Updated: December 1, 2014
It is legal to shoot a fleeing suspect” Grand Jury written and verbal instructions given before deliberations by MS Prosecutor Kathi Alizadeh guaranteeing a non-indictment.
The excerpt of this 1979 law was declared Unconstitutional in 1985 by the Fed Supreme Court. Ferguson is an Unconstitutional Fed and State Government, Stage managed event whose ripple effects are being managed all over the US. ISIS and the KKK back “Protestors” on the Wilson side as the Black Panthers, Luciferian Mason and Rev Al Sharpton back the Brown side in classic Dialectic aka Managed Opposition.
Nation of Islam
Dialectic: Thesis + Anti-thesis = Synthesis. In this case, the Synthesis is managed by Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakan, a false “Christian” leading his flock to accpetance of the Masonic Christ, a “Black Man” named “Hiram”; that would be Hiram Abiff, the mythical Phoenician architect of Solomon’s Temple.
Why Black? Ham means “Black”, not in skin color but in religion. Ham fathered Canaan with his Cainite (Only Noah was “Perfect in his generations”) mother shortly after the Flood. Canaan, the “First Born” son after the Flood was “Cursed” by this illicit union as the Serpent was “Cursed” shortly after Creation. Shabazz means “First Race”; the alleged “Race” founded by the Serpent (Satan/Lucifer/Allah). Don’t fall for this “Jewish Fable” or the “Nephilim” lie in Gen 6. There is only one “Race” of Man on Earth. This name was chosen by Nation of Islam (Islam means “One who submits”) leader 33° Mason Stuart Little aka Malcolm X (Milcom/Molech and X=Messiah). His “New Name” became Bari (Barque/Boat) Malik (Molech=Arab Lord) Shabazz. Barry Soetero aka Barack Hussein Obama (Lightning/Shining; Handsome; “He is with us” in Zoroastrian) was also given the “New Name” Bari Malik Shabazz after his father Bari and Betty Shabazz. Recall his exclamation “A New Beginning for Islam” in Cairo and bow to King Abdullah (Abd=Servant of Allah)? Saudi Arabia finances ISIS (Throne of the Black Virgin); Black Virgin statues were transported all across Europe and Asia by the Templars and Assassins; ISIS is the Throne of the Masonic “Black” Messiah. Making sense yet? Time is very short folks! Time Magazine “Man of the Year” may very well turn out to be Ferguson protestors. Why? Time is Chaos.
“Ordo ab Chao” (Order out of Chaos) is the motto of Sovereign Masonry, high level Jesuit/SMOM initiations and Skull & Bones aka Brotherhood of Death. The President Pardons a Turkey for a reason. Thanksgiving was/is a celebration of Native slaughter; 700 Piquot Indians burned alive in the long house during during the annual Green Corn Festival. The Stomp Dance tears down the old order for “Grandfather Fire”. Crimes were forgiven during this annual Rite of Passage to adulthood and War Names given to those deemed worthy.
“Re-elect the man who will keep us out of War” Re-election campaign motto of Fed Reserve traitor Woodrow Wilson. The Selective Service Draft for WWI began in 1917 as did Vaccinations of servicemen leading to the Spanish Flu which killed 1/3 of Europe. Draft protests and riots erupted across America called the Green Corn Rebellion. Nearly 100 years hence, history is repeating.
“If war in the Middle East is not over by my inauguration, it will be my first action as President”
– Barack Obama
INRI means “Nature is renewed by fire”. This Rosicrucian motto was not on the Cross “Jesus the King of the Jews” was. America is the pardoned Turkey, wined and dined before being Crucified. The Green Corn God is Baal aka Molech unto whom Fire Sacrifices (Burnt Offerings) are given. Masons designed the St Louis to exalt the Sun God to its highest. Christmas aka “Saturnalia” means “Sacrifice and consumption of the Host/Messiah” and Birth of Baal/Dionysus/Bacchus/Attis/Mithra aka “Green Man”. Jesus is the Crucified Messiah nailed to the Evergreen Tree. Christmas/Hanukkah celebrates the birth of Solis Invictus (Unconquered Sun). Now you know why Shamash (Sun) is the center candle of the Hanukkah Menorah. Vaccinations anyone?
“Extermination of Christians is a necessary sacrifice to God”-Zohar. Ebola means “Balls” used in the Scourge prior to Crucifixion. INRI (Nature is renewed by Fire) is atop the Cross. Nailed to it will be everyone who follows JESUS. Read Jer 10 before Christmas (Sacrifice of the Messiah); those lights and bobbles represent sacrifices to Lucifer (Light Bearer). Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles not Christmas!
“Humans are an infection and Ebola is Earth’s immune response”- “The Hot Zone” When the NIH (Nat Inst of Health) hires a Chief Scientist who is the former USAMRIID (Army Infectious Disease) Chief Scientist, Peter Jahrling who actually believes this nonsense, we have a very big problem. Ebola is not an Earth response, it is man-made, patented (US20120251502A1) by the HHS and CDC and delivered by Vaccine. Purely coincidental is Sierre Leone has the largest deposits of Kimberlite Diamonds. Antichrist just loves these things! (Dan 11:38)
“Thou shalt not kill”. “He who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword..”
– Jesus, The Word of God in Flesh
“Evolution and Big Bang are correct” Pope Francis, Vicar of Jesus speaking in opposition to Jesus, the “Word made Flesh”. Black Holes, Big Bang, God Particles and Evolution have nothing in common with the Word of God much less anything Jesus ever said. What a coincidence the movie “Theory of Everything” is making its Hollywood debut; NOT! “Interstellar” is about Ghosts, Gravity, Worm Holes and showing NASA faked the Moon landings. The series “Big Bang Theory” episode “Relationship Diremption” (Diremption means Rip Apart, Separation, Surrender) Nov 20 describes Sheldon’s life wasted trying to prove “String Theory”. Self described Atheist/Anti-Theist (Atheist is Absence of God; Anti means Against and Alternative to God; this guy is no simple Atheist) Lawrence Krauss is making rounds hawking (pun intended) his books “5th Essence”, “Quintessence”, “Physics of Star Trek” “Beyond Star Trek” (Gene Roddenberry was a Luciferian Mason who planted the seeds for Warping of Space-Time; Spock used the Sign of Shin Talmudic Rabbis open Synagogues of Satan with; Shin means Nail), “Atom…Big Bang to Life on Earth” (Big Bang Theory ends any connection to Science at the production of Helium; heavier elements violate basic Laws of Thermodynamics and Entropy) and “Universe from Nothing”. Be sure to tell God He is “Nothing” when you stand in front of Him Larry. By the way, Quintessence is a Witchcraft term for mastery of Earth, Air, Fire and Water. Science=Gnosis=Sophia Gnostic Religion is now mainstream. All this is well timed folks! Earth is fixed, not moving. There is no “Solar System”. Man was “Created”, not “Evolved” from a “Big Bang” 13.7 Billion years ago, but slightly less than 6000 years ago. Don’t be fooled.
“Overpopulation is my top concern” Ebola Caesar Ron Klain Nov 1 “Day of the Dead” God said “Go forth and multiply”. Why not buck up and sacrifice yourself like Jesus did Ron?
“No matter who the people vote for, they always vote for us” Jesuit Fr Joe Stalin refined this Protocol of Zion (Protocols are Edomite not Jewish) statement to “People who vote count for nothing; people who count votes count for everything”. Mein Kampf was also a Jesuit creation authored by Fr Bernhard Staempfle; Stalin a Jesuit and Luciferian Mason, Churchill a Luciferian Mason and Druid, FDR a Luciferian Mason, Hirohito a Luciferian Mason and Adolf Hitler all cut from the same Satanic cloth. War and Disease are the primary vehicles used to exterminate “Christians” who trust Priests more than the Word. Why now? Thanksgiving was and is a celebration of Indian slaughter by disease. Ebola is just the modern incarnation of Smallpox and Spanish Flu, both Jesuit creations.
The Satanic Grand Plan
700 years ago the Catholic Pope Clement V and King Phillip of France executed the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar (Freemasons, Jesuits, Bankers are the modern day iteration) in Paris over the issue of Usury. “Every 700 years the Laurel grows Green again” Cathar Prophecy This is how Revenge is taken and why 2014 is the year.
Obama signed the ATT UN Arms Trade Treaty Sept 2013; the agreement trashes the 2nd Amendment and the Oath every sworn Government official takes. Still subject to Congressional ratification, the Law would still be Un-constitutional; the Arms Trade Treaty goes into effect Dec 24, 2014, the night Santa (Satan in a Red Edomite Suit) becomes “Ubiquitous”. ATT can never become the valid Law of the Land anymore than Federal Income Taxation or Obama Care as they violate the Constitution. Appropriate as this is the Eve of the birth of Sol Invictus (Mithras) the “Unconquered Sun”. Santa aka Satan in his Red (Edomite) Shaman suit becomes “Ubiquitous” (Everywhere) as the Pale Horse Rider. This is precisely the theme of the movie “Lucy” (review on Movie Page). The St Louis Arch also exalts the Sun as will Obama at the Del Sol HS in Las Vegas. Rights as Citizens were a mirage all along. No you know why the 13,000Lb Satanic Lodestone (Leading Stone) Altar with 11 Chairs is in the UN Meditation Room and the Gun with its barrel tied in a knot is outside.
The hit of Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade? Sponge Bob, subtle promoter of Alternative Lifestyle. On Nov 18 Jesuit Pope Francis I held an International Colloquium on Family and Marriage at the Vatican with Religious leaders from 23 religions including CFR (Foreign Affairs Magazine has the Pale Horse “Death” on its cover with the word “Ubiquitous” (Everywhere) initiate Rick Warren, Mormons, Sikhs, Buddhists, Shaman, Taoists, Talmudic Rabbis and Muslims. Mormons who hold Jesus’ Melchisedek Priesthood and Talmudic Rabbis who claim Jesus is boiling in Hell in His own excrement with the Jesuit Vicar of Jesus promoting Big Bang and Evolution Theories is just awe inspiring isn’t it? Jesuits destroy the Catholic Church from within the same way Masons do Protestant Churches.
On Nov 18 NASA consultant John Casey stated “Earth is in the midst of a 30 year Cold Cycle”. NASA played the Global Cooling card when Ronald Reagan was in office; who can forget the movie “Day after Tomorrow”; then came Global Warning and Carbon Credits, then Global Climate Change and now back to Global Cooling. Nice timing with Tropical Storm Nuri (Arabic for Light) being blamed for the recent Polar Vortex across all 50 states and 8ft of snow in Buffalo. How about HAARP guiding Jet Streams and blocking the Jet Stream with NexRad and Terminal Doppler Radars.
“Et in Arcadia Ego” is translated as “I (Death) am even in Arcadia (Paradise)” Esoterically, this phrase refers also to the Death of God, but physically to the Pale Horse “Death” after whom “Hell” follows. Disease, Pestilence, Famine, War, Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions are on the horizon. “Revenge is a dish best served cold” A somewhat familiar New World Order quote is best explained by NASA who on Nov 18 claimed Earth is in the midst of a Maunder Minimum”. Maunder means “Wander about aimlessly, mumble, beg, and futility” What happened to “Global Warming”? NASA NAZI’s just wandered onto the next lie and are blaming the Sun for it. This is Man’s Revenge, not God’s; it’s called “Geo-engineering”. NASA expects Record Cold, Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions with this Maunder Minimum. All utter BS!
On Nov 18th Har Nof Synagogue was attacked. Har Nof is home to Chabad Lubavitchers like Rabbi Ovadia Yosef and Ultra-Orthodox who actively plan events like this. Ashkenazi (Ashkenaz is the grandson of Japheth, not Semitic or Jewish in the slightest) fake Jew, Luciferian Freemason Benjamin Netanyahu laid blame on fellow Luciferian Freemason Mahmoud Abbas for an attack on a Jerusalem Synagogue. King David wrote “They said in their hearts, Let us destroy them together: they have burned up all the synagogues of God in the land” Ps 74:8 This is why “Synagogues” are referred to as “Synagogues of Satan” (Rev 3:9). Masons are found on both sides of every war. Luciferian Mason/Jesuit/Skull & Bones John Kerry predictably (nee Samaritan Kohen) called for “Days of Rage”. Netanyahu promised a “Heavy Hand” response. This incident may very well lead to the destruction of the al-Aqsa Mosque and rebuilding of the 3rd Temple. Seen a 3 yr old Red Heifer lately? If so, batten down the hatches, with it comes the long planned WWIII “Political Zionism versus Islam” and the revealing of Lucifer.
