(updated 28Aug14)
The Full Moon nearest the Ides of August is the Feast of Lucifer; in 2014, the day was the biggest and brightest Super Moon (Full Moon nearest Perigee). For Satanists, the Feast of Lucifer is a busy day; in 2013 a False Flag Chemical Weapons attack in Ghouta, Syria nearly brought the US and Syria to war; this year it’s James Foley.
The 1st Oaths (killing on command of the Superior General) leading to the Jesuit Order were undertaken by Ignatius Loyola, Francis Xavier and 4 other classmates in the Crypt of the Cathedral of St Dionysus (Denis) in Paris (House of Isis or IS “Islamic State”) on the Feast of Lucifer. Ayathollah’s Khomeini, ali Khameini and ali al Sistani were all initiated in the Grand Orient Lodge in Paris. The Cornerstone of the Cologne Cathedral holding idols of the Wise Men was laid (not to smart, they arrived 1 1/2 years after Jesus was born) this day; India declared Independence this day leading to 1 million refugees; Congo declared independence; Japan surrendered; Republic of Korea was founded; Panama City was founded; Panama Canal was opened and the Wizard of Oz made all made their debut on the Feast of Lucifer aka “MacFarlane’s Lantern”. Gallus means Rooster, the pagan idol of war Nergal means “Dunghill Cock”; Romans associated Nergal with Mars. The Gaelic (Celts in Gaul) originally named Paris “Gallia Lughdonensis”. Galli are eunuch Priests of Cybele and Attis whose worship dates Mar 24 “Day of Blood” and Dec 24 should be familiar; Easter and Christmas? Hardly, Bacchanalia more like. Galli are consecrated to Enki (Gala), deity of craftsmen and mischief; to Celts, Enki is Lugh, the sun god whose name means “Bright One”; pretty tough to figure out Lugh is Lucifer eh? Feast of Lucifer is also the Assumption of Lugh/Lucifer.
Jubilee Year
2016-17 is a Jubilee Year 50 years after 1966 “Anno Satanae” (Year One Satan). al-Qaeda was born in a speech by Ibn Sayyid Qutb, the Church of Satan was born and Cleve Backster attached the leads of a Galvanometer to the Dracaena (Draco=Dragon) Plant; the “Lie Detector” first invented by Jesuit Maximiiion Hell; appropriate name eh? Satan is the Father of Lies after all. You see, Plants use Earth, Air, Water and Sunlight, the 4 elements of Witchcraft, to reproduce food for animals and human beings whose death results in plant fertilizer. A return to the Garden of Eden necessarily requires the killing of most of humanity.
In preparation for Satan assuming his Man anointed role, 2014 is setting the stage for WWIII. The “rescue” of Yazidis (Zoroastrian fire worshippers) serving as the pretext for US attacks on ISIS (Throne) in Iraq and Syria; on its heels will be the Russia, leading the fake battle of Gog and Magog far and away Satan’s greatest deception. The actual “Gog and Magog” is at the end of the Millennium just over 1000 years from now. Obama speechwriter Ben Rhodes calls for airstrikes on ISIS in Syria in response to the fake beheading of James Foley; a chorus of traitors chime in on cue (McCain, Hagel, Dempsey, Rubio, Kerry plus TV News Talking Heads) and by sheer luck ISIS captures the Tabqa Airbase near Damascus complete with a squadron of Russian MIG’s, Attack Helicopters, SAM’s, MANPADS and Tanks; dutifully, Obama unofficially declares war on Syria by ordering the launch of U-2 and Drone reconnaissance flights. Seems like a re-run of Dr Strangelove and Francis Gary Powers. Don’t look at the man behind the curtain in Oz, and never mind the instrument panels are in Russian, these US armed, Saudi-Qatar financed, Libya/Turkey/Jordan trained al-Qaeda Jihadis can operate Russian and American military equipment with no training; they are that good and that scary. To Wahhabists and Qutubists the American CIA born al-Qaeda means “Foreign Toilet”; when this one gets flushed, the world economy will follow.
RAPA (Russia Aggression Prevention Act) was introduced on Walpurgisnacht “Witch’s Revel” in Congress (Congredi means “To Meet For War”) in the Capitol (Womb of Zeus/Lucifer) the night before Beltaine aka Lucifer’s Birthday. The Harz Mountains are known for projecting “Halo Shadows”; makes Witches feel Holy I suppose. May Day celebrates the Union of the Horned God Cernunnos as “May Lord” and Hecate the Triple (Past, Present, Future) Goddess of Witchcraft as “May Queen” (Stairway to Heaven ringing a Baal yet?). CERN proposing Gravity gives “Mass” to “Matter” and calling it the “God Particle” is nothing but Witchcraft. Walpurgisncht is Union of the Divine with HU Manity (explained shortly). May Pole anyone? Think Barber Shop here; the ribbon draped pole is of Indian Brahmin origin; Tonsuring, Pig Tails, Shaved Heads are initiations used for Cleanliness like Water Baptism and to become Holy “Set Apart” from the Profane Masses. Profane means “Blasphemous Contempt of God”, but this god is Lucifer. If you want to become Holy and Set Apart, the only way is JESUS and the Holy Ghost. That’s a Baptism you will never forget!
On Walpurgisnacht Hitler faked his death and fellow Theosophical Society (Brotherhood of Death) Initiate, 33° Luciferian Mason, Marxist tutor, Jesuit Co-adjuror Fr Joseph Stalin (fake Jew iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvilli) held the Red Square Parades exactly according to the Jesuit/Masonic plan for 3 World Wars. The Feast of Satan is also the anniversary of the founding of the Church of Satan by Anton LaVey (fake Jew Howard Levey) and NSA Gen Michael Aquino. al Qaeda (al Qaeda “Foundation”) and its successors “Arab Spring”, ISIS (Throne) and IS (Islamic State) were born May 1, 1966 by Dervish mystic Ibn Sayyid Qutb; bin Laden aka CIA asset Tim Osman had nothing to do with it. Qutb’s philosophy of Universal Islam (One’s who submit) and Sharia Law (Revealed Law) will force rejection of Jesus Christ on pain of death. Reagan’s Neo-cons gave Super Ambassador status to Jesuits, resulting in Chabad Lubavitch 7 Noahide Laws being upheld by Congress. They have the same Satanic source as Sharia Law, requiring Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost.
