“Nothing in politics happens by accident. If it happened you can bet it was planned”
“A man’s foes shall be they of his own household”
– Jesus Christ
[frame_right][/frame_right]On the last day of Purim, Sunday Mar 16, Crimea will vote (voted 96%) to leave Ukraine, the ancient home of the Royal Scythians and become part of Russia; Sarmations are Ros-Alan, the source of the name Russia. Next up is Venice (Venetians are “Black Nobility”) from Italy, Scotland (Scotti are Scythians married into Egyptian Royalty) from Great Britain, Catalonia (Basques are Sepharvaim) from Spain and Texas will lead the breakup of the US.
The EU HQ is built as an unfinished Tower of Babel with seat #666 empty; filling that seat will finish the ancient plan for a New World Order. NATO HQ and the “Beast” computer are in Brussels, nearby is Chateau Amerois “Castle of Kings” or “Kings of the Big Pyramid”; Mothers of Darkness record progress of the New World Order using the blood of innocents, the castle part of the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (Windsors) “Order of Abrasax” which means “Sum Total of Power”; Magic Power is meant here. 330 Grand Orient (Orient means East ie Rising Sun) Lodge Freemason (Grand Ayathollah ali-Sistani in Iraq and al-Khameini in Iran are also French trained Grand Orient Lodge Luciferian Masons) France President Francois Hollande stated he will not recognize the Crimean referendum as legal; Why? France means “Free” and Paris means “House of Isis” (Isis=Throne); 3/18/2014 is the 700th anniversary of the execution by fire of International Military/ Banker Jacques de Molay on “New Bridge” in Paris. Why 2014?
The Great Pyramid of Egypt is a 3-D “Squaring of the Circle” (3-D Pythagorean Triangle seen in the 2-D Federal Triangle: White House, Capital, Washington Monument) representing the circumference of the Earth at any given latitude. It was also designed to track the Sidereal (Star) Year with the passing of Alpha Draco reflected into the King’s Chamber, used for Initiation Rituals; this is replicated by Satan’s Altar in the UN Meditation Room. The Sphinx represents Leo, an obelisk between its paws was once used to sight the Tropical Year with the Vernal Equinox sunrise of Alpha Leo “Regulus” or “Rex”. Saturn rules the Age of Aquarius; on the Tropical Zodiac the sun is in Aquarius Jan 20-Feb 18; on the Sidereal Zodiac from Feb 15-Mar 14. Using the Pyramid and Sphinx to calculate the 2160 year “Age of Aquarius”, the Eastern edge of Aquarius is 1500 west longitude along the Ecliptic from Regulus. According to some astrologers this Age began in 2012. Saturn is Stur or Milcom the abominations of the Ammonites, Chiun of the Moabites and Molech to whom sacrifices are consumed in the flames. Sochi means “Flame”; the Sochi Olympics were a Saturnian “Fire and Ice” Ritual. Purim 2014 may very begin the Sidereal Age of Aquarius and Nowruz the Dawn of the Golden Age of Aquarius. Now Why Paris?
The Rose Line (Original Prime Meridian) was placed by the Parisii Gauls (Galli are Priests of Cybele; Gallic Rooster is Nergal the pagan god of war) where the Cathedral of St Sulpice is today, symbolized as a Brass (Tubal-cain aka Vulcan is the instructor of artificers of Brass and Iron) line running from the Square of the Earth to the Obelisk (Baal’s Shaft; Compass=Circle). The Pantheon nearby is a Mausoleum of masonic and Rosicrucian French Revolution Martyrs. Traveling north, the Cathedral of St Chapelle is a fake reliquary of the Crown of Thorns. The Cathedral of Notre Dame is a fake reliquary of pieces of the True Cross. The Cathedral of St Denis represents the Cult of the Severed Head “Baphomet”. Pont Neuf “New Bridge” is the Templar execution site and the spot Napoleon attempted to build the world’s largest Obelisk. The Luxor Obelisk dates from the Exodus, constructed by the Amalekite Hyksos Kings of Egypt; Place of Concord represents those pledged to Lucifer. Champs Elysee means “Elysium” (“Field of the Blessed” is similar to the Nordic Valhalla). Arc de Triomphe is Lucifer’s Triumph over God in the North. Rosicrucians intend to “Sprout the Rose from the Cross” in Paris (House of Isis=Throne). “In 700 years the Laurel will grow Green Again” Cathar Perfecti. There are 666 panes of glass in the Louvre entrance Pyramid for a reason, a collaboration of Chinese architect IM Pei and Grand Orient Lodge Mason Francois Mitterrand.
