucifixion and Feast of First Fruits ascension. Prince William, born on the Summer Solstice 1982, son of Diana (Goddess of Witchcraft), husband of Katherine (Norman Cathars; Catharsis means “Discharge of pent up emotion”), 1000th Knight in the Order of the Garter (Witch’s Belt) created by Norman Bastard King William the Conqueror (Doomsday Book is an accounting of lands held by the Crown), will be 33 1/2 on the Dec 21, 2015 Solstice. A fake Rapture on Christmas? Millennium Falcon a symbol of Jesus in the Millennium? Hardly, Horus is the Millennium Falcon.
The Grand Lodge of England was founded June 24 “Feast Day of St John” 1717; no doubt the warning in Rev 1717 is directed at Masons, Jesuits, Sufis etc, but are we at Rev 17:17 in the timeline? Absolutely not. Fake Rapture or not. CERN Strangelets or not, don’t be fooled.
2015 is the “UN Year of Light”
2015 is the “CERN Year of Light” Lucifer is the “Light Bearer”
The November 18, 2011 issue of the International Journal of Science “Nature” http://www.nature.com/news/higgs-hunt-enters-endgame-1.9399 claims the hunt for the elusive Higg’s Boson aka God Particle or Graviton entered its endgame. Translated: Man believes he has the knowledge, ability and reached the appointed time to become a God.
On July 4, 2012 CERN announced 99.99% proof of the “God Particle” aka “Graviton” as the source for the magical Force of Gravity. The force carrier “God Particle” not only gives Mass to Matter but Order to the Universe at a theoretical energy of 126 GeV.
On Dec 5, 2015 “Krampusnacht” (Krampus is the Shadow of St Nick) CERN attempts to create Strangelets aka “Shadow Matter”, at 1PeV by smashing Lead Ions. Particles able to exist in different Time and Space dimensions are in theory the most explosive form of energy (Star Trek Antimatter engines should ring a Baal).
On Dec 17 (Saturnalia) CERN announces finding a Gamma-Ray emitting particle more massive than the Higgs Boson “God Particle”. My guess is the mass will be 137GeV because 137 is the “DNA of Light” Whether Graviton or Shadow Matter, you had better roll up the pant legs folks! The Bull Shit can’t get any deeper.
On Friday, Congress will vote on a mutated version of security threat sharing legislation that had previously passed through the House and Senate. These earlier versions would have permitted private companies to share with the federal government categories of data related to computer security threat signatures. Companies that did so would also receive legal immunity from liability under the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) and other privacy laws. Today’s language, renamed the Cybersecurity Act of 2015 (Division N of the omnibus budget bill) mostly assembles the worst parts of the earlier bills to threaten privacy even further.
We have about two days to figure out what this so-called Cybersecurity Act (OmniCISA) means for consumer privacy in the US. That unfortunate timing is thanks to Speaker Paul Ryan’s decision to include language announced at 2am this morning as part of a must-pass spending bill scheduled for a vote Friday.
– From Jennifer Granick’s article: OmniCISA Pits DHS Against the FCC and FTC on User Privacy
Opus Dei (Work of Zeus/Lucifer) Paul Ryan’s 2000 page Omnibus 2016 Bill “Omni-CISA” was released 2 AM Wednesday and passed Friday morning; Speed Readers? Not quite. Traitors betraying the Oaths they swore, most with their hand on the bible to protect the Constitution.
$1.2T in spending on International Corporate Tax Breaks; Legal immunity for Corporate spying on workers (guts the 4th Amendment); Oil Industry windfalls (Foreign Corporations selling US Oil assets), Quadrupling H-2B Low Skill “Guest Worker” Visa waivers (jobs the 50% unemployed US citizens don’t want such as truck driving, forestry, hotel/motel work, landscape, agriculture, food processing, construction); Refugee re-settlement (US and Russia are causing the refugee crisis); US Green Climate Funding; increased War spending in light of the Paris and San Bernardino “False Flags”.
Congress is derived from Congredi “To meet for War”; Opus Dei Speaker Ryan, sworn loyalty to the Pope stands between the Fasces (Fascism) in the Capitol “Womb of Zeus/Jupiter”. The War is not against Islam; it is against US Citizens
Perhaps Congress could provide proof the Commander in Chief is a Natural Born US Citizen, able to E-Verify and qualify for employment. If not, he may qualify for an H-2B Visa. After all, there are no records of his education at Columbia or passing of the Bar Exam; only an unskilled worker would bow to Saudi dictator King Abdullah, Shinto Emperor Akahito and Queen Elizabeth II.
Did anyone notice this, where Ted Cruz’s hidden(MSAONIC JESTER) hand is during the National Anthem Republican Debate Propaganda
Donald Trump has said he could deal with Russian President Vladimir Putin — and on Thursday, Putin returned the favor by calling Trump “a really brilliant and talented person.”
Iran, Cuba and North Korea are the only nations left without a Central Bank; Cuba a Jesuit managed dictatorship, North Korea’s Kim dynasty an American creation and Iran’s Green Revolution, American instigated with a Paris initiated Chaldean-Shia Ayathollah and Shariah Law Judge running Mede-Persia. The world is completely exposed and dependent on the $US; when it collapses the world goes with it down the $Quadrillion Derivatives Black Hole and out comes the Black Horse carrying the Black Flag that is DAESH. WWIII is a certainty and likely starting very soon.
Central Banks print money and charge interest for doing so; assets are not published but rather kept on CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports) ledgers from the smallest Water Boards and Towns to the largest Cities, States and Nations. A complete and total sell out to Bankers Jesus turned the tables on.
Iran is the last nation on Gen Wes Clark’s list to be invaded which also happens to be in Daniel as the3rd Kingdom of Brass (Dan 2:39), Esau’s Dominion (Gen 27:40), 3rd Beast (Dan 7:6) brought about by war between the Mede-Persian Ram and Grecian Goat (Dan 8:20-21) out of which “Little Horn” emerges. Probably coincidence CERN (Cernunnos=Little Horn) is creating Dark Matter eh? Pretty Brazen isn’t it?