RAPA was introduced by the usual war hawk stooges (Corker, McCain, Graham, Ayote, Hatch etc) to provide NATO (Commanding Gen Phil Breedlove attended Bilderberg 2014 for a reason) and Ukraine support; the removal of Russia from Crimea and increased Russian sanctions. Sevastopol and Odessa are the ancient home of exiled Sarmation Kings; Sar means Prince; Lucifer is the Prince here, but JESUS is “KING OF KINGS”. Sevastopol means “Venerable City” and is Russia’s only Black Sea Port; Crimean Rus or Rosh means “Head”; Satan is their “Head and Foundation”. World War III is virtually assured. Lucifer’s vain attempt to alter the Word of God (Eze 37:27; Rev 20:7) and deny Jesus the Millennial Reign on Earth is set to begin.
The head of Scottish Rite Masonry and Sodomite, Confederate General Albert Pike has a larger than his chronically obese life bronze statue at the Federal Justice Dept; his letter to fellow Luciferian Mason and Witch Giuseppe Mazzini, dated on the Feast Day of Lucifer in 1871 details the need for 3 World Wars for the true doctrine of Lucifer to be revealed and accepted by the world. Richard Nixon signed America’s death warrant 100 years later on the Feast Day of Lucifer in 1971 by separating $US from Gold; the end of the Yellow Brick Road. The Wizard of Oz debuted on the Feast of Lucifer; OZ is 77 “Lamech’s Revenge”, which is why “Poppy Bush” (Poppies make them sleep ringing a Baal?) Carrier GHW Bush CVN-77 is prosecuting the War. Nixon used Ft Knox Gold; named after Calvin/Cohen TULIP disciple John Knox; Kirkin O Tartan (Church of Tartan) celebrates the Assyrian captivity of Israel; Tartan is the title of the Assyrian Army Commander and means “Phoenician Cloth”. Tartan was used during the Jacobite Rebellion as a means of secret ID; in Sept 2014 Scottish Independence will likely coincide with the planned break up of America. Ft Knox Gold was used to pay for the Vietnam War “Spelly’s War” (named after Jesuit Fr Francis Spellman) forcing the US to from the Gold Standard and Mormon (Mormo is one of 77 names of Satan according to LaVey) Treasury Sec David Kennedy (partnered with P-2 Masonic Lodge and Vatican Bankers Michelle Sindona and Robert Calvi and the Franklin Savings bankruptcy and pedophile ring) made sure that happened. US Debt surged from $380 Billion to $17.6 Trillion; no wonder C Alan Martin predicted the same day, President #44 would be America’s last, and that’s Obama. America’s debt has ballooned to the exact size in Light-years of the Universe (Big Bang and Red Shift theories are Jesuit Bull Shit); pretty coincidental eh? Jesuit Pope Francis and Jesuit Vatican Banker Jean-Baptiste de Franssu (John the Baptist of France; cute eh?) are partnered with the Mormon Church and the Cayman Is where Iran-Contra money launderer Mitt Romney holds assets called “Marvelous Investments”. Romney is readying for his lifelong role as “The One mighty and strong, clothed in Light”, to usher in the reign of Lucifer (ref Mormon White Horse aka Blood in the Streets Prophecy)
Naziism and Communism were great fun, resulting in the orchestrated deaths and looting of hundreds of millions of people; WWIII “Islam versus Zionism” will be orders of magnitude worse. The Mormon Tabernacle has the Star of Molech in the stained glass windows because Jesuit Fr Jean Pierre De Smet was adviser to both Luciferian Masons Albert Pike and Brigham Young.
Sham is the Arabic word for “Sun”; Sham means “Trick, Fraud or Hoax”. Easter: First Light on Dies Solis, the Conception of the Great White Hare, the highest god, creator of life, great alchemist of immortality and savior is born 9 months later, 3 days after Solar Solstice, Solis Invictus aka Mithras is re-born. Halelujah (Hail Jah), light the Advent Candle! Folks, too bad this has nothing to do with Jesus and is but one example of a “Sham”. Zionism and Islam are 2 more Shams.
Zionism and Islam are Jesuit (Chaldeans assuming the name Society of Gesu) creations derived from the philosophy of St Augustine of Hippo (aka Phoenician Carthage). The Ides of August is named after Caesar Augustus; August is a title meaning Venerable, Majestic, Noble and Consecrated by Augurs; Aryan and Iran mean the same thing. Muslims (one who submits to Allah or Hu) worship Lucifer as Heylel (Waxing Crescent Moon), culminating at the Full Moon. Mormons also worship Lucifer as Heylel; the initiation phrase of the Melchisedek Priesthood is “Pey Heylel’ (Marvelous Lucifer) and “Sure sign of the Nail”. Most of the world worships Lucifer he is all they can see. Most people will not trouble themselves to open the door to a one on one relationship with JESUS; they hear Him knocking at the door and stumble over everything He said, but sadly most choose a Rabbi, Priest, Reverend, Imam or Guru instead.
al Qaeda is the Foundation and ISIS is the Throne of Lucifer; ISIS is now IS (Islamic State) meaning “One’s who submit”. IS is the Spiritual form of Is meaning “To be” and is derived from the Sanskrit “Asti” meaning “Are”. Keep this simple folks, everyone who has ever lived has 2 choices; the choices IS/ARE JESUS (Old Covenant JAH in Ps 68:4; I AM, I AM HE) or IS/ARE Lucifer.
Ben Rhodes: Fake Jew James Foley: False Flag
Obama (Senators McCain, Graham and Rubio dutifully followed his lead; remember McCain has visited and been photographed with “Friends of Syria”; John Kerry was even awaiting a shipment of 5000 shipping containers of Russian made arms on the Russian cargo ship Mol Comfort last summer in Jeddah Saudi Arabia with “Friends of Syria” when the ship mysteriously broke in half) vowed to continue fighting IS despite warnings of continued violence after the likely staged beheading of reporter James Foley (may have been on Aug 15; Cult of St Denis is the Cult of the Severed Head).
Obama fake Jewish mouthpiece/speechwriter and Ass National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes wrote Obama’s “New Beginning for Islam” speech in Cairo in 2009, prompted him to bow to Qutubist/Wahhabist King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. Rhodes also wrote the Benghazi “Talking Points” for the 9/11/2012 (Sheldon Adelson/Mitt Romney’s ridiculous video defaming Muhammad blamed Muslims for the US Gun Running, Financing and Training of ISIS Mercenaries) parroted by UN Ambassador turned Nat Sec Adviser Susan Rice and Hillary Clinton (to sick to testify just like Gen David Petraeus and Gen John Allen, both too adulterous to testify in public to Skull & Bones, Jesuit, Freemason John Kerry). Rhodes’ brother David is the CBS News President who fired Sharyl Atikisson, on scene at Benghazi reporting about Hellfire equipped Drones and a C-130 Specter Gunship over the Consulate. Ben Rhodes, holds Obama’s puppet strings and is now advocating strikes on ISIS/ISIL in Syria in response. The men pulling the military levers are Jesuit Knights of Malta Chuck Hagel and Gen Martin Dempsey who also called for the US to strike ISIS in Syria. One guy, with a British accent, using a small blade to cleanly sever the unflinching Foley’s head is not even remotely plausible. The skin color of the cleanly severed head is much darker than the white skin on the likely CPR doll. No spurting blood? If you believe Vince Foster could do it then James Foley should be a cinch.
