[frame_right][/frame_right]The Millennium (1000 yr reign of Jesus Christ) begins immediately after Armageddon. The battle of Gog and Magog occurs 1000 years later. Eternity begins after the battle of Gog and Magog. The Revolution in Ukraine has nothing to do with Gog and Magog; it is an Aryan creation. The dead resulting from the battle of Gog and Magog will number as “Sand in the Sea”; Satanists will try to duplicate that event. On Sunday “Face the Nation” CFR, Bohemian Grove Molech worshipping Satanist Dick Cheney used the words “Mass Annihilation, Nuclear Winter, and Armageddon”. On 3/11 Jesuit Knight of Malta Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Martin Dempsey said “If treaty obligations are violated the US Military will respond”. Folks, Dick and Marty do not call the shots, God does; by my estimation, God’s timing says we are approaching the last 3 1/2 years “Great Tribulation”; it’s not Armageddon or Gog and Magog yet!
CVN-77 GHW Bush Aircraft Carrier is reportedly inside the Black Sea off the coast of the Crimea, however the Navy is reporting it docked in Antalya, Turkey. Why? First 77 is the Sabbath Goat on the Altar. Baphomet means Union of Spirit and Knowledge; Azazel means “Goat that Departs” ie “Cast Out”; the Sacrificial Altar is meant here, according to “Liber 77: Book of the Goat” a demon channeled book by Aleister “Great Beast” Crowley; GHW Bush is married to his ritually conceived daughter; truth is stranger than fiction; stay with this for a minute. GHW Bush (Aryan Nazi George Scherff Jr aka “Curious George”) was baptized in Satanic Ritual with the new name “Magog”; his son was pronounced “Gog, Chief Prince of Meshech and Tubal” by the Sanhedrin and Temple Mount Rabbis on 1/8/8 just ahead of Obama’s Inauguration. Issa, the Arab name of Allah was invoked by Pastor Rick Warren. If the Carrier is in the Black Sea why claim it is in Antalya?
Antalya: Kingdom of Pergamum and Cave of the Arcadian Shepherds
Antalya, Turkey was founded and named after the Edomite/Hittite “King of Pergamum” Attalos II Philadelphus; Pergamum or Pergamon means “Satan’s Seat”. Antalya was/is the ancient home of the Arcadian Shepherds and the mis-named “Race” of “Giants” from Gen 6; there is 1 Race of Man on Earth, but Satanists believe otherwise. “et in Arcadia ego”, a Skull and a Shadow are over the “Cave of the Arcadian Shepherds” in Pergamon. The Plantard (Vine Cutting) family crest uses Bears, Bees (Bee is Chaldean for Word; Priests of Cybele “Melissae”=Bee) and the same phrase; just a guess at this point, but Thomas Plantard, a product of Joseph Mengele’s Twins Experiments is for me, a likely candidate for the Alternative Messiah. He would have been born at or near 1966 “Anno Satanae” or “Year One” and would be 50, 1 Jubilee of years at the Jubilee year 2016-17.
et in Arcadia ego means “Even in Arcadia there am I” I refers to Death (Pale Horse is Death) and Arcadia “Paradise” or “Utopia”, a return to the pre-flood “Atlantis” envisioned by Plato and Karl Marx among others. The phrase also means “Begone! I keep God’s secrets” Sumerians called Begone “Barra”; at Bohemian Grove 2700 Molech worshipping Satanists gather for “Cremation of Dull Care” aka “Begone! Dull Care” is the final act of the “Grand Climax”; a 4000+ year old Babylonian Ritual. Just remember one thing God has no secrets; Satanists do! An announcement of the bones of Jesus Christ in the “Cave of Shepherds” will just be a Satanic Lie! Arcadia may also mean Arca Dei “I touch the tomb of God”. A marble relief from the Cave of Shepherds also has the as of yet un-decoded cipher “OUOSVAVV”. Likely meanings:
“Vanity of vanities, the Shepherd says all is vanity”. It comes from Ecclesiastes 12:8 and is the same motto as the Brotherhood of Death aka Skull & Bones or Thule Society into which Stalin, Hitler, Kerry and 4 generations of the Bush family were initiated. Tula comes from Egypt and the concept of the Black Sun; same motto as the Nazi SS. (Schwarze Sun) It is also called “Society 322” after Adam’s fall into Sin in Gen 3:22. Obama does not qualify for ObamaCare, but recall that on Sunday 3/21 (Ostara or Persian Nowruz “New Light”) at 10:22 (Midnight at Thule, Greenland and 3:22 on 3:22 on the Prime Meridian in London) ObamaCare was signed Un-constitutionally into Law.
UOSV may also mean “Joseph”. Jesus restores Israel with the 2 Sticks of Joseph and Judah (Eze 37:16); Jesus is from Judah, which side you are on will determine your place for eternity, “Heaven” or “Hell” (Rev 11:1). Mormons claim lineage from not only Levi and Dan (Prophets), but Joseph; Mormo is one of 77 names of Satan “God of the living Dead”. Jesus is Melchisedek (Priest of the Most High and King of Jerusalem); Mormon men also claim this lineage of Judah. Levi, Dan, Manasseh, Ephraim and Judah are 4 genealogies too many!
