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To Be or Not To Be..
To Be or not To Be; Is or Is Not if you prefer, is the only question you need to answer. Submit to IS (Islamic State) and die eternally; Submit to Allah (Sin) and sign away all rights to Heaven. To Be of this world or To Be of the next one promised by God, but not both. Jesus said we cannot have 2 masters; Time to make your Choice.
IS is a home grown, financed, trained and armed Arab terror group whose origins lie in the US, Russia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, and Qatar to name a few. Jesus said “A man’s foes shall be they of his own household” Mat 10:36. The same was true before Jesus (Ref Mic 7:6) because Jesus is God. The only thing that remains to be seen is whether your name will be in the Lamb’s “Book of Life”.
On Feast of St Lucia (Bride of Light/Lucifer) on Dec 13, 2014, IS assumed control of Raqqa and established its HQ there. Why not? Light is Langue d’ Oc; Oc=Light or Organized Crime; Yes (Oui) I know (Gnosis) it’s for the Birds (Ouissex); Green with Envy are we? Satan and his Gnostic Church sure are. Raqqa has been known for over 4000+ years as IS or Hit, the city supplied Bitumen (Slime) for the Tower of Babel then as now; Babel means “Gate of El, On, Allah”. The Son or the Sun folks. It’s not that difficult. Head for your Stained Glass Prayer Closet sans Priest and open the door to eternity through JESUS.
Yellow (Sun) + Blue (Sky)= Green, the color of Nature’s god “Green Man”; and the UN of course. Meeting in Geneva over the Full Moon on Feast of Epiphany (of Solic Intictus not Jesus) the UN HU-Man Rights Commission stated “Regulating the Internet to stop hate speech is top priority” No wonder “For I have hated Esau” -God (Mal 1:3; Rom 9:13) Exodus 17:16 says God will be at war with Amalek (Esau’s Grandson) from generation to generation. Obadiah says “None of the House of Esau shall remain” No wonder they want to stop Internet Hate Speech, they are the “Walking Dead”.
Ge=Geo=George=Earth; the Earth’s Satanic 10 Commandments at the Georgia Guide Stones begins with Maintain world population under 500 Million living in harmony with nature” What happens to the other 7 Billion is why Jesus said unless He shortened “Those Days” no Flesh would be saved. Jesus refers to people He does not know as “Earth Dwellers”; this description begins at the start of the Great Tribulation. A Green psy-op, on par with Ebola began in Jan 2015 with the H&R Block (Henry Bloch is an Ashkenazi fake Jew whose name means “Of Foreign Stock”; the stock here is Japheth-Gomer-Ashkenaz rather than Shem) Tax Commercial.
Affordable Care is Obama Care or Universal Health Care signed into unconstitutional law on Sunday 3/22 (Ostara) at 3:22 UTC (Universal Time at Greenwich); “Brotherhood of Death” is “Society 322”, “Skull & Bones” and Thule Society (TULA is the Egyptian Black Sun of the Nazi SS “Swarze Sonne”; same Wolf Angel logo is used in Kiev). Affordable Health Care is an unconstitutional eugenics program enforced by the IRS, the collection arm of international banks.
Feeling Blue?
Tekhelet is derived from the Hillazon Snail and is God’s Blue reserved for the chief Levite Priest; no longer available, Rabbis came up with an alternative because Jesus replaced this Priesthood as Melchisedek (Gen 14:8; Heb 7). This same Blue is used in Masonic Ties and the Blue Lodge, Eye of Sophia/Blue Mosque, Brahma, Vishnu, Krishna and Buddha for this reason. The Canaanite/Phoenician Alternative Blue is made by exposing Yellow secretions of Murex shellfish to UV (Black) Light to produce the Sky Blue color seen on the Logos of the UN, EU, Flag of Israel, Agenda 21, Federal Agency Logos, Obamacare, Planned Parenthood (as of 12/12), CitiGroup, Chase, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, BofA, AIG, RBS, GE, Dell, Unilever, PayPal, Ford, GM, VW, Skype, AT&T (aka Lucent), HP, IBM, Intel, Samsung, Hyundai, Google Earth, Internet Explorer, Windows 8, Smurfs, AF-1 and other VIP Jets, facebook to name a few. Google “facebook logo” it shows water rising above the Crossbar ie to the neck of the lower case f; the 6th Phoenician/English letter and physical logo of the body of man (Corpus). Know you know why facebook is so heavily promoted. Feeling Blue? Then Get Jesus in your life!
Closeted Sodomite, Jesuit, LBGT Lawyer, Bush Jr (also a Sodomite) appointee John Roberts was the swing vote to make that forced commerce, a “Tax” and therefore not subject to the Commerce Clause (Art 1 Sec 8 Clause 3) . Roberts then allowed Obama to forgo Swearing to defend the Constitution with his hand on the Bible; a first in American history. This was no accident.
Yellow (Sun aka Beatles “Yellow Submarine”) + Blue (Tekhelet/Sky)=Green (Earth or Ge the Egyptian earth god). The color Green is Hidden Language aka Bird Language, Language of Yes (Thank You Satan in Reverse Speech), Divine Language, Langued’oc (Language of Light), Enochian (House of Enoch) Language where everything is reversed ie Life (Plant) comes through Death or Animal/Human Life.
Sodomite (Google Man’s Country, Muhammad Chandoo, Kal, Pen, Reggie Love) Obama’s Prince Hall Mason designed Logo (Sun setting amid Red and White Stripes) is identical to the Carbon Fund Logo only the latter is Green. The Green Tie is a literal “Dead” Giveaway
Ebola and the 2014 Tax Year are tied.
Ebola is a British/US CDC manufactured and patented Green Psy-op Bio-weapon administered by CDC/HHS patented Vaccine; Ebola means “Balls” of a Roman Flagrum used to Scourge the Condemned before Crucifixion.
Green highlights Tax (Burden) versus Obama Care. Obama means “He is with us” in Farsi (Zoroastrian), the language of WWIII (Ahura Mazda ((White)) Versus Ahriman ((Black)) and Green Man, the Arab Messiah “al-Khidr” aka Green Man who arrives with “al-Mahdi” as Antichrist and False Prophet.
The Pale Horse
The Pale Horse is green because gray/green corpses give life (Green); he is Death and Hell follows him.
Just a guess, but April 15th “Tax Day” (Form 1040=1040 Days + 1260 Days= 2300 Days of Dan 8) may also be highlighted in this commercial.
On Obama’s 100th day in office he was honored at Union Square Park in NYC (Flag is supported by the Fasces and topped by a Golden Dome) with a portrait of him in front of the Tekhelet Blue Presidential Seal wearing a Crown of Thorns, parting the Veil as Jesus did, wearing a Tekhelet Blue Coat
The following year he was on the cover of Newsweek aka Daily Beast wearing a Rainbow (LGBT Logo and symbol of the Flood) This may be the day he is Martyred by Jesuits who previously have murdered 7 US Presidents; Obama would be #8 and the end of the 8th Covenant between God and Man begins the 1260 day Great Tribulation. America will be Sacrificed on the Altar of the New Age because Amar is the Canaanite god of the West; Ameru means Serpent; Priests of Ameru are related to Michelle/Michael Obama; Amurru is the western world of the dead and Amurru is the Edomite Shepherd and Serpent god. Now you know why America was created and likely when it will die.
