The invisible 6th White Ring completes the Pyramid of Olympic Rings. 2016 is the “UN Year of Pulses”; Pulses are Tares among the Wheat; Jerusalem was the Jebusite “Threshing Floor”. 2017 is the “Year of Sustainable Development”, the year Earth will have its population culled by 93%.
The Olympic Rings Logo was designed in 1912 by Jesuit trained Freemason Baron Pierre de Coubertin to depict the “Religion of Olympism”. Worship of Zeus (Jesuits are Militia of Zeus) and the return of his son Apollo can be seen in the Quadriga (4 Horsemen) of Apollo on the Brandenberg Gate, next to the Berlin Museum housing the Throne of Zeus aka Satan’s Seat. Apollo is the Satanic Trump Card which is why Knight of Malta Donald Trump’s 66th floor Penthouse in Trump Tower is built as a shrine to Apollo. Apollo is Apollyon/Abaddon in Rev 9:11 aka “The Destroyer”. Cubertin used the interconnected Colored Rings to depict the 5 inhabited Continents and colors of their Flags. Vesica Piscis between the Rings is the Ratio of Life aka Golden Mean, symbolizing a Marriage Bond, the Divine Union ot Satan and his followers. The invisible White Ring completes the Pyramid (Pyre=”Amid the Flames”) depicting the Divinity of Man, the Divine Race from Gen 6 (6th Ring). The Aryan Nazi “3rd Reich” never happened, the Aryan “Noble Caste” 3rd Reich aka 3rd Beast of Dan 7:6 is happening now with the return of Green Man.
While all eyes were on Rio, some Major announcements, may have gone unnoticed
- Benjamin Netanyahu announced he is ready to give the order to rebuild the 3rd Temple in Jerusalem. Project 911 on Site 911 in Beit Shemesh (House of the Sun) has a radiation hardened bunker with the Mezuzah (alteration of Deut 6:4) rejecting JESUS over every door at the ready. There is no Millennial Temple folks; the 3rd Temple as a common house of Jewish, Christian and Muslim worship will house Antichrist, the Messiah coming in his own name Jesus warned would come called “Green Man”, the Arab “al Kidhr”.
- US State Dept (Luciferian Mason John Kerry/Cohen) urged US citizens to leave Gaza and Afghanistan in preparation for attacks. $1.3B in 13 separate payments now completed to Iran; WWIII is Mede-Persia V Grecian Goat; “Little Horn” will rise as Antichrist. Sec of State John Kerry and Benjamin Netanyahu (both 33 degree Luciferian Masons) met in Rome on Feast Day of St John (June 24), setting the stage for WWIII and the 3rd Temple. The world is one Hamas Rocket from witnesseing the revealing of Antichrist. Hamas and Hezbollah are a continuation of the Nazis; Lebanon (Laban “To Make White” is invisible the White Olympic Ring), the land of the Phoenicians (Phoenix) is derived from Laban “To make White”. The 3rd Temple of Antichrist could be started at any time; Read Dan 9:23-27 before it does “70 Weeks” is 490 days, not a long time.
- Aug 24: Mt Vesuvius Day; Earthquake kills 250+ people and destroys 16 towns on Mt Vesuvius Day Pompei’s Sins are matched only by the Vatican; St Malachy (Molech) prophecy ring a Baal? Pope Francis #266 leading the flock thorugh the 7 yr Tribulation as Rome burns? Too bad there is no 7 yr Tribulation, much less a Rapture; only a 3 1/2 yr period of Hell on Earth “Great Tribulation” which is about to begin.
- Aug 24: Ukraine Independence Day Vladimir Putin “The trigger for WWIII is Ukraine joining NATO”; he won’t have long to wait. WWIII will be a false Gog and Magog invasion; Russia will lead an invasion through Ukraine and Syria to Jerusalem. Read Eze 38-39; Rev 20:7-8 before it happens.
- Aug 24 500th anniversary of the Battle of Dabiq; Jesuit Knight of Malta Joe Biden meeting with Turkish Sultan, Grand Orient Freemason Recip Tayyip Erdogan in Akkara, chose the day to invade Syria, specifically the area of Dabiq.
Pentagon (Stealing $6.5Trillion makes even the best criminals nervous) spokesmen declare “US is ready to attack Russian and Syrian Jets in Syria”. Read Is 17:1 before the shooting starts “Damascus shall be a city no more…a ruinous heap”. Russia coming to Jerusalem from the north is the fake “Gog and Magog” war; the real “Gog and Magog” happens at the end of the Millennium about 1003 1/2 years from now by my count. Ref Eze 38-39; Rev 20:7 - Mekudeshet Festival is calling 3 major world religions, Christianity, Islam, Judaism to a mass Wedding Ceremony in Jerusalem in 2 weeks. The Wedding of the Lamb is roughly 3 1/2 yrs later.
- US Dept of Commerce handing control of the Internet to ICANN, (sounds like Icon for a reason) a privately funded 501c3 Tax Free, non-profit California Corporation funded by the Clinton Foundation and founded by fake Jews. The Aug 24 ICANN MTG is in Dominican Republic where the largest human sacrifice center called “Columbus Lighthouse” lights up the sky with the Cross.
- GAO announced $6.5Trillion is missing from DOD Budget; 10 yrs of DOD annual spending is missing and the media is silent just as they were when Rabbi Dov Zakheim and Don Rumsfeld announced they were missing $2.3Trillion just before 9/11/2001.