Reporters without Borders and Doctors without Borders have the same Paris (House of Isis) source and George Soros (fake Jew Grigori Schwartz means “Black Watcher”) financing. The alleged beheading of dual Israeli/American citizen Dan Pearl and Nick Berg, the latter in front of overweight “Freedom Fighters” wearing Nike’s and carrying Israeli Uzis should have been dead giveaway, the event was a “False Flag” but we just didn’t notice.
Obama fights IS by bowing to IS financier King Abdullah (Servant of Allah=HU=Lucifer) of Saudi Arabia; playing golf with IS training base financier in Jordan King Abdullah II a Hashemite (Edomite) 33 degree Grand Orient (Orient means “Rising Sun”) Lodge Mason; arming and training IS in Benghazi (Benghazi is Cyrenaica “Synagogue of Libertines”) and wiping the non-semitic ass (Netanyahu is an Ashkenazi son of Japheth not Shem) of Israel’s Sovereign Luciferian Freemason Prime Minister (Minister means “One who works for another”) Netanyahu, the man behind Mossad asset Elliot Simon aka IS leader Mohammad al Baghdadi. Obama is a title given to Luo Tribe converts to Islam and also means “He is with us” in the Chaldean/Medean language of Farsi. “He” as you may recall was the title Jesus used “I Am He” because it means “God is with me”. An American President with falsified Birth Records, no Passport and a deceased Connecticut man’s Social Security Card who does not E-verify for employment in the US is as big a Sham as it gets. Obama is the “Emperor with no clothes” surrounded by Zionists and Jesuits hell bent on starting WWIII.
WWIII, the Zoroastrian final battle of “Good versus Evil” started while the world was preoccupied with the CDC, Doctors without Borders and Samaritan’s Purse Ebola Stage Show, the Yazidi/ISIS Stage Show (a dozen Government and Congress stooges all claim ISIS will attack US cities the same day they all call for attacks on ISIS in Syria? The real Terrorists are in the Government), Ferguson Stage Show (Crisis Actor and ex-AFRICOM Green Beret commander Dan Page is the spokesman for Pete’s sake! Al Sharpton reports to Valerie Jarrett; Hello! Anderson Cooper did such a good job fooling us on Sandy Hook, he is front and center in Ferguson). The Aryan (Noble Caste) philosophy of Lucifer was even told by Robin Williams on the Feast Day of Lucifer aka “MacFarlane’s Lantern”; most of us just didn’t notice.
Feast Day of Lucifer is India’s Independence Day
Williams was a follower of Swami Paramahansa Yogananda of the Self Realization Fellowship which teaches Karmic Cleansing and Reincarnation. The Swami has quite a following including spin off Eckankar where Eck is the Universal Soul of the Celtic god HU, the Light and Sound of Creation according to Lucifer. In World’s Greatest Dad he lies about his son’s accidental death from auto-erotic asphyxiation to cleanse his Karma and launch his own writing career. In The Final Cut he erases past Karma Debt (Sins) by altering and implanting new memories before writing flattering eulogies for their funerals. In Angriest Man in Brooklyn (just now coming out on video) he says “By the time you see this I will be dead”. Life imitates art.
Williams allegedly killed himself on the Feast Day of Lucifer on the Super Moon. In Gaelic mythology, the Full Moon is MacFarlane’s Lantern named after Clan MacFarlane, descendants of the Tuatha de Danaan (Children of Anu/Zeus/Lucifer) or Shaman if you prefer. Seth MacFarlane aired “Turban Cowboy” predicting the Boston Marathon bombing and “Viewer Mail #2” predicting the alleged suicide of Robin Williams; no they were not accidents. Folks, you will either choose JESUS or Lucifer. In the 7th and final Church of Laodicea (Luke Warm) there is in between; choose JESUS or He will “Spue you out of His mouth” with HU and his Brahmin and Dervish dupes!
“The lost word in Masonry is concealed in Hu” Luciferian Mason, KKK (Scottish Knights of the Golden Circle) founder, Confederate General Albert Pike wrote the Zoroastrian/Jesuit inspired plan (Fr Jean-Pierre De SMet) for 3 World Wars to reveal the doctrine of Lucifer on the Feast Day of Lucifer 1871. The recipient of the letter was fellow Luciferian Mason, Italian Revolutionary and Witch Giuseppe Mazzini, founder of P-1 (Propaganda) Lodge Masonry aka MAFIA.
Brahmins of India believe the Breath of the Creator was contained in the 2 syllables Hu Hu (Father and Son); HU HU or IS IS means Light versus Dark; Illuminated or Profane if you will. Obama’s alleged Birthplace Hawaii means “Water and Breath of Life”. Prince Hall Masons designed Barack Obama’s Campaign Logo, the Sun amid Red and White Stripes; the Carbon Fund Logo is the same Sun amid a field of Green. America’s Illuminati Pastor (Saddleback and Pale Horse ringing a Baal?) Rick Warren gave the Inauguration (Blessing by Augury) Prayer citing the name “Issa”, the Arab form of the Druid “Esus”; Esus is one of the Druid Trinity in “Thor’s Oaks”; Warren was Inaugurating the final Age of Sacrifice, the one JESUS said unless He shortened, no flesh would remain and if you think Benghazi Investigations by Darryl Issa will reveal the truth, guess again!
Cathay means Sons of Heth or Hittites is the ancient name of China; Hu means “Dewlap of an Ox”; the Double Chin of a neutered, aging Bull, yoked and used as a Hittite Draft Animal is the Wall St Bull, Apis Bull of Egypt, Cretan Zeus and Golden Calf. Ever wonder why Ox feet support the Mormon Temple Baptismal Founts? The best slaves are slaves who think they are Free. Welcome to America
Hu was also the spirit behind Christopher Columbus. Christ-Taufr means Red Messiah of Columbia, the Roman Goddess of Freedom; no coincidence it takes 7 left hand forks in Broadway to get to Wall St from Columbus Circle.