The letters add to 2810, the miles from the Shugborough House in Stradfordshire, England to Oak Island, Nova Scotia, the Money Pit of the fleeing Knights Templar ca 1300. Green Man Cathedral is Rosslyn Castle in Scotland; Scotland will have an independence referendum vote Sept 18, 2014. Templars lie in state in that Castle and Dan Brown’s “DaVinci Code ended at that Castle with Sophia (Wisdom) as the Grail for a reason.
OUOSVAVV has also been proposed as an anagram for “Devout Mason”; a Six Pointed Star drawn along the Unfiniched Pyramid on the $US connecting Annuit Coeptis (Lucifer approves of our endeavor) and Novus Ordo Seclorum (New Secular Order) falls on he letters MASON.
Attalus claimed descent from the Olympians ie Zeus; he was considered a “Saviour” (Soter) taken to Elysium “Isle of the Blessed”. Paris France has the visual: Arch de Triompfe (Arch of Triumph), Champs Elysee (Elysium), Obelisk of Rameses II, Cathedral of St Chapelle (Reliquary of Crown of Thorns), Pont Neuf (Jacques de Molay execution site), Notre Dame Cathedral (Reliquary of Pieces of the True Cross), Cathedral of St Denis (Cult of the Severed Head aka Baphomet) and St Sulpice Cathedral (Rose Line; Old Prime Meridian) 3/18/1314 is the 700th anniversary of the execution and Satanists will take Revenge one way or another!
History records these Satanists as Tuatha de Danaan (Dannan=Danu=Anu=Zeus); heard that before? Today’s “Olympians” like GHW Bush are called the “Committee of 300”. Nothing new here folks! Attal means “To Think or Plan”; Prometheus means the same thing and his statue is at Sochi. Philadelphus means “Brotherly Love”; the brotherly love meant here is the plan of Ishmael and Esau to kill their Brothers; some Brotherly Love eh? Jesus refers to the Church of Philadelphia as the “Synagogue of Satan”; “Those who say they are Jews but are not”; they are Edomites impersonating Jacob whom Jesus will destroy at the 2nd Coming (Ref Obadiah) The Six Pointed Star of Molech is also called the “Seal of Solomon”, the author of Ecclesiastes. Making sense yet?
2 of these “Giants” named “Gog and Magog” guard the entrance to the City of London (Assets); one of 3 Priest-King “Sovereigns” with Washington DC (Military) and the Vatican (Spiritual). Crimea is pre and post Flood home to Sarmation (Aryan) Priest-Kings. The Throne of Pergamon was excavated by Aryan Nazi Carl Humann (both names mean god-man) in 1878 and taken to Berlin with Ishtar’s Gate and the Quadriga of Apollo (we saw that pulling the Sun at the Sochi Olympics). JFK, Reagan and Obama (twice) spoke at the Berlin Wall there; Obama’s “Yes We Can” speech means “Thank You Satan”. The Throne was replicated by Hitler’s Zeppelintribune and used as the “Fuhrer’s Pulpit”. WWII was nothing more than a planned Holocaust Sacrifice to Molech. WWIII is going to be far worse.
GHW Bush, like GW Bush and Obama are ineligible to be US President (Romney as well) as they are “Foreigners”; the same people in the same situation as the Hyksos (Amalekite=Molech worshippers at war with God) “Foreign Shepherd Kings of Egypt” responsible for the 1st Passover and Exodus. On 3/11/14 it was announced the Tomb of Amenhotep IV aka Akhenaten, the Hyksos ie Amalekites (Molech worshippers) “Heretic King” was found on Elephantine Island. Coincidental timing? Not on your eternal life.
Recall the “Rebel” Priests to Moses and Aaron were Priests of Korah (Core in Jude is the source name of Korea); the same Edomite/Ishmaelite Priests whom God swallowed up in the Earth; no they have not forgiven nor forgotten. In 1948 Stalin (Crypto Jew Dhughasvili) moved Satan’s Throne to Leningrad the same year Israel was founded under the Star of Molech and a few years later it went back to Berlin untouched by War. Molech is insatiable in the lust for Revenge and Blood; no amount of human sacrifice will suffice. There is a lot of occult communication going on here; stay tuned!
Satan is Saturn, Chronos (Time), El (Solar Bull aka Zeus) or the son Marduk (Solar Calf). El is the Chief god of the Canaanites “Green Man” and Asherah/Easter (Jer 7:18; 44:18) his “Queen of Heaven”. Few Christians even realize they are worshipping Satan in the guise of Easter and Christmas. The Temple of Green Man is Why Crimea?
Crimea is home to the oldest Pyramids on earth, some 37 have been located underground and underwater near Sevastopol (Venerable City) which were covered by Noah’s Flood. The Capital of post-Flood Sarmation (Prince)/Aryan (Noble Caste)/Sephardic (Molech worshippers) Priest Kings is quite likely the Capital of pre-Flood Aryan Priest Kings; Cainites who did evil in sight of the LORD in the “High Places”. “And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually” Gen 6:5. Now you know why WWIII will begin in Crimea. “Except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved…” Mat 24:22 “Those Days” are here.