WWIII Mede-Persian Ram versus Grecian Goat: 13 Weeks of Economic, Physical and Moral exhaustion
According to the Theosophical Society, WWIII will last 13 weeks/91 days. Culminating with the acceptance of the doctrine of Lucifer. ISIS, IS (Islamic State) is one of Submission to “Allah” the Arab moon god “Sin”; Lucifer/Satan is the “Man of Sin”; Muslim means “One who submits”. ISIS requires submission to Sharia Law, the “Revealed Law” of Lucifer. Sharia Law is the same as Zionist Noahide Law. In Iran (Noble Caste) President Rouhani, a Sharia Law Judge and Ayathollah ali al-Khameini (Shia Ismaili/Twelver) know quite well Brass Idols called “Sanjak” represent the Persian Peacock King “Melek-Taus” and the rule of Satan. Sanjaks are made into the likeness of Roosters, the symbol of the Cock heralding Dawn/Sunrise and Mars the Roman god of War aka Babylonian Nergal. Noruz “New Day/Light” occurs on the Spring Equinox (3/21) exactly 91 days after the Solar Solstice. Sharia and Noahide Laws prohibit worship of Jesus Christ, the sole source of the New Covenant. Iran means “Noble Caste”; 2016 is a Satanic Jubilee Year; I would not bet against Mar 21, 2016 Inaugurating the worldwide reign of Lucifer.
Mountain Ambush: Turkish F-16s vs. Russian SU-24s
The target area was about five miles south of Yayladagi, probably somewhere inside the magenta oval in this Google Earth satellite photo of the border area. The red line is the Turko-Syrian border. This corner of Hatay province is rugged, forested mountains with few roads (the yellow lines), and it is likely that infiltration routes for refugees into Turkey and jihadis out of Turkey are narrow foot paths through the mountains. If Sprey’s analysis is correct, the pilot could easily stray briefly across the southernmost tip of the Turkish border on his high altitude (~ 18,000 ft) flight path from the east or south east, and if hit, the pilot would likely land in Syria since his target area was well south of the Turkish border,
ne factor not addressed in most media reports is that the Russian airplanes were sitting ducks for the Turkish F-16s waiting in ambush with IR missiles. The SU-24 Fencer is a large, lumbering 40 ton, late-sixties Soviet knockoff of our infamously un-maneuverable F-111 Aardvark
Turkish F-16’s had the route of the Russian SU-24 and Turkmen Rebel Alparslin Celik ends up under the ejecting pilots, shooting them in Syria and this garbage passes as truth? Every pilot flying these days has GPS accurate to a few feet or less; jets don’t “stray” into another nation’s airspace.
Muhammad Atta’s passport survived the 9/11 5000 degree metal melting inferno and is picked up by Rudy Guiliani’s bodyguard Bernard Kerik and we bought that Bull Shit so why not? A passenger Driver’s License from Flt #77 was found behind the hole at the Pentagon; what did it do, fold itself into a paper airplane and fly backwards? Rest assured Vlad Putin is as guilty of this set up as Reccyip Tayyip Erdogan.
Sargon the Great, son of a Farmer and Temple Prostitute allegedly reigned 2334-2279BC; according to the false calendar in use today 2334 BC + 2015 + 1656 (Years from Creation to Flood)=6005. According to Ussher’s Chronology Creation was 4004 BC to Magically 2015 and the Start of Aquarius is 5999 years; the precise date Jesus promised to return is 6000 years (2 Pet 3:8) and 2016 is a Jubilee Year! Hallelujah? Not so fast “Hail Jah” maybe, the Zionist and Messianic Islam Human Messiah aka Antichrist more like. This is the Scarlett Beast of Is 14:4 preparing the way for Lucifer’s arrival V 14:12 that makes the world a Wilderness (V 17). ISIS is the Whore Riding the Beast in front of the EU Parliament; Paris means “House of ISIS”.
ISIS Releases New Apocalyptic Video Depicting “Final” Battle With “Crusaders” In Syria
DAESH is Nation of Islam in the Levant; Levant is further refined as Iraq ie Babylon and Greater Syria (fi’l-) specifically Haran, the locations Abraham went from Ur to Haran. This is the Scarlett Beast of Is 14:4 preparing the way for Lucifer’s arrival V 14:12 that makes the world a Wilderness (V 17). ISIS is the Whore Riding the Beast in front of the EU Parliament; Paris means “House of ISIS”.
The video “Meeting at Dabiq” goes no to say the war will continue to Rome; fancy that so does the Prophecy (Satanic Plan) of St Malachy claiming Pope Francis is the last “Peter the Roman”.
The Syrian Orthodox Church is called the Syrian Church of the East (Rising Sun) and Chaldean Christian Church; Chaldeans followed Abraham from Ur to Haran. Islam was in fact created by a Syrian Orthodox/ Nestorian Monk from Baghdad named Waraqa b. Nawfal; the mentor of Muhammad whom he was introduced to by his wife Khalifah; the goal is Muslim Unity around Khalifah aka Ummah just as the UN desires Unity around the Roman Pope; WWIII will be the clash of the 2.
Most Muslims have no idea the monster in their midst called the Nation of Islam; it is Gnostic-Chaldean-Nestorian in nature. Most Catholics likewise have no idea the Jesuit Beast in their midst (Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta and Opus Dei) just as most Protestants cannot discern the Freemasons in their midst.
The Whores of Babylon “ISIS” represent Barbelo the 1st Emanation, Womb of the World, Mother of the Aeons, Co-Creatrix, Sophia or Cybele. The SPIRITUAL battle is not with Muslims or Catholics or Protestants, it is with Gnostics pretending to be all of these.
Recalled this from Early July :Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, a senior member of the Saudi monarchy, says he’ll pledge his $32 billion to advance the islamization of America.
The Saudis have spent billions already. 80% of the mosques built in America are Saudi funded. Islamic groups working to impose the sharia are largely funded by the Saudis. We can look forward to 32 billion more of the “kingdom’s brand of Islam, while censoring criticism of Islam
Neil Keenan or the Global Collateral Accounts, you soon will. The Global Collateral Accounts is the most prized financial secret of the banking cabal on this planet.
These accounts were originally intended for true humanitarian projects to revolutionize and transform our world for the better, but have been fraudulently abused by this banking cabal.