Esus is also called “Hu” and Hu is On (Heliopolis or Amurru) or Deus (Zeus) all meaning “Sun”; it’s the reason the Statue of Liberty, Lady of Freedom (Capitol Dome) and Angel Moroni face East to the “Rising Sun”. Hu is the Serpent who promised “Ye shall not die…ye shall be as gods knowing good and evil”; notice how the Eagle of America carries that Serpent? Rex Deus (Solar King) may ring a Baal here; they are the followers or family of Hu, called in Ireland Tuatha de Danaan. In Egypt, the Priests of On were “Shemsu-Hor” meaning “Followers of Horus” (son of On). Hu is On which is also Ilu or Allah seen in the word “Babylon” as the “Gate of Hu”.
Sufis (Messianic Islam is a Sufi theology) begin with Prayer, then Meditation, then Conversation with Shams meaning “Sun” or “HU”; the poetry of the Sufi Dervish philosopher Rumi are his constant Conversations (Ruminations) with HU.
ECK “Holy Spirit” and HU are central to the Eckankar Movement; an offshoot of the Hindu “Self Realization Fellowship” Cult similar to Scientology; ECK founded by huckster Paul Twitchel; SRF by Swami (Swami means One’s own master/lord/prince) Paramahansa Yogananda and Scientology by L Ron Hubbard. Yogananda claimed to be a reincarnation of William the Conqueror, John the Evangelist and William Shakespeare (To Be or not To Be means IS or IS Not; we heard this in Star Wars by Yoda as well); SRF even created the “Mary had a Little Lamb” nursery rhyme. Hilarious isn’t? These Cults literally “Fleece” the Flock with a “Sham” (Sun) It is claimed that “Every famous person is an Eckist” because ECK allows one to erase their Sins (Karma). Robin Williams subscribed to the SRF series and starred in movies promoting Eck philosophies espousing Karmic Debt and Reincarnation. Eck is the Light and Sound of the God HU, it purifies ones Karma (Sin) so one can converse with the God of Reincarnation. Careful or you will be Darned to Heck folks!
Fake Jews (Ashkenazis descend from Japheth; Mizrahis from Ham and Sephardics from Canaanittes and Medeans listed in 2 Ki 17:30) use the Hanukkah Menorah to replace the 7 Branched Candlestick; 6 uplifted arms around the Crucified Jesus ended the 7th Covenant between God and Man. They replace God in Flesh with Shamash (Sun), born on 25 Kislev (December). Shamash is a Sham god folks!
Hu is seen in Ham “Black”. The “Men in Black” movies making sense now? Ham was Cursed by God for committing Adultery with his wife through Incest with his Cainite mother. Now you know why the Covenant with Abram included not taking wives of the daughters of Canaan. Post Flood Cainites came to be called Kennites or “Men of Hamath”, or Sepharvaim (2 Ki 17:30) if you prefer.
Solis Invictus (Unconquered Sun) celebrates the birth of a fully “Hu Man” Saviour; under the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Priest Mitres (Mithras) is the Kippah, to replace the Temple Veil Jesus tore top to bottom at the Crucifixion. Jesus’ real birthday is not Christ Mass but Feast of Tabernacles. His real Crucifixion is not Easter but Passover. Quite a Sham isn’t it?
Science: Vain and Profane Babblings aka Language of the Chaldeans (1 Tim 6:20; Dan 1:4) Jesuits concocted Evolution, Atomic (4 opposing Forces in matter), Big Bang, Heliocentric, and Gravity Theories because they are the Chaldeans who concocted Zoroaster “Star Seed”. Gravity gives “Mass” to “Matter” and is called the “God Particle”? Pretty hard to figure out what “Science” is eh?
The Sun fuses Hydrogen (H+) into Helium (He). In Hebrew, He means “God is with me”. which is why Jesus used the title “I Am He”. Obama is a title given to Luo Tribe Kenyans who convert to Islam; Kenya is named after the Kennites where Priests of Ameru (Serpent) hide a fake “Ark of the Covenant”; the 7th Covenant between God and Man.
Human caused Climate Change is destroying Mother Earth; the best way to curb emissions of CO2 and CH4 (Methane) is to cull “Useless Eaters”. Who are they? Hu + Man means Man with an awareness of Hu; Man being the Mind of ordinary Man aka “Useless Eaters”. It’s simply the “Humane” thing to do to people who were not “Chosen” by Hu. Hu + Man is Liberated or Deified Man; “Society 322” stems from Gen 3:22 (notice it adds to 7) it is also called the “Brotherhood of Death”. Hu is the all encompassing God of the Spiritual Plane in western (Amurru) Celtic mythology; the Aryan (Noble Caste) “Gheu” means “To Pour” as in a Libation, Wrath or Molten Image. In Sanskrit, Hu or G’Heu means God. In Persian (Farsi), Obama means “He is with us”; the “Huma Bird” or Hum became Om or Aum, the syllable of Creation and symbol of the “One true King”. In Islam the soul must cross the As-Sirat Bridge; in Zoroastrianism the Cinvat Bridge. For Luciferians (Followers of Ahura Mazda or Light the Bridge is Wide; for followers of Jesus Christ it is as narrow as a Hair in Islamic philosophy and the width of the edge of a sword in Zoroastrian philosophy.
Obama means “Little Beach” in Japanese. The Japanese (Japan or Jih Pun means “Land of the Rising Sun”) Doomsday Cult Aum Shrinkyo may ring a Baal here; Obama bowed to Emperor Akahito bearing the gift of MOX Fuel used to refuel the Fukushima Reactor. If you are understanding this thread, you know quite well, you need to be on your knees in Prayer to JESUS; not Esus, not Hu; not On; not G’Heu; not Deus and not Gesu. If you are not understanding this, continue on.
Time is Chaos and Time is Up
Qutb means “Pillar”; Hu emerged from a drop of blood from the phallus of Re, the Sun god. Obelisks (Baal’s Shaft) will form the Yin Yang over a Solar Year. al-Qaeda (Foundation or Pillar) was created from a speech by Ibn Sayyid Qutb (Sayyid means Descendants or Family; Qutb means Pillar), a Wahhabist and Dervish philosophy visiting professor at Stanford University in 1966 or “Year One Satan” according to the Church of Satan founded the same year. Dervish claim all gods are wrapped in one syllable “HU”. When a King dies and becomes a Star (Chaldean STUR) his authority and companion is HU. In Egypt these “Lion Kings” were symbolized by the Sphinx which faces East with the Phallus of Re between its paws (long since removed). The “Lion King” is not a children’s movie. The Spinx keeps track of the Solar Year while the Great Pyramid keeps track of the Stellar or Star Year by tracking the Circumpolar passage of Alpha Draco. The difference confirms the Age of Creation. 1656 years Creation to Flood + 2160 years Aries to Pisces + 2160 years Pisces to Aquarius which dawned with Spring 2014. Sargon the Great was declared “Legitimate King” due his birth as the Spring Equinox Sunrise moved from Taurus (Bull) to Aries (Ram). Adulthood in the bible occurs at 21 so do the math and read 2 Pet 3:8 after you do. By my count Creation is the Great Tribulation away from being 6000 years old.