“There were giants in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men, which were of old, men of renown” Gen 6:4
Giant has nothing to do with Nephilim (To Fall); “Sons of God” (Angels) can not mate with human women; they left their first “Estate” and convinced human women bare children dedicated to Satan through Culling, Incest (Canaan was the first post flood child of incest) and rigorous training; not Alien or Angelic DNA! There is one “Race” of Man on Earth; Woman was made from Man, made in the image and likeness of God; there are no people with “Hybrid”, “Reptilian” or “Alien” DNA! Hear the terms Racism, Nephilim or Annunaki and rest assured, you are listening to an Aryan Satanist.
The new movie Noah will feature “Shemyaza”, a Nephilim “Fallen Angel”; this movie release over April Fool’s, God’s New Year (1 Abib) at the start of Feast of Unleavened Bread and Passover in 2014 is no accident. God did not destroy people on earth from the outside as the movie will portray; He split the continents causing water inside the earth (Read Gen 1 again), released as “Fountains of the Deep”; returning super cooled salt water froze the record of Mastadons etc bearing this out. Russel Crowe offered a private screening to the Pope ending his Tweet to “Holy Father@Pontifex” with “Ishhallah”; Ihsha’Allah means “Allah willing” or “If Allah wills it”; the Shahada “There is no God but Allah” is under the Papal Chair and Allah has nothing to do with God. Allah is the Aryan/Sarmation moon god “Sin”!
Few people caught the fact “America’s Pastor” (Jesus is my Pastor) Rick Warren invoked this same deity as “Issa” during the Benediction of Obama’s Inauguration in 2008; Issa is the Arab version of Jesus.
Gen 6 will repeat at Rev 9:11 (911=Emergency=Emerge) when these same Angels who left their Estate and were chained in the “Bottomless Pit” are released (Emerge) by their leader “Abbadon” (Apollyon=Satan) again to roam the Earth; 200 million will find suitable human hosts, 18 months, 1 week, 1 day, 1 hour (548 days) before Jesus Christ arrives; the last “70 Weeks” (490 days) will seal the fates of many people for eternity. Preparations are being made right now in Beit Shemesh (House of the Sun and Shemyaza should ring a bell; Shemesh is the center candle on the Hanukkah Menorah) for Rev 911 called Site 911. Project 911 is a radiation hardened bunker financed by American tax dollars just NW of Jerusalem to protect Satanists from Satan; ain’t that special? Instead of Lamb’s Blood on the doorposts as Israel did in the 1st Passover; Rabbis and their Satanic Scribes will write the Mezuzah over the doors “The LORD our God is One” (Deut 6:4 actually reads “The LORD our God is One Lord”) a rejection of Jesus Christ. It’s due for completion on 9 Av, 2014 the saddest day in Jewish history! Destructions of the 1st and 2nd Temples will be followed by destruction of God’s 3rd Temples; Human Beings in Covenant with Jesus Christ are the real 3rd Temple!
The last Week of the Great Tribulaion is the “Covenant with many” (Dan 9:27); the last day is reserved for God’s Wrath (7 Vials/Bowls). Jerusalem will be re-built for “Messiah the Prince” (Dan 9:24); Jesus is Melchisedek now as He was in Abram’s day (Gen 14:18); the word means “King of Jerusalem and Priest of the Most High”. Therefore, “Messiah the Prince” is Lucifer/Satan who will sit on the Throne of Zeus/Pergamon (Satan’s Seat) which will be re-built and sent from Berlin (Angela Merkel is Hitler’s daughter, dedicated to Satan)to Jerusalem. In Satan’s new “Estate”, he will be made to “Stand”. Until this point, Satan (Serpent) has been Cursed to crawl on his belly eating dust of the earth. (Gen 3:14) Satan’s people are “People of the Prince”; the “Cult of Saturn”, Sarmations (Sar means Priest), Aryans (Noble Caste), “Black Nobility” etc.
Midweek of the last week, God’s 2 Witnesses (Seth’s Enoch and Elijah) will be killed by Satan in his new “Estate” (Man as Antichrist inhabited by the Spirit, Satan); this will cause Jerusalem to become “Desolate”; God’s presence will be gone. 3 days later, amid cheering and giving/receiving presents in the streets (during Hanukkah/Christmas? of the Jubilee Year 2017, is just my best guess at this point), they will rise to become “First Fruits” (7th Trumpet), 1 day ahead of the return of Jesus Christ and the body resurrection of believers over the last 2000 years. Jesus was not born at Christmas; He was born on Feast of Tabernacles and Circumcised to fulfill the Law on the 8th day of Tabernacles. During the Millennium, Feast of Tabernacles will be the only Holy Day enforced by God (Ref Zech 14:16)
Why would Satan use Hanukkah/Christmas? Most Christians have been fooled into routinely celebrating the Solar Solstice with Evergreens; Evergreens mimic Sukkot, the Evergreen Tabernacles used on Feast of Tabernacles; the true birthday of Jesus. The Great Tribulation lasts 3 1/2 years of 360 day years; St George can be seen at the Cathedral of St John the Divine and at the UN slaying the Dragon (Satanists killing Christians) standing atop the Crab; Cancer is June 21-July 22; 1/2 year ahead of Christmas; if 2014 turns out to be the year; adding 3 1/2 years completes the Solar Year within a Jubilee Year. Ossetia in Georgia, west of the Ukraine is the path to Jerusalem and center of the St George (Green Man) Cult; remember that lopsided George Soros instigated “Orange Revolution” in Ossetia in 2008?
