Sixty years ago Godzilla was conceived in Japan as a metaphor for nuclear weapons, a mutated, self re-generating, self-procreating (the last Hollywood installment had Godzilla laying its eggs in NYC; the 3rd installment is due out Spring 2014), Omni-present giant lizard lacking any moral judgments similar to Zombies, Terminator (“I’ll be back” Ahnold wasn’t kidding!) or Frankenstein; Godzilla was created from French Nuclear Testing.
MOX Fuel (Plutonium Oxide) created by the nuclear industry was loaded into Fukushima Reactor #3 and is producing a radioactive cloud of indiscriminate death in the Ocean and Atmosphere. Where did the MOX Fuel come from? Areva Nuclear Plant in Normandie, France of course! D-Day in Normandie was 700 years after the execution by fire of the Cathars in 1244. Normandie is named after the Norman Cathars, Gnostics who believed all flesh was corrupt and should be destroyed. “In 700 years the Laurel will grow green again”; Templar Grandmaster Jacques de Molay was executed Mar 18, 1314 in Paris; Godzilla is loose and is indeed Green. Prince Charles is on the cover of Time Chaos=Chronus=Saturn=Father Time) Magazine Oct 31. Time is Up Folks! Prince Charles is head of the Royal Order of the Garter; Garter is a Witch’s Belt and symbol of Satanic Marriage derived from the era of Cain according to Satanists like him. William is the 1000th Knight in the Order, serving with Emperor Akahito (33° Luciferian Freemason Hirohito’s son), to whom Barack Obama not only Bowed in submission, but was bearing the gift of MOX Fuel. “Beware of strangers from the East bearing gifts”.
“I have come to save the world” Cherubim Mountain, Syria has a new Bronze Idol financed by the St George (St George slays the plague bearing dragon; depicted in statues at Westminster Abbey, the UN and Cathedral of St John the Divine in NYC; plague? yes plague coming on Cherubim Wings!) Foundation in London and Syrian Orthodox Church of the East (East is Rising Sun). Jesus? Heaven’s no, Lucifer! Jesus came to “Save the World” (ref Jn 3:17) and was rejected; it’s Lucifer’s turn; the statue violates the 1st and 2nd Commandments; it is no more associated with Jesus Christ than “Christ the Redeemer” facing the Rising Sun in the East in Rio de Janeiro. “…their faces toward the east; and they worshipped the sun toward the east” Eze 8:16 On Glastonbury Tor just west of London stands the Aquarian Cross
the Christian Fish (Labrys is the Golden Mean) symbol on it is likewise not associated with Jesus Christ. Check out the “Missing” 8 Chapters to the Revelation of Jesus Christ! or NOT! At the bottom of the website is a link to Montsegur; Why? Cathars were executed there, and no they have not forgotten nor forgiven! British means B’Rith “Covenant Men”; making a Covenant with Lucifer will land you in Hell for Eternity! It’s a Covenant of Birth; ie Cain, Ham, Joktan (Arabs), Ishmael and Esau.
I have become death..
“I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds” 33° Mason J Robert Oppenheimer, quoting Shiva “The Destroyer” in the Bhagavad Gita.
Physicists at the CERN Large Hadron Collider pass the Idol of Shiva upon entering the machine that proved the existence of the “God Particle”; NOT!
“It’s a boy”-Edward Teller The message Teller sent Oppenheimer after the detonation of the first Thermonuclear weapon.
“Except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved…” Jesus Christ
Jesus also said “The love of money is the root of all evil” Jesus Pluto and Plutonium are derived from Plautos “Wealth”; Plutonium was used in the 1st thermonuclear bomb and is named after the “God of the Underworld”. The purpose of the Hydrogen Bomb? Punch a hole through the Van Allen Radiation Shield to kill all life on Earth; thank God that idea failed; it merely increased the Radiation. Radiation in these belts is far too strong for any human to survive, it was up to a band of Luciferian Freemasons to convince the world space travel was possible.
Pluto is also known as “Hades”; with “Kore” (Persephone), they receive Souls of Initiates into the Eleusinian Mysteries, the forerunner of Secret Societies like Freemasonry. Jesus destroys Souls of Luciferians in Hell for Eternity, so be careful! The idea of Cainite origin is to kill people and plunder their assets as “War Booty”; in America, Columbus is the lead by example man. “In times of war, truth is the first casualty”; make no mistake folks, there is a war for your soul going in!
The floating Google what??
Teller’s “Boy” was Helium (He) produced by Plutonium Fission compressing Hydrogen (H) to form a new element Helium (He); He also happens to be the title of Jesus “I Am He” meaning “God is with me”. Plutonium is a man-made lethal poison currently destroying everything living on planet Earth from the place of its liberation, Japan “Land of the Rising Sun”. Oct 28 is the Feast Day of St Jude; Jude warned against following “Baalims”, teachers of worthless doctrine (like Martin Luther and John Calvin), against following the way of Cain (Killing), Sodomy, fornication and strange flesh, and perishing in the gainsaying of Kore (Alternative path to salvation through Jesus Christ). You can visit a statue of Kore at the San Francisco Airport where Google is building Barges on SF Treasure Island. At least 4 Barges so far; 3 are in San Francisco; likely part of “Operation Blueseed”, the TPP and TAP (Trans-Pacific and Atlantic Partnership) constructed by Talmudic Fake Russian Jew Sergei Brin through Google X and the dummy company “By and Large”, a company? The corporation was featured in the movie WALL-E protecting fat, lazy humans after they made Earth un-inhabitable. The new movie Elysium has the same theme, as does Champs Elysee in Paris. “By and Large” means being able to sail into or against the wind at will; Large is with the wind; “3 sheets to the wind” means “Drunk” “For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication…” Rev 18:3 . The Barges are on the East and West coasts of the US indicating the US is surrounded. Made of Shipping Containers, complete with windows, balconies, Wi-fi; the Barges will be for fat, lazy humans to watch the destruction of “Babylon”; Rev 18:10 “Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour her judgment come” http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2483499/EXCLUSIVE-Theyre-multiplying-THIRD-mystery-Google-barge-lurking-San-Francisco-bay-MailOnline-takes-closest-look-secret-party-boats—followed-step-way-security-guards.html Notice in the pictures the number 313.
Duck is Sail Cloth; note the connection to “By and Large”; the ability to sail into or against the wind There are 313 ! In the King James Bible; the last one is Rev 18:10 “Fall of Babylon”. Pope Francis was elected on 3/13/13; 313 Muslims fought the Battle of Badr on 3/13; Constantine the Great proclaimed religious freedom on 3/13/313; Frame 313 in the Zapruder Film shows the Magic Bullet impacting JFK; Donald Duck Day is 3/13; his license plate is 313. In this Disney clip Donald teaches esoteric math such as Pythagorean Geometry, Fibonacci numbers, Golden Mean and the Pentagram
Folks, this is Witchcraft. Iran’s new Stealth Fighter is the Qaher 313 meaning “Dominant”. It’s a joke Google pix of it and have a good laugh at the 2/3 scale plastic model; then get right with Jesus Christ! Sergei Brin believes like Bill Gates that Global Warming is a Global Apocalypse needing to be thwarted by slaughtering Animals; HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius agrees and is planning for a November slaughter of unprecedented proportions. Jesus is not coming yet; this is the completion of the “Great Work”; Lucifer is coming next; the Roman Catholic Church will fall with Pope Francis becoming the Scapegoat for “MYSTERY, BABYLON…” (Rev 17) and America will become the Scapegoat for “Babylon” (Rev 18).
Witchcraft is MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT…, not the Roman Catholic Church and Google’s Halloween Doodle 2013 let’s you become a Witch (Wise One) Mixing bones, skulls, apples (symbol of Gnosticism represents the 5pt Star and Vulva, not fruit; ie a Luciferian Initiation) and potions in a cauldron produces a Gas Cloud. Why are Witches depicted with Green Skin? To progress, a Witch like a Mason must reject Jesus Christ and accept Lucifer aka Green Man (Bacchus or Dionysus). Couple this Doodle with the Google Doodle “Sign of the Whale” and can it get more obvious? Just wait, or better yet, wake up and follow Jesus Christ instead.
Freemasons know Godzilla as “Zillah” the mother of Tubal-cain; the instructor of metal smiths the world over. Plutonium is the ultimate man-made metal for killing.
Lunacy comes from the Lunar (moon) god “Sin”; Google X produces the Google Barges through Google X (X means Chi=Christ=Messiah); Google X projects are called “Moon Shots”. Unification Church leader Sun Myung Moon and United Nations Sec Gen Ban Ki Moon are 2 more examples of Lunatics. Got that dazed and confused feeling? Lunatic Asylums aka Psychiatric Hospitals have been using Lithium Carbonate for 65 years to promote lethargy and complacency. The FAA allows Lithium Carbonate to be sprayed in the atmosphere. FEMA an the UN prepared for Martial Law by Oct 1, by training in Urban Warfare, English, and automatic weapons while FEMA Camps were being staffed; it helps when the people are drugged with Lithium sprayed into the atmosphere http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UqhseXVb5Hs Pregnant? Lithium Carbonate causes Brain Stem deformities and Renal Failure in newborns; just ask Margaret Sanger disciple and HHS Sec Kathleen Sebelius “I don’t work for people who want me fired”-Chatty Kathy
The October IMF (International Monetary Fund) report “Taxing Times” calls for “Increasing consumption and income taxes, culminating in the confiscation of assets”. Don’t owe them any money? Guess again; the CAPITALIZED NAME on your Social Security Card entitles you and I to our share of the $17T, government debt, $230 Trillion un-funded Social Security and Medicare Debt and $1.6 Quadrillion Derivatives Debt. Can’t pay the debt? Nobody can, that’s the point! Want Debt forgiveness? Ask Jesus Christ. Ever wonder who will pay for Mitt Romney returning $175%/Yr to Bain Capital investors during Iran-Contra? You and me! Why don’t we hear about this? Clear Channel Communications is owned by Bain Capital; Sean Hannity, Rush (I’m on loan from God) Limbaugh, Joyce Riley (Power Hour is part of Scientology), Art Bell, George Noory (Coast to Coast), Michael Savage, Alex Jones all work for Bain Capital and Mossad agent Orit Gadeish. How about them apples? “Corporations are people”-Mitt Romney
Corporations are now using non-capitalized names like Delta Air Lines and FedEx They are exempt from this Debt because they are regarded as Sovereign, yet given rights of US Citizens. Sneaky eh? Ever wonder why the US Flag is bounded in Gold Fringe? Judges, Mayors and Governors work as Sheriffs for the IMF. Didn’t learn this in school? Look at the Flag again. Don’t look now, but 370,000 Foreign Troops tasked with foreclosing on foreign investments are here and trained for Martial Law carrying weapons and ammunition we made that are illegal for us to own and hollow point ammunition that is illegal to use on foreign battlefields. Fortunate enough to have your own airplane? Just file an international flight plan, have no more than $10,000 US currency and prepare for US Customs to inspect your plane. Got a boat and intend to head out of the country? Prepare to be “Swift Boated”
Nothing like US and Foreign troops in gunboats outfitted with 5 General Dynamics made, taxpayer financed, M-2 .50 Cal Machine Guns patrolling US Harbors for people trying to escape their Debts eh? Remember when George Bush Jr tried to sell US toll roads and ports to Saudi Arabia? He actually sold them to China, aka the Credit Bankers. Paint a picture of Christine Lagarde on everything you have and this will begin to make more sense!