Star is derived from Chaldean STUR and the word Zoroaster or “Star Seed” which Science claims all Hu Man ity originates; thus Zoroaster originated the philosophy of the final battle of Good (Ahura Mazda or people of Light or Hu) versus Ahriman (Darkness or mortal or profane man); Zoroaster was born of the Persian Huma Tree and thus became Iranian or Ayran “Noble Caste”, just as their Nazi/Aryan followers did in WWII and are currently doing in the Ukraine or Arcadia if you prefer. Profane means “Blasphemous contempt of God”; if so-called Christian Priests wearing the Cross of Tammuz and Mitre of Mithra is not Profane what is?
Amurru and Ameru mean “Serpent”; Amar is the Canaanite god of the west. Gardening requires a lot of Blood, and Cain is the “Constant Gardener”! Operation Garden Plot may ring a Baal here. In the 7th Covenant, Remission of Sin was made possible through the shedding of the blood of animals. In the 8th Covenant, the only Remission of Sin is made possible through the shed blood of Jesus; currently in spiritual form as JESUS (Mat 1:25).
Feast Day of Lucifer: Full Moon nearest Ides of August in Leo
NASA (Nazi) reported a “Canyon of Fire” CME on the Feast of Lucifer Super Moon.
“Honorary Jew” Robin Williams was allegedly found dead. Likely from auto-erotic asphyxiation. Williams predicted his death “Saddest Man in Brooklyn”; cleansed past Karmic Debt in “The Final Cut” and lied about his son’s death from auto-erotic asphyxiation in “World’s Greatest Dad”. All classic signs of an Eckist.
Russia drafted 20,000 Ukrainians for War. Advisers are telling Putin he needs to attack the Ukraine soon and will have an army of 500,000 ready by 2015. This will be the fake battle of “Gog and Magog”
US and Russian armed forces loyal to Bashar al Assad and “Friends of Syria” began a stand-off at Damascus. Damascus will be completely destroyed and be a city no more (Is 17:1)
The US began directly arming Yazidi Kurdish Peshmerga. Yazidis are followers of Ahura Mazda or Hu. They are aligned with Iran. Hidden in this treason was the Obama bombshell “Airstrikes will continue indefinitely” On Aug 18 the US added ground based Bombers and Drones to the attack. On Aug 21 (Leo-Virgo) Chuck Hagel, Martin Dempsey and Obama mouthpiece and puppeteer Ben Rhodes called for strikes on Syria. A few months earlier those strikes would have hit John Kerry and John McCain. IS mouthpiece Abu Musa met with McCain in 2013 and said on Aug 24 “The Islamic Caliphate is here. Allah willing we will raise the Islamic Flag over the White House”. Too late Abu, the US Government already did that. Abu Musa changed his name to that of a strategic island in the Straits of Hormuz meaning “Green Land”. With thousands of Russian made Yakhont Supersonic Cruise Missiles lining the Zagros Mountains don’t be surprised if a lot of US ships are sunk there. Green Language is the Language of Oil by the way!
Mike Brown was shot by police at the Masonic Gateway to the West.
Now, why on Earth would State Police bring military hardware to bear, the FBI, Atty General Eric Holder’s “Community Relations Group”, Luciferian Masons Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, the New Black Panther Party, Missouri National Guard and Asymmetric Solutions Mercenaries all descend on the Masonic Gateway to the West in St Louis? 2 reasons come to mind: Jesuit explorer of the west Jean-Pierre De Smet and 33° Luciferian Mason Malcolm X (Milcom=Molech; X=Christ=Messiah) aka Bari Malik Shabazz and the Nation of Islam. Amar is the Canaanite god of the West or Land of the dead if you prefer. The Eagle symbolizes Zeus (HU) as well as Esau and Amurru is the Edomite Shepherd god of the West. “For wheresover the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together” Mat 24:28
Day of Assumption or Feast of Lucifer?
Roman Catholics, Anglicans and Orthodox religions teach the Virgin Mary was taken to Heaven on “Day of Assumption”. That would be a False Assumption; since the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD, the day is the Feast Day of Lucifer; in Ireland the day is the Assumption of Lugh “Lughnasaid” aka Vulcan. The Sign of Shin “Nail” is used by Talmudic Rabbis to open Synagogue as it was by the Vulcan “Spock”. When your Church is taught by Jesuits and Masons it’s time to be Holy and Separate.
The Church Jesus founded is Holy and Ekklesia meaning Separate. The Authorized Bible and a relationship with the Word made Flesh Jesus Christ are all that is required to adorn your “Prayer Closet”. Ask JESUS for a real Baptism of the Holy Ghost and see what happens!
The word “Christian” first appeared in Antioch, Syria, a city called Heliopolis (City of the Sun) or Amurru the name of the Edomite Shepherd and Serpent. G’heu is On. On is HU and HU is the Serpent. America takes it name from Amurru and no it is not and never was a nation God built. America does not appear in Scripture because Lucifer created America for HU Man reasons. Christ means Messiah and out of America’s ashes the False Messiah will rise as a Phoenix. HU HU or Aum is the root of Enochian Language; Phoenix (Pa Hanok) means “House of Enoch”. Enoch was “Assumed to Heaven”. Making sense yet?
HU is the Unknown Name of God. Lucifer Augustus was worshipped on Mars’ Hill aka Areopagus as the “UNKNOWN GOD”; his Feast Day is on the Ides of Augustus. St Denis the Areopagite may ring a Baal here.
In 1534, Jesuits (Army of Loyola) under Ignatius Loyola and Francis Xavier took the first Luciferian Oaths of the Society of Gesu on the Feast Day of Lucifer in a ceremony in the crypt of the Cathedral of St Denis in Paris; the Templar “Cult of the Severed Head” had been re-born under a new name. Denis is a name derived from Dionysus “Green Man”; he became a Saint by picking up his Severed Head and preaching sermons with it; that’s a better story than St Nicholas delivering gifts to every Christian house in one night! Denis is the source of “Dennis the Menace”; the same type character was introduced in the series “Lost in Space” as Dr Smith; always the Monkey Wrench.