There is no “Good” or “Right” side here; EU/NATO allies will claim this violates the Budapest Memorandum of 1994, brokered by Bill Clinton and impose Russian sanctions. China will respond by controlling US shipping ports; a 2006 gift by George Bush made this possible. China controls commercial airports through HSBC, the world’s largest “Dirty” money bank. China controls America’s lifeline, the Panama Canal; Jimmy Carter and Zbigniew Brzezinski orchestrated this treason. “Olympian” Zbigniew Brezinski wrote the plan in his 1997 book “The Grand Chessboard” calling the Ukraine “The geopolitical pivot of global primacy”; Why? Ukraine and Crimea are home to ancient Aryan “Priest-Kings”. In the ensuing Checkmate, America will become a headless horseman (Michelle Obama dressed as a “Black Widow” on election night for a reason), an economically devastated, raped and Pillaged “Desert”, it’s earth scorched and wells poisoned (Fukushima Radiation, Fracking, Deep Water Horizon methane inundation, Geo-engineered drought) in very short order which was always part of the Ancient Plan; America is to be the suitable sacrificial offering to Molech.
New World Order aka “Novus Ordo Seclorum” means “New Secular Order”; a world managed by Man rather than God. The term was used by Woodrow Wilson (really with his Foreign Policy Adviser Col Mandell House, as much a Colonel as Muammar Qadaffi) in 1918. The “Elite” of every nation do not adhere to the laws they write; they are “Free” of all Earthly Laws; Born Again Christians however are not. The Great Tribulation is 3 1/2 years of Man managing the World; the last 18 months will be with Satan on earth, beginning at Rev 9:11; the last “70 Weeks” (Dan 9:24-27) of 490 days will seal the eternal fate of humanity. Purim (15-16 March, 2014) represents Lot’s Occult or Hidden Redemption; Why? Lot’s offspring from incest are Moabites and Ammonites, who escape the hand of the Alternative Messiah in Dan 11.
The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies is to “Repair the Earth” (Talmudic Rabbis use the Hebrew phrase “Tikkun Olam”) to pre-flood conditions before the expulsion from Eden. GHW Bush was not the first to publicly admit this order; HG Wells wrote a book “New World Order” in 1940, Nazi UN Secretary Gen Kurt Waldheim and FDR did as well, but Bush chose 9/11/1991 from the pulpit of the United Nations; the same year the Aquarian Cross was built in Jerusalem and installed atop Glastonbury Tor by “Wholistic World Vision”
at the mythical burial “Place of Apples” of King Arthur. God separated the Nations; Satanists will “Repair” them. King Arthur is not real; Arth means Bear Guard; the Russian Bear was reborn as a Teddy Bear at the Sochi Olympics just as Edgar Cayce predicted in his demon channeled vision “Russia shall be reborn as the Hope of the World”.
Pi Day, the day the Circle is Squared
“With enough repetition, people can be made to believe a Circle can be Squared”
– Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels.
Aryans are “Kings of the Great Pyramid”; the Great Pyramid is a 3-D “Squaring of the Circle” and a very accurate representation of the Northern Hemisphere; the world’s largest, most numerous and oldest Pyramids are in Crimea. Fire destroys matter; remember that Red Fire Circle that failed to materialize in Sochi? Now we know why! On Pi Day in 1879 Albert Einstein was born, a little publicized announcement was made in celebration of “Lambda”, the mythical Cosmological Force in opposition to Gravity invented by Einstein to balance the Universe. Gravity Theory claims the Force of Gravity gives Mass to Matter; the opposite “Lambda” is the mythical force that destroys Matter. Just ask Ron Paul, initiate for life of America’s oldest fraternity “Lambda Chi Alpha” or lifelong de Molay Mason Rand Paul. Clever occult communication eh?