On Oct 25, 2013, a 7.3 Earthquake hit 200 miles east of Fukushima at the point where 3 major Earth Plates coincide; Pacific-Eurasian-Philippine. Typhoon Francisco and Super-Typhoon Lekima converged at the same spot at about the same time.
The Earthquake hit as the 2 Typhoons collided and disappeared
Question: Where was the coldest spot on Earth on Oct 25th? Not the Arctic or Antarctic; it was just in front of the well formed Eye Wall of Super Typhoon Lekima. The only technology capable of causing this that I know of is Endothermic Scalar Weapons. Why? The amount of energy in 2 Typhoons had to go somewhere; the 3 Laws of Thermodynamics basically state “Energy can neither be created nor destroyed” In a closed system, energy can only be transferred, and on Oct 25, 2013, a “Cold” Explosion ie “Endo-thermic” Scalar Energy (Endo-thermic absorbs energy as opposed to Exo-thermic which releases “Heat Energy”) occurred directly in the path of Typhoons Francisco and Lekima.
An act of God or a brazen act of people playing God? You be the judge, but I vote the latter.
Odds are not likely..
What are the odds of 3 highly energized Typhoons taking the exact same path to Japan, in one 13 day period, with the latter 2 converging at the site of a 7.3 Earthquake, at the same exact spot hit by the 9.0 Earthquake blamed for the Fukushima disaster that hit on Lent 2011, and at the moment Typhoons Lekima and Francisco passed, the temperature drops over 2500F to Minus 1900 F? Ans ABSOLUTE ZERO! In the Science of Thermodynamics, the quest for “Absolute Zero” is tantamount to the search for the Holy Grail, Elixer of Life, Nirvana, Golden Fleece or Jacob’s Ladder. The question is why do this in such a brazen manner in plain sight?
Three Tectonic Plates Converge, the Atmospheric Jet Stream originates, and Pacific Ocean Currents collide at Fukushima
At the start of Lent (Lenten=Spring; Pagan fertility Ritual called 40 days weeping for Tammuz; Tam=Purify or Cleanse; Muz=Fire) on 3/9/11 an EM (Electro=Sun; Magnetic=Earth) ELF Scalar wave deposited energy at that same spot; when the signal stopped on 3/11/11, the plates slipped, resulting in a Tsunami. Intakes for the back-up Diesel Generators used to pump Coolant through the Reactors are located 5 stories above ground in buildings not damaged by the event; Siemmens (Nazi Military-Industrial Corp) computer controlled coolant valves used in most other atomic power plants, along with nitrogen inerting systems (Prevents Hydrogen explosions during emergency venting) in the reactor buildings, were intentionally disabled. This resulting in full core melt-down of 3 reactors and a hydrogen explosion which damaged the Reactor #4 SFP (Spent Fuel Pool). Building #4 contains 6000 Fuel Rods including 1300 Fresh Fuel and MOX (Uranium-Plutonium Oxide) Fuel. Fukushima was selected because an underground River runs through it. The melted cores are in contact with the underground river sending massive amounts of radiation directly into the Pacific Ocean at the exact spot where the Kuroshio (Black Stream) and Liman Ocean Currents converge.
Fukushima was a pre-planned disaster with global consequences. MOX Fuel is a man-made product of the atomic age; Oxide fuel powder was and still is being lofted directly from Fukushima into the Atmosphere at the spot on earth where the Pacific Jet Stream originates; Fukushima is used to transport radiation to North and South America and beyond.
MOX Fuel is the most toxic substance man has ever created. MOX Fuel was born in the Manhattan (Man Aton means “God Man”); 33° Luciferian Mason J Robert Oppenheimer “I have become Death…”
Fukushima MOX Fuel was intentionally mixed to the ratio necessary for neutral buoyancy in Seawater. When the Reactor Coolant was intentionally shut-off, fuel rods melted and ignited the zirconium alloy cladding. Nitrogen inerting was also intentionally shut-off, resulting in the Hydrogen explosion which damaged Building #4 and its 6 floors of Fuel Pools. When Seawater was flooded in, the MOX Fuel formed “Buck Balls” named after New Age enthusiast Buckminster Fuller; Bucky Balls are highly radioactive and neutrally buoyant in Seawater. Fukushima radiation forms a continuously recharging cloud of death in the Pacific Ocean.
Fast Reactors use Deuterium “Heavy Water” as a moderator; when in contact with Plutonium Radiation caused by Fission, Heavy Water becomes radioactive Tritium, seen in Kelp beds off the coast. Open Air, Atomic Fission is occurring continuously at Fukushima. Fat Man was a Plutonium enhanced fission bomb, tested on Nagasaki, Japan. Underground flowing water comes in contact with melted Uranium-Plutonium Fuel, forming steam pockets resembling the original Manhattan Project bomb cores; a chain reaction at the conjunction of 3 major tectonic plates could have global consequences such as those described in Mat 24 “Earthquakes in diverse places”. We can rule out all this being coincidence immediately, so what is the true motivation for destroying the earth and most of its inhabitants?
One year ago, on the Feast day of St Jude (Oct 28), Super Storm Sandy took the name and path predicted a year in advance by FEMA, colliding with a manipulated Canadian Air Mass and Cold Front from the west. The manipulation of Sandy was similar to the manipulation of Katrina which hit at sunrise on the Feast Day commemorating the Edomite beheading of John the Baptist (Aug 29). The first Gnostics of the New Covenant who rejected Jesus Christ as the Messiah were called Johnitters because they worshipped John the Baptist.
On 9/11/1990 at the UN, George Bush Sr (“Magog” in his Skull & Bones initiation) called for a “New World Order” based on “UN Principles” and the “Rule of Law”. A Luciferian Order, the end of National Sovereignty and the imposition of Sharia and Noahide Law is meant here. Ban Ki Moon is a Unification Church disciple of Sun Myung Moon; George Bush Sr presented Moon and his wife Gold Crowns, referring to him as “Messiah of the Universe” and the “King of Peace” in the Dirksen Senate Office Building in 2007 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f08clPMODw8. 11 years after the UN speech, his son “W” presided over the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center; Flt #77 used as the Scapegoat for the Raytheon Missile that hit the 77ft tall Pentagon, 60 years to the day after the Masonic Cornerstone laying ceremony on the 77th Meridian aka “God’s Longitude”; the God meant here of course is Baphomet, the Templar GOAT (God of All Things) in Liber 77: Book of the Goat. In 1990, www.Wholisticworldvision/ fashioned the Aquarian Cross in Jerusalem (Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt in Rev 11:8 KJV) and installed it on Glastonbury Tor near Stonehenge in anticipation of the arrival of the mythical King Arthur and restoration of the Court of Camelot. The 12 Knights being metaphors for the 12 Apostles and 12 signs of the Zodiac. Blasphemy? Here we are 12 years after 9/11/2001 with the Freedom Tower built and 23 years after the famous UN speech in the Age of Aquarius with Chapter 23 written to the Book of Revelation! It begins right after Jesus warns about adding anything to the Word of God!
Oct 24th, 2013 “United Nations Day”. The USS Forrestal was sold for 1 penny; the WHO (World Health Org) issued a High Risk Warning for “Significant risk of spread of H7N9 Hemorrhagic Bird Flu”. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea resurrect the 1918 Spanish Flu, genetically modify its DNA, put Bird Flu infected feces into Swine feed and dump the dead Swine carcasses into rivers feeding Shanghai after all. Is it coincidence Typhoon “Francisco” reached Japan on Oct 24, 2013 and the UN Charter was written in San Francisco? Why a penny? Copper is Satan’s metal; it turns an pretty shade of green when it oxidizes; copper and zinc form Brass, used to fashion Idols in violation of the 2nd Commandment. On the penny is Abe Lincoln, assassinated head of AMORC (Rosicrucians in America); on Abe’s Throne is the Fasces, the symbol of Fascism and absolute Dictatorship.
James Forrestal was tossed, oops fell, out of his 16th story hospital bathroom window at the Bethesda Medical Center for threatening to expose the Alien myth and going against the Palestine Partition which led to the birth is Israel during the Truman administration. Truman set up the CIA (CIA replaced the OSS), NSA, UN, Mercury Nevada Nuclear Test Site and Area-51; James Forrestal, the first Sec of Defense (a change from Sec of War in name only) was firmly with Thomas Dewey and against Harry Truman. Truman said “FDR wouldn’t have done it” referring to detonating 2 atomic weapons over civilian cities in Japan; the ship carrying Little Boy and Fat Man left San Francisco simultaneous with the Trinity detonation; in other words, they were planned long before much like the Fukushima nuclear melt-downs. Hirohito like Truman was a 33° Mason who delayed the war until these weapons were developed and Obama bowed to his youngest son Akahito bearing the gift of MOX Fuel used to fuel Fukushima. Important in a moment, Akahito is also a member of the “Order of the Garter” (Garters are Witch’s Belts) with Prince William. His grandpa wants to be reincarnated as a “Killer Virus”; as head of the Royal Order of the British Empire, WHO (World Health Org) Director Margaret Chan, an Officer in the same order, effectively works for him.