On the night Robin Williams allegedly died, Family Guy aired “Fatman and Robin”, a spin-off of the Gold King Midas myth; Dionysus/Lucifer gave the wish to King Midas. The Ides of August essentially replaced Lughnasaid (Catholic Lammas) on the day the Celtic god of craftsmen, and Smiths, Lugh was also assumed to heaven. In Ireland, Lugh is known as Vulcan; for Masons the Question: “Who is Tubal-cain?” is answered with “Vulcan of the Canaanites”. In Star Trek, the Vulcan displays the Talmudic Sign of the Nail “Shin” to Kirk (Scottish word for Church), Checkov (Son of the Devil) and Ahura (Daughter of HU). Quite an Enterprise eh? Figured out why the Enterprise of NCC 1701? Read Is 17:1
Paris means Par or House of Isis. Russia, the US and Israel train, finance and supply weapons to ISIS. The Cathedral of Dionysus is in Paris. ISIS is the “Black Virgin” and “Throne of Antichrist”; Paris is the House of Isis; just follow the Arch of Triumph down Champs Elysee (Elysium) to the Luxor Obelisk (Lucifer’s Shaft), Place of Concord, St Chapelle (Sanctuary or Chapel holds the fake Crown of Thorns), Notre Dame Cathedral (Our Lady of the House of Isis), Pont Neuf (New Bridge and site of Jacque DeMolay execution 700 years ago), St Sulpice Cathedral (Parisee Celts set the Rose Line) and the Pantheon (Temple of all Gods). France=Free and the Statue of Liberty faces East to the Rising Sun in France and America.
Besides worldwide Commerce, Banking (Usury) and false Religious Teaching such as Pre-Tribulation Rapture and Dispensationalism (Israel re-gathered by HU Mans), Jesuits (Society of Gesu or HU) have given the world Satanic Theories including Evolution, Big Bang, Gravity and Heliocentrism; all Blasphemous contempt of God. “Space-time”, “String Theory”, “Dark Matter”, “Gravity” and “God Particles” many sound Scientific but they are all part of the HU Movement; Bull Bowel Movement of immense proportion and that’s no BS! Jesuits control Banking and Asset Valuations from the City of London; they control Vatican City as both Black and White Pope and control the world military from the Pentagon and White House (Joe Biden is Obama’s Jesuit baby sitter).
The IHS logo has 3 Nails, a Cross and Sun symbol; IHS “Invictus Hoc Signo” (By this sign we are unconquerable or By this sign conquer the Laity is a Gnostic doctrine. The Cross is not a symbol of God, it is a Graven or Molten Image; HU means “To Pour” a “Molten Image”. The Presbyterian Church also uses that Logo because they too are a Jesuit creation. Notice the flag of Free Kurdistan and Argentina also use the same Jesuit Solar Logo. Jesuits are the Society of Gesu/HU, the Sovereign Military Order of Argentina. Why do you suppose America helped Nazis like Hitler and Mengele escape to Argentina? Did you know Dorothy (Door) actually had Silver Slippers in the Wizard of Oz? The Abomination of Desolation will be made of Poured, Molten Gold, Silver and Brass standing on a foundation of Iron.
Langue d’Oc “Language of Light, HU, Lucifer”
Green Language Dionysus is Green Man; Chlorophyll has 33 Atoms; Oc means Occulus or Eye of Illumination. Mortal Man’s waste + Light becomes Green Plant Food. Kill enough un-enlightened Man and the Garden of Eden returns to Earth. The only problem is the 4 faced Angel of God forcing everyone to go through Jesus first.
Bird Language Huma Bird or Phoenix is the Benu Bird aka Pyramidion.
Language of Yes. Oui is Yes; Obama’s “Yes We Can” mantra means “Thank You Satan”
Language of Oil a source of energy made from living things that perished in the Flood. America has by far the most Oil of any Nation in the ANWR, Bakken, Green River and Gulf of Mexico.
Congress is derived from Congredi “To meet for War”; they meet in the Capitol “Womb of Zeus or HU” under Lady Freedom who faces East with her back to the Nation. It’s why the Fasces flanks the Speaker’s Podium. They work with the Supreme Court which also has the Faces on the Door, allowing un-elected Corporate Arbitrators, Foreign Investors and Foreign Courts like ISDS (Investor-State Settlement Court) to have Jurisdiction over Private Citizens. This is Treason and they all know it.
FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) allowing un-elected Judges to gather and use information against US Citizens is Treason.
TPP, TAP, TTIP allowing Foreign Investors to bid on US Public and Private Assets and collect restitution from US Citizens is Treason.
Why would the EPA allow Foreign Corporations to use Diesel Fuel Fracking when it is illegal under the Clean Water Act? Stealing Natural Gas and Oil and selling it to Foreign Clients not only destroys Underground Water Supplies and the Food Supply, it artificially drives up the price of America’s Transportation System and Economy by Air, Sea and Land. Why on Earth would the US Government violate Sworn Oaths to defend the US against Foreign and Domestic Enemies and commit willful Treason?
Oaths taken behind closed doors supersede and free them from all other Oaths and National Laws; a Government full of Foreigners who see America as a Multi-Trillion Bbl Oil and Gas Supply (Bakken Formation, Macondo Prospect in Gulf of Mexico, Green River Formation, ANWR (Alaska), Wyoming Teapot Dome); 25% of the World’s Fresh Water (Great Lakes); one of the largest Aquifers (Ogallala) and a glittering $multi-Trillion prize in Hawaii called “Back Eagle Trust” or “Yamashita’s Gold”. Committing any Sins here? Sure, but Sins can be atoned for with Blood; or so the misguided theory goes.
“G” Gesu, Gold, Government, God particle and Green Man
Jesuits “Society of Gesu” do not worship JESUS (Mat 1:25) is JAH (JEHOVAH in Ps 68:4); they worship Lucifer in the Letter “G”. The All Seeing Eye of Lucifer/Gesu is “Occulus Omni”. Lucifer “Light Bringer or Illuminator” is Oc; Lucifer’s language is Langue d’ Oc or Languedoc. Gesu is the Jesuit god, the same god Freemasons worship as “Grand Architect of the Universe”; the “G” in side the Square and Compass. G, the 7th letter represents perfection in creating Heaven (Compass) on Earth (Square). Muslims know this same god as Allah. G represents the Septuagint (Seventy), seen in the Mormon Quroum of Seventy and Roman College of 70 Cardinals. G represents Grimoire (Magical Incantations/Spells). G is the Gesu Superior General. G is Gematria. The All Seeing Eye of Gesu or Lucifer is seen in all national Intelligence Apparatus’. G is the World Government. G is also seen in the Graviton or “God Particle”, the source of the mythical Force of Gravity. Daniel describes Lucifer as the “God of Forces”. Gesu is Green Man aka Bacchus or Dionysus, who gave the wish to the Gold King Midas.
