The movie Interstellar and Relativity are tied together and you don’t need to be an Einstein to understand it. First off, take note of the Time dilation of the planet near the Black Hole in the Alternative Universe; Time there equals 1 Hour per 7 Years on Earth. The occult message here I believe is the 7 Yr Tribulation is about to begin. Why? God’s Wrath on Babylon lasts 1 Hour; a 7 Yr Tribulation is not in Scripture, only a 3 1/2 Yr Great Tribulation. Taught in most every Protestant Church is Dispensationalism (Daniel’s 70th Week being 7 Years of God’s dealing with Jews in Israel) and Pre-Tribulation Rapture. These are Satanic Lies
Chris Nolan and Nathan Crowley (Aleister Crowley should ring a Baal) also created the Dark Knight Rises and Man of Steel; they glorifies the scientific nonsense called Relativity. Right off, the truth of the faked Moon Landings is mentioned; Kubrick faked them and told the world about it in the movie “The Shining” (El means Shining One aka Saturn). The movie “Interstellar” states Gravity is the reconciles Micro or Quantum World ie Atomic Forces (Electro-magnetism, Strong Nuclear, Weak Interaction, Gravity) with the Macro or Space-Time. Timed (Good pun eh?) perfectly with CERN’s final proof of the Graviton aka God Particle this month. CERN uses the 666 Logo and is a cryptogram for Cernunnos “Horned One” aka Pan, Molech, Saturn, El etc. Why now? New Light “Nowruz” begins the New Year with a Supermoon and Solar Eclipse on March 20th.
Paul told Timothy Science was Vain and Profane babblings in opposition to scripture (1 Tim 6:12 AB) The ultimate Vanity is for Man to become master of his own destiny and become a god. He does this by Profaning God (Profane means Blasphemous contempt of God); Babblings is derived from Babel or Gate of El/Saturn where the Wormhole was placed by Man in the future who gave man on earth enough Time to solve the problem of colonize space after destroying the Earth and its Food. Daniel said Science is the Tongue of the Chaldeans (Dan 1:4 AB); it means “To Know” as does Sophia, Logos (first Word of Creation) and Gnosis (the ultimate is to know the mind of God or Nous) which Man discovers is himself.
Love will guide the Stars…this is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius” sound familiar? Love becomes the central theme of Man’s yearning for Knowledge. Paul mentions “Charity” 7 times in 1 Cor 13 AB as the greatest virtue; Charity is the esteem and value one places on his/her relationship with God; Carolus means Giving back to God aka Alms Giving; new bible versions change Charity to Love but the 2 words have little to do with each other. Man’s love of God engenders a love of his fellow man, but man’s love of his fellow man has little to do with his love of God. Dr Brand therefore claims Love is what transcends Time and Space.
The Cathars (Catharsis means Discharge of Pent up emotion; Cath means Heth or Hittites) are a Gnostic sect executed by the French King and Catholic Pope for Usury exactly 700 years before D-Day “In 700 years the Laurel will grow green” ring a Baal here? Cathars are the Church of Amor (Amor=America; Druid Amorika; Amorites; Agape or Love). March 20th is followed in 9 months (human gestation period) by the Winter Solstice; 2015 Christ-Mass aka Saturnalia or Festival of Lights may get quite interesting. I strongly urge you to consider taking the Lights (Lucifer=Light Bearer) and Grove (Tree) down this year.
Corn is the last food to be destroyed on Earth; Mar 20 is 1 Abib (Corn); the Corn god is Baal/Saturn/Time/Kronus. Folks, the message is clear Time is Up; Time to make your choice for eternity it’s God or Saturn.
Interstellar means In or Of the Stars; Carl Sagan protégé, Bill Ney “Science Guy” leads the Planetary Society advocating massive population reduction to combat Human caused Global Climate change seen in the movie Interstellar as the reason for colonization of other planets. Sagan, the inspiration for the movie Contact said “We are all children of the Stars”; the same theme seen in the Lion King. The movie takes over where 2001: A Space Odyssey leaves off with “Illumination”; Cooper (Craftsman of wooden vessels/boats) plays the same role as Bowman. Kubrick originally planned to have the Monolith at Saturn, but Hollywood felt too many people would see the occult message, so Jupiter was substituted. The Chaldean STUR is Saturn, El, Molech and Six Pointed Star of Israel. Man (Dr Mann; Cute eh?) discovers Gravity is the way to bridge Space and Time, communicate with the past, alter the future and live forever.