The patron saint of the British Empire is St George; B’Rith means “Covenant by Birth”; Geo means “Earth”; rejecters of God include Cain, Joktan (Arabs), Ishmael and Esau. On Oct 23 Pagan Archbishop of Canterbury and ex-Oil Executive Justin Welby Baptized Prince William and Kate’s alleged son Prince George with water from the Jordan River just as John the Baptist did to Jesus Christ. A Gnostic Johnitter? William’s squadron patch features the Goat and Nazi Lighting Bolts between the numbers 115; 1+1+5=7, thus a Goat and 77; hard to miss the connection to British MI-5 agent Aleister Crowley and Liber 77: Book of the Goat. The scripture reading was from Lk 18:15 “And they brought unto him also infants, that he would touch them: but when his disciples saw it, they rebuked them”. Priest Baptism of an infant? Hardly a Christian doctrine; Jesus Christ does the Baptizing with the Holy Ghost after you ask Him! Infant Baptism is a Satanic Doctrine practiced by Johnitters, Manichaeans and Yezidi Devil Worshippers. Why Oct 23?
2013 is the Chinese “Year of the Snake” and on the Pagan Witchcraft calendar, Oct 23 is the start of “Snake Month”
The Angles and Saxons are Germanic Pagans, not Christians. The Anglican Church that originated with serial murderer and adulterer Henry VIII is in Communion with just about every Pagan (Pagan means Country Folk; Heathen means Living on the Heath; they are Earth ie Creation based Religions seen in Shamanism or Wicca) religion on Earth that rejects Jesus Christ as Sovereign King; Druid? Yes, Christian? No. Jesus refers to “Earth Dwellers” beginning with the Great Tribulation (Rev 13:8) Probably coincidence 13/8=Phi “Ratio of Life” eh? Don’t bet on it! Druid means “Knowers of the Oaks”; Jacob put away pagan Idols in the Oak Tree of Bethel; Druids found them!
Tartan is called Phoenician (Canaanite) Cloth; Tartan commanded the Assyrian Army under Sargon II; Tartan identifies Scottish ie Pictish Klansmen. Crashing 5 aircraft is usually 4 too many to remain a pilot; Lt Cmdr John McCain (Klan of Cain) “Wet Started” (Flooded the combustion chamber with fuel before igniting it) his A-4 “Sky Hawk” aboard the USS Forrestal which sent a fireball into an F-4 parked behind him, killing the pilot, igniting a M-34 Zuni rocket and dislodging an M-65 bomb under his wing. The resulting fire and explosions killed 167 sailors and injured 300. To avoid being tossed overboard, John was transferred by his father Adm John McCain before the dead seamen could even be counted; par for the course for the man who covered Israel’s attack (ironically using US made F-4’s) on the USS Liberty during the 1967 War for the Golan Heights and Mt Hermon. McCain means “House of Cain” in case this is not getting obvious who the traitors really are. The “Whore of Babylon”? No its not the Roman Catholic Church; its Witchcraft, and guess who founded Scotland where the Klan of Cain comes from? Picts aka Pecti Wita or Wiccans “Wise Ones”. Oct 28 is the Feast of St Jude “Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain” Jude 11.
Google put out the sign of Jonah; the sign Jesus promised, on the 33rd anniversary of the October Surprise
On Oct 18, the 33rd anniversary of George Bush Sr’s “October Surprise”, Google honored Herman Melville (a Unitarian Deist) with a Google Doodle depicting Moby Dick.
Zillah means: Bells, Buzzing, Locusts, Spear, Sink or Submerge, grow dark or shadow. Ever wonder why Godzilla comes from Japan! Japan means “Land of the Rising Sun”; the Red Sun rising (Esau=Edom=Red) on the flag is a sign the Pharisees (men who believed they could become gods) looked for such as “Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning” Jesus replied with the words in Mat 12:38-42 “An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonah”. Jonah was in the fish 3 days and 3 nights just as Jesus would be in the earth. Good Friday to Sunday First Light is not 3 days and 3 nights; think about it. Easter is a Lie! Generation here refers to the Age of Grace generated in man through the Holy Ghost, not the 70 years after the founding of Israel your Zionist Priest or Pastor tells you. The point of this Google Doodle? Occultists know Freedom from God and Edomite “Sovereignty” (Gen 27:40 KJV) is at hand. God as “Restrainer” is about to remove Himself from the affairs of Man and the “Beast” described in Dan 7:6 will be revealed.
Zillah is the root word for the “Killer Cake” (Gideon’s Sword) that appeared in Midian and smote them in Judges 7:13. Barack and Deborah (Barack and Hillary?) preceded Gideon (Ephraim was jealous; Mormons claim Ephraimite lineage) who smote 700 Ismailites and used their gold earrings to make an ephod (breastplate); 2013 is 700 years after the Catholic/French Council of Vienne confiscated assets of the Templars. Think they have forgotten about either event?
Godzilla: Beast from the Sea
Jesus told the Pharisees the only given to them would be the sign of Jonah. The latest Google Doodle is that sign. 3 days after the start of Snake Month On Oct 26, Typhoon Francisco and Lekima, (2 of 3 Typhoons in 13 days) made a close encounter offshore from Fukushima; the Fujuwhara Effect was expected to turn 2 storms into one more powerful storm, a Godzilla? No, they transferred all their energy into an artificially engineered “Cold Spot” in a matter of minutes; a minus 1850 F patch in the middle of an 800 F Ocean? Absolutely Zero chance of this occurring naturally.
Godzilla is named after “Zillah, she also bare Tubal-cain, an instructor of every artificer in brass and iron…and Lamech said unto his wives Adah and Zillah…If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, truly Lamech seventy and sevenfold.” Gen 4:22-24 Who is Tubal-cain? Ans: Vulcan of the Canaanites- Masonic Pass phrase. Liber 77 Book of the Goat ringing a bell here? Artificers of Metals have extracted Uranium from the Earth, refined it and through nuclear fission, produced the new metal Plutonium. The MOX Fuel in Fukushima is a million times as toxic as Uranium and when mixed at the correct ratio forms neutrally buoyant “Buck Balls” (Uranyl Peroxide reaction with Hydrogen and Zirconium Alloy cladding) that float in the Pacific Ocean indefinitely, killing everything in its path. Pretty coincidental isn’t it? Freemasons refer to Tubal-cain as Vulcan of the Canaanites. Mr Spock used the sign of “Shin” for “Live Long and Prosper” just like Talmudic Rabbis do to open Synagogue. Shin means Nail, the Iron nails forged by students of Tubal-cain in Vulcan’s Forge! Now you know why Jesus refers to the Pharisees as the “Synagogue of Satan”!
Radiation destroys Flesh more effectively than anything else because it affects the present and future generations “And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened” Mat 24:22 Those days are here folks! “Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo here is Christ, or there, believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect” Mat 24:24 Who are these “False Christs”? al-Mahdi, Krishna, 5th Buddha, Bab and Baha’ullah (Bahai) ringing a bell? Waiting on the Rapture? a 7 yr Peace Treaty between the Beast and Israel? You are waiting on a Lie!
Aside from the Mayan Calendar passing, 2013 is unique. www.One-heaven.org/ claims the Pale Horse “Death” was released on 12/21/2012. In 2 Pet 3:8 Peter warns us the Lord is not slack concerning His promise. The promise was His return when creation was 6000 years old. (this might be debatable; read it for yourself and decide) 1656 years Creation to Flood are set in stone. Radio-carbon dating, Dendrochronology and Radio-metric dating are all affected by the Flood and reliable only to that point in time. 2160 years Aries to Pisces and 2160 years Pisces to Aquarius account for 5976 years. Sargon “Legitimate King” would have been 21, the age of adulthood and accountability to become “Legitimate”. With 5997 years accounted for using God’s only approved Time keeping methods, the apparent movement of the Sun, Moon and Stars; it pays to be aware the last 1260 days could begin at anytime and likely with the revealing of Sargon III, the so-called 3rd Legitimate “King of the World”. You may recall Jack said “I’m King of the World” just before he died on the Titanic. America is the Titanic of the “New Age”.
Oct 31 is the Celtic/Witchcraft New Year “Samhain”, Nov 1 “All Saints Day”, Nov 2 All Soul’s Day aka Day of the Dead. God warns against the practice of Necromancy (Contacting the Dead) and Baptisms for the Dead Jesus is “God of the Living” Satan is God of the Dead”.
On Oct 30th, Boy Scouts of America announced Bob Gates will become the new head; Gay Scouts and Sodomite pedophile Scout leaders begins Jan 1. Bob is immensely qualified as Barack Obama’s CIA contact in Afghanistan during his “Missing Years”; head of the Geospatial Division of the NSA which oversaw transfer of WMD’s from Saddam Hussein to Bashar al-Assad in Syria in 2002; head of the CIA and Sec of Defense managing the Benghazi Gun Running operation in Libya.
Nov 11 was the traditional Pictish Witchcraft New Year which is why Nov 11, 1918 at 11AM was chosen for the WWI Armistice; a sequel to the “War to end all Wars” is in the works!
On Nov 13 GridEX II is planned; a nationwide Terror Drill simulating EMP destruction of the US Power Grid. On Aug 4, 1871 (Aug 4 is day 216 ie 6X6X6 and 33 + 43 + 53 “Pythagorean Triangle” Sodomite 33° Mason Albert Pike set out the plan for 3 World Wars to reveal the true doctrine of Lucifer; WWIII is Zionism against Islam. Everything is right on schedule.
On Oct 13, Gov Gerry Brown signed a bill called “Enhanced Peace Officer for Los Angeles Airport”; fortunate timing on this legislation because the “False Flag” shooting at LAX on “Day of the Dead” by Paul CIAnCIA will lead to the arming of TSA Agents. The bill and training drill will bring LAX Airport Police in line with LAPD in terms of authority and weapons.
Now you can see why TSA previously qualified with weapons! Their pre-scheduled “Drill” simply went live! “We rehearsed this exact scenario, that we played out today”-LAX Police Chief Gannon. OOPS!
To reveal Lucifer as God and have him accepted, Rev 16-19 need to be falsified. Rev 16 describes the “Wrath of God”; destroying Flesh is not going to be pleasant, that’s why Jesus refers to it as “Great Tribulation”. Rev 17 describes the destruction of the “Whore of Babylon” aka “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH” to that end the Roman Catholic Church will be destroyed as a Scapegoat for the “Whore of Babylon” The Roman Catholic Church is not the Whore of Babylon! Rev 18 describes the destruction of “Economic Babylon”. To that end, the $US based Global Economy will collapse and foreign creditors will foreclose on US assets. The recent bill to sell US National Parks by Utah traitor Jason Chaffetz is one example or the outcome of the TPP (Trans-pacific) and TAP (Trans-atlantic) Partnerships. You may recall Bruce Willis in “Live Free of Die Hard” featured a “Fire Sale” of American assets; that’s what TPP and TAP are designed to facilitate.
