Antonin Scalia was/is classic Crypto; a Chabad Lubavitch trained by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz; Jesuit educated at Georgetown; an Oath sworn Opus Dei initiate; an Oath sworn Knight of Malta. A “Wolf in Sheep’s Clothes”, in this case a Black Robe to match the Black Robed Jesuit General, pretending to be Catholic just like his Irish-Catholic raised Episcopal Priest, returned to Catholic, “Crypto” wife Maureen.
9 is the number associated with Divine Judgment; 9 years ago in 2007 Family Guy “Meet the Quagmires” predicted Scalia’s death. Merely, predictive programming as Scalia was immediately pronounced dead of “Natural Causes” by a US Marshall untrained to make the call, whose only function is to guard Federal Judges, not their bodies. The tail is wagging the dog here; Scalia did not die of natural causes; likely he did not die at all and merely recused himself with the help of a dozen US Marshalls serving the Crown Bar. My article “Planet 9 or Plan 9?” covers this in greater detail, suffice to say 9 refers to the Council of 9, seen in the US Supreme Court
“Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God’s throne: Nor by the earth; for it is his footstool: neither by Jerusalem; for it is the city of the great King” Jesus in Mat 5:34. James placed the Sin of Oath Swearing “Above all else” James 5:12.
Scalia is/was an Oath Swearer par excellence. Scalia served/serves the Black Pope Adolfo Nicholas unto death; oath sworn on his knees with a Black Crucifix pressed to his heart and a Ritual Black Dagger held against his neck, sworn to serve the Jesuit General.
The HQ of the Jesuit Order, SMOM and Opus Dei is the Mother of all Churches in the World, the Cathedra (Teaching Seat) of the Arch-basilica of St John Lateran. Lateran means “Hidden Frogs”, the 3 unclean spirits of the Dragon, Antichrist and False Prophet (Ref Rev 12:9; 16:13). Scalia simply filled his mission and recused himself with help from the US Marshalls. Marshall means “High Officer of the Royal Court”. Didn’t teach us in school the Supreme Court is the US Royal Court with a Fasces symbol over the Door did they? or that the US CONSTITUTION offers no rights to Citizens, only CORPORATIONS chartered by the British Crown Bar. Marshall means “Horse tender/servant or to arrange for fighting”; that’s coming soon.
Scalia was/is a Jesuit, Knight of Malta
aka Sovereign Military Order of Malta; Knight of St John of Jerusalem, Cyprus, Malta and Rhodes or Knight Hospitaller, Opus Dei Initiate, self proclaimed “Jewish Justice” Supreme Court Justice. Antonin Scalia allegedly dies Quail hunting at a private ranch (the day after Scalia received Pagan Lent Ashes; so what was he giving up for Lent?); Judge Cinderella (name means Ashes or Ends at Midnight) Guevara, without seeing the body, orders “No Autopsy” after being told by an unnamed and medically untrained US Marshall that “No foul play” was evident; the body is taken 3 hours away amid an escort of a dozen US Marshalls (How and why did US Marshalls converge on the scene so fast?) whose duty is to protect Federal Judges, not their escort their bodies, to the “Sunset Funeral Home” in El Paso for an alleged prompt embalming. Sunset means West, the “Land of the Dead” or “Setting Sun” which can be seen on Obama’s Prince Hall Mason designed Logo and the UN Carbon Fund Logo.
Scalia was/is an Opus Dei Initiate; formed in 1928, Opus Dei turned 88 in 2016 the Satanic Jubilee following the 7th Tetrad of Lunar Eclipses marking the recapture of the Temple Mount during the 6-Day War and founding of the Church of Satan in San Francisco. 88 represents the Swastika (Broken Sun Wheel); the Infinitely Small combined with the Infinitely Large seen in CERN’s vain attempt to produce the Graviton “God Particle” (Gives Mass to Matter) and Gravity Strings/Dark Matter (Gives Order to the Universe). 88 is the number associated with Mercury’s Orbit; Mercury being Toth-Hermes and the phrase used by Talmudic Rabbis “Tikkun Olam” (Repair the Earth) according to the axiom in the Emerald Tablet of Toth-Hermes “As Above; So Below”. 88 is the number of the Cosmic Christ; “God One” in simple Gematria=88. Opus Dei was created for 2016.
No foul play? Cibolo Ranch owner John Poindexter said he discovered Scalia’s cold body in bed with unwrinkled bed clothes and a pillow over his head.
Scalia was set to vote on cases involving the Constitutionality of ObamaCare, Climate Change, Immigration, Gun Rights, Affirmative Action, Separation of Church and State and Unions; he had just voted against Gay Marriage and Climate Change, so did the sworn servant of both the Black Pope (Jesuit General Adolfo Nicholas) and White Pope (Opus Dei) find an easy way to simply recuse himself?
Justice Scalia was trained in Talmudic Jurisprudence (aka Noahide Law) by Chabad Lubavitch Rabbi and member of the recently reformed Sanhedrin, Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz. Chabad is an acroym for Chokmah, Binah, Daat; 3 levels in Kaballah. Noahide Law requires decapitation of worshippers of JESUS as “Idol Worshippers”. Scalia said “Talmudic training gives one a head start in US Jurisprudence” The part where Jesus the son of a whore writhing forever in Hell in His own boiling excrement is particularly insightful eh Antonin? In the Talmud “Balaam” (Glutton, Foreigner or Worthless Person) is a reference to Jesus; Jesus is the Word of God made Flesh which also uses “Balaam” as “Glutton, Foreigner or Worthless Person” referring to Balaam the priest of Balak in Num 22 teaching Israelites to eat things sacrificed to idols; Rev 2:14 as the “Stumbling Block” aka living under the Law; Priests “call no man your father upon the earth” Mat 23:9 and Rabbis “But be not ye called Rabbi” Mat 23:8. The New Covenant has only 1 Priest; His name is JESUS.