Also on Pi Day “Should Sunday’s Crimean Referendum not be to the liking of the EU or its allies, retaliatory measures will begin Monday”-John Kerry in London at the Prime Meridian on “Pi Day” 3/14 (Pi is 3.14…). China has committed itself to Russia and warned the US against taking such actions. Bluster? Hardly, the ancient name of China “Cathay” means “Sons of Heth” aka Hittites; remember those Canaanite/Hittite wives Ishmael and Esau married against the wishes of their fathers Abraham and Isaac?
- China controls US and indeed worldwide shipping through the Panama Canal thanks to Luciferian Mason, Bohemian Grove Molech worshipper, Crypto Baptist, Tri-lateral Commission founder, CFR Traitor, 3-mile island liar Jimmy Carter.
- China controls all major US Shipping Ports through HSBC (Honk Kong Shanghai Bank Corp), the world’s largest Global Money Laundry by far and a treasonous 2006 sale on Purim no less, from Skull & Bones Sodomite George Bush.
- China has a “Special Economic Zone” in all 50 states, exempting it from all US laws thanks to 50 Governors committing Treason; Boise Airport is adjacent to one of the largest; in Italy, the port of Naples is #1 in moving Chinese contraband and merchandise in cooperation with the Triads and Italian Mafia.
- China is holding $1.5T in US Treasuries American tax payers pay interest on.
- China owns 1/2 of lower Manhattan real estate, and some $4-5T in US property.
China carries by far the largest financial clout and Russia has by far the most sophisticated arsenal of EM Scalar Weapons on Earth. The Knights Templar were/are Gnostic Military Bankers; China and Russia (China=Hittites; Russia=Rosh=Alans aka “Black Sea Princes”) will fill the soon to be vacated role filled by the US. Reports from the Ukraine and Shanghai Metals Market indicate Int’l Banker, Crypto Jew Arseniy Yatsenyuk flew Ukraine’s 33 ton gold reserves from Borispol to New York on March 7; like Skull & Bones John Kerry he is just a sold out Satanic pawn fulfilling this Ancient Plan. On March 3, Zbig compared Putin to Hitler; the next day Hillary Clinton, Marco Rubio and John McCain dutifully repeated their master’s mantra; like Hitler, the US financed Putin and is painting him in the traditional “Black Hat”, the Anti-thesis in this global “Dialectic”.
The “Black Horse” signals Economic Collapse; www.Oneheaven.org/ claims the Black Horse rode out of the gate 12/21/2011; to me it looks like it’s riding out now. International Bankers are behind the Ukraine Crisis and remember well being evicted from England, France and Spain on Purim; “Revenge is a dish best served cold”- Elite motto. Eating to survive will soon require a “Mark of the Beast”; don’t accept it! John Kerry and Sergei Lavrov are “Black Nobility”; John is a member of the Thule Society aka “Black Sun”. “We are the riders of the Pale Horse, Death, God creates, we decide who lives and who dies” Barbara Marx Hubbard. “WWIII will pit forces of political Zionism against Islam to the point of physical, moral and economic exhaustion…at which point people will accept the true doctrine of Lucifer” Luciferian Sodomite Albert Pike 1871. If you can’t hear the horses, ask Jesus for help hearing and seeing!
Russia is allegedly massing 80K troops at the North and East Ukraine border; 25K are aloowed by the 1994 agreement and are already in the Crimea south of Ukraine. Ukraine has called up 60,000 volunteers to oppose the Russian military; good timing! On “Pi Day” it was announced several thousand Kalashnikov automatic rifles, Makarov handguns, 120 heavy machine guns and a dozen mobile rocket launchers were “Stolen” from a western Ukraine warehouse; Sure they were! Major Russian military exercises near Cyprus, as well as artillery and missile units and paratrooper units along the Ukraine border are underway; Su-27’s are in Belarus. Angela Merkel (Hitler’s daughter and the most powerful person in the EU; note the HQ is fashioned after the “Tower of Babel”) warned Russia of US, EU and NATO sanctions. Angela Merkel means “Angel of Mars” aka “Angel of Nergal” or “Warlike” Note the Swastika (Broken Sun Wheel) and Lightning Bolts on Ukraine “Rebel” uniforms; they are the same Aryan Nazi symbols Hitler used. NATO sent 12 F-16’s to Poland, west of Ukraine. CVN-77 GHW Bush Aircraft Carrier is allegedly in the Black Sea behind 2 scuttled Russian Ships blocking the only exit (the US Navy claims it is docked in Antalya, Turkey).