Obama’s Election was planned long in advance. 1st, Hillary Clinton ended her campaign amid a US Flag with all 50 Stars sewn on upside down
Upside down 5 pt Star is Baphomet (Baph+Metis=Union of Wisdom and Knowledge) On Election Night, standing
Where Abraham Lincoln (Murdered by Jesuits) stood Michelle (Michael Robinson) wore a Black Widow Dress. 44 years ago, the 44th President was predicted to be our last by Allan Martin
All the Dominoes for Esau’s Dominion are falling into place quite nicely I would think. Time to get right with JESUS!
The Pit
WWIII will pit Zionism against Islam; a Luciferian Fascist Dictatorship will rise from the ashes, which is why America has economic sanctions in place for Russia (Kievan Rus=Sarmations “People of the Prince”), Iran (Noble Zoroastrian Caste) and now (Jan 2015) for North Korea (Edomite/Korahite Priesthood).
Folks, WWIII is being set up from the inside of these governments and they warn us in advance.
The IVANKA and BUFIT (Ivan means John; Knights of St John like Donald Trump are Johnniters; Bufit is Jimmy Buffet manager of Cruise Ship drug shipments in South Fl) Departure Procedures from West Palm (West=Land of the Dead; Palm=Arab Evergreen Tree or “Grove”) Beach Airport; Palm Beach is on the East Coast folks! (Page 3 or 5)
flies over Donald Trump’s Mar a Lago mansion; it is dated 2 years before “The Donald” (Knight of Malta) began his “Birther” investigations with Mitt Romney advisor Sheriff Joe Arpaio (Operation Gun Runner was managed by the Phoenix BATFE under the good Sheriff’s nose?) on Obama’s intelligibility to be US President. Notice the points Baybe, Cryer, Pyrut, Ahhab, Donld, Trmmp and BRTHR
The Patriot (The Patriot Act had already been written) featured Mel Gibson weighing 2 Oak Rocking Chairs (Rock us to Sleep) each weighing 9 Lb 11 Oz the summer before 9/11/2001. He smashed both, crushed under his weight (Pancake Theory).
33° Sodomite Freemason Clint Eastwood’s movie Hereafter featured a Tsunami hitting an Asian coastal town and a scene with Big Ben indicating 3:11 (The date of Fukushima was Mar 11)
Nic Cage (Knight of Malta) movie Knowing (Gnosis means “To Know”) featured the Deep Water Oil Rig burning and sinking in the Gulf of Mexico exactly 1 yr before the incident.
The Equalizer Denzel Washington (similar role in Book of Eli) takes on the God-less, money obsessed Russian Mob just in time for Russian sanctions.
The Interview was an enormous publicity stunt by Sony (Sun) Pictures (Japan means Land of the rising Sun; Hollywood means “Holy Wood” of Apollo) similar to Argo (Ben Affleck is a CIA asset). Both movies resulted in sanctions against Iran (Khorasan=Land of the Sun; Iran=Aryan “Noble Caste”) and North Korea (Korah or Core are the Rebel Priests of Num 16, the Amalekites at war with God. Their logo Yin Yang is the Solar track of the Sun across an Obelisk (Baal’s Shaft) over a Solar Year; Red, White, Blue the colors of Witchcraft Initiation and Masonic Initiation).
Allah is a 4000 year old Arab Moon god no more Muslim than the Nation of Islam (Nation of the 1st Race “Shabazz”), and has absolutely nothing to do with being Shia (Ismaili or Nizari Assassin) or Sunni; Allah is Gnostic as is Sophia the Goddess of the United Nations. Nations were divided by water after the Flood in Joktan and Peleg’s day; Joktan is the Arab father. Goddess of Britain “Britannia” is derived from B’Rith meaning Birthright of the 1st born sons Cain, Canaan, Elam/Iran, Joktan, Ishmael and Esau. Mother Russia is the Kievan Rus (Sarmation) goddess Mokos or Misha the Russian Bear “Honey Eater” referring to Chaldean Bee meaning Word (Honey Eater Winnie the Poo and Smokey the Bear ringing a Baal here?. Columbia is Lady Freedom standing 19.5 ft over the Capitol “Womb of the Goddess” or Beehive symbolizing the Metonic Cycle of the Sun and Moon.
Europa, is the Cretan goddess of the EU. The EU Parliament in Strasbourg is the Tower of Babel readied for the occupant of Seat 666; the Woman riding the Beast in front of the EU Offices in Brussels.
Sophia “Gnosis” or “Wisdom” is the goddess of the United Nations and Orthodox Religions; the Immaculately Conceived Mary (Mer means Sea referring to Mt Meru “Sun”) of the Catholic (Universal) Church.
Moon Beings are Chaldeans, called Bards, Ovates, Troubadores or Sufis; possessors of Mystical Knowledge. Moonies are Unification Church disciples of Sun Myung Moon which is why the UN is headed by Korean (Korah) CIA, Unification Church member Ban Ki Moon; the UN is assembling the nations once divided in Joktan (Arabs) and Peleg’s day 100 years after the Flood. Moon Beings claimed Spiritual Knowledge and imparted this through Initiation beginning with the Tower of Babel. The Moon “Pitris” or “Rock of Truth” came to be known as the Amorite and Nabatteaan Arab “Petra” and Catholic Church rock “Peter” holding the “Keys to Heaven”. The Divinity of Jesus was the real Key. Merlin became the most famous Moon Being as advisor to King Arthur (Bear Guard) seated in the midst of 12 Knights as the Sun sits in the midst of the 12 signs of the Zodiac; 13 is therefore the number of Rebellion.
The Christian Fish Symbol originated in Phoenicia and ends in London. British (B’Rith) means “Children of the Covenant”, the Prime Meridian bisects the East-West Hemispheres forming the Vesica Pisces aka Golden Mean aka Labrys (Womb of the Goddess). Picture the Oroborus Serpent eating it’s own tail in London. Lugnunum is the Celtic “Warrior” Lug, patron deity meaning “New Troy”; Paris (House of IS) and Helen (Helena=Hellene=Free) and Troy Oz may ring a Baal they are the “Wizards of Oz”.
From Columbus Circle/Lincoln Center (both were Rosicrucians), take 7 Left (Sinister) Forks down Broadway to Union Square Park and the Fasces Symbol in front of the Red Virgin Building and the Countdown Clock to Midnight. It won’t get any more obvious than this folks. Just south is the Wall St Bull seen in Egypt as the Apis (Honey or Word), in Crete as the 1/2 Man 1/2 Bull Minotaur of Europa and Zeus and Golden Calf which awaits in the land of Fiat Currency and Derivatives at Ground Zero or “Land of Zoroaster”; ONE World Trade Center and Ground Zero Mosque originally to be called Cordoba after Sepharvaim (1 Ki 17:30) who were evicted from Spain as Cryptos and Maranos (Fraud Muslims, Christians and Jews)
Folks, we need to dump the lies; Mary was not a Perpetual Virgin (Lateran Council 649 AD) nor Immaculate (Sinless) (Pius IX 1854) nor Assumed to Heaven (Pius XII 1950). 2 people in all of Earth’s 6000 year history (dump the Big Bang, 13.7B Yr Universe, Evolution nonsense) have been Bodily Resurrected to Heaven before death; Seth’s Enoch and Prophet Elijah; we will see them soon and like everyone else on Earth, they will die and come face to face with Jesus. The bearded, long hair, hooded, white man with a Halo? Not even close.