St Louis: Exalting the Sun
Missouri is under month long State of Emergency in advance of the Darren Wilson/ Michael Brown Grand Jury announcement. Nat Guard is called up for “Looting Detail” with a massive military vehicle convoy and military grade weapons; DHS is conducting a Live Fire Drill with 100+ Vehicles; HWY Patrol is under “Unified Command”; Under who is the question. Violence is expected with a Grand Jury non-Indictment. To Guarantee the outcome MS Prosecutors instructed the Grand Jury verbally and in writing “It is legal to shoot a fleeing suspect”; this excerpt of a 1979 law was declared unconstitutional by the Fed Supreme Court in 1985 making the Grand Jury decision invalid. Gov Jay Nixon is not managing the legal travesty in Ferguson. Obama adviser Valerie Jarret and Luciferian Rev Al Sharpton are.
RbG Black (RGB is the Color Wheel; Black absorbs Visible Light; Lucifer is “Light Bearer” Rebels led by Zulu Gadaffi are offering a $5,000 bounty for information on Darren Wilson’ whereabouts and advising followers to “Light Fires” without firewood. Occultists believe Prometheus (Fore Thinker) gave Fire to Man; he can be seen breaking free of his chains in Sochi in Crimea where Sarmation “Priest-Kings” were exiled; ready for Sargon (Legitimate King) III? Me neither, but he is coming. More on this in a moment. Black Rebels are to pack side arms and build homemade bombs on George Soros connected websites. Jay Nixon is not managing the well timed and planned Ferguson event, Luciferian Mason, Rev Al “Politics Nation” Sharpton and Obama handler Valerie Jarrett are managing Ferguson as they did Trayvon Martin. “Nothing in politics happens by accident. If it happened, you can bet it was planned” Luciferian Mason FDR.
St Louis is the Masonic Gateway to the West; Built as a Catenary Arch exalting the Sun (A catenary Arch is the strongest self supporting arch; these builders reject JESUS, preferring Self Reliance as promised by the Serpent. Catenary derives from “Chain”; the arch is reflected in the Royal Arch Degree of Scotch Rite Masonry; the stage where Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost occurs and God’s Holy Name is changed to Jah-Baal-On. Jah is a human Messiah (Ps 68:4KJV has JAH for good reason) Arabs call al-Khidr; Baal is Lord; Osiris is the Sun exalted as the Keystone of the St Louis Arch. JAH, JEHOVAH and JESUS are the Covenant Name of God; Jah is the Antichrist (Alternative Messiah).
Obama will sign an Executive Order giving Immigration Amnesty for 5 million people in Las Vegas “Sin City” on Nov 21. The media coverage spooled up days in advance. EO’s are not binding Law until Congress grants specific power to the President or Martial Law is declared; there are 13,480 EO’s and they are usually not signed in public. This EO will be signed at Del Sol (Del Sol means “Of the Sun”) High School for the same reason the St Louis Arch exalts the Sun. Why then? 33 days before Christmas Eve and the birth of Mithras aka Sol or Solis Invictus. Happy Saturnalia folks. Now you know why Del Sol HS in Sin City was chosen. The Cornerstone for the St Louis Arch is not Stone, but Iron because the 4th Beast has teeth of Iron (Dan 7:7) The Cornerstone laying ceremony was timed with the culmination of the Star Vega over St Louis http://edkohout.com/mundane/arch-2.html Vega is the source of the name Las Vegas and its symbol is on the chest of the Phoenix (New Atlantis will rise from its own ashes as a Phoenix) on US Gold coins. What a coincidence if the Ferguson verdict is returned on that day! Martial Law is that close.
MAFIA means “Mazzini Authorizes Theft, Fire and Poison”; Luciferian Masons Giuseppe Mazzini and Albert Pike brought the MAFIA to America. On Nov 18, Italian police released footage of the Santa Initiation Ritual for Ndrangheta (Manly Virtue)
Notice the statement “My Father is the Sun. My Mother is the Moon” These same Sun and Moon symbols are used in the Rainbow Arch degree of Masonry as well as the St Louis Arch. This is Ritual Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost.
On Nov 18, The Pied (Pied=Multicolor; the Sun produces colors; all colors together=Black) Piper Russell Brand appeared on Late Night and Morning shows promoting his Ghost written Children’s Book about the Pied Piper of Hamelin. The Pied Piper led children to their deaths. Brand equates Jesus with Malcolm X among others, Luciferian Mason, Nation of Islam founder Malcolm X vowed to bring an end to America. Malcolm X (Milcom/Molech and Chi=Christ) became Bari Malik Shabazz (Bari=Boat; Malik=Molech; Shabazz=Royal Falcon) Bari Malik Shabazz Jr is none other than Barak Hussein Obama. Still think all this is simple coincidence? Watch the short video My Pet Goat II; note the boat sailing toward the Rising Sun.
The Motto of the St Louis Arch is “Come and See”, which can be read in the description of the Pale Horse “Death” (Rev 6:7). The Pillars Jachin (Moon) and Boaz (Hasten the Fire) with the Sun atop represent June 21 (June 24 is the Feast of St John); the same motif can be seen at the UN and Cathedral of St John the Divine with St George slaying the Dragon when the Sun is in Cancer. The Arch represents bringing the Etheric Realms into the Material World, which can be read in the opening lines of the Emerald Tablet of Toth-Hermes “As Above; So Below”. 13 (Number of Rebellion) years ago, Masons lit the Arch for Thanksgiving for the first time; it appears a repeat is about to occur. The arch is a formal rejection of JESUS in favor of the Sun as the Giver of Light and Life; don’t make that fatal mistake!
On Nov 19th NATO Military Chief Gen Phil Breedlove stated “Russian tanks, artillery, air defense systems streaming across the border into Ukraine”. Russian Def Ministry promptly countered “We have long since stopped paying attention to the unfounded allegations of Phil Breedlove” A satellite picture might be nice at this point eh? Kiev Nazis also claim Nuc capable Strategic bombers are in the Crimea, Russian Naval Warships are in the Black Sea and Russia shot down MH-17. Oh, and Pearl Harbor was a “Surprise Attack”. No matter what happens in Ukraine, just know with 100% certainty that This is not “Gog and Magog”. Both sides are simply playing the parts they were scripted for.
On Nov 16th, the G-20 announced “Bank Deposits are part of a Commercial Bank Capital Structure” That’s Money Changer Speak for a Cyprus style confiscation of Bank Deposits and the inevitable “Bank Run”. FDIC? Sure, but IMF Chief Christine LaGarde has already stated 2014 would be an interesting year in regards to the number 7 “Perfection”
and Individual Accounts such as 401K, IRA, Gov’t Retirement, Savings may be used to offset Federal Debt obligations. Banks have also collateralized their assets against Derivative Debt with Credit Default Swaps; that’s estimated at $1.4Quadrillion. Can you leave? Sure, just pay your portion of the $17.6T debt and your Passport will be honored. Deposits are now Investments with the same people Jesus turned the tables on at the Temple, and Ebola is the Balls used in the Scourge prior to the Crucifixion. The Tree we will be figuratively Nailed to? The Christmas (Christ=Messiah; Mass=Sacrifice of the Host) Tree. No I’m not joking. HSBC, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs, CITI are facing $1Ttrillion in capital shortfall to be made up by conversion to “Bail-in” Debt (Bank Notes) or outright confiscation/devaluation of deposits. It’s worth noting Goldman shorted airline stocks ahead of 9/11 and BP, Trans-ocean just before DeepWater Horizon sank. Vladimir Putin left G-20 early for good reason.
Watch this short video and take notice of the Frogs eating Putin wearing a Cross. Putin does not follow Jesus Christ, nor is the “Cross” a Christian symbol; The Cross symbolizes Christian persecution beginning. The Frogs represent the Unclean spirits of the Dragon, Beast and False Prophet (Rev 16:13-16) The 2nd Plague of Egypt was the last of 10 plagues Pharaoh’s Priests could duplicate; in other words, this is setting up to be the final deception. Does this mean Armageddon is imminent? NO, nor is the 2nd Coming imminent. The 7 Vials of God’s Wrath described in Rev 16 occur in 1 Day; this is the signal to start their own version of Wrath. The Fake Rapture, Aliens and revealing of the Satanic Trinity are likely coming up soon. Here is how this deception is playing out.
On Veteran’s Day (Veteran means “Beast of Burden”) the FBI reported Sandy Hook was a “Live Drill”; no people were injured; the event misreported by the media to promote Gun Control. A Hoax on par with 9/11/2001, the Apollo Moon Landing reported by the “Most trusted man in the world” Walter Cronkite, long time voice of the Owl “Molech” at Bohemian Grove or the 4 ISIS Beheading videos produced by the US Army and Rita Katz (Kohannim + Zaddiq; Rita’s father was tortured and executed as an Israeli spy by Saddam Hussein). FBI Director Robert Mueller even reported Osama bin Laden had nothing to do with 9/11 but we just didn’t hear what he said. The real message here? Play the Joker Card.
***On Veteran’s Day Jesuit Knight of Malta Martin Dempsey tells Congress an army of 80,000 will be needed in Iraq and Syria to fight ISIS. No mention that the US arms, finances and trains ISIS to use US weapons.
The day Dempsey heads to Iraq Peter Kassig aka Abdul-Rahman (Islamic conversion name after Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood “Blind Sheikh” Abdel Rahman; Ra is the Sun) non-beheading video magically surfaces. Trust this video? Not me. Christmas Bomber Abdulmutallib shares his name with Abdul Mutallib (Abd=Servant; El=Allah; Talib means “Student” as in Taliban), Muhammad’s grandfather, Hashemite Chief (Quyraish/Koreish are Rebel Priests of Korah in Num 16; Jude 7), and founder of Islam. Osama bin Laden aka Tim Osman shares his name with Osman I the founder of the Ottoman Empire and my personal favorite UN Space Alien Ambassador M. Othman shares her name with Mothman the winged alien in “Mothman Prophecies”. We are being played for Fools folks! Trust God and His Word; all else are easily provable Lies.
On Veteran’s Day NATO Chief, Jens Stoltenberg said “Russian jets pose a grave risk to civilian airliners” No Jens, Ukrainian Su-27’s firing air to air missiles pose a grave risk. Please do tell us how dozens of deceased, blood drained corpses ended up on MH-17 and why the tail number in the debris field doesn’t match MH-17 and why MH-17 was listed as “Cancelled” at Schipol Airport.
On Veteran’s Day Jesuit Chuck Hagel calls up Army Reservists and National Guard (Illegally) to fight Ebola; not remotely what any of them signed up for, but no matter, hardly anyone realizes the CDC and HHS have a patent on Ebola and the Vaccine. Hey, if you believe a Muslim convert getting beheaded by a British accent ISIS fighter, Sandy Hook must be a cinch. The press? no mention of this rather large nugget of Sandy Hook information. What’s hidden in Sandy Hook may very well be the biggest deception of all time
Sandy Hook means “Play the Joker Card”; the Joker is a Blasphemy of Jesus and the ultimate “Trump Card”; Jesus returns at the “Last Trump”/”Trump of God” (1 Cor 15:52; 1 Thess 4:17) to claim His own before the “Day of Wrath” destroys the works of man. Jesuits invented the “Pre-Trib Rapture” and used Plymouth Brethren (Aleister Crowley was a member) John Nelson Darby, Kansas Con-Man Cyrus Scofield, Tim LaHaye, Israel Whore John Hagee, and “Left Behind” stars Kirk Cameron and Jesuit/Knight of Malta Nic Cage to popularize this Satanic doctrine. Hagee teaches the 2014-15 “Blood Moons” signal the “Rapture”. Watch out for a fake Rapture! and please don’t feel “Left Behind”. If JESUS knows you, there is nothing to worry about. No middle man required, just invite Him in!
JESUS is the New Covenant, the 8th Covenant between God and Man. 2014-15 is the 8th Tetrad Never in human history have 2 Solar Eclipses occurred in conjunction with a Tetrad of 4 Lunar Eclipses
2 Solar eclipses will occur on 1 Nisan “God’s New Year” 2015 on March 20th and 1 Tishrei “Rosh Hashanah” aka “Feast of Trumpets”, the Rabbinical “Head of the Year” in 2015. Mar 20 is coincident with the Witchcraft Sabat Ostara (Easter/Ashtoreth/Astarte), the Persian/Zoroastrian New Year “Now Ruz” (New Light) and the descent of Quetzalcoatl at Chitzen Itza and El Castillo Pyramids. 2 Abib/Nisan is “Red Heifer” Day. The ashes of a 3+ yr old unblemished Red Heifer will be used to purify fake Kohanim and the 3rd Temple Cornerstone. Talmudic Sages and Rabbis teach that 9 such Red Heifers have been sacrificed and the Messiah will offer the 10th. Not remotely something Jesus does, this will be the Alternative Messiah, Zoroastrians and Arabs refer to al al-Khidr “Green Man” accompanied by al-Mahdi. He will sit on the Throne of Pergamum “Satan’s Seat” currently in the Berlin Museum (Germany=Gomer the father of Japheth “Fake Jews”)
4 Lunar Eclipses: Passover=April 15, 2014 Tabernacles=Oct 8, 2014 Passover=April 4, 2015 Tabernacles=Sept 28, 2015. Solar Eclipses: 1 Nisan=Mar 20, 2015 Rosh Hashanah=Sept 13, 2015. 2 Solar, 4 Lunar Eclipses and Mar 20 coincident with the Witchcraft Sabat “Ostara”, Persian “No Ruz” and Return of Quetzalcoatl (Plumed Serpent) is a but much to write off to chance!