Opus Dei “God’s Work” or “Satan’s Work”?
Tikkun Olam means “Repair the Earth”, by removing unbelievers. The UN United Religions Initiative “URI” serves the same function as the Chaldean “UR” in Abraham’s Day where the Tower of Babel (Gate of El/Allah/On) was built. Jesuits are modern day Chaldeans. One world under the religion of Lucifer whose only commandments are “Do what thou wilt”. UN Planetary Initiative states “No person shall enter the New Age unless he or she accepts a Luciferian Initiation. Antonin Scalia was a Jesuit trained member of Opus Dei “God’s Work”? Not quite Dei=Zeus; this is the lay arm of the Jesuits; Society of Jesus? Not quite “Militia of Zeus”. Jesuit Pope Francis formally healed the schism between Orthodox and Roman Catholicism meeting Patriarch Kirill in Cuba at the start of Lent 2016. Pope Francis will heal the schism between Anglican and Roman Catholicism on Halloween 2016, 1 year before the actual date 31 Oct 1517, Black Cloistered Monk Martin Luther posted 95 objections against the Roman Catholic Church and the Pope in Wittenberg. Samhein is a Celtic/Druid day, the Material and Spiritual world make contact; during the 2016-17 Jubilee Year, I would expect Antichrist to be revealed. Celtics (Jesuit Knight of Malta Joe Biden’s SS Codename is “Celtic”) slaughtered livestock on Halloween/Samhein. Talmudic Rabbis teach that Gentile Goyim are Human Cattle. By Halloween and All Saints Day 2017 I would expect a lot of Martyrs would have been beheaded “redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people , and nation…number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands” Rev 5:9-10
Why on Lent in 2016? Justice Scalia had likely just washed off the ashes of Lent (40 Days “Weeping for Tammuz”; Tam=Purify; Muz=Fire) to begin 40 days of alleged fasting to commemorate Jesus’ 40 days of fasting? At a 5 Star Hunting Resort for the Stars? Why 2016? 2016 is the Satanic Jubilee. All the rules and roles are reversed.
Obama says he will appoint his successor in due time. So who will Obama appoint? Justice Raphael “Ted” Cruz? That’d be a stretch eh? Or would it? A Yarmulke wearing Sephardic fake Conservative financed by Goldman Sachs? Justice Sri Srinivasan? A devout Hindu unanimously confirmed to the DC Appeals Court? Ever wonder why Obama carries an Idol of the Hindu Monkey God Hanuman and the Coptic Cross with him?
Scalia claimed to be a Constitutionalist, who just wrote the 5-4 dissenting opinion on the UN Global Climate Change Agenda pushed by Pope Francis I and the UN, and has taken a firm stand opposing Sodomite Marriage. His votes on these issues had already been settled. There was no way for Scalia to uphold UN Agreements such as the UN Small Arms Treaty, ObamaCare or sanction another UN-Natural born Citizen president like Rubio or Cruz, both tools of Chabad Lubavitch. Scalia just had to go, but was it through death? of a sworn Jesuit, Opus Dei Initiate?
Scalia’s wife Maureen McCarthy was like Antonin, raised devout Catholic yet McCarthy later converted to the Anglican Church. Rowan Williams is an Arch-Druid and his successor Justin Welby was an BP Oil Executive; the Anglican Church and its American Episcopal counterpart (referred to as “Catholic Light”) allows Gay and Women clergy, both far outside biblical mandates, and is in Communion with most every religion on Earth. McCarthy became an Episcopal Priest and recently turned back to Catholicism.
Scalia is/was Crypto. Cryptos or Marranos will become anything required of them, entering the religion of others like they change underwear.; eg Templars, Jesuits, Sufis. The Oath of Induction of the Jesuits is in the Congressional record, calling for Jesuits to serve the Black Pope to death, becoming Catholic by pretending to serve the White Pope or becoming Protestant while swearing to “tear open mother’s wombs and swinging their babies heads against the rocks”. Reverend McCarthy apparently can’t understand 1 Cor 14:34 “Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith in the law” (In other words, there are no God ordained women priests in either the old or new covenants) or Mat 23:9 “Call no man your Father upon the earth” declines an Autopsy 1 day after Jesuit Pope Francis healed the schism between the Anglican, Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches. No Fowl Play other than the Cinderella moment for the US Constitution.
So who will the unelected, non-sworn in, foreign born (most likely, Kenya to 33 degree Prince Hall Nation of Islam Mason Malcolm X aka Bari Malik Shabazz) Obama appoint? Note: Nation of Islam, Black Panthers and Prince Hall Masonry have nothing to do with being Black; the Satanic Organizations originate from Ham (Black) and incest with his mother (Noah’s Cainite wife) which produced the “Cursed” bloodline of Canaan; Shabazz means “First Race” and “Royal Falcon”; Horus is the Royal Falcon worshipped by the Horites for 4000 years.
Jesuit, LGBT Lawyer John Roberts failed to Swear in 32 degree Prince Hall Mason Obama according to the Constitution; the repeat Oath failed to use a Bible, which is not a requirement, just that Obama is the first not to do so. Obama uses a fake Social Security Number from CT, fails to E-Verify, lives with Cross-dresser Michael Robinson (research his lovers Mohammad Chandoo, Kal Penn, Reggie Love) with Muslim Brotherhood (read Sharia Law enforcers) and Hindo advisers (Valerie Jarrett, Arif Alikhan, Mohammad Elibiary, Imam Rashad Hussain, Iman Mohammed Magid, Eboo Patel). Black Panther Atty Hillary Clinton ended her 2008 campaign amid a US Flag with all 50 Stars (2016 is the 50th Satanic Jubilee=50 Upside Down Baphomet Stars) and Obama accepted the nomination in Denver on a stage made to replicate “Satan’s Seat” aka “Throne of Pergamon” from Rev 3:13
It is no coincidence Pope Francis was elected on 3/13/13 “Red Heifer Day” nor that there are 313 ! in the Authorized Bible, nor that when there are 313 sincere Shias “al-Mahdi” will return, nor that Islam split at the battle of Badr on 3/13/313.