Pope Francis I consecrated the world to “Our Lady of Fatima” on Oct 13, 2013, the anniversary of the illegal arrest and execution of International Usury Bankers “Knights Templar”. Mary is called “Mother of all Nations”; she will be proclaimed “Spiritual Mother of all People” by Pope Francis I, the first Jesuit Pope not remotely serving God, but serving the Jesuit General aka Black Pope Adolfo Nicholas. Nicholas is derived from Nicolaitane; Nico=Conquer; Laitane=Laity; Jesus hates the Doctrine of Nicolaitanes as He hates Esau and is at war with their spiritual descendants “Amalekites” from generation to generation. Francis means “Free”; the 5th apparition of “Our Lady of Fatima” will be a proclamation of Mary (Sophia, Ishtar, Ashtoreth, Easter, Chaldean STUR, Venus; Star of Milcom and Chiun) as Advocate, Mediatrix and Co-redemptrix. The 5th apparition will be a descent of the Holy Spirit; God describes this as the “Strong Delusion” In the Age of Aquarius this outpouring will be a Jovian Apocalypse (Revealing of Antichrist). Why Fatima? The conversion of Sunni Islam to Messianic Shia Islam was through Muhammad’s daughter in law Fatima of course! This IS the last generation! Why now? Pope Francis I is the “Last Pope” according to the Prophecy of St Malachy (no such person this is Molech)
Pope Francis Consecrated the World (Consecrate with Blood) to Our Lady of Fatima on Oct 13, 2013 (Templar/International bankers were illegally arrested Oct 13, 1307). Fatima is the Canaanite/Phoenician Asherah aka “Our Lady” of “Our Lady of the Sea”, the Whore of Babylon. Mer means Sea; Merlin ringing a Baal? The night Pope Benedict XVI resigned, St Peter’s Basilica was hit by Lightning twice; he was elected on 2 Nisan “Red Heifer Day” Coincidence? Sure, just like a Crow and Raven attacking his Dove of Peace the following year. Feast of Epiphany, Jan 6 is a good guess for this next and final apparition; 2015? Time will tell soon enough.
Jesuit Pope Francis I is a Foreigner in the House of God; an Operation Condor Operative from Argentina matching the Hopi Condor and Eagle Prophecy (Daily Updates front page has this); he is Pope #112 from Pope Celestine V and “Last Pope”; Argentina “Ag” means Silver, the material of Dorothy’s (Doro=Door) slippers in Wizard of Oz (still asleep in the Opium Poppies are we?); Emerald “Lightning” City is Green because it is home to Green Man aka Arab “al-Khidr”. The night Pope Benedict XVI resigned, lightning hit St Peter’s Basilica twice; Francis was elected on 2 Nisan “Red Heifer Day”. Coincidence? Just like the Dove of Peace attack by a Crow and Seagull eh?
Right on cue, on Jan 1, 2015 NATO ended its 13 yr program to curb Opium production in Afghanistan “International Security Assistance Force” and began Operation “Resolve Support”; the Taliban enforced Zero Opium Exports; 13 years later the US-NATO using Drones flown to Turkey and Kyrgyzstan account for 98% or 6400 Tons of Opium to the world. NATO-US forces chasing Osama bin Laden who Dick Cheney, Robert Mueller and the US Senate declared had nothing to do with 9/11/2001 went from Zero Opium to 6400 Tons in 13 years; Poppies now stretch from Munchkin Land to Emerald City. Poppy Bush, Clinton, Shrub and Obama all deserve a round of applause. Fabulous Job Guys.
Dorothy returns from her Initiation to Kansas (Black and White; remember?), the Geographic Heartland of the US. Gov of Kansas and future HHS Sec Kathleen Sebelius delivered the rebuttal to George W Bush last State of the Union using “Heartland” and “Coming together from Both sides of the Isle” over and over. Why? Obama means “He is with us” in Farsi (Zoroastrian) and he too is a Foreigner with absolutely no credentials to be President; a trained Mujahideen “Warrior of Allah”. If this is too hard to accept disregard it, but critical to understand is Sodomy. CeDom means “To Burn or Scorch one’s Heart”. Obama is a Foreign Sodomite married to Michelle (Michael) Robinson, also a Sodomite related to the Ethiopian Priests of Ameru. Jesuits, Knights of Malta Talmudic fake Jews control every aspect of the American Supreme Court, Executive Branch and Congress. It can’t fall more than this into Sin.
Care to invest in Government Debt? Obama Fund rolls out in January 2015 as MyRa. Ra is the Egyptian sun god, and Myra a reference to St Nicholas of Myra aka Santa Claus, the Nicolaitane (Nico=Conquer; Laity) who conquered the Laity by elevating the Clergy. Jesus hates 2 things: Nicolaitane Doctrine and Esau.
God shall not be mocked
Obama rode in the Assyrian New Year celebration in Chicago down Nimrod Blvd on an ass wearing a crown of thorns. Obama appeared on the cover of Newsweek wearing a Rainbow Halo with the caption “1st Gay President”. Ra created the Divine Race using Secret Names; Obama “He is with us” took the nomination in Mile High City on a Greek Stage followed by Deep Water Horizon one mile deep. Ra merged with Horus as “Horus of the 2 Horizons” which is why Obama bowed to Queen Elizabeth at the Prime Meridian; is claimed to have been born in Hawaii (Water and Breath of Life in the West) and Emperor Akahito on the Eastern most “Land of Dead” in Japan. Straits of Hormuz is Horus + Tammuz=Ormazd aka Ahura Mazda; the Kingdom of Ormus (Snake) is the Persian Gulf and used the stylized Virgo logo. Obama is thus “Horus of the 2 Horizons” aka Horus of Life and Death; ruler of the Sky, Earth and Underworld. Michelle/Michael wore a Black Widow Dress on Election Night at the spot where Abraham Lincoln was elected for a reason. My guess is Obama will be sacrificed with America in order to give birth to the New Age.
In Egypt, Ra is the father of Shu as in JahShua or YahShua and Hu (Authority) as in HuMan or YaHuah. Salvation is solely through JAH (Ps68:4 AB) JESUS (Mat 1:25 AB) No other Name will do and He was born on Feast of Tabernacles not Christmas.