- Wisconsin T-Party (Tammuz=Horus) Gov Scott Walker called in the National Guard to quell Milwauke riots in violation of the Posse Commitatus provision of the Constitution. CNN makes public apology for lying in order to manipulate the story; how about an apology for lying about Sandy Hook? The Inquisition forced the accused to pay for his own trial, incarceration, torture and of course Inquisitor Pay. SSDD.
- UN Sec Gen Ban Ki Moon admitted UN caused the 2010 Cholera epidemic killing 10,000 in Haiti Diseased UN Peacekeepers housed upstream on the Meille River from Port au Prince; they carred Cholera from Nepal to Haiti and dumped their sewage upstream. Reminds me os Halliburton dumping raw sewage upstream of Baghdad. Sort of wished they would tell us SOUTHCOM and FEMA were holding a “Haitain Earthquake Relief Exercise” in Miami the day before the man-made earthquake/tsunami. Port au Prince radio station playing “Welcome to the Hotel California” on a continuous loop was also a nice touch; the Prince is Satan; Hotel California is the “Church of Satan” and Columbus was a Crypto Satanist.
- NASA announced Proxima Centauri is Earth Sized in the “Habitable Zone”, has Liquid Water and is Earth’s closest neighbor; BS. Centaurs were a savage, horse riding tribe from Thessaly associated with Saggitarius “The Archer”. The occult communication here is found in 1 Thessalonians 4:17; The fake Rapture is coming up; the 4 Horsemen are out of the starting gate and Chiron, the trainer of Achilles has released his prodige. Archers hit targets largely anonymously; today’s Archers are EM (Electro-Magnetic) Weapons capable of remotely and anonymously initiating Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Volcanic Eruptions, Hurricanes, Tornados, Droughts and Floods. Russian fake Jew Yuri Milner (claims he was a Physicist in a past life; maybe but, Hell in the next), Jesuit sock puppet Stephen Hawking and Rockefeller grandson Mark Zuckerberg announced “Breakthrough Starshot”, a $130Million (Ophiuchus is the 13th Astrological House; Great Trib starts at Rev 13) nano-satelite to Alpa Centauri last April; pretty prophetic weren’t they? What will they find on Proxima Centauri? Horse Shit to go with their Bull Shit.
Pope Francis is not the False Prophet nor the Antichrist. The Roman Catholic Church is not “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT” (Rev 17). The US is not “Economic Babylon” Rev 18. There is no 7 yr Tribulation There is no pre-Trib Rapture; Jesus does not return to battle Satan, He won that battle nearly 6000 years ago. All this is Jesuit/Masonic Propaganda. Time to get right with the Creator of the Universe and Author of all 8 Covenants between God and Man; the last one is about to end.
Alpha Centauri is occult code. Alpha=JESUS; the Centaur is the Archetype “Beast” aka Antichrist. Chiron or Cheiron taught Hermeticism to Ophiuchus “Serpent Bearer” (Nov 30-Dec 10), part of Sagittarius “9th House” in November (9th Month). Ophiuchus represents “Unity” with the Serpent. Unlike Jesus who endured the pain of Crucifixion prior to Immortality, Cheiron exchanged Immortality to escape the pain, transferring this gift to Prometheus “Fore Thinker”; in Sochi, Prometheus breaks free of his chains and the Eagle (US) eternally pecking at his liver. Nostradamus put it this way “Cheyren brings peace after his global reign of terror expunges his enemies” The enemies here are Born Again followers of JESUS. Pierre Plantard, grandfather of Michael Plantard wrote under the pseudonym “Cheyren”; Arthur’s quest for the Holy Grail is about over; Cheiron the Centaur and Antichrist will be “Very Christian, Very Jewish and Very Muslim”. The Serpent House of worship will be the 3rd Temple in Jerusalem. The Serpent Throne will be “Satan’s Seat” (Throne of Pergamon) Currently, Satan’s Seat aka Throne of Zeus is in the Berlin Museum; Why? Ashkenazis descend from Japheth and Gomer, hence they are Germanic Pagans not Jews. The Serpent Idol will be the “Abomination of Desolation”. Folks, you had better stay on the Porch of that Temple!
80 years ago Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels (mentored by Edward Bernays as was Mitt Romney’s father George who supplied Luftwaffe Aluminum) started the Torch relay from Olympia Greece to the site of the Olympic Games honoring Zeus/Lucifer. Domestic Propaganda was legalized by Congress as part of NDAA 2013; this Olympics is loaded with Propaganda. The average salary in Rio is $778; $12B will be spent on the Olympic “White Elephant” venues overshadowed by the largest Idol of Antichrist “Green Man” on Earth
The Antichrist Idol is outdone by the $300M Temple of Solomon in Sao Paulo; HQ of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God; the 2014 dedicated Temple is 4X the size of King Solomon’s Temple, collecting $1.4B in annual tithes (Tithing is illegal in the New Covenant, with a replica of the Ark of the Covenant (real one is in Heaven with Jesus) and has a Billionaire, money laundering Banker/Pastor.