Bush Sr traveled to Paris Oct 18, 1980 in a Saudi Royal BAC-111 Private Jet (there are 111 days left in the year after 9/11; cute eh?) and returned on Oct 19 in an SR-71 “Blackbird”. On Oct 19, the 33 anniversary of the October Surprise (release of Iran hostages after Reagan-Bush were elected), the USS Zumwalt DDG-1000 Christening was postponed. It’s bad form to baptize and launch a $7Billion Stealth Warship when Food Stamps are being cut Nov 1!
Lloyds of London
On Oct 19, the 33rd Anniversary of the October Surprise, Lloyds of London issued “Solar Storm risk to North American Power Grid, 2013”
That’s right folks, the Sun is going to attack just the Americas from Mexico and Florida to Canada this time and Corporations are Hedging portfolios by purchasing “Derivatives” for just that event. Funny how this is the precise area of the globe, mis-managed (read intentionally sabotaged) by NERC (Nat Elec Reliability Corp) eh?. Lloyds, NASA many other astro-physicists claim Comet ISON reaching Perihelion at the peak of the 11 yr Solar Cycle may result CME’s (Coronal Mass Ejections) including a “Full Halo Event” where the entire surface of the Sun erupts; Electric Transformer outages (introducing different frequencies to the grid will cause these to self destruct) leading to Power Grid Failure; GPS satellite failure; Magnetic Pole Shift; Earthquakes; Volcanic eruptions; Fuel Shortages including Underground Fuel Storage tank explosions; Bizarre weather events and widespread social unrest and upheaval. BS!
CHAMP is a Boeing manufactured EMP Drone tested in Utah (Zion), designed to destroy the Electrical Grid.
NERC is a NGO (Non-governmental Org) set up to destroy the Electrical Grids in Mexico-US, Canada through frequency manipulation.
GridEx II is a Power Grid destruction Drill managed by FEMA and DHS set for Nov 14-15, 2013.
Jesus is the “Scapegoat”; He took the Sins of the world to the wilderness. Lucifer is the Sun, set up as a “Scapegoat” set up to be blamed for making the Americas a Wilderness
The Sun has no Magnetic Field. Comets are not highly charged capacitors, they are ice and dirt ejected from Earth during Noah’s Flood; “Fountains of the Deep” ringing a bell here? A 1/4 mile wide Ice Ball Comet passing 1.2 million miles from a million mile diameter nuclear furnace wreaking all that havoc? Seriously?
AC Generators, in phase, at the same frequency form the “Power Grid”. When the phase or frequency is altered “All Hell breaks loose”. NERC (National Electric Reliability Corp) is experimenting with different Generator Frequencies on the Power Grid across Mexico, the US and Canada. NERC “GridEx II” is Nov 13-14, 2013. “A Cyber Pearl Harbor is imminent” Knight of Malta Leon Panetta “A cyber attack will take down the power grid not if but when” Dame of Malta Janet Napolitano. Knights of Malta are the heirs of the Knight’s Templar called Knights of St John of Jerusalem, Cyprus, Malta and Rhodes, Hospitallers or SMOM. It’s no coincidence Joint Chiefs Chairman Martin Dempsey, Sec of Def Chuck Hagel, Sec of State John Kerry, and VP Joe Biden are also Sovereign Military Order of Malta. They are all Traitors. “A man’s enemies shall be the men of his own house” Jesus Christ.
Cleaning House is usually referred to as “Ethnic Cleansing”. Ajax is a Cleanser much like Comet. 60 years ago, as one of the CIA’s first functions, “Operation Ajax” overthrew Iran’s democratically elected president Mohhamad Mossedeq and installed the US-British controlled Iranian Dictator, Shah (King) of Iran; British Petroleum? Anglo-Iranian Oil; Iranians are not the problem folks! Comet ISON is an anagram for “SION” meaning “Son of Joseph”. Mt Sion is Mt Hermon “Mountain of the Chief”aka Golan Heights, the source of the Jordan River used by John the Baptist to “Baptize” aka Cleanse Sins. Let’s be clear here, Jesus does the Baptizing and Cleansing of Sins; John merely paved the way. The Prieure of Sion claim to be the guardians of the bloodline of Jesus; a French bloodline. Who has the bloodline of Jesus? Nobody! Who claims to have it? Prince William. “Antichrist and a cup of tea” anyone? Don’t fall for this garbage. The culmination of the greatest WASP Sting in history is about to unfold. I’ll get an article out shortly on Prince William; for now, how about entering a covenant with Jesus Christ?
Another cleanser is “409”; ever wonder where that number came from? Mar 20 is the Iranian (really Zoroastrian) “Nowruz” meaning “New Light”. On Mar 20, 1604 King James issued the “Witchcraft Act” prohibiting all forms of conjuring and divination on pain of death; 2013 is 409 years later. On Nov 5, 1605 the Jesuit “Gunpowder Plot” attempted to prevent James from funding the translation of the “Authorized Bible”. Mar 18, 2014 is the 700th anniversary of the execution on 3/18/ 1314, on Pont Neuf (New Bridge), on the Paris “Rose Line” (Prime Meridian) of Jacques DeMolay, the last Grandmaster of the Knights Templar; the “Poor Knights of Christ” owned everything as they do today; they were and are International Bankers employing “Usury” to make Debtors “Slaves” and Creditors “Masters”. Masons (Prince Edward representing Queen Elizabeth II), Jesuits (Black Pope aka Jesuit General Adolfo Nicholas), and Ismaili “Assassins” (Billionaire Aga Kahn IV) are their dupes.
Another cleanser is Pine Sol. Christmas is Natalis Solis Inticti (Nativity of the Un-conquered Sun) aka Saturnalia, the god of the Pine Tree is Sol not Jesus Christ. Chaldeans used Pine Cones to dispense “Holy Water” for a reason! How about Lysol? The word means “Dissolution” and means Breaking a Covenant or Union. Occultists call that Freedom and Liberty. Christmas is Freedom from Jesus Christ through “Mass”; the sacrifice and consumption of His body. You would be wise to read Jer 10 and Luke 1 before setting up the Pine Tree this year. Amenita Muscaria are Red and White Psychocillibin Mushrooms called “Entheogens” meaning “God Within”; Folks, those “Shrooms” your Priest deals in are a far cry from asking Jesus Christ for the Holy Ghost! Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles not Christmas. If Christmas Trees were part of God’s plan, Jeremiah wouldn’t have warned Jews in Jerusalem not to set them up.
“There are many ways to increase the death rate” Robert McNamara
“I would like to be re-incarnated as a killer virus to curb global population” Prince Phillip
After Radiation, the next best “Cleanser” is probably Disease; On Oct 25 the CDC began hiring 1000 Commissioned Officers for its new H7N9 “Bird Flu” Pandemic response division. Commissioned? Absolutely, the head of the CDC is in reality, Surgeon General, Ukrainian immigrant Boris Lushniak (Karl Marx was another influential Ukrainian born on Cinco de Mayo); a veteran of False Flag attacks from the 9/11/2001 “Ground Zero” (Ground Zero means “Site of a nuclear detonation”; Demolition Nucs were detonated just before the “Twin Towers” began their “Free Fall”) response team (FEMA beat him to it; they were in place in NYC on 9/10/2001 and said a Hurricane in New Orleans was their #2 concern; a “Terrorist Act” in NYC was #1 of course; these guys are really smart!); the 9/13/2001 Anthrax letters (the CDC produced the Anthrax) and Hurricane Katrina which increased in strength from Tropical Storm to Cat 6+ Hurricane in one night (Impossible without help by the way) and hit New Orleans at sunrise on the Feast Day of the Edomite beheading of John the Baptist. Probably as coincidental as Westfield Mall owner Frank Lowy owning the World Trade Center Mall and the Kenyan Westfield Mall.
The slaughtering..
The CDC and USDA are preparing for an “Unprecedented slaughter of animal carcasses” in response to an anticipated N7N9 “Bird Flu” Pandemic. Animals? Folks, that’s human beings they are referring to.
Saint Al of Gore announced on Samhain; The World is on the verge of financial collapse from “Risks from High Carbon Assets” High Carbon Assets are called Employees Al! By breathing and using the non-executive washroom you and I are destroying planet Earth! NOT! In fact, the Antarctic Ice Pack and Arctic Sea Ice are at their highest levels in a decade. Al proposes “Identifying and eliminating High Carbon Risks in Corporate portfolios”; that’s occult speak for mass murder, and America is the largest and most valuable “Corporation” in the World. Trillions of Bbls of Carbon Assets like Oil worth $100’s of Trillions in the ANWR, Gulf of Mexico, Bakken Oil Field and the Green River Formation and 25% of the World’s fresh water in the Great Lakes could pay the world’s debt. Hmmm, what to do eh Al? The Inconvenient Truth is there are many occultists who fervently desire everyone in America to die. Why? America is to be the Scapegoat for Economic Babylon in Rev 18; paving the way for acceptance of an Alternative “Messiah” in Rev 19.
Jesus? No Way!
Nothing celebrates Killing People and stealing their Assets more than Thanksgiving.
Turkey comes from Turkomen aka Mohammadens (Followers of Mohammad) or Saracens, meaning (Empty of Sarah). Turkeys were not part of Thanksgiving; Turkeys are Domesticated Aztec Fowl. Domesticated and fattened before the slaughter is nothing new. Become a Mohammaden, escape Obama Care taxes. Mohammadens are Hagarenes (Mt Sinai is Agar=Hagar in Saudi Arabia), Sunni Wahhabists and Ismailis such as “Twelvers” following Ayathollah Khomeini, Khameini (Iran) and Sistani (Iraq) or Nizari Assassins following billionaire playboy Agha Kahn IV. Comet ISON will reach Perihielion on Thanksgiving; harbinger of ill omen? You betcha! Thanksgiving originated as a celebration of Native slaughter; 700 Piquot Indians were mercilessly slaughtered exiting the “Long House” after the Spring “Green Corn” festival. Chief Metacomet (Comet means Long Hair Star) had his head severed and displayed on a pike commemorating the event. Soccer was introduced in the Americas using native indian heads; the raucous celebrations curbed by George Washington to Thanksgiving, later proclaimed a Federal Holiday by Abe Lincoln and moved to the 3rd Thursday (Thor’s Day) by FDR cor commercial reasons associated with the worship of Natalis Solic Invicti (Nativity of the Unconquered Sun). Pretty coincidental Comet ISON will make its closest approach to Earth since the Flood on Christmas isn’t it?