Zionists worship the same god with the Star of Molech and Chiun. Molech means Lord as does Lucifer, derived from Luci, the god of Goldsmiths, Blacksmiths, and Craftsmen called Lugh or Loki. The Star of Molech is the Seal or Grimoire of Solomon. The intersection of 2 triangles form the Hexagram (Hex means Curse) or Beehive (Bee is Chaldean for Word). Jesus is the Word made Flesh; this is a simply a worldwide HU Man Sting.
“Knowing, brethren beloved, your election of God” 1 Thess 1:4 AV Every other bible including the Douay Rheims Catholic Bible and John Calvin’s (Samaritan Cohen) 1599 Geneva Bible change this scripture to Calvin’s idea of Fixed Pre-destination and Limited Atonement; TULIP is a Gnostic Weed folks! Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace and Fixed Pre-destination are Gnostic Doctrines. For those of us who accept the shed blood of Jesus as God in Flesh and the Word made Flesh for remission of Sin, the sacrifice is over. For those who do not, the sacrifices are never enough. “And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission” Heb 9:22
UNICEF, Doctors Without Borders (MSF is a George Soros creation), WHO (Margaret Chan is an Officer in the Order of the British Empire and Committee of 300 “Olympian” HU Gadarn first founded Wales) begin a Cholera, Polio, and Meniningitis VAX Campaign Feb 2014; the Cholera VAX is administered in 2 oral doses 40 days apart; the Ebola outbreak began March 2014, 40 days later.
Sanofi Pasteur is owned by Rothschild Group and makes the vaccines through Shanta Biotechnics and Serum Inst, both HQ in India. Brahims are the “Caste of HU” Sanofi was accused of testing Avian Flu VAX on 350 homeless in Poland.
UNICEF Director and convert to Talmudic Judaism (Zionism) Tony Lake was Bill Clinton’s Nat Sec Adviser responsible for Bosnia, Somalia “Operation Black Hawk Down”, AP Murrah murder of America’s Choice Day Care and WACO Branch Davidians using the US Army, then under the command of fellow Rhodes Scholar Gen Wes Clark (nee Samaritan Kohen). UNICEF workers infected with Cholera in Somalia were sent to Haiti after SOUTHCOM held their Haitian Relief Drill in Miami and the HAARP induced mega Earthquake destroyed Port Au Prince and unleashed a Cholera epidemic still raging today. Bill and Poppy Bush were put in charge of distributing $Billions in Red Cross Aid as both were after the “Yule Tide” Earthquake and Indonesian Tsunami murder of 250,000.
Tony’s partner Bernard Kouchner, a Nicholas Sarkozy (Israeli Sayanim) appointee founded MSF with George Soros financing (really stolen taxpayer funds held in TARP Treasury accounts) Hillary Clinton and Nicholas Sarkozy (French taxpayers financed his gold adorned Airbus A-330, and extravagant food/wine/car/palace tastes) watched the Un-constitutional, pre-planned attack on Libya as Obama and Congress left on vacation using 160 Tomahawk Cruise Missiles from Elysee Palace (Elysee means Elysium or “Field of the Blessed” who die shedding their blood as martyrs)
Sanofi is partnered with Sutro Biopharma in San Francisco, founded by Morgan Stanley Health Fund mgr John Freund who uses Monkeys to test Monoclonal Antibody (Mab) Serums made of Genetically Altered Chimp Adenovirus (Common Cold). Pretty coincidental Rise and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes centered on San Francisco eh?
GlaxoSmithKline is fresh off a $3B criminal fine for coercing doctors to use GSK medicines and is set to get FDA fast track approval from Chicago Zionist FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg for a Mab Ebola Vaccine next month and expected release in early 2015. Obama medical Czar Ezekiel (father Ben an Irgun Terrorist; Ari Hollywood #1 talent agent; Rahm is Chicago Mayor and Man’s Country member; all hold Israeli Dual Citizenship) Immanuel Obama requested ZMAPP to be sent to Liberia for illegal, fast track human trials while on vacation in Martha’s Vineyard (Named for Martha, brother of Lazarus and mythical sister of Mary Magdalene according to the “Golden Legend” and “Holy Grail” tradition) No worries folks, just a little pruning and fertilizing of the Vineyard before the arrival of the false Messiah.
Jesuits planned WWIII to pit Zionism versus Islam; Jesuits created both religious philosophies. ISIS “Throne” is now IS (Islamic State) managed by Israeli Mossad asset Elliot Simon aka Mohammad al Baghdadi. Both Zionism including Templars and Hospitaller orders are controlled from Vatican City by the Jesuit General aka Black Pope. Zionism ie Talmudic Judaism and Islam, both Sunni and Shia are Jesuit creations based on St Augustine’s “City of God”; a Phoenician (Canaanite) trained theologian in Carthage. Not by coincidence, but by plan, Joseph and Hyrum Smith were martyred in the Carthage Jail by Masons who initiated the Oath of Vengeance and Blood Atonement. They intend to exact this revenge in America against everyone who rejects Mormon Theology.
Jesuit Fr Jean-Pierre De Smet was the driving force behind 33 degree Sovereign Mason Brigham Young, the Mormon Oath of Vengeance and Blood Atonement. He was also the driving force behind 33 degree Sovereign Mason, Confederate General, KKK founder Albert Pike and his plan for WWIII with 33 degree Mason, Italian Revolutionary and MAFIA founder Giuseppe Mazzini. The plan is to destroy America and the Vatican as false Scapegoats for Rev 17 “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT…” and Rev 18 “Babylon” in order for the Doctrine of Lucifer to be accepted. That sort of Liberty and Freedom will land you in Hell for eternity.
33 years ago, Welsh Romani Gypsy Mitt Romney began laundering Iran-Contra drug profits, at times, returning an annual profit of 175%/yr. Whether that sort of profit is still being realized or not, “Marvelous Investments” has made his partners Poppy Bush, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton wealthy beyond comprehension. In the Mormon Church, Luciferian Initiation and Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost occur with the “Sure Sign of the Nail” in the Melchisedek Priesthood; the saying “Pey Heylel” means “Marvelous Lucifer”. Muslims recognize Heylel as “Crescent”; specifically the first sighting of the Crescent Moon which Arabs call “Al Lah”. Marvelous eh? Satan changed into an Angel of Light. Perhaps of even more consequence than money laundering, Mitt’s 4th generation maternal grandfather Parley Pratt swore the Oath of Vengeance on America and all Gentiles to the 4th generation. Blood Atonement was taken on 9/11/1834 at Mountain Meadows and will be again according to the Blood in the Streets Prophecy.