Hanukkah (Dedication), Christmas (Sacrifice of the Messiah) and Epiphany have nothing to do with Jesus; this is the Epiphany of Solis Invictus aka Persian Mithra. Note: Jesuits are no more Catholic than Talmudic Rabbis are Jewish, Messianic Imams are Muslim or Reverends are of Jesus. IS is a Worldwide Caliphate of Sharia and Noahide Law revealed by Satan using the International Criminal Court of Justice in Amsterdam. This Revealed Law began with the Laws of Naram-Sin, Lipit Ishtar and the Code of Hamurabi not God. Jesus was declared a Criminal and all of His followers will be as well. Everyone dies and everyone is Judged by the Creator. Why not get right with Him now rather than trying to toss a Hail Mary pass at the Super Bowl? JESUS is standing at door to your Prayer Closet waiting for you to invite Him in. A Baptism with Fire and the Holy Ghost beats Babylonian Holy Water every time!
Gnostics reject and change everything having to do with God; they use Esau, willing to sell his birthright for a bowl of beans to lead them (Rudolph=Wolf leading Santa/Satan ringing a Baal here?) and Science. First born of Adam and Eve was Cain (dump the Lilith and Satan impregnating Eve nonsense); God made Man (Adam) in His image and likeness and Woman (Eve) from Man; period, end of the Word. Cainites entered the post Flood world by incest between Ham and his mother (dump the Sodomy nonsense); this illicit union of Mother and Son produced Canaan, the “Cursed” bloodline. Ishmael and Esau married Canaanite wives and in retaliation for Jacob impersonating Esau, Esau impersonates Jacob ie Christians and Jews today. Islam? Created by Canaanites (Phoenicians) the Gnostic forerunners of the Jesuits and Freemasons who in turn created Esoteric Freemasory. Good plan, but doomed to fail because God is not fooled. Islamic State? Not for this follower of the Word of God.
Science means “Scire: To Know”; not Truth, but intimacy with Sin. Big Bang, Heliocentrism (Sun Centered), Gravity, Black Holes, Dark Matter, String Theory, Aliens, Evolution are all Gnostic lies. The Truth? 6000 yr old Created, Fixed Earth falling deeper into Sin with Judgment of God straight ahead.
Gnostic Dominion (Sovereign Authority to Rule) over Earth is achieved from 3 Sovereign Nations: District of Columbia (Military), Vatican (Universal Religion), City of London Corporation (Money/Material)
Authorized Bible
Esau achieves “Dominion” (Sovereign Authority to Rule) in this world as promised by God (Gen 27:40 AB) in the 7th purified Word of God. In all other versions, this critical scripture is changed or outright reversed. “The words of the LORD are pure words, as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified 7 times” Ps 12:6
The 7th purified Word is the 1611 Authorized Bible aka King James Bible named after the man who financed it. The List: Tyndale’s Bible (Tyndale was kidnapped, strangled and burned alive), Matthew’s, Coverdale’s, Great Bible (1st by Committee of scholars), Geneva (1st with Study Notes) and the 1611 Authorized Bible Latin Vulgate used in the Douay Rheims Catholic Bible and Syriac Peshitta are omitted; their source as are all new Bible Versions is Gnostic. Facsimiles of God’s Word as Lucifer is a Facsimile of God. The 6th purified bible Geneva Bible uses Jah in Ps 68:4 and Jesus in Mat 1:25. The 7th purified bible uses JAH and JESUS because the source of the Old and New Covenants/Testaments is SPIRITUAL through the Holy Ghost.
Think you know the Bible? You don’t unless it’s the Authorized Bible and it means exactly what is written; no Private Interpretation. Jesus fulfilled every Jot and Tittle of the Law because He wrote it; it is only through Him that our Sins can be forgiven because He was the only person in history to have wrote it, been it, lived it or even claimed to have lived it perfectly; Jesus is Alpha which is why the Pharisees (they were Gnostic, no more Jewish than Talmudic Rabbis) had Him Crucified (nailed to the Tree of Knowledge) Jesus is JESUS/JAH (God in SPIRIT), with us as the Holy Ghost and returning in Flesh as promised in the Word; the Spirit of God unites with God in Flesh 1000 years later when creation is 7000 yrs old as Omega. Simple isn’t it? and in writing. Jesus is the Word made Flesh, He did not make any mistakes. BTW Rapture, Christmas, and Easter are not in it. If your Bible has Jah in Ps 68:4 it is referencing JahPater or Jupiter/Zeus who abducted Ganymede as a youth to initiate him using Pederasty.
JESUS is not a Trinity. John 1:1, 14 and 1 Jn 5:7 AB confirm Jesus is God, Father, Holy Ghost and Word, written in the beginning as Alpha, Messianic Islam and here at the end as Omega. I AM being JAH/JEHOVAH/JESUS; I Am He being Jah/Jehovah/Jesus (God in Flesh) being with God in SPIRIT.
Are you a “Christian”? Christ means Messiah; The Knights Templar, Jesuits, Assassins, Shia Ismailis, Bahai, Hindus, Talmudic fake Jews, Zionists and others are waiting for the Messiah and not it’s not Jesus. All these groups can justly be called “Christian”. Protestants rely on teachings of John Calvin; nice to be pre-chosen for Heaven but it doesn’t work that way. Catholics rely on the Pope; nice is it were possible, but Jesus didn’t leave a Vicarious Christ on Earth; He left the Holy Ghost and we need to ask Him for it.
Apologetics is the defense of legal charges; the defense of Jesus as God in Flesh, SPIRIT, Word and Holy Ghost in Sharia Law and Noahide Law courts will result in Physical Decapitation, but successful defense of Jesus’ final Judgment. Scutum Fidei or Shield of Faith
is used by Apologetics of many religions to indicate: God, Son, Holy Spirit EST God meaning IS God, but the Son NON EST (is not) the Father, Holy Ghost or Word. That Apology will allow you To Be of this World, but not be part of the World to come.
Make no Apologies folks; our response to things of this world should be “Yay” or “Nay”; Holy means “To Separate”. The Language of Yes, Birds, Angelic, Enochian (Pa Hanok or House of Enoch is Phoenix) or Light used by those unknown to JESUS manifested into the Trinity “OIW” where W=U, thus OIU or Oui (Yes in French). Eastern religions use AOU + M (Silence) seen in AUM. Jesus is God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost and God the Word. God is not a Trinity. Paul told the Ephesians we need to understand the Length, Breadth, Width and Height of the matter; Height refers to the SPIRITUAL Dimension.
Phoenix means House of Enoch, Red, Blood, Murder and Strike. Enochian Language is the Language of Birds (Ouissex), Green Language, Oil and Yes (Oui). Enoch, was taken to Heaven during the pre-Flood on a Chariot of Fire; Seth’s Enoch by himself, not Cain’s City of Enoch claimed by Mormons. Arming the Sinaloa (Sina=China=Cathay=Heth=Hittites the wives of Ishmael and Esau) in Operation Fast and Furious was managed in Phoenix AZ; Sheriff (Tax Collector) Joe Arpaio a Mitt Romney adviser. Enochian Sex Magick was derived at the Tower of Babel (Gate of El); followers are called Elohim. Red has the obvious connection to Esau who sold his Birthright to Jacob and intends to kill him (Gen 27:40 AB); Jacob is scattered all over the world, so this will be a worldwide Holocaust (Fire Sacrifice). Cain was the first fratricide murderer who shed the blood of Abel; God heard the cry of this blood and banished Cain as a Vagabond; his spiritual offspring have been Murdering, Pillaging and destroying the world like Locusts ever since. Strike means Hit; IS headquarters is in Raqqa also called Hit. Russia, Rome, Nazi Germany and the US (Gold Coins) used the Phoenix symbol and have murdered hundreds of millions. Jesus is the GOD on the ONE $? Guess again.