America’s Cinderella Moment
Folks, the removal (death or not; likely not) of Justice Scalia is a very big deal, this is America’s Cinderella Moment. America is the Red Heifer to be sacrificed on the altar of the New Temple; Ted Cruz recently stated he can be trusted to move the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem for this reason. Cinderella (Texas Judge named Cinderella orders no autopsy?) means “Ashes”; in 1620 “New Atlantis” was published by Sir Francis Bacon declaring America the “New Atlantis” created when the Phoenix Immolates itself by Fire and rises anew. America (Amar=Canaanite god of the setting sun; Amurru=Edomite Serpent and Shepherd god; Ameru=Serpent; Michael/Michelle is related to Ethiopian serpent priests of Ameru) was designed and built for this single purpose. You may recall on Election Night Michael/Michelle wore a Black Widow Dress
This was not a fashion statement.
Jesus refers to Jerusalem as “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” in Rev 11:8KJV. If you think Obama’s previous 2 Lesbian Supreme Court appointees Sonia Sotomayor (member of Belizian Grove, the women’s counterpart to Bohemian Grove) and Elena Kagan (Obama’s mentor at Columbia, Harvard and Solicitor General; Kagan means “Khazar Royalty”) No Fowl Play at John Poindexter’s Quail hunting ranch? The 3rd Beast in Dan 7:6 is a Leopard with 4 wings of a Fowl; Black Panthers refer back to this Panther/Leopard, again referring to Ham (Black) and incest with his Cainite mother (Gen 9:22-23) A bit coincidental the 7th Tetrad of Lunar Eclipses ended on 9/23 eh?
Justice Raphael “Ted” Cruz? Ted was born in Calgary; his father Raphael was born in Cuba; his mother Eleanor Darragh Wilson has no verified Birth Certificate from Wilmington Delaware. There is no Consular Report of Birth abroad in Canada. Ted was born Dec 22, 1970, his Canadian Birth Certificate issued Dec 31, 1970 (Why the 8 day delay?)Canada had no Dual Citizenship Laws in place when Ted was born. Ted was never Naturalized a US Citizen and has renounced Canadian Citizenship (if he had that). He is definitely not a Natural Born US citizen (Art 1 Sec 2 Clause 5 Def: Person born in the US to 2 parents who were both US Citizens at the time of Birth); he is likely not even a US Citizen at all.
Ted was Bush Jr Solicitor General, a Canadian citizen arguing cases for a State that never signed incorporation papers to become a US State, under a Flag that flies even with the US Flag. Ted knows quite well Texas was and still is set to become the HQ of the Confederacy (Federal “Foederis” means Covenant with God; Confederate the opposite); Lone Star making sense yet?
On Oct 2013 “New Beginnings” Mega Church Pastor Larry Huch blew the Shofar, on stage with a Cross superimposed over the Star of Molech and a Hanukkah Menorah backdrop, told his Yarmulke wearing Texas congregation with newly minted Texas Senator Raphael “Ted” Cruz and Cuban preacher/father Raphael Cruz in attendance, God spoke to him saying “We aren’t waiting 3 1/2 years, God has laid His hand on Ted and he has been anointed for the end times transfer of wealth…he was the real deal as law clerk and is the real deal as senator…he will be the real deal as VP or Supreme Court Justice”. Ted has stated “I can be trusted to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem; Jesus calls Jerusalem “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” (Rev 11:8) Better check with Edomite King Abdullah II of Jordan Ted.
Raphael means “God Heals”; the non-canonical (considered part of the Canon by Roman Catholic and Orthodox) Book of Tobit declares Raphael, the Archangel of Healing. What a coincidence Pope Francis and Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill just healed the 1000 year old East-West schism today in where else but Cuba. Ted=Theodore=Theo=God; Cruz is Portuguese (read Sephardic or Crypto) for Cross. Constantine adopted the Pagan Cross (Jesus was Crucified on a Tree) symbol and the slogan “In Hoc Signo Vinces” (By this sign Conquer). I suspect some Fowl Play on the Texas Quail Hunting trip
Justice Sri Srinivasan?
Srinivasan was Enron lead Attorney Ken Lay took a massive insurance policy after his energy fraud conviction which paid off after his alleged “Heart Attack”; just disappear and enjoy the ill gotten gains eh Ken? Jeff Skilling then made a fortune on Weather Derivatives; predicting Insurance exposure to Geo-engineered Weather is very profitable; just ask Knight of Malta, Knight of Columbus, Skull & Bones Jeb Bush who was nearly caught flying a DC-9 full of cocaine into Tampa, spirited all the flight records of the 9/11 alleged hijackers out of Tampa on a C-130 and presided over Florida Hurricane season during “The Big 4 or ’04”. Deja Vu here with Antonin Scalia’s “Heart Attack” eh?
