Rainbows are formed when Light refracts, reflects, refracts at 420 in rain, splitting into 7 colors, Blue to Red with respect to the observer; it’s no coincidence the Great Tribulation lasts 42 months. Jesus uses the term “Earth Dwellers” during the final 42 months because Earth Worship is the central theme, seen in Pope Francis’ Earth Encyclical “Laudato Si” and the Georgia (Geo=Earth) Guide Stones. The central color of the Rainbow is Green; Masons use a segmented Rainbow Arch with Green (Green Man is Bacchus/Dionysus/al Mahdi/Lucifer) at the Apex considered a symbolic Bridge between the Father in Heaven and Mother Earth. Green forms when Light is absorbed by Chlorophyll (Chloro-Pale Horse “Death” and “Hell” follows) “Photosynthesis”; CERN uses “Photon Synthesis” to prove Gravity gives Mass to Matter and Order to the Universe; all well crafted Lies called Bull Shit. In Kaballah, the Rainbow symbolizes the Sex Rite called the Sacred Union of Heaven and Earth, seen also in the Masonic Square (Earth) and Compass (Circle of Heaven). Krishna “Black One” is a mixture of the 7 colors of the Rainbow. Jesus was Rejected; the Rainbow represents the Messiah coming in his own name who will be accepted.
Krishna “Black One” worshipped at Huli by mixing 7 colored chalk is CERN’s “Dark Matter”. Krishna is “cerny” in Czech and “crn” in Serbian; fitting I suppose as Nikola Tesla was a Serbian genius who provided free EM (Eletcro=Sun; Magnetic=Earth) energy to the world. The oldest form of Krishna is “Cernunnos”. CERN uses ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) to detect “God Particles”, “Charmonium Quarks” and “Rainbow Matter”; wake up and smell the Bull Shit folks! Alice is derived from “Adeliade” meaning “Noble Earth”. Worship God or worship the Earth, but not both.
The Door to the Great Tribulation can be seen in Dorothy (Door), Emerald City (Green Man) and Auti Em (EM Energy). Stephen Hawking (Crown of Horus) calls this “M-Theory” (M is the 13th Letter of Rebellion to God) named after “Liber Mundi” (Book of the Earth). Horus, the son of Osiris and Isis is depicted as the Hypotenuse of a Pythagorean Triangle, called “Ba” in the Mr “Peace” Triangle having sides Mr-Akh-Ba in Egypt seen in the Great Pyramid design and familiar to most as A2 + B2 + C2. C=3 thus C2 forms the Masonic “33” Square, equals the 33 Vertebra of the Spine, age of Jesus at the Crucifixion and degree of Sovereignty in Masonry. Horus can be seen in Stephen Hawking, “Ba”, the soul or spirit of the Phoenix (House of Enoch) aka Bennu Bird perched on the Benben Stone, the Pyramidion Capstone yet to be placed on the 13 courses of the Un-finished Pyramid on the $US. America’s sacrifice by fire is the Benben. Ba considered the Soul of Re (Ra=Midday Sun), Ptah (St Patrick is Ptah Rek or King Ptah) or Osiris (On/Heliopolis). The Apis Bull (Golden Calf) is called the Ba of Osiris (Sun/Apollo) Apis means “Word” in Chaldee, well crafted Lies called Bull Shit. The Midday Sun will strike the altar at St Sulpice Cathedral on Sept 22, 2015 as the 7 stepped Serpent descends the Temple of Kukulkan at Chitzen Itza for the first time in the Age of Aquarius. Time (47) may be a lot shorter than you think.
In Eze 1 God introduces us to the Glory of the LORD “Ezekiel’s Wheel”; occultists call this “Merkabah”, thus Mr-Akh-Ba is the Satanic counterfeit of the Holy Spirit. The Glory of the LORD departs the 1st Temple in Eze 8; Jesus takes the same path to Golgotha (Place of the Skull) and in all likelihood, the Glory of the LORD will depart Earth at the 8th Tetrad (Sept 28, 2015) as Man rejects the Holy Spirit to worship the Earth. It’s no coincidence the Temple of the LORD is finished in Eze 47 (Atomic number of Silver) when Creation is exactly 7000 years old.
In Gen 13:13 we learn the Sins of Sodom were grievous in sight of the LORD; this can bee seen in Sodomite Sir Elton John’s “All the young girls love Alice” Note the lyrics Alice is 16, the age Debutants are presented; she is instructed to call when my husband is away. Lesbian Adultery? Or when the husband of the Bride of the Lamb is away ie JESUS? Folks, Mother Earth is making her Debut and with that comes the “Strong Delusion” to believe these well crafted Lies aka Bull Shit. Adultery is the Sin that will absolve a Marriage; #1 Commandment “Love God”; in the Old Testament “Have no other Gods before me”. Same God in both Covenants JAH, JEHOVAH, JESUS. If you are not sure you are in the Wedding of the Lamb, why not propose a Covenant of Marriage with the Creator of the Universe JESUS? Now is a great time.
WWIII will begin this final 42 months of Great Tribulation; JESUS uses the term Earth Dwellers beginning at this poing in Rev 13 (Note the comparison with Gen 13:13). WWIII was planned and put in writing on the Feast Day of Lucifer (Aug 15) 1871 by Luciferian Masons/MAFIA/KKK founders Albert Pike and Giuseppe Mazzini; the post-WWII “Latter Rain Movement” aka “Joel’s Army” was promoted by Luciferian Masons Oral Roberts and Billy Graham to commemorate WWIII, the Age of Aquarius and revealing of Lucifer “Light Bearer” as God of the Rainbow. Leonardo DaVinci (Black Nobility) painted the Sistine Chapel depicting a crack/rift between Man and God, the Time when the Holy Ghost is removed in Spirit as God was in Flesh 2000 years ago from the Earth. Gateway to this Time is Sodomy, depicted once again by Black Nobility Leonardo DaVinci in the Vitruvian Man and Leonardo DiCaprio in the movie Titanic for which James (Alien/Terminator/Avatar) Cameron was given the 33rd degree of Masonry
The Sodomite (CeDom means “To Burn”) “King of the World” is about to be revealed, known variously as Red-Blue (Visible Light spectrum) Feathered Serpent Amaru (source of America), Quetzalcoatl, Kukulkan (KKK) and Apollo. Sargon the Great, Sargon II and soon Sargon III mean “Legitimate King”; the King of the World given Sovereignty by God in Dan 7:6 (7+6=13 # of Rebellion; 7X6=42 months) is Edomite Dominion and for those not willing to be “Initiated” all Hell is going to break loose. Is Antichrist (Alternative Messiah) Jewish? No. Catholic? Edomite? The answer of in Gen 27:40KJV.
The Rainbow symbolizes God’s Covenant with the Earth to never Flood it again (Gen 9:13); the water for the Flood came from inside the Earth, hence Gnostics who reject the Holy Ghost (Living Water) revere Water Baptism, their Living Water being Rivers and Sacred Pools. The New Covenant is based solely on a Baptism of the Holy Ghost and JESUS is the only source.
The Satanic Jubilee Year begins 50 years after the 7th Tetrad on Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah) with a Solar Eclipse in 2015 on 9/13 (no coincidence these match). Gnostics use the Rainbow to symbolize Freedom of God’s plan in the form of the LBGT movement whose pre-planned new age poster child Caitlin Jenner literally means Catharsis of John, a combination of John the Baptist (Water Baptism) and John the Evangelist (Baptism of the Holy Ghost). The reasons God flooded the earth are those described in Gen 13:13 (13 is the number of rebellion) concerning the judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah; Sodomy therefore is an initiation requirement of the New Age. Before believing God will tolerate this Freedom, read Gen 19:1-11; Lev 18:22; 20:13; Judges 19:16-24; 1 Ki 14:24; 15:12; 2 Ki 23:7; Rom 1:18; 1 Cor 6:9; Jude 7 1 Ti 1:8.
Order out of Chaos is the motto of 330 Luciferian Masonry; CERN will be the Scapegoat for global Chaos (Weather, Earthquakes, Volcanic eruptions etc) leading up to the arrival of the God of the Rainbow, Lucifer/Maitreya/Marduk/Krishna/al Mahdi etc as “King of the World”. CERN was built at Saint-Genus-Poilly meaning “Temple of Apollo” (Apolliacum), a pagan site named for the Celtic sun god Apollo; in front of CERN HQ is the Hindu goddess Shiva “The Destroyer”; CERN’s site is considered a “Gateway to the Underworld”. No coincidence, CERN plans to create Rainbow Matter on Sept 23rd, the day French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius’ 500 Day warning of Climate Chaos expires also coincides with Eid al Adha and Feast of Atonement. Apollo is also considered the god of Disease and Plague. Sept 23 is Eid al Adha when 3 million Muslims will be in Mecca for the Hajj just as MERS is blooming. “An even moderately fatal aerosol delivered, human to human disease will become a plague of unimaginable proportion” Dr Ron Fouchier Erasmus Medical Center. When asked why he created MERS, he said “Because we can”. John Kerry met with State Dept funded ISIS leaders there in June, whatever did or didn’t happen he was airlifted in a French military helicopter to Paris and flown to Boston in a C-17 with military escort; broken leg biking? I don’t think so. French revolutionary philosopher Voltaire lived in exile at Saint-Genus-Poilly and is enshrined at the Pantheon in Paris; the Pantheistic god is about to be revealed and Baptized by Pope Francis. Believe this nonsense and it will be a Gateway to Hell for you. Bab=Gate; On=Apollo folks, CERN is completion of the Tower of Babylon.
Gravity is an invented Force (Satan/Lucifer is the “god of forces” in Dan 11:38) needed for Big Bang (Ejaculation/Solution and Coagulation/Gravity); Heliocentric (Sun centered; moving Earth); Relativity (Space is Nothing, a Vacuum cannot be bent; Light cannot travel as a Wave in a Vacuum, and Time cannot be Warped as a component of Space-Time); Atomic (4 Forces: Gravity, Electro-magnetic, Strong Nuclear, Weak); Dark (Alice, Shadow, Mirror) Matter; Space Travel (the Van Allen Belts prevent anything living from leaving or arriving on Earth); and Alien propaganda.