Modern Chaldean nonsense “Science” claims Gravity acts across Space as in 11 dimensions; vibrating Strings “String Theory” then is the Science answer to the voice of Creation with Time aka Chaos or Saturn as the 12th Dimension, seen as completing the Circle/Sphere. Gravity warping Space-Time was also the main theme of Star Trek; we see this when Cooper sacrifices his physical body (Cooper or Vessel) and exits the Black Hole (Singularity=One) a god. To become a God one must leave something behind ie his Mass; this to save Dr Brand, the equivalent of Eve whom he is in love with. This same theme was seen in the movie Lucy another name of Light
A Tetractys is a 10 dimensional Cube; Time and Space then become the 11th and 12th. The Tectractys is represented in the movie as a 3-D Circle or Sphere. At the UN Meditation Room are 11 Chairs facing one Illuminated Satanic Altar; remember, 2015 is the UN “Year of Light” and it begins Mar 20th, 2015. This same theme is seen with Dr Mann (cute name eh? Dr means Church Father of Man) inspiring 11 to follow his ideas. Chris Nolan brought the crew to the Black Hole via a Worm Hole near Saturn as he did with Superman aka Kal-El (Son of El/Saturn) in Man of Steel. The 4th Beast in Daniel 7 is the Man of Steel; the “S” seen as Hope on Krypton is the Snake seen on the Medical Logo. Superman is dressed in Blue and Red because visible Light can be seen across this spectrum. The same theme used in Quetzalcoatl whose return portended the slaughter of native Americans by disease 500 years ago.
The true physics is really not that difficult to understand. God forces nobody to do anything against their will. The bible says Earth is Fixed (Ps 93:1; Job 26:7) If Gravity were real God would be a Liar. Time is not Relative, only Einstein’s mistress and 2nd wife was a Relative. Jesus (God in Flesh) promised to return when Creation is 6000 years old (2 Pet 3:8). How close are we? 1656 years Creation to Flood + 2160 years Aries to Pisces + 2160 years Pisces to Aquarius=5976 years + 21 years for the Age of Adulthood and a significant astrological event at the birth of the Legitimate King Sargon the Great like the Spring equinox transition from Taurus to Aries and one can see the world is at or near the beginning of the last 3 1/2 years aka “Great Tribulation”. The 2nd Coming? Jesus is Alpha ie Creation; His birth was on Feast of Tabernacles 6 months after Passover. Whether the last 3 1/2 years begin on April 4-5 at Passover/Easter 2015 remains to be seen, but God certainly put a few “Signs of the Times” in front of us for 2015, not the least of which is the year adding to 8.
Occultists believe the primordial Black Hole converted infinite Gravity to Energy and exploded to create Matter which is then attracted and bound by Forces in Atoms. The nuclear fusion equations require more and more energy to create heavier elements; where is the Energy coming from? Imagination.
Einstein stated E=Mc2 which means Energy and Matter are interchangeable; notice Cooper sacrificed his Matter for Energy. Gravity requires a Transfer of Energy, which requires an Energy supply. To the occult, the New Order must be derived by destroying the old order. Earth does not revolve around the Sun (Lucifer/Sol) for that requires Gravity. This then is circular logic seen in the Snake eating its own tail called the “Oroborus”. Jesus returns to destroy those who destroy the earth (Rev 11:18); in a nutshell, these people are the Cult of Saturn whose logo is the Six Pointed Star representing the creation of Heaven on Earth as God once did by creating “Light” on Day 1.
Warped Space-Time is seen as a Membrane or Bubble; our Universe is called a P-Brane, connecting the Universes are Wormholes and ordering the various Universes or Multi-verses are Black Holes which turn Man into God. This is the primary theme in Mormon theology; Dr Mann had his own world and so will they. It may sound funny to think of God as a Bubble headed P-Brane who came to Earth, failed His mission and is now in Hell boiling in His own excrement, but that’s exactly what Talmudists and Kaballaists believe and impart to Science.
For the Cult of Saturn, Jesus was just a Man given Earth who failed His mission to understand Gravity. For me, Jesus is Alpha, I Am, I Am He, Jehovah, Melchisedek and Omega. You can hitch your vessel to Jesus or by String Theory to Saturn but not both. Folks, it doesn’t take an Einstein to figure this out!
