Jeremiah 10 describes the Christmas Tree as “Heathen” (Heath means Earth). The Solstice is Yule (Geole) when Druids (Knowers of Trees) lit Yule Logs (Leg Bones) of sacrifices offered at Samhain (Halloween) to the Sun god which rises on Dec 25 “Nativity of the Sun” the “Dies Natalis Solis Invicti” or Day of the Unconquered Sun. God ordained 7 Holy Feasts aka Holidays: Passover, Feast of Unleavened Bread, Feast of First Fruits, Pentecost, Feast of Trumpets, Feast of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles (Ref Lev 23); the latter is the only 8 day Feast. Satan invented all the other Holy Days in every religion on Earth. Christmas means “Sacrifice of Jesus Christ and Consumption (Mass) of the Host (Eucharist)”; it has nothing to do with Jesus or anything else in the New Covenant. The infant in the Nativity scene? Horus, Tammuz, Attis, Dionysus, Krishna.
“Christmas is cancelled, now that WWIII has begun. Christmas this year will be a charade” Pope Francis Nov 22, 2015 on the anniversary of the Masonic/Jesuit assassination of the 1st Born Again Christian Catholic US President.
“This is the beginning of the End Times, this time next year the world will be unrecognizable. While the world starves, burns and descends into chaos we should realize this year’s Christmas may be the last” Pope Francis, Pope #266; #112 from Celestine V, “Peter the Roman” aka Final Pope in the St Malachy (Molechy) Plan on Dec 21 standing in front of a giant Evergreen Tree (Grove) at the Vatican (Divine Serpent). Likely, the Catholic Church has its last Pope and America its final President in currently in office; WWIII is designed to take the world to economic, physical and moral exhaustion in order for Lucifer and the Mark of the Beast to be accepted; don’t be fooled.
Keep one thing in mind here; Jesuits and Masons have been planning revenge on the Catholic Church for 700 years for this particular year. 2016 is a Satanic Jubilee (50 years after the 6th Tetrad and 1966 6-Day War and founding of the Church of Satan) Rome is not the Whore of Babylon nor the City on 7 Hills; JESUS gave His warning to Roman Catholics in Rev 2:18-29 “Church of Thyatira” (Thyatira means Mass or Continual Sacrifice). Mecca is also not the City on 7 Hills as claimed by Walid Shoebat, PLO, Arab League, Muslim Brotherhood Wolf in Sheep’s clothes Jerusalem is the City on 7 Hills, the Whore of Babylon aka Spiritually Sodom and Egypt where the LORD was crucified (Rev 11:8KJV). Christmas means Sacrifice of Jesus and consumption of His body in the Eucharist; it has always been a Heathen (Earth) based invention not remotely part of God’s Holy Days Calendar (Ref Lev 23; Jer:10) Why now?
Creation will be 3 1/2 years shy of 6000 years old (Jesus returns when Creation is 6000 years to the minute Ref 2 Pet 3:8) on Passover 2016. 1656 years Creation to Flood + 2160 years Aries to Pisces + 2160 years Pisces to Aquarius. The Aquarius symbol is on the St Sulpice Obelisk (Baal’s Shaft) in Paris; Pope Francis spoke as the Sun reached its noon zenith on Dec 21. For the first “Legitimate King” Sargon the Great (Sar means Prince; Satanists are “People of the Prince”) to be “Legitimate” he had to have been 21; do the math. Jesus is God in Flesh; JESUS is God in Spirit; His birth was coincident with Creation, (His presence in Eden), on Feast of Tabernacles; His physical birth was on Feast of Tabernacles (Lk 1; Mat 2); His return and worship during the Millennium will be on Feast of Tabernacles (Zech 14:19).
WWIII was planned long ago to pit Islam against Zionism and Jesuit, Big Bang, Global Warming, Evolution, Pantheist, Earth worshipping Pope Francis knows it. Don’t be fooled, the Messiah arriving soon is not God but Satan.
The Christ (Messiah) of Christmas is Horus, Tammuz, Attis, Krishna, Dionysus, Mithra, Sol, Solis Invictus, all names of Lucifer/Satan not Jesus. Isis means “Throne”; Isis is the “Black Virgin” presenting the World to the Antichrist, a Solar god conceived on Easter (Persian Nowruz) and born at Christmas. ISIS has a 7 step plan; 2016 is the year of Worldwide Dominion; ISIS is not Muslim, it is Chaldean.