Dark Matter aka Rainbow Matter, Shadow Matter or Alice Matter Yup, Alice in Wonderland at the end of the Rabbit/Worm Hole will be “Discovered” by ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) at CERN (Cernunnos “Horned One”). Dark Matter is merely a cover for the dark age of Chaos “Kali Yuga” which is why Kali was projected onto the Empire State Bldg in August. Lying science poster boy Neil DeGrasse Tyson says CERN may “cause the planet to explode”. Pope Francis’ science adviser on CERN Sergio Bertolucci claims “a door to an alternative universe may open” (Dorothy of the Wizard of Oz/Osiris means Doro=Door; Emerald City? Emerald is the Stone cut from Lucifer’s Crown before his Fall according to Satanists; Green Man is Bacchus/Dionysus/al Mahdi); Green the color of God’s covenant with the Earth in the Rainbow (Gen 9:13); it’s no coincidence a Solar Eclipse ushers in Feast of Trumpets on 9/13/2015. Jesuit sock puppet Stephen Hawking (Crown of Horus) says “CERN may destroy the Universe from a Vacuum decay of Space and Time”. Sure Stevie.
Spewing Jesuit Bull Shit is nothing new
“Think of the press as an instrument dictators play” Jesuit Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels, mentored by the British father of modern propaganda Edward Bernays, mentor to Mitt Romney’s father George who supplied ALCOA (American Aluminum Corp) aluminum to the Luftwaffe. Hitler’s Mein Kampf? Jesuit ghost written by Fr Joseph Staempfle. NASA’s Moon Landing program, the US-Russian Cold War, Reagan’s Star Wars program, 9/11/2001, ISIS all propaganda similar to Sandy Hook or Aurora CO.
The root of all this nonsense is the Theosophical Society; the book “Isis Unveiled” may ring a Baal; I’m, sure you are ware Isis has been unveiled by now; yet another US fabrication, Isis means “Throne” of the Alternative Messiah. Osiris=Oz=3; Isis=Dorothy=Door=4; Horus/Tammuz=5; add the Squares of 3 and 4 to get 5 aka the 47th Problem of Euclid. The Wizard of Oz nothing but a Huckster/Charlatan like Newton, Einstein and Hawking.
Silver went from $19 to $47 and back to $19 (47+19=66) on Earth Day/Good Friday 2011. 2015: Year of the Sheep https://sdbullion.com/silver/sbss-silver-shield-collection/2015-silver-shield-collection/2015-silver-shield-year-sheep-1-0 If having Wolves devour Sheep in 2015 sounds like a good time, you are not right with JESUS.
47 is the Silver Cord of the Mystery Schools, it is called the Bride’s Chair, Franciscan’s Cowl, Peacock Tail, Windmill, Mouse Trap, Euclid’s Pants and Dulcarnon “Witt’s End”. Dorothy found Silver Slippers and wore them to Emerald City. Masons ritually Blaspheme the Holy Ghost at the 28th “Rainbow Arch” degree (4X7) learning the real name of God is JahBuhlon, a blasphemous combination of Jah (Jah was Crucified; JESUS is JAH Ps 68:4; Mat 1:25KJV), Baal and Osiris; where? under the Rainbow Arch of course. Under a Rainbow at the Denver Airport is a Nazi wearing a Gas Mask stabbing a Dove (symbol of the Holy Ghost); below that lovely artwork is Au Ag representing Silver and Gold controlled by the “god of forces”. Silver has an Atomic Number of 47 (Grigori Schwatrz aka George Soros, Obama, Geithner and Bernanke made $Trillions illegally using TARP funds to short Silver on its manipulated run up to $47 and back to $19 in one day; $47 the Atomic Number of Silver and 19 the Metonic Cycle and time for Apollo to return to Earth at Glastonbury Tor aka Avalon “Place of Apples/Apollo”) can be seen in the movies “47 Ronin” (Ronin means Masterless Wanderer ie Cain)and “Hitman: Agent 47”. What day did this happen? Good Friday before Easter of course 4/22/2011 aka Earth Day. Satanists celebrating the one year anniversary of the pre-planned Deep Water Horizon disaster; just ask Jesuit SMOM Nic Cage whose movie “Knowing” predicted that one year in advance.
Dorothy wore Silver slippers; Silver Cords like Rainbows are the connection between the Astral and Physical worlds for Satanists; Rainbows are said to exist in both worlds simultaneously in Luciferian Masonry; Pontifex Maximus, a title of the Roman Pontiff means Master Bridge Builder and Jesuit Pope Francis is building that Bridge to Hell right now. 47 also represents Time (T=20; I=9; M=13; E=5 added=47). You may recall Newsweek featured Obama on its cover as the 1st Gay President; the Rainbow was bent into a Halo over his head
to symbolize Rainbow Gravity as well as Gay Marriage and Sodomy (CeDom means “To Burn of Scorch”; described in Rom 1); just ask his “Latter Rain” partner Michael. By the way, according to the St Sulpice Society, the Age of Aquarius “Water Pourer” began with the 8th Tetrad in 2014-15; the Jubilee Year begins Sept 13, 2015. Pope Francis calls this his “Special Jubilee” and will meet Obama in the White House the same day CERN attempts to create Rainbow Gravity.
Charmonium Quark is Baphomet: 2 Up, 2 Down and a Quark-antiquark Pair. Charm means Bewitch by Magic; Baphomet means Union of Spirit and Wisdom. Charmed I’m sure; Antichrist will be accepted because of Charm not Force.
On 3/22/2015 (3+2+2=7 colors of the Rainbow) CERN claimed to have accidentally created a miniature Rainbow Universe, a vain and profane false proof of Rainbow Gravity; the theory being Gravity affects various wavelengths of light differently, causing Circular Space-Time with no beginning and no ending ie a Rainbow as viewed from Man’s vain perspective. Gravity has not been proven and Rainbows form from light refraction in water droplets, not Gravity. God said “In the beginning…” and promised to return (2 Pet 3:8) when creation is 6000 years old. The Rainbow Gravity theory is total Apis Bull Shit. Skull & Bones is Society 322 because Man falls into Sin at Gen 3:22 and is promised he shall never die. Oops! “It is appointed unto men once to die but after this the judgment” Heb 9:27. 9/27/2015 is the Eve of Feast of Tabernacles; Jesus’ real birthday and end of the 8th Tetrad of Lunar Eclipses.
Dorothy’s Aunt Em is Electro (Sun) Magnetic (Earth) powered Scalar Weapons capable of Weather Modification and Geo-engineering. On May 29, 2015 CERN ramped up power to 14 TeV, (5 Rings accelerating protons into 2 7 TeV intersecting rings) the movie San Andreas made its debut, and the Kathmandu Earthquake occurred. A Cambridge Earth Sciences team was in Kathmandu preparing residents for the “Big One” as it occurred. Coincidence? Don’t bet on it.
On July 4, 2012 CERN announced 99.99% Proof of the God Particle; the God Particle or Graviton being responsible for giving Mass to Matter and Order to the Universe is once again total Apis Bull Shit. CERN uses the 666 logo; the time was 6:66 on the question “What is the God Particle called?” on the game show “500 Questions”. 5 Olympic Rings with Man as the 6th or 2 Up, 2 Down and a Quark-Antiquark pair if you prefer. Incidentally, the 500 day Climate Chaos warning given by Skull & Bones John Kerry and his French Satanist counterpart Laurent Fabius expires on Sept 23, 2015.
On July 14, 2015 CERN claims to have proven the existence of the Pentaquark (2 Up, 2 Down and a Quark-Antiquark pair) Baphomet (Baph + Metis=Union of Spirit and Matter) should ring a Baal here, a statue of Baphomet made its debut in Detroit (Straits) next to a Homeless Crucified Jesus statue blessed by Pope Francis. Thing Jesuits love Jesus? Read the extreme oath of induction to the Jesuit Order. Charmonium Quark? Seriously? The Jesuit Order is designed to produce well crafted Lies aka Bull Shit
Who but the Jesuits could come up with a Universe full of MACHOS, RAMBOS, WIMPS and Alice Matter and make people believe it?
On Aug 15 (Feast Day of Lucifer) Geo-neutrinos were allegedly discovered. The “Inner Sun” or Dark Sun worshipped by the Nazi SS (Schwarze Sun) finally has arrived albeit total Bull Shit. Geo-neutrinos are a necessary requisite for Dark Matter and Molten Earth theories; 47 Terrawatts of energy nobody can account for otherwise because the inside of the Earth is not Molten, it is full of Water. Why 47 Terrawatts? 47 is the Silver Cord. God said He created the Earth by dividing Water above, from Water on and Water under the Earth. Dark Matter and Molten Earth theories are once again total Apis Bull Shit.
On Sept 23, 2015 CERN intends to prove Rainbow Gravity and Dark Matter (Black absorbs light), the day is #266 equivalent with human gestation period; Pope #266 Francis will be in Washington DC. Google 9/23/2015 and CERN’s location comes up; the concept of a Place and Time is seen in the movie “TomorrowLand”, the movie highlighting Sept 23 as the day Chaos breaks loose.
“Somewhere over the Rainbow” Emerald City A sham city run by a charlatan magician behind the curtain who tells people they already have what they need; they are their own little gods. The first lie “Ye shall not die, but become as gods” The Serpent aka Lucifer told Eve that and she believed the Bull Shit. Emerald is the stone cut from Lucifer’s Crown; Oz is 77 (Note CERN’s 2 7 TeV proton rings are 77) in Aleister Crowley’s Thelema 77 is his ultimate manifestation of Spirit in Matter aka Baphomet or Charmonium Quark; his illegitimate daughter Barbara from his OTO “Babalon Working” ritual is married to Curious George, Wizard of Oz, Poppy (Afghanistan Opium) Bush Sr; his aircraft carrier is CVN #77); DC is on the 77th Meridian (recall American #77 hit the 77 ft tall Pentagon on 9/11/2001, built on 9/11/1941, on the 77th Meridian) called “God’s Longitude” aligning the White House, Pentagon, Washington Monument where Pope Francis will meet Obama (He Is with us in Farsi) on Eid al Adha and Feast of Atonement to begin his “Special Jubilee Year”. Eid al Adha and the Hajj to Mecca (Mechus means Adultery) and the Zamzam well celebrates Abraham’s offering of Ismael, the latter Abraham’s offering of Isaac. Galatians 4:22-31 describes the 2 Covenants represented here. Time to choose.
9/23 is the intersection of Eid al Adha and Feast of Atonement (Abraham offered Ishmael according to the Quran and Isaac in the Bible); 9/23 also points to Hebrews 9:23 “sins purged by the blood of sacrificial animals by fire”. Jesus is the Atonement for His followers. CERN was built over an ancient Temple of Apollo (source of the Apple symbol) the Celtic sun god pulled by the 4 Horsemen whose Quadriga stands atop the Brandenberg Gate near the Throne of Pergamos aka Satan,s Seat.
Rainbows form when light refracts at 42 degrees in water; the 42 month Great Tribulation will begin with WW 3 and release of the 4 Horesemen pulling the Quadriga of Apollo aka Shiva the Destroyer whose idol sits at CERN HQ. On Eid al Adha and Feast or Atonement in 2015?