JFK signed the Green Hilton Memorial Agreement along with President Soekarno of Indonesia to use these accounts as a way to expose and legally end The Federal Reserve as well as the CIA by issuing gold-backed Treasury Notes, among other legal actions.
The Wealth of the United States has been harvested and all that remains is a phony shell of “manufactured” (lies) statistical data describing the economy, employment, home sales, and retail sales. There is no primary manufacturing remaining in the USA — as the Banksters offshored the basis of the post WWII economy in the US to China and other nations. All that remains now is the final act of the Federal Reserve’s long term plan — transfer the wealth of America to the banking and international financial manipulators – those creating a New World Order – and then collapse the economy as the bond market vaporizes and the dollar’s purchasing power goes to zero in a final hyper-inflationary fireball.
Silver has been manipulated below $14 today — Back up your truck — because this is an unintended gift to Americans with the knowledge to understand. Paper assets will be destroyed in value — gold and silver and food and water and guns and ammunition and food producing real estate will soar in value — The collapse is in progress .. the Baltic Dry is a harbinger of the end coming. Oh, and Hold on to your right to bear arms as though your life depended on it —
ISIS “Black Virgin” is DAESH (Dawlat=Nation; al- Islamiyya; fil=Iraq; wa’as=Sham=Greater Syria or Levant) ISIS is the Nation of Islam in the land God promised Abraham’s descendants who are in covenant with God ie Isaac and Jacob; Ishmael and Esau married Canaanite women violating the covenant.
You see 66 Trillion years ago a mad Scientist Shabazz blew the Earth up splitting off the Moon (Sin/Allah) and only the 13th Black Race of Shabazz in Mecca survived. Shabazz means “Glorious People”; “1st Race” or “Royal Falcon”; that would be the Canaanite women Ishmael and Esau married to form the Horites “Worshippers of Horus”.
Malcolm X aka Bari Malik Shabazz Sr and his son Bari Obama know the land of Shabazz extends from the Nile to the Euphrates aka “Fertile Crescent”
The Black Virgin gives birth to the Canaanites, produced from Ham (Black) and his Cainite mother, “Cursed” with this illicit “Seed”.
At CERN, ALICE or Shadow Matter was created by smashing Lead Ions together on Krampusnacht (Krampus is the Shadow of St Nicholas), the Prima Materia of the Alchemists filling the Universe moments after the Big Bang. Kali “Dark Mother” is doing the dance of destruction out front of CERN, a return to the 1st Creation before God said “Let there be Light”. Recall Alchemists believed Lead could be turned into Gold as Men could be turned into God by destruction of Matter/Body (Christ Mass is destruction of the Host/Body)
If this sound ridiculous, it is; isn’t it time to get right with JESUS?
Dec 5, 2015 CERN (Cernunnos=Horned One or Old Horny) produces ALICE or Shadow (Krampus is the Shadow of St Nick) Matter by smashing Lead Ions together at 1 PeV (Quadrillion eV) the Quark-gluon plasma that filled the Universe (Prima Materia) moments after the Big Bang aka Big Bull Shit. Satanists think it’s funny; the Egyptian creator Atum (Atom) ejaculates the Universe into existence and Quarks attract together by gluons (God Particles) forming RAMBOS and MACHOS. I wish I were kidding; the Big Bang requires ever increasing Energy and Order which violates the most basic Thermodynamics and Physics principles.
Canadian Ted Cruz proposes Nuking DAESH in Iraq and Syria; Thank God he is ineligible to be President just like Obama, Rubio and Bush
Fraudulent 150th anniversary 13th Amendment Commemoration Ceremony 2015 Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, Except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
Logic says you can not make an exception for something while claiming to abolish it.
Chattel Slavery sound bit out of the question.
The most dangerous man on Earth is “Messianic Rabbi” and “Harbinger Man” Jonathan Cahn. Harbinger means “One sent ahead to arrange lodgings or give notice of the coming of another” That would be Antichrist “I am come in my Father’s name and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive” Jn 6:43; Rabbi Cahn? Not who you thought? “But be ye not called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and ye are all brethren” Mat 23:8 God’s Judgment on America? Not quite, more like Esau’s “Dominion” (Gen 27:39-41 KJV) America is set to be destroyed as the Scapegoat for Rev 18 “Babylon has fallen”; the Messiah rising from the ashes will be Antichrist.
WND Joseph Farah “Jesus celebrated Hanukkah and Christians should too” Uh no! Jesus was conceived during Hanukkah (Lk 1) when John the Baptist was 6 months in the womb of Elizabeth; Jesus became the Temple and was reproving the Pharisees (Jn 10:22). Jesus was hung on the Tree amid 2 Thieves forming the 7 Branch Candlestick; the Hanukkah Menorah replaces that. The Center candle has the Star of Molech (Satan) and is called Shamash (Sun/Helper) Christians should recognize WND as the Zionist Beast it is.
” I know Joseph Farah very well and he is no Arab, he is a proud Lebanese. Christian Lebanese hate to be called Arabs and are proud to say that they are “Phoenicians”. Farah opted for sales. I hope and pray he repents.”
I never called Farah an Arab. If Farah calls himself a Phoenician that’s fine; Phoenicians are Canaanites living in Lebanon (Laban) whose Asherat is “Our Lady of the Sea” aka Whore of Babylon. Solomon disobeyed God by taking 1000 Wives and Concubines of the Phoenicians and had them build his Temple. Ahab married the Phoenician princess Jezebel and let Samaritans raise their 70 sons.
WND produced Rabbi Cahn’s Harbinger the movie so they are in league with each other. Let’s look at that site you posted mikos 7 Daniel’s 70 Weeks denies Jesus as the Messiah because 70 Weeks is not 483 weeks of years plus a 7 yr Dispensation with Israel following the open ended Age of Grace. The reason nobody can pinpoint when Creation happened is because they don’t know JESUS. 70 Weeks is 490 days; pretty simple eh? The last 490 days of the Great Tribulation to be precise. God doesn’t leave anything to guess work much less leave His calendar chronology in the hands of Medean (Magi) Kings in Persia
God (Jesus) put the Sun, Moon and Stars in the Heavens to tell Time and Seasons; He listed 1656 years from Creation to Flood in the age of Patriarchs. Time as a function of Axis precession began with the Flood; Aries to Pisces 2160 years + Pisces to Aquarius 2160 years gives a total 24 years shy of 6000; His return is precisely at 6000 years (2 Pet 3:8) Sargon the Great could only have been pronounced Legitimate King of the World at 21 so we are at or near the final 3-4 years.
Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles, a mobile House of God as He was in the Garden of Eden. During the Millennium Feast of Tabernacles is the only required observance (Zech 14:19) Thus Creation happened on Feast of Tabernacles and Jesus will return on Feast of Tabernacles.
John the Baptist was born on Passover; the Johnitters will therefore begin the Great Tribulation on John’s birthday on Passover. 2016 is a Satanic Jubilee following Rabbi Cahn’s 7th Shemitah Cycle. I wouldn’t bet against the Great Trib beginning on Passover 2016 for this reason because it begins on Earth Day.
Jesus returns when Creation is 6000 years old (Ref 2 Pet 3:8). His real Birth was on Feast of Tabernacles not Christmas (Lk 1). During the Millennium, worship of Feast of Tabernacles is the only requirement (Zech 14:18) Therefore I expect the end of WWIII and Great Tribulation timed with Passover (2016?) and Jesus to return on Feast of Tabernacles 1260 days later. 2016-17 is a Jubilee Year.
Passover 2016 aligns with Earth Day. A bit coincidental isn’t it?
Coincidental indeed.. I wouldnt be surprised if the male-only draft laws are over turned before ww3.. soo they can get females also with males to pick up arms and do what so many “evangelicals” preach.. pick up arms.. and disobey the comandments of Jesus. Count me out! and lock me up please.
Amen Mat
Significant of embassy closing across Africa Israel etc. With Isis CiA sleeper cells place in 35 areas of the U.S
The UN Global Warming G-77 + China (China is doing big business in Africa) is demanding a “Significant ramp up of the $100B/Yr to the “Green Climate Slush Fund”.
ISIS sleeper cells in America? Turkey has allegedly given out 150,000 Passports to ISIS Initiates. Who are they? Anyone who follows Templar or Assassin (Hashishin=Entheogen and has nothing to do with assassination; it’s the “God Within” euphoria that comes with State financed, State supported, unbridled mayhem) ideology The 35 sites were reported in a 2003 book; ISIS is your neighbor now.
WWIII is pre-planned Zionism Versus Islam; pick either side of this War and Hell for eternity awaits.
ISIS simply means Throne of the Black Virgin ie Antichrist; the Krampus to Santa “Dialectic” whose Synthesis is the Doctrine of Lucifer. SSDD Catholic V Islam; Catholic V Protestant; Nazi V Democracy; Capitalist V Communist; it’s all Satanic Bull Shit and Satanists run every Nation on Earth just as God said in Dan 4:17; Ps 1:2; Ps 83 or Prov 1:6. They all take counsel together against God who said when we “Kill by the Sword” must “Die by the Sword” As Matt said “Lock me up Please” “Take my head Please” Praise JESUS to the end. Follow JESUS to the end and the Wedding of the Lamb awaits. Follow the Bull Shit and “Depart from me I never knew you awaits”
G-77 + China demands a substantial scaling up of $100B/Yr 2020 target for developed nations to third world nations “Nothing can be achieved at the UN Global Warning Summit without Climate Financing”
G=7th letter Liber 777: and other Qabalistic writings of Aleister Crowley and the Rosicrucian manifesto “Celestial Sanctum” is also called Liber 777 forming the basis of Hermetic Qaballah; the Emerald Tablet of Toth Hermes “That which is above shall be that which is below” is the Rabbinical tradition of Tikkun Olam “Repair the Earth” by slaughtering most of humanity. 7+7+7=21 the Age of Accountability/Adulthood and Celestial Perfection on 3 planes: Matter, Astral and Spirit. The Himalayan (Mt Everest is Chumolongmo “Earth Mother”) tradition 777 is the number of Celestial Man on the Path of Initiation. Noah’s Ark settled in the Himalayas; Lamech the last pre-Flood Patriarch died at 777 years.
Jesus said “I am the resurrection” in Gematria 777; the first sentence in scripture God=86; Paradise/Heavens=395; Earth=296 added=777. 777 is the number of the Orthodox Messiah. YHWH and Yeshua=777. Filled with Light=777.
Think these Earth Worshipping Satanists in Paris know this?
COP-21 “Conference of Parties” to UN Agenda 21. The 1992 Rio Earth Summit came out of the 1987 World Socialist Party paper “Our Common Future”. The “Christ” in Rio is not Jesus.
“…implemented by every person on earth…reorientation of humans unlike anything the world has ever experienced”-Text
“Current lifestyles of the affluent middle class including consumption of meat, fossil fuels, energy, appliances, air-conditioning, suburban housing are not sustainable…the world population must be reduced to 1 Billion” Maurice Strong
“We will make the earth insecure and inhospitable to Capitalists…we must tear down dams, reclaim roads and plowed lands, and return to Wilderness millions of tens of millions (meaning about a Trillion Acres) of settled land” Earth First Dir Dave Foreman
Wilderness “Land void of human life that has been returned to nature, where plants gain the upper hand” Root is Norse Will=lost, unruly, disordered ungoverned; environment of evil”
Pan the Nature god represents “unbridled sensuality and boundless sportive energy”; the GOAT “God Of All Things”
Why Paris? Place of Concord; the Arch of Triumph and Star of Isis-Champs Elysee (Field of the Blessed ie Dead in Battle)-Luxor Obelisk.
Hatshepsut was Moses’ adoptive mother and Pharaoh’s daughter; the Temple of Luxor is her monument as “God’s Wife” the embodiment of Isis; Par=House + Isis thus Paris is the “House of Isis” and therefore the House of Hatshepsut, the Exodus Pharaoh. The Obelisks were commissioned by Ramses II, the Masonic/Hollywood/Israeli Exodus Pharaoh (Exodus was 1492BC; Ramses II reigned in 1279BC). Ramses II led Egypt into a slaughter at the Battle of Qadesh (Holy Cow) against the Hittites; today represented by China=Sina=Wilderness of Sin=Cathay=Heth=Hittites.