Krampus the movie was released coincident with CERN attempting to create “Shadow Matter” on Krampusnacht. Old Nick, Old Nikkar, Ruprecht, Certa, Perchten, Black Peter, Schmutzli, Pelznickel are all names for the Shadow of St Nicholas; no surprise as CERN (Cernunnos=Horned One) is attempting to create Dark Matter or Shadow Matter, the Anti-matter companion of the God Particle this week. My guess is the mass-energy of the “Strangelet” will be 137GeV, the so-called “DNA of Light” which forms the basis of Kabbalah (DNA of Light is on Current Events and bottom of Shabazz article)
Jesus was Conceived on Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah) and born Feast of Tabernacles (Lk 1), Jesus was a “Young Child” (Mat 2:1) 1 1/2 years old (Magi arrived on or near Passover 4 BC; Herod died for ordering the “Slaughter of Innocents” 2 and under; had Jesus been older than 2 Herod’s soldiers would have bypassed Him) in Egypt when the “Wise Men” arrived in Bethlehem and was 33 1/2 at His Passover Crucifixion (14 Abib/Nisan) and Resurrection 3 days later on Feast of First Fruits (17 Abib/Nisan).
British means B’Rith=Birthright Covenant. British pretender (Germanic ie of Japheth-Gomer-Saxon descent) Prince William, born on June 21, 1982, son of Diana (Goddess of Witchcraft), 1000th Knight in the Order of the Garter (Witch’s Belt) turns 33 1/2 on Dec 21, 2015. The Order founded by the Chaldean Bankers around Norman Bastard King William the Conqueror in 1066 created the Doomsday Book, an accounting of lands owned by the Crown; today the Crown claims most of Earth’s resource wealth. Antichrist? I doubt that, but stay alert. Messianic Islam is awaiting the arrival of al-Mahdi; 7th Day Adventists such as Ben Carson eagerly await the return of “Christ”; Israelis await a Messiah, Jesus said would come in his own name and be accepted.
The origins of Hanukkah are not of God. Syrians turned the 2nd Temple into Zeus Capitolina (Womb of Zeus); Judah Maccabee (Maccabee means Hammer of God) defeated the Syrian army, cleansed the altar of Pig’s Blood and re-dedicated the Temple on 25 Kislev; 1 day of Oil miraculously burned for 8 days and this Maccabean/Inter-testament (Between Testimonies of God) BS became Hanukkah (Feast of Dedication/Festival of Lights). The Hanukkah Menorah has 8 Branches surrounding the sun-god Shamash.
Santa is the Hittite “God of the West” and has 8 Reindeer because Jesus represents the 8th and final Covenant between Man and God aka “New Covenant”; Rudolph is a 20th century addition representing the 9th Reindeer. The Red Nose is Edom given “Dominion” (Sovereign Authority to Rule Earth) in Gen 27:40 KJV.
Santa is derived from the Nicolaitane (Conquer the Laity) St Nicholas of Myra, a Nordic Shaman bringing Entheogen (God Within) Amenita Mushrooms to those deemed “Good” while his shadow Krampus, the son of Hel brings terror.
Amenita Muscaria Mushrooms rise at Dawn (Lucifer=Phosphorus= Light Bringer=Dawn) from the roots of Evergreen Trees in the Earth in Snakelike fashion; sprout a Round Head (Zodiac=Circle of Heaven); curl upward at the edges to collect the Dew (Soma or Nectar of the sun god) and ultimately invert to form a Cup ie “Holy Grail”.
During the Inter-testament “Silent Period”, Feast of Dedication aka Festival of Lights was born; God did not ordain the Holy Day, Satan did. The Illuminated Tree topped by a Star (STUR is Chaldean for Star of Molech/Chiun) decorated with Ornaments (Sacrifices); Presents (Entheogens) at its base/roots and Tinsel (Dew of Heaven aka Semen of the sun god) were warned of by Jeremiah (Jer 10). Take note of Santa’s Red Suit, Rudolph’s Red Nose, Red and White Amenita Muscaria and Esau’s blessing in Gen 27:40 KJV to live off “fatness of the Earth” (Wealthy), “by the Sword” (Killing) the “Dew of Heaven” (Priests); Christmas and Hanukkah are Edomite Holy Days.