The meaning of Charity from the original Greek text:
G26 ἀγάπη agape (ag-ah’-pay) n.
1. love, i.e. affection or benevolence
2. (specially, plural) a love-feast
I don’t like to be picky but your wrong about what Charity in 1 Cor 13 means!
Not only that but you misquote and mislabel the verses in the Holy Bible many times in your book. I offered to correct your copy but you haven’t responded to my request but the Lord knows where you misquoted his Holy Bible. He knows but do your readers know? Probably not! I look up everything when reading documents that contain scripture verses in the Word of God. Nobody’s infallible but the Lord Jesus Christ and the Father in Heaven.
As a side note: I like most of your book except for the errors in it. Some things I can’t make heads or tails from when you quote a scripture without giving a reference as in verse/s. I try to search the text that you says the Bible says in the KJV but nothing comes up either so it’s a misquote from the Holy Word!
When I read that passage on Charity in the KJV – I come away with the feeling that its to give back to the Father / Jesus his due praise. We are to give freely back to God in the form of love and worship.
I feel we were created for this very purpose. To the praise of His glory.
And I feel this aligns with your definition you have given.
Randy, Do you have any specifics about my book or is this a blanket accusation of misquotation? Charity is in the Masoretic/Textus Receptus and therefore the Authorized Bible aka KJV because it means the same as Jesus’ #1 Commandment “Love God with all your heart and soul” Paul then went on to define Charity as the greatest virtue ahead of Faith and Hope. Only after ?Charity can the gift of prophesy (Discernment) come. Once again, Prophesy and Prophesying have nothing to do with Prophecy which is “Pre-written history”; it is merely the gift from God of understanding what He wrote and why.
The bible revision committee of 1881 changed Charity “Esteem, Costliness, affection” to Agape which became Amor and Love; the so-called Love Feast you mention has nothing to do with Charity and more to do with what became known as the Orgy, Bacchanalia, Liberalia, Dionysiac Feast etc.
BF Westcott and FJA Hort wrote the underlying Greek from Gnostic Texts used in the Vulgate for new bibles; all of them contain deadly errors such as reversing Esau and Jacob’s blessing in Gen 27:40; Amos 7:2-3; 5-6 is completely butchered; 1 Jn 5:7 is ommitted in NIV etc. Neither men believed in the 6 day creation of any of Jesus’ miracles.
The Cathars were called the Church of Amor or Love. They went against everything Jesus said.
Jesus summed up the Law and entire New Covenant (Agreement/Contract) as “Love God” and “Love our Neighbor”. Loving God first is paramount; loving our neighbor by itself takes on all sorts of meanings God did not intend.
If you have specifics about my book written in 2004 and provided free of charge, send them to me. If it’s a blanket condemnation of my last 13 years labor of Love of God and my fellow Man be specific or take it somewhere else
“Jade Helm: Master the human domain” July 15-Sept 15 A Drill involving Green Berets, Seals, Paratroopers, Militarized Police, FEMA, FBI, DEA, JPRA (Interrogation, Actor training, Detainee Surveillance, Night Time Raids, Assassinations, Reconnaissance) in SW States of TX, AZ, CA, NV, UT, CO, NM that precisely match Aztlan, the land Voz de Aztlan, MEChA and La Raza Unida intend on taking back for Mexico. Viva la Revolucion is plastered on their T-Shirts. Jade is the sacred stone of Chinese Dynasties; China is Cathay=Sons of Heth or Hittites.
The drill begins over Bohemian Grove 2015 and ends on the Solar Eclipse of Rosh Hashanah, the Shemitah “Jubilee” described by Rabbi Jonathan Cahn in his book “The Harbinger” and at the Prophecy Summit. Need more than this to wake up? Get JESUS in your life!
New Iranian-Russian Technology “Magrav” Checkmates the US Navy Hmmm Simon Magus comes to mind. I have to check the cryptogram for this
Magrav “Magnetic-Gravitational Motor” was accused of taking down the US MQ-170 Stealth Drone in 2010. and attacking the USS Teddy Roosevelt. In my op It’s BS, the drone Iran paraded around was a plastic model on par with Iran’s new Stealth Drone the Qahar 313 (# of men Abraham took to fight for Lot and # of ! in the KJV) a plastic model. Gravity is a Lie; Newton a Luciferian Mason, Rosicrucian and “Last of the Magicians” invented the BS; Einstein put his name on it and CERN will try in vain to prove it next week. Dan 11:38 describes this as the “god of forces”.