Sri was then appointed Dep Solicitor General under George Bush Jr. His boss Solicitor General Ted Olsen’s wife Barbara managed to make the magic cell phone call before her plane allegedly hit the Pentagon, magically drilling a 16ft diameter hole through 6 18in thick titanium cable reinforced concrete walls, escaping detection by 8 video cameras, leaving no evidence of a B-757, hitting the “Abel Danger” investigators of missing US nuclear weapons, Larry Silverstein’s World Trade Center $7B Terrorist Insurance Policies, missing $2.3 Trillion lost by Bush Jr’s Talmudic Rabbi Dov Zakheim, his TX Comptroller and Rumsfeld’s Pentagon Comptroller who supplied the remote flight termination control of the 4 aircraft used on 9/11, and after losing $2.3 Trillion, his son Roger Zakheim was appointed Iraq-Afghanistan fraud investigator. Now Roger, how did Uday and Qusay Hussein make off with $60B in $US during the US no-fly zone over Iraq?. Sri, arguing the White House defense of the 9/11/2001 ritual slaughter/insurance fraud, was followed by arguing the hunt for Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda; a trusted sold out Satanist who was sworn in as DC Court of Appeals Judge with his hand on the Bhagavad Gita “I do solemnly swear to defend the Constitution, so help me Krishna? How about Shiva”? Antonin Scalia was appointed by Ronald Reagan (really by his handler Skull & Bones, Knight of Malta George HW Bush) to this same stepping stone office the year Hollywood actor Ronald Reagan became President.
America is not and has never been a Christian Nation; it only carried the façade. We may be about to see why Obama carries an Idol of the Monkey King Hanuman with him.
“We Corrupt in order to control” Giuseppe Mazzini
“Oh mortal man, is there nothing you cannot be made to believe?” Adam Weishaupt
Jesuits are not followers of JESUS, they are Satanists trained to become “Stumbling Blocks” for Israel (One who wrestles with God) as they are today for followers of JESUS; 5th Column, Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes corrupting the Word of God. Example, Balak the Moabite king and Balaam in Num 22 brought the Jezebel Spirit to Israel precisely as Jesus warned in Rev 2:20. The Star of David? Not quite; Moabite Star of “Chemosh” more like. The Jesuit teaching legacy is Corrupt” Pre-Trib “Rapture” was created by Fr’s Francisco Ribera, Roberto Bellarmino and Manuel Lacunza with later help from Kansas con man Cyrus Scofield, promoter of “Study” Bibles. Big Bang Theory was originated by Fr Georges Lemaitre with help from the corrupt Edwin Hubble who believed nothing concerning the Expanding Universe. Evolution Theory by Charles Darwin and Fr Pierre Tielhard du Chardin with help from the corrupt Louis Leakey. Vaccinations by Quack Dr/ Fr Edward Jenner. God Particle/Gravity Theory the brainchild of Fr Roger Boscovich. Holocaust “Final Solution” and Mein Kampf by Fr Bernhard Staempfle. Pederasty/Pedophilia promoted by NAMBLA initiate Fr Paul Shanley “Sex before 8 or its too late”. Protocols of Zion and Federal Reserve the work of Jesuit General Wlodimor Ledochowski.
Other corruptions include: The 3rd Temple aka “Ezekiel’s Temple” is made by God and comes down from Heaven after the Millennium and “Gog and Magog”. There is no Temple during the Millennial reign of Jesus Christ on Earth. This event is over 1000 years away. Daniel’s “70 Weeks” (Dan 9:24-27) is 490 days, not the BS your Study Bible describes. These 490 days are the final 490 days of the 1260 day “Great Tribulation” occurring during the 5th Trumpet “Woe”.
Fowl Play? As sure as the Eagle is the symbol of Esau getting set to gather around America’s carcase Mat 24:28
April 22, 2016 is Passover, Jesus was rejected; His body laid in the Earth and rose the 3rd day on Feast of First Fruits. In the 2016 Satanic Jubilee Passover is also Earth Day, the world agreed to end the lives of all but 1Billion people. Vietnam Operation Phoenix, ISIS arming, Skull & Bones Satanist, 330 Luciferian Freemason, Jesuit, Knight of Malta, Bohemian Grove Molech worshipper, CFR traitor, Bilderberg Initiate John Kerry (Samaritan Kohen) is the US Representative.
Passover aligns with Earth Day in the 2016 Satanic Jubilee Year. The United Nations Global Climate Change Agreement aka Agenda 21 was signed by leaders and or representatives of 170 Nations; there are 180-189 nations, some with no population. The UN Politburo (Political Bureau Uniting the Nations God Separated) representatives are Appointed in Secret, provided Diplomatic Immunity, and all pledge to reduce Carbon; how? By murdering all but 500M-1B of the Earth’s population deemed “Useless Eaters” all for the “Good of the Earth”. Diplomatic Immunity extends only to Earth; in Heaven they will likely be Judged and sentenced to Hell for Eternity.
Paris climate agreement at UN headquarters in New York.On this 46th Earth Day
BonesmanKerry has initiated a systematic, top-down push to create an agencywide focus on global warming.John Kerry is signing the Paris Agreement on behalf of the United States, accompanied by his two year-old granddaughter (Isabelle).
His goal is to become the lead broker of a global climate treaty in 2015 that will commit the United States and other nations to historic
Federal Grand Jury Liar Bill Clinton nominated Merrick Garland to the Federal Bench; Garland was lead prosecutor of the AP Murrah Bldg explosion (BATFE installed the bombs, McVeigh was a patsy) and Unabomber Trials. CNN correspondent David Gregory’s wife Beth Wilkinson, also a prosecutor in the McVeigh Trial is now attorney for Hillary Clinton’s “E-Mail Gate”. Small world isn’t it?
If Merrick Garland is confirmed to the Supreme Court he would decide a raft of pending key cases involving “Natural Born Citizen” definition; ObamaCare; Gay Marriage; Climate Change; 2nd Amendment; Affirmative Action; Immigration and TPP
Canadian born son of Cuban born, US draft dodger, undocumented alien Rafael Cruz, Ted “Rafael” Cruz is eligible to be on the New Jersey Ballot for President according to NJ Judge Jeff Masin, on April 12. Judge Masin presided over Obama’s eligibility trial in NJ on the same day April 12, 2012; Obama attorney Alexandra Hill argued since Obama’s Hawaii Birth Certificate is an obvious forgery, it cannot be entered into evidence. Judge Masin said “There is no certainty what the founders meant by “Natural Born Citizen”. No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President. Ted was born in Calgary Dec 22, 1970; Canada allowed Dual Citizenship in 1977.