“Those least fit to carry on the human race are increasing most rapidly. Funds that should be used to raise the standard of civilization are maintaining those who should have never been born” -Margaret Sanger, HHS Sec Kathleen Sebelius’ mentor; nope, not kidding! Here are a few dozen quotes from people who consider you and I “Useless Eaters” and “Human Cattle”
“Soldiers are dumb stupid ANIMALS to be used as cannon fodder in our wars” -Henry Kissinger Henry not only advises Barack Obama dnd Mitt Romney, he was awarded the Intrepid Air Museum “Peace and Freedom Award” on June 1, 2013 by Gen David Petraeus. Lord Bertrand Russell nominated Joseph Stalin for the Nobel Peace Prize; starving 30 million Ukrainians will be dwarfed if the CDC’s anticipated “Bird Flu Pandemic” sweeps across America in November; Russell was disappointed in the first 2 World Wars in curbing population, advocating producing a Black Death every generation.
“At present the population of the world is increasing at about 58,000 per diem. War, so far, has had no very great effect on this increase, which continued throughout each of the world wars.. War has hitherto been disappointing in this respect, but perhaps bacteriological war may prove effective.
If a Black Death could spread throughout the world once in every generation, survivors could procreate freely without making the world too full. The state of affairs might be unpleasant, but what of it?”
– Lord Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science On Society (Routledge Press: New York, 1951).
Bacteriological War? Black Death? The CDC produced the 1918 Spanish Flu and administered it in Vaccines issued in WWI, Dr Ron Fouchier of the Erasmus Medical Ctr in Rotterdam, genetically modified diseased DNA leading to the 2003 Bird Flu outbreak; millions of chickens were culled in China. Swine Flu broke out in Shanghai when Feces of birds infected with Bird Flu were fed to Swine; 40,000 Swine carcasses were released in rivers surrounding the city of 20 million. We are dealing with Satanists folks! We are Animals to them!
On the Celtic/Witchcraft New Year, Samhain (Halloween) in 1517 Black Cloistered Monk Martin Luther nailed 95 objections against the Roman Catholic Church to the Castle Church door in Wittenberg, Germany. preaching setting fire to Jewish Synagogues and schools, avenging the death of Jesus Christ at the hand of the Jewish Pharisees and Sadducees and declaring the Roman Catholic Pope to be the Antichrist. No single person in history did more than Martin Luther to divide the Christian Church. Jewish Synagogues? Hardly, Synagogue appears only once in the entire Old Testament when King David laments that all the Synagogues of God had been burned up; Synagogues are “Synagogues (Churches) of Satan” and like the Pharisees and Sadducees or old, todays Rabbis are not Jewish in the slightest. Jesus? Jewish in every detail. Rabbis? “And call no man on earth Rabbi”-Jesus Christ Christmas Tree? Dec 25 is the resurrection of Solis Invictus, not Jesus Christ; thank Martin Luther for convincing Christians to set up a Grove and decorate it exactly the way Jeremiah warned against (Jer 10). Today, Brother Nathanael Kapner www.Realjewnews.com wears the Black Robe and Red Cross of Martin Luther, pinning blame on Jews for every ill the world knows. Red Cross? Edomite not Christian. On Nov 1, Martin Luther’s “All Saints Day” Martyrs are celebrated; is it coincidence SNAP, Food Stamps and EBT Cards are being cut on Nov 1 “All Saints Day”. 100 Million people depend on those programs for food. “Control oil, you control nations. Control food, you control people” Satanist, fake Jew Henry Kissinger. Bee Careful folks, there are a lot of Chaldean Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes! America is being set up to be the Scapegoat for “Babylon”; the Messiah rising out of the Chaos will NOT be Jesus Christ.
Winner takes Earth and a Bio-hazard Logo popped up on Billboards in NYC, Rio de Janiero and London on Halloween.
Four Google Barges built by “By and Large” showed up on the East and West Coast (Maine and San Francisco) on Halloween. The Sign of Jonah and a Witch are the most recent Google Doodles.
ENDA (Employee Non-Discrimination Act) Vote in Senate on Nov 4 The Bill protects Cross Dressers, Transvestites, Homosexuals, Exhibitionists, Trans-Gender, Voyeurs, Urophillia, Drag Queens/Kings. Naked Men in Female washrooms, showers and locker rooms? No problem. Gen 13:13 is in America Why? God will be blamed for America’s very sudden demise.
Fukushima Fuel Rods from SFP #4 will be removed by hand beginning this week; there is virtually no way of doing this safely. Nikola Tesla patented technology that could be used to surround Fukushima with an energy shell and fission the material safely, but “Destroying the Earth” is on the agenda, not Saving the Earth.
Nov 13-14 GridEx II. Former CIA Directors and Knights of Malta Michael Hayden and James Woolsey believe StuxNet could take down the US, Mexico and Canada Power Grid; NERC (National Electric Reliability Corp) Executive Brian Harrell thinks altering the Frequency of the Power Grid is a good idea; It is not. NERC intends to take down the Power Grid.
Knight of Malta Leon Panetta addressing the fake Jewish Anti-defamation League Nov 1 said “We may need to attack Iran” Leon will blame Iran for the Power Grid collapse he stated is “Imminent”.
Knights of Malta aka Knights of St John of Jerusalem, Cyprus, Malta and Rhodes aka Hospitallers like John Kerry, Bill Clinton, Martin Dempsey, Leon Panetta, Joe Biden, John Boehner, Dame Janet Napolitano have carried their grudge for 700 years. Like Pharaoh, their hearts have been hardened. Jesus will return to “Destroy them which destroy the earth” Rev 13:18; but for now It’s Time to head for your Prayer Closet!
11/7 is Re-birth of Osiris; 33 degree Mason Billy Graham with his cast of invitees Bill Clinton , Sarah Palin, Rupert Murdoch and Donald Trump will preach the Cross about America’s Demise.
Time is up folks!
thorium, will save the planet? nuke industry? 100s of old nukes need to be decommissioned real fast. will take 100 years per unit if nothing goes wrong. twitter bird upsidedown looks like an eye with eyebrow. mcdonalds has a new eyebrow look. twitter stock soars. what do they make? uh, nothing. dr.s are forbidden to discuss the ingredients in the flue shot, according to my father in law. silk road is back up. was it down? bitcoin hits $309.00. they say it can’t be traced. the way these coins are generated reminds me of the math wiz shakutala( human computer). sparkly new fake $$.
Latest Google Doodle 6006LE points to Ascension Is, “Discovered” 2 years after it’s un-official Discovery and re-named “Ascension Island” from “Conception Island” because it was “discovered” 40 days after Easter on Day of Ascension. 40 days after Easter Sunday, it always falls on Thor’s Day. May 29, 2014 may get interesting False Rapture?
Saudi Arabia said they “Mis-diagnosed” the symptoms as ordinary Pneumonia before allowing airplane travel. They are now saying MERS-CoV was more widespread than they estimated..
Surprise surprise ! Worse than they thought, then it must really be bad if worse than 50% kill rate! Do you believe they will force vaccine for this? With radiation falling on our heads (how much time do you think the world has? 3-5 years? I have not heard anything on the news not a peep about the adjustment to food stamps , any reports of backlash ? Seems like an adjustment would be to raise food stamps by double .
MERS CoV aka Bird Flu Patient “0” returned to Spain on Nov 2 “All Souls Day” and is now exhibiting symptoms. HHS, CDC and WHO predicted a Bird Flu Pandemic would race across the US after Thanksgiving. The original Thanksgiving celebrated the slaughter by disease of 90% of native populations.
WHI Director Margaret Chan is an Officer in the British Empire under Prince Phillip whose stated goal if to be re-incarnated as a “Killer Virus”
Howard has their been any talk of Forced Vaccinations ?
A toxic radioactive element of the actinoid series that is a soft ductile silvery metal. It has several long-lived radioisotopes found in a variety of minerals including monazite. Thorium is used in magnesium alloys, incandescent gas mantles, and nuclear fuel elements.
Symbol: Th; m.p. 1780°C; b.p. 4790°C (approx.); r.d. 11.72 (20°C); p.n. 90; r.a.m. 232.0381. [DC99]
A soft ductile malleable silvery rare element of the lanthanoid series of metals. It occurs in association with other lanthanoids. One of its few uses is as a dopant in solid-state devices.
Symbol: Tb; m.p. 1356°C; b.p. 3123°C; r.d. 8.229 (20°C); p.n. 65; r.a.m. 158.92534. [DC99] Thorium/Terbium Look very similar for Lasers usage. Anyone Familar with these calucaltion
1839 Lanthanum discovered by Carl Mosander (Sweden).
1843 Terbium discovered by Carl Mosander (Sweden). Terbium could be Used for Grid Protector Am Not Sure Are you guy familar with any of this Chemical Elements(Terbium is single isotope)65
Absolutely Travis, I am writing a new article at Theresnothingnew on Diwali and Garuda/Phoenix is a big part. This latest one really blew me away with 6006LE
9009×37=333,333. moving the rods in #4 soon. they said it was damaged by a huge hydrogen explosion. I thought it was turned off and rods moved upstairs to cool.
The Scalar EM signal started on Lent 3/9; it ended and the Earthquake hit 3/11. Coolant valves were turned off in response to the Earthquake having nothing to do with the Tsunami (diesel generators have air intakes 5 stories in the air for this reason)
Fuel melted within an hour; the Zirconium Alloy cladding caught fire producing Hydrogen which was vented from the Reactor Vessel into the Containment Building where the SFP is located. The Nitrogen Inerting system was also turned off resulting in a Hydrogen explosion. The MOX Fuel reacting with Seawater formed Neutral Buoyant Molecules currently being produced and floating indefinitely in the Pacif Ocean Currents from the one spot on Earth capable of this type ultimate destruction.
The Fuel went underground within a year and is currently in nuclear fission at the site where 3 major Tectonic plates collide.