Just south of the Obelisk is the reliquary of the Crown of Thorns (fake of course) in St Chapelle, the Nails and pieces of the True Cross (fake of course) in Notre Dame (Our Mother).
Are we not witnessing a similar Exodus and return to the Wilderness of Sin today? Mt Sinai is Agar (Gal 4)=Hagar=Hagarenes; these are the Ismailis ruled by the Ayathollah ali al Sistani (Iraq) and ali-Khameini (Iran), Agha Khan IV (Nizari Assassins) and the Arab nations surrounding the Persian Gulf (UAE, Yemen, Oman, Kuwait) aka Kingdom of Ormus (Snake) represented by a stylized symbol of Virgo; ISIS is the “Black Virgin”. All these Arab leaders are Grand Orient (Rising Sun=Osiris, husband of Isis/Hatshepsut) Lodge Masons initiated in Paris. The Kingdom of Saba (Sunrise) is also seen in Syria and Malaysia-Indonesia-Brunnei-Japan (Rising Sun) the nations leading representing TPP (Trans-pacific Partnership) who will divide Capitalist Nations up for gain.
The glory of the Masonic-Jesuit orchestrated French Revolution in Paris is coming to America with Crowley’s motto “Do what thou wilt”; now you know thy American Pharaoh won the Triple Crown and why Obama is Time Magazine’s American Pharaoh complete with cross dressing partner.
33 degree Mason Bohemian Grove Green Cross Int’l founder Mikhail Gorbachev “Socialism will come to America not by the Sword but through the Ballot Box” Green Cross HQ in the US is at the Presidio in San Francisco (McMartin preschool child abuse scandal and Temple of Set founder NSA Col Michael Aquino may ring a Baal) Green Cross is partnered with COP-21 and the WWF, Earth Focus, Earth First, Earth Charter and Club of Rome. These are the people who forsake the LORD to worship and serve the creature more than the Creator.
Carter: US Military May Start Handing Captured ISIS Over to Law Enforcement
A “full range” of measures will be considered for dealing with leaders of the Islamic State who are captured by U.S. special operations troops in Iraq and Syria, Defense Secretary Ash Carter said Thursday. Among the options: transferring the prisoners to U.S. law enforcement authorities.
Prisons are mostly Privatized; it’s a cash cow for the Military-Industrial Complex
Erdogan Moves To Annexes Mosul
The base near Mosul is new and it was claimed to be just a small weapons training base. But tanks and artillery have a very different quality than some basic AK-47 training. Turkey says it will increase the numbers in these camps to over 2000 soldiers.
The wannabe Sultan Erdogan did not get his will in Syria where he had planned to capture and annex Aleppo. The Russians prevented that. He now goes for his secondary target, Mosul in Iraq, which many Turks see as historic part of their country:
Nineveh (Mosul) is with Babel (Baghdad) the 2 cities confused with Nimrod in new bible versions. Nineveh was settled by Assur which gave the name to the Assyrians who deported Israel and replaced them with Foreigners (1 Ki 17:30) Tartan is Phoenician Cloth, a means to ID the Scottish Klansmen like McCain, Robertson etc; Tartan is the name of the Assyrian Army Commander under Sargon II.
Fact is Nimrod (Obama) did not settle Babel or Nineveh; he was merely the Scapegoat for those who came from the east ie Chaldeans.
Star Wars Episode 7: The Force Awakens
The Force is the “God of forces” in Dan 11:38; CERN calls this the “God Particle”, the “Graviton” is the massless Force Carrier of “Gravity” which gives Mass to Matter and Order to the Universe (Bull Shit of course). CERN (Cernunnos=Horned One) creating Dark Matter on Krampusnacht, the night the Shadow of Santa Claus arrives? How much Bull Shit can we take?
The Force Awakens has the tag line “Balance of the First Order returns to the Force emerging from the ashes of the Empire” This First Order is Lucifer’s Reign in Heaven (Bull Shit of course) emerging from the ashes like a Phoenix rising from its own ashes. Sith means “Obsolete”; that’s JESUS of course. The movie makes its debut on Saturnalia (Dec 17) because the Star of Saturn, El, Molech, Chiun, Remphan is the Six Pointed Star (one Triangle Up; One Triangle Down) representing the Emerald Tablet of Toth “That which is Above, shall be that which is Below”
Right on cue on Krampusnacht (Dec 5) the CDC announced a new antibiotic Superbug called “Phantom Menace” has arrived, the name matching Star Wars Episode 1:The Phantom Menace where the 9 yr old Anakin Skywalker brings Balance to the Force, later to turn to the Dark Side as Darth Vader. Comical isn’t it? Krampus is the Shadow of St Nicholas; a real menace, 7ft tall, Whip Tongue, Bulging Eyes, Pointed Ears, Goat Horns, Pitchfork and Birch Branches for whipping children before kidnapping them and eating them.
Shiva “The Destroyer” is out front of CERN doing the dance of destruction; the consort of Kali “Black One” was plastered on the Empire (Star Wars Episode 5: Empire Strikes Back was timed with Reagan’s Star Wars program) State Bldg on 8/8/2015 2+0+1+5=17=1+7=8 or 888 the Gematria of JESUS.
X-wing fighters represent X=Christ or Planet X the Bull Shit 10th Planet Nibiru. H-wing fighters represent the 8th letter and First Element “Hydrogen”; H in Hebrew is (h’) meaning “God is with me”. Sith means “Subsequent, Obsolete or After that” meaning; after God is dead. Millennium Falcon is Horus, born at Christmas. 2015 might be a good time to take down the Grove, take down the lights (Hanukkah is Festival of Lights) and tell Santa (Hittite god) and his Red (Edomite) nosed Stag to hit the road.
Hanukkah and Krampusnacht align on Dec 6; Hollywood right on top of it with Krampus the movie as Goat (Krampus or Pan) worshipping global Elite gather in Paris to decide who of us to Dedicate to Shamash
Significant of Obama using ISIL? Ben Rhodes, holds Obama’s puppet strings and is now advocating strikes on ISIS/ISIL in Syria in response. What’s the spiritual implication of Syria to being a Christian(Isaiah 17:1) beside the origin of Christian deriving from Ancient Syria(Assyrian).
noticed that too; ISIL is ISIS in the Levant. Kerry uses DAESH meaning Nation of Islam in the Levant. Nation of Islam has absolutely nothing to do with Islam. The first time Christian was used in scripture was in Antioch, Syria. I suspect these were Samaritans copying real followers of Jesus Christ rather than the original Christian disciples.