Tower of Babel is a Death Star
Raqqa is the ancient City of Is or Hit and current capital of ISIS or IS. ISIS means “Throne”; IS “Islamic State”; Islam (Aslama) means “To Submit to god”; Muslim means “One who submits to the will of Allah”; Allah is “Sin”. Raqqa supplied the Bitumen (Slime, Tar or Asphalt) for the Mortar in the Tower of Babel 4000 years ago and does still. Brick Mortar? Since when is Tar useful as Mortar? Secret Society Initiation is the real Tower of Babel; specifically Luciferian Initiation and the UN Planetary Initiative states “No person shall enter the new age unless he or she accepts a Luciferian Initiation. Hard to do? No way; Say the Shahada “There is not God but Allah” and you’re in. Say the Mezuzah “The LORD our God is One” and you are in. It will however cost you the “Pearl of Great Price”, a relationship with JESUS.
Is sits at the end of the “Silk Road” used by Nomadic Warriors (Cain was the first Nomad/Wanderer; Canaan was the 1st of the post Flood age; Sarmations, Scythians, Vikings, Normans, Huns, Pirates all examples. Warriors of the Steppe were the first which is why Khorasan (area of NE Persia) is another name for the mis-named “Terrorist” group IS/ “Sarmation” is derived from Sar meaning Prince; the Prince is Satan, the child in the lap of the Black Virgin. The “Golden Horde” of Genghis Kahn, Tamarlane and Atilla the Hun all used the Silk Road to ravage the earth like locusts; soon 200Million people will be led to slaughter at Armageddon (Mt of Slaughter). Waiting on the arrival of Jesus? Better rethink that; everyone in front of Him dies in an instant.
Iran means “Noble Caste”; the Steppe “Khorasan” (a name of IS) means “Land of the Sun” and today stretches around the world to Japan “Land of the Rising Sun” or “Orient”. In Luciferian parlance “Game Over”. Time to choose sides folks!
Sunni Hanafi initiate Tamarlane, the self styled “Sword of Islam” killed 17 million (1/20th of the world) making a Tower of 20,000 Skulls in Raqqa. The Skull symbolizes the “Temple of Wisdom” sitting atop Man’s 33rd Vetebra “Atlas Bone”. Skyles and an Egyptian princess were said to have founded the “Scythians” who bore Skulls of their conquests on their horses; named after the Scythe used by Cronos aka “Grim Reaper” they share the name with Skull & Bones used by European and Arab (Barbary or Corsairs) Pirates and Brotherhood of Death fraternity initiates Prescott Bush, George Bush Sr, Jr and Jeb, John Kerry Robert Kagan to name a few. Conspicuous use of Hashish made Scythian nomads comparable with Hashishin or “Assassins” led by Agha Kahn IV from Paris “House of IS”. The US, Israel, Jordan, Turkey, and Russia (Google Mol Comfort and Nour M) finance, train and equip ISIS “Throne” with the goal of worldwide implementation of Sharia Law; acceptance is the “Unforgivable Sin”
Statues made from Black Basalt of ISIS, the Egyptian Queen equivalent with the Sumerian Nanna or Babylonian Ishtar (Easter) were transported all over Europe and Asia by Knights Templar and Nizari Assassins, both the very same International Bankers Jesus turned the tables on at the 2nd Temple in Jerusalem; there they were called Sadducees. ISIS is the Black Virgin worshipped by the “Black Nobility” and Astro-pjhysicists as “Dark Matter” or “Black Holes”; she is not giving birth, but rather presenting Antichrist (Alternative Messiah), the Messiah (Christ) linking the Assassins (Shia Islam) with the Templars. Jesus (Jah) came in His Father’s name (JAH, JEHOVAH, I AM) and was rejected. He said another will come in his own name and be accepted. al-Mahdi and al-Khidr or Krishna (Black) for example.
Differences between Sunni and Shia schools of Sharia Law are similar to the differences between Roman Catholicism, Orthodox, and various Protestant denominations or Noahide Law of Israel; all in the end are Sheep Pens designed for the worship of the Earth (Geo)-Sun (Sol/Solic Invuctus/Mithra) Messiah called “Green Man”. Iran President Hassan Rouhani, Ayathollah ali-Sistani, ali-Khameini, Agha Khan IV are Sharia Law Judges just like the Sunni based ISIS; both Ayathollahs, Paris Grand Orient (Rising Sun) trained Luciferian Masons, like the man primarily responsible for their installment Skull & Bones “Brotherhood of Death” George “Magog” HW Bush. A curious name derived from Earth and the Burning Bush (JEHOVAH) or Beast from the Earth if you will. His real name Scherff comes from Nikola Tesla’s lab assistant; George was named “Curious George” for monkeying around in his lab in the years prior to Prescott Bush ordering Tesla’s murder. An episode of the Simpson’s featured a bedtime story to a sick Bart (Bartholomew is the Patron Saint of Russia, worldwide leader in the development of Tesla based Earth destroying EM (Electro=Sun; Magnetic=Earth) weapons. Union Bank President Prescott Bush laundered the money to create the Nazi Empire, the European Union and United Nations will finish it. “Nobody shall enter the New Age unless he or she accepts a Luciferian Initiation.
ISIS and the CIA
ISIS figurehead Muhammad al-Baghdadi was trained by the US CIA in Camp Bucca (Bucca refers to the Celtic Storm god Bucca), an Israeli citizen and Mossad asset, al-Baghdadi (Supreme Camel) is a Scapegoat similar to CIA asset Tim Osman (Osman I founded the Ottoman Empire) aka Osama bin Laden (Lion; Crib or Manger; Ladon) where Ladon is a multi-headed Dragon that replaces a severed head with 2 more. al-Qaeda, Jabat al-Nusra, Boko Haran, Free Syrian Army, Islamic Jihad, Khorasan (Land of the Sun) for example. The goal of ISIS is worldwide implementation of Sharia and Noahide Law under the rule of One Supreme Fascist Caliph which is why the Fasces adorns the Supreme Court Doors, Congress and Oval Office.