Sept 6-7, 2015 Paris Climate Conference preliminary meetings hosted by Laurent Fabius who predicted a “500 Day Climate Chaos” warning with John Kerry set to expire on Sept 23 (Nov 30 begins the Paris Conference) on Feast of Atonement and Eid al Adha. Paris means “House of Isis” European leaders Francois Holland, George Osborne and Angela Merkel are calling for airstrikes on ISIS within Syria. Shia Muslim Ayathollah’s awaiting the arrival of “al-Mahdi” (Green Man) are initiated into the Grand Orient (East or Rising Sun) Masonic Lodge in Paris. The St Sulpice Society in Paris claims the Age of Aquarius began with the 7th Tetrad Passover April 14, 2014, the same day (or close to it) the “2014” stone at the Georgia Guide Stones was removed, smashed and replaced with blood on the roof. The #1 Earth Commandment calls for maintaining the world population under 500 Million. Pope Francis’ Climate Encyclical “Laudato Si” (Be Praised) also calls for maintaining the world population under 1 Billion people.
Read Is 17:1 before the shooting begins “Damascus will be a city no more…a ruinous heap” Abraham means “Father of the Multitude” those including Ishmael, Isaac (Quran claims Ishmael was the offered son; Bible says Isaac), Esau and Jacob as well as Abraham and Keturah’s children including Midianites, Dedan, Sheba, Asshurites (Assyrians) etc. Most Eastern religions lay claim to Abraham through Keturah such as Buddha, Krishna, Zoroaster and Confucius. Notice Sheba and Dedan are among those in Eze 38:13 in the battle of Gog and Magog at the end of the Millennium; they will be part of WWIII with Meshech and Tubal, but take heed, these descendants of Japheth have nothing to do with Moscow or Tobolsk (Russia/Siberia)
WWIII is about to begin, a falsification of Gog and Magog and actual fulfillment of Armageddon at the end of the Great Tribulation period. The Alternative Messiah, rebuilding of the Temple and Satan’s Seat (currently in Berlin near the Quadriga of Apollo and Brandenberg Gate where the “Yes We Can” aka Thank You Satan speech was given twice) are all at the ready.
Jesuit handler of Sodomite Mason Albert Pike Jean Pierre DeSmet likely penned this plan on the Feast Day of Lucifer aka Assumption Day of Mary Aug 15, 1871 on the anniversary of the 1st Jesuit Oaths in the crypt of St Denis (Denis is Dionysus aka al Mahdi aka Green Man) Cathedral in Paris “Political Zionism against Islam” to the point of physical, moral, and economic exhaustion in order for Lucifer to be manifested to the world.
Posse Commitatus is dead; Jade Helm 15 has placed enormous amounts of US military hardware in America, much of which manned by foreign troops for use against US citizens.
Is the Pope Catholic? Hell no. Jesuits represent a very, very small fraction of Catholics let alone the general population in America yet Joe Biden, John Roberts, Martin Dempsey, John Kerry, Chuck Hagel, Steny Hoyer and Obama’s speech writers are all Jesuits beholden to the Black Pope Adolfo Nicholas with Pope Francis who has called for the elimination of over 6 Billion people from Earth. Here is their Oath of induction as written in the Congressional record of 1913
Now go back to God’s Covenant with the Earth. One usually doesn’t make a Covenant with an object; God knew full well Gnostics would reject Him and His Covenants, worshipping and serving the Creature (Rom 1) ie Mother Earth instead. God is in control of everything including people who reject Him. Just get a personal Covenant with God (JESUS) through the Holy Ghost and watch the fireworks. These lying Satanists will soon be hiding in the rocks from JESUS just as He said; they will seek death and not find it just like He said and Satan will betray them just like He said.
Lambs are about to be sacrificed by the wolves in sheep’s clothing Jesus warned of; Time to choose JESUS the Lamb of God as your Atonement.
The United Nations Flag and Israeli Flag are Tekhelet Blue; the Priestly Color. Modern day Tekhelet is a Canaanite forgery using UV Light and Snail Feces; No shit. Maimonides said Tekhelet was Sky Blue, another fake Jew, Talmudic-Kabbalist Rashi said it was Green, then Dark Blue. One thing is certain, God doesn’t give a Shit about a Priest in Tekhelet any longer, only a one on one relationship through the Holy Ghost is required. Harsh? The Glory of the LORD departed Solomon’s Temple in Eze 8 because Israel chose the Six Pointed Star of Molech; now the symbol and color of the Chief Priest with a Moonie putting the Nations together under Satanic rule. Peleg and his son died at 239 years; do you think God is pointing something out to the 239 yr old United States? On 23/9? In a 50th year Jubilee? Since the founding of the UN?
REAGAN Said, “JERICHO FELL” in 9/11/87 Papal Speech! The TRUE HISTORY of the Vatican & America
America was laid out exactly like the Vatican. I show you here. The Tiber, Pentagon, Obelisk and Rotunda all positioned and orientated exactly together and aligned perfectly to 88.88 degrees!
TIME” magazine makes it a habit of putting subliminal hints on their covers.
The New World Pope
Pope Francis’ Global Warming Forecast: Rain May Dampen Final Stop in Philadelphia accuweather.com/en/weather-new…-
Pope Francis was Time Person of the Year 2013; his is currently on the cover of People, US and Newsweek
Mormon D&C 88:88 describes the earth reeling to and fro, sun darkened and God’s Wrath.
Ronald Reagan recognized Vatican Ambassadors in 1984; banned in the US since 1865 because the Vatican backed the Confederacy and murdered Abraham Lincoln. Francis will stay in the Vatican Embassy in Washington DC thanks to honorary Knight of Malta Ronald Reagan
Thanks Howard Have you heard about this???CERN announces their next president of the CERN Council, Professor Sijbrand de Jong. Interestingly, the article states that he is a Knight of the Order of the Netherlands Lion. It doesn’t take much from there to connect this man to the Knights of Malta, the Jesuits, Rome, and thus the Illuminati. It is interesting that they made this announcement just day ahead of the Pope arriving in the United States, and the LHC firing up full speed ahead.
CERN announces new president
Professor Sijbrand de Jong at TEDx
Just now Travis; he was awarded his PhD for the ZEUS Calorimeter; UN Oil 4 Food Swindler Kofi Annan, Charlie Hebdo/Germanwings #9525 Liar Francois Hollande, Prince Phillip and QEII (wants to re-incarnate as a “Killer Virus”) Bi-sexual, mass murdering Druid Winston Churchill, mass murderer Dwight Eisenhower Bilderberg founders Queen Beatrix and Prince Bernhard and my personal favorite Jesus incarnate of Ethiopia Haile Selassie are all in his Order of the Netherlands Lion.
No wonder, MERS CoV was created in Rotterdam by Ron Fouchier especially for this year’s Hajj to Mecca; New York was after all New Amsterdam
Rare Supermoon Lunar Eclipse Is Just One Week Away
The moon will be shrouded in shadow Sunday night or early Monday morning (depending on the time zone). It will enter the dark part of the Earth’s shadow at 9:07 EDT Sunday (0107 GMT), and it will enter a total eclipse by 10:11 p.m. EDT (0211 GMT Monday) beforebegin to emerge from shadow 12 minutes later. Areas that cannot see the full eclipse, because sunset comes too late or sunrise too early, may still be able to see part of the moon obscured.
Several webcasts are planned to stream live views of the eclipse online. The Slooh Community Observatory, a skywatching website that provides users access to remotely operated
Heck of a Birthday party for Jesus eh? The Pope heads back to Rome that day; as Pope #112 in the St Malachy plan Rome should burn shortly thereafter.
Why this time is a very big deal is CERN’s God Particle giving Mass to Matter and Order to the Universe. CERN is derived from Cernunnos; the root is the Celtic KER, so this is the Cauldron of Kerridwen, the Cauldron of Celtic Re-birth seen in Joe Biden SS (Sedes Sacorum or Sacred Seat) name Celtic and MIchelle/Michael ‘s SS name Renaissance; that Seat being the Egyptian version of Kerridwen “ISIS” or Throne aka Satan’s Seat (Throne of Pergamon).
From CERN (KER) we also get Crown seen in the Jesuit “Stephen Hawking Project” (Stephen=Crown or Martyr + Hawk=Horus the re-born son of ISIS the “Black Virgin” or “Black Hole”.
Martyrs become Sacred, the space they occupy becomes Hallowed Ground; this is why the Pope is turning his back on America (Amurru, Amar, Ameru=Edomite Serpent) returning to Rome; Rom=Man=Romani Gypsies (Egyptios=Egypt) They of Tower of Babel fame.
Satan’s Crown and Satan’s Seat at the spot Satan tempted Jesus 2000 years ago to bow down and worship him is happening at the end of Sept with CERN’s Triumph of Science calling for the elimination of 6 Billion people sinning against Mother Earth aka Kerridwen. The New Earth, reborn and it’s population Martyred and made Holy (Separated).
Now can you see why Jesuits have been ejected from every nation on earth except America?
Moon will be 239,000 miles from Earth for this 8th Tetrad Lunar Eclipse; 23/9 is Feast of Atonement 2015 the 239th year of America. The Nations were divided in year 239 when Babel was destroyed in Peleg’s Day; Peleg and his father Reu died at 239 years of age. Abraham’s father Eber died when Abraham was 239 years old.
Correction: Reu is Peleg’s son; Eber is Peleg’s father
South Park Caitlin Jenner comes out as Catalan Independence heats up. Why? Catharsis means Discharge of Pent up emotion”; Caitlin and Katharine means Pure just as the Cathars were “Pure Ones”. Catalonia and its capital Barcelona is named after Sodomite Hannibal Barca (Lightning) and his Sodomite son Hamilcar who coaxed Rome into Scorching and Salting North Africa before pissing in the ashes.
Catalonia means Celtic Chiefs of Battle; Joe Biden (SS Name Celtic) is about to announce his candidacy.
The Rainbow Flag flies over the White House and now Caitlin Jenner (Catharsis of St John) brings attention to Transgenders; perhaps Michelle/Michael Obama will soon stand up?
Copyright infringement so says Viacom Brethren Howard
Vatican Flag to fly over UN on Sept 25th. Yellow=Gold; Silver=White. Red Cord=Fasces the Cord of Edom. Keys are of Peter (Mat 16:18) Jesus gave the keys to everyone; the Pope assumes those Keys to Heaven illegally. The Papal Triple Tiara developed from the Phrygian Cap of Mithra into the Mitre (Mithra) of Dagan the Philistine Fish God
Papal Chair of St Peter was created at St Denis (Dionysus) where the Jesuit Order originated.