The color of the Rio Olympics is Green; Green Man is Satan. Brazil, Argentina and Venezuela are aligned with Russia, China, Iran and Syria for WWIII, so Ryan “The Liar” Lochte grabs headlines. Ryan, Jimmy Feigen, Jack Conger and Gunnar Bentz fake a Taxi-Cab robbery after an all night bender at Club France with several “Mystery Women” and hurridly attempt to board flights for the US just 3 nights before the Closing Ceremonies. Conger and Bentz interrogated by Brazilian police, Lochte must be thinking the payoff was not enough; now we know why the CIA and FBI were running “Security” for the Olympics.
Ryan is Irish for “Little King”; Ireland the “Emerald Isle”; Emerald the alleged Stone cut from Lucifer’s Crown in Heaven. Ryan Lochte’s Green Hair was no accident, nor was the Pool turning Green. Green Man is an archetype for the Creature ie Creation rather than the Creator. “they changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator…: Rom 1:24 Green Man represents the Gnostic goal to “Repair the Earth” and return it to the Garden of Eden.
The Yellow, Blue, Green Logo spells Zion. Yellow Sunlight hits the Atmosphere; Blue light refracts most; interacting with Chlorophyll produces Green. Green Man can be seen in the motiff of the United Nations Bldg; UN Agenda 21 is the purposeful ridding of useless eaters (followers of God) from Earth; the 1990 Rio Earth Summit is now 26 years old; Z=Zika=Wilderness=Oz, the end of the Yellow Brick Road is Emerald City.
The Pale Horse Rider is “Death”; Death is written as a Name because JESUS will remove your Name from the Book of Life for worship of the Pale Horse. Pale Green “Chloro”=Chlorophyll. Ryan=Celtic”Little King”; Green Man=Lugh; August is the month consecrated to Lugh aka Green Man aka John Barleycorn (One who cuts the Corn aka Grim Reaper) who derives authority from the 1990 Rio Earth Summit aka UN Agenda 21; Green Man is Satan “The Liar”, same nickname Ryan “The Liar” Lochte had before the Olympics. Ryan means “Little King” aka “Little Horn”. Are we to believe his Silver (money of God’s people purified 7 times as Silver) hair just now interacted with Chlorine? and the pool magically turns Green at the same time?
UN Agenda 21 calls for re-wilding the earth and killing most of the inhabitants; the Rio Earth Summit is now 26 yrs old; Zika means “Wilderness”; Z=26th letter; Crowley’s Liber Oz may ring a Baal; aka Liber 77: Book of the Goat; the Wilderness Goat is Jesus and His followers; 77 being “Lamech’s Revenge”
Ryan’s mother Ileana reported the incident; Ileana means “From Troy” aka Helena (Mother of Constantine the Great); the Trojan Horse was not filled with living soldiers, it was loaded with diseased corpses and willingly brought inside the Gates of Troy just like the Zika Vaccine will bring disease to the human body.
“We are the riders of the Pale Horse Death. God creates, we decide who lives and who dies; we do this for the good of the Earth” Barbara Marx Hubbard
8-14-2014 MM JAM are the inscriptions at the Georgia Guidestones; the date indicates 9 Av, 2016; Master Masons and the Judgement of Man. M=13; Gen 13:13 “Sins of Sodom” were punished when God rained Fire; The Luciferian match to this Judgment is Rev 13:13 “Beast of the Earth” causes fire to come down and deceives those not written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. Beast of the Earth is Green Man aka Lugh the Master Craftsman of the Masons. How? The 3rd Temple
Int’l Middle East News reported on Aug 15 “Feast Day of Lucifer” 3rd Temple construction over or alongside the al Aqsa Mosque is awaiting a “Political Decision” from Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu (fake Jew, Ashkenazis descend from Japheth-Gomer-Ashkenaz not Shem; they are not Semitic or Jewish)
In June, Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi David Lau (Yarmulke he wears is open rejection of Jesus tearing the Temple Veil) also said preparations are ready for the 3rd Temple WWIII is planned to pit forces of “Political Zionism against Islam”; JESUS will return 3 1/2 years later (490 days after completion per Dan 9:23-27) to destroy everything and everyone associated with that Temple, the Throne of Pergamon “Satan’s Seat”, “Abomination of Desolation”, “Mark of the Beast” and the Alternative Messiah “Antichrist”. Stay on the Porch folks, head to the altar and Hell for eternity awaits; Ref Rev 11; Eze 37
Gray State is a movie by David Crowley, allegedly murdered with his family for divulging too much of the plan; reminiscient of “Eyes Wide Shut” director Stan Kubrick I suppose. The movie is on UTube; notice the Executioner wears a Mask and Masonic Apron with an M prominent matching the Georgia Guide Stones Ashlar Stone MM JAM and 8/14/2016 “9Av”.
Green Hair Liar Lochte, Zika Mosquito mask Hope Solo calling Gold Medal winner Sweden “a bunch of cowards”, Gabby Douglas refusing to honor the National Anthem and trash talking Lilly King were not the only Propaganda; meet “Aleppo Boy”. NBCCBSABCCNNMSNBCNPRUSATODAYGUARDIAN introduce the world to Omran Dagneesh aka “Aleppo Boy”; a repeat of Aylan Kurdi and 100% more in our face Bull Shit Syrian Propaganda. Thanks US Congress for leagalizing “Domestic Propaganda”
Aleppo Boy, meet Luciferian Mason “Inconvenient Truth” Al Gore who blamed the 1000 Yr Geo-engineered (Microwave, X-Band Radars, Chemtrail Aerosoling) Louisiana Flooding and California Fires on Global Warming; this despite serial arsonist Daman Pashlik being arrested.