Diabolical? The worst engineered disaster in the history of Earth
THINK THIS SOME SORT symbolism for the Phoenix with. This Women Shakutala her name representation of Bird. I checkout Bird representation of the Phoenix in Hindu. Here what it isOriental
The phoenix (known as Garuda in Sanskrit) is the mystical fire bird which is considered as the chariot of the Hindu god Vishnu. Its reference can be found in the Hindu epic Ramayana.
According to sources, she had demonstrated her counting and calculation abilities in very tender age and she has repeated her performances on many occasions. Sources claim that She has established much mystery of the calculations and counting with her abilities. She extracted the 23rd root of a 201digit number mentally, which was a major achievement.
She has written several books regarding the subjects of her interest.
She died on April 21 2013 at the age of 84 in Bangalore.
Ryan(Little King) Germick was the Google Team Leader behind celebration of Shakuntala.
Yale botanist Peter Crane tells the story of the ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) tree in his book, Ginkgo: The Tree That Time Forgot. » … Scientists at CERN. Have you guys heard of Him???for Nuclear Research (CERN) to construct the GridPP—a vast computing grid built to handle the extensive amount of data
Creating Clouds in the Lab To Better Understand Climate by …
.Did Barack sign some sort Climate Change Executive order too??
Yes, she did marry a Sodomite. Check out the story on Conspiracy Café. He makes the conx with Ascension Island and May 29, 2014 “Ascension Day”. Realize of course, this is 40 days after Easter so it has nothing to do with Jesus Christ. My guess if this conx to 6006LE can be made is a fake Rapture planned for that date
that ascension article is interesting. I keep hearing chatter on the net about these gnostics ascending or leveling up the tree of knowledge. hare krishnas are into that. wonder if the nsa’s data center is up?
I think the google doodle is a magik spell with #s. 6006×37=222,222 2+2+2=6, the L and E are upside down maybe. you can play with the #s all kinds of ways.
the only other easy thing I can find on her is she was raised by circus folks from the bramin cast. dad was also a magician/nothing up the sleeve. she was into astrology/hindu I guess. the folks who think math is the language of God would most likely trip out on this math wiz. she wrote “homosexuality in india” , india’s 1st homo study. hmm it seems she was married to a sodomite.
If I understand this correctly (I probably do not) Obama “He is with us” in Farsi is playing the role of the bowing Hanuman which forms the Rami Pariver (Family of Rama). This completes the 7th Avatar of Vishnu (Preserver) leading to the 8th and final Avatar of Vishnu “Krishna” meaning “Dark One” or “Black One”. Now Dark knight rises may make more sense and why Obama feels comfortable lighting the White House Menorah,
Lighting the White House Christmas Tree
Bowing to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia
Bowing to Shinto Emperor Akahito
Proclaiming a “New Beginning for Islam”
Carrying a Gambling Chit (Obama Care is considered Insurance and Gambling to Muslims)
Carrying a GI Dog Tag
Carrying an Idol of Hanuman.
Interesting conx with Osiris festival Nov 1-6. On this week NASA woke up the Rosetta satellite. On 11/11/14 NASA/JPL intend to land Rosetta on Comet 67P Churyumov Gerasimenko as part of the Horizon Cornerstone Mission; the lander section is called “Philai” after the island in the Nile where the Rosetta Stone was “discovered”.
Infrared Imaging will be dome with OSIRIS and the ALICE spectrograph.
Science Channel is starting a series on Comets proposing they are the source of life on Earth and our Oceans.
November 4 to 17 – Ludi Plebeii, games for the people of Rome organized by the curule aedile (since 216 BC)
11/1-11/6 P The Isia: six day ritual drama search for pieces of Osiris/feast of the Netherworld, parting of the astral veil/resurrection of Osiris
11/2 S All Souls’ Day (in honour of the dead), Santeria, El Dia De Los Muertos
11/3 -11/8 P Diwali: Hindu: Festival of Lights: The end of Lord Rama’s exile, killing of a demon by Krishna’s wife
11/4 S Satanic Revels
11/5 S Guy Fawkes’ Day (UK)
11/7 P Hilaria/Mania (Open of Mundus Cereris) rebirth of Osiris
11/9 N Kristallnacht
11/9 S New Moon
11/11 N Veteran’s Day (Armistice, 1918)
November 13 – Epulum Jovis
November 15 – Festival in honour of Feronia
November 24 – Brumalia
Her Name is Associate with the Birds. ALREADY THINKING. Augur Language of the Birds associated with RUNEMAN Barack .. Also recall her lecture in Sanford other than that Not much on her ()Oh yeah shewas dubbed Human Calculator. ..
Any thoughts on Google’s latest Doodle honoring Hindu math savant Shakantda Devi; her birthday was Nov 5; the Doodle is 6006LE and that moniker is used apparently quite a lot. Ascension Island seems tied to it . Day of Ascension is May 29, 2014 but this is 40 days after Easter having nothing to do with Jesus Christ It’s always on Thursday ie Thors Day after whom Thorium is named. There is you conx to the new movie Thor eh?
The thing that caught my eye was last May? Corpse Flowers were blooming simultaneously in Japan , Washington DC and another place? Pretty rare event or sure
In my view CERN is as Blasphemous and Idiotic as it gets
I wonder is there’s A Connection to Corpse Flower Botanical Garden, and Nettle Family (Plants) with CERN experiments
You Can Add Congress to Hinduism Worship at Capitol Hill . So what doe CERN and Thor Movie have in Common???Carlo Rubbia, a former director of the CERN laboratory who shared the 1984 Nobel Prize in Physics, described thorium as having “absolute pre-eminence” over all other fuels including fossil fuels and uranium, the metallic element that has driven reactors since nuclear first started powering public grids in 1956. Rom1:22 fits or is this Good for the Earth??
Michelle Obama To Host Hindu Festival for Goddess of Wealth at White House Hmmm
Barry carries a Gambler’s Chit, Military GI Dog Tag and an Idol of the Hindu Monkey god Hanuman, an Avatar of Shiva the Destroyer worshipped at CERN by God Particle Physicists
Lakshmi the Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity both Physically and Spiritually is celebrated on Diwali “Festival of Lights”; which just so happens to line up with Anonymous and the Million Mask March on Washington.
Guy Fawkes took the fall for Thomas Percy who changed his name to Pierce. Jesuits tried to kill King James for exterminating Witchcraft and commissioning the Authorized Bible.
300 years later Barbara Pierce was born to Aleister Crowley and Pauline Robinson Pierce in an AA ritual; she then married George Scherff Jr aka George Bush Sr whose father was Nikola Tesla’s lab assistant and Nazi accountant
The plan is to make America look like God has taken it out with His Wrath (Rev 16) in 1 Hour. No progressive failing here; likely everything at once so the world will declare “Babylon has fallen” and accept the Masonic Christ.
I’ve talked it over with my family (3 boys) and decided to do as Daniel did “Stand in thy Lot”
I’ve come to realize I feel sorry for these people, not hatred; they really have no idea what they are trying to do
More true words were NEVER spoken.
Sebelius not only used the world Heartland from the US Heartland; Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers sang at that year’s Superbowl with an arrow piercing the heart as part of the show.
New Madrid Fault is pre-planned sor a Salt Dome collapse inundating the area bounded by New Orleans, Memphis and St Louis; all the way to Kansas City? Not sure.
The Mormons intend to build Zion in Jackson Co MS when the SHTF in the west; likely from Earthquake or Yellowstone Caldera eruption. It’s not wild speculation but on US Navy, NOAA and FEMA planning maps.
the New Madrid earthquake happened in the 1820’s as I recall, and caused a new lake to appear in Tennessee, Real Foot Lake,
The church records that I have also state it cause many, many to return to church!
dOWN HERE IN Mississippi Dunbury Fracking co is signing up so many people for a few $’s and a promise if 1/5 rights to oil and gas production. Jackson Ms I built upon a dormant volcano that streaches for miles. Adding to it Ross Barnett Resevoir. as part of the volcano. 18 miles south at Piney Woods school several years ago one of their wells spewed sulfuric fuems for miles of pure stink.
Near Baton Rouge there is a growing sinkhole just above a salt dome, there are salt domes south of Jacksonm Ms, and we’ve got a nuclear plant on the Ms River at Port Gibson, Ms. Think things are not looking good for us here.
Interesting the TV Programming System Air Batman with Black Widow Strike Again 88/89 episode.Focus our eyes on what is unseen”; you may remember the Obama’s wore black and red on Election night; Michelle’s dress was dubbed the “Black Widow Dress”. Came to Mind. You think so being Unveil here soon???? I do another Active Drill Late Night in New Jersey by the way also
The Magi (Medean-Chaldean-Samaritan Astrologers) connection27+38 <65 Strike Zones 3 and 4 seem to depict the Heartland of the US, bounded by I-35 and Hwy-65. I recalled from your Strike Zone 1 articleKathleen Zebelius used the word “Heartland” . How Doe New Madrid Fault fit into Lloyd of London Preplan disaster along withf Fema into splitting the US in 1/2. Thanks for the Info.Confirmation ONE Accord is Great..
Have Youseen that Rihanna Madusa Magazine guy who did the photo goes by Damien. You Know Her real name is Robyn. First thing I thought of was the Sympathy of the Devil ArticleThe Raven was associated with the Norse Odin and Gaelic Bran meaning both Abraham and Raven. In the Omen movies Damien is guarded by Ravens until he was ready to be revealed
Well Just seen Sleepy Hollow on 303 day Masonry Compass triTriquetra” used in Druid Rituals, Celtic Runes, Gothic Coinage, Gothic Magick Rituals and Gothic Cathedrals. Also Remphan symbol(chiun) as well. Interesting Commerical Mercedes is being show again Order out of Chaos was theme of the Show. Abby(Joy of the Father) was mention as well. Also had a Placement scene in Hartford Ct. Isn’t a Mormon Church Cia Front located there??
Book of Eli ended with the dictation of the New King James Bible; Quran and Tanach in San Francisco as Solara (Daughter of the Sun) departed East toward the Rising Sun;
Ichabod Crane is Eli’s grandson in 1 Samuel Ichabod means Inglorious or No Glory; the Glory departed when the Ark was captured because Eli had made his worthless sons Priests; they were Balaaims like most all Priests/Pastors today
Stacey I’ve tried 4 times to add a response; I have the Duck material in my article on http://www.Theresnothingnew.org/
I read the article, but am not sure how your reference to “duck cloth” relates to our observation of the hysteria being created around the program “Duck Dynasty”. Please explain.