Holy See or Sedes is the Seat of the Vicarious Christ; Jesus doesn’t need one. Knights of Sedes Sacorum are the SS, first seen as Inquisitors under Torquemada then the Nazi SS and now the US Secret Service in charge of guarding the Treasury and keeping the President prisoner.
My my these are interesting times
On September 24, 2015, Which is The Fall Equinox (Witchcraft date), Pope Francis will be the first Pope to speak to before the US Congress.
The Sun will align atop the Washington Monument that day
and its shadow will stretch to touch the US Capitol Dome
symbolically connecting Heaven and Earth
I don’t know the significant just yet with this. Surprise (2x)
Video: US sends 20 nukes to Germany despite Bundestag decision
Germany=Gomer, son of Japheth; his son is Ashkenaz (fake Jews) The nukes might be because the Throne of Zeus/Pergamon needs to get to Jerusalem eventually. I imagine a lot of people would want to stop that.
Pope Francis Taps Rick Warren To Sell Vatican Socialist Agenda To American Christians
Rick Warren, senior pastor of Saddleback Church, has announced he will be speaking in Philadelphia later this month at the World Meeting of Families event to commence Pope Francis’ highly anticipated visit to the United States.
Rick Warren saddling the Pale Horse; he invoked “Esus” and “Issa” the Celtic/Druid and Arab “Christ” at Obama’s Inauguration and I suspect very few caught that. James says “Above all else, Swear Not” so Rick Warren causes his Congregation to Swear Oaths of Allegiance.
Philadelphia is the Synagogue of Satan and Pastor Rick knows it. RC Trinity Church is the same RC Christian (Rosicrucian) who financed the Georgia Guide Stones and he knows it. They call for a world population of 500 Million just as Ted Turner does because RC Christian is Ted Turner.
Selling the Martyrdom of Americans to Americans; Priceless! Rick also knows the Serpent (Quetzalcoatl/Kukulkan) descends the 4th set of 91 steps at Chichen Itza on the Fall Equinox aka Mabon, the Celtic name of King Arthur. 4X91=364; the next day on the 365th day he will introduce Agenda 2030 forcing all 180 nations to agree to drastic cuts in Carbon to combat Global Climate Change; they will do this by slaughtering their own people by the millions.
On the fall Equinox the Serpent descends the steps of the Temple of Kukulkan and the Precessional Alarm Clock Altar on top marks High Noon; at that same instant the Sun will hit the Altar at St Slupice Cathedral in Paris (House of ISIS). At that same time the shadow of the 666ft tall Obelisk will stretch out and make contact with the Capitol (Womb of Zeus/Anu/Jupiter/Lucifer) forming the Woman/Virgin/Earth leg of the Mr Triangle (Federal Triangle) on the 77th Meridian (77 is the Magical Manifestation of Spirit in Matter according to Crowley’s Thelema). NOt to be offensive but Satan’s Penis will penetrate the Womb of the Goddess of Freedom standing atop the Dome facing East at 19.5ft of height, matching the 19.5 year cycle Apollo (Apollo) takes on his return to Glastonbury aka Avalon (Place of Apples) .
King Arthur is about to return and assume his KIngship over the Zodiac (Knights of the Round Table) reclaiming his bride Guinevere (Gwen=White) from the 2 timing Lancelot.
On Sept 27th Pope Francis (Free) will conduct his Rosicrucian Mass (Sacrifice) and visit the cracked Liberty Bell with Lev 25 pronouncing “Liiberty to the Captives”; Esau (Gen 27:40KJV) are the Captives given Liberty and Freedom for the coming Jubilee Year; his “Special Jubilee Year”. The next day a Super Moon Lunar (Sin) Eclipse symbolically gives Absolution. What a plan eh?
China Is Building The Mother Of All “Reputation Systems” To Monitor Citizen
China’s proposal is like a credit score that could encompass your entire life, from work performance to Internet activity.
China’s proposals for a “social credit system” don’t seem that radical when you read the dry, official plan posted by the government last year. As befits circulars from a socialist regime, the language is aggrandizing but unspecific:
Accelerating the construction of a social credit system is an important basis for comprehensively implementing the scientific development view and building a harmonious Socialist society; it is an important method to perfect the Socialist market economy system, accelerating and innovating social governance, and it has an important significance for strengthening the sincerity consciousness of the members of society, forging a desirable credit environment, raising the overall competitiveness of the country and stimulating the development of society and the progress of civilization Behavior
This just came to my attention isn’t Josef Biden the 47 Socalled VP??? Remember that thing last year Joe Was Holding. The Brief “CODEWORD” (viewable only in a “Sciff” room. North Pillar “Jachin” means “Moon” (Jarac); the South Pillar “Boaz” means “Moving Fire”. Can this Be Hidden Message signal thru Biden“absent minded gaffes. I’m not sure we talked about it on the Beast /Liber 77 article Last September?? Refpoint. Any significant comes to mind with this 47 thang.
The Juniper Tree’: A twenty-year-old Björk stars in dark fairy tale of magic and witchcraft
Junipero SePope Francis announced that he planned to canonize Friar Junipero Serra during his upcoming trip to the United States. The Spanish Franciscan evangelized natives in California during the 18th century.
Secretary, Pontifical Commission for Latin America
“There are many testimonies about his defense of indigenous women who were raped by soldiers or Spanish settlers. Friar Junipero was a great father and protector of the natives. He always defended the dignity of the indigenous and therefore often came into conflict with the military leaders in the region.”
The Vatican has announced that the canonization will take place on the evening of September 23 in Washington. Pope Francis plans to personally preside over the ceremony.rra, the “evangelist of California” who Pope Francis will canonize
Fed is about to attempt the greatest monetary experiment in history
That query is more than academic. With the US economy looking increasingly strong, some still think the Federal Reserve could act to raise rates after its monetary policy committee, the Federal Open Market Committee, meets this week (Sept. 16 and 17).
Fed rate increases used to be commonplace. But those days are long gone. It’s been roughly nine years since the US central bank last ratcheted up its once primary policy rate, known as the Fed funds rate.
Eid al Adha is Sept 23, 2015, the day Abraham offered Ishmael on the future Temple Mount; according to the Chaldean inspired Quran. Note the similarity to the 14 yr old Muhammad in a cave receiving the Quran and the 13 yr cave exile of Rabbi Shimon ben Yochai who received the Zohar (Radiance) which describes every false Scientific Theory we have 2000 years ago from Gravity to Heliocentrism to Evolution to Dark Matter to Time Travel to String Theory to Black Holes. he then lived 137 years matching the DNA of Light ie Radiance. It’s all total made up Bull Shit. Zohar is the definitive Kabbalah (Genatria 137) book of Light and Matter. As passionate as genuine Christians are about maintaining a Vessel (Body) for JESUS (Holy Ghost), people who reject Him are about maintaining a Vessel for accepting Light (Lucifer) and that is what Kabbalah and the Zohar are all about.
The Rabbinical “Head of the Year” Rosh Hashanah matches 137 in 2015 seen as the 13th day of Sept (7th Month) or 137 and a Solar Eclipse to boot. This is why Edomites married Ishmaelite wives who in turn were Hittite ie Canaanites which violated God’s Covenant with Abraham not to take a wife of the daughters of Canaan. Notice this Rabbi generated day is directly opposite Passover, the day Jesus died (Bodily) on the Tree. Remember what He said “As long as I am in the world, I am the Light of the World…” Occultists believe He left the world on Passover and reject the power of the Holy Ghost; thus only Light is left.
137, the 33rd Prime Number, Fine Structure Constant, odds of an electron absorbing a photon (Matter absorbing Light), theoretical age of the universe, Size of the Universe using the Einstein value for the Speed of Light, Gematria of Kabbalah and age Ishmael (Abraham’s 1st born connected to Adam and Eve’s first born Cain through Ham’s incest with his Cainite mother “Only Noah was perfect in his generations”) died is seen by occultists in Sept 13, 2015. I Tishrei “Feast of Trumpets” or “Rosh Hashanah” (Head of the Year) 13th day of September (7th Month).
Marduk is Nibiru (Planet X where Planet means Wanderer or Cain) and Marduk is Mercury (Toth-Hermes) in Tishrei (7th month); 9/23/2015 thus represents Tikkun Olam (Repair the Earth) taught by Talmudic Rabbis who originally nailed God to the Tree. 9/23 is Mabon the Gaelic name of Arthur (Bear or Big Dipper) Arthur’s burial place Avalon means “Place of Apples” which is why CERN was built over the ancient Temple of Apollo (Apple). The Rabbi created day of Purim means “Cast Lots for Marduk” which is why 9/23/2015 Eid al Adha matching Feast of Atonement is so critical; WWIII is after all Islam versus Zionism.
Ps 137 describes Edom being destroyed as the daughter of Babylon (same thing described in Obadiah) The Mormon Doctrine and Covenants 137 describes the Gate of Heaven; that would be Bab=Gate of El because Mormons believe they are Elohim
Ishmaelites or Hagarenes control Mt Sinai (Agar of Gal 4) and the Temple Mount (Jerusalem) currently holding Zionists in bondage. Jerusalem above is JESUS the Mother of us All.
So that Hoax in Irving was occult communication or double meaning with 14year old Muhammad (Mohammed) variation of Muhammad . After all Thanks for Interesting foresight. Confederacy of Psalm83 come’s to mind as well.
Pope’s Visit to Cuba: Widow of Oswaldo Payá Criticizes Castro Regime and Cardinal Ortega Oswaldo Payá founded the Christian Liberation Movement in 1987 which became the authoritative voice of the anti-communist and anti-Castro dissidents
13.7 Billion years after the Big Bang refers to 137 the DNA of Light hence CERN wants to create “Rainbow Matter”; 137 is the 33rd Prime Number.
Theoretical Physics is Kabbalah; the Zohar described the Big Bang, Rainbow theory of Light, Relativity, Black Holes and 10 Dimension (10 Sephirot) String Theory 2000 years ago. Luciferians with a PHd behind their name
wasnt Ishmael that lived to be 137 years old
Any ZodiaC Crimes youre noticing HOWARD
Just CERN being built over the Temple of Apollo; Avalon means “Place of Apples or Apollo” and Mabon is King Arthur King of the Celtic Britons. CERN as a Time and Place is seen (Google=Gogol or 10 to the 100th power, the estimated number of Atoms ( Given Mass by the God Particle) in the visible (13.7 Light Year Diameter Universe=DNA of Light Universe) Google Maps 9/23/15 address of CERN. Tomorrowland stresses this date of Chaos as does Re-Wind as does Eid al Adha as does Feast of Atonement as does Shraz 239 (Iran War?) the only day the Kohannim entered the Holy of Holies after sacrificing a suitable Scapegoat which in this case is the US.