Barbara Streisand, an Ashkenazi ie Aryan fake Jew wrote the song “Evergreen”. “Morning Glory and Midnight Sun…2 lives that shine as one…Ageless and Evergreen” Aryans call Thule the “Midnight Sun”; the Nazi SS were “Knights of the Schwarze Sun” Hitler and Stalin were initiates of the Thule Society. Morning Glory? Did you know Libya is threatening; Oops, bombed the Oil Tanker “Morning Glory”? It’s on fire. Remember the series “Bewitched”? If the NASA/Nazi connection is not enough to wake you up; their house was on “Morning Glory Cir”. Make sense yet? Folks, Satan is “Prince of the World” and “Messiah the Prince”; there are a lot of “People of the Prince”! Forget everyone’s “Private Interpretation” including mine; Scripture is literal, simple and to the point and God means what He writes!
Satan began the Tower “Magdala” of Babel “Gate of El”; WWIII will finish it; the Crimea is the Crown Jewel of Aryan Sarmation “People of the Prince”. “Messiah the Prince” is Satan. Crimea (Qirim) means “Steppe, Desert or High Place”; Desert because God is not there. Crimea is the Capital of the “Golden Horde”; the last block in the Unfinished Pyramid “Tower of Babel”; Pyramid means “Amid the Flames”. The New Secular Order will rise out of the ashes of the Old Order and God will not be a part of it; or so goes the plan Satan has deceived his Golden Horde with.
Examples of Satanism in plain sight are “Superman: Man of Steel” as the son of El (Marduk). Marduk as son of Zeus was in “Clash of the Titans” as Perseus. Zeus was known as Anu; Tuatha de Danaan means “Sons of Anu/Zeus” or the Private Mormon Army “Dannite Band” all refer to Lucifer in one guise or another. In Transformers, the exiled “Decepticon” leader is on Saturn; the Six Pointed Star of Saturn/El/Chronos is as Ubiquitous as it gets these days.
Prometheus is Saturn, his statue breaks free of his chains in Sochi and has the Golden Ring in Rockefeller Plaza, NY. The Rainbow Logo in Sochi symbolizes God’s promise never to flood the Earth again; yes Pooty Poot is aware of this. It was no mistake the Red Fire Circle failed to form from the Snowflake; Fire and Ice is the moniker of the initiated Cult of Saturn/El/Chronos. We see this in the Federal Reserve creation of Inflation and Recession; all orchestrated to create indentured slaves of to foreign creditors; just ask World Bank veteran and usurping Ukraine President Arsiniy Yatsenyuk, a Sarmation Crypto Jew turned fake Catholic.
EM (Electro=Sun; Magnetic=Earth) technology was developed by Serbian genius Nikola Tesla; the proposal to move his ashes is creating a stir. George Bush Sr “Magog” and George Bush Jr “Gog” may be one reason; Prescott Bush had him murdered and handed Russia the technology. Tesla claimed to have technology using overlapping Scalar Fields (Energy Fields) able to destroy object anywhere on earth; objects such as aircraft. Tesla tested his technology in the Siberian Forest of Tunguska in 1908 as a Beta Test. Examples of Scalar Tesla Fields being used in plain sight
AA #11 and UAL #175 on 9/11/2001. Both disintegrated on impact leaving no trace whatsoever.
Space Shuttle Challenger was likely brought down by a “Cold Explosion”; Cold referring to the transfer of energy from one place to another.
Space Shuttle Columbia was likely brought down using a microwave ionospheric heater such as HAARP. Vibrating the Ionosphere caused a rising column of atmosphere to coincide with the re-entry flight path.
2004 Yule Tsunami in Indonesia was created by altering the piezo-electric energy at the 900 Ridge; the rapid change in plates created the deadly Tsunami.
TWA-800 was not brought down by sparking fuel pumps; likely culprit was a scalar attack.
Air France #447 suffered multiple instrument failures and a rapidly rising column of turbulent air; no other aircraft reported adverse weather in that area.
Hurricane Katrina was a guided Cat 6+ Hurricane that hit at Sunrise on the Feast Day of the Edomite beheading of John the Baptist.
Port au Prince (People of the Prince ringing a bell here?) Haiti was hit with a 9.0 Earthquake during a NOAA and FEMA scheduled Haitian Relief Drill in Miami, The only AM Radio station played “Welcome to the Hotel California” all day, not by accident, but by design. Hotel California is the Church of Satan.