Even UN Climate Change ambassador Leonardo DiCaprio made the news embezzeling $3B from the Malaysian Sovereign Wealth Fund for his Global Warming Bachanalias.
9 Av (14 Aug) : 3rd Temple in Jerusalem set to begin The trigger for WWIII is the building of the 3rd Temple (Ref Dan 9:23-27) That event may happen quite soon. Think Daniel’s “70 Weeks” is 483Years + Open ended Age of Grace + 7 Yr Tribulation? Guess Again.
August 15 “Feast Day of Lucifer” aka “Green Man”
Anniversary of the 1st Jesuit Oaths taken in the Crypt of St Denis (Denis is Dionysus “Cult of the Severed Head”) Cathedral in 1534 and anniversary of the letter detailing the plan for WWIII “Zionism Versus Islam”, written in 1871 by Jesuit handled (Fr Jean Pierre DeSmet) Sodomite, Confederate, Freemason Albert Pike to fellow Jesuit-Freemason, Italian Revolutionary, MAFIA Founder Giuseppe Mazzini in 1871.
WWIII will pit forces of Political Zionism against Islam in order for the true doctrine of Lucifer to be accepted. Daniel 9:23-27 “70 Weeks” centers on rebuilding Jerusalem during these “Troubled Times”. The 3rd Temple will house Satan’s Seat (Throne of Pergamon), the Abomination of Desolation and Antichrist; giving the order to rebuild? 33 degree Luciferian Mason, Zionist Benjamin Netanyahu, PM of “Spiritual Sodom and Egypt” (Ref Rev 11:8KJV)
America set to ignite as the Phoenix
Forget about 7 years worth of Methane (100K PSI thorugh a 22in orifice that has never stopped) saturating the Gulf of Mexico since DeepWater Horizon (movie release is not coincidence) was scuttled. On Feast Day of Lucifer, NASA released Satellite images of the 2500 SQ MI 4-Corners Methane “Hot Spot”, caused intentionally from Hydraulic Fracturing from 20,000 Gas/Oil Wells. Prophecy Rock near 4-Corners illustrates the plan: When Blue Star (that would be NASA’s other made up nonesense Niburu aka Planet X) arrives with White Brother (that would be Antichrist), Red Kachina (that would be Esau/Edomites aka Elite) will remove his mask before the “Uninitiated” in the Plaza (that would be the UN Plaza). The Phoenix rising from the ashes of America is progressing nicely.
Aug 13-15 “Nemoralia
33 degree Mason, Satanist Jules Verne “20,000 Leagues under the Sea” used Capt Nemo as the archtype “Left Hand Path” Satanist, operating within the confines fo the Nautilus, but remaining Sovereign. Nemo means “The Man”; Nemi means “Sacred Grove or Woods”; Nemoralia “Festival of Torches”doccurs on Aug 13-15 or during the August Full Moon (Aug 18, 2016) honoring Diana goddess of the hunt and witchcraft. Diana/Artemis is symbolized by the Arrow (Hillary Clinton uses the Arrow and H “God is with me”) used to kill her twin brother, the sun-god Apollo; Hillary Diane (Diana) Clinton and Donald Drumpf whose 66th floor Penthouse is a Shrine to Apollo, the “Golden Haired God” Ain’t this fun?
3 children visited by the Virgin Mary (much like Joseph Smith was visited by Jesus and God), made predictions on 13 July, 19 Aug and 13 Sept 1917, set for Oct 13, 1917 which became the “Miracle of the Sun”. Why? Assumption of the Virgin Mary needed proof. 13 Sept 2016 is 10 Elul, the day Noah released a Raven from the Ark. Pope Benedict released Peace Doves which were promptly attacked by Ravens; 2 months later he resigned and Lightning hit St Peter’s Basilica TWICE; the following year, Jesuit Pope Francis I released Doves which were again, attacked by a Raven and a Seagull. The Flood lasted 1 yr 10 days; on Sept 23, 2017 the celestial alignment described in Rev 12:1 will occur. Signs for a Sinful and Adulterous Nation; Pharisees need Signs not Born Again followers of JESUS!
Ben Hur: First to Finish Last to Die. “Brother against Brother” is Esau against Jacob. Ben=Son; Hur=Fire. Ready for the Holocaust? It’s coming.
August 24
“Mt Vesuvius Day” Ukraine “Independence Day” “Battle of Dabiq Day”
250+ killed, 16 towns destroyed in Italy Quake on Mt Vesuvious Day. Remus and Romulus were suckled by a She-wolf (like Zeus) so all forms of Sexual license (homosexual, pedophile, heterosexual) were legalized and promoted; Lupancariums were open from 3Pm to Dawn; Prostitutes called Lupas “She-wolf”. Mt Vesuvius erputed in the early morning hours as did the Earthquake. Pretty coincidental eh?
US State Dept suggests US residents to depart Gaza; Satanist, fake Jew Netanyahu “Political Decision” to order rebuilding of 3rd Temple expected soon; pretty coincidental eh? Netanyahu was initiated at the CIA Front Co Boston Consulting Group with Mitt Romney.