Friday, the day before Purim is 3/14 or “Pi” Day; important because “Squaring the Circle” is the goal of all “Secret Societies”, especially the Aryans who built the Egyptian Pyramids. On “Pi” Day, Knight of Malta, 330 Freemason, CFR traitor, Bohemian Grove Molech worshipper, Skull & Bones Satanist John Kerry (Samaritan/Aryan/Sarmation “Kohen”) and Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society (Bolshevik Society formed after the 1917 Revolution uses the same logo as the Jesuits, the Crowned Royal Christ “Chi-Rho”; no it’s not Jesus!) initiate Sergei Lavrov are meeting in London (London means “New Troy”) to finalize what may very well turn into WWIII. Satanists cannot determine where you will spend Eternity; only Jesus can do that.
Life of Pi
Life of Pi (Chinese/Hittite Ang Lee directed Brokeback Mountain) illustrates Aryan Satanism perfectly; Cryptos hide Satanism while publically professing other religions. Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing are the Aryan “Noble Caste”; “Reverends”, “Priests”, “Imams”, “Masters”, “Fathers” wearing familiar clothes and using familiar language of their intended victims. In Mat 23:8-10, Jesus warns against this. Pi is a Hollywood illustration of CNN Crypto Satanist Fareed Zakaria, raised Hindu, Methodist and Muslim in India; Obama read and praised Zakaria’s book Post American World during the campaign, and praised Life of Pi as “An elegant proof of God”; Obama is a Satanist who carries an Idol of the monkey god Hanuman, a Gambler’s Chit, GI Dog Tag and Lucky Rabbit’s Foot (Anammellech is the Sepharvite Rabbit Idol in 2 Ki 17:30); he bowed to Taoist Emperor Akahito and Muslim Saudi King Abdullah and proclaimed a “New Beginning for Islam”. Pi was raised by an Agnostic Father to view the “One True God” as a combination of the Hindu gods Vishnu and Shiva, Muslim Allah and a Catholic version of Jesus, co-equal with his mother Mary. Pi praises Jesus while quoting the Quran; it just doesn’t work that way folks! Followers of Jesus Christ are the New Covenant “Temple of God” and God will tolerate no other gods in His house! Pi’s father tells him “Faith is a house with many rooms”; Jesus says “I am the way, the truth and the life”; the Narrow Path to Salvation runs passed Jesus and no other!
On “Pi Day” 2014 scientists announced proof of a vast layer of water equal to the volume of all the world’s oceans inside the earth. Finally, the truth comes out, and just in time for the premiere of the equally occult movie Noah.
Folks, it’s time to head for your “Prayer Closet” and open the door to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ; You and I are Sinners, get over it! We all need forgiveness of Sins and only Jesus Christ can forgive Sins. Nothing else matters in this world but that one thing! Satanists are deathly afraid of “Born Again Christians”!
“Every 700 years, the Laurel grows green again”
– Cathar Perfecti
Cathar Perfecti are “Normans” previously called Society or Ormus or Theraputae (Therapeutic and Hospitallers “Knights of St John” may ring a bell here) because they attempted to alter scripture with the Apocrypha, Dead Sea Scrolls, Nag Hamadi Scrolls, Aramaean Bible etc. 1991 is significant because 700 years earlier, International Bankers (Normans) were expelled from England on grounds of “Usury”; the “Edict of Expulsion” issued by King Edward I “Longshanks”; Mitt Romney figures into this event, they were employed by Viking Bastard, Norman King William the Conqueror to compile the “Doomsday Book” an accounting ledger of Norman pillaged assets; Mitt (Bain Capital) is the most prolific Drug Money Laundry in the world. His goal is to acquire by any means, the assets of the world and consecrate them to the “Sons of Israel”; Jews? Hardly, the Satanists who replaced Jews in the days of Sargon II (ca 720 BC) listed in 2 Kings 17:30. The maternal side of the Romney’s “Pratt” are a branch of Kievan (Kiev Ukraine) Rus who settled in Wales, forming the Arthurian (Arth is Bear=Russia symbol) legends; he figures in latter day Mormon prophecy with the destruction of America. Mitt is not the only Mormon-Crimean Rus connection; Sinclair “Holy Light” as in Sinclair Oil also originated in Kiev. True to the plan, 700 years after the Cathars were executed by fire at Montsegur; D-Day was planned as a Revenge sacrifice on Normandie Beach.