Finally, Malaysian Air #370 disintegrated over Vietnam (straight line route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing is not over open ocean); they would have been in radar contact ie pieces would have created a primary radar return.
Aum Shrinkyo is a Doomsday Cult in Japan which used Sarin Gas in the Tokyo Subway; their HQ is across the street from Police HQ in Tokyo. Now they use Russian Scalar Weapons. Their heroes are martyrs in the Manchurian genocide of China and Fukushima Radiation is considered a “Divine Wind” for these people; adherents include TEPCO, the Mayor of Tokyo and ex-PM of Japan, currently instigating war with China. Right at this moment, that’s my guess for the destruction of Flt #370. Folks, it’s just a guess; I have the same information you have. The only important thing is for you to establish a 1 on 1 relationship with Jesus Christ before the world turns into a giant “Killing Field”.
The person who controls the stores of gold, silver and precious stones, honours the God of forces (Gravity/Graviton), has no regard for women, and allows lets the children of Esau, Ammon and Moab escape (Ref Dan 11:37-43). Talmudic Rabbis describe this coming Mesiach as the “Dark Horse”; Katy Perry just put out a music video “Dark Horse” playing Katy Patra (Cleopatra), the woman determined to start war with Rome in Julius Caesar’s day. Committee of 300 World Banker Mario Draghi and Jesuit Pope Francis I are in Rome ready to torch the place for this reason.
Lot juxtaposed Purim and Passover on the eve of Sodom’s destruction. The theme in Dark Horse is the same as in Dark Knight; Purim is the hidden redemption offered by Rabbis of the Dark Lord, Satan while Passover is the outward redemption offered by God. In Dark Knight Bane says to the unlikely hero Batman “We understand because we are initiated”; that’s the hidden meaning of Purim and the reason Purim has nothing whatsoever to do with God. Now back to Gog and Magog.
Meshech is not Moscow. Tubal is not Tobolsk. Rus is not in Eze 38:2-3 KJV This is Satan’s duplication of the event. Ukraine separatists are Aryan Nazis; the Swastika is the “Broken Sun Wheel” and oldest symbol on Earth; the intent of these Priest-Kings is to “Repair the Earth”; Hebrew “Tikkun Olam”. Odessa is the home of exiled Sarmation Priest-Kings; Kiev is the capital of the Kievan Rus; Novgorod (Ninevah) is the capital of Crimean Rus. Kremlin is a Crimean Rus word meaning “Citadel or Fortress” Sarmation “Priest Kings” are the “Order of Melchisedek”; meaning “King of Jerusalem” and “Priest of the Most High”. Jesus Christ is the only Melchisedek Priest; He established the Covenant with Abraham in Gen 14:18 and the authority of King David in Ps 110. Do not be fooled by Mormon Priests claiming this title. The Mormon Elohim is not the LORD of the Bible; it is Saturn/Satan. If you walk through the Gate of El “Babel” it is a one way ticket to Hell!
Julius Caesar was assassinated by his own Senate and trusted adviser Brutus on the Ides of March (Mars=Ares=Nergal, brother of Marduk aka “god of war”). Paul noticed an altar dedicated “TO THE UNKNOWN GOD” on Mars’ Hill aka Areopagus in Athens (Ref Acts 17:22-23). The High Tribunal met on this Hill of Ares/Mars. People still Ignorantly worship this same war god and the Ides of March is the crescendo.
Purim, Mar 15-16, 2014 is Lot’s Redemption ie Ammon, Moab and Edom (Ref Dan 11:41) Purim is Lot’s redemption from Satan not God. Purim 2014 begins on the Ides of March with a Full Moon and ends with the referendum vote in Crimea; a vote to remain independent with Ukraine or align with Russia Obama has labeled “Unconstitutional”. Obama and Crypto Talmudic Jew (Satanist pretending to be Ukrainian Catholic) World Banker Arseniy Yatsenyuk and Obama will meet just before Purim in the White House to finalize plans for what may very well lead to WWIII. Paul Ryan says the Ukraine Crisis could be stopped by the US accepting the Keystone XL pipeline is about as ridiculous as it gets. Topping the Hypocrisy cake is John Kerry “In the 21st Century one just doesn’t invade countries on a completely trumped up pretext”; that’s right John like Vietnam (Gulf of Tonkin), Afghanistan (9/11 and Osama bin Laden), Iraq (Saddam’s WMD’s), Yugoslavia, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan. WWIII may very well hang in the balances held by these Hypocrites. Pur means “Lot” as in Pledging one’s Allegiance; Purim is derived from Puru “To eat dust”, the consignment the LORD gave to the Serpent in Gen 3:14-15 was to “east dust all his days”. Purim is the hidden redemption offered by the Serpent. The reality of this is the Serpent has no ability to offer redemption because he is Cursed. Pretty coincidental March is the 3rd month eh; sounds like God sent a warning in the first pages of Scripture about this particular year. 4 “Blood Red” Moons in Eclipse begin on Passover April 15th, 2014 and end on Feast of Tabernacles in 2015 with 2 Solar Eclipses on 1 Abib and 1 Tishrei “Rosh Hashanah” in 2015. 2016-2017 is a Rabbinical Jubilee Year. The first Jubilee since Israel instigated the 1967 “6 Day War” and re-captured the Temple Mount in Jerusalem under the Star of Molech/Saturn/Marduk; the 2nd Jubilee since WWI in 1917.