Why? I suspect Obama is Bari Malik Shabazz Jr the son of Nation of Islam head 33 degree Mason Malcolm X aka Bari Malik Shabazz Sr and Betty Shabazz. Notice he wants us to fight ISIS/ISIL not DAESH
I watched the presidential address last night – Looks like the past two false flag incidents (Paris shooting and San Bernardino shooting) – worked on the public. We now have a green light for WWIII.
Here’s an interesting tid-bit:
The band playing at the Paris theater shooting was The Eagles of Death Metal.
Can you guess what city they were from?
If you answered San Bernardino you would be correct.
Eagles Of Death Metal = Anagram for EDOM?
EODM [EDOM?],,, is like Idam in Sanskrit , which is “This” / “HERE”
Reminds me of the discussion of Media and the displacement of “here” in the writing around Baudrilard and French philosophies, linked about the Fake Star / Art Project “Gigi Gaston”.
Also the “O” , in the poster ad for the “EODM : Eagles of Death Metal” show, has a lightening bolt through it, which makes it a power button.
Right Glenn The Power Button as a stadium next to a river is just “too much” – we just covered that 1-4 days ago, starting on 11- 9 !
And EDOM is like “EDEN” the walled garden. .. which theme was just resuscitated at the end of October, a few weeks ago in :
“THE RAISING OF THE NEW EDEN – going hardcore”
Women in the poster for the show, which allegedly had all the killing in it, has got the “devil horn” sign pointed next to her “G” area.
New ESEA: Warning to Parents About Your Child and Military Recruiters
Elementary and Secondary Education Act (aka NCLB) allows schools to turn over the names and addresses of students to military recruiters and institutions of higher education
Pg 847 of the bill (Specifically for High Schools students
RENEGADE Obama to Make only 3rd Oval Office Speech Sunday 12.6 at 8 pm ET
The last time he spoke was to announce the end of the Iraq War (how did that work out) and before that to talk about the BP oil spill.
Basically he could care less what you think so look for some insane gun control edict that will send 50% of America over the edge by 8:22 (pm ET tomorrow night.
Dec 6 is Hanukkah. Syrian King Antiochus Epiphanes (played by Bashar al Assad) turned the Temple into a Temple of Zeus. On 25 Kislev as the Age of Pisces began, Judah Maccabee cleansed the Temple of Pigs and magically 1 night of Olive Oil burned 8 Nights prompting the creation of the Hanukkah Menorah.
Capitol means “Womb of Zeus”; Jesuits (Militia of Zeus) Paul Ryan and Joe Biden know this.
Jesus was Hung amid 2 Thieves forming the 7 Branch Candlestick Moses constructed for the Tabernacle and Temple; the Hanukkah Menorah has 9 Branches; 8 around Shamash the “Sun god”. What better time for Obama to declare war on Syria, after all the White House was bathed in Rainbow Light for the start of the Age of Aquarius. Timing is everything.
Preplanning Hu ffington Post | November 9, 2014
Research Paper: ISIS-Turkey Links
By David L. Phillips
Turkey and ISIS Share a Worldview
• RT reports on Vice President Joe Biden’s remarks detailing Turkish support to ISIS.
• According to the Hurriyet Daily News on September 26, 2014, “The feelings of the AKP’s heavyweights are not limited to Ankara. I was shocked to hear words of admiration for ISIL from some high-level civil servants even in Şanliurfa. ‘They are like us, fighting against seven great powers in the War of Independence,’ one said.” “Rather than the [Kurdistan Workers’ Party] PKK on the other side, I would rather have ISIL as a neighbor,” said another.”
Cengiz Candar, a well-respected Turkish journalist, maintained that MIT helped “midwife” the Islamic state in Iraq and Syria, as well as other Jihadi groups.
An AKP council member posted on his Facebook page: “Thankfully ISIS exists… May you never run out of ammunition…”
A Turkish Social Security Institution supervisor uses the ISIS logo in internal correspondences.
Bilal Erdogan and Turkish officials meet alleged ISIS fighters.
Phillips is Director of the Program on Peace-building and Rights at Columbia University’s Institute for the Study of Human Rights. He served as a Senior Adviser and Foreign Affairs Expert for the U.S. Department of State.
McCain meets with Simon Elliot aka Abu Bakr al Baghdadi all the time. John Kerry buys ISIS fleets of Toyota SUV’s and Russian weapons (Ref Mol Comfort) and trained Chechen ISIS leader Gulmorod Khalimov. Hillary, Gen John Allen and Gen David Petraeus arm ISIS (Ref Benghazi) as well as their Mexican branch “Sinaloa Cartel”. Bilal Ergodan is ISIS Oil Minister; his sister Sumeyye runs the ISIS Hospital/Training/Recruitment Center in Sanliurfa. Columbia and MIT even teach Global Warning is causing the Syrian Refugee Crisis.
What a load of garbage eh? ESEA will be passed on Tuesday so kids can all get load of Global Warming, Carbon Credit, Gravity, Heliocentric, Evolution, ISIS is Islam nonsense
The socalled New Moon and lunar cycle in sidereal astrology November 11- December 10 Moon is in Libra(scales of justice) FCC Deadline on the Dec 11th
21 Syrian Refugees to Arrive in Texas Next Week
It’s also the 13th sign Ophiucus “Serpent Holder”. The Scales of Judgment can be seen in Cistercian (Fr Cistreaux) meaning “Reed”; the Reed holding vinegar to Jesus on the Cross, the Reeds that bend and sway with the wind ie weak in faith and the measuring Reed used in Rev 11. San Bernardino is named after Cistercian Order founder St Bernard who also founded the Knights Templar (2 men on one horse is a dead giveaway they had nothing to do with God) and preached the need for the Crusades against the Muslims.