A far larger sacrifice is going on now in Fukushima; the primary target? America. Aum Shinrikyo is called the “Doomsday Cult”; MOX Plutonium Fuel was manufactured at the Arriva Facility in Normandie to become neutrally buoyant in Saltwater after catastrophic melt down. The fuel was delivered by Barack Obama to Order of the Garter member Emperor Akahito, the youngest son of Emperor Hirohito to whom Obama bowed in submission. Garter is a Witch’s Belt originating in the mis-named Titanic Era of the Nephilim; There are no Demon/Human Hybrids! The Order of the Garter originated by the Viking Bastard, William; Prince William is the 1000th Knight in the Order; cool eh? It’s why Prince William is also an “Olympian” in the “Committee of 300”. 700 years after Military Banker (Templar) Grandmaster Jacques de Molay was executed on 3/18/1314; Tuesday 3/18/2014 is the 700t anniversary. Pretty coincidental Pacific Ocean Radiation is just now washing up on America’s shores eh? Pacific means Peace; the Peace Sign is called the “Witch’s Foot” or “Broken Jew”.
9 is the number of Supreme and Final Judgment; 23 is the 9th Prime Number. Gulf War I began 23 years ago, the same time Wholistic World Vision wrote Chapter 23 as an addition to the Book of Revelation; Satanists reject everything to do with Jesus Christ including His warnings concerning alteration of His Word! The Ancient Plan is approaching 6000 years now; Time to get right with Jesus Christ!
Purim is the day of Aryan/Sarmation Redemption; it is not part of God’s 7 Feasts; it is the Crown Jewel of Satan’s Calendar. Pur is Akkadian/Aryan for “Cast Lots”. Akkadians are “They” of the “Tower of Babel”.
Crimea is the ancestral home of the Sarmation “Priest-Kings” aka “People of the Prince” (Lucifer), “Black Sea Princes” or “Kings of the Big Pyramid” Crimea became part of the Ukraine at the end of Skull & Bones Satanist GHW “Magog” Bush administration in 1994; Bill Clinton was chosen because among much else, he is a lifelong de Molay Freemason bent on revenge for the execution of Jacques de Molay. GHW Bush installed the Iraq and Iran leadership under the Ayatollahs, all are Grand Orient Lodge Masons trained in Paris, the execution site of de Molay. Bill Clinton, GHW Bush, Oliver North and Mitt Romney managed the arming of Iran and Iraq as well as the Iran-Contra Drug Pipeline through Mena, AK. With John Kerry, they all are investors in “Marvelous Investments”; Cocaine and Heroin are very profitable, just ask Mitt, the Melchisdek Priesthood phrase he knows well, “Pey Heylel” means “Marvelous Lucifer”.
Belgium: HQ of the EU, NATO and Castle Amerois
The EU Building in Brussels is modeled as an unfinished Tower of Babel; unfinished because Seat #666 remains empty. NATO HQ is there as is “The Beast” computer holding personal data on every person on earth (allegedly); the information is likely being processed at the Utah Data Collection Facility in Utah.
The 1994 Ukraine Nuclear Agreement was brokered by Ukraine Amb Steven Piper, now a senior fellow at the Brooking’s Inst. Victoria Nudleman (Nuland) is arming Ukrainian “Rebels” and famously said “Fuck the EU” to the current Ukrainian Ambassador; Why? The Ukraine-EU Association Agreement was negotiated March 2012 and rejected Nov 2013. It was negotiated by EU Foreign Secretary Right Honorable Baroness Catherine Ashton (Gag me!) and Belgium Satanist Hermann von Rompuy in Brussels.