Jesuit Pope Francis I held the Extraordinary Synod on Family over Feast of Tabernacles 2014, releasing the “Relatio” (Mid-term Report) on the 8th Great Day of Tabernacles, the day Jesus was Circumcised according to the law stating “Gifts to the Church emanate from Homosexual lifestyle” (as opposed to the person) Leviticus 18:22 disagrees with the Vicar of Jesus aka “Word made Flesh”. He will address the United Nations and attend the World Conference on Families in Philadelphia (Jesus called the Church of Philadelphia the “Synagogue of Satan” in Rev 3:9) on what else but Jesus’ Birthday on Feast of Tabernacles in 2015. Blasphemous? You Betcha. Jesuits are the “Militia of Zeus and Minerva”. Family means “Servants or Slaves of the Household” Forgive me Satanic Father I’m a little busy that day.
2016-17 is a Satanic Jubilee Year 50 years after the 6-Day War, founding of the Church of Satan and 7th Tetrad of Lunar Eclipses on Passover and Tabernacles. Start of the Great Tribulation? Getting pretty obvious isn’t it? Esau is about to break Jacob’s Yoke from off his neck (Gen 27:39-41KJV) and reveal himself as the 3rd Beast. Those darn Leopards never could change their spots!
Green Man is an archetype of the Creature (Created things) “…changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator…” Rom 1:24 Green Man represents the Gnostic goal to return the world to the Garden of Eden absent God according to the Emerald (Green) Tablet of Toth “As Above; So Below” Hey, if God can do it, Man can do it better or so goes the Luciferian logic. Green Man exists as a Trinity: Washington DC/Pentagon, City of London Corporation and the Vatican, 3 Sovereign territories within host Nations beholden to no laws which control Life/Death, Wealth/Property and Religion. This is not an indictment of the Roman Catholic Church as Jesuits are not Catholic in any sense; Jesuits are a Satanic Virus infecting the world. Green Man lives in the Green United Nations Building and derives authority from the “Earth Summit” and UN Agenda-21. The Satanic Agenda is to Rid planet Earth of the Human Virus. All those except the Aryan “Noble Caste” that is.
Green=Yellow (Sun) + Blue (Masonic Blue)
Tekhelet (Blue Dye) was used to make the Tzitzit (Knotted Fringes) real Jews under God’s Law used. It was made from the now extinct Hillazon Sea Snail. Counterfeit Tekhelet is made from Murex Trunculus; its Yellow secretions are exposed to UV (Ultraviolet=Highest Energy Visible Light) which turn Blue. Green Man (Lucifer=Light Bearer) is the same Fraud; Light (Blue Light is Refracted Most) acting on Chlorophyll=Green; close but no cigar. Chloro “Pale Green” is the Pale Horse “Death” and “Hell” follows close behind because sadly, most people reject the Creator in favor of the Creature. Lucifer is Satan, the Dragon, Devil, Serpent, cast out of heaven and into the Earth which deceives the whole world. (Ref Rev 12:9) Initiated into the Solar Cult? If you celebrate Hanukkah, Christmas or Easter you need to rethink that NO answer.
Following a Priest? Make sure it’s JESUS. Scapegoats (Jesus is the Scapegoat of Lev 16:8-10; Lucifer is Azazel; close, but no cigar) are trained to lead Sheep to Slaughter; Shepherds (Amurru is the Edomite/Red Shepherd) paint their legs Red because Sheep are color blind; we are as well until we invite JESUS to enter our lives.
God does not live in Cathedrals, Temples, Synagogues, Shrines or Mosques (Acts 7:48) Green Man thrives in places like Chartres Cathedral and Rosslin Castle, Synagogues of Satan or behind the Green Doors of the al-Aqsa Mosque. Jordan controls the al-Aqsa Mosque and Temple Mount. Jordan is a Hashemite (Edomite) Dictatorship. Edomite/Quyraish Bedouin, Grand Orient Lodge (US/British educated, initiated in Paris=House of ISIS) Luciferian Mason, fake Muslim King Abdullah II controls the site which ties together Abraham, Ishmael, Esau, King David, Solomon, Zerubabbel and Herod’s Temple, Muhammad and Jesus.
In the Arab world Green Man is al-Khidr is immortalized in Kataragama “Shrine of al-Khidr”
al-Khidr accompanies al-Mahdi; Christians know them as Antichrist “Alternative Messiah” and False Prophet, the Beast from the Sea (Sun or Leviathan) and Beast from the Earth (Green Man/Gaia). “Nature begs vengeance…”-Our Lady of La Salette; the Scourge of the Green Man will be the Ebola Vaccine. Before buying into Catholic Prophesy know that Our Lady is a Phoenician/Canaanite invention called “Our Lady of the Sea” aka Asherah, Anat or Isis; she is El’s Couselor; El is Saturn/Chronos/Time. The Roman Catholic Pope is not the Antichrist; this is about Knights Templar, Freemasons and Jesuits taking Vengeance.
“Science has spoken. There is no ambiguity in the message. Global Climate Change is entirely man’s fault. Leaders must act. Time is not on our side”. Ban Ki Moon Copenhagen Nov 1 “Day of the Dead”. The Unification Church “Moonie” disciple and Korean CIA asset just announced the UN plan to cut human emissions of CH4 and CO2 “Everyone just stop eating and breathing” CO2 and Methane oxidize to form Water Vapor, which rises to the Saturation Level, forming Clouds; more heat=more clouds, which reflect Sunlight and the resultant IR (Heat Energy) Simply more Luciferian Bull Shit!
Joshua “Son of Nun” aka Yah Shua, Jah Shua, Yehoshua, YaHUsha is not JESUS. The 14th Hebrew letter “Nun” means “Fish”, “Kingdom” and “Heir to the Throne”; Malkuth “Kingdom” or Leviathan (Sea Beast) in Kaballah is the 50th Gate (50=Jubilee) meaning “Understanding” of the “Physical World”. 4 Lunar Eclipses in succession on Passover and Tabernacles is a Tetrad; the last one heralded the 6-Day War; the one we are in now features 2 Solar Eclipses on God’s New Year and the Rabbinical New Year; heralding the Jubilee Year. Esau’s Yoke is about to be removed! Remember the words of Jesus “My kingdom is not of this world” Jn 18:36 This is a Spiritual War we are in, the Physical War was lost 6000 years ago when the Serpent convinced Adam and Eve they would not die; Oops!
“Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground…unto Cain and his offering he had not respect…Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him…the voice of thy brother’s blood crieth unto me from the ground. And now art thou cursed from the earth…a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth…and the LORD set a mark upon Cain…” Gen 4 Nothing sheds blood more than the Scourge of Ebola.
Oct 28 “Feast Day of St Jude”
Jude is the last book before Revelation; he is known for asking Jesus at the Last Supper why He would not manifest Himself to the world after the Resurrection; his letter is about Salvation and Persevering under difficult circumstances of the Great Tribulation. “For there are certain men crept in unawares…ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness…” Jude will take you 5 minutes to read, I suggest doing that now because Jesuits fit that bill perfectly.
On Oct 25 an anonymous US Official calls Benjamin Netanyahu “Chickenshit” meaning “Worthless Coward”. On Oct 28 Haaretz (People of the Land) publishes a picture of Netanyahu piloting an airplane into the World Trade Center. (His pal Mitt Romney was scheduled to attend a fundraiser in the WTC on 9/11 but got the word ahead of time to avoid that) On Oct 31 Netanyahu wove “Grassy Knoll” into a speech to the Knesset. Scripted? You betcha. Ref Michelle Obama’s “Black Widow Dress” on Election Night on the same spot Abraham Lincoln stood, he is the last US President according to the vision of C. Alan Martin in 1971. Grassy Knoll refers to CIA shooters who killed JFK; the Vietnam War ensued.
On Oct 28 the Green Door closes the al-Aqsa Mosque; not coincidentally, “Behind the Green Door” is a 1972 movie about a woman initiated into a public Orgy including women, men and animals. Israel (Star of Molech is not Jewish) closed the al-Aqsa compound and Mosque of Omar (Great Speaker) on Oct 28 and closed off Gaza on Nov 1. Mahmoud Abbas and Benjamin Netanyahu are both Luciferian Masons following a pre-written script toward WWIII, The “Golden Dome” and Octagon (Jesus is the 8th Covenant between God and Man) shaped site is where Abram offered Isaac (Ishmael in the Quran) as a sacrifice (replaced with the Lamb); the Winged Horse “al-Buraq” (Lightning) surveyed the Earth and Heaven for Abraham and Muhammad (Myth of course); David purchased as the “Threshing Floor” of the Jebusites (Canaanites in Jerusalem) for Solomon’s Temple and where Jesus turned the tables on the “Money Changers” and watched the Temple Veil tear at His Crucifixion. Fake Jews wear the Yarmulke (Kippah or Zuchetto) at the Western Wall under the Temple Mount to replace this veil because they reject JESUS CHRIST. This will be the site and cause of WWIII. Antichrist is “Little Horn” aka the “Great Speaker” (Dan 7:8); his Idol is the “Abomination of Desolation”; his throne (Isis=Throne) is “Satan’s Seat” aka “Throne of Pergamon” currently in the Berlin Museum. Got JESUS in your life? Time is getting really short!
On Oct 28 Pope Francis I decreed “Evolution and the Big Bang are correct; God is not a magician with a magic wand” Pope Francis I, an initiated Jesuit was speaking on Jesuit theories at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. The lying Pontiff has shown his true colors. 1 Tim 6:20 “….avoiding profane and vain babblings and oppositions of science falsely so called” Profanity is Blasphemous contempt of God. Listening to this man’s vain, profane babblings? Better think twice.
On Oct 28 “Feast Day of St Jude” Sir (Knight in service to the Queen of Heaven) Elton John called Pope Francis “My Hero” for “Promoting acceptance of homosexuality within the Catholic Church”, at the AIDS Banquet in NYC. Elton said “Jesus would support Gay Marriage” Lev 18:22, Lev 20:13; 1 Cor 6:9 1 Ti 1:8 and Jude 7 beg to differ. Folks, if you want to be in the “Wedding of the Lamb” I suggest reading the Word (Jesus is the Word made Flesh) before listening to Sir Elton or a Jesuit Pope who believes he Evolved from Alien Pond Scum to become the Infallible representative of Jesus on Earth.
On Oct 28 the Antares Rocket and Cygnus cargo ship exploded on takeoff. Antares is Alpha Scorpio, known as the “Hound of Hel” or “Cerberus” the “Bloody Beast” guarding the Gates of Hell. Cygnus is Zeus (Lucifer) in the form of a Swan who seduced Nemesis. Arabs revere Nemesis as Manat, the “Goddess of Fate”. A little warning from God here? You betcha.
On Halloween Sir (Sir=Knight) Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic Space Ship 2 “Enterprise” exploded after release from the Virgin Mother Ship “Eve” (Eve=To Breathe or Give Life) aka “White Knight”.
A Cornerstone was set in place on the English language side of the Georgia (Ge=Geo=Earth; George is St George aka Green Man) Guide Stones; it was later removed and broken in Masonic ceremony with the pieces handed out to onlookers. The 6 sides of the Stone Cube functioned as a Dice; the numbers/letters inscribed were: 20-14-MM-8-16-JAM. The significance of this ritual is formal rejection of Jesus Christ as the Chief Cornerstone in favor of St George “Green Man”. Arabs call him al-Khidr. Green Man is the Holly King of Christ Mass “Adonis”. New Agers call him Sanat Kumara; Santa, Sanat and Satan are pretty obvious eh?