8 is the number of eternity; this is the 8th Tetrad of Blood Red Moons since Jesus walked the earth; Coincidence or warning? April is “Month of Venus” (Lucifer is Venus) Passover on April 15th coincides this year with Income Tax Day. UN Ambassador Samantha Power and her ventriloquist puppet Obama calls Russian intervention in the Ukraine “A violation of International Law”. Not even close. There is no legal authority for the IRS to collect Federal Income Tax but Jesus would say give Caesar his dues. Samantha’s husband Cass Sustein says Americans should celebrate “Tax Day” by taxing people who spread “Conspiracy Theories” like the Government was involved with 9/11/2001 or the 16th “Income Tax” Amendment was never ratified. Cass also says Marriage should be a thing of the past. Plato’s Utopia held this Satanic notion that Wives should be community property. April 15th is also known as “Assyrian New Year”; no other entity on earth represents military, rape and plunder like Assyria. Another Coincidence? God’s New Year begins 1 Abib; in 2014 it coincides with April Fool’s Day; occultists refer to Jesus Christ as the “April Fool” or “Jack O’ Lent”; It may seem funny now, but one day it will not. Another warning or just coincidence? To re-cap upcoming dates; Purim 3/15-16 and Ides of March are aligned. 3/18 is the 77th day and 700 anniversary of the execution of Jacques de Molay in Paris where John Kerry and Sergei Lavrov are planning war. The Crimean Referendum vote is Mar 16th, the last day of Purim.
Nowruz “New Light” is the Persian New Year on 3/20. The date is also a best guess date for the beginning of the Age of Aquarius @1500 west of Regulus (Alpha Leo). The “Lion King” is coming whether you are ready or not! Mormons “Latter Day Saints” should realize Joseph Smith was buried with a Talisman of Jupiter (Zeus) because Jupiter represents the Age of Aquarius.
1 Abib (God’s New Year) aligns with April Fool’s Day. For occultists, Jesus is the April Fool. Druid Priests will ride Hobby Horses into Congregations sending people on Fool’s errands simulating Jesus’ being sent from the Roman Pontius Pilate to the inbred Hasmonean Priests in the Sanhedrin to the Edomite Herod and back again; funny? Jesus doesn’t think so.
Passover is the 1st of 4 Blood Red Moons on Passover and Feast of Tabernacles and 2 Solar eclipses on 1 Abib and 1 Tishrei (Rosh Hashanah). The following year 2016-2017 a Jubilee Year; the first since the re-capture of Jerusalem and the 2nd since WWI in 1917. Occultists want signs in the heavens; Jesus comes as a “Thief in the Night” If you are not sitting up and taking notice, you need to be; the Great Tribulation is on the doorstep.
Russia and the US will hold joint military drills in Colorado May 21-31 designed to take control of the Denver Airport and the NSA Spy Facility in Utah. Mormon leaders falsely claim Dannite genealogy; the private Mormon military was the Dannite Band. The Mayan artwork at the Dan (Dan means Judge) Ver Airport in Colorado (Red River), the Masonic Time Capsule, the statue of the Pale Horse “Death” with the Red Eyes, and AuAg Plaque (Plague Virus Australia Antigen or Silver and Gold matters little) will be understood then; Russia and the US are not and have never been enemies! The US financed both Hitler and Stalin. Mol Comfort was a Russian ship staffed by Russians, made in Japan with 5000 shipping containers full of military hardware destined for ISIS and al-Qaeda “Rebels” in Syria and the Ukraine; it’s Christened name was American President Lines-Russia. Mikhail Gorbachev said “Socialism will come to America not by sword but the ballot box”; he runs Green Cross International in San Francisco on the military base called “The Presidio” and attends Bohemian Grove Rituals to Molech on the Russian River every summer. Enemies? Not quite!
Talmud means “Learned Instruction” from whom? There are 2 Talmud traditions: Babylonian and Jerusalem Talmud. Marduk is the called the “Builder of Babylon”. Jesus refers to Jerusalem as “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” Rev 11:8 KJV. Take your pick; they are both Satan inspired documents. Jesus also admonished us to never call any man Rabbi in Mat 23:8 “When the moon is in eclipse it is a bad omen for Israel. If its face is as red as blood, the sword is coming to the world”-Babylonian Talmud. Talmudic Rabbis are about to bring the sword on the world!
America: Scapegoat “Babylon”
Satanists are planning WWIII in Paris (House of Isis or House of the Throne) where Templar Grandmaster (International mercenary/banker) Jacques de Molay was sacrificed by Holocaust (Fire Sacrifice) on the 77th day, 3/18/1314. America will be sacrificed and out of it’s ashes the New Secular Order “Novus Ordo Seclorum” will rise as the Phoenix (House of Enoch is the bird uniting Arabia and Egypt) creating a world under rule of the “One”, the meaning of “E Pluribus Unum” (Out of Many, One) and motto of the United States of America (Amorica= Cathar “Love”; Amar=Canaanite god; Ameru=Serpent; Amurru=Edomite god)); Satan approves of this endeavor “Annuit Coeptus”.