Islam and Zionism were created from Canaanite/Phoenician religion in Carthage, written by St Augustine in “City of God”. Zionism or Messianic Judaism is identical to Messianic Islam; both stem from “Chiliasm”, the belief in a human Messiah descended from Judah and King David. In Ps 68:4 AB (KJV=AB) “JAH” is changed to “Jah” in all new bible versions; the Spiritual form of God “JAH” is changed to a human (Hu is the Druid creator; Humanism is the worship of Hu) Messiah “Jah”. Similar treatment is given in Mat 1:25 where JESUS is changed to Jesus. Shriner (Noble Arab Order of the Mystic Shrine) Masons celebrate the slaughter of 50,000 Christians by wearing the Red Fez adorned by the Scimitar or Crescent (Arab/Mormon Hilal or Heylel mean Lucifer) Sword. Whatever the variety, Sharia Law has 5 basic tenets
Oneness with Allah Allah is the 4000 year old moon god “Sin”. “Moon Beings” were/are called Vates, Bards or Sufis aka “Pitris” (Rock of Truth=Moon) which developed into the Edomite and Arab Nabbattean Petra and Peter, the Rock of the Catholic Church. Water Baptism is nothing more than the Mist of pre-creation divided to form the Earth according to Gnostics. Why the Moon? The Moon reflects the displays the Light of the Sun in a manner Man is able to observe. The first human Laws contrary to the Contract between God and Man described in the Old Testament were written soon after the Flood (2346 BC) and attributed to Naram-Sin of Akkad aka “Divine King of the 4 Quarters” ca 2250 BC. The Akkadian “Sin” is equivalent with the Sumerian “Nanna”; Akkad means Gypsy; the 4 Quarters is symbolized by the Circled Cross or Celtic “Warrior” Cross; the broken Circled Cross is called the “Swastika” or “Broken Sun Wheel” used in Vedic Eastern religions. Naram-Sin is the grandson of Sargon the Great of Akkad, born 21 years after the Flood and the 1st to be declared “Legitimate King of the World”; Legitimate, just not Divine, his sister/wife was a Chaldean Temple Prostitute as was his daughter. Under the Papal Chair of St Peter is the Shahada “There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet” Jesus’ Divinity is the Big Rock upon which the Christian Church was built; Peter and the Edomite/Nabattaean Arab Petra are “Small Stones” upon which the Roman (Rom=Man; Romani=Gypsy) Catholic (Universal) and Arab Muslim (both Sunni and Shia) Churches are built.
Belief in the Prophet Muhammad Muhammad was an Edomite descended from Koreish Bedouins who in turn descended from Priests of Korah in Num 16. Amalek was Esau’s grandson; Amalekites have been and will be at continuous War with God from Generation to Generation ie until the beginning of the Great Tribulation when the Spirit of the LORD will depart and be replaced by the “Strong Delusion” as in Eze 8 and as Jesus did at the Crucifixion. Edomites control the Temple Mount today as they did 2000 years ago in their Priest guise as Pharisees. Jude 7 describes the perishing of people following the “Gainsaying of Core/Korah”. Gainsaying results from Wealth “Fatness of Earth” promised Esau in Gen 27:40 Authorized Bible. Edomites are Priests living off “Tithing” ie the “Dew of Heaven” also in Gen 27:40 AB. Imams, Rabbis and Priests all illegally collect “Tithing”, the money God reserved for the Levites to copy God’s Word exactly as delivered by the Holy Ghost and set up the Tabernacles exactly as God intended. Priests of Korah had other ideas and were swallowed up in the Earth as a result.
Belief in Imams Whether Sunni or Shia, Imams are central to Islam; the necessary representatives of Allah, as necessary as the Roman Pope, the necessary Vicar (Vicarious) representative of Jesus. Constantine the Great was the first; his mother the Druid Princess “Helena”. The New Covenant is purely SPIRITUAL through the Holy Ghost; JESUS is the Holy Ghost (1 Jn 5:7 AB). There are no Priests, Imams or Rabbis in the New Covenant (Mat 23:8-10). Anyone calling themselves “Reverend”, anyone collecting “Tithing” and any Pastor leading Sheep in teachings not written in the Authorized Bible are part of the Korahite Priesthood.
Belief in the Day of Judgment Jesus will set up the Judgment Seat at the end of the Millennium just over 1000 years from now. Everyone lives, dies and faces Judgment. Everyone will be Resurrected and face this Judgment according to the Word of God; Jesus is the “Word made Flesh”. This “Second Death” lasts for Eternity. Sharia Law Judges and Noahide Law Judges (Sanhedrin) have one thing in common; Both reject the Divinity of JESUS. Rejection of the Holy Ghost is the “Unforgivable Sin”. JESUS blots out the Name of everyone who rejects the Holy Ghost and Seals the Book of Life. Korahite Rabbis and Imams have their own Book of Life. Catholics rely on Papal infallibility and Protestants on the Calvinist (Calvin=Cauvin=Cohen, a Zionist Samaritan Cohen=Priest) teachings of fixed Pre-destination. TULIP (Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace and fixed Pre-destination) are 5 Lies just as the 5 tenets of Islam. These are Korahite Priesthood concepts not written by God.
Justice of Allah “Sin and Sin boldly for nothing can separate you from the grace of God” Black Cloistered Monk Martin Luther, 10 Jubilees ago in 1517. 2017 is a Satanic Jubilee following the 8th Tetrad of Lunar Eclipses in 2014-15. Luther began the Protestant division with 30 years of War. “Do what thou wilt shall be the sum of the law” Aleister Crowley, so called “Evilest man on earth” and illigitimate father of Barbara (Pierce=Percy, Jesuit conspirator in the Gun Powder Plot to murder King James for ordering the 7th and promised (Ps 12:6) final purified Words in the Bible aka Authorized Bible) Bush. Babalon Working was Crowley’s version of the Sex Magick ritual that began in the days of Sargon the Great of Akkad (His mother was a Temple Prostitute in Babel) Jesus said the Wages of Sin is Death; a Death which lasts for Eternity.
Like it or not, everyone who has ever lived and is living now will be Judged; in Flesh by Sharia Law and Noahide Law by the International Criminal Court, World Court and Sanhedrin or in Spirit by Jesus Christ, the Word made Flesh, one with the Father and Son, and Holy Ghost, who shed His Blood and took the Curse upon Himself for everyone who accepts it. Pretty simple choice; Just turn Right! To your Left will be everyone on Earth who failed to recognize God hanging on the Tree next to them.
walking – slow down…..if you are running, run faster.
Doomsday Clock – Major Announcement by Scientists Forthcoming
Is the end of the world nigh? Atomic scientists set to make ‘major announcement’ about Doomsday Clock
•Symbolic clock was established by Manhattan Project scientists in 1947
•It’s designed to show how close civilisation is to facing global
Boots on the ground in Syria will trigger Mutual Defense Pacts between Syria, Russia and Iran. 1000 US Military “Trainers” are headed to Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan and Turkey to train “Rebels” beginning Jan 20 and the annual State of the Union address. Inaugurating the Age of Aquarius. Jupiter Ascending ringing a Baal? Congress means “To meet for War” in the Womb of Jupiter; the Cup Bearer is Ganymede, the Cretan youth “Reared” by Zeus/Jupiter.
The State of the Union will be delivered to Congress between 2 Fasces Symbols by Constitutionally ineligible, not Sworn to defend the Constitution using a Bible, Sodomite, 32 degree Prince Hall Freemason, Barack Obama aka Bari Malik Shabazz.
Not coincidentally, as the Annual Age of Aquarius aligns with the Astrological Age of Aquarius, the Planet Mercury aka Toth/Hermes “Retrogrades”. For the millions of Astrologers watching this Stage Show, “Healing” will now become “Destruction”.