A sale add for a couch for $377:00. After tax cost $ 409:00 how about those #s (hidden message?)
This is completely off subject, but my husband and I have been racking our brains for months now as to the impetus behind the inane oddity of the program “Duck Dynasty” and all of the hoopla surrounding it. I read somewhere that one of the family members (perhaps the patriarch) was good friends with John Brennan head of CIA. My husband and I truly believe that this is some kind of mass mind control test program. We feel that it MUST be something like that as everyone we know who “loves” the program uses the EXACT same words to describe it. We don’t watch alot of TV nor do we own “smart phones” so maybe that is why we are not “programmed” to “love” this program.
You might be right!
shoot the tv! tau/chevron, tamuz/sex magik. was invented to manipulate the masses. that’s why they call it programing. that’s why people hold out their babies for dozens of shots, that they could care less what’s in them. eating the whiteman’s food and taking his med.s and basically keeping the royal scam going. the water is poisoned by known poisons. (lithium ?) we know of fluoride. poison in the air, (aerosol spraying). we need more nukes for peace!!. I was just kidding about shooting it. run over it.
these guys were watching too much tv.http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/11/04/3-arrested-after-man-shot-during-bigfoot-hunting-expedition/?intcmp=latestnews
here is one on aspartame, guess who pops up in this one, ole donald Rumsfeld/neocon was ceo during this poisons development and marketing.they changed the name of it to help hide it in our food. msg/neurotoxin is in cigarettes to soda pop and gives folks all kinds of problems. http://www.orangejuiceblog.com/2013/08/be-adviced-aspartame-changed-its-name-to-aminosweet/
Rummy was CEO of GD Searle during the Reagan Administration; FDA Commissioner Arthur Hull was chosen to legalize Aspartame, a Class II hazardous waste used to fatten pigs for slaughter. It turns to Formaldehyde in our systems
anonymous threatens gov web sites for mill mask march/3m’s, m&m got some award from youtube freaks . lots of “revolution in the air” .
My Bad Guys Had the Case Study of Nettles Filp Flop it was Zephaniah 2:9 My Judgment of Moab/Ammonites. Not Rev 16:9. So howard how does Rev 16:9 Ozone Layer Sun(Heat) and Weather Modfication. Fits for False Messiah(Comet ISON) ????Cheers
Right, Moab and Ammon and Edom escape the hand of the Alternative Messiah Dan 11:41 Jesus refers to Jerusalem as “Spiritually Sodom and Egypt” Rev 11:8 as does Zephaniah in 2:9
America will be destroyed soon to pave the way for the Alternative Messiah; this is why today the Senate is voting on ENDA to protect Sodomites, Voyeurs, Transvestites, Exhibitionists, Cross Dressers etc. There will be no privacy in washrooms, showers or locker rooms; just as in Sodom and Gomorrah. Occultists will destroy America in similar fashion God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah; with Fire so the Phoenix can arise from the ashes
My Bad Guys Had the Case Study of Nettles Filp Flop it was Zephaniah 2:9 My Judgment of Moab/Ammonites. Not Rev 16:9. So howard how does Rev 16:9 Ozone Layer Sun(Heat) and Weather Modfication. Fits for False Messiah(Comet ISON) . Cheers
Rev 16:9 is the 4th Vial of God’s Wrath; All 7 Vials will be poured out on the world in one day; all of whom have rejected the Word of God and Jesus Christ.
In Rev 9:15 the Angel of the 6th Trumpet prepares for the final slaughter “an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men” 13 months plus the final Day of Wrath.
Dan 9:24-27 describes the final 490 days “70 Weeks” The last week is interrupted mid-week when Satan kills the 2 Witnesses in Jerusalem causing “Desolation” Everyone in covenant with God had been instructed to flee when they say the Abomination of Desolation, so these 2 men Enoch and Elijah will die and the spirit of the Lord with them ie Desolation. 3 1/2 days later they will rise first, followed by the dead in Christ and the living in Christ; the last day of God’s Wrath follows.
It’s simple, but made complicated by false teachers; just read the words as they are written in the KJV
I’m now having the same Duplicate Comment trouble CL is having. Iran’s new Stealth Fighter is a JOKE, Qaher-313 means Dominant. Google Donald Duck in Mathland and watch the esoteric math instruction
A statue of Kore is at the San Francisco Airport where Google is building Barges on SF Treasure Island. At least 4 Barges so far; 3 are in San Francisco; constructed by “By and Large”, a company? The corporation was featured in the movie “WALL-E” protecting fat, lazy humans after they made Earth un-inhabitable. “By and Large” means being able to sail into or against the wind at will. The Barges are on the East and West coasts of the US indicating the US is surrounded. Made of Shipping Containers, complete with windows, balconies, Wi-fi; the Barges will for fat, lazy humans to watch the destruction of “Babylon”; Rev 18:10 “Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour her judgment come” http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2483499/EXCLUSIVE-Theyre-multiplying-THIRD-mystery-Google-barge-lurking-San-Francisco-bay-MailOnline-takes-closest-look-secret-party-boats—followed-step-way-security-guards.html Notice in the pictures the number 313. There are 313 ! In the King James Bible; this is the last one. Folks, Jesus is not coming yet; this is the completion of the “Great Work”; Lucifer is coming next and America will become the Scapegoat for “Babylon”.
Cherubim Mountain is on the pilgrimage route to Jerusalem from Constantinople; guessing it would oversee the arrival at Armageddon of 200 million per the 5th-6th Trumpet warning.
Project 911 fits into this as well.
I believe we are not at that point yet; the push is to make the world believe the 4 horseman have ridden (ref One-heaven.org) and WWIII is Armageddon, but I don’t buy into that. These will falsify the real events. The key to understanding this in my op is
1 There is no 7 yr Tribulation period; only a 1260 day Great Tribulation
2 Dan “70 Weeks” is just like it reads; 490 days; not some open ended period.
rt has one on dark mail, interesting name. philip zimmermann /german jewish? founder of silent circle, another funny name, encryption col gives interview, boring. I thought his quote on zimmermanns law is interesting, “the natural flow of technology tends to move in the direction of making surveillance easier, and the ability of computers to track us doubles every 18 mos./666. as far as his interview, the circus folk/carney’s say there’s a sucker born every min”. people who work in the dark tend to resemble rats.
It’s not intentional by me or the web master; try putting the comments on the chat rom
St George Foundation and the Syrian Orthodox Church of the East financed the 40ft Idol. Land was donated by Syrian Orthodox Church of the East Patriarch Ignatius IV who died of a fatal heart attack transporting the statue.
St George is the patron saint of the British Royalty; he slays the Dragon in mid-summer at the Cathedral of St John the Divine and at the UN in NYC.
Remember Project 911 will be completed by 9 Av (August) 2014 in time for Satan’s arrival? Getting interesting eh?
so sorry to hear of ole iggy 4th.bad diet, no exercise, or just desert. the façade of the cherubim monastery looks pyramid shaped. are these idols set up to witness some future event?
cherubim/angel monastery is there. hard to get info on this place.
this shaghurah painting is rumored to have been painted by Luke. yeh right! muslims and christians worship this thing for good luck. looks like the baby lucifer. http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=shaghurah&FORM=HDRSC2#view=detail&id=ED01D2A7F9E5D3186EEB339FDCC8264C1FB532AF&selectedIndex=2
i’m looking at the shadows from the statue and my guess is it faces east, like we thought. I could be wrong. because of the pictures they’re showing.
The US has Trillions of BBls of Oil worth $100’s of Trillions in the Bakken, Green River, Gulf of Mexico and ANWR plus 25% of the world’s fresh water in the Great Lakes and Ogallala Aquifer.
America is in debt $17T, has personal obligations in Social Security and Medicare totaling $240T and has created a Wall St Derivatives Debt Bubble of $1Quadrillion.
Kill Americans and Foreclose on their Assets is the plan.
The world is in debt
George HW Bush gave all of Social Security to the Queen of Englandm Elizabeth Mary II
One cannot keep wars forthgoing with out a charge it all card!………VISA////
vI=rOMAN 6
s=6 IN ANCIENT Egypt
Some big comments as to how Jonbenet played into……via THE UNHIVED MIND.COM……..CL
mt sednaya, Syria, interesting history. covenant of our lady of saidnaya, errrected by justinian 1st. after a couple of hallucinations of mary. shrooms I presume, or belladonna seeds. oh muslims celebrate this day with Christians .
fox reports a bronze statue of Jesus is put up on a mt. in syria. I think they got the wrong name on it. how freaking weird.
http://www.foxnews.com/world/2013/11/02/in-midst-syrian-war-giant-jesus-statue-arises/— wonder which way it is facing? it is at cherubim mt.
Saint Al of Gore announced on Samhain “We are at the biggest financial bubble in history because of high carbon assets on corporate balance sheets” Those would be more properly called Employees. And this comes as the report on Antarctic Ice Pack is well above average.
33 degree mason Jay Leno had him on the show 2 weeks ago to make the big announcement
Excellent timing; gov Brown signed Bill #128 on Oct 13, 2013 “Enhanced Peace Officer Status” at LAX giving them more authority.
Lawa.org/AirportPolice/Chiefs.aspx?id=4635Wow the Word Nettles is Find in Rev16:9. In this False Flag atLAX Airport<a Sgt goes By the Name Nettles how many years 16. Oh I see it Quite Clear. Belinda Nettles. Friend get Prepare for Unveil of Sargon111 Falsification of €Rev 16-19 for Unveiling that Alternative Messiah — feeling rough.
Lawa.org/AirportPolice/Chiefs.aspx?id=4635Wow the Word Nettles is Find in Rev16:9. In this False Flag atLAX Airport<a Sgt goes By the Name Nettles how many years 16. Oh I see it Quite Clear. Belinda Nettles. Friend get Prepare for Unveil of Sargon111 Falsification of €Rev 16-19 for Unveiling that Alternative Messiah — feeling rough.