Roman Catholic Church: Scapegoat “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT
Satanists are also planning WWIII in Rome (Rom are Dom; Akkadian Gypsies aka Sarmation Priest-Kings) per the plan of St Malachy (Molech). Jesuit Pope Francis I knows the plan. Rome is bankrupt and Mario Draghi is a Committee of 300 “Olympian” guiding the process.
Fukushima was intentionally built by Rockefeller’s GE Corp with coolant controlled by Nazi Corp. Siemmens using Nuclear Submarine Reactors; the site is over a large underground river and destroyed intentionally. Plutonium MOX Fuel was created to become neutrally buoyant in Salt Water when melted in the presence of water; “A River runs through it” describes the never ending river of radiation creating an ELE (Extinction Level Event” in the Pacific (Pacific means Peace; Peace Sign is called the Witch’s Foot or Broken Jew) Jet Stream and Pacific Ocean whose currents head directly to North America and beyond. Deep Water Horizon is continually spewing Oil and Methane throughout the Gulf of Mexico; a Holocaust is inevitable. Couple this with Natural Gas Fracking (Hydraulic Fracturing) along the San Andreas Fault in Calif and depletion of the Ogallala Aquifer from Ethanol production and the US will soon split down the middle when the massive Salt Domes collapse along the New Madrid and San Andreas Faults. FEMA, NOAA and DHS are planning for the submerging of the Mississippi River Valley and Central California Valley. Hanford Nuclear Site has 177 leaking radioactive tanks and exposed carcasses of 117 de-commissioned Nuclear Submarine Reactor Cores leaking radiation into the Pasco Aquifer and Columbia River. A crack in the Wampun Dam just ahead of spring 2014 runoff could be catastrophic for Hanford and the Columbia River. In addition, a very real danger exists of Fission reactions in these tanks. St Louis has nuclear waste next to a burning underground trash dump feeding into to the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers. WIPP (Nuclear Waste Isolation Plant) in Carlsbad, NM is leaking Americium and Plutonium Radiation beneath a 1/4 mile deep salt mine collapse; Fracking likely caused the collapse and there is little that can be done to isolate the plant. The Radiation is dispersing east into the heartland of America. Edward Teller commented “It’s a Boy” upon producing the man-made earth destroying materials Americium and Plutonium; the “boy” is Satan. It’s almost comical how Americium is used in Smoke Detectors; Babylon http://www.reddirtreport.com/red-dirt-news/serious-radiation-incident-nm-waste-facility-has-public-concerned Moab Utah (Moabites escape the hand of the Alternative Messiah in Dan 11:41; Purim is Lot’s Redemption) has a Yellow Cake Uranium processing plant that is leaking 28K gallons of “Hot Waste” per day into the Colorado River upstream of Lake Powell and Lake Mead. Divine Strake is a 1.4 million Lb ANFO (Nitrogen/Fuel Oil) bomb sitting at the “Crucible” in the Mercury Nevada Test Site ready to loft radioactive isotopes from 1000 Atomic and Nuclear tests into Lake Mede, the water supply for Los Angeles. A massive Salt Dome is being intentionally eroded from under the Louisiana Purchase land all across the Mississippi River Basin from Natural Gas Fracking, Acid Pumping, Waste Injection Wells and over pumping the Ogallala Aquifer. Insane pumping Diesel Fuel into groundwater is the modern day version of “Poisoning the Wells”; more insane is pumping Hydrofluoric Acid to alter and liquefy the underground geology. Glyphosate (Round Up) is toxic to humans and honey bees in parts per trillion; Monsanto (original Sephardic/ Sarmation Slave Traders) the Food supply. Government Traitors pledged to the Saturnian Cult allow this to happen. California and Mississippi River Valley land subsidence is planned; FEMA, US Navy and NOAA have planning maps to prove it. HAARP (High Freq Active Auroral Research Project) and Chemtrails (Aluminum/Barium) Aerosols poison soil and guide Jet Streams by responding to Microwave energy; NexRad (Next Gen Doppler Radar) Radars in Canada and the US routinely create “Artificial Ionospheric Mirrors” in order to dam “Atmospheric Rivers” causing Artificial Floods and corresponding Droughts; Weather Derivatives create profits from these manufactured “Disasters”. CHAMP is a Boeing made EMP Cruise Missile capable of destroying the Power Grid; it was tested in Utah and the FAA has approved the use of Domestic Drones. NERC is an NGO planning to alter the 60Hz frequency which will also destroy the Power Grid.