The Mothers of Darkness Castle aka Castle Amerois “Castle of Kings” in Muno Bel was made public during the Marc Dutroix Affair, Hermann von Rompuy is also an initiate in the “Order of Abrasax” meaning “Sum Total of Power”; the New World Order is detailed in writing using the blood of an innocent every day here! GHW Bush “1000 Pts of Light Foundation” refers to the 1000 pts of Light Dome in the Castle under which “Sealing Rituals” like the Bush Twins participated in, to become part of the “College of 50 Priestesses” are held. These “Priestesses” originated in Ireland by the Tuatha de Danaan (Offspring of Zeus/Lucifer); history (mythical) records them originating with the mother and daughter “Changelings”. Changelings are offspring of Demons and human women; impersonators of human beings are a Satanic Lie! Recall UN Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie starred in the movie “Changeling”, directed by Sodomite Luciferian Mason Clint Eastwood. This is all part of the Genesis 6 Nephillim Lie! It is also why the movie Noah is coming out now. Sargon the Great (Sar means Prince) was pronounced “Legitimate King” roughly 21 years after the Flood; his wife and daughter were Priestesses or “Temple Prostitutes” in Babylon (Ur of the Chaldees) and Charran (Sabians of Charran; Sabah means “Sunrise”) where Abraham was born and lived before entering Canaan.
The High Priest and Queen Mother of Chateau Amerois (Ameru means Serpent) are filling ancient roles of the High Priest of Apollo and Cybele; we saw the Chariot of Apollo pulling the Sun at the opening ceremony in Sochi. Noteworthy, because the High Priest of Apollo was said to have initiated the Greek Philosopher Pythagoras into “Heliocentric Theory”. Folks, Earth is Fixed and not moving one iota; Heliocentrism and Gravity are Satanic Lies in opposition to the Word of God. The Temple of these original Amalekite (Molech worshippers at war with God from generation to generation) Priests on Elephantine Island was just “Uncovered” this week; Coincidence? Hardly. Rompuy makes Jimmy Saville look like a Saint.
America: Scapegoat “Babylon”
Babylon is destroyed in Rev 18 and Jesus arrives at Rev 19; 3 1/2 before this biblical event Satanists will destroy America and the Alternative Messiah will arrive. “Rev 18 and the fate of America by James F Gauss PhD is one such best selling liar setting the stage for acceptance of the False Messiah aka Beast and False Prophet. America is not Babylon!
Victoria Nuland is furthering the US reputation as a Rogue Bully; she is married to Robert Kagan, Mitt Romney’s foreign affairs adviser is also at the Brookings Inst; Kagan is a title of Aryan/Khazar/Samaritan/Sarmation “Princes”; he wrote “Which path to Persia?” and “Time to Strike Iran?” These publications serve as the blueprint for WWIII. The agreement commits US, EU and NATO to the defense of Ukraine; it’s fitting the CVN-77 GHW Bush Carrier is in position to prosecute this War. Aleister Crowley said #77 represented the “Sabbath Goat on the Altar” (Jesus is the Sabbath Goat; Satanists change Lev 16:8-10 “Scapegoat” to “Azazel”, one of 77 names of Satan in the Satanic Bible, thus Lucifer assumes the role of Jesus Christ as the Goat “Baphomet”. In Book of the Goat aka Liber 77, Crowley also stated #77 is “Ultimate manifestation of Spirit in Matter”; Lucifer is the Spirit here and the GHW Bush is America’s most formidable War machine (in public anyway; Scalar Weapons dwarf every other weapon and Russia has the largest arsenal).
On Mar 16, 2014, the last day of Purim (Purim means Cast Lots for Marduk ie Lucifer/Satan), Crimea will either vote to remain with Ukraine or become part of Russia. If Crimea votes to remain with the Ukraine, Russia will accuse the US of financing and training Ukrainian “Rebels”, and Russian troops will invade Crimea. Look at the Nazi/Aryan symbols (Lightning Bolts, Swastika) used by the “Rebels” and you will see WWII repeating; also fitting because GHW Bush is Nazi George Scherff Jr and his father Prescott Bush financed the Nazi Empire with Mitt Romney’s father George Romney; Mitt has a Mormon Prophecy/Plan to fulfill.
Ukraine: the proverbial “Rock and a Hard Place”
Crimea will vote to become part of Russia; the US will enforce the 1994 Agreement, either by sending in US Military and NATO forces or by imposing economic sanctions. China and Iran stand with Russia, so either way, War with Russia, China and Iran will result. Why now?