AG Loretta Lynch said at the Muslim Advocates Dinner “Critics of Islam will be prosecuted”
As One of First Acts as Speaker, Paul Ryan Retains Devin Nunes on HPSCI
Paul Ryan — had an opportunity to name Chairmen of Select committees, most notably Devin Nunes on the House Intelligence Chair. Familiar with Him
Nunes is Catholic like Ryan. At 26 he headed the USDA in California; at 42 he chairs the Intelligence Comm. He like fellow Catholic Governor for Life Jerry Brown are beholden to Pope Francis’ desire to slaughter 6 Billion people. Nunes knows Foreign Corps use the Central Valley Water yet local Farmers cannot. Got a Private Country Club in Palm Desert? You’ve got Water.
Nunes is also the Brazil caucus chair and native Portuguese who knows Pope Alexander VI gave Brazil and all lands east of that to Portugal; a Papal Bull that is still in effect.
House Passes Updated FY2016 Intelligence Authorization Bill
Nunes did not mention space programs, but Schiff remarked that the bill invests in “space protection and resiliency, preserving investments in cutting-edge technologies, and enhancing oversight of contracting and procurement practices. I am particularly pleased with where the revised bill ends up with respect to our space programs.” (He also noted that he did not support the earlier version of the bill, and still objected to language in this version regarding Guantanamo, but was willing to accept it because it conforms with what is in the recently enacted National Defense Authorization Act.)
The bill passed 364-58.
The unclassified text of the bill includes Sec. 312, which requires the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), in collaboration with the Secretary of Defense (SecDef) and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS), to develop a strategy “to ensure there is a comprehensive interagency review of policies and practices for planning and acquiring national security satellite systems and architectures, including the capabilities of commercial systems and partner countries, consistent with the National Space Policy issued on June 28, 2010.”
The bill language delineates nine elements that must be included in the strategy with the goal of ensuring the U.S. national security overhead satellite architecture is, for example, capable of meeting U.S. needs “in peace time and is resilient in wartime,” is “fiscally responsible,” “aims to produce in less than 5 years innovative satellite systems that are able to leverage common, standardized design elements and commercially available technologies,” and “emphasizes deterrence and recognizes the importance of offensive and defensive space control capabilities.”
No deadline is set for the strategy to be completed, but the DNI, SecDef and CJCS must report on it to Congress by February 28, 2016.
The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act is an amendment made in 2013 to destroy the anti-propaganda Act or the original act (public law 80-402)
Now, the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 (part of the National Defense Authorization Act) has repealed the domestic prohibition, allowing the government’s broadcasting to be directed at/created for Americans for the first time in over 40 years.
BBG spokesperson Lynne Weil says these efforts aren’t simply pro-government hype machines.
“They don’t shy away from stories that don’t shed the best light on the United States,” she told The Cable. She pointed to the charters of VOA and RFE: “Our journalists provide what many people cannot get locally: uncensored news, responsible, discussion, and open debate.”
A former U.S. government source with knowledge of the BBG says the organization is no Pravda, but it does advance U.S. interests in more subtle ways. In Somalia, for instance, VOA serves as counterprogramming to outlets peddling anti-American or jihadist sentiment. “Somalis have three options for news,” the source said, “word of mouth, Al-Shabaab or VOA Somalia.”
As Weil points out, this will bring a new level of transparency to the BBG as communicating to Americans is no longer prohibited. If nothing else, transcripts of BBG programming will be easier for Americans to get ahold of. A court ruled in 1998 that the limitations of the Smith-Mundt Act exempted the Voice of America from releasing transcripts in response to FOIA requests.
Why Did They Pass a Law That Makes Staged Hoaxes and Crisis-Acted Movies Legal?
http://www.bbg.gov/contact-us/ The father of modern propaganda is Edward Bernays, mentor to both Joseph Goebbels and George Romney (Mittens Dad) Not legal to run for President just like his son; no problem. Bari Malik Shabazz, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, the entire Bush Klansmen are all ineligible to run for President so just Lie.
“Our Dis-information program will be complete when everything Americans believe is false” CIA Director William Casey. Repeal of the prohibition on Domestic Propaganda was pushed through in the 2013 National Defense Authorization “NDAA 2013” It’s legal for Lies to be passed off as News because the real enemy in war is Truth.
“I doesn’t matter what the truth is; it only matters what people believe”-Stalin
“Think of the press dictators can use”- Goebbels ISIS in San Bernardino? More like Bull Shit passed off as News. CIA intern Anderson Cooper even had the moxey to pass off a closed school as Sandy Hook. In Oregon, News even broadcast the Live Fire Drill used in Sandy Hook again.
“The First casualty in War if Truth” That War just landed in San Bernardino when the FBI classified it as “Terrrrrrrooooooorrrrism”
As FBI founder J Edgar Hoover said “People are handicapped coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous they cannot believe it actually exists”
In Russia, people know what Pravda is all about; in Somalia it’s al-Shabab; in America it’s CBSNBCABSMSNBCCNNRT The White House Press Corp logo is Aladdin’s Lamp for Pete’s sake Just ask 27 yr old Georgetown Jesuit Senior White House Adviser George Stephanopoulos now “Good Morning Vietnam” oops I meant “Good Morning America” host.
Mitt Romney laundered Iran-Contra drugs for weapons profits using Bain Capital, Iranian Arms Dealer Adnan Khashoggi is on Clear Channel’s board owned by Bain; he even owned the Mormon Church Broadcast House at the Triad Center in Zion. Bain and Clear Channel are currently the owner-controllers of every Talking Head on Radio from Rush ( I’m on loan from God) Limbaugh to Michael Savage (Nee Weiner) to Sean Hannity plus every Billboard. IDF General’s daughter Orit Gadeish now runs Bain Capital so everything we see or hear on radio is Israeli controlled.
Ariana Huffington at Huffington Post was/is a lifelong follower of Baghwan Rashneesh. The French Government finances Charlie Hebdo complete with Muhammad having sex with camels on its covers. How about ISIS Magazine? Who do you suppose prints that propaganda?
US Army SITE (Search For Int’l Terrorist Entities) operates out of Qatar with US owned Middle East Broadcasting and Al Jazeera; SITE is stage managed by CNN correspondent Israeli spy Rita Katz (Pearl; Kohannim + Tzaddiq) a Righteous Priestess whose father was tortured and executed by Saddam Hussein as an Israeli Spy.