Judge Masin said the Supreme Court must decide the matter; maybe Merrick Garland, Judge for the April 19 Waco Siege and April 19 AP Murrah Bldg bombing will be the deciding vote
Have you heard about a Picture of Rafael Cruz, standing next to Lee Harvey Oswald ???. After jfk was assassinated he fled to Canada and worked for the bush oil company
interesting case scenario the dots are falling into place. The Cuban connection Bushes the Texan mobsters who wiped out JFK. The puzzle is coming full circle, the picture is now in 3 D. I wonder what Cruz has to say about his father’s connection to the assassination, the bloodhounds are circling the culprits
Yes, Here it is
Boeing Names Michael Kurth as VP/GM Unmanned Airborne Systems
The Mormon General Conference ended with a speech declaring “Our Birthright and Divine Right” The Birthright refers to Cain, Ishmael and Esau, not Abel, Shem, Isaac or Jacob. Times are about to get very interesting
Rom 1:28 “God gave them over to a reprobate mind” John Kasich Gay Sex Scandal is about to be revealed. All of them are deviants leading double lives. Cruz is likely Gay, the sex scandal is a cover just like Tigetr Woods’ 26 affairs; it’s all BS (Bush Jr Solicitor Gen and TX Atty Gen); Rubio is Gay; Obama is Gay; Bush Jr is Gay; Trump and Melania? Puhleeze; Clinton is Gay (Huma Abedeen is the beard for Junk Emailer Anthony Weiner). Washington and Lincoln were Gay as well. I don’t have an issue with that as long as people get to vote for someone who is honest; these are men who must lead double lives and Jesus says “A Double minded man is unstable in all his ways”.
Kasich lived for 20 years with his Gay “Chief of Staff”; a bit too obvious? Obama’s Chief of Staff was Rahm Emanuel a member of “Man’s Country” the oldest Gay Bath House in Chicago as is Obama.
Gen. Hyten: Raytheon’s OCX the Best Bet for New GPS Ground System
While acknowledging the fury over problems with the new GPS ground system, the head of Air Force Space Command told lawmakers this month that finishing the program with the current contractor was the best way forward.
That contactor, Raytheon, is years behind on the Next Generation Operational Control System (OCX), a project whose price tag may now top $4 billion.
States are using “smart” lighting systems to create a national biometric and vehicle database
A company called Sensity Systems is using “smart” LED lighting called NetSense to set up a national surveillance network.
The name of the new national surveillance network is called SkyNet.
I’m joking, it’s called NetSense.
“Sensity’s NetSense Partner Program is designed to accelerate a global ecosystem for the Industrial Internet of Things .”
“The company [Sensity] targets malls, universities and cities
Sensity Systems uses energy-efficient LED lighting as the foundation for a high-speed, sensor-based Light Sensory Network (LSN). The company enables light owners to capitalize on the LED conversion process by embedding networking technology within both retrofit and new LED luminaires. With Sensity’s open, privacy-by-design, multiservice NetSense platform, lighting owners are able to reduce energy costs and implement a variety of applications and services, including public safety, environmental and weather monitoring, parking management and location analytics.
“Sensity’s NetSense Partner Program is designed to accelerate a global ecosystem for the Industrial Internet of Things .”
Hugh Martin CEO
07/21/15 $36,000,000 Venture Acuity Brands
Cisco Investments
GE Ventures
Simon Venture Group
NeuroComputer to Shepherd Nukes
LLNL will use the new system to explore new computing capabilities important to the National Nuclear Security Administration’s (NNSA) missions in cyber security, stewardship of the nation’s nuclear deterrent and non-proliferation,” Dharmendra Modha, IBM fellow and chief scientist for brain-inspired computing, IBM Research-Almaden (San Jose, Calif.) told EE Times. “NNSA’s Advanced Simulation and Computing (ASC) program will evaluate machine learning applications, deep learning algorithms and architectures plus conduct general computing feasibility studies
Ocean wave energy harvesting nets $2 million Department of Energy grant
That potential has Zuo excited, and he’s not alone. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) recently confirmed a $2 million grant for Zuo to produce a prototype new generation of ocean wave generator.
“The study of ocean wave energy harvesting isn’t new — the first patent for a device dates to 1799,” said Zuo, the associate director of the National Science Foundation Industry and University Cooperative Research Program Center for Energy Harvesting Materials and Systems in Virginia Tech’s College of Engineering. “Despite this, the field isn’t mature either. Wave energy technology is really still in its infancy worldwide, and that opens up an immense area of research that is really exciting to be a part of.”
Before arriving in Blacksburg in 2014, Zuo worked on an initial harvesting system as part of the State University of New York at Stony Brook. His move to Virginia Tech has opened doors to broader research collaboration.
“Virginia Tech is the best in the nation in the fields of energy harvesting and power electronics,” he said. The current project with DOE will see Zuo teamed with professors Robert Parker from mechanical engineering and Khai Ngo, the Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Virginia Tech; the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colorado; the Resolute Marine Energy company; and THK North America
Predicting Which Viruses Will Cause Human Epidemics – See more at:
To address this issue, a team from the University of Sydney’s Charles Perkins Centre compiled and analyzed a database of 203 human viruses and used statistical models to identify biological factors that predict which viruses are most likely to successfully emerge in human populations. Their findings were published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. – See more at:
Wonder Women(Amazon Red Blue and Gold(Phoenix) as her emblem) Belgium Photo cAPITION 1918 ON THE NEW Batman Vs Superman Movie Hmmm
Retired U.S. Coast Guard Bramble has big role in new Batman movie
3/28 – Port Huron, Mich. – Amid all the familiar Metro Detroit locales featured in the film “Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice” is one that has been part of Port Huron since 1975.