The 1st and 2nd Temples were destroyed on Tish B’Av (9 Av) for identical reasons; they had become defiled and desolate when the Glory of the LORD departed; God in Spirit in Eze 8 and God in Flesh at the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The 1st Crusade began on 9 Av (July 20) 1095 AD. Expulsions of Crypto Jews from England began on 9 Av (July 25) 1290 AD. Expulsions of the same Satanic impersonators of Jews began in Spain on 9 Av (Aug 11) 1492; Columbus was no explorer; he was a mass murderer on a gold run to “New Jerusalem”. Similarly, the Crusades were not Christian; Jesus wants followers, not warriors with a sword. Crypto Jews (Zohar, Talmud, Six Pointed Star, Sadducees, Pharisees, Rabbis, Yarmulke etc) were/are not Jewish; they were the “Money Changers” and “Blind Guides” Jesus condemned to Hell.
WWI began on 9 Av (Aug 1 like the Slaughter on Hwy 80 in Gulf War I on Aug 1 this date was also coincident with Lughnasaid, a Cross Quarter Sabbat on the Witchcraft Calendar). Deportations from the Warsaw Ghetto to the Treblinka extermination camp also began on 9 Av (July 23, 1942). The Exterminations Camps were laid out in a 300 mile wide Baphomet 5pt Star configuration because they were Fire Sacrifices to Molech. Both Stalin and Hitler were initiates in the “Brotherhood of Death” aka “Thule Society”, “Society 322” or “Skull & Bones”.
On 9 Av 2014, Project 911 on Site 911 is scheduled for completion at Beit Shemesh “House of the Sun”, 19 miles NW of Jerusalem. Shemesh is the center candle on the Hanukkah Menorah, replacing Jesus Christ, the center candle of the 7 Branched Candlestick. Samson took the stolen Ark of the Covenant from the Philistine Temple of Dagon in Ashdod to Beit Shemesh and killed 1000 Philistines with “Lehi”, (Jawbone of an Ass); Lehi also figures in the mythical foundation of the Mormon Church in America. Orthodox and Roman Catholic Mitres are to this day Mitres of the Philistine fish god Dagon. The Christian Fish symbol? You guessed it; another symbol of Dagon. The radiation hardened bunker is designed to protect “People of the Prince” from Lucifer “The Prince”. Best of luck guys!
GHW “Magog” Bush began Gulf War I on 9 Av and ordered the 100Hr Slaughter along Hwy 80 on Purim (13 Adar). This is the spot Jesus and Angel Gabriel warned Daniel of the plan for WWIII in Dan 8. GW “Gog” Bush ordered the Shock and Awe (Shekinah means Presence of the Deity, Lucifer)campaign on Baghdad, starting Gulf War II on Purim. Obama ordered the attack on Libya on Purim. Purim is a very big deal!
Purim begins on the Ides of March 2014, the day Julius Caesar was killed by his own advisers, and ends with the Crimea Referendum Vote.
Jesus is standing at the door but will not open it; that’s up to you. The 3rd Temple is a flesh Temple made up of followers of Jesus Christ. Jesus said unless He shortened “Those Days” no flesh would remain. “Those Days” are likely here.
Satanists may think the CVN-77 GHW Bush is the ultimate manifestation of “Spirit in Matter” but ask Jesus Christ for the “Holy Ghost” and you will really feel the real “Ultimate Manifestation of Spirit in Matter”!
The guy there says the article on Malaysian 370 I put on http://www.Theresnothingtnew.org/ is getting thousands of hits from all over the world every day
Looks like the plan for WWIII was hatched on Christmas 2008; 1st Georgia then Ukraine and Crimea
Pine Gap is a lot more than a military radar; it uses interferometers in phased array as an over the horizon radar. I have no idea what capability if any an AWACS has to defeat that sort of radar.
I will not publish a friends E-mail here unless they give the ok; I’m sticking my neck out and will not put anyone else at risk.
If Cernunnos being “Little Horn” and CERN is too hard to believe, discount it. The Horned One of Witchcraft has been worshiped since the very beginning. There is no doubt in my mind Cernunnos is Satan aka “Little Horn” or that we are approaching his revealing.