Gen 27:39-41 KJV is Reversed in every New Bible version. It is the most important scripture to understand in my opinion because the roles of Esau and Jacob are reversed. The blessing came from God, not the old age blinded Isaac. Esau is prophesied to live off the fatness of the earth (Wealthy), by the Sword (They will all die by the Sword Ref Obadiah) and from the Dew of Heaven from above (Shaman/Priests/Imam/Rabbis) Priests offering Communion is Blasphemous and brings upon the person the Guilt/Curse of the Crucifixion (Ref 1 Cor 11:27-29).
Jesus is the Word made Flesh; Eating the Flesh of the God in Hallucinogenic Mushrooms doesn’t cut it. The Talmud says “Jesus is the son of a whore, writhing in Hell in His own boiling excrement”. Jesus was Jewish, the Talmud and it’s Rabbis are not Jewish, but Chaldean-Edomite.
The Word of God states “All Liars shall have their part in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone” Esau achieves “Dominion” not Jacob. When Esau obtains this Dominion he will slay his brother Jacob. The House of Jacob is everyone on Earth in a Spiritual relationship with God.
God hates Esau (Mal 1:3; Rom 9:13) and God hates Nicolaitane Doctrine (Elevated Clergy; Rev 2:6;15) becvause they are one in the same. Your Priest and Rabbi are Nicolaitane Edomites.
Esau rejected God and became Edom (Red or Adam as Adam was made from the Earth; they are also called Earth Dwellers in Rev 13) Jacob Wrestled with God and became Israel; this has nothing to do with the Edomite forgery called the nation of Israel.
Amalek is a grandson of Esau; “The LORD will have war with Amalek from Generation to Generation” (Ex 17:16) because they teach others to Reject God and Sell their Birthright as they did. Where? In Church of course! Jesus collects no Tithing; Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes do. Nobody on Earth is authorized to collect Tithing in the New Covenant.
Real Israel (Israel means “One who wrestles with God”) are scattered all across the world; the Babylonian imposters “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes” listed in 2 Ki 17:30 are in Israel and Jerusalem today under the Star of Molech between 2 Blue Stripes representing the Nile and Euphrates Rivers in a Sea of White. Jesus refers to Jerusalem as “Spiritually Sodom and Egypt” in Rev 11:8 for this reason. Obadiah states plainly, none of the House of Esau will remain alive at the second coming. Desperation doesn’t even begin to describe their plight, which is why they Drug us and feed us full of Bull Shit.
Rudolph (Wolf of Fame and Glory and or Ruddy) leads Donnar (Thor=Thunder) and 7 others pulling Santa (Satan), guided by a Shiny Red (Esau rejected God and became Edom=Red) Nose to the Red light District full of Whores of Babylon (Gate of Osiris/Odin). Sharia and Noahide Law enforces the Luciferian Initiation and mandates rejection of Jesus Christ. “Nobody shall enter the New Age unless he or she accepts a Luciferian Initiation” UN Planetary Initiative. Allah is the moon god of Mecca; Mecca (Mechus) means Adultery, the penalty for Adultery is rejection from the Wedding of the Lamb (Rev 19:7) and banishment to Hell for eternity. No this is not meant to be funny, it’s a warning to get out of Babylon!
Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles (15 Tishrei). Hanukkah replaces the 7 Branched Candlestick (Jesus between 2 Thieves=6 uplifted arms around Jesus, hanging on 1 Tree) Moses constructed in favor of a man-made 8 and 9 Branch Hanukkah Menorah; the center candle replaces Jesus with Shamash the Canaanite/Amorite Sun god.
The Nativity Scene is Dies Natalis Solis Invictus (Nativity of the Un-conquered Sun) The Wise Men arrived in Bethlehem when Jesus was 18 months old and in Egypt; Edomite King Herod died after ordering the “Slaughter of Innocents” Passover 4 BC; Jesus was born Feast of Tabernacles 6 BC and Circumcised of the Flesh on the 8th Day of Tabernacles.
Constantine the Great or rather his Druid (Men of Trees) princess (Daughter of Old Druid King Coelus the Merry Old Soul) mother Helena (Helene means Free; Helen of Troy may ring a Baal) adopted the Solar Solstice as Christmas 300 years after the Crucifixion. The 3rd Temple of God is the Flesh of Born Again Christians; “Howbeit the most high dwelleth not in Temples made with hands” God dwells in cleansed and re-dedicated “Born Again” Men and Women raising their innocent children to know the LORD is JESUS.