US State Dept suggests US residents depart Afghanistan. Why? It’s the Graveyard of Empires and WWIII is up next and 200M people will soon travel to Armageddon. Recall the Wizard of Oz? Dorothy (Doro=Gate or Door) had to traverse Poppy Fields to get to Emerald City (Temple of the Green Man), so will the mass Exodus to Armageddon.
Operation ISIS Shield Turkey and US launch invasion of Syria with airstrikes, tanks, troops. Cleansing moderate Arabs from Syria? Sure, just like Benghazi was a reaction to “Innocence of Muslims”. The Grand Orient Lodge Freemason, Neo-Ottoman Sultan and his US (Amalekite) ISIS arming Whores timed the attack with the 500th anniversary of the Battle of Marj Dabiq, on Aug 24, 1516. The Ottoman defeat of the Mamluk Sultanate in Aleppo, a prelude to Armageddon and the return of Kalifah “Caliph” aka “al-Kidr” or “Green Man”.
Dabiq is the ISIS Propaganda Magazine; Dabiq takes its name from Dabiq, Syria, the site of the Muslim Malahim, the Satanic version of Armageddon. ISIS headed by Israel Simon Elliot aka Abu Bakr al Baghdadi. SITE (Search for Int’l Terrorist Entities) headed by Israeli Rita Katz (Rita=Pearl; Katz= Kohannim “Chief Priest” + Tzaddiq “Righteous”) with production facilities in Dubai and Ft Huachuaca AZ, is the TV Propaganda Arm. ISIS, like Turkey is not Muslim, they are Canaanite; DAESH stands for “Nation of Islam in Levant” Nation of Islam is founded on the 1st Race “Shabazz” (Royal Falcon), a Horite (Horus=Royal Falson) Cult descended from Ham (Black) having nothing to do with mainstream Islam. The Battle of Marj Dabiq was followed in Jan 22, 1517 by the Battle of Redinya which put the Levant (Land promised by God to Abraham aka Eretz Israel) under control of the Ottoman led Sunni Caliphate.
At the St Sulpice Cathedral is the Paris (Par=House + Isis) Zero Meridian “Rose Line” (Brass “Sovereign” Kingdom in Dan 2:39-40; America is now 240 years old); the Sun will contact the Aquarius Symbol on the Egyptian Obelisk on the 500th Anniversary of the Ottoman Battle”, the Annual arrival of Aquarius matches the Astrological Age of Aquarius on America’s Inauguration Day. If you haven’t read the inscription on Prophecy Rock in the 4 Corners area of the US, now is a good time, before White Brother returns and Red Kachina removes his mask in the Plaza (UN Plaza and 9th UN Secretary General) “Nothing in politics happens by chance, if it happened it was planned” FDR
ICANN CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) Traitor, Aspen Inst (New Age Initiation Cult), Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker (Multi-Billionaire Pritzker family owns Hyatt, Trans-union Credit, Royal Caribbean Cruise Line, Marmon Group) set to Privatize Internet Control in the hands of Clinton Foundation IANA (Internet Address and Names) meeting in Dominican Republic Aug 24. Privatized Internet Control goes to ICANN (Int Corp for Assigned Names and Numbers), a 501c3 non-profit Corp based in Los Angeles. Privatizing Internet oversight is the brainchild of Planetary Citizen, Rhodes Scholar, 33 degree Luciferian Mason, Bilderberger, CFR traitor, Jesuit, Knight of Malta, serial adulterer Bill Clinton (Blythe) and fellow Rhodes Scholar, Clinton Health Care Chief, Clinton Foundation Executive, fake Jew, Boston Consulting Initiate (CIA front company also hired Luciferian Mason, Benjamin Netanyahu and Mormon “Oath of Vengeance” Mitt Romney) Ira Magaziner. IP Addresses, Domain Names, E-Mail and Web Page routing controlled by the Clinton Foundation by Sept 30, 2016
Brazil was called “Amorica”; native Incans “Amarucu” long before Columbus, Pizarro, Cortez, Pinzon or Cabral arrived; Amerigo Vespucci would even take his name from the “Land of the Amorites”. Cabral arrived January 1500; thus Rio De Janiero is “River of January”, the month named after the Roman god Janus. Murder for gold and for Jesuit founding Pope Rodrigo Borgia (3rd Jesuit General) who turned the Vatican into a Brothel and Carnivale Festival. Borgia divided the Earth between Portugal and Spain, Brazil the dividing line went to Portugal, the land of the Sephardic “Fake Jews”. Sepharvaim are Babylonian, Medean. Cuthite, Canaanites described in 2 Ki 17:30, not Jewish or Christian in the slightest; history records them as Crypto or Marranos, practicers of Satanism in Private, Christian, Talmudic Jews or Muslims in public. “Christ the Redeemer” is not Jesus. “Thou shalt not make any graven image or any likeness of anything …in heaven… Earth or the water under the Earth” Ex 20:2. Amar is the Cananite god of the west; Amurru the Edomite Shepherd and Serpent god of the West and god of the Amorites. Welcome to the 2016 Amorite Olympics.