I have a large article posted on Malaysian 370 at the bottom of Daily Updates that I have tried to connect the dots with. There are a lot of dots.
Tri-quint means 555; in Hebrew 666 stands for the 3 nails used on Jesus Christ
Missing Malaysia Airlines plane: plea to US to release Pine Gap data
Nazis in Antarctica – The Fürherkonvoy
Got an E-mail with a breakthrough: CERN is Cernunnos aka “Little Horn” of Dan 7:8. Enough proof the God Particle is Lucifer now?
Nice So basically you being Confirm by the this . Without giving the Name do you have the Time when got the e-mail Israeli News Outlets Reporting Secret Deal To Give Temple Mount To Vatican
Keeping U.S. First: Pentagon Would Preclude a Rival Superpower”
3/11/92, Barton Gellman, one the leaked DPG recipients, Washington Pos
TriQuint-RFMD Merger Solidifies Defense Market Lead
March 17, 2014 14:28 Asif Anwar
RFMD and TriQuint announced plans to merge operations creating a company that will surpass the current market leader, Skyworks, in the supply of advanced semiconductor products. RFMD and TriQuint announced a definitive merger agreement on February 24th under which the companies will combine in an all-stock transaction.
· Designed to be a merger of equals, the new company (“NewCo”) will have a new name and shared leadership team.
· Both companies have an extensive portfolio of capabilities in the areas of advanced semiconductor process technologies such as gallium arsenide (GaAs) and gallium nitride (GaN).
· The combination will collate these complementary capabilities and enable the new company to successfully pursue defense market opportunities.
In the area of Defense, TriQuint has been a leading supplier of semiconductor technologies, for example, military radar systems used on fast-jets including the F-15, F-22 and F-35. The company also holds US DoD Trusted Source accreditation. RFMD has ongoing activity in the aerospace and defense sectors with products targeting radar, communications and electronic warfare applications.
Li, Will we be hearing from you in defense of the Knights Templar? The Hospitallers were anything but the “Arch Rivals” of the Templars and Templars were anything but “Poor Knights fo Christ”; they were then as now International Bankers using Usury and Money Changing to acquire wealth.
Templars were and are to this day Gnostics who are bent on acquiring the wealth of the world and handing it over to Lucifer.
WAR DRUMS: Biden heads to Europe to send Putin message.
Howard Check this TV show out . The New King – Part Two TV-14 CC Jack decides to take his father’s place as King before Silas can return to Shiloh and reclaim his power. Season Finale. Macaulay Culkin guest stars. with Christopher Egan
Howard your Article of GRAVITY made me think of Job 36:17 Indeed. Job 37:16
_ _ Hebrew, “Hast thou understanding of the balancings,” etc., how the clouds are poised in the air, so that their watery gravity does not bring them to the earth? The condensed moisture, descending by gravity, meets a warmer temperature, which dissipates it into vapor (the tendency of which is to ascend) and so counteracts the descending force.
_ _ perfect in knowledge — God; not here in the sense that Elihu uses it of himself (Job 36:4).
_ _ dost thou know — how, etc.
Interesting The restored Scythian name is *Skuda (archer), which among the Pontic or Royal Scythians became *Skula, in which the d has been regularly replaced by Vineyard Right ???Interesting Also Made Sckuda (archer ) had me thinking of Shoot a Crooked Arrow on Batman with Villain being the Archer with Art CARNEY.
That’s a pretty sobering youTube video Howard. Do you think McConnell is right about those hi-jacked engineers?
I don’t know for sure but remote flight technology certainly is on airliners; I have verified that with mechanics over the years. Freescale Semiconductor seems to be owned by Black Stone and Peter Peterson is SMOM. The patent holders are in a battle with parent company Black Stone and Carlyle Group and it goes missing? A bit hard for me to swallow that hook
Annuit Coeptus “He approves of our endeavor” is a Masonic anagram for Annas and Caiaphas, the Sanhedrin Priests who ordered the killing of Jesus. Novus Ordo Seclorum ” New Secular Order” is a New World Order without God in it. Draw a Six Pointed Star of Molech, Chiun, Milcom along the unfiniched pyramid on the $1 US and the 6 letters spell MASON.
I can’t believe I didn’t figure this out sooner!