The Chi-Rho symbol is the Labarum. Chi=Serpent Messiah or Phyre (Phyre seen in the Mitre of Dagan worn by false Christian Solar Priests of Mithra) Energy; Rho=Royal or To Produce. XP, the first 2 letters in the Green rendering of Christ became X-Mass; nothing more than the symbol of a Deer shedding Antlers, a Snake (Serpent) shedding its Skin or the Sun (Sol) descending and rising each year as Solis Invictus (Unconquered Sun) rising from the Sea. Rosicrucian Martin Luther brought the Christmas Tree to the Heathen (Earth) Holiday. America even adopted the Evergreen Tree as its first Flag, followed closely by the coiled Serpent Flag still in use by the Masonically created T (Tammuz) Party. Tammuz is the reason the Glory of the LORD departed Solomon’s Temple; if you want God in your life burn the Tree!
Christmas is Heathen nonsense (Read Col 3:5) Krampusnacht (Krampen=Claw) is Dec 6 in 2015 Dec is also Hanukkah. St Lucia (Bride of Lucifer) is Dec 13. Saturnalia is Dec 17. Yule Goat aka Krampus is Dec 25; Wassail means “Going Yule Goat”. Jan 6 “Epiphany or 3 Kings Day” also has nothing to do with Jesus. Wise Men (Medean Magi) arrived 1 1/2 years after His birth on Feast of Tabernacles in the Spring of 4 BC; He was in Egypt with His parents then, not in a Manger in Bethlehem at Hanukkah. Todays 9 Branch Menorah replaces Jesus with Shamash (Sun); about as Blasphemous as it can get; put one on top of your Christmas Tree (Grove) is you really insist on trying God’s patience! Or NOT!!
Amenita Muscaria Mushrooms
Fly Agaric is the Egyptian Flesh of Osiris and Druid Holy Mushroom of Adonis, the son of the Sun god called “Adonai”. Red and White Mushrooms are collected under Pine Trees in Winter. Conceived on March 25 (Rabbits don’t lay eggs at Easter; Rabbit Idol is the Horite god Anammelech 2 Ki 17:30) and born 9 months later, the baby mushrooms asexually (Immaculately) emerge from the Pine Needles, connected to Evergreen Tree roots as a baby from the Womb connected to its mother. The Mushrooms leave a hole resembling a Bird’s Nest (China Beijing Olympic Stadium “Bird’s Nest” may ring a Baal here) or Rabbit Hole (Matrix movies may ring a Baal; Blue Pill go back to sleep; Red Pill, head down the Rabbit Hole). Bird’s Nest full of Easter (Ishtar) Eggs ringing a Baal here? The basket of course is the Reed Basket Moses floated down the Nile as an infant or Sargon the Great was said to have done in the Euphrates to become “Legitimate King”. Aryans await Sargon III will breathless anticipation.
Colored Eggs denoted Initiated Level among Druids; the Golden Egg symbolizes the Archdruid. The mythical King Arthur’s father Uther Pendragon was a Druid Archbishop or Pendragon, the head of the Knights/Initiates of the Round Table aka Astrological Zodiac.
No shock effect intended, but the symbol of the budding baby mushrooms symbolize “Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost” ie rejection of Jesus as Word in Flesh, Holy Ghost and God in Flesh. The mushroom represents “Luciferian Initiation” and Circumcision, the symbol of the Old Covenant, of which Jesus referred to John the Baptist as the Greatest of the Old yet less than any in the New Covenant. The term Johnnitter (Knights of St John, Hospitallers or Soveriign Military Order of Malta should ring a Baal as many of US Military Brass, Congress and Cabinet are Initiated Satanists.
Education means Bring Up or Rear; Sodomy is called “Satan’s Sex” and serves as the Initiation into Luciferian Cults the world over because it is said to activate the lower Chakra at the base of the spine in Kundalini. Jesuit Sodomite Priest Paul Shanley wrote “Sex before 8 or its too late”. In a subltle way, we do this with Easter and Christmas.