Thanks for clearly that up Howard…For whatever reason I made to over think and said magus when just some root of gravity graviton by these Chaldean comical idiots.. What about pattern identification manual connection tho . I have check more into it
CFR Initiate, UN Ambassador and mind controlled slave Angelina Jolie pre-emptively removes both Breasts and now both Ovaries. What a role model eh?
“Method and system for shockwave attenuation via electromagnetic arc” Patent #89812361 Issued 3/22/15 (Brotherhood of Death is called Society 322) to Boeing? Nah, it’s one of 600+ Nikola Tesla patents. The series Under the Dome may ring a Baal, the concept was first illustrated in Star Trek; the Enterprise’ (New World Order is the Enterprise) Shields.
Have ever heard the Sign of the Hyena before?? What does it mean exactly to the sickos
Hyenas are milked, rode and kept as fierce familiars by African Witches (Michael Robinson aka Michelle Obama’s mother Marian Robinson is still in the White House I believe, as a practitioner of Santeria Voodoo. A Hyena is the sign of a Witch and proof of Sorcery in many African nations where Witches are killed as they were in King James’ day in Europe. In Lion King, Scar kept Hyenas as his personal guards.
Rockefeller in 1967 gloats about 9/11 set on magazine with his Watch…
April 3 1967 magazine Rockefeller has his clock set on 9/11 WOW. Then Betsy goes into the Predictive programming that set in the Movies
WTC Ground Breaking was “Year One Satan” 1966, the same year the Church of Satan was formed. They opened in 1973; Saturn has a 28 year solar cycle which corresponds to the Feast of the Beast (Satan as the Beast arrives in Rev 9:11). 1973 + 28 =9/11/2001. 50 years as Jubilee; 2016 will be the Satanic Jubilee. My guess is this will correspond to Dan 7:7 (7X7=49) 4th Beast of Iron and start of the Great Tribulation. Just a guess though.
Note the symbolism on the Magazine cover. The time indicates 9:11. 40c corresponds to 40 days Weeping for Tammuz aka Lent. 7 WTC Towers built in 7 Years with WTC #7 “Solomon Center”. Named after King Solomon? or Haim Solomon, Edomite financier of the American Revolution?
I disagree with Betsy on the actual birth of Jesus. Note the 1967 years between 9/11/3 BC and 9/11/2001 she points out. Herod died Spring of 4 BC after ordering the Slaughter of Innocents. Jesus was a “Young Child” in Egypt by the arrival of the “Wise Men” (Witch means Wise One). He must have been 1 1/2 or the order to slaughter first born males in Judea 2 and under would have not applied to Him. A “Young Child” is not an infant of 6 months. Therefore, He must have been born on Feast of Tabernacles 6 BC. Why is this 3 years important? Great Tribulation perhaps?
Yeah, I thought I was the only one who wasn’t with that notion far him JESUS being born on Sept 11. Well , far as on your guess I had to check thru archive for comments we made in regards to the Satanic Jubilee and massive event they need to please the Saturn(S#t#n) if I recalled seeing a movie embed code for Massive Events was 7/19/2016. I’ll double check to be sure
kinda of old but may be of some interest…
“According to Russian news sources nuclear war was averted by the heroics of Capt. Heather E. Cole, who refused to communicate the launch authorization to U.S nuclear forces.
Apparently the U.S was about to launch a limited nuclear strike on the Russian Federation on Monday, with a coordinated “surprise” attack by the U.K”
Military officers swear to protect and defend the Constitution not the President. There has been no Congressional authorization for war with Russia issued, so the arrest is illegal and in my opinion, likely a hoax
NASA engineer on Orion (Orion slogan “Trial by Fire” means Tammuz aka Horus whose father is Orion aka Osiris) explains difficulty in transiting the Van Allen Radiation Belts with astronauts aboard.
Still think Neil Armstrong and Buzz Lightyear Aldrin walked on the Moon?