The Zodiac is Arthur’s Round Table and so is CERN with the Rock Star Pope calling for the death of 6 Billion people on the cover of Newsweek (aka The Daily Beast), Time (aka Chaos or Chronos) and People Magazines.
Pardon me, I know waking up is a very hard thing to do, but how on God’s Green Earth can people not see this Jesuit (Jesuit HQ is St John Lateran meaning “Hidden Frogs” the 3 Unclean Spirits of the Dragon, Antichrist and False Prophet) Pope in Green Robes carrying the Pagan Twisted Crucifix in Cuba (Fidel and Raoul Castro are Jesuits), meeting Obama, Congress (To meet for War), the Green UN Bldg and Philadelphia (City of Brotherly Love aka Synagogue of Satan) as anything but a mass murdering Satanist?
137 is the 33rd Prime Number interesting .CERN CONTROL CENTRE From the LINAC to the LHC
Project Gemini was NASA‘s second human spaceflight program. It was a United States government civilian space program started in 1961 and concluded in 1966. Project Gemini was conducted between projects Mercury and Apollo. The Gemini spacecraft carried a two-astronaut crew. Ten crews flew low Earth orbit (LEO) missions between 1965 and 1966. It put the United States in the lead during the Cold War Space Race with the Soviet Union.
Nasa program :Eight-day flight necessary for Apollo; 14-day endurance flight; first American spacewalk; first rendezvous; first docking; demonstrated ability to work in EVA without tiring
9/17 Ganesh Charurthi; Hindu: Birth of Lord Ganesha, socalled god of wisdom, prosperity, 9/18-22 Durga Puja
9/27-10/4 Sukkot
Obama Nothing Patriotic about taking down America. Also in the Video its was 118 mark video he mention it
Notice the video lengths connected to this same article, and also in regards to President Obama
GE aired this on Saturn’s Day Night Live once
The NBC (Rockefeller) Peacock is the Peacock King “Melek-Taus” displaying the Rainbow. Medeans brought this to Persia, now called Iran (Arya=Truth; Aryan=Noble Caste). Peacock feathers are carried above the Papal Cathedra, the Teaching Seat of St John Lateran (Hidden Frogs aka 3 Spirits of the Dragon, Beast and False Prophet) and Chair of St Peter (Misreading of Mat 16:18 puts Peter rather than Jesus in charge of the Keys of Heaven) Since JPII, the Pope carries openly the pagan Twisted Crucifix.
The White (Sinless) Peacock reflects light rather than absorbs it (Black); hence it represents Lucifer “Light Bearer”.
“They came from the East” to Babel meaning from Persia; Nimrod did not build the Tower (Magdala=Magdalene), like Obama (He is with us) he is merely the Scapgoat, a puppet on strings.
Absent God as the Creator, Gravity as a “Force” was necessary to give Mass to Matter and Order to the Universe with God Particles as the Force Carrier; enter Rosicrucian alchemist/magician, Luciferian Mason, Sir Isaac Newton. Big Bang and Atomic Theory sprang from this corrupt Tree; enter Jesuit Georges Lemaitre, sock puppet Edwin Hubble and Neils Bohr. Heliocentric Theory, a necessary outgrowth of Gravity glorified the Sun; enter Rosicrucian astrologer Nicholas Copernicus. Evolution improved on Creation; enter Erasmus and Charles Darwin. Wave-Particle Duality Theory and Relativity Theory was necessary for Space-Time Theory, Time Travel, Inter-stellar Travel and Rainbow Gravity; enter Zionist Albert Einstein and Space-Time Warping. String Theory and Black Holes provide Gates to Alternative Universes; enter Stephen Hawking. CERN’s Rainbow Gravity/Matter is the final iteration of Science.
Jesus describes the Church of Philadelphia as the Synagogue of Satan. Philadelphia means “City of Brotherly Love”, the sort of love Cain had for Abel and Esau for Jacob, has a 4 mile 8ft fence , school and road (Hwy 76 matches Dan 7:6 “3rd Beast”; Oz is 77 matching Dan 7:7 “4th Beast”) closures for the Papal visit and Mass at the RC Trinity Church (Rosicrucian Trinity). The Liberty Bell inscription “Liberty to the Captives” described in the Lev 25:8-13 “Jubilee” is physical and SPIRITUAL Liberty. Esau represents physical Liberty from God; Jacob represents the Yoke of JESUS. Esau is currently under the Yoke of Jacob (Gen 27:39-41KJV) until his “Dominion”. On the Cross (Tree) was JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS; Rosicrucians use INRI “Nature is Renewed by Fire”. Jesuit Pope Francis (Francis means Free) has declared a Holocaust (Sacrifice by Fire) of all but 1 Billion people from Earth sinning against “Mother Nature”; after his Sunday Mass (Sacrifice of a suitable Host) he departs at the conclusion of the 8th Tetrad on Feast of Tabernacles (Jesus’ real Birthday) the Pope’s “Special Jubilee Year” begins.
The October Surprise: Is Joe Biden the FrancisChurch candidate?
By Eilzabeth Yore
The Catholic vote will determine the next President of the United States. Pope Francis, as the leader of the Catholic Church, is popular with the secular mainstream media which supports and feverishly protects the Democratic Party. September will bring wall-to-wall coverage of the Pope Fest, as he embraces the Obama/Biden administration, and its EPA, and the United Nations. Then followed by the Biden presidential announcement. Timing is everything in politics.
Be prepared for Joe Biden to shadow the Pope throughout his visit. As President of the Senate, Vice President Joe Biden will be seated directly behind Pope Francis at the podium, when the Pope addresses to the Joint Session of Congress on September 24th. Picture Joe Biden repeatedly jumping to his feet and leading the cheers when Pope Francis urges open borders for immigrants, decarbonization, the evils of fossil fuels, and the approval of the Iran Nuclear Deal. Watch as the cameras focus on VP Biden’s pearly white grin when the Pope demands that the U.S. Government spend more taxpayer money on the poor and renewable energy, like windmills and those important Solyndra solar panels for the sake of global warming! The media will ensure that the huge viewing public will understand that Joe Biden shares the values of Pope Francis. What a subliminal endorsement!
Rest assured, that Biden will be featured prominently at the White House papal meet and greet, when President Obama caucuses with the Pope on September 23rd. After all, President Obama has recently anointed Biden, as his successor with the glowing endorsement that Joe Biden was “the smartest political decision he ever made and he will mount a successful campaign.”
Look for Joe Biden to attend the Papal keynote address at the September 25th UN General Assembly, and nod approval as the Pope exhorts the passage of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the ratification of the December Paris Climate Treaty. Both initiatives are supported by the Obama Administration and Democrats, and will tax and fine Americans into poverty and finally achieve ‘hope and change’ in the form of redistribution of American wealth and prosperity.
Imagine the 2016 political TV ads! Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden huddled with and embracing the most powerful moral leader of the world, Pope Francis
He is not only the favorite FrankenChurch candidate but also according to the Iowa Poll, the AmChurch one]
If Joe Biden joins race, he could get a Catholic bump
Kevin Hardy
September 19, 2015
If Vice President Joe Biden decides to jump into the presidential race, he’s likely to see a bump from his fellow Catholics in Iowa.
He’s currently pulling more Catholic support (25 percent) than his overall support from Democratic caucusgoers (14 percent), according to a late August Des Moines Register/Bloomberg Politics Iowa Poll.
Roman Catholics are an important voting bloc for Republican and Democratic candidates competing in Iowa’s first-in-the-nation presidential caucuses, making up a quarter of likely voters in each party’s contests.
Among likely Democratic caucusgoers, Catholics are more likely to consider themselves moderate (63 percent) than Democratic caucusgoers as a whole (48 percent), the Iowa Poll found. And Catholics are less likely (30 percent) to call themselves liberal than Democratic caucusgoers on the whole (41 percent).
Vermont U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders, who often invokes the pope’s message on climate change and income inequality on the campaign trail, does poorer with Catholics (19 percent) than likely Democratic caucusgoers at large (30 percent).
Both front-runner Hillary Clinton and Martin O’Malley, a Catholic, receive about the same level of support from likely Catholic caucusgoers as they do among all Democratic voters.
* * *
Oculus=Eye; CERN sits on the Temple of Apollo=Apple; thus “The Apple of the Eye” becomes Gnostic Wisdom. Oc=3rd Eye Sight or illumination/Enlightenment. Octo=8 the 8 saved aboard the Ark; Languedoc is the Language of Gnostic Sight taught by the Cathars (executed there by Fire at Montsegur). The Oculus represents completion of the 9/11 Ritual atop the Pyramid on the $US as the Pyramidion (Pyre=Fire) a Holocaust by Fire of the Twins Esau and Jacob with Esau and Freedom from God remaining.
Languedoc is the Language of the Occident where the West is the Setting Sun or Land of the Dead (Obama’s Logo=Carbon Fund Logo)
Languedoc is Oui (Yes) in Reverse Speech Yes We Can means Thank You Satan.
In old French oui is oil or Petroleum; Petro=Rock=Petra=Edomite Eagle’s Nest and Rock upon which Gnostic Freedom is built upon. (Tesla patented and then gave away Free Energy; Gnostics create a stranglehold with it)
The Dove (Holy Ghost) and Raven are Oc seen in the Language of Birds or Augury; the US and Roman Catholic Church (Obama and Pope Francis) are to Inaugurate the New Age by destroying their respective institutions. This is likely why Lightning hit St Peters, the Grand Mosque and the Washington Monument (Obama mocked God singing Amazing Grace in Charleston) and the Peace Doves were attacked by Ravens. Francis was elected on Red Heifer Day (2 Nisan) 3/13/13 there are 313! in the KJV the last being Rev 18 fall of Babylon.
Languedoc is also Green Language; Green Man being Lucifer as Bacchus/Dionysus. Pope Francis stated 6 Billion of us are sinning against Mother Earth for this reason. The Arab equivalent is al Mahdi “Green One”. Bab and Baha’u’lah in Maronite/Druze also means Gate as does Babylon “Gate of the Sun” which turns the Earth Green with human waste.
Sept 23 is promoted by the US Navy as the return of Nibiru (Marduk/Merodach); Tomorowland festivals (Melodia is 432HZ aka frequency of Water Harmony) and movie; CERN; countless music videos (Taylor Swift, Madonna, Justin Bieber), Simpsons (Flanders alarm clock is the Sept 22 descent of Kukulkan at the Precessional Alarm Clock atop Chitzen Itza); the series pilot for “Rewind” (Nuc detonation in NYC is something Obama is worried about and was put on the $100; Rainbow over the Oculus at Ground Zero aka “Site of Nuc Detonation”).