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg (Nee David Greenberg) is the grandson of
David Rockefeller who owns NBC News along with Freemason Tonight Show hosts Johnny Carson, Jay Leno and Jimmy Fallon.
So where is the Truth? “I am the way the truth and the life” Jesus Want Lies? Watch TV It’s “Positively Entertaining”; the Ionosphere like Ion Television is in fact the world’s largest Jumbo Tron even made in Zion (Salt Lake City). It’s the Zionosphere because the Zionist False Messiah will be broadcast to the world on it; a joint venture between Russia and the US called “Operation Blue Beam” Star Wars? Entertaining wasn’t it?
H.R. 5736 legalizes propaganda from mainstream news sources for dissemination abroad and domestically.
News outlets (now) have no reason to practice journalism with integrity. They are now given full reign to make up ZBULLsh*t, or to spew made up BS given to them by those who made the law to make it legal to spew made up shit.
Eagles of Death Metal Concert was attacked in Paris by ISIS; here is a song they wrote about going out west to San Bernadino called San Berdoo Sunburn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRcidL39-Wo
Maurice Strong, UN GAIA Luciferian Ultimate Insider, is Dead …Buy it ???
Maybe Prince Phillip is really dead and reincarnated as a Killer Virus like he wanted all along with the aid of his protégé WHO Director Margaret Chan. Ole Maurice saying the world can only support 1 Billion people back in 1992 at the Rio Earth Summit sure had an effect on UN Agenda 21 the Vicar of Jesus Pope Francis’ Laudato Si Earth Encyclical and the 2015 Paris Climate Summit eh? You don’t suppose all this is planned in advance?
The European Parliament voted in favour of the Telecom Single Market package. This included the elimination of roaming charges in 2017, but it also voted on new legislation regarding internet use among companies.
The EU voted on rules that will shape the internet here
Corporate lobbyists are hoping that while Congress is swept up in fights over the fate of Syrian refugees and Planned Parenthood, they can sneak in giveaways to the Big Telecom companies that want to gut Net Neutrality.
Congress is on the verge of finalizing a budget bill that will fund the government for the next fiscal year – and some members of Congress want to use the bill to gut the FCC’s Net Neutrality rules.
Comcast is threatening to shut down the government on December 11 unless Net Neutrality is overturned
Congressional leaders are working behind closed doors on a gigantic $1.1 trillion bill to fund the federal government for the next year
Trump “I’m very, very pro Israel” and 13 Presidential hopefuls are heading to Tel Aviv courtesy of “Innocence of Muslims” video financier, Mitt Romney backer Sheldon Adelson to don the obligatory Yarmulke in open rejection of JESUS tearing the Temple Veil. Tis the season I guess
Christmass in Washington has been cancelled after 33 years. Seems Like Chaos is in the air or the Satanic Jubilee
Rest assured a giant Evergreen will be cut and decorated at the Capitol and Rockefeller Center because Jer 10 tells us not to do it and the Hanukkah Menorah will be lit with Shamash (Sun god) as the center candle by ChaBaD (Chokmah, Binah, Daat) the Male/Wisdom + Female/Understanding=Knowledge in Kabbalah. Such a magical time of year when Santa (Hittite god aka Satan) is guided by a Red Edomite Nosed Stag Rudolph (Noble Wolf) carrying Amenita Muscaria Mushrooms (Entheogens=God Within) found under the Evergreens growing in the Dew of Heaven (Esau’s prophecy in Gen 27:40). Might be time to plug the smoke hole on Santa
Nov 30 “Active Shooter Drill at Victor Valley Community College” Syed Farook means “Muhammad will Judge” Kinda Atallah? Atallah means “City of Generations; Look Out Place” referring to Toledo of Moorish Spain. Shriners “Noble Arabic Order of the Mystic Shrine” celebrate the Moors slaughtering 50,000 Christians wearing the Red Fez; Amalekites are at “War with God from Generation to Generation”; Jesus refers to Generation as the Generation of the New Covenant. Taycep Bin Ardogan used a fake Qatari Passport and a name obviously copied from ISIS harboring, Opium, OIl smuggling, 33 degree Mason, Turkish Sultan Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
What a coi8ncidence Syed Farook even attends the Islamic Society of Corona-Norco Mosque learning how to become “Saladin” the opponent of the Crusaders under Sodomite Richard the Lion Heart.
Active Shooter Drill the day before. A BOLO alert for Hispanic and Middle Eastern Males, SWAT Training with live ammo nearby, Sinaloa (almost comical; last night’s episode of Criminal Minds even featured Sinaloa Cartel recruitment in Juarez where the Army transports Sinaloa Drugs to Chicago; Chicago Fire and Chicago Med followed the show) Gun Running, ISIS arming (Benghazi) Hillary Clinton giving a gun control speech and shooters with names right out of an Aladdin script.
Holy Toledo Batman we Crusaders need to hate Muslims and trash the 2nd Amendment to stop these Evil Doers.
Law Enforcement was no only in place for the shooting, they were dressed in Military Cammo driving Military Issue Bearcat and MRAP vehicles which violate the Stolen Valor Act of the Constitution; Police impersonating Military is not just a Felony, it’s Treason.
“90 Americans a day die from gun violence…we are going to have comprehensive background checks and close gun show loopholes” Operation Gun Runner arms dealer to the Sinaloa Drug Cartel, Benghazi arms dealer to ISIS, Vince Foster murderer Hillary Clinton in a Florida campaign speech as the San Bernardino event happened.
I do solemnly swear to support and defend the Constitution of the United States…well except for the part where” the rights of citizens to bear arms shall not be infringed”
“SWAT was training nearby, suited up and ready to roll; We responded rapidly” Police Lt Dick Lawhead Uncanny resemblance to Paris, Charleston, Boston and Sandy Hook.
CHP Live Scanner “Live Police Training Exercise in San Bernadino. BOLO for Hispanic or Middle Eastern males” Ain’t that a coincidence! Assault Weapons and Terrorists in one incident.
Right Jesuit Intel FBI are now hand and foot with the local police. Don’t let a crisis goe wasted Huh