Green Man rides the Pale Green Horse “Death” with “Hell” close behind. The date of this highly symbolic rejection was Kol Nidre, meaning “All Vows” Oct 3, 2014 was the night before Feast of Atonement “Yom Kippur” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjFlMDkhWj1 “MM” The Master Mason smashing the Cube represents formal rejection of the Holy Ghost, the “Unforgivable Sin”. Masonry, Jesuits and other initiated orders nullify Oaths and Vows made in public in favor of Secret Ceremony Oaths. Rest assured, God sees those Private Oaths and Ceremonies and holds all accountable. The #1 Commandment written at the Georgia Guide Stones is “Maintain humanity under 500 Million perpetual balance with nature”. “We are the riders of the Pale Horse Death. God creates, we decide who lives and who dies” Barbara Marx Hubbard
“Zaire Ebola can live 50 days on glass, door knobs, tables at 39F” UK Defence Science and Technology Lab (DSTL) Report Oct 26, 2014 Zaire Ebola “ZeBov” and its variants are patented; the ZMab Antibody is patented. In 2010 the CDC acquired the patent from Queen Elizabeth II; the Bio-warfare “Portfolio” was manufactured by DSTL on behalf of the Queen. Queen Elizabeth’s husband Prince Phillip wants to be re-incarnated as “Killer Virus”. The only thing I’m aware of that lives 50 days on 39F doorknobs is BULLSHIT! “Ebola is mutating to become airborne” “Humans are an infection and Ebola is Earth’s immune response” NIH Satanist/Scientist Peter Jarhling.
Fresh off a $multi-billion fraud judgment, Glaxo-Smith-Kline, British manufacturer of the Ebola Vaccine has appealed to WHO Director Margaret Chan (she works for Prince Phillip) for Immunity from prosecution on Oct 28. Health Care Insurers are now providing quotes excluding Ebola as well. Patent the Disease; Hype the Disease; Immunize against the Disease; Profit from Disease; exclude the disease from Health Care plans and receive Legal Immunity from Death/Injury? “Corporations are people my friend” Mitt Romney “13% of people infected with Ebola do not develop fever” -WHO. Without a fever, insurance may disqualify coverage of Ebola; the cost to treat Green shirted Thomas Duncan was estimated at $100,000/Hr.
Who would develop and patent a deadly disease and its cure? Vaccine means “Pertaining to the Cow”; the Holy Cow is Hathor. Jesuit quack Edward Jenner changed Cowpox to Smallpox and spread the disease with vaccines; injecting dead cow does that sort of thing. Oct 28 is fake Jew Jonas Salk’s birthday “After inoculating children with the Polio Vaccine, you don’t sleep well for 2 -3 weeks” Injecting Simion Monkey “SV-40” Virus, dead Pig and Cow cells makes even hardened Satanists worry. The CDC admitted that from 1973 on, the Vaccine caused nearly all Polio cases. The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion are Edomite not Jewish. #10 “It is indispensable in all countries to trouble the people’s relationship with their Governments so as to utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, strife, envy and to torture by starvation and inoculation of diseases”. Jesuit educated, Talmudic fake Jew Ron Klain named Ebola Czar Ron shepherded the bankruptcy/bailouts of Fannie Mae and Solyndra. He was Jesuit Joe Biden and Luciferian Mason Al Gore Chief of Staff, and Balkan butcher/Waco murderer Gen Wes Clark/Kohen adviser. No medical or virology experience, just a liar promoting the airborne Ebola lie.
United Nations Day and the Islamic New Year
Media hype over Ebola is covering the big news. Cesium 137 spiked radiation 1000X over the previous record at Fukushima Oct 24 http://enenews.com/radiation-levels-surge-fukushima-plant-100000-previous-record-high-tv-officials-dont-typhoon-be-blame-video and the TPP Meeting in Australia Oct 24-26 over United Nations Day and the Islamic New Year. “Nobody shall ender the New Age unless he or she accepts a Luciferian Initiation” -UN Planetary Initiative. The color of the UN Building is Green, the grand meeting hall is Green and the UN Meditation Room has 11 Chairs in an 11ft X 18ft X 33ft Trapezoid shaped room with a 13,000Lb Lodestone Altar illuminated by a single shaft of Light for the 10 Horned Beast and “Little Horn”. Out front is a Gun with its barrel tied in a knot, a broken “Golden Globe” giving birth to a much smaller Globe of the “Golden Age” and St George “Green Man” killing the Dragon.
Hilal is the first visible crescent after the New Moon; the symbol of Islam represents “al-Lah” the Arab Moon god. Mormons recite “Pey Heylel” meaning “Marvelous Lucifer” at the 2nd token of the Melchisedek Priesthood because Islam and Mormonism are Pagan Arab religions. Don’t be casting stones here folks, Pope Francis sits on the Chair of St Peter above the Shahada “There is no god but Allah” and most Protestants believe John Calvin and his TULIP nonsense; after celebrating Samhain, the day Martin Luther cast his stones at the Roman Catholic Church, they will set up the Grove of “Green Man” and light their homes on Festival of Lights. Lucifer is the “Light Bearer” after all.
On Sunday (Dies Solis) Oct 26, Zionist, Israel Whore, Pre-Tribulation Rapture promoter John Hagee held the 33rd annual “Night to honor Israel” at Cornerstone Church saying “Never in my life have so many come together in support of Israel”; Jesus called Jerusalem “Spiritually, Sodom ad Egypt” Rev 11:8 and in John 18:36 “My kingdom is not of this world”. Cornerstone Church is the wrong Cornerstone!
10/25/14 is the “Islamic New Year”. On this date measured radiation in ground water spiked 1000X previous record at Fukushima. I am not a nuclear expert, if any of this is provably incorrect please let me know. Underground Plutonium fission is producing Cesium and Tritium “Heavy Water”. Fission heat melts rock and produces high pressure steam underground, resulting in spherically shaped cores similar to those used in Hydrogen Fusion devices. Eventually, Plutonium enhanced Nuclear Fusion could occur, the resulting Earthquakes at the intersection of 3 tectonic plates. This may very well make the “…foundations of the earth do shake…the Earth shall reel to and fro as a drunkard” Is 24:18-20 and cause “Earthquakes in diverse places” Mat 24:7 Nuclear Fusion of Hydrogen to Helium (He) releases the energy of the Sun; the particular title Jesus used for Himself which caused the Scourging and Crucifixion was “I Am He”. Japan (Jih Pun) means “Land of the Rising Sun”. “Revenge is a dish best served cold” Alfred Nobel invented Dynamite by putting Nitro-glycerin in a clay matrix; the shock wave initiates the explosion; “Cold Fusion” works the same way and yes it’s proven and real. Earthquakes sending “Shock Waves” across Fusion Cores may very well work the same way. Initiating Earthquakes like the 2006 Yule Earthquake in Indonesia or the 9.0 Fukushima Earthquake is quite easy with Scalar Wave technology, so be careful blaming God for the upcoming calamities.
Geo-engineering the Earth with Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Radiation (Fukushima) and Oil (Deeo Water Horizon) is just great fun eh? Engineering Drought, Floods and Tornados aka “Weather Modification” and profiting from “Weather Derivative” Investments and Insurance is priceless; made possible in large part by a generous $1/2 Billion/ year, no-bid, US taxpayer financed contract with CIA (Tree of Knowledge and Central Intelligence? tough to figure this out eh?) airline “Evergreen International”; a fleet of B-747’s paid to spray Aluminum, Barium and Desiccated Blood over the globe; Who thinks of such things?
Pharisee School of Hillel
Rabbis are today’s Pharisees. I’ll try to be delicate here, but the mind of the “Hardened” occultist is as “Reprobate” (Rom 1:27) as it gets. Fukushima isn’t difficult to see FUKU and Shima. Fornication Under Consent of the King is not what you think; Fornication is derived from Porneia or Porneos “Idol Worship” in the Spiritual sense and “Adultery” in the physical sense; these are prohibited by the 2nd and 6th Commandments. Fornication has nothing to do with unmarried sex; it has to do with Adultery. Idols such as the Cross (or Crucifix), Six Pointed Star and Crescent (Hillal) violate the 2nd Commandment. Pharisees of the School of Hillel taught Divorce is permissible if for any reason a man’s bride becomes unacceptable to him” Jesus taught that committing Adultery is the only reason for Divorce. In Arabic “Mecca” is derived from Mechus meaning “Adultery”. The Triple Goddess is worshipped at Mecca as Uzza, Manat and Al-Lah.
Shima is Ashima, cognate with Manat (3 Arab gods infecting Islam are Uzza, al-Lah, and Manat) the “Goddess of Fate” or “Measurer of Fate”. Fukushima was an intentionally planned “Extinction Level Event” at the site of origin for the Atmospheric Jet Stream, intersection of major Ocean Currents and site of 3 major Tectonic Plates. For more information on Fukushima go to the Fukushima and Deep Water Horizon page on Daily Updates. Jesus returns to “Destroy them which destroy the Earth” Rev 11:18 Freemasons know Manat as Asherah, the Poles used as the Gates of the Grove. Fukushima is and continues to be the most destructive event in human history since the Flood.
The UN directed Trans-Pacific Partnership meeting over United Nations Day and the Islamic New Year was no coincidence. TPP will be completed by the end of 2014, ending the National Sovereignty of 40% of the planet in favor of International Corporations and their hired attorneys. TAP Trans-Atlantic Partnership will take care of the rest of the Earth outside of NAM Non Aligned Movement with all sides controlled by the United Nations under Unification Church disciple Ban Ki Moon. Religion is controlled by the Vatican City; Military by Washington DC (Russia and the US arm both sides eg Iran-Iraq; ISIS-Syria) and Earth’s Natural Resources by the City of London Corporation. The Satanic British (Birthright of Ishmael and Esau) entities now control the entire Earth (Ref Dan 11:38-41 “Dividing the Land for Gain”). Ripped apart in the middle is the US, with the largest Oil (Bakken, Gulf of Mexico, ANWR, Green River), Nat Gas and Fresh Water supplies in the world. The $Quadrillion value of all these Earth riches kept away from citizens on CAFR’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports who don’t even realize the US is a bankrupt Corporation about to go into receivership of the Creditors.
America the Beautiful? Not quite, how about God Save the Queen. In control of the WHO World Health Organization is Margaret Chan a Committee of 300 “Olympian”
and Officer in the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. In control of the City of London Corporation CEO Fiona Woolf, appointed to investigate the Royal Child Sacrifice/Pedophile Ring; fittingly Woolf and the Archbishop of York quit on Halloween 2014. Woolf is the sister of Baron Harry Woolf, fake Jew who wrote a book “I am Jewish” about his Sephardic and Ashkenazi grandparents (Neither are “Jewish”). Harry is Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales and Committee of 300 Olympian; her husband Nicholas Woolf was the Enron account auditor at Arthur Anderson. Fiona Woolf is currently in charge of investigating the Marc Dutroix, Jimmy Saville, Chateau Amerois “Castle of Kings”, Jill Dando murder, Satanic pedophile/murder/sacrifice ring. George Bush Sr “1000 pts of Light” Charity is named for the 1000 pts of Light Chapel in Chateau Amerois in Muno Bel Belgium where “Black Nobility” and “Mother’s of Darkness” like Barbara Bush convene to sacrifice children and write the progress of the Luciferian New World Order in blood. “Nobody shall enter the New World Order unless he or she accepts a Luciferian Initiation” UN Planetary Initiative. Fiona Woolf is a Commander in the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire; Woolf and Chan work for Prince “Killer Virus” Phillip and Queen Elizabeth II; maybe she will invite you to the Dragon Awards Dinner in the Great Egyptian Hall. Statues of Gog and Magog guard the entrance to the City of London because Satanists deny Jesus Christ and His Millennial Reign on Earth; they need us to believe “Gog and Magog” is Russia. A host of lying Wolves are preaching this Lie to Christians right now eg Texe Marrs, Joel Rosenberg, Chuck Missler, Sheikh Imran Hossein, Grant Jeffery, Hal Lindsey, Mormon Church. Gog and Magog is at the end of the Millennium over 1000 years from now!! (Rev 20:7-8) Amar (Canaanite god of the West), Amurru (Edomite Shepherd and Serpent god), Ameru (Serpent) are the Serpents whose Wolves are guarding the Sheep; we call them Reverend, Pastor, Father, Master or Rabbi, but they are all the Gnostic Cathar Church of Amor (Love) leading Sheep to Slaughter. Feel the Love yet? Paul said Charity is the greatest virtue; no wonder the Authorized Bible uses “Charity” and new bibles use “Love”. If you believe Israel is God’s restoration of Jews to the Promised Land, you are falling for the Lie. Jesus is Shiloh (He whose it is); Shiloh restores the Tribes of Jacob (Gen 49:10) Jesus is Melchisedek; if you believe any man on Earth can hold this title (Mormon Church) you are falling for the Lie. If you believe you are living in the “End Times” you are not in personal Covenant with JESUS! Head for your Prayer Closet while there is still time. JESUS’ “Dominion” lasts forever (Dan 7:14) Edom’s “Dominion” lasts 3 1/2 years (Dan 7:6) Don’t fall for the Lies!
“Humans are an infection and Ebola is Earth’s Immune Response”
Richard Preston wrote this in the “The Hot Zone”, quoting HIH Scientist Peter Jahrling, a perfect example of how people with no relationship with God feel toward most of humanity.
