[frame_right][/frame_right]”CERN will prove existence of the God Particle by the end of this year” Dr Rolf-Dieter Heuer, head of CERN; More BS! The God Particle aka Higg’s Boson or Graviton theoretically gives Mass to everything; F=MA (Force=Mass X Acceleration) “But in his estate shall he hounour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers know not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones…and shall divide the world for gain” Dan 11:38-39 Read the rest of Dan 11; it describes WWIII and why people are aligning themselves with Edom, Moab and Ammon and their god of war Nergal; they escape the hand of this “god of forces”.
The real God found in scripture of the Authorized Bible says Earth is “Fixed” on a Stable Foundation, that shall not “Move” and hung upon “Nothing”; the Stars (Lights) are “Stretched” ie the Universe (Firmament) is not getting bigger. (Job 26:7; Josh 10:13; Ecc 1:5; 1 Chr 16:30; Zech 12:1; Ps 93:1; 96:10 Is 48:13) Space is not Dark Matter; it is Nothing. Stars and Planets including Earth are not acceleratiing; they are “Fixed”.
Atom is derived from A and Tem meaning the “Finished Work” of “Alpha”; Egyptians knew Atem or Atum as the creator out of whose body “Ka” everything was made. The word means “Indivisible, Unhewn, Uncut” CERN is that was once called an “Atom Smasher”. 1 Tim 6:20 says Science is falsely so-called, vain babblings”. Atum, and Pharoah as his incarnation is depicted with a Djed Pillar (Star Wars Jedi warriors; Cute eh?); a Surveryor’s Transit and Staff of Authority considered the Backbone of Osiris (sun god); not necessarily the visible Sun as Star Physicians “Astrophysicists” claim makes up only 5% of Matter, but the “Dark Sun” (Tula or Thule aka Thule Society “Brotherhood of Death”) out of which the “Big Bang” created everything “Atoms”. Making any sense yet? The “Forces” of Gravity, inside the Atom (Strong Nuclear, Weak Interaction, Electro-Magnetic, Gravity) are made up nonsense to honour the “god of forces”. What about a Magnet? A force can be created with an Electric Field (Solar Radiation) and a spinning Magnet (Earth). EM energy is in fact the ultimate Gnostic weapon, they believe capable of destroying God at the 2nd Coming. Fortunately, Jesus removes His followers, both the dead and living on the last day (7th Trumpet) because Gnostics are in fact full of BS!
CERN will prove existence of the God Particle by the end of this year; so what is happening this year that “Astrophysicists” consider unique? The Sun will rise through an imaginary X (Osiris is represented by the X; Greek letter Chi=Christ; as in Cosmic Christ, not Jesus Christ; the Labarum is the Sun rising through the X) formed by the center of the Milky Way and Zodiac-Ecliptic (Path of the Sun viewed against the Fixed backdrop of Stars) as the Vernal Equinox sun precesses from Pisces (Labrys or Golden Mean; Christian “Fish Symbol” is this Cosmic Christ, not Jesus Christ) to Aquarius “Water Pourer”. Ready for a Cosmic Baptism? Astrophysicists claim a “Black Hole” exists at the center of the Milky Way; Does it? Of course not, but the Truth will never get in the way of this Cosmic Gala (Galaxy=Gala).
Jesus was Conceived at Feast of Temple Dedication (8 days of Hanukkah; Mary became the New Covenant Temple) and was Born and Circumcised on the 8 day of Feast of Tabernacles (Jesus became the New Covenant Tabernacle ie Mobile Temple); Jesus became the 8th Covenant between God and Man in Flesh. He presented Himself at the Temple, was Crucified, laid in the Sepulchre on the 8th day of Passover (1 day for Passover, 7 days for Unleavened Bread) called Feast of Unleavened Bread and bodily rose to Heaven 3 days later on Feast of First Fruits. Not to be outdone, the Cosmic Christ is Conceived at Easter (Ishtar or Eastern Star, Venus) and born at Hanukkah on “Dies Natalis Solis Invicti” (Nativity of the Unconquered sun). Christmas is a Latin term for Sacrifice of Christ. The symbol for this is the Labarum. The Cosmic Christ (Sun) will be symbolically Crucified on “Good Friday”, and Conceived at Easter at the Dawn (Eos=Dawn=Ishtar=Venus=Lucifer) of Aquarius; in 2013, Good Friday is 8 days after the Spring (Abib) Sun rises in Aquarius (Mar 29, 2013) and Easter “Ishtar” Sunday “Dies Solis” ends the month of Mars (Nergal, Aries is the pagan god of war) on Mar 31, 2013.
2012-2013 is unique for dozens of reasons relating to the “Finish” of the “Great Work”. As in Egypt in the days of the Priests of Heliopolis “On” or “Osiris”, Atum (Atom) returns to Chaos out of which a New Order “Order out of Chaos” is created after being “Purified by Fire”, the source of the name “Tammuz”. The Cathari Perfecti “Pure Ones” prophesied “In 700 years the Laurel will grow green again”; 700 years after the Council of Vienne disbanded the Knights Templar and confiscated their assets is 2012-2013 when the “god of forces will divide the world for gain”.
No pun intended, but people simply need to realize the Gravity of the situation. I can assure you, God does not appreciate His children smashing Him and claiming the smallest unit of matter in creation is the “Force of Gravity” aka “God Particle”. Why do I use the term BS so freely? The mythical Black Hole at the center of the Galaxy is none other than the Celestial Cow, Brahma or Hathor that gave birth to the Golden Calf that nursed all this Udder Nonesense and Scientific (Science=Scire) BS! Time to Wake Up folks, Time (Chaos) is getting short. Jesus Christ is standing at the door, but will not open it for you; the only other choice is wait for the Holy Door “Labarum” to open and for Jesus to close the “Book of Life” (Rev 6:14). that’s not Smart. Bonus question: Why is Maxwell Smart Agent 86? Gnosticsm is derived from Gnosis and Sophia “Wisdom”; Door Frames are 86in high, and Abraham was 86 years old when Esau was born; he laid Isaac on the rock where the 3rd Temple will be built 13 years later. Esau, Moab and Ammon’s goal is to “86” Isaac’s physical and spiritual descendants through Jacob and Jesus Christ, which is why the Great Tribulation “Beast” rises from the Sea (Galactic Womb) at Rev 13, likely on the 2012 Solstice. 13 is the age Esau was at his brother’s birth; ’86” had a female partner at Control “99” who constantly battled “Chaos”. Get Smart folks! Avoid this “Order out of Chaos” and get right with Jesus Christ. Chaos is Chronos aka Father Time, and his Scythe is being sharpened for slaughter.
My name is Michael S. Green from Boston. I am writing to you to explain how magnets work. I would like you to visit my website at http://www.godbasedmagnetism.blogspot.com and view a copy of my free 13 page book, GOD BASED MAGNETISM.
Thank you.
Michael S. Green