Our Lady of Copacabana is venerated Aug 5, Opening Day of the Rio Olympics. The shape of the Opening Ceremony floor was inspired by Copacabana, the Bolivian City overlooking the Sacred Island of the Inca in Lake Titicaca, Bolivia. Copacabana is named after “Katakawana” the androgynous god of fertility aka Venus, Aphrodite and Lucifer. Katakawana’s Temple was filled with creatures known as Mermaids; today, the Catholic Basilica of Our Lady of Copacabana occupies the Pagan Site. Copacabana overlooks Isla del Sol and Isla del Luna, the islands where the Sun and Moon gods were born; the Union of the Sun and Moon is called the Sacred Marriage. Time to choose the Marriage of the Lamb folks! Marriage to the Sun and Moon results in Hell for Eternity.
Opening ceremony began with Water; this is the Primordial god Chaos. Microbes begin covering the land forming the Rain Forest (Garden of Eden), then Insects, then Man; Elite regard most of us as Evolved Microbes-Insects-Monkeys. Inca originally came from China; 2016 is the Chinese Year of the Monkey. Colonization (Survival of the Fittest) begins with the Jesus like figure, natives were taught to accept as the Messiah, Quetzalcoatl, Viracocha or Kulkulkan; Oops! The Slave Trade, Rain Forest destruction, Industrialization (Wright Brothers did not invent powered flight) and Global Warming quickly follow; notice how this is Northern Hemisphere Global Warming, not Southern Hemisphere; EM (Electro-magnetic) Scalar Antennas in the Arctic and Antarctic used for Geo-engineering transfer energy South to North.
The Rio Logo spells Zion in Green (Earth), Blue (Water), Yellow (Sun). cleverly hidden in the 6 (2016) is the symbol of Capricorn; Christmas 2016 may be a real all seeing eye opener. The Olympic Center is built as a Pyramid surrounding a Witchcraft Pentagram, bi-sected by a Serpent impregnating an Egg (same as Artemis HQ in the US; the new 5G Nationwide Broadband will produce Sterility). Peace Signs, are in both the Rio Olympic Tree Logo (Broken Jew) and Hand Sign (Victory/Nail). The V sign popularized by Bi-sexual, Luciferian Mason, Druid Winston Churchill means Nail used to Crucify God, a Satanic Victory sign. The Peace Sign “Broken Jew” or “Todersrune” is a Death Sign; the sign used in Witchcraft Initiations to Blaspheme Jesus Christ; Waling Dead may ring a Baal. The Cross turned upside down and the cross bar broken was also an initiation ritual of the Knights Templar.
Janus is the God of War and Peace. Notice the Hand Peace Sign opposite the Rooster. The Rooster is Nergal the Babylonian God of War (2 Ki 17:30) aka Mars or Ares, the “UNKNOWN GOD” of the Areopagus “Mars’ Hill” ignorantly worshipped. The Rooster was used by Jesus to show Peter he would betray Him; the Rooster heralds the Rising Sun “Lucifer”.
Notice the Cubes; brought down from the Sky to build Heaven on Earth. Cube worship is Saturn worship; the Cube “Kaaba” at Mecca or Kabbalah (no it’s not Jewish) for example. Mecca is the Arab “Mechus” meaning “Adultery, the Sin (Allah is the Arab Moon God “Sin”) preventing the “Marriage of the Lamb” (Rev 19:7) Cubes are central to Thelema; Brotherhood of Saturn, Saturnalia (Christmas), Transformers “All Spark” (Janus is the god of Transformation) etc etc What’s the real 411 (Information)? Acts 4:11 of course Jesus is the Stone the Builders (Freemasons) rejected; Saturn (Cube) worship is the alternative. Now you know why Cornerstones are laid in Sacrifice (Corn, Wine, Oil) Ceremonies.
Notice the Phoenix Rising out of the Green Earth. In 1620 Francis Bacon write “New Atlantis”; the Americas destroyed with the Phoenix rising from the ashes as the New Atlantis.
New Atlantis is the Golden Age; Men turned into Gods as Lead/Mercury is turned into Gold; the Alchemical “Philosophers Stone/Cube”. Gisele Bundchen dressed in Gold played the role of the “Girl from Ipanema” Heloisa Eneida de Menezas Paes Pinto aka “Helo” or “Hele” (Hale, Healthy Sun) the Sun worshipping Muse turned future Playboy Model who carried the Olympic Torch through Ipanema; “She is the golden girl, a mixture of flowers and mermaids, full of light and full of grace, but whose character is also sad with the feeling as youth passes, beauty is not ours to keep. She is the gift of life with its beautiful and melancholic ebb and flow”.
Notice Chinese Taipei? This insult to Taiwan is no accident; WWIII will pit North Korea against South Korea; China will invade Taiwan; Exodus across the Silk Road to Armageddon; Russia will lead an invasion (false Gog and Magog Eze 38:1) to Jerusalem.
Notice the Red Sign “CO2 Emisions”; Exhalation causing Global Warning is a Satanic Lie; CO2 caused warming increases evaporation forming clouds which reflect solar radiation; CO2 is plant food, not an Earth toxin.
Global Warming is Jesuit nonsense invented at the 1990 Rio Earth Summit as an excuse to murder 93% of the world’s population to save the Earth. This is written in stone in the Georgia Guide Stones and Pope Francis’ Earth Encylical “Laudato Si” (Be Praised). Jesus warned days would come when people kill others and think they do God’s service; those days are here. Global Climate Change Agreement “Agenda 21”, Kyoto and Paris Climate change Agreements all came from the United Nations 1990 Rio Earth Summit.