“Discoverer” of Reston Virus, star of the 1994 book “The Hot Zone”, Bush Jr Smallpox liar, now NIH Chief Scientist Dr Peter Jahrling “Ebola is mutating to become airborne” Oct 15, 2014 Peter was the Smallpox spokesman at USAMRIID during the Bush Jr years claiming “Smallpox is the gravest threat to the US”. Now he says “Ebola may be transmitted by aerosol more easily in colder, dryer climates” Like the US and Europe this winter, on Airplanes and in Hospitals Pete? Oct 25, 2014 The purpose then as now is to promote Vaccination through Hype and Lies, nothing more.
Shedding the blood of 7 Billion people? Where on Earth did this idea come from? God of course. “And almost all things are by the law purged with blood, and without the shedding of blood is no remission” Heb 9:22
Green Man and Gaia (Ge=Earth) “Earth Mother” are archetypes of the living Earth, worshipped by Witches, Shaman, Soothsayers, Neo-Pagans, Heathens (Jer 10 describes Christmas as a Heathen custom) etc who do not know and worship God as the Creator and Jesus as God in Flesh. A 28 day Lunar Cycle matching a woman’s 28 day menstrual cycle, Lunar Gravity causing Tidal swings and Sunlight acting on Chlorophyll gave rise to worship of the Beasts of the Earth and Sea, the Sun and Moon. The problem? Lunar Gravity has nothing to do with Tides and the Earth is not Living.
Gaia fashioned an Adamant Stone Sickle (Jesus is called the Adamant Stone) and coerced her son Chronos (Time) to castrate her husband; Giants were born of Gaia and the blood, while Aphrodite came from the Testicles “Balls”. Aphrodite is Venus aka Lucifer. Pagan Arabs of the Quyraish (Jude 7 “Core”; Num 16 “Korah”; 1 Chr “Kore”) Tribe introduced Venus/Aphrodite/Lucifer as “al-Uzza” to Muslims; the Triple Goddess being Uzza, Lah/Lat (Allah) and Manat. Notice the Priests of Korah who rebelled against God in Moses and Aaron’s day were swallowed in what else but the Earth. Pretty hard to believe Muslims could be fooled like this? Christians believe in the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus for Pete’s sake, so go ahead and cast the first stone. NOT!
The Balls of the Flagrum used in Crucifixions were designed to cause massive internal hemorrhage much like the CDC/USAMRIID manufactured Ebola (Balls) does. Rejecting the blood of Jesus Christ as remission of sin, the shedding of blood is required which is why War and Disease are created and managed.
Aphrodite “Gaia” is equivalent with Hathor the “Holy Cow” and Zeus “Green Man”, the Bull. At CERN he is called Cernunnos
“Horned One” where Satanists oops Scientists are attempting to prove “Gravity” exists and God is wrong. Ever wonder why Lying is called Bullshit? Vaccine means “Pertaining to the Cow”. Think twice before asking for the Ebola Vaccine! Vaccines are a Jesuit creation; Jesuit Quack Edward Jenner changed the name “Cowpox” to “Smallpox”; the injected a “Witch’s Brew ” overwhelmed immune systems and killed millions. “Spanish Flu” killed 50 million; the disease began with Vaccinations given to soldiers at Ft Riley KS; Trench Warfare? Great plan. “Re-elect the man who will keep your sons out of the war in Europe” Liar Woodrow Wilson.
The most binding of all Oaths made in ancient Greece were sworn to Gaia, the deity behind the Oracle of Delphi (Chaldean Soothsayers) “But above all things, my brethren swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth…” James 5:12 Forget what your Chaldean Study Bible notes tell you about “Swearing” being foul language; Swearing is the Swearing of Oaths. How does Kol Nidre look now?
In the Gnostic and Arab (Great One; same root as Rabbi) world, Sin is equivalent with Allah, the moon god because the moon reflects the sun. The Sin? Believing one can be a god. The source? The Serpent. The Cult of the Green Man are the Amalekites “The LORD will have war with Amalek from generation to generation” Ex 17:16 Followers of Jesus are referred to as a “Chosen Generation” (1 Pet 2:9) The last “Generation” ends as the Great Tribulation begins; all others thereafter are referred to as “Earth Dwellers” (Rev 11:10). Folks, you can either follow JESUS or become an “Earth Dweller” with the “Strong Delusion to believe Lies” There is no middle ground. When?
“Muhammad d’ul Mahdi comes before Jesus at the end of the great war… al-Mahdi is the descendant of the Holy Prophet Muhammad in the 40th generation”
Shiekh Mazim Adul al-Haqqani d. May 7, 2014 was the 40th and last of the “Golden Chain” of Sayyids descended from Muhammad. The only survivors will be those who comply with the Law as taught to Moses by al-Khidr. Which law? Sharia Law, which proscribes the death penalty for followers of Jesus Christ; He was rejected because He is the real teacher of Moses.
Paul told followers of JESUS he bowed his knees to the Father of Jesus Christ that we may not faint at the coming Tribulations, which are the source of one’s glory. Followers of JESUS are to comprehend with all saints, what is the “breadth, and length, and depth, and height” Eph 3:18 A Stone Cube has 3 dimensions; if you can’t comprehend the 4th dimension “Height”, you need the “Holy Ghost”; pause for 2 minutes, head for your “Prayer Closet” and open the door to a one on one relationship to JESUS, the sole source of the “Holy Ghost”. Ref (1 Jn 5:7 AV) Time is very short.
On Kol Nidre “All Vows” (the night before Feast of Atonement aka Yom Kippur) Talmudic Rabbis wrote the names of the Congregation in their own Satanic version of the “Lamb’s Book of Life” and forgave planned Sins and Oaths for the coming year. What Sins? On Feast of Atonement the CDC and UN declared “Ebola is Airborne Transmissible”. The same day the WHO declared “Preparations for an Influenza outbreak that could kill 60M worldwide are underway” (Swine Flu Vaccines patented by Don Rumsfeld were transported worldwide last summer) Why? WHO Level 6 Pandemic Protocol allows for forced Quarantine and forced Vaccination for Influenza and Ebola. Zaire Ebola, the Ebola Vaccine and the Swine Flu Vaccine are Patented. Satanists are planning a worldwide Blood Sacrifice through Vaccination.
Ebola: Rise of the “Green Man” Bacchus, Dionysus, Hermes, St George, the Arab-Sufi al-Khidr. (al-Khidr accompanies al-Mahdi aka Antichrist and False Prophet or Bab and Baha’U’llah is you happen to be Bahai) Green means “Gullible”. Green shirted Crisis Actors like Thomas Duncan, Nina Pham and Heather Green (Heath=Heathen=Green Earth Dweller) and Green Screen generated news is no proof of disease.
The current man-made Ebola project is a Green color coded Psy-Op. Green is the color of Islam (Muslim means One who Submits to Allah aka Sin) and also the United Nations because “Green Man” is Satan. God separated the Nations in Joktan and Peleg’s day (Gen 10:25 roughly 100 years after the flood, waters receded to form the various nations); Joktanites are Arabs who are uniting the Nations under Luciferian rule, which is Free of God; the Kingdom of Ormus is the Gnostic world of the Serpent aka Order of Perfectibilists (Cathar Perfecti), Illuminati or Theraputae. The medical industry uses the Serpent wrapped Pillar “Cadueces” because Green Man is Hermes. The Emerald (Green) Tablet of Toth-Hermes begins “That which is above shall be that which is below”; there is the origina of the 6 Pointed Star. “No person shall enter the New Age unless he or she accepts a Luciferian Initiation” UN Planetary Initiative. Reject the New Age and receive the Glory of God; it’s as simple as that.
Green Man is a pre-Islamic archetype; a model of the pre-Flood “Paradise”. Rabbis use the term “Tikkun Olam” (Repair the Earth) Worship of the Earth (Geo) is Worship of Creation rather than the Creator. The US protects Kurds because they are Yezidis, the Zoroastrian Fire Worshippers of al-Khidr whose Shrines are found all over Kurdistan along side natural springs used in Water Baptism Rites. Sounds a lot like the Water Baptism your fake Christian Priest or Pastor gave you doesn’t it? The real Baptism is done Spiritually through the Holy Ghost.
Jesus is the Tree of Life; Green Man hides in the Tree of Knowledge; the Arabian Palm and Christmas Evergreen for example.
al-Khidr “Green Man” is derived from “Khitan” a Mongol term meaning “Circumcision”, the outward adherence to the Law. Sounds like the Circumcision your doctor or Rabbi insisted on doing when you were born doesn’t it?
al-Khidr is depicted traveling on water supported by a Fish; sounds like the Fish Bumper Sticker handed out in so-called Christian Churches doesn’t it? Phoenicians call al-Khidr “the “Fisher King”
al-Khidr has the attributes of Mithra, born at Solar Solstice and rising 3 days later; sounds like Christmas doesn’t it? This is why Paul told people to leave Congregations and continue in the Grace of the Lord (Ref Acts 13:43)
Sufi and Shia Sayyids also protect the Kurds because al-Khidr heralds the unveiling of the 12th hidden Imam “al-Mahdi”. Think Iran is an enemy of the US? Guess again. For the Arab, al-Khidr is the only form of Salvation; al-Khidr is Energy through Photosynthesis (Light Synthesis of Chlorophyll), Renewal through destruction, and Spirituality (Quest for the Holy Grail). Khidr also means “Crawler”; recall the Serpent was made to crawl on his belly for enticing Eve to Sin.
The Green color is seen on Green Sayyid Turbans worn by descendants of Abraham, Ishmael and through Canaanite/Hittite wives to Esau. Remember, the Covenant God made with Abraham was conditional on not taking wives of the daughters of Canaan. Isaac and Jacob complied, Ishmael and Esau did not. Green is the color of Hashemites of Trans-Jordan (created in WWI) and Quyraish Bedouins of Mecca (Mecca means Mechus “Adultery”) from the Rebel Priests of Korah/Core in Moses and Aaron’s day, from whom Muhammad later descended. Trans-Jordan is the land of Moab, Ammon and Edom; they achieve “Dominion” (Gen 27:40 AV) and escape the hand of Antichrist/Green Man (Dan 11:41) America was set up to be the world’s Scapegoat.
al-Qaeda (Foundation) was coined by Ibn Sayyid Qutb in 1966, the same year the Church of Satan was founded in San Francisco; Qutb is a Dervish title meaning “Pillar”. Sayyid ali-Khameini in Iran rose to power from the “Green Revolution”; Sayyid ali-Sistani is in Iraq’s “Green Zone”, both set up by the US according to the plan written on the “Feast Day of Lucifer “Aug 15, 1871 (the same year the US ceased to be a Nation and became a CORPORATION), by Sodomite Luciferian Mason Albert Pike. Isis is the Throne. Read Jude 7 before “Perishing in the Gainsaying of Core” This lasts for eternity.
al-Khidr is regarded as the teacher of Moses. The Law was taught to Moses. “For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all” James 2:10 Your choices are the Law or JESUS. with no legitimate Levite Priests or Temple, keeping the Law is impossible. This is why Jesus replaced the Levite Priesthood with the Melchisedek Priesthood. JESUS is Melchisedek.
Israel’s authority is Molech “Green Man”, seen on the State Flag; it is not God’s gathering of the 12 Tribes; Jesus “Shiloh” (Ref Gen 49:10) does that with the 2nd Coming. Israel is waiting for “Green Man” “I am come in my Father’s name, and ye receive me not; if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive…For if ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me; for he wrote of me” John 5:43; 46
Israel is made up of Samaritans; a mix of Babylonians, Cuthites, Medeans, Canaanites listed in 2 Ki 17:30 with the original tribes of Israel. Today, they illegally occupy the offices of Levite Priests. Green Screen technology is used by Rita Katz (Kahannim + Tzaddeq) and “SITE” (Site is a euphemism for 3rd Eye Illumination; JESUS’ Sight refers to the Holy Ghost) to incite violence against the fictitious US created bogyman, ISIS as it was for al-Qaeda.
Sandy Hook was also a Green Screen Hoax as is Ebola, created in the “Ebola Building” aka Ft Detrick. Nothing new, Green Screen technology came from Stanley Kubrick and NASA during the Masonic Lies of the Apollo Moon Hoax. Think this is a joke? Go see the plywood and foil Lander at the Air and Space Museum.
FEMA and Wall St will be conducting an Influenza Pandemic Exercise Nov 13 and 20, 2014; Power, Phone, Internet, Banking all shut down. Happy Thanksgiving? The first Thanksgiving was made possible by a Jesuit created Smallpox Pandemic.
Nothing has changed.