NOVEMBER — “Day of the Dead” (Spanish: Día de Muertos) is a Mexican holiday celebrated throughout Mexico and around the world in other cultures. The holiday focuses on gatherings of family and friends to pray for and remember friends and family members who have died. The Day of the Dead celebrations in Mexico can be traced back to a precolumbian past. Rituals celebrating the deaths of ancestors had been observed by these civilizations perhaps for as long as 2,500–3,000 years. In the pre-Hispanic era SKULLS were commonly kept as trophies and displayed during the rituals to symbolize “death and rebirth”. It is particularly celebrated in Mexico, where the day is a “BANK HOLYday”. The celebration takes place on October 31, November 1 and November 2, in connection with the Christian triduum of Hallowmas: All Hallows’ Eve, All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day.
“Hallowmas”, also known as “the Triduum of all Hallows”
AKA– The Triduum of All Saints,
The “Triduum” encompasses
1) All Hallows’ Eve (Hallowe’en)- October 31
2) All Saints’ Day (All Hallows’)-November 1
3) All Souls’ Day, – November 2 annually.
Hallowmas is a time to remember the dead, including martyrs, saints, and all faithful departed Christians. The dates of Hallowmas were established in the 8th century AD……
Many Rituals manifest during the Triduum…..
Who Paul Ciancia(Why doe he has Cia twice in his Surname ??? 23 Number of Chao. Hillary Clinton given Money by Goldman Sach After the Fed Meeting oct 28-30. Thank Craig (For the Scoop)
that’s about the only holiday I’ve seen them celebrate when we were there.
“At present the population of the world is increasing at about 58,000 per diem. War, so far, has had no very great effect on this increase, which continued throughout each of the world wars.. War has hitherto been disappointing in this respect, but perhaps bacteriological war may prove effective.
If a Black Death could spread throughout the world once in every generation, survivors could procreate freely without making the world
“At present the population of the world is increasing at about 58,000 per diem. War, so far, has had no very great effect on this increase, which continued throughout each of the world wars.. War has hitherto been disappointing in this respect, but perhaps bacteriological war may prove effective.
If a Black Death could spread throughout the world once in every generation, survivors could procreate freely without making the world too full. The state of affairs might be unpleasant, but what of it?”
– Lord Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science On Society (Routledge Press: New York, 1951).
too full. The state of affairs might be unpleasant, but what of it?”
– Lord Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science On Society (Routledge Press: New York, 1951).
I have a sick feeling in my stomach and the bird flu isn’t even hear yet!
Sibelius She sure reminds me of Corella Deville in 101 Dalmatians . Howard is their any connection?
Sebelius is a Margaret Sanger Planned Parenthood, Euthanasia proponent. She gave the Bush Jr rebuttal on his last Stae of the Union address. She used the phrase
“Come together” something like 30 times; it was def not a rebuttal.
washington post reports Belgium wants to legalize euthanasia for kids, just in time for halloween. fruity prince phillipe/who loves horses, thinks kis are perfectly capable of deciding. ke$ha 2 thumbs up “die young”
one more on google barge,/ trojan horse? for the attack?http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/10/30/coast-guard-visits-mysterious-google-barge/3318347/
I just saw that; my guess is they are part of the TPP Trans-pacific partnership. Barges for foreign corporations to sit in international waters and bid for foreclosed US assets
Any other ideas?
google(check out the founders, more wiz kid billionaires) is outraged at nsa’s spying. ha! i’m offended!! these 2 #2s do more spying than we can imagine. here is abc’s pic of the google doodle for halloween. http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/halloween-witch-interactive-google-doodle-celebrates-halloween-pasttime/story?id=20740188– she’s making a brew, forbidden fruit,scull &bone, is that a blue love potion? who does she resemble? Hillary?
Asshur builded Nineveh; Jesus said the only sign He would give the Pharisees and Sadducees was the sign of Jonah. The latest Google Doodle is the sign of the Whale.
Vlad the Impaler was another who loved Impalement; it became popular with Turks ie Turkomen who lent their name to the Thanksgiving Turkey aka Domesticated Aztec Guinea Fowl.
1000 doctors Commissioned? ie Oath Sworn to the Surgeon General for a Bird Flu Pandemic on Thanksgiving?
As Jack said on the Titanic “This is it”
rumors of the google mystery barges. in the news from alex jones.
go to Washington post and get the art. on 40 y anniversary, and at the bottom is the 2 archive articles. they are long and interesting. blatty’s mom was a psychic weirdo.
in this Washington post archive article from ’72 it says they made a side trip to nineveh in iraq. creepy place, heard they liked to impale people on long, sharpened poles. if they did it right it could take up to 3 days to die. the tip of the pole would rest on the breast bone. you can guess where they started. one reason Jonah was afraid to go there maybe.
Oops my mistake; the Exorcist Demon was Pazuzu, the X Wing Hybrid of Assyria and god of the southwest wind who brings drought and locusts. I think the Chinook Helicopter used in the fake bin Laden (Geronimo) raid is named after Southwest Wind as well. The Google Doodle preceding the Whale like a week earlier was commemorating the first parachute jump in Paris; “Geronimo”? Might be worth noting these Doodles, it appears a lot of communication is being sent via these
40th anniversary of the exorcist book. obscenity, occult, suspense, oh forgot vomit, were just merely devices he used in the service of sharing his faith. blatty went Georgetown u, got motivated in theology class.
the guy who did the music for it performed the tubular bells at the Olympic opening ceremonies. demonic song.
The Exorcist Priests were were also Jesuits; a House divided against itself shall fail right? Satanists casting out Satanic Demons.
The Demon was Azazel “Goat that Departs”; same Demon in Denzel Wahsington’s “Fallen” as I recall. IN Lev 16:8-10 Scapegoat (Jesus Christ) was replaced with Azazel; Lucifer replacing Jesus here
Gazprom is Russia’s most valuable brand. it seems putin is doing very well. the flaming G says lots to me. meanwhile bbc says we have a world wide wine shortage. Rev 6:6
hunt for dark matter starts again early 2014. they think lux will find it. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-24733131
sting has a song” lithium sunset ” http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/sting/lithiumsunset.html
massive nuke exercise in russia, all targets hit. what targets ?http://www.foxnews.com/world/2013/10/30/putin-oversees-massive-exercise-russian-nuclear-forces/
75year aniversary of war of the worlds, orson wells. http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2013/10/30/241797346/75-years-ago-war-of-the-worlds-started-a-panic-or-did-it
SEbelius and Obama Care? a smokescreen for Sebelius hiring 1000 “Commissioned” doctors and Vets for an anticipated “Bird Flu Pandemic” and unprecedented slaughter of animal carcasses after Thanksgiving. Plumped, stuffed and slaughtered just like 700 Piquot Natives at the first Thanksgiving
“apocalypse now” interesting movie, interesting era. shaped a generation, i mean warped. I’ve heard apocalypse means waking the corps. ist war to enter the american living room. domino effect, get those reds, charlies in the wire. vc= chevron and 3rd letter/trinity?? lots of vc moved down to gulf area to fish. francis ford copula, the man who gave us the “god father” , “call no man father on earth”. in my opinion sums up our endless war delirium/mindset in the land that spreads democracy/ cough cough. i feal a flash back coming on.
ps, jungle rules?
rt reports we launched a stealth destroyer,( what’s that remind you of?) and it is our biggest. must of been really expensive. heard it has lots of computers and fewer navy pers. one emp and then we see, how well that $$ was spent. http://rt.com/usa/navy-destroyer-largest-zumwalt-921/
The $7Billion Elmo Zumwalt was scheduled for its Christening but was rolled out without much fanfare because SNAP, EBT, Food Stamps, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are all on the chopping block. Not good form to launch a bememoth like that in times like these eh?
“Stealth Destroyer”? That’s al joke, Scalar EM Radars can track anything anywhere on, above or below the Earth’s surface. This is more like a Black Hole to pour $Billions into
cnn money says dow,and s&p have closed after record highs today. the bulls are on a run. i say the fed is printing overtime. oh nasdaq was up as well. http://money.cnn.com/2013/10/29/investing/stocks-markets/index.html?hpt=hp_t2
Check out this link to armed foreign troops gunboats patrolling harbors. My guess is they work for the IMF whose stated policy is to increase taxes on households with positive net worth and eventually confiscate assets.
EBT Cards and Food Stamp cuts go into effect Nov 1 and cuts to Social Sec, Medicare and Medicaid follow
fox reports gov prepping for riots on nov 1sthttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9iHYec8eFg—- not that long ago they were advertising for people to sign up for food stamps. milk it for all it’s worth.
The comment with the link is waiting moderation; if it does not show up, go to my site at Theres Nothing New and get it.
What are the odds of 3 highly energized Typhoons taking the exact same path to Japan, in one 13 day period, with the latter 2 converging at the site of a 7.3 Earthquake, at the same exact spot hit by the 9.0 Earthquake blamed for the Fukushima disaster that hit on Lent 2011, and at the moment Typhoons Lekima and Francisco passed, the temperature drops over 2500F to Minus 1900 F? Ans ABSOLUTE ZERO
That’s 250 degrees and minus 190 degrees Fahrenheit. He was the 33 degree mason who thought it fwould be funny to make water change state from 32 to 33 degrees.
Great info. I hadnt heard the story that J McCain was the cause of the fire on USS Forestal. Who knows if its true or not. Here is a video of the fire.
Interesting that the ship was decommissioned on September 11.
Howard you might check the link for Oct 23 being the start of snake month, it is bad.
Prince William will be 33 in 2015, not 2014. I’m definitely looking forward to your article on PW!
Thanks JC, I fixed the link and took out the reference to William being 33 in 2014; NOt sure how that got in there
well said Howard. those hollow points say take no prisoners to me. makes a painful wound. instant shock, even when hit in the extremities. how about that Brazilian dude on the 100′ wave in Portugal, praia do norte in the azores. now is that the place that is supposed to take out the east coast?? heads up east coast, wax your boards! ole abe on his throne is looking at the cosmic union(?) the reflecting pool with the phallus up and down as it enters the womb of isis(capital).kind of a cosmic klock. my ole shop teacher said ” don’t be a clock watcher”. I say don’t be a cosmic klock watcher. by all means watch out for the klock watchers, and their flying monkeys. you know those hindus have some flying monkeys in their stupid (false teachings) books.
ps the surfer was from brazil, (means red trea ) some say it has a celtic origin. “well paint it red to fit right in”
It did not happen in the Azores islands. You are talking about the mainland. Their is good surf in the Azores, and very beautiful everything!
there* oh and do not forget about the amazing food. Kabobs in Terceira island on Fri and Sat are the best.