The historic and retired U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Bramble, which normally is docked at the Seaway Terminal in Port Huron, has a pivotal role in the movie. The Bramble portrays a tramp steamer used to smuggle a large shipment of kryptonite into Gotham City.
“It was a big part of the movie,” said Bob Klingler, who has owned the Bramble since 2013 and operates it as a museum ship. This past summer, he and the crew finished returning the ship to working order and took two shakedown cruises into the St. Clair River and Lake Huron to work out the bugs in the vessel.
“We ended up in three different scenes (in the movie),” Klingler said.
He and about 52 Bramble crewmembers and employees of Malcolm Marine – who helped tow the Bramble to Detroit for filming in May 2014 – watched the movie Thursday at Riverside Cinemas in Marine City.
“It was a great experience,” Kilngler said. “It’s crossed off the bucket list. I don’t think it will happen again, but it was pretty cool.”
Klingler said he portrays the captain and can be seen in the movie using the ship’s crane to unload the shipment of kryptonite.
Port Huron Times
Pretty Kryptic to smuggle Kryptonite in a Bramble (Bush) eh? Cryptos Hide on the inside; Cicero noted the same thing in Rome “A traitor inside the gates is far more to fear than an army outside the gates because he hides among his victims speaking a familiar language, acceptable to his intended victims”
In Detroit, a Satanic Mass was said on the Capitol Steps just before the movie premiere; a Jesuit blessed statue of Jesus Crucified on a Park Bench and an enthroned statue of Satan (Baphomet Goat) are there too. Detroit Area Code 313 matches the number of ! in the KJV and date of 3/13/13 Pope Francis was elected. When there are 313 sincere followers of Shia Islam al-Mahdi will return; 313 followers of Islam fought the first Battle of Badr. Pretty Kryptic eh?
Batman Vs. Superman’ location confirmed in Michigan reliable source has told us some filming will be done at Nicholson Terminal & Dock Company , 60 E Great Lakes St, River Rouge, MI . Including Masonic Temple
Zionist Merrick Garland’s maternal grandfather orchestrated America’s entry into WWII; it’s fitting he would orchestrate the death of America’s Constitution. WWII was pre-planned to exchange Naziism for Communism; WWIII was pre-planned to pit Zionism against Islam.
2016 is a Satanic Jubilee; the Phoenix is “Lord of the Jubilee”. 44 yrs ago Clear Channel, owned by Bain Capital (Mitt Romney and Israeli Mossad asset Orit Gadeish) began buying up Radio (FM and AM) media (Media is derived from Medes aka Persian Magi) and Billboards; on Feb 29th Clear Channel and AT&T launched RADAR (Radio detecting and ranging) Billboards in 11 of the US largest markets to locate and track people using 100’s of thousands of Billboards. The All Seeing Eye of Horus is on the $US above the Pyramid “Amid the Flames”; 44 is the sacred number of Horus; Liber 44: Mass of the Phoenix is Aleister Crowley’s book dedicated to Horus in the New Age. The capstone (Pyramidion or Benben Stone) of the Pyramid symbolizes the New Age and Mass of the Phoenix.
Extermination Order 44, by Ill Gov Liburn Boggs, called for exterminating Mormons sworn to avenge the death of the prophets (both Masons) Hyrum and Joseph Smith on America until the last drop of blood is spilled; Mitt Romney knows this; Obama is President #44 and likely the last also planned 44 years ago (1971) in a Satanic vision by C Alan Martin (Google 12 House Prophecy).
America is named after Amurru, the origination of Chaldean (Mitt Romney is Chaldean ie Culdee “Romanichal”) Black Magick. Amurru is one of 77 names of Satan and name of the Edomite Serpent and Shepherd god.
Merrick Garland, first nominated to the Federal Bench by Federal Grand Jury Liar Bill Clinton to handle the OKC Bombing farce trial of patsy Tim McVeigh. BATFE and FBI were all on scene in minutes; bombs set in the building killed mostly children in America’s Choice Day Care; the Fertilizer Truck ANFO Bomb had nothing to do with the building devastation.
The date April 19 was selected as a Fordicidia (Pregnant Cow) Fire Sacrifice set up from the Elohim City compound in OK on the same day Freemasons fired the “Shots heard round the world” on Lexington and Concord to begin the American Revolution. April 19 was the day Hitler chose to set fire to the Warsaw Ghetto and Gen Wes Clark, Janet Reno and Gen Wes Clark (Samaritan Cohen) chose to set fire to the Branch Davidian compound in WACO, whose trial was overseen by Merrick Garland.
What are the odds the US Supreme Court would one day have 5 fake Jews and 4 Jesuits?
Howard is this some sort inside scoop u have . Man , this didn’t even cross my radar nor many website I seen.
No inside scoop; I just researched him and found out Clinton tried to get him on the Appeals Court during his Impeachment. His grandfather formulated the New Deal and defended the Fire Bombings and Atomic Bombing of civilians; Merrick would decimate the Constitution
44 yrs ago Clear Channel, owned by Bain Capital (Mitt Romney and Israeli Mossad asset Orit Gadeish) began buying up Radio (FM and AM) media (Media is derived from Medes aka Persian Magi) and Billboards; on Feb 29th Clear Channel and AT&T launched RADAR (Radio detecting and ranging) Billboards in 11 of the US largest markets to locate and track people using 100’s of thousands of Billboards. The All Seeing Eye of Horus (44 is the sacred number of Horus; Liber 44: Mass of the Phoenix is Aleister Crowley’s book dedicated to Horus) is the capstone (Pyramidion) of the Pyramid (Pyre=Amid the Flames) for a reason.