Dialectic: Thesis + Anti-thesis=Synthesis
Control all the horses and it matters not which one wins. There is no real difference between Obama and Putin or Lavrov and Kerry just as there never was between Gorbachev and Reagan; they all have cast their Lots with Marduk. WWIII will be a sacrifice to Marduk whom they call “Ben Rabim” (Great Lord) and the “Reviver of the Dead”. Folks, don’t be ignorant, God is the “LORD” and Jesus Christ is God in Flesh “Lord”; He is standing at the door waiting for you to open it; I suggest not waiting until Purim!
For the Alternative Messiah (Lucifer) to be accepted, a Scapegoat for Rev 18 “Babylon” and Rev 17 “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT” need to be sacrificed. America will fill the Rev 18 role the Roman Catholic Church the role of Rev 17.
Armageddon will result from Fukushima Radiation causing a westward Exodus along the Silk Road.
The Masonic Plan is to build Heaven on Earth using the Square and Compass; this then is the true meaning of ‘MYSTERY, BABYLON…” The spiritual “Compass” and “Babylon” the earthly Gate of On, Ilu, Shemesh, Marduk, Molech, Allah seen in the Square.
Make sense yet?
Gog and Magog also need appear to be fulfilled; Ukraine is filling that role.
Biotech Seeking Ways To Make People Suffer Eternally
I’ve just begun reading the new book Revelation 18 and the Fate of America by Dr. James F. Gauss, and so far it’s a good read, filled with lots of Biblical and U.S. history. Scanning ahead I see some areas of discussion within the text that other authors who have written about America as Babylon have not covered.
James Gauss is a liar. America is not Rev 18 “Babylon”; we were set up by Rosicrucians and Masons to be the Scapegoat for Babylon in order for the Alternative Messiah to be accepted.
Obama Admin to Give Control of Internet to…
US to Give Up Control of Internet
The sentence reads: “The Millennium (1000 yr reign of Jesus Christ) begins 1000 years after Armageddon; after the battle of Gog and Magog.”
Really? It begins 1000 years after Armageddon? So we are at least 1000 years away from the start of the Millennium? No, the start of the Millennium is Imminent , I would guess within the next 10 years. Eternity begins 1000 years after Armageddon.
I think we are reading the same sentence and mis-understanding the words.
Armageddon is about 3 1/2 years away; the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ is at that point,
Gog and Magog is 1000 years after Armageddon. Eternity begins after Gog and Magog.
Oh, dang! JC, I’m sorry, I can’t even read my own sentence correctly; I see what you mean. I fixed it on my http://www.Theresnothingnew.org/ site and will get this fixed here. Thanks so much.
Howard you might want to recheck the first sentence in this article. :)
Is it not clear? Gog and Magog is 1000 years after Armageddon and the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ. This will be a Satanic fake
“BEFORE THE PLANET HITS THE FAN(planet x) they will have to have already declared martial Law.”
Bob Fletcher on the Alex Jones show.
Bob Gaskin, who is a former Marine Corps Infantryman who served his country from 1989 to 1995 and currently a Firearms instructor as well as a Survival Instructor. Bob speaks at Preparedness Expos and Seminars all over the country and is also the author of Society Ending Events: The first 180 Days.
Gaskin reveals a little of his background as well as his 100% accuracy in forecasting before dropping the bombshell that information he has been given, non-classified so it is legal for him to have it, shows the US government is “actively preparing” for economic collapse, which he explains that he uses the term ”downturn” because he prefers not to use the word collapse.
Gaskin goes over the indicators from the last 6- months that sets the stage for the “downturn.”
Howard you a Veteran what your thoughts on t Bob Gaskins ???Yes we know Alex jones is Jesuits Conjuitor
Daniel 5:10
_ _ queen — the queen mother, or grandmother, Nitocris, had not been present till now. She was wife either of Nebuchadnezzar or of Evil merodach; hence her acquaintance with the services of Daniel.. Hence Herodotus attributes them to her alone. This accounts for the deference paid to her by Belshazzar. (See on Daniel 4:36). Compare similar rank given to the queen mother among the Hebrews (1 Kings 15:13). So brother Howard gather all the words together which came to 4,433 words in this Article. Queen in hebrew strong concordance
: Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan and their families reunite in the security line at Florida’s super region include JP Morgan Chase, Progressive Insurance, Time Inc., Pepsi-Co, Century-Link, HP and Convergys.Sounds like NAFTA treaty get together
It does to me too. TPP an TAP legislation is Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz treason. Google Barges will house (my guess) Foreign Elite standing offshore in Int’l waters to bid on US assets.
Stuart Alexander “Stu” Bennett (Ring Names: Wade Barrett made Public announcement during the wwe Main Event Called Bad News mention China and American being brought out to the highest Bidder. He Also 33.. Is there significant to Milwaukee as well since this where the show was being telecast. Thoughts Interesting video is 1min and 23 seconds
also Bad News Barrett has some bad news for Milwaukee: http://youtu.be/YhHSpATBy-s
My son spoke with his friend in Crimea and he said the CVN-77 GHW Bush Carrier is just off the coast in the Black Sea. The CVN-77 website says it is docked in Atalnya Turkey.
HW Bush is Magog and 77 is the Sabbath Goat on the Altar according to his father in law Aleister Crowley