The admission comes at 3:40 “before we ever send astronauts aboard Orion scientists need to solve the radiation problem” Orion is Akaddian Ur-anna “Light of Heaven”; that folks is Lucifer. Greek Kandaon is the name of Orion constellation, it means Ares the Greek god of War which is equivalent with Mars the Roman god of War and Nergal, the Babylonian god of war seen in the Rooster Idol (Cock crowing at the Rising Sun). ]
I don’t mean to be out of line here, but notice the shape (Phallus) of the Delta 4 Rocket boosting Orion; it is the universal sign of F…You.
We are dealing with Pagans who sold their soul to Lucifer and ignorantly worship the “UNKNOWN GOD” of the Areopagus as Paul noted on his visit to Athens.
The latest garbage from the NASA taxpayer financed Black Hole of money proposes Moon bases inside Lava Tubes. Are you kidding me? Lava is now claimed on the lifeless Moon rock would be predicated on moving tectonic plates riding on water as happens on Earth. Another proposes Mars once had oceans like Earth.
This is what War looks and sounds like when it comes from traitors inside our own gates.
NASA Curiosity Rover discovers Methane on Mars. Carbon-Hydrogen Organic molecules=Life on Mars. Luciferian Mason Buzz Aldrin says we need to get to Mars; why not send him? He has already solved the radiation problem after all.
If you buy into this Bull Shit, how about Alien bases, swamp land, lava tubes and steam vents on the Moon?
Or the Hubble (Optical) Telescope seeing a 390,000ft deep Saltwater Ocean 95 miles beneath an ice layer on Jupiter’s moon Ganymede?
Jesuit professor of Canon Law Adam Weishaupt “Oh mortal man, is there nothing you cannot be made to believe”
St Sulpice in Paris was the original Prime Meridian and location of the execution of the last Knight Templar Grandmaster.
This ancient Rose Dragon Line then drops straight South, passing through what was once called Cibola, the mythological cities of gold also known as the Treasure of El Dorado Of I just remembered
Right, Iv’e been to that; the stained glass window has a hole aligned with 12noon on Summer Solstice to measure the Inclination and Ubliquitory angles by lighting the box; the brass line (Rose Line) extends to the Obelisk where the sunlight is checked every day at High Noon until the Winter Solstice where it climbs up the Shaft.
The line extends to the Cathar HQ and execution site of Rennes Le Chateau
Jacques de Molay was executed 3/18/2014 just 1/2 mile north of Sulpice on Pont Neuf (New Bridge) between ST Chapelle (fake reliquary of Crown of Thorns) and Notre Dame (reliquary of the Nauls and pieces of the True Cross). 100 years ago Napoleon planned to erect the largest Obelisk in the world at that site, but he was defeated by Wellington instead as planned.
THe Rose Line at Roslyn is another local Rose Line; not sure of its significance other that the eclipse will be like 95% there
The Apprentice Pillar has the rope pulling the equinoxes which are God’s method to tell Time. Mar 20 is a very big deal with the Supermoon and Solar Eclipse to these people
Hey Travis or anyone here; can you help with this? Roslyn Castle is the premiere Templar Chapel of the Green Man just south of Edinburgh on the Rose Line of Britain hence Rose Line=Roslyn. I can’t remember, but on Mar 20 Equinox as I recall, the light hits the Key in the floor to signal the rising of the buried Templars guarding the Holy Grail or the Prieure of Sion. The totality of the eclipse there will be near 100% tomorrow
just got back last night from London; the totality is 93% there. JPL (Jack Parson’ Lab) rocketeers are at Stoenehenge for the Supermoon, Solar Eclipse , Nowruz “New Light” tomorrow. Luciferian Buzz Lightyear Aldrin is a liar who knows quite well the radiation belts prevent anything living from coming or going frothe “god of forces” not God. Charity is the #1 virtue (1 Cor 13 AB) it means “Love of God”; they turn that into “Love” of fellow man. Oops!m Earth; like Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, Space Shuttle (Russia has the taxpayer financed Space Station now) programs, a Mars program will be an enormous financial Black Hole.
CERN is an anagram for Cernunnos “Horned One”; the Graviton, will allow man to traverse Time and Space. They worship the “god of forces”, the Gnostic Primordial Creator “Ptah” which is why Buzz (Bee in Chaldee is Word) was there looking to the Sun on St Patrick (Ptah-Rek) Day, the 67th day (6+7=13 # of Rebellion; 6X7=42 the months in the Great Tribulation)
Image of the Day: Buzz Aldrin Had supermars(Super Man) symbolism Stonehenge. 3DAY UNTIL New Year and CERN.