Sept 23 is Eid al Adha and Feast of Atonement; the Atonement provided by the Sacrifice by Fire of one’s own son. Time to choose your Atonement: Isaac-Jacob-Jesus or Ishmael-Esau but be careful “God hates Esau” Mal 1:3; Rom 9:13; Heb 12:16
Sept 23 is Esau’s prophesied “Dominion” (Gen 27:40KJV) over the Earth, the 3rd Beast of Dan 7:6 handing over Dominion to the 4th Beast Dan 7:7 (77 is the Magical manifestation of Spirit in Matter; at the end of the 7th Shemitah or 49 years) seen in Marduk as King of Heaven, Earth and Creator of Man and Nature. The Navy Flood Map, NATO, UN, Pope Francis are all prepared to welcome and baptize Satan and precious few even know Satan exists.
The Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is not an Apple. The reason the Apple is identified with Sin is when one cuts open an apple the Vulva/Vagina appears aka the “Holy Door”. Cut an Apple across and the 5 pt Star representing the 5 elements Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Ether/Illumination appears. Witchcraft or Craft comes from the “Crafty” Serpent. That is “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT…” The Apollo or Mercury/Toth-Hermes seen in the Emerald (Lucifer’s Stone) Tablet “As Above. So Below” or the Tikkun Olam (Repair the Earth) of Talmudic Rabbis. Repair Earth by slaughtering all but 1 Billion people according to Pope Francis.
Vatican Flag to Fly Over New World OrderThe UN report by Kirsten Sandberg, who chairs the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, announced:
“The committee is gravely concerned that the Holy See has not acknowledged the extent of the crimes committed, has not taken the necessary measures to address cases of child sexual abuse to protect children, and has adopted policies and practices which have led to the continuation of the abuse by, and the impunity of, the perpetrators.”
Regardless of the concern aired by the UN Commitee member, on the morning up Sept. 25, 2015, for the first time in history due to a last minute law the UN passed on Sept. 10, the Vatican Flag will be raised on the United Nations building in Pope Francis’ honor
The date of September 23, 2015 has a numerology of ’47’.
9/23/15 = 9+23+15 = 47
The film also features a good deal of ’47’ coding.
Sarah = 19+1+18+1+8 = 47
John = 10+15+8+14 = 47
TECH-NOIR = 2+5+3+8+5+6+9+9 = 47 (Where Sarah is first confronted by Terminator)
’47’ was an important number in the World Trade Center attacks
Arnold was born in the year ’47
The date of September 23, 2015 has a numerology of ’47’.
9/23/15 = 9+23+15 = 47
Terminator 2. Let us examine the date of September 11, to examine its curious numerology.
9/11/2001 = 9/(1+1)/(2+0+0+1) = 9/2/3
9+1+1+2+0+0+1 = 14
As it turns out, this number was also coded into Terminator 2 and Terminator, the original, from 1984. – Original writer was black women name Sophia(Mother of Gnostic Stewart
Howard did you ever check this out from David ????http://www.thedieline.com/blog/2010/8/27/239-days-2007-syrah.html
2007 “239” Syrah=Shiraz Iran the Fars (Farsi) capital. Obama “He is with us” in Farsi meets Pope Francis on 9/23. Sarah Palin proclaimed April 14-17, 2007 Prince Hall Mason week in advance of 32 degree Prince Hall Mason Obama being elected. Prince Hall believe in Shabazz or First Race; his father Bari Malik Shabazz likely Nation of Islam 33 degree mason Malcolm X (Milcom + Christ). These First Race people are I believe Hamathites aka Horites “Worshippers of Horus”. Christmas is in fact the original birth of Horus aka Persian Mithra
Moorish Orthodox Church experienced a revival in the mid-1980s due to the involvement of former members of the Beat movement, hippies and the and Radical Faerie movement. The Radical Faeries, a form of contemporary paganism, were founded in 1979 by Harry Hay, a practitioner of Crowley’s sex magick who is considered the founder of the Gay Liberation Movement. Hay was also a supporter of North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), a pedophile advocacy organization in the US that works to abolish age of consent laws criminalizing adult sexual involvement with minors.[35] Hakim Bey has also received criticism for writing for the NAMBLA Bulletin.[
Yes, the 239th anniversary of the US Navy as during Sukkot 2014; 239 points to Sept 23 and the return of Nibiru; not Planet X or an asteroid but Marduk (Merodach as in Belshazzar’s father); Nibiru is the astronomical name of Marduk, the Babylonian king of the Gods of Heaven, Underworld, and creator of Man and Nature. MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPARSIM is as applicable today as it as in 539BC America is to be weighed, divided and given to the Medes and Persians (Iran).
The US Navy has a map of the US divided by water
https://www.metabunk.org/debunked-leaked-us-navy-map-new-madrid-submerged-us.t3777/ Marduk is identified with Shamash the center candle of the 9 branch Hanukkah Menorah as well as Mercury (Toth-Hermes) in Tishrei (Sept 23 is 10 Tishrei Feast of Atonement and Eid al Adha)
Order out of Chaos is the motto of high level secret societies because Marduk is the Conqueror of Chaos
From yourMalaysia articles Howard Pu-239 thePu-239 the man-made radioactive material killing most of humanity from Fukushima; 239 adds to 14 or 7+7. In Liber 77 aka “Book of the Goat”, Crowley said 77 represents the Sabbath Goat on the altar; Sacrifices and lot’s of us are meant here Does this tied into anything coming up
The Arabic Order of the Mystic Shrine “Shriners” wear the Red Fez commemorating the Moors slaughter of 50,000 Christians in 700 AD. Moorish Islam is Phoenician, derived from the writings of St Augustine of Hippo, trained in Carthage (Joseph Smith killed by Masons at Carthage Ill) No Africa.
Jesuits ultimately descend from this Chaldean/Phoenician BS as does Zionism from Augustine’s “City of God”. Shriner Oaths are much like High level Jesuit initiations; basically infiltrate all religions and destroy them from the inside as their Sufi “Assassin” Arab counterparts do in Islam and Freemasons do in Protestant denominations.
NAMBLA is a Jesuit Org “Sex by 8 or its too late” Fr Paul Shanley. NAMBLA as recently legitimized by the American Psychiatric Ass decriminalizing Pederasty and Pedophilia “Minor attracted People” and the Boy Scout President and Obama mentor Bob Gates admitting Gay Scout Masters.
Imagine a Threesome: Nazi Pope Benedict, Jesuit Francis and the Black Pope Adolfo Nicholas; this is the same thing God flooded the earth for.
Oculus, the All-Seeing Eye at Ground Zero, to “Open” Each Year on 9/11
They have placed a bony “closed eye” structure dubbed Oculus over the rebuilt World Trade Center transportation hub that overlooks the new Ground Zero. The s
The lyrics should strike a chord with any office drone: “When my wife gives birth, I’ll be in a meeting/ And when black holes destroy the Earth, I’ll be in a meeting.”
There’s more at the link.
Here’s a video clip with more details about the CERN scientists’ music, released by – inevitably – ‘Neutralino Records’. (Well, what else would one call a company releasing the music of nuclear scientists?)
Thank link didn’t work for me but I found this one. Interesting they donated to Nepal.
So, to celebrate their success, the team at Atlas has come up with an unusual idea: releasing a charity album. The 3000 scientists decided to pool their musical skills to produce tracks from blues and rock to classical and folk. The result was Resonance, a surprisingly accomplished double album, the proceeds of which go to build an orphanage in Nepal. It was released earlier this month – ”13.7 billion years to the day after the Big Bang!” claimed the press release – and the band names are packed with scientific humour: Goldfarb’s group, the Canettes Blues Band, references both a local beer glass and another group from CERN, Les Horribles Cernettes (geddit?), whom he describes as ”the first group to do really good physics music”.
Yet while the Canettes’ song Atlas Boogie is probably the only single ever to refer to liquid argon and muon spectrometers, most of the acts play it straight. Among the exceptions are two standout tracks, a belting torch song from Cat Demetriades called Sweet Cernoid, and a charming number by the TLA (it means Three-Letter Acronym) called Points of Order. The lyrics should strike a chord with any office drone: ”When my wife gives birth, I’ll be in a meeting/ And when black holes destroy the Earth, I’ll be in a meeting.”
New Vaccine Technology from Flu Study Halted by Government –
The new technology hinges on viruses engineered to replicate more efficiently in mammalian cells. By looking for genetic mutations that foster more efficient growth in cells and building those systematically into a backbone vaccine virus, the Wisconsin group was able to produce the high-yield vaccine viruses.
“We simply looked for strains that grow well in mammalian cells and picked those mutations that contribute to high yield,” Kawaoka explains.
A patent for the new high-yield vaccine technology is being sought by the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF). Commercialization of the new method for making flu vaccines could help fuel a switch from egg-based vaccine production, according to Kawaoka.
“Existing strains of flu vaccine virus don’t grow well in cells and there is only one company in the United States currently using cell-based production methods,” notes Kawaoka. “But there is a trend toward cell-based production and we think this work can contribute to that.”
– See more at: http://globalbiodefense.com/2015/09/02/new-vaccine-technology-from-flu-study-halted-by-government/#sthash.EytTPuYc.dpuf
See more at:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cG4t7X_PmtQ The 239th anniversary of the US Navy was Oct 13, 2014 during Sukkot and the 1st year of the 8th Tetrad.
The Navy Flood map shows the east coast of the US and Florida flooded; Florida Area Code is 239.
“The death of Mabus will herald thirst, hunger, cataclysm when the comet runs” Demon channeler Nostradamus.
The $100 shows NYC hit by a missile and flooded.
The Pilot for the series “Re-wind” and “Tomorrowland” highlight Sept 23.
Larent Fabius says Sept 23, 2015 is the day of Climate Chaos.
CERN will attempt to prove Rainbow Matter/Gravity on 9/23/2015. Google maps has CERN’s (Site of the Temple of Apollo) as 9/23/2015
Jesus is not returning on 9/23/2015 The Rapture is Jesuit (Francisco Ribera and Manual Lacunza) Bull Shit. The Satanic 3rd Act of Magic “Prestige” is likely set for 9/23/2015 Time to read and understand the Authorized Bible and stop listening to Jesuit/Masonic Bull Shit.
Time is short and Time Travel is not possible to correct your mistakes. Establish a Covenant with JESUS now.
Blue Marble: Next Generation improves the techniques for turning satellite data into digital images. Among the key improvements is greater detail in areas that usually appear very dark to the satellite (because a large amount of sunlight is being absorbed), for example in dense tropical forests. The ability to create a digital image that provides great detail in darker regions without washing out brighter regions, like glaciers, snow-covered areas, and deserts is one of the great challenges of visualizing satellite data. The new version also improves image clarity, and gives highly reflective land surfaces, such as salt flats, a more realistic appearance.