Egyptian Pillars are constructed as Mushrooms aka “Flesh of the Gods”. Hydrogen combines to form Helium “He”. Jesus told the Pharisees “I Am He” and was “Hung on the Tree” for it. He is Jesus’ title, meaning “God is with me”; Fusing Hydrogen molecules results in a Mushroom Cloud. Gnostics believe the Soul will not be Judged by Jesus, but rather Liberated from Earthly bodies; the Liberty Cap, Cap of Mithra or Smurf Cap came about. Thinking Cap ringing a Baal; it is also a Sleeping Cap. Care for a Night Cap? Time to Wake Up folks! Psilocybin Mushrooms grow in Cow Dung; Holy Shit is right; they grow Blue upon drying, hence Hathor is a Blue Cow and Smurfs are Blue. Dumbo is a Blue Flying Elephant because the mushrooms grow in SE Asia in Elephant Dung; hence the Elephant and Cow are revered in many parts of the world.
Pharaoh wore a headdress with a Snake and Bird exiting the Pine Cone shaped Pineal Gland because Chaldean Priests of On (Osiris) convinced him/her they were the incarnation of Osiris on Earth. Her? Yup, Hatshepsut was cross dressing Pharaoh of the Exodus not Ramses II; the Battle of Qadesh “Holy Cow” with the Hittites occurred in 1279 BC; the Exodus in 1492 BC. The 2014 rendition of Exodus: Gods and Kings is chocked full of Holy Bull Shit. Christian Bale/Baal as Moses? Come on it’s not that difficult folks! The Pineal Gland is the 3rd Eye seen on the $US as the Capstone of the Pyramid (Amid the Flames). When America dies, the Great Tribulation begins.
Outside the Vatican are Pine Cone Pillars. Orthodox and Roman Catholic Priests use Pine Cone Sprinklers for “Holy Water” (Salt and Spit or Urine if you are fully Babylonian). Saint Pope John Paul II went so far as carrying the “Twisted Crucifix” adorned with the Pine Cone used by Pagans to rejoice in the Crucifixion and Death of God. Pine Cones produce Initiates of the Tree Cult; Initiated by Illumination of the Pineal Gland with Serpent Energy. Hilarious isn’t it? Easter is also known as Hilaria; Druids ride Hobby Horse Asses on Easter as the Mock King or Holi Fool just for Shits and Gigs.
The US adopted the Evergreen Tree as it’s first Ensign (Flag); the same Ensign ius in Lebanon (Phoenicia) and Qatar. It is no coincidence Evergreen Airlines has a worldwide no-bid contract for Geo-Engineering using Chemtrail Spraying. The Evergreen is the Palm in Arab Nations. Lebanon is Laban meaning “To Make White”; Hezbullah are Aryan Nazis.
Laban and Jacob separated their flocks by color/imperfections which is the “Racist”. There is one Race of Man, and Woman made from Man; Black, Red, Yellow, Brown or White are all made in God’s image. Funny how the colors of Maize are adopted by Baal, the Corn God as imperfect. The entire world struggles against this monstrous “Racist” lie.
Nordic Shaman dressed in Red and White reflect the Mushrooms and Red Lodge in Masonry ie Initiates or Porch Brethren from the White Lodge (Cathar Priests were called Perfecti meaning Sinless; the Illuminati is the Order of Perfectibillists or Theraputae of Alexandria Egypt) aka Great White Brotherhood or Aryans (Iran=Aryan) “Noble Caste”.
Santa is White because Jesus is falsely depicted White in the West. Santa is Bearded as Jesus is falsely depicted because Zeus aka Green Man is Bearded. Santa’s sack contains hallucinogenic mushrooms (same concept as Marijuana aka Mary Jane, Hashish used by Assassins aka Hashishin, Peyoti, Psilocybin etc), hence presents are left under Illuminated Evergreen Trees. They grow during Winter; Shaman descend the Smoke Hole (Chimney) and dry them on the Hearth to eliminate toxins and enhance their Hallucinogenic properties. Children are taught to offer a Cookie and Milk (Body and Blood of the Host Sacrifice) with the threat Krampus will Curse them. Christmas in means Sacrifice and Consumption of the Body of the Host/Messiah) Nothing sparks up Holiday “Holy Day” cheer like Cannibalism of Jesus eh? Novices drink the Urine of Shaman, hence the term “Pissed” means “Drunk” as in Drunk with the Wine of Fornication with this “Whore of Babylon”. Eating these “Entheogens” (God Within) produces Euphoria, hence Flying Reindeer (or Dumb Elephants) and Ruddy (Flushed) Complexion of Santa (Satan) Claus (Krampus=Claws).