Notice the color Green, Ubiquitous color of the Rio Olympics; Green Man is Satan aka Bacchus or Dionysus. Green Cross International headed by Communist Dictator, 33 Degree Luciferian Freemason, Bohemian Grove Initiate Mikhail Gorbachev founded this to build on the Rio Earth Summit.
Rhodes Scholar, Clinton’s Balkan Butcher, Branch Davidian murderer, fake Jew, Gen Wes Clark (Samaritan Cohen) told of the plan to destabilize the Middle East (Fertile Crescent) at the same time the United Nations hosted the Rio Earth Summit
Pope Francis has stated the Northern Hemisphere Nations owe a large debt to the Southern Hemisphere Nations; this was portrayed in the Opening Ceremonies during the Industrial Age of Northern Foreigners exploiting Southern Natives.
Sea Level Rising Inundation begins in Amsterdam (home of fake Jews and the Dutch East India Trading Company; New York City was at first “New Amsterdam”), Dubai, Florida (record flooding during the Olympics), Shanghai, Lagos and Rio.
With Earth destroyed, New Life emerges in the asphalt. Bitumen (Asphalt/Slime) is the Mortar used to build the Tower of Babel; completion results in a new Garden of Eden formed by destroying the Old Order. Babylon means “Gate of On” where On “Osiris” is Christ the Redeemer, the sun god, facing East to the Rising Sun.
The Native “Amarucu” form Downward Triangles, an Earth Symbol and twirl them into the 3 XXX’s; Antichrist will be the 3rd Adam; X=Christ/Messiah. A Carnivale aka Baccanalia follows as the Cauldron is lit by the Sun; this is the birth of the New World Order; Christ Redeemer facing the Rising Sun, Apollo aka Janus.
Rio De Janiero means River of January, the month beginning the Roman Solar Year is sacred to Janus (Janus=Apollo=Apollyon=Destroyer; Rev 9:11) the Roman god of Doorways and New Beginnings; one face to the future, one face to the past. Janus is the Roman Primordial god of Beginnings “Chaos” and Endings; the parallel with JESUS as “Alpha and Omega” should be evident. We saw the Primordial “Chaos” in the Oceans forming Dry Land in the Opening Ceremony. Janus represents the Beginning and Ending of Conflict, thus he is the god of War and Peace.
Janus is the god of Beginnings, Gates (Bab=Gate), Transitions (Old Order-New World Order), Time (Chaos/Chronos), Doorways, Passages (Narrow/JESUS/Salvation-Wide/Apollo/Destruction), Bridges (Earth-Heaven eg Bifrost/Rainbow Bridge) and Endings (Rapture? Heaven’s no; that is Jesuit made up Bull Shit) The new plant life represents the Olive Branch brought back by the Dove released by Noah at the end of the Flood. “But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be” Mat 24:37; Lk 17:26. Ready for the Alternative Christ? Me neither but he’s coming.
Superior to the Roman Pontiff (Master Bridge Builder) Rex Sacorum (King of Sacred Rites) presided over Janus (God of Bridges) Ceremonies. For the Olympic Opening Ceremony Rex Sacorum is Ban Ki Moon, United Nations Secretary General, and disciple of Sun Myung Moon’s “Unification Church”; the opposition to God thwarting the progress of Babel should be obvious. Why “Moon”? A reflection of the Sun; Arabs called the Moon “Sin” because the first lie in the Garden of Eden was Eve would not die, but become as the gods; hence the Arab moon god “Sin” came to be called “Allah” aka Ilu as in Bab + Ilu or Babel. Sun Myung Moon believed Jesus failed His mission to “Repair the Earth” and his Divine Mission was to complete it. The Doors of the Temple of Janus were opened in times of War.
Sept 13, 2016 is 10 Elul the day Noah opened the Ark for the 1st time after the mountaintops became visible and released a Raven. The Raven never returned because Ravens are “Unclean Birds” which feed on carcasses of dead animals/fish/carrion. The 1st visible mountaintop? Mt Ararat, Turkey? Try again. Mt Everest aka Chumolongmo “Earth Mother”. Plant life would not begin for another week when the Dove brought back an Olive leaf. Remember, there were 2 of every creature in the Ark; the 2nd Dove never returned because it represented the Holy Ghost given to man; JESUS is the Holy Ghost; the Dove returned to Man. Only people who have asked for and been given a Baptism of the Holy Ghost are truly Free in this world. Noah would become a Vine dresser, drunk, his son Ham would mate with his Cainite mother to give birth to the “Cursed” bloodline of Canaan. “They came from the East” to Shinar (Babel) to build a Tower (Magdala) aka Holy Grail, prompting God to separate the Nations by Water in Peleg and Joktan’s day and confound the languages to inhibit building progress. Get ready folks, the Tower of Babel is about finished.
Miracle of the Sun 3 children, visited by the Virgin Mary, made predictions on 13 July, 19 Aug and 13 Sept 1917 set for Oct 13, 1917 which became known as the “Miracle of the Sun”. Why? Assumption of the Virgin Mary needed proof. 13 Sept 2016 is 10 Elul, the day Noah released a Raven from the Ark. Pope Benedict released Peace Doves which were promptly attacked by Ravens; 2 months later he resigned and Lightning hit St Peter’s Basilica TWICE; the following year, Jesuit Pope Francis I released Doves which were again, attacked by a Raven and a Seagull. The Flood lasted 1 yr 10 days; on Sept 23, 2017 the celestial alignment described in Rev 12:1 will occur.