Clear Channel is now IHeart Media; in Babylonian “Heart” is “Baal”. America is the Phoenix, whose destruction will be the Scapegoat for Babylon out of whose Flames (Pyre) will give birth to New Atlantis in 2020; seeing clearly yet? You will.
Nuclear radiation indian-point-radiation-leak
Activist Post Buchanan, NY — An uncontrollable radioactive flow from the Indian Point nuclear power plant continues leaking into groundwater, which leads to the Hudson River, raising the specter of a Fukushima-like disaster only 25 miles from New York City.
In 1620 Francis Bacon published New Atlantis; America was destined to be the Phoenix out of whose ashes the New World Order would rise; in exactly 400 years? The 5th Lateran Council (Pope Leo X was Black Nobility) 1517 was the last before the Catholic-Protestant Schism set to be healed on Oct 31, 2016-17.
The Roman Catholic-Orthodox Schism was formally healed the day before the Scalia stage show on Lent. Lupercalia aka Valentine’s Day is Day 44, Obama is President #44 predicted to be the last according to the 44 yr old prediction made by C Alan Martin. Liber 44: Mass of the Phoenix is the sacred number of Horus, corresponding to the movie “God’s of Egypt” about the battle of Horus versus Set released Feb 26.
America is the Phoenix; Mass means “Sacrifice and consumption of a suitable host”; Scalia was fake Catholic; his son celebrated the Mass of his father just as Horus does for his father Osiris using the ashes of Lent; 40 days Weeping for Tammuz (Tam=Purify; Muz=Fire).
The Order of St Hubertus? Hubertus means Sons of Heber the Kennite; Jael took a tent peg and used it as a Nail to pin the Temples of Sisera to the Earth; a nature worshipping Canaanite Cult offered their mock sacrifice on Lubercalia; Lupercus=Pan; Pantheism is Earth Worship. Barack (played by Barack Obama) the captain of Deborah’s (Canaanite Dabar=Word=Bee; played by Hillary Clinton) Army and 5th Judge of Israel
All this exactly 500 years or 10 Jubilees when Prince Melchisedek is predicted to arrive according to 11Q13 Prince Melchesedek Scroll.
America will become the Scapegoat for Rev 18 “Babylon”, the 313th ! in Scripture, date 3//13/13 Pope Francis was elected the “Final Pope” according to St Malachy (Molechy), date of Islam’s Battle of Badr and arrival of “al-Mahdi” when there are 313 sincere followers of Shia Islam.
To that end, America has the Indian Point Nuc Power Plant leaking radiation into the Hudson River uncontrollably, 25 miles and upwind of NYC
America receives a steady dose of Fukushima Radiation; the entire Pacific ecosystem is in grave danger of extinction.
LA has an incontrollable Methane Leak; A 1.6M Lb ANFO bomb is ready at the “Crucible” in the Mercury (Mercury=Toth-Hermes “As Above, So Below) Nevada Test Site to shower the debris of 1000 Atomic and Nuclear Tests on Lake Mead, the water supply for LA, SD, and Phoenix.
Deep Water Horizon Well continues to spew Methane under 50,000++ PSI from a 22in orifice into the seabed. FEMA, NOAA and the US Navy have planning maps drawn up showing the Salt Dome collapsing over the New Madrid Fault leaving 30M people underwater.
St Louis has an uncontrollable underground fire next to a radioactive waste dump leading into the Missouri River.
Los Alamos New Mexico radioactive waste canisters are rusted, leaking and in danger of Fission explosions.
Hanford Super Fund Site has rusted, leaking, nuc reactor cores flowing into the Columbia River and again, the danger of fission explosions.
San Onofre and Diablo Canyon nuc power stations are leaking
Yellowstone Caldera is moving toward the surface; the resulting ash field predicted to cover 1/2 of the US.
All this is intentional; Jesus will returns to destroy those who destroy the Earth. If He didn’t shorten “Those Days” no Flesh would be Saved; Those Days are the last 3 1/2 years likely from Passover (2016 or 2017?) until the 2nd Coming on Feast of Tabernacles (2019 or 2020?)
The world is dealing with lying psychopaths, whose souls are sold out to Satan (Serpent), bent on destroying the Earth and most all the Flesh on it in order to re-make Creation in their own Image; precisely the line used in the recent X-Files series by the Smoking Man whose death is imminent.
Cathar “Perfecti” are the Order of Perfectibillists spoken of by Jesuit Adam Weishaupt who brought the Gnostic-Chaldean-Canaanite Cult to America and Beltaine (May Day) 1776 on the $US under the All Seeing Eye of Horus, next to the Eagle, the symbol of Esau.
I’m not sure how to word this any differently; America (Amurru=Edomiite Serpent and Shepherd god; Amar=Canaanite god of the west or Setting Sun=Death; Ameru=Serpent) is at the point in the movie Titanic, split in 1/2, lights about to go out for the final time, all the riches insured and sinking to the bottom of the Atlantic (Atlantis).
The only way out of this is a personal relationship with JESUS, the Alpha and Omega, I AM, Melchisedek (King of Jerusalem/Priest of the Most High) and Shiloh (He whose it is).
Jesus wasn’t kidding when He said there would be False Christs, Wars, Famines, Earthquakes in diverse places and Pestilence (Disease carrying, Transgenic Mosquitoes with built in On-Off Switches are set to be released at any time).