The Arab Green Man is “al-Khidr”; same as the Templar “Green Man” only this one wears the Sayyid Green Turban and Green Robes Muhammad was said to have worn; myth? you betcha, just like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. al-Khidr is Hizir in Turkey called the “Old Dervish” or “Old man of the mountain”. The British “Order of the Garter” (Garter means “Witch’s Belt” signifies a Ritual Marriage to Satan and formal rejection of Jesus Christ. Turning the Cross upside down, breaking the cross bar, Blaspheming Jesus and urinating on the “Peace Sign” aka “Witch’s Foot” will do that. The “Order of the Garter” was originally called the “Order of Khidr”, the Cupbearers of the Sufis.
The language of Green Man is called what else but “Green Language”; also “Language of Light” or Langue d’ Oc (Languedoc is where the Cathars were executed; Oc means Occular, Occident (West) and 8, the number of Eternity). Just one problem! Jesus is the 8th Covenant between God and Man. “Language of Birds” is Augury; soon the entrails of America’s Eagle will foretell the world’s future, or so the Satanic dupes believe. Egyptian Hieroglyphics is called the “Alphabet of Birds”. Gypsy (Egypt means Land of Gypsies) Language is Tarot aka “Dragon Speech”. Language of Angels (Melek-Taus is the Zoroastrian Peacock Angel) is Sufi Language. Divination is “Spoken Kaballah”. The Death Chamber at San Quentiin is the Green Room; the Green Mile was about the world rejecting Jesus. Got the idea here?
Geo is George aka “Beast from the Earth” or “False Prophet”; How best to serve Green Man? Stop the Sheeple from Breathing CO2 , cutting O2 producing Trees, raising/consuming CH4 producing Cattle, burning “Fossil Fuels” (Oil is produced from Organic material under high heat, pressure and water, not Fossils) and wasting water. “Carbon Credits” for “Mass Murder”; Great plan eh?
“…yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service…And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me”
– John 16:2-3
War Hawk, CFR, Rhodes Scholar Ashton Carter heads the Pentagon
No enditement for NY police who killed a man by strangulation on video, played over and over on TV. Killed/Murdered for peddling Cigarettes? Do you think this will stur up any hate and Discontent?
“Control Oil you control nations. Control Food you control people” Satanist Henry Kissinger. Deep Water Horizon was pre-planned to cap the Macondo Prospect Oil; locking up over a Trillion Bbls of virtually free oil. 2014 Cheap Oil is a pre-planned OPEC/Saudi War against Shale Oil producers whose break-even cost is over $100/Bbl; the jobs they provide in the Bakken Oil Formation and Banks that finance the operations are about to go bust.
Light and Gravity are currently held to be Massless Waves and/or Particles with Mass. As for Gravity, that magical Force has never been proven. As for Light, a Light Bulb couldn’t work if Light was a Wave, the bulb itself is a Vacuum. Ridiculous as it seems is that Light must start out as a Particle with Mass and magically change outside the bulb to a Wave capable of displacing Matter, and magically back to Particles with Mass to travel through the Vacuum of Space. Stupid in the extreme because the Graviton “God Particle” is Satan and Light is Lucifer, both “Vain and Profane Babblings opposing the Word of God” I Tim 6:20 KJV
Israel bans Palestine Flag under threat of imprisonment, asset seizure. Only the Star of Molech in Tekhelet Blue is allowed. Hypocrisy cannot go any further than this
“It is legal to shoot a fleeing suspect” Grand Jury written and verbal instructions given before deliberations by MS Prosecutors guaranteeing a non-indictment; prosecutors just got “Initiated”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gw4nQd6lryw The excerpt of this 1979 law was declared Unconstitutional in 1985 by the Fed Supreme Court. Ferguson is an Unconstitutional Fed and State Government, Stage managed event whose ripple effects are being managed all over the US. ISIS and the KKK back “Protestors” on the Wilson side as the Black Panthers and Satanic Rev Al Sharpton back the Brown side in classic Dialectic aka Managed Opposition.
“Ordo ab Chao” (Order out of Chaos) is the motto of Sovereign Masonry, high level Jesuit/SMOM initiations and Skull & Bones aka Brotherhood of Death. The President Pardoning the Turkey making sense now? Thanksgiving was/is a celebration of Native slaughter during the Green Corn Festival; the Stomp Dance designed to tear down and replace the old order for “Grandfather Fire”. Crimes were forgiven during this annual Rite of Passage to adulthood and War Names given to those deemed worthy.
“Re-elect the man who will keep us out of War” Re-election campaign motto of Fed Reserve traitor Woodrow Wilson. The Selective Service Draft for WWI began in 1917 as did Vaccinations of servicemen leading to the Spanish Flu which killed 1/3 of Europe. Draft protests and riots erupted across America called the Green Corn Rebellion.
“If war in the Middle East is not over by my inauguration, it will be my first action as President” Barack Obama. INRI means “Nature is renewed by fire”. This Rosicrucian motto was not on the Cross “Jesus the King of the Jews” was. America is the pardoned Turkey, wined and dined before being Crucified. The Green Corn God is Baal aka Molech unto whom Fire Sacrifices (Burnt Offerings) are given. Masons designed the St Louis to exalt the Sun God to its highest. Christmas aka “Saturnalia” means “Sacrifice and consumption of the Host/Messiah” and Birth of Baal/Dionysus/Bacchus/Attis/Mithra aka “Green Man”. Jesus is the Crucified Messiah nailed to the Evergreen Tree. Christmas/Hanukkah celebrates the birth of Solis Invictus (Unconquered Sun). Now you know why Shamash (Sun) is the center candle of the Hanukkah Menorah. Vaccinations anyone?
Violence is expected with a Grand Jury non-Indictment. To Guarantee the outcome MS Prosecutors instructed the Grand Jury verbally and in writing “It is legal to shoot a fleeing suspect”; this excerpt of a 1979 law was declared unconstitutional by the Fed Supreme Court in 1985 making the Grand Jury decision invalid. Gov Jay Nixon is not managing the legal travesty in Ferguson. Obama adviser Valerie Jarret and Luciferian Rev Al Sharpton are.
A disease researchers are calling “the “new AIDS” is making its way into the United States from Latin America.
Chagas disease is transmitted by a black, wingless beetle that feeds on human blood, according to Business Insider. Because the Triatoma bug typically feeds near the lips of sleeping victims, it has become known as the “kissing bug.” After it feeds, it defecates on the victim, releasing a parasite called Trypanosoma cruzi. The unwitting party then scratches the itch and smears the parasite into the wound.
China to build ANOTHER 100 petaflops hybrid supercomputer by 2014?
We passed through the 10 petaflops barrier in the supercomputer racket last year, and the next station on the train to exaflops is 100 petaflops.
China already admitted at last year’s International Super Computing ’12 shindig that it was working on a kicker to Tianhe-1A hybrid CPU-GPU supercomputer, with the goal of having the Tianhe-2 machine reaching 100 petaflops of peak performance by 2015. And now, the Chinese government, which is flush with trillions of dollars in cash, could be moving the schedule forward by as much as a year – and perhaps with a totally different machine
super computers are being used in every country and continent in the world. Getting ready for the day when cash becomes trash and all money becomes cashless.
This is an E-mail to Removetheveil Nov 21 and my response. Akkadian were Kushite my love from Nimrud! You mixing all Gypsies in one bag and creating nonsence! Gypsy mean Akkad where that you took from Free Masons? HYKSOS were Midianites also Moses son Balak family was there too. In fact he was the main one In Hyksos dynasty. But don’t forget he was also Levite by Moses! They are Sinti Gypsies! Kale descent from Balak brother Gershon, which became Levites in tribe Dan. Roma Gypsies are similar origin to Sinti, they descent from Rechabites. Rechabites descent from midianite priest Jethro and Levite Aron. Yes all this klans descent from Akkadian because Keturah concubine of Abraham was daughter of Joktan (Peleg brother) and Nimrods /Sargon daughter. BUT RECHABITES /KENITES ARE LEVITE BY AROON! YOU MIXING ZION (TWELVE STARS) WITH SUN MAN! Nehemiah 3:14 that biblical proof that Roma Gypsies /Rechabite were part of Judah royal clan. Jethro midianite priest also known as Kenite. Melchizedek was Kenite -Thinite he was king of Amorites and he was Amorite him self. Yes Melchizedek concept was given to Canaan! Which really surprised me when I find out. Abraham took Yahwinism from Melchizedek /Kenite, also many people said Abraham was sun worshiper before he was converted to Yahwinism, which could be true.
I’m aware there are many Gypsy branches; I only refer to Mitt Romney being a Romanical Gypsy. HYKSOS were and are Amalekites at war with God from Generation to Generation. The war is spiritual as Gypsy and Bohemian refer to people who do not live according to the laws or customs of the land they are in ie they are “Foreigners” and God warned plenty about letting Foreigners lead the flock astray.
Jesus is Melchisedek of the Tribe of Judah; He is not a Kenite much less an Amorite/Canaanite and neither was Aaron the Levite.
Levites are not of the Tribe of Dan; where on earth did you get that from?
Read and trust scripture Jesus is not a Canaanite in any sense of the word. Howard
Yes Amalekites were Hyksos, but they one nation with Midianites.
Organic Vaccines Partner with NIH for MERS-CoV Countermeasures – See more at:
UN Declares Arms Trade Treaty to Go Into Effect Dec. 24th: Merry Christmas!!!
Trashing the 2nd Amendment on the Eve of the birth of Mithras/Sol Invictus is fitting eh?
Sheldon Adelson and Haim Saban, two billionaires with right-wing, pro-Israel agendas, took the stage at the Israeli American Council’s inaugural conference in Washington, D.C. They fantasized about bombing Iran and about buying the New York Times because they said it’s biased against Israel. Both are bound to play an outsized role in the 2016 presidential elections by flooding the campaign with money to support their favored candidates. Hillary Clinton is who they want
Adelson is also in bed with Mitt Romney. He financed the Innocence of Muslim fake movie as the Scapegoat for Benghazi, the training and financing center for al-Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haram etc
Who Managed the Sandy Hook Hoax?
The Burlington Free press recently ran an article on Rob Cox who is “Global editor for Reuters Breakingviews. He lives in Newtown, Connecticut.
He won the 2014 Annual Alumni Achievement Award for spearheading the “Sandy Hook Promise” a gun awareness website/campaign/money-maker also touted by uber-soulless rascal Mark Barden.
‘Poland seized private pension funds and have mandated those money to be invested in government bonds last February. Beware – this is coming to a theater near you. The Polish government seized $51bn of privately run pension funds and transferred them back into “state control” in a dramatic reversal of a reform that central and eastern European countries had once embraced to help develop capital markets after the fall of communism.
Warsaw shifted the assets, which are made up of Polish government bonds accounting for more than half the amount under private fund management and the benefit obligations back into the state-run pay-as-you-go component of the scheme. Polish pension funds OFEs transferred PLN 3.3 bln to social security ZUS in preretirement asset shift. Sources say they have some up $1 billion short of expectations. Guess people withdrew?’
“Bail-in” debt to Gov’t and Banks is to replace Money. That was the big news at the G-20 the news refuses to cover.
On another forum a fellow from Thailand had actually began a thread about curing dengue fever. When this ebola story began the original poster recognized this protocol probably would work for ebola also as the two are quite similar.
MMS (Jim Humble) is more correctly called chlorine dioxide. Here is the protocol; links to follow:
Protocol for Dengue fever
Give two 6 drop doses one hour apart and then continue with 3 drop doses each hour until well. If the first 6 drop dose creates nausea do not use a second 6 drop dose, but rather reduce to 3 drops for the second dose. If the second dose creates nausea reduce to 1 drop an hour. If nausea continues reduce to 1/2 drop and hour. If nausea continues that was not present before the application of MMS, stop MMS until the nausea that is being caused by the MMS is gone. Then resume with 1 drop an hour, and increase to 2 drops the next hour and continue with 2 drops an hour for several hours and then finally 3 drops an hour. Do not go over 3 drops an hour until the dengue subsides. Continue at 3 drops an hour until the dengue is gone, but only if the MMS is not causing nausea. Keep in mind—do not cause nausea, but if the MMS does cause nausea, reduce the number of drops, but if the nausea is present before you give drops go ahead and give the drops.
The point is that dengue is caused by a virus and it takes continued presence for several hours of chlorine dioxide to kill viruses. Malaria parasites, on the other hand, are killed by a large shock (which is the 18 drop dose.)
On rare occasions when the dengue causes bleeding, do not stop the protocol— continue giving MMS as indicated above.