For more information, visit the Blue Marble on the Earth Observatory.
“US needs to accept our fair share of Syrian refugees” Sodomite war monger US President hopeful Lindsey Graham after capitalizing on the fake video of 3 yr old Syrian boy Alyan Kurdi. https://www.stormfront.org/forum/t1118866/
Graham, John McCain and John Kerry meet with ISIS (Syrian Rebels) http://www.theminorityreportblog.com/2014/06/22/photos-of-senator-mccain-chillin-with-isis-leaders-in-syria-before-their-rampage-through-iraq/ and that the US and Russia arm, finance and train ISIS (Goodle Mol Comfort and Nour M).
The US Army and SITE (Rita Katz; Search for Int’l Terrorist Entities) create fake beheading videos for ISIS and the press whores like CIA intern, Sodomite, Anderson Cooper dutifully plaster them on TV as news.
All part of the script, Congress is now calling for the US to accept 200,000 Syrian refugees into the US coincident with ISIS posing as Syrian refugees using thousands of fake Syrian passports. That’s how traitors create Scapegoats and destroy nations from the inside as they have done for 4000 years.
British (Jonathan Sacks), Belgium (Menachem Margolin; where NATO HQ is) and (French (Haim Korsia) Chief Rabbis all calling on nations to support Syrian refugees created by ISIS. ISIS leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi aka Simon Eliot is Israeli.
The Navy officially acknowledges Niribu falling to earth on the 23rd and has contingency plans for it. Go figure…
Authorities have disclosed few details about the case
Recalled this from Feast of lucifer article “Christian” first appeared in Antioch, Syria, a city called Heliopolis (City of the Sun) or Amurru the name of the Edomite Shepherd and Serpent. G’heu is On. On is HU and HU is the Serpent. America takes it name from Amurru and no it is not and never was a nation God built.
Antioch, the cradle of Christianity: The fall and siege of Antioch – Sacrifice to Syria fall, Siege of the Levant and the TPP trade negotiations.
THE CRUSADES: The Jesuit child slavery trade:
BERGOGLIO the BUTCHER: Ninth Circle Sacrifice (
Knights Templar: France, England, Aragon, Portugal, Poitou, Apulia, Jerusalem, Tripoli, Antioch, Turkey, Anjou, Hungary, and Croatia
Knights Hospitaller – Bodrum Turkey
Aylan Kurdi : Age 3
Pope Francis will visit 3 Cities, New York City, Washington, D.C. and Philadelphia during September visit to U.S.
Upon the order of the Black Pope – The Migration begins
The US trip marks the coming of the Hospitallers to our shor
Time to get the global authority in Sync with the eugenics of the brave new world. Watch the Cultists from the UN, Vatican and Soetoro team get their ducks in a row for TPP, Climate Gate and Depopulation. The Club of Rome, Knights of Malta and the Project Bluebeam team are ramping up for the crisis followed by the ushered buy-sell-trade mandate in the ultimate “Survivor” game. Bergoglio, the butcher, will as usual only select certain cuts as he dices up the US in divide and conquer. Expect a major event in the US Crescent and the ME Levant.
Rhodes to the Transformation
Freemasons Order the EU: Open Borders For More and More Immigration
Lodges demand: “Immigration ueber alles”
The lodge brothers (and sisters) are not relying on their demand for the Judeo-Christian roots of Europe, but to the “respect for human rights,” on which, say the Freemasons, the European Union bases the “values of solidarity and brotherhood.” The foundations of Europe are sufficient for the lodges only with the French Revolution back to its Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen of 1789 which is the basis for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the UN in 1948.
The European Masonic obediences do not say how squaring the circle is to be achieved, as the interests of refugees and the increasing number of swelling migration flows are to be reconciled with the interests of the peoples of Europe. The Freemasons are content publicly to define a fixed point as a conditio sine qua non: “Immigration above all,” said Corrispondenza Romana.
Freemasons Order the EU: Open Borders For More and More Immigration
Lodges demand: “Immigration ueber alles”
The lodge brothers (and sisters) are not relying on their demand for the Judeo-Christian roots of Europe, but to the “respect for human rights,” on which, say the Freemasons, the European Union bases the “values of solidarity and brotherhood.” The foundations of Europe are sufficient for the lodges only with the French Revolution back to its Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen of 1789 which is the basis for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the UN in 1948.
The European Masonic obediences do not say how squaring the circle is to be achieved, as the interests of refugees and the increasing number of swelling migration flows are to be reconciled with the interests of the peoples of Europe. The Freemasons are content publicly to define a fixed point as a conditio sine qua non: “Immigration above all,” said Corrispondenza Romana.
9-23 Skidoo (Rewind, 2013)
At Least 87 Dead in Crane Collapse in Mecca’s Grand Mosque
The complex covers (88.2 acres) (86 Ishmael), which includes outdoor and indoor prayer spaces. It is open 24 (6)hours a day
The accident occurred as the kingdom prepared to welcome 3 million people to the Muslim holy city for the annual pilgrimage that begins Sept. 21.
Reports of the accident were also carried by Al Arabiya and other Middle East news sites. The Khaleej Times says there are “many casualties.”
The Grand Mosque or Great Mosque of Mecca (also known as Masjid al-Haram) is the largest mosque in the world. It surrounds Islam’s holiest place, the Kaaba, in the city of Mecca. Muslims face in the direction of the Kaaba while performing their obligatory daily prayers
14th Anniversary of 911.
In a bizarre display by Mother NATURE—-
A Rainbow lands on the 911 Memorial in New York
Lightning Strikes the Kaaba in Mecca.
Genesis 9:11
“I establish My covenant with you; and all flesh shall never again be cut off by the water of the flood, neither shall there again be a flood to destroy the earth.” God said, “This RAINBOW is the sign of the covenant which I am making between Me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all successive generations.
HEADLINES 9/11/15 —- Carnage in Mecca: At least 101 people killed after Bin Laden firm crane collapses on Grand Mosque during freak lightning storm.
Upsetting pictures on social media show bodies strewn across floor after crane crashed straight through ceiling.
Accident struck while millions of Muslims are in the holy city for annual hajj pilgrimage which starts later this month.
Authorities had issued extreme weather warnings and earlier photos capture mosque being struck by lightning.
Oddly, The World Trade Center was originally designed to be
a model of Islam’s most Holy Space, The Kaaba.
Even more odd — in Mass this last Sunday — POPE FRANCIS warned of “HELL FIRE FROM ABOVE”
VATICAN CITY – During a sermon at Saint Peter’s Square on Sunday, Pope Francis spoke of a “forthcoming event in which the earth will be consumed by hellfire from above” and asked Christians around
U.S. Patent Granted for 3D Display Technology
June 01, 2015
Zecotek Granted U.S. Patent for Switchable 3D/2D Optical Imaging System
Singapore, June 1, 2015 – Zecotek Photonics Inc. (TSX-V: ZMS; Frankfurt: W1I), a developer of leading-edge photonics technologies for industrial, healthcare and scientific markets, is pleased to announce that the U.S. Patent office has granted U.S. Patent No. 9,055,288 to Zecotek for technology related to the Company’s switchable 3D/2D optical imaging system. This patent adds to the global portfolio of patents, including U.S. patent number 7,944,465 covering Zecotek’s glasses-free 3D auto-stereoscopic display system.
“This U.S. patent marks another important step in our continued efforts to provide the best-in-class glasses-free 3D displays and monitors,” said Dr. A.F. Zerrouk, Chairman, President, and CEO of Zecotek Photonics Inc. “The patent covers the significant improvements to our switchable 3D/2D display technology which meet the practical needs of OEM’s and end users. Our 3D display technology allows for switching between 3D and 2D modes without loss of resolution, and displaying 3D and 2D content simultaneously. The patent also covers technology which significantly broadens the capabilities of specialized 3D display applications such as fundamental research and medical imaging. We are working closely with OEM’s within well-defined markets and will continue to maintain an aggressive IP development program in parallel with our efforts to meet market requirements.”
The 3D/2D switchable optical imaging system further improves the core capabilities of the 3D display technology by introducing a software-selectable full-resolution 2D mode with viewing angles and dynamic range/colour depth on par with conventional 2D displays. The patent also covers technology for both 3D and 2D modes, dynamic adjustment of viewing angle, number and width of viewing zones as well as the functionality to dynamically control the positioning of different viewing zones.
Stock Market Ends At 239
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFAKBrEC-lM Note this Taylor Swift video; her name Catastrophe and the 9/22-23. 239 is essentially the 23rd of Sept and number of chapters in the Book of Mormon (Ref Blood in the Streets Prophecy)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2C5ZLowJ1cM In this video ATT (Lucent/Lucifer Tech, Beast Computer) and DirecTV merger feature 9/23, a Blackout in Times Square, the Wizard of Oz (Dorothy=Door=CERN Rainbow Gravity) and Morpheus (God of Sleep) telling Neo there is no going back. DirecTV? A reference to the Ionosphere and Project Blue Beam.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hbry60qGudY Here is knucklehead Laurent Fabius screaming Climate Chaos on 9/23/2015 one year earlier on 9/22/2014 Notice the 239 notation in the Stock Market and the CNN reporter highlighting the 239 on the Floor Trader’s jacket
More 239 symbolism and phraseology “Open this Door” in the 2013 pilot series “Rewind” and the reference to CERN; notice the Worm Hole symbolism ie “Gate”. TomorrowLand also is a “Rewind” of Time to prevent Catastrophe. Notice the reference to the Nepal earthquake; CERN started up at that instance as a Cambridge Earth Science team was in place (CERN is the Scapegoat not the cause) Notice Kin John Un next to an aircraft #239. Plutonium Atomic Number is 239; Lyceum 239 is St Petersburg Physics School
239 is Florida’s Area Code. Rev’s (Gag me) Efraim Rodriuez and Lindsey Williams both predict an asteroid impact near San Juan for Sept 24, 2015. FEMA, NOAA and the US Navy have planning maps showing most of Fla, Ala, LA underwater. No asteroid has been sighted. CERN is Bull Shit. EM weapons are capable of this
Jesus returns “to destroy them which destroy the earth” Rev 11:18 not to destroy the Earth an asteroid.
Just some recent video’s and commercials that are blatantly using the asteroid/meteor destruction theme:
2nd video – Very interesting: Coca Cola showing how to spread world piece, but a Asteroid / Meteor strikes, and finally the end shot eludes to an Alien type mother-ship overhead.
3rd video – Toyota commercial celebrates their new Tacoma as Meteor proof:
4th video: Tabasco Meteor Commercial
5th video: Pepsi Meteor Commercial
6th video: Pepsi Max Meteor Commercial
7th – LG TV commercial
8th video: Bud Light Asteroid Commercial
9th – Toyota commercial, “You bet your asteroid”
10th – I have no idea who this Ariana character is (some famous new pop star) but her new video is about meteor strikes
Don’t know if any or all of this is bullshit, but it’s sure interesting!