Reindeer drop antlers each year as the Snake sheds skin, hence they rejuvenate (synthetic Re-birth) annually and symbolize Cernunnos aka Green Man “Horned One”; Shaman wear Horned Headdresses for this reason. The origin is China (China=Sina=Sin or Wilderness=Cathay=Sons of Heth or Hittites) where Sha Man means “Illuminated One” or Buddha. Siddhartha Guatama aka Buddha is the Pillar, Pole or Axis (Ibn Sayyid Qutb coined the tern Al-Qaeda “Foundation” in 1966 “Year One Satan); Qutb the term used by Dervish Ascetics; similar to Kagan by Aryans; Supreme Court Justice, Sodomite, Obama Solicitor General and Obama mentor Elena Kagan may ring a Baal here. Lazar Kaganovich, another who manufactured Stalin’s Gulag system responsible for the deaths of a 100 million persons.
Aryans (Iran means Aryan) believe God is White and made Man White in His image and likeness; the term “Racial Purity” or “Ethnic Cleansing” may ring a Baal here. Their symbol “Swastika” adopted by Nazis is the Broken Sun Wheel; the goal is to repair Earth to conditions of the Garden of Eden.
This time of year is Holy to Earth Dwellers as the Sun Rises from the Sea each year Unconquered as “Solis Invictus”; Priests from Roman to Orthodox wear the Flame Shape Mitre of Sol/Mithra and unsuspecting Christians put the Labrys (Fish Symbol of the Phoenican fisher King) on their car bumpers. Druids (Men of Oaks/Trees) gathered Holly, and offered Solstice sacrifices in Thor’s Oaks, using the Holly Wood to make their Wands.
Hollywood is named for this Druid Propaganda apparatus; no Hollywood is not Jewish. Think Big Curved TV screen are neat? Just wait for Operation Blue (Blue Lodge=Blue Smurf) Beam sends pictures and sound on the World’s largest TV Screen “Ionosphere”. “Ion Television: Positively Entertaining” ringing a Baal here? Lighting takes an Ionized Path to Earth; Nazi Lightning Bolts ringing a Baal?
Good Friday is Holy Bull Shit just like Lent or Advent. Jesus was Crucified on 14 Abib/Nisan “Passover” on Wednesday (Wotan’s Day); laid in and remained in the Sepulchre 15 Abib “Feast of Unleavened Bread” on Thursday (Thor’s Day) and Friday (Freya’s Day), and was Resurrected on 17 Abib “Feast of First Fruits” on Saturday (Saturn’s Day).
Thor is the son of Odin/Woden/Wotan who is guided by the counsel of 2 birds; Divine Language is Language of Birds; Hugin and Munin with Odin, like Santa or Osiris are pulled across the sky in a Chariot with the same period as the Sun. Shaman dressed in Red and White to mimic the hallucinogenic mushrooms; the time of year around the Solar Solstice and birth of Mithra made them appear as “Entheogens” (God within). Santa’s Sleigh is the Big Dipper aka Ursa Major (Great Bear=Russia), guided by Arcturas the Bear Guard.
Arcturas is King Arthur, King of Britain=B’Rith=Birthright Covenant=Esau=King Arthur. The Sword in the Stone? Amenaita Mucaria Mushrooms exiting the Earth, plucked and eaten by Initiates of the Solar Cult. Lancelot is Arthur’s champion Knight; Why? He committed Adultery with his wife Guinevere. Why a Sword? Excalibur (Voracious) is the Magical Sword ie Magic Mushroom of the “One True King” who becomes this only after committing Adultery with his master. Jesus is the Stone the builders rejected. Arcturas encircles the Pole Star in 24 Hrs, hence Santa is “Ubiquitous” (Everywhere) and Omnipotent (All Knowing). This symbol and slogan is on CFR Magazine “Foreign Affairs” because Santa is not the Christian God, but a Foreign god called “Green Man”; al-Kidr in Arabic or al-Mahdi may ring a Baal.
In Nordic lore, Thor (Son of Odin or Wotan) rides on a chariot pulled by Goats (Jesus is the Scapegoat of Lev 16:8-10); Santa rides in a Sleigh pulled by Reindeer, one of whom is Donnar aka Thor led by the Red (Edomite) Nose.