Ben Hur: First to Finish Last to Die. “Brother against Brother” is Esau against Jacob. Ben=Son; Hur=Fire. Ready for the Holocaust?
Miracle of the Dark Sun?
July 14 “Bastille Day” July 14, 2016 (7, 14=77, 16=7) Scientists announced proof of a 5th Force. The Dark Photon is the Force Carrier of Dark Matter. 5th Force is none other than Quintessence the mythical Aether of the ancient Greeks, Plato’s Dodecahedron (12 Sided Pentagon), 5th Element, Divine Spark (All Spark in Transfromers), TULA “Dark Sun” of ancient Egypt and Black Sun of the Nazi SS (NATO HQ is the SS Lighting Bolts). Quintessence is Witchcraft; Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Quintessence or Illumination. Got JESUS in your life? Quintessence is a Pale substitute. Nice Terror Attack? Not quite The list of dead from 2 dozen countries prompt Francois Hollande to promise attacks on ISIS in Syria and Iraq in response to the attack on Nice; good thing the Savant had a multi-site Terror Drill in progress.
Like 7’s (Perfection)? How about Crazy 8’s? On 8/8/16 the Pentagon IG report was released “$6.5Trillion missing” That’s about 10 yrs of the Pentagon Spending. Aug=8, 8, 2016=18=8; or 8/8/2016=8888 if you prefer. JESUS=888. This is however a far cry.
Artemis is the goddess of Witchcraft. Not to be outdone FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler allows rollout of Artemis 5G Network; NAZI Eugenics in the modern age. The Temple of Artemis replicated by the Supreme House of the Temple of 33rd Degree Masonry. Millimeter Wave Energy at 20X 4G Power=Sterility and Disease. Millimeter Waves absorbed in the Skin inhibit production of Vitamin D. Lab Rats exposed to the level of Radiation in Artemis 5G became Sterile in 15 Minutes.
VP of Remote Viewing Association Dick Allgire allegedly predicted the attack and location 2 months before it happened Why? It was another pre-planned Sacrifice or Hoax? during a Multi-site Shooter Drill “Nothing in politics happens by chance. If it happened it was planned” FDR (His Wife Eleanor also used Remote Viewing and Seances). “There will not be found among you any one …that useth Divination…a consulter with famiLIAR Spirits, or a Wizard or a necromancer” Deut 18:10-11 An amaziing ability on par with the Bastille Day 2015 fly-by of Pluto by the New Horizons spacecraft; returned pictures look exactly like the 1930 drawings, made 86 years ago by Luciferian Freemason Walt Disney. Pluto is the Roman God of the Underworld; to “86” something means to “Eliminate or Kill”. Pretty coincidental timing with United Nations 2016: Year of Pulses. 2016-17 is 50 years after the 6th Tetrad, 6-Day War and founding of the Church of Satan making it a Satanic Jubilee.
Bastille Day celebrates Storming the Bastille Prison in Paris 1789 and the “Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizens” Citizen is further defined by the Rosicrucians, Martinists, Jacobins and Masons who instigated the French Revolution as “Human”. Hu is the Celtic Creator; the Word used in Creation? “HU” of course; the Word simply means “God Man” This Hoax is the Division of Gnostics who believe they can become Gods and those of us who follow the only true God JESUS. There are no “Rights” of Man, JESUS is “Alpha”, the Creator and “Shiloh”, He whose it is, and Omega, the End. 84 Dead, 50 injured in Nice France during Bastille Fireworks? Sure, just like Paris.
Meeting in Dabiq was released Dec 2015; the ISIS film studio is run by the US Army.
The Jesuit/Masonic Plan for WWIII is to pit “Islam against Political Zionism”. Messianic Islam (nowhere in the Quran) theology declares al-Mahdi and Jesus will return to Dabiq, Syria to battle those who oppose Sharia Law. Under this system, worship of the biblical JESUS (returns 3 1/2 years from the start of Great Tribulation) ie Holy Ghost is punishable by Death. ISIS is the Black Virgin and Throne of Antichrist worshipped by Templars and Assassins alike. Why 2017?
In 1517 the 5th Lateran Council proclaimed “Indestructibility of the Soul” as Catholic (Universal) Dogma; the Soul is not Indestructible; Every Soul on Earth will be Judged by JESUS aka JAH (Ps 68:4KJV) or JEHOVAH the Spiritual Covenant Name of God; Allah? Hardly, Allah is the Arab Moon God “Sin”. Lateran means “Hidden Frogs”, the Arch-basilica of St John Lateran is the Jesuit HQ and considered the “Mother Church of all Churches and Religions in the World”. Hidden Frogs are the 3 Unclean Spirits of the Dragon (Devil/Satan), Antichrist and False Prophet. The world is on the verge of the arrival of the Antichrist and False Prophet; time to open the door to a relationship with JESUS!
This may not seem like Olympic Games material, but it is; a War for our Souls is in full swing; prayers to the Virgin Mary, Rosary Prayers and Miracles of the Sun will not get you to Heaven. Only a one on one relationship with the Creator of Heaven and Earth will; His Name is JESUS.
Folks, the Writing is on the Wall