Ganymede is the standard bearer of Pederasty; he is usually wearing the Phrygian Cap (Cap of Mithra; Obama means “He is with us” in Zoroastrian/Farsi the originators of Mithra and Zoroaster), with an Eagle (Aquilla=Aquarius=Eagle=Zeus and Esau “Exalts himself as the Eagle letting his nest among the Stars” ie the 11th Constellation of Aquarius) and he always carries the Crowing Cock, the symbol of War (Mars or Nergal the Crowing Rooster of the Persian Nowruz “New Light”)
Now put the Retrograde of Mercury together with the Inaugural State of the Union of America (Eagle) and a New Moon, given by an Initiated Pederast Obama whose name means “He is with us” in Zoroastrian and one final thing.
The Ganymede myth originated in Assyria/Akkadia as the myth of Etana who “Consolidated all Nations” “E Pluribus Unum” ringing a Baal here? The symbol of this myth was a Tree with a Serpent at the base and the Eagle in the top branches who work together; on the $US is the Eagle carrying the Serpent.
Now add the movie “Jupiter Ascending”, impending War in Syria and the State of the Union (Astrological Age of Aquarius matched with Annual Age of Aquarius and a New Moon) being managed by a lifelong Catamite married to a Transvestite (Michael Robinson) and you will see why the Eagle has been the symbol of the Roman Empire, Greek Pederasty, Tsarist Russia Nazi Empire and America
Chuck Missler uses his own definitions of the names of the pre-flood patriarchs to arrive at “Man is appointed Mortal Sorrow; the Blessed God shall come down, Teaching, that his death shall bring the Despairing Comfort” Usng Strong’s Concordance of the Authorized Bible here is how it should read “A Ruddy, Red Man, Hypocrite (Esau/Edom) will be Substituted (for Jacob); a Bloodthirsty, Mortal, Stranger, Fixed in his Nest Dwelling; seeking Fame and Praise (Eagle’s Nest) of El (Saturn), Bringing Down, Subduing and causing To Fall using Initiation and Training Up (School) to Dedicate (Hanukkah/Christmas is a Dedication to Sol), a Man of a Dart whose Rest is Uncertain” How is that for a little Leaven Leavening the whole lump?
Confirm again Brother ahead them truly Hallelujah
America Must Fall For The One World Government To Rise
CALLED IT: Billionaire George Soros Funded the Highly Organized Ferguson Protests to the Tune of $33 Million
Right, America must fall first as Scapegoat Babylon. Hale Jah refers to the human Messiah that comes out of the ashes; JESUS is JAH
Email 01/17/2015 in response to the Genealogy of Noah claimed by Chuck Missler and the Lost Book of Noah. Be careful with those Gnostic Texts. Be careful with and Chuck Missler. K is the 11th letter (Koine Greek) being Common Greek has in common with KKK the 11th letter X 3 was first the Society of the Horseman’s Word and Knights of the Colden Circle where Circe became the Goddess associated with Circle or Church, Golden Fleece and the Golden Bough “Misteltoe”. Ok off subject, just be careful.
Missler sold his soul in the late 1970’s after leaving Naval Intel to work with Calvary Chapel and Chuck Smith; they infect nearly all the Protestant Churches now.. Missler believes the Universe is a Hologram man can describe with Fractal Math. He leads tours of Patmos claiming the Pagan Altars/Idols are somehow associated with John the Evangelist.
The genealogy of Noah is also in Gen 5 in every bible, but the spellings are subtly different. For example Mahalaleel is changed to Mahalalel “Blessed God”, but note that El whom Missler and others claim is God is actually the god Saturn aka El, his followers are Elohim (Gods) whom the Serpent declared Adam and Eve could become.
Enoch (Teaching) became the basis for Enochian Language aka Angelic Language, Green or Bird Language, the Language of Light. This is the basis of Enochian Macick; essentially doing all that God prohibits Man to do.
Jared (Shall come down) is used in the Book of Mormon; Jesus comes down to Jaredites after the Flood (biblically Jared died in the Flood) in the land of Nimrod and taught them how to make Arks which traveled underwater as Whales to the Americas (No I’m not joking).
The 5500 year figure is made up. There are no words used in Scripture to determine how long Adam and Eve stayed in the Garden, but it wasn’t very long, All births are recorded as outside the Garden.
Missler defines the words as Adam=Man; Seth=Appointed; Enoch=Mortal; Cainan=Sorrow; Mahalalel=Blessed God; Jared= Shall come down; Enoch=Teaching; Methuselah=His death shall bring;; Lamech=Despairing; Noah=Comfort. His sentence then becomes “Man is appointed Mortal Sorrow; the Blessed God shall come down, Teaching, that his death shall bring the Despairing Comfort”
When the Messiah arrives this time bringing “Comfort” it will be El/Saturn bent on destroying the World. Jesus brings a Sword this time!
Chuck Missler and many others defining the names this way are way off the mark. Here is hos Strongs defines them
Adam #120 Ruddy, Mankind, Hypocrite, Common Sort, Low Man/Person
Seth #8352 Bloodthirsty, Mortal, Husband, Servant, Stranger, Those, Their Trade
Cainan #7018 Fixed, Nest, Room, Dwelling—Kenan or Kenite
Mahalaleel #4111 Fame, Praise. Notice the spelling from eel to el; Praise of El is Praise of Saturn not God
Jared #3382 Descend, Bring Down, Enemy, To Fall, Cast Down, Hang Down, Run Down, Subdue, Take Down Notice the word Nephilim was used to replace Giant; it also means “To Fall” This began the Fallen Angel mating with human women lie which today is called “Racism”, and the Book of Mormon lies that America was founded by Nephites and Ishmaelite women. It’s all nonsense.
Enoch #2585 Initiated, Discipline, Train Up, Dedication, Consecration. This originated the Hanukkah (Dedication) Lie and Consecrated Trans-substantiated Sacrament. Initiation is the basis of all Secret Societies.
Methuselah #4967 Adult, Small Person, Man of a Dart. Methusael means Man of God.
Lamech #3929 is an Uncertain Verb because does not mean “Despairing” God set a mark on Cain (Six Pointed Star) and promised to avenge his death 7 fold and Lamech’s death 77 fold. There is no Despair among God’s true followers only among those seeking Revenge. There is no uncertainty among God’s true followers.
Noah #5146 Rest. Noah does not mean Comfort; Rest refers to 7th Day or Sabbath. All 7 days are the Sabbath in the New Covenant.
Form a sentence with the true meanings and it will not even remotely sound like the one Chuck Missler said.