God has this to say about Solstice celebrations
“Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen…the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. They are upright as the palm tree but speak not…Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil neither also is it in them to do good” Jer 10:2-5
“Ye observe days, and months, and times, and years. I am afraid of you, lest I have bestowed upon you labour in vain” Gal 4:10-11
Biblical Proof Luke 1
“Zecharias, of the course of Abia…as soon as the days of his ministration were accomplished, he departed to his own house. And after those days his wife Elisabeth conceived, and hid herself five months…in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto…Nazareth, To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David, and the virgin’s name was Mary…the Lord is with thee…thou shalt conceive in thy womb and …shalt call his name JESUS…thy cousin Elisabeth …also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren…when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost. A decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed…when Cyrenius was governor of Syria…Joseph also went…out of the city of Nazareth…into the city of David…Bethlehem…to be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child…while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn…there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night….and when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the child, his name was called JESUS” Luke 1:25
To me the single most important issue to know it the Age of Creation, as the timing 6000 year 2nd Coming (2 Pet 3:8) and 7000 year beginning of eternity can be determined.
Creation is approaching 6000 years and when it is, Jesus will return.
Would God set the Sun, Moon and Stars on Day 4 using a New Moon (1 Tishrei=New Moon) or on Tabernacles with the Full Moon? I think the end (Covenant with Many; Dan 9:27) will mimic the beginning week; the Covenant will be broken mid-week ie Day 4 when the 2 Witnesses will be killed; this corresponds to the Crucifixion mid-week (the Good Friday-Sunday morning stuff is nonsense). You bring up a good point on the Trumpets as the 7th Trumpet heralds the 3rd Woe (Wrath) and 2nd Coming 1 Tishrei?
When the 2 Witnesses are killed, people will be sending gifts to one another; the falsification seems to be on Christmas as this is the only day celebrated universally in all cultures. I would think Lucifer will use Christmas to falsify this event.
Jesus was born on Tabernacles. Luke 1 covers the conception of John the Baptist in the 8th Temple period after 1 Abib; his birth on Passover; Jesus’ conception in his 6th month in the womb at Hanukkah and Jesus’ birth 6 months after Passover on Tabernacles.
He was circumcised on the 8th Day of Tabernacles fulfilling the 7th Covenant “Law”; He was rejected as the 7th and became the 8th Covenant. It seems logical to me He would arrive on the 8th Day of Tabernacles.
Jesus’ birth year: Herod was killed by an angel for ordering the Slaughter of Innocents on or near Passover 4 BC; Jesus was a first born “Young Child” under 2; if He was under 1 He would have been called an “Infant or “Baby” (Mat 2:9 KJV). He had to have been born on Tabernacles 6 BC.
As to the long calendar calculations; the Stars must be use; in fact this is the reason the Great Pyramid and King’s Chamber Star Shaft aiming at Alpha Draconis and the Sphinx facing the Solar East were built).
1656 Years Creation to Flood + 2160 years Aries to Pisces + 2160 years Pisces to Aquarius=5976 years. We know that Taurus plays an important part in pre-flood eschatology (Apis Bull, Brahma, Golden Calf; Zeus as the White Bull mating with Europa, Isis with the Sun between the Bull Horns etc). We are 24 years short of 6000 assuming Aquarius is beginning now, in conjunction with the 2015-16 7th Tetrad and Solar Eclipses (Very, Very Rare if ever) and this exactly 50 years after the 1966-67, 6th Tetrad makes this a Jubilee Year.
Sar means Prince; Sargon the Great was declared “Legitimate King” of the known world soon after the Flood; my contention is he could not be Legitimate without a significant event happening at his birth nor before he turned 21. The Sun was in Taurus at the Spring Equinox (Persian Nowruz=New Light; Sphinx is the Lion of Judah) and moved into Aries “Supreme Ram” soon after the Flood. Before the Flood there was no Axis precession. If we assume Aries took over 21 years after the Flood, and Aquarius is beginning now, the Age of Creation is now 5996 years.
To refine this, we know the Ark rested on 17 Tishrei (7th month) and waters went down until 1 Tebeth (10th month) Noah waited 40 days and then opened the Ark to release the Ravin and Dove. He waited another 2 weeks for the Dove to not return. This brings us to the 24 Shebat (11th month). This may be the real reason why Thanksgiving was created and moved to the 3rd Thursday in Nov).
The 2nd Coming would therefore occur on the 8th day of Tabernacles (22 Tishrei) 2019 (really 2020 on the Ecclesiastical calendar); 2020 being the symbol of good vision, as all eyes will see Him (occult Illumination). In Rev 22:7 “Behold I come quickly” 22/7=Pi the Circle of Heaven brought to Earth.
Christmas 2016 may very well be the Final Christmas