Environmental Health Perspectives Vol. 46, pp. 57-62, 1982 Controlled Clinical Evaluations of Chlorine Dioxide, Chlorite and Chlorate in Man (6 page pdf):
A clinical trial for AIDS: http://clinicaltrials.gov/show/NCT00002119
Some discussion: http://forum.mndassociation.org/printthread.php?t=1041&pp=10&page=11
JESUS is the New Covenant, the 8th Covenant between God and Man. 2014-15 is the 8th Tetrad Never in human history have 2 Solar Eclipses occurred in conjunction with a Tetrad of Lunar Eclipses
2 Solar eclipses will occur on 1 Nisan “God’s New Year” 2015 on March 20th and 1 Tishrei “Rosh Hashanah” aka “Feast of Trumpets”, the Rabbinical “Head of the Year” in 2015. Mar 20 is coincident with the Witchcraft Sabat Ostara (Easter/Ashtoreth/Astarte), the Persian/Zoroastrian New Year “Now Ruz” (New Light) and the descent of Quetzalcoatl at Chitzen Itza and El Castillo Pyramids. 2 Abib/Nisan is “Red Heifer” Day. The ashes of a 3+ yr old unblemished Red Heifer will be used to purify fake Kohanim and the 3rd Temple Cornerstone. Talmudic Sages and Rabbis teach that 9 such Red Heifers have been sacrificed and the Messiah will offer the 10th. Not remotely something Jesus does, this will be the Alternative Messiah, Zoroastrians and Arabs refer to al al-Khidr “Green Man” accompanied by al-Mahdi. He will sit on the Throne of Pergamum “Satan’s Seat” currently in the Berlin Museum (Germany=Gomer the father of Japheth “Fake Jews”)
4 Lunar Eclipses: Passover=April 15, 2014 Tabernacles=Oct 8, 2014 Passover=April 4, 2015 Tabernacles=Sept 28, 2015. Solar Eclipses: 1 Nisan=Mar 20, 2015 Rosh Hashanah=Sept 13, 2015. 2 Solar, 4 Lunar Eclipses and Mar 20 coincident with the Witchcraft Sabat “Ostara”, Persian “No Ruz” and Return of Quetzalcoatl (Plumed Serpent) is a but much to write off to chance!
Jesuit Pope Francis I will address the United Nations and attend the World Conference on Families in Philadelphia (Jesus called the Church of Philadelphia the “Synagogue of Satan” (Rev 3:9) over Jesus’ Birthday on Feast of Tabernacles in 2015. Jesuits are the “Militia of Zeus and Minerva”. Family means “Servants or Slaves of the Household” Forgive me Satanic Father I’m a little busy that day.
2016-17 is a Satanic Jubilee Year 50 years after the 6-Day War, founding of Israel under the Star of Molech and founding of the Church of Satan. Start of the Great Tribulation? Getting pretty obvious isn’t it?
St Louis is the Masonic Gateway to the West. Egypt referred to the West as the “Land of the Dead”. MS is under month long State of Emergency; Nat Guard on “Looting Detail” with Military Weapons; DHS Live Fire Drill with 100+ Vehicles, HWY Patrol under Unified Command, ahead of Grand Jury non-Indictment Verdict. Jay Nixon is not managing Ferguson, Luciferian Mason Rev Al Sharpton and Valerie Jarret are.
2014-15 is the 8th Tetrad of Lunar Eclipses since the Crucifixion. Pope Francis will address the UN and visit Philadelphia Sept 25-28, 2015 Remember, Jesus is the New Covenant, the 8th and final Covenant between God and Man. The Lunar Eclipse on Feast of Tabernacles, Sept 28 closes this Tetrad.
Read Rev 3:7-13 concerning the Church of Philadelphia “Brotherly Love” refers to Esau and Jacob; Edomites are the Synagogue of Satan Jesus referred to. Edom=Red, Scapegoats have Red painted legs the Shepherd can see, but Sheep are color blind and cannot see the Scapegoat is leading them to the Shears.
This date cannot be coincidence.
On Nov 16th, the G-20 announced “Bank Deposits are part of a Commercial Bank Capital Structure” That’s Money Changer Speak for a Cyprus style confiscation of Bank Deposits and the inevitable “Bank Run”. Deposits are now Investments with the same people Jesus turned the tables on at the Temple, and Ebola is the Balls used in the Scourge prior to the Crucifixion. The Tree we will be figuratively Nailed to? The Christmas (Christ=Messiah; Mas=Sacrifice of the Host) Tree. No I’m not joking. HSBC, Wells Fargo, CITI are facing $1Ttrillion in capital shortfall to be made up by conversion to “Bail-in” Debt (Bank Notes) or outright confiscation/devaluation of deposits. Vladimir Putin left early for good reason.
http://media.smh.com.au/featured/the-g-two-oh-5984459.html Watch this short video and take notice of the Frogs eating Putin wearing a Cross. Putin does not follow Jesus Christ, nor is the “Cross” a Christian symbol; The Cross symbolizes Christian persecution beginning. The Frogs represent the Unclean spirits of the Dragon, Beast and False Prophet (Rev 16:13-16) The 2nd Plague of Egypt was the last of 10 plagues Pharaoh’s Priests could duplicate; in other words, this is setting up to be the final deception. Does this mean Armageddon is imminent? NO, nor is the 2nd Coming imminent. The 7 Vials of God’s Wrath described in Rev 16 occur in 1 Day; this is the signal to start their own version of Wrath. The Fake Rapture, Aliens and revealing of the Satanic Trinity are likely coming up soon. Here is how this deception is playing out.
On Veteran’s Day (Veteran means “Beast of Burden”) the FBI reported Sandy Hook was a “Live Drill”; no people were injured; the event misreported by the media to promote Gun Control. A Hoax on par with 9/11/2001, the Apollo Moon Landing reported by the “Most trusted man in the world” Walter Cronkite, long time voice of the Owl “Molech” at Bohemian Grove or the 4 ISIS Beheading videos produced by the US Army and Rita Katz (Kohannim + Zaddiq; Rita’s father was tortured and executed as an Israeli spy by Saddam Hussein). FBI Director Robert Mueller even reported Osama bin Laden had nothing to do with 9/11 but we just didn’t hear what he said.
On Veteran’s Day Jesuit Knight of Malta Martin Dempsey tells Congress an army of 80,000 will be needed in Iraq and Syria to fight ISIS. No mention that the US arms, finances and trains ISIS to use US weapons. Dempsey heads to Iraq and Peter Kassig aka Abdul-Rahman (Islamic conversion name after Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood “Blind Sheikh”) beheading video magically surfaces.
On Veteran’s Day NATO Chief, Jens Stoltenberg said “Russian jets pose a grave risk to civilian airliners” No Jens, Ukrainian Su-27’s firing air to air missiles pose a grave risk. Please do tell us how dozens of deceased, blood drained corpses ended up on MH-17 and why the tail number in the debris field doesn’t match MH-17 and why MH-17 was listed as “Cancelled” at Schipol Airport.
On Veteran’s Day Jesuit Chuck Hagel calls up Army Reservists and National Guard (Illegally) to fight Ebola; not remotely what any of them signed up for, but no matter, hardly anyone realizes the CDC and HHS have a patent on Ebola and the Vaccine. Hey, if you believe a Muslim convert getting beheaded by a British accent ISIS fighter, Sandy Hook must be a cinch. The press? no mention of this rather large nugget of Sandy Hook information. What’s hidden in Sandy Hook may very well be the biggest deception of all time
Sandy Hook means “Play the Joker Card”; the Joker is a Blasphemy of Jesus and the ultimate “Trump Card”; Jesus returns at the “Last Trump”/”Trump of God” (1 Cor 15:52; 1 Thess 4:17) to claim His own before the “Day of Wrath” destroys the works of man. Jesuits invented the “Pre-Trib Rapture” and used Plymouth Brethren (Aleister Crowley was a member) John Nelson Darby, Kansas Con-Man Cyrus Scofield, Tim LaHaye, Israel Whore John Hagee, and “Left Behind” stars Kirk Cameron and Jesuit/Knight of Malta Nic Cage to popularize this Satanic doctrine. Hagee teaches the 2014-15 “Blood Moons” signal the “Rapture”. Watch out for a fake Rapture! and please don’t feel “Left Behind”. If JESUS knows you, there is nothing to worry about. No middle man required, just invite Him in!
Psalm 68:4 “JAH” is the shortened “JEHOVAH”, the Covenant Name God used with Israel (One who wrestles with God). Other bible versions use Jah or Lord because a physical Messiah is who they wait for; a warrior Messiah. There are no words used to describe Armageddon (Mt of Slaughter) because when JESUS returns, everyone dies (Rev 19:19-20). 19 is emphasized here because 19 is the 8th Prime Number and JESUS is the 8th Covenant.
Amos 5:24; 7:2-3;5-6 clearly state Jacob is not Israel any longer because they adopted the Star of Molech/Chiun. What we call Israel today is not in Covenant with God because Jerusalem on Earth is “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” Rev 11:8 and the real Jerusalem is in Heaven (Gal 4) JESUS is Melchisedek “King of Salem” in Heaven and the only Intermediary with the Father “Priest of the Most High” Ths JAH is the source of the Abrahamic (Gen 14:8), Davidic Covenant (Ps 110) and New Covenant (Heb 7)
Most Jews didn’t speak Hebrew because they had become “Hellenized”; they knew more Persian than Hebrew. Today is no different as the fake Jews in Israel are Zionists celebrating Hanukkah and Purim with a 9 Branch Menorah speaking Yiddish.
JAH=JEHOVAH and Jesus is Jehovah; the former is SPIRITUAL, the latter is Physical.
“The Law and prophets were until John” Lk 16:16 Nothing in the Law profits any person in the New Covenant; all are covered with Jesus’ admonition “Love God” “Love our Neighbor”. The Law is not the 10 Commandments; the Law is an explicit set of regulations based on the 10 Commandments dealing with Priests, Tabernacle, Temple, Feast Dates (Hanukkah, Purim, Easter, Christmas, Lent, Advent do not belong)
YaHuah, YeHosha, YeShua are corruptions of Joshua not Jesus. The Warrior Messiah is what most of the world are looking for; Arabs call him al-Mahdi and al-Khidr. HU is the corrupted Syllable similar to Aum New Agers who originated 4000+ years ago in Chaldea, believe created the Universe (One Verse); Shu is the Egyptian version. They await a renewal and repair of Earth by Fire (INRI was not on top of the Cross; it means Nature is Renewed by Fire) as seen in the Pyramidion (Pyre=Fire) Capstone of the Ben-ben and Phoenix (Pa=House of Enoch=Enochian language used in Magick)
The Name of JAH is Jesus in physical form and JESUS in SPIRITUAL form (Mat 1:25). The Gematria of this is 888 because JESUS is the 8th Covenant between God and Man. Alpha, Omega (Greek for Begin and End), I AM, I AM HE, Melchisedek, JESUS. That’s it as far as I’m concerned. I believe absolutely nothing a Priest, Imam or Rabbi teach save I can prove it with the Word of God.
Prayer is for me, much like a Conversation with a friend or family person. I don’t start with Dear JESUS, because He knows who I am. Calling out to someone named YeHoshua when I’m not Hebrew nor speak the language is like calling my mother by her maiden name.
JESUS is the only mediator between God as the Father and Man because He became Man, not some God-man like Zeus/Hercules, but a Man fully trusting in the Word He wrote as Alpha.
The reason we are seeing Green now is Green Man (al-Khidr) is Nature ie the Creature. Green is a mix of Yellow (Sun) and Tekhelet Blue (Priest Cord)=Green (Chlorophyll; Chloro means Pale Green). The Pale Horse is riding now; his Name is Death and Hell follows close behind because most people are expecting this warrior Messiah.
“almost all things are by the law purged with blood…” Heb 9:22 It is no coincidence Sept 22 is the Feast of St Michael because he is the Warrior Archangel. Ebola refers to the Balls used in the Flagrum to cause internal Hemorrhage before the Crucifixion. If you are not SPIRITUALLY ready to willingly climb on the Tree with JESUS, then you need to get ready.
Sorry if you think I am being a pain. Please remember the prayer the messiah taught his Deciples to pray. our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy Name.. Notice first thing he taught them was to Hallow His Name.
Here is proof as to what the true Name of the Father and his Son is ! Please take the time to examine the evidence before making a rash decision. remember, the highest form of ignorance is condemnation without investigation. Shalom.. http://yahuahislife.com/evidenceforthename.html
To follow up on the name. Master Samael Aun Weor states that Jesus became the new Zeus, the father of all the Gods, the chief of the White Lodge of all the masters, of all the self-realized monads. So therefore, since Jesus is a Jew, we call him YEW-ZEUS (Je-sus), since both words have the same meaning.
“Call no man on earth Master” Mat 23:10 Jesus
The green mile was about rejecting the savior, interesting. I know I am looking harder than usual, but the pale green is everywhere. Pale green dresses , shirts, neck ties.. Seems almost every frame on tv has some green in it.. The green. Ebola has arrived death, while most are clueless.
Regardiing the saviors name. 3rd commandment says do not say his name is vane/Unemportant, if you cause his name to come to nothing your sins will not be blotted out.