Just something to be aware of and watch for.
The virus is classified as a “giant” virus because it’s visible by light microscopy. Mollivirus sibericum carries a complex genetic structure that houses more than 500 genes, according to the study’s abstract. The influenza virus, in comparison, has only 8 genes.
The same team that discovered Mollivirus sibericum found another 30,000-year-old virus, Pithovirus sibericum, in the same Russian permafrost.
Pithovirus sibericum, the earlier frozen virus discovered by the CNRS team. Julia Bartoli and Chantal Abergel, IGS and CNRS-AMU
The virus is classified as a “giant” virus because it’s visible by light microscopy. Mollivirus sibericum carries a complex genetic structure that houses more than 500 genes, according to the study’s abstract. The influenza virus, in comparison, has only 8 genes.
The same team that discovered Mollivirus sibericum found another 30,000-year-old virus, Pithovirus sibericum, in the same Russian permafrost. As described in PNAS last year, those scientists revived a sample of Pithovirus sibericum in safe lab conditions and determined it was still infectious, though it only affects amoebas.
Pithovirus sibericum, the earlier frozen virus discovered by the CNRS team. Julia Bartoli and Chantal Abergel, IGS and CNRS-AMU
Bringing a 30,000-year-old virus back to life sounds like the plot of a real-life horror movie. So if you were scared by the incurable virus in the movie “28 Days Later,” you might want to stop reading right now.
Scientists who discovered a prehistoric virus called Mollivirus sibericum in the Siberian permafrost plan to give the virus its first wakeup call since the last Ice Age (after first verifying that it can’t harm humans and animals, thankfully). It’s hoped the study could shed insight into ancient dormant viruses that could, it’s feared, get another chance at spreading as permafrost retreats due to climate change.
The team, from the French National Centre for Scientific Research, announced its plans in a study published Tuesday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) journal.
Molly means Mary, Prostitute or Star of the Sea; Venus is also the Star of the Sea aka Lucifer/Satan. Molly is a term used for “Companion of a Thief”; as such Molly is the Whore of Babylon accompanying Lucifer (Sun aka Horus) the Thief attempting to dethrone God. Mol also means “Millstone”; used for separating wheat from chaff; the Threshing Floor is Jerusalem and the Temple Mount.
Siberia is named after the Sibur River is a place of banishment. The Silk Road rings a Baal; the largest Exodus in history will use the 38th Parallel (38-52-90=Mr Peace Triangle; the Hypotenuse is Bah or Spirit or Re/Ra the Sun; a Spiritual Manifestation or the Sun aka Beast from the Sea) from Fukushima and the Korean DMZ (US installed the IKim Il Sun and his knucklehead offspring) across the Silk Road to Karakoram (Ghengis Khan); China has build cities along the route complete with the 4 Horses because China=Sina=Wilderness=Heth=Hittites.
Pithovirus: Pithy means Strong, Vigorous
Arctic means Bear; the Bear Guard is King Arthur; the Bear is Russia (at least according to the Satanic Plan), the 3 Ribs are the Americas (No, Cen, South) slated to be destroyed. Recall even Jesuit sock puppet Stephen Hawking (Crown of Horus/Satan) said “Aliens will be like Columbus arriving in America” He is referring to the planned release of Disease.
500 Genes? This refers to Prince Melchisedek Scroll “After 10 Jubilees Prince Melchisedek arrives” That’s 500 years from Martin Luther and Pizarro in America. Remember the game show “500 Questions” had the “God Particle” come up at 6.66 Sec; CERN announced its Discovery on America’s occult Birthday of July 4, 2014.
Lots of occult communication going on with this announcement “As in the days of Noe so shall the coming of the son of Man be” Ready to see the Antichrist? Me neither but he’s coming.
Oh one more hit me, remember the 500 day warning of Climate Chaos expires Sept 23, the same day portrayed in Google Maps by CERN and in the movie TomorrowLand.
Hi Howard
What is the mark of the beast? Is it sodomy (or spiritual adultery) in order to gain entry to the New Age? Is it related to blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?
Hey Mikos7 Beast means “Moral less, unrestrained”; this is obviously not a Sea Monster or Earth Monster, but rather a Government system based in Aleister Crowley’s Thelema (Will) “Do hat thou wilt shall be the sum of the law”; he does mean God’s Will here because God does in fact give the Sovereign Authority to rule Earth “Dominion” to Esau (Gen 27:40KJV), the 3rd Beast of Dan 7:6. Edomites in turn hand over this Dominion to Satan in Dan 7:7; Crowley “Great Beast” refers to 77 as the “Magical manifestation of Spirit in Matter”.
So, Mark of the Beast is of course a number of a man that is 666; and this Mark is given “In” the Right Hand or absent this hand, “in” the forehead. What this is remains to be seen but it is the number of a man, a Messiah (Christ) that comes in his own name and controls the wealth (gold, silver, precious stones of Dan 11:38) who lets Edom, Ammon and Moab free for a time. The latter 2 refer to Incest; all Edomites are destroyed (Obadiah) at the 2nd Coming.
Spiritual Adultery: Yes, the New Covenant is purely Spiritual #1 Have no other gods but me matches #1 in Old and New Covenants “Love God with all your heart and soul”; the New Covenant ends with the wedding of the Lamb (Rev 19:7) the only Lamb of God I know is JESUS. Adultery dissolves all Marriages.
Sodomy: This does not Blaspheme the Holy Ghost; it is an entrance requirement to most high level secret societies by both women and men because JESUS warns against it in Gen 13:13; 19:1-11; Lev 18:22; 20:13; Judges 19:16-24; 1 Ki 14:24;15:12; 2 Ki 23:7; Rom 1:1-18; 1 Cor 6:9; Jude 7; 1 Tim 1:8.
Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost is rejection of JESUS (1 Jn 5:7KJV; Jn 1:1;14) because He is the Holy Ghost; this is the Unforgivable Sin because JESUS cannot forgive Sins without this connection.
So, this pope comes out saying hellfire from the sky and aliens reviled it to him.
That would perfectly check the last two off the list.
Wernher von Braun (actual NAZI scientist that started NASA)
In 1974 he proclaimed: The 5 coming fake threats to humanity
1. Russian Enemy (thus the Cold War – Done)
2. Terrorist Threat (thus Osama Bin Laden – Done)
3. Third World Countries (thus Iraq, Iran, Syria, Egypt, etc.. – Done)
4. Fake Asteroids
5. Fake Alien Invasion
Thanks Glenn, I added this to my site http://www.Theresnothingnew.org/ Getting pretty dicey isn’t it? Thanks much.
Glenn, I find it very ironic Andy would choose the Mayan pyramid of Kukulkan with a Rainbow; the Aztecs used those for sacrifices to the sun god in Cancun “Nest of Snakes” here Space Alien Ambassador M Othman as elected during one of their Earth Summits. Pope Francis arrives in the US on Sept 22 as the Sun hits the altar at St Sulpice Cathedral and the 7 segmented Serpent Kukulkan (Quetzalcoatl/Viracocha) descends the steps; “Hell Fire from above”. The altar on top is called the Rattle Snake because it is a Precessional Alarm Clock lined up with the Cathedral of St Sulpice and the Age of Aquarius.
At Rev 9:11 Satan (Apollyon/Abaddon/Shiva) is cast to Earth; tomorrow is 9/11, the 14th (77) anniversary of that charade; 77 the Magical .manifestation of spirit in matter according to Crowley, CVN #77 HW Bush “Wizard of Oz=77) and Burning Bush (Magical Spirit in Matter)? Barbara is likely Crowley’s daughter from a Babalon Working ritual; the Woman Riding the Beast; their Sodomite son used Flt 77 on the 77ft tall Pentagon built on the 77th Meridian for a reason. And to think, here we are at the 7th Shemitah 49 years=7X7 years from the 7th Tetrad hen the phrase al-Qaeda as first uttered by Dervish professor of Arab studies at Stanford U, Ibn Sayyid Qutb.
Think JESUS is not in charge of all this? Guess again
The virus is classified as a “giant” virus because it’s visible by light microscopy. Mollivirus sibericum carries a complex genetic structure that houses more than 500 genes, according to the study’s abstract. The influenza virus, in comparison, has only 8 genes
Pithovirus sibericum, the earlier frozen virus discovered by the CNRS team. Julia Bartoli and Chantal Abergel, IGS and CNRS-AMU
I’m not good at making these connections which is why I read the things you guys write all the time, but could this be a prelude to the exodus of Land of the Rising Sun?
Stephen (Crown) Hawking (Horus) claims brain boosting Nootropic “Limitless Pill” Addium accounts for his increased intelligence; says the pill will be the greatest event in human history (next to the Big Bang of course). http://www.lisbonmaine.net/2015/08/stephen-hawking-predicts-this-pill-will.html
As I recall, it didn’t work out that well for Bradley Cooper in the movie “Limitless”. Nootropic is derived from Jesuit Monkey “Piltdown” Man Fraud Pierre Teilhard Du Chardin’s concept of “Noosphere” (Lyndon LaRouche spouts this garbage as well) A Sphere of Thought evolved from the Geosphere (Inanimate Matter like Rocks) into the Biosphere (Biologically Living organisms) to Noosphere (Mind Sphere). The Noosphere evolves to the Omega Point, Global Consciousness and return of the Messiah (not Jesus but al Mahdi, Maitreya, Buddha, Krishna etc).
Addium advertises an increase of 77% in IQ; and why not 77 is the Sublime Septenary according to Aleister Crowley, the Ultimate manifestation of Spirit in Matter.
Roll up the pant legs folks, Jesuits are loading up the Bull Shit.
RTV doesn’t recognize Degree or Exponent notation. Sorry; eg 420 is 42 Degrees.
The virus is classified as a “giant” virus because it’s visible by light microscopy. Mollivirus sibericum carries a complex genetic structure that houses more than 500 genes, according to the study’s abstract. The influenza virus, in comparison, has only 8 genes.
The same team that discovered Mollivirus sibericum found another 30,000-year-old virus, Pithovirus sibericum, in the same Russian permafrost.
Pithovirus sibericum, the earlier frozen virus discovered by the CNRS team. Julia Bartoli and Chantal Abergel, IGS and CNRS-AMU
Bringing a 30,000-year-old virus back to life sounds like the plot of a real-life horror movie. So if you were scared by the incurable virus in the movie “28 Days Later,” you might want to stop reading right
The team, from the French National Centre for Scientific Research, announced its plans in a study published Tuesday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) journal.