“A Ruddy, Red Man, Hypocrite (Esau/Edom) will be Substituted (for Jacob); a Bloodthirsty, Mortal, Stranger, Fixed in his Nest Dwelling; seeking Fame and Praise (Eagle’s Nest) of El (Saturn), Bringing Down, Subduing and causing To Fall using Initiation and Training Up (School) to Dedicate (Hanukkah/Christmas is a Dedication to Sol), a Man of a Dart whose Rest is Uncertain”
Just my free advice; get the 7th purified Word (Ps 12:6) Authorized Bible and use the others for comparison to God’s true Word
E-Mail to a friend on Oil and Entertainment
The Fertile Crescent was the Garden of Eden, the most diverse plant life and most people before the Flood upended and buried all of it. High pressure, high heat., organic material and water made all the Petroleum (Petro=Rock) The Rock or Foundation of the Occult. Yes We Can in Reverse Speech or Enochian Language means “Thank You Satan” Obama’s mantra for the election as well as his speech Twice at the Brandenburg Gate where the Throne of Pergamon aka Satan’s Seat is today.
Tesla demonstrated and patented Free Energy; the energy that exists between the Earth “Ground” (Caused from Gamma Radiation (High Energy Electrons) traveling from the Sun through the Earth) and Ionosphere (Caused from Electrons knocking other Electrons in Nitrogen molecules out of their Atoms causing Positively Charged “Ions”. Ion TV “Positively Entertaining” Ringing a Baal here? Project Blue Beam is the use of the Ionosphere as a Giant TV Screen for “Entertaining” the Sheep.
Entertainment has another meaning; “To keep and maintain a certain frame of mind” ie to Enter and Contain the mind of a person, meaning no person has ever nor will ever leave Earth (1000 miles is it); no Moon Landings, no Interplanetary Travel, no fake Aliens arriving. It’s all BS.
For this, Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Tower on Long Island was destroyed in 1917; his patented projects and papers, stolen and he was murdered (Ordered by Prescott Bush), at the Waldorff Astoria (JJ Astor=Ashtoreth/Ishtar) even had his own country planned in Astoria Oregon, where our Lady of the US Michael Obama (Robinson) played football for Oregon St in #44, the number of the US last President Obama is also #44.
Isn’t this just amazing how they get away with this garbage in plain sight?
One day after Sergei Lavrov held hands with EU Partners On Jan 16, 2015 Russia via Gazprom cut Natural Gas supplies north and south through Ukraine to EU (NATO) Nations and Black Sea Nations north of Syria. This will instigate WWIII and false fulfillment of “Gog and Magog”.
God/Jesus is the Foundation which the Builders of Babel reject.
The manufactured enemy al-Qaeda “Foundation” (Twin Towers Esau and Jacob are now the Freedom Tower or ONE WORLD Trade Center) became ISIS “Throne” which became IS “Islamic State” which is now DAESH; roughly, Nation of Islam in the Levant aka Eretz Israel or Fertile Crescent. This is the land God promised to Abraham and his sons Isaac and Jacob. It is now being claimed by Joktan (Arabs) the eldest brother of Peleg in whose days the Earth was Divided by Water; Abraham’s eldest brother Haran and his son Lot who pitched his tent in Sodom; Lot’s sons of incest Moab and Ammon; Abraham’s 1st born son Ishmael; Jacob’s first born son Esau (Rothschild) who is prophesied to obtain “Dominion” (Gen 27:39-41 AB) before killing his brother Jacob.
Crescent or Arab Hilal/Mormon Heylel symbolizes Lucifer as the Moon reflects the Sun. WWIII was pre-planned to pit Political Zionism against Islam to reveal the True Doctrine of Lucifer. Acceptance of Lucifer IS a One Way Ticket to Hell for Eternity.
Nothing like a Staged Photo Op to promote WWIII: Political Zionism versus Islam eh?
The Staged Photo is on Boulevard Voltaire I believe; Voltaire’s Castle is next to CERN where fake Scientists will try in Vain to prove Gravity exists in the Graviton aka God Particle this March. Hold on to your hats folks!
Je Suis Charlie means “I Am a Free Man”, yet at the Golden Globes Awards everyone thanked God and many exclaimed Je Suis Charlie. How about “I Am a Sinner in need of JESUS”
“Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” was the Masonic/Rosicrucian motto of the French Revolution (Similar motto in Germany, England, Scotland and America). Je Suis Charlie is the rally cry for the New Revolution. As The Who said ” I get on my knees and pray, we won’t get fooled again”
3.7M across France, Millions more in Capitals all over the world and 1.7M in Paris joined Angela Merkel, Francois Hollande and David Cameron; Luciferian Masons Benjamin Netanyahu and Mahmoud Abbas were a nice touch for turning Gaza War Zone; all under the Statue of Marianne, the Goddess of Liberty and Reason in the Place of the Republic. Anyone seen the Elephant in the Room? Here it is×1334 On the Republican Elephant’s back are 3 Upside Down Stars of Baphomet representing the Union of Knowledge and Wisdom.
IS takes the blame for the attacks; quite strange since Shia Ayathollahs are trained in the Grand Orient Masonic Lodge of Paris isn’t it? Stranger still is the Paris Unity March pictures on Jan 11 look nearly identical (minus Obama and Putin) to the Jan 1, 2015 cover of Economist Magazine. 2 Choices: Follow the Cretians leading the chorus “Je Suis Charlie” to Hell or follow JESUS to Heaven.
No Blood. No Head or Body Movement. No rifle recoil= Stage Act
The Vimeo link appears to have been pulled; here is a link to David Icke, but please don’t be fooled by David’s Reptilian/Alien/Nephilim/Anunnaki Lies. I’m endorsing just the Charlie Hebdo information
France means “Free”. Charlie (Free Man/Libertine) Hebdo (7th Day/Sabbath) portrays Muhammad much like video “Innocence of Muslims” (Produced by Sheldon Adelson) used to justify raid on Benghazi (Cyrenaica=Synagogue of Libertines), the finance, arming, training center for IS. Paris means “House of IS”.
Charlie Hebdo sits near the Cathedral of St Denis the martyred 1st Bishop of Paris originated the Merovingian Frank “Cult of the Severed Head” as well the Jesuit Order.
“Terrorists” shout “Allah Akbar” in Arabic and “The Prophet has been avenged” in perfect French as mourners hold pre-made signs in English. Same situation in Beijing as Chinese mourners hold signs written in English within an hour of the disappearance.
Abandoned car has ID of one of the “Terrorists” just like the hotel room of the alleged 9/11 Terrorists along with Boeing Flight Manuals written in Arabic.
Getaway car is allegedly “Carjacked” and parked right in front of a Kosher restaurant.
Terrorists have names of alleged victims; no blood on sidewalk after shooting Police Officer; same as alleged “Beheading” videos used to justify the War on IS. Again, Paris means “House of IS” and the suburb is home to Cathedral of St Denis.
Francois Hollande and Benjamin Netanyahu immediate condemn the event as an event of “Unparalleled Barbarity on Civilization” Again, Kosher Restaurant has the getaway car?
IS is Isis, the “Black Virgin” of Arab Assassins and Knights Templars; she is the daughter of Saturn (Time, Cronos) and Ops; Black Ops should ring a Baal. Isis means “Throne”.
This Black Op seated the Alternative Messiah folks! Pray the world doesn’t get fooled by this again!
“I’d rather die standing than die on my knees” is Reminiscent of “The Who” “I get on my knees and pray, We won’t get fooled again” highlights Esau being fooled into selling his Birthright to Jacob.