“We corrupt in order to rule” Jesuit-Freemason-Witch Giuseppe Mazzini who planned 3 World Wars on Feast Day of Lucifer Aug 15, 1871 Everyone who so chooses to avoid establishing a 1 on 1 personal covenant with JESUS through the Holy Ghost will hear “Depart from me, I never knew you”. The Covenant (Contract) is simple “Love God” (1 Cor 13 “Charity”) and “Love your Neighbor”.
The leak is only reporting Tritium; it is actually Trillions of times worse containing fission by-products Cesium 137 and Strontium 90 causing Bone cancer and heart disease.
Scalia is/was pretend Catholic; his wife Maureen is pretend Catholic-Anglican now Catholic.
The International Order of St Hubertus hosted Scalia at Cibolo Creek Ranch; the Society began in the US at the Bohemian Club in San Francisco in “Year One Satan” 1966, at the same location and time the term “Al Qaeda” was coined by Stanford Univ visiting professor of Islamic studies Ibn Sayyid Qutb and the Church of Satan was founded by Anton LaVey (Howard Levey) and NSA General, Temple of Set leader Michael Aquino.
St Hubertus (Hubertus=Bright Mind) has a Bull Shit story comparable to that of St Denis (Denis=Dionysus) who preached sermons with his severed head; important to the Scalia story, Hubertus is revered by both the Catholic and Anglican Church. Hubertus became devoted entirely to hunting after his wife died in childbirth, until he stumbled upon a Stag with a large golden cross between its antlers; thereafter Hubertus became the Patron Saint of Mathematics, Opticians, Metal Workers, Hunters and Fishermen; The Order of Bohemia (Bohemian Grove Molech worshippers) and Order of Bavaria (Bavarian Illuminati aka Skull & Bones).
Hubertus means Son of Heber the Kennite and the family of the father-in-law of Moses; Heber’s wife Jael took a nail and hammered it through the Temples of Sisera the Canaanite; likewise Scalia and the Order of Hubertus may have just hammered the same Nail into the Supreme Court.
Final Bow or Final Nail has to do with the Supreme Court beside splitting or the Adding of the Sri fella???
Devil images around Justice Scalia at Cibolo Creek Ranch
Jesuit Pope Francis and Partiarch Kirill heal the 1000 yr schism to start Lent 2016; between the 2 snake oil salesmen the Skull & Bones
“People are handicapped coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous, they cannot believe is actually exists” Luciferian Mason, Sodomite FBI Director J Edgar Hoover
“Scalia died on the first day of Lupercalia (Day of the Wolf), Valentines, and Lent, on Day #44, leaving the Supreme Court with a 4-4 split. 44 is the Sacred Number of Horus (Tammuz) in the New Aeon. Aleister Crowley’s book “Liber 44: Mass of the Phoenix” refers to America as the “New Atlantis” rising as a Phoenix from self destruction, written in 1620 by Sir Francis Bacon in “New Atlantis”. The Phoenix is called “Lord of the Jubilees”; 2016 is a Satanic Jubilee. The mythical Phoenix dies and regenerates every 500 years; 11Q13 “Prince Melchisedek Scroll” predicts the arrival of Prince Melchesidek after 10 Jubilees (500 years); this being from the 5th Lateran (Hidden Frogs) Council signed by Black Nobility Pope Leo X. 44 is the Gematria of the Hebrew word (Dam) for Blood; In 1971 C Alan Martin predicted the US would end with President #44; Obama means “He is with us” in Farsi. Mormon Extermination Order #44 requires/required Mormons to avenge the death of the prophets Joseph and Hyrum Smith upon the United States until the last drop of gentile blood is spilled; Federal Agents at the Oregon standoff at 44N119E allegedly gunned down Mormon LaVoy Finicum in cold blood; Finicum published “Only by blood and suffering. Reclaiming lost Freedom” July 4, 2015, the same year Silver Shield Bullion coins were issued “2015 Year of the Sheep” featuring 2 Wolves feasting on a Lamb. “Beast” is mentioned 44 times in Revelation; the Beast is rising and Hell awaits for everyone outside a personal Covenant with JESUS.
Fr Paul Scalia, educated in Rome, at the Thomas Aquinas Angelicium (Aquinas was called the Angel Doctor) will conduct the Mass of his father at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception; this Jesuit theory holds that Mary was made Sinless by her yet un-conceived son and remained so throughout her life, existing today as co-redemptrix.
Scalia was found with unwrinkled bed clothes and a pillow on his face. 2 Judges who could not drive to Cibolo Ranch said they would have ordered an Autopsy, yet Cinderella Guevara, the third Judge called did not order one on the advice of an unnamed US Marshall.
Paul and his mother Maureen also ordered no autopsy and refused the visit by Alpine Funeral Home, preferring instead to fly the body to El Paso to the US Marshall and FBI “Recommended” Sunset Funeral Home for prompt embalming.
If this doesn’t smack of fraud what does?
Jesus sent the 12 to reclaim the lost sheep of Israel and the 70 (Lk 10) to the Lion’s Den in Samaria. You want to preach to the choir Randy, that’s your decision. I’m preaching to those bewildered by deception.
Really? What difference does all that make anyway to a born again believer of Jesus our Christ? God doesn’t live in Temples made with hands, he lives inside this Temple, every born again believer is the Temple God lives in and we are to trust in his finished works. He raised his temple after three days of dying on the cross. He died once for all and all sins are forgiven and the free gift of salvation is given to true believers. Our work is to believe in the one God sent and that is Jesus. We can waste our time on all those who remain in darkness but that’s not what God called us to do. If the Holy Spirit leads us to minister to non-believers who are still dead in their sins then that’s what we should do otherwise we are to trust in Jesus. We believers have been raised from the dead and are Spiritually alive. Let the dead bury the dead unless they repent of their unbelief and believe in Jesus and his finished works.