So in light of such a great penalty for butchering his name, might prudent to make sure we have the saviors and creators right… Jesus could not possibly be his name ! Jesus is not Hebrew . So what is his name and what is his sons name if you can tell.?….
FBI admitted Sandy Hook was a Drill, nobody was killed, but the media mis-reported the event in order to bring in gun confiscation. Odd? Hardly, about 1 yr after 9/11 FBI Dir Robert Mueller admitted Osama bin Laden was never proven to have had any involvement with 9/11 nor was he ever placed on the FBI’s most wanted list.
These liars know people will forget events like these in short order
Super Typhoon “Nuri “ (Arabic for Light) is now a “Bomb Cyclone” causing a “Polar Vortex” cold wave from Alaska to Canada to ½ of the US. The new word is “Bombogenesis” (Origin of a Bomb Storm)
Atmospheric Heaters work by sending microwave energy to the Ionosphere; the long wavelengths work much as HF (HAM) Radio works only with billions of watts instead of 20watts or so. The Ionosphere vibrates as a drum membrane, locally heating the atmosphere. The Jet Stream is being guided south with this technology, dragging with it dry, cold Arctic Air which will slam into warm, moist air, generating “Extra-tropical Surface Cyclones”
“Revenge is a dish best served cold” Watch out for those WX modifying Microwave Atmospheric Heaters; it looks like we are headed for the meat locker with a lot of snow and high winds.
Polar Vortex? Fancy Scapegoat name for WX Modification.
The Bomb Cyclone even has a name “Astro”. Chaldean “STUR” or “Sirius” is meant by this name, the sacred Star of Isis (Throne) Nuri is Arabic for “Light” ie Lucifer. 42 US states will be affected by this.
Bush Family and Its Inner Circle Play Central Role in Lawsuits Against Denton, Texas Fracking Ban
Because George Prescott Bush is the new TX Land Commissioner and all the fracking royalties go to his office. Ironic because Prescott Bush had Mikola Tesla murdered and stole his work on Free EM energy before giving it to Jesuit Fr Joseph Stalin.
Super Typhoon “Nuri “ (Arabic for Light) is still alive as a “Bomb Cyclone” set to deliver a “Polar Vortex” cold wave from Alaska to Canada to ½ of the US. I prefer to call it man-made Bullshit.
“Revenge is a dish best served cold” Watch out for those WX modifying Microwave Atmospheric Heaters; it looks like we are headed for the meat locker.
Jesuits Run The Red Cross / Ghanans Say Red Cross Vaccines Cause of Ebola
Another Fake Bin Laden Story US NAvy Seal
John, “bomb-bomb-Iran”, McCain set to Chair Armed Services Committee in US Senate (Tel Aviv-West Knesset)
About as nice as having an King AdbullahII of Jordan, an Edomite 33 degree Grand Orient Lodge Freemason in charge of the Temple Mount
BRICS to meet during G20 Summit in BrisbaneRecently reelected Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff confirmed on Thursday she will attend the BRICS meet and the G20 meet, accompanied by outgoing Finance Minister Guido Mantega.
The five countries are also expected to further discussions on a new “Energy Association” during the November meet aimed at ensuring the energy security of BRICS, and to conduct integrated research and analysis of global hydrocarbon markets.
Russian President Vladimir Putin had, during the 6th BRICS Summit in Brazil, proposed the establishment of a BRICS Energy Association.
8.6 bil. 86 dispose ? 21 days incubation period. 3 X7 or 7+7+7 = 21..
“Overpopulation is my top concern” Talmudic fake Jew, Lawyer Ebola Caesar Ron Klain on NOv 1 “Day of the Dead”
HHS and DOD gave Profectus Bioscience (777 Old Saw Mill River Rd; 777 is Shekinah “Feminine presence of God”) $8.6M and $9.5M respectively to develop a Live Virus Vaccine for Marburg and Zaire Ebola (ZeBov is patented by HHS and CDC; Marburg was created by USAMRIID)
Green Doors to the al-Aqsa Mosque closed Oct 28 for the 1st time since the 1967 6-Day War and the last Tetrad of Lunar Eclipses on Passover and Tabernacles. Nun means Malkuth “Kingdom” and “Fish”. The Mosque houses the spot there Abram offered Isaac (Ishmael in the Quran), David bought the Jebusite “Threshing Floor” which became the foundation of Solomon’s Temple and the spot where the Temple Veil was torn top to bottom as Jesus looked on from the East at Golgotha. Fake Jews at the Western Wall wear the Yarmulke aka Cap of Cybele as a replacement because they reject Jesus. Recall Bush Jr, Kerry, McCain, Obama all Wail at that Wall where the 3rd Temple of Antichrist will be built.
Pope Francis decreed Evolution and Big Bang as true on Oct 28. He is the Vicar of Jesus after all. The “Falling Away” is here
Howard your thoughts?
No thoughts Karl. Stick with Scripture
Not sure about Prince William; all the Windsors are Saxe-Coburg-Gotha Satanists and pretenders to the throne. Diana was murdered at the 14th Pillar of the Pont D’Alma tunnel where Merovingian Kings fought because she was pregnant with a baby that would have been in the line of Muhammad. Diana was a Stuart and restoration of the Stuarts ends their illegitimate dynasty.
Kate Middleton was not pregnant; I doubt there is even a relation to William of the child. It’s all tied in with the Satanic sacrifice ring being investigated around Jimmy Saville; Fiona Woolf just quit as lead investigator because she is tied in with the Royals; she is Lord Mayor of the City of London Corp. She quit as did the Archbishop of York; her husband is Chief Judge of Wales.
At Chateau Amerois in Muno Bel a child is allegedly sacrificed and the progress of the NWO written with his/her blood. The Windsors control that Chateau. Bush Sr 1000 pts of Light foundation is named after the 1000pts of Light in the ceiling of the ceremonial chamber. It’s all quite sick
November 1, 2014 – Europe cedes closer to the Treaty of Lisbon
The Club of Rome set up the EU to be a Scapegoat rebuilt Roman Empire with the Pope as the Scapegoat Antichrist. Notice the EU Logo is the Whore of Babylon and Seat 666 is vacant at the EU HQ with a Statue of a Woman Riding the Beast out front.
The Pope is NOT the Antichrist; this is about Revenge. Babylon and MYSTERY, BABYLON… (Rev 18/17) is Witchcraft.
CME Announces New Grain Futures Price Limits Effective Nov. 2
EBOLA – CIA Project Codename MKNAOMI & Hi-Tech Assassinations
Bain Capital Buys Canada Goose
If that ain’t the goose that laid the golden egg! Bain Capital now owns Canada Goose. Bain Capital is an Israeli Mossad controlled company. Why is the Mossad in the feathered coat business? I would imagine the coats are all bugged with nanotechnology surveillance equipment. These coats are shipped all over the world and these coats will gather a lot of intelligence, especially in Russia and China. This is one product I will never buy. Funny, but our newly appointed Finance Minister Joe Oliver is fake jew, and my local MP.
Public Czar is ron Elain Behinthescenes CZARDr. Nicole Lurie is the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response at the federal Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
Howard Please view and consider ! time is almost up !! Thanks
If I could make one video before I died this would have been it. Hope you liked it as much as I did ! Thanks again for watching…
No Karl, my Saviour is JESUS (OT JAH) not YaHUah
Your savior has only existed for 500 years.. When the letter i was given a tail and turned into a j.. Ieosus was your savior before Jesus was invented. Ieosus Greek = Hail Zeus /lucifer..
“Evolution and Big Bang are correct…” Pope Francis at the Pontifical Science Academy Oct 28 Oops!
“Humans are an infection and Ebola is Earth’s immune response” The Hot Zone
“Zaire Ebola can live 50 days on glass, door knobs, tables at 39F” UK Defence Science and Technology Lab (DSTL) Report Oct 26, 2014 Zaire Ebola “ZeBov” is patented; the ZMab Antibody is patented. In 2010 the CDC acquired the patent from Queen Elizabeth II; the Bio-warfare “Portfolio” was manufactured by DSTL. Queen Elizabeth’s husband Prince Phillip wants to be re-incarnated as “Killer Virus”. The only thing I’m aware of that lives 50 days on 39F doorknobs is BULLSHIT!
United Nations Day and the Islamic New Year
Media hype over Ebola is covering the big news; the TPP Meeting in Australia Oct 24-26 over United Nations Day and the Islamic New Year. “Nobody shall ender the New Age unless he or she accepts a Luciferian Initiation” -UN Planetary Initiative. Note the color of the UN Building is Green and the UN Meditation Room has 11 Chairs in an 11ft X 18ft X 33ft Trapezoid shaped room with a 13,000Lb Lodestone Altar illuminated by a single shaft of Light for the 10 Horned Beast and “Little Horn”. Out front is a Gun with its barrel tied in a knot, a broken “Golden Globe” giving birth to a much smaller Globe of the “Golden Age” and St George “Green Man” killing the Dragon.
Hilal is the first visible crescent after the New Moon; the symbol of Islam represents “al-Lah” the Arab Moon god. Mormons recite “Pey Heylel” meaning “Marvelous Lucifer” at the 2nd token of the Melchisedek Priesthood because Islam and Mormonism are Pagan Arab religions. Don’t be casting stones here folks, Pope Francis sits on the Chair of St Peter above the Shahada “There is no god but Allah” and most Protestants believe John Calvin and his TULIP nonsense; after celebrating Samhain, the day Martin Luther cast his stones at the Roman Catholic Church, they will set up the Grove of “Green Man” and light their homes on Festival of Lights. Lucifer is the “Light Bearer” after all.
The UN directed Trans-Pacific Partnership will be completed by the end of 2014, ending the National Sovereignty of 40% of the planet in favor of International Corporations and their hired attorneys. TAP Trans-Atlantic Partnership will take care of the rest of the Earth outside of NAM Non Aligned Movement with all sides controlled by the United Nations under Unification Church disciple Ban Ki Moon. Religion is controlled by the Vatican City; Military by Washington DC (Russia and the US arm both sides eg Iran-Iraq; ISIS-Syria) and Earth’s Natural Resources by the City of London Corporation. The Satanic British (Birthright of Ishmael and Esau) entities now control the entire Earth (Ref Dan 11:38-41 “Dividing the Land for Gain”). Ripped apart in the middle is the US, with the largest Oil (Bakken, Gulf of Mexico, ANWR, Green River), Nat Gas and Fresh Water supplies in the world. The $Quadrillion value of all these Earth riches kept away from citizens on CAFR’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports who don’t even realize the US is a bankrupt Corporation about to go into receivership of the Creditors.
Dr Peter Jahring USAMRIID “Ebola is mutating to become airborne” Oct 15, 2014 Peter was the Smallpox spokesman at USAMRIID during the Bush Jr years claiming “Smallpox is the gravest threat to the US”. “Ebola may be transmitted by aerosol more easily in colder, dryer climates” Oct 25, 2014 The purpose then as now is to promote Vaccination. Hype and Lies, nothing more
My cousin announced today that she finally got her flu vaccination today on Facebook . Then in the comments a friend of hers, said that they got their Ebola vaccination today. ( I thought that they said on the news that they had used the only two doses of vaccine on the two health workers in Atlanta?) don’t they say it weeks to develope a vaccine, where did they get the vaccine so fast? Also heard the military has been practicing giving vaccinations. By vaccinating each other. ( how fast do you think the Ebola is going to spread. 21/42 day incubation . 42 days ? 42 days how is that possible, never heard of a 40 day incubation.
Ebola in New York City.. Doctor infected traveled on mass transit.. (massive transmission of Ebola ?).
Ebola is not airborne transmissible
“Muhammad d’ul Mahdi comes before Jesus at the end of the great war… al-Mahdi is the descendant of the Holy Prophet Muhammad in the 40th generation” http://khidr.org/al-mahdi.htm Shiekh Mazim Adul al-Haqqani d. May 7, 2014 was the 40th and last of the “Golden Chain” of Sayyids descended from Muhammad.
An entrepreneur in Great Britain is creating the first cashless supermarket, appealing to people on government aid and in poorly-paid jobs.
Stelios Haji-Ioannou is the creator of easyFoodstore budget supermarket. He also created bargain airline easyJet and windowless rooms at easyHotel.
The no-frills food and service will also eventually not take cash. A spokesperson for the store told the Daily Mail that its easier to process card payments than to cash up every day and pay a security firm to bank it.
IS-520: Introduction to Continuity of Operations Planning for Pandemic Influenzas
Course Date
*This course has been reviewed for doctrine related changes and therefore is dated October 31, 2013. We recommend that you review the contents of the course and look over the updated materials. If you have already passed the exam for this course, you are not required to complete the exam again in order to be current in your training by FEMA EMI records. If you choose to retake the exam, your completion certificate will reflect the date of your first completion, not the date that you retake it.
Kirk Cameron: Halloween masks mocking Obama celebrate Jesus defeating Satan