Gesu “The Jesuit Grand Architect”
Piazza de Gesu is the Mother Church of the Jesuits in Rome. Their logo features the Cross, 3 nails and IHS (In Hoc Signo Vinces means By this Sign, Conquer the Laity). The Cross is not a symbol of Jesus; it is the symbol of the Babylonian Tammuz; thus the logo used by the Jesuits. symbolizes victory over Jesus and His Laity. Jesus hates Nicolaitane (Nico=Conquer; Laitane=Laity) Doctrine; the elevation of the clergy; Constantine the Great (really his mother Helena) found the 3 Nails over 300 years after the Crucifixion with Pieces of the Cross, and the Crown of Thorns. Hell, on the same trip whe found the bible was in error; Mt Sinai was really in Egypt after all; had enough Gnostic BS?
The list of Jesuits occupying high level positions in Universities and Governments is as long as the Masonic list. The 7th Covenant is the Old Covenant/Testament, the greatest of whom Jesus called John the Baptist; hence Johnitters, Manichaeans, Yezidis and Cathars to name a few, rejected Jesus as God in Flesh and worship Gesu or the Masonic “G”. Jesuits created Gravity Theory and today refer to the Graviton as the “God Particle”; the mysterious particle that gives Mass to Matter ie the Masonic Creator.
The list of Jesuit (Society of Gesu) Lies in direct opposition to scripture (Jesus is the Word made Flesh) include Heliocentric Theory (Nicholas Copernicus), Gravity Theory (Galileo; Rosicrucian/Mason Isaac Newton substituted Force for Acceleration in the F=MA equation for his God of Forces), Big Bang Theory (Georges LeMaitre), Atomic Theory (4 Forces of the Atom: Strong Nuclear, Weak Interaction, Gravity, Electro-magnetism manufactured out of nothing by Roger Boscovich), Evolution Theory (Pierre Tiellhard du Chardin), WWI, WWII, WWIII, KKK, MAFIA, Mormonism (Jean-Pierre De Smet), Vaccine Theory (Edward Jenner and Louis Pasteur), Germ Theory (Athanasius Kircher)
In Gematria JESUS is 888; the New Covenant based on acceptance of the shed blood of Jesus as God in Flesh is the 8th and final Covenant; Jesus is the 1st Word “Alpha” and the last Word “Omega”. Abram became Abraham and Sarai became Sarah after making their personal Covenant with JESUS. “h” means “God is with me” and is the 8th English letter for this reason.
In Congress (eg John Boehner who illegally allowed missiles to be launched at Libya or Ron Paul, trained at Piazza de Gesu in Rome 1956-65), Supreme Court (eg LBGT Lawyer John Roberts who intentionally failed to administer the Oath of Office correctly to foreigner Barack Obama), the Military (eg Gen Martin Dempsey or Gen David Petraeus who ordered the Benghazi Raid) and VP Mansion.
Jesuits (Gnostics in Carthage trained St Augustine of Hippo) created Islam, Speculative Masonry and Zionism. Jesuit Fr Bernhard Staemple even wrote Mein Kampf for Adolf Hitler so the world could hate Germans. Zionists in Israel are in appointed positions of power in the US. Zionists Theodr Herzl and Pyotr Ivanovich Rashkovsky even wrote the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion so the world could hate Jews. Zionists are not Jewish!
- White House Chief of Staffs – Rahm Emanuel, Jack Lew (Denis McDonough is Jesuit trained)
- Deputy White House Chief of Staff – Mona Sutphen
- Special Presidential Adviser – David Axelrod
- Secretary of Treasury – Timothy Geithner
- Deputy Secretary of Treasury – Neal Wolin
- Under Secretary of Treasury – Lael Brainard
- President of the New York Fed – Carole Sonnenfeld
- Economic Advisor to Obama-Biden – Robert Reich
- Economic Advisor to Obama-Biden – Robert Rubin
- Ambassador to Middle East – Dennis Ross
- Director Centers for Disease Control – Douglas Shulman now Thomas Friedman
- IRS Commissioner – Richard Haass (CFR President)
- Director of Management and Budget – Peter Orszag
- Chairman of Commodities Futures Trading Commission – Gary Gensler
- U.S. Solicitor General (Supreme Court Nominee) – Elena Kagan
- Chief of Staff to Vice President Biden – Ron Klain
- Chairman Council of Advisors on Science and Technology – Eric Lander
- Co-Chair of Advisors on Science and Technology – Harold Varmus
- Deputy Secretaries of State – Jacob Lew and James Steinberg
- White House Director of Communications – Ellen Moran
- Middle East Desk National Security Council – Daniel Shapiro
- Chairperson Securities and Exchange Commission – Mary Schapiro
- Chairperson Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) – Sheila Bair
- Major Legal Advisor to Obama-Biden – Sally Klain
- Special Envoy to Pakistan/Afghanistan – Richard Holbrooke
- Head of Small Business Administration – Karen Mills
- Chairman Federal Trade Commission – Jon Leibowitz
- Chairman Federal Communications Commission – Julius Genachowski
- Commissioner of Food and Drug Administration – Dr. Margaret Hamburg
- Deputy Commissioner Food and Drug Administration - Dr. Joshua Sharfstein
- Assistant to President for Legislative Affairs – Phil Schiliro
- National Finance Chair – Penny Pritzker
- Chief of Staff for Michelle Obama – Susan Sher (Michelle is Michael Robinson; his mother Marion conducts Santeria rituals in the White House)
- Obama’s Czars: Economic Czar – Larry Summers
- Regulatory Czar – Cass Sunstein. Wife is UN Ambassador Samantha Power who replaced Benghazi liar Susan Rice; current Obama National Security Adviser. Cass is a Constitutional Law professor who knows well Obama is Constitutionally inelligible and not sworn in to be US President; he advocatea the Government should use Internet Trolls such as Ellie Light (Ellie=Light so this is a pseudonym for ELITE) who managed to write hundreds of Letters to the Editor and News Articles with as many addresses all praising Obama.
- Pay Czar – Kenneth Feinberg (9/11 Compensation Fund and Sandusky Pedophile Ring Compensation Fund Trustee; Obama “Body Man” Reggie Love was raised by this group)
- Guantanamo/Military Jails Czar – Daniel Fried (Obama campaigned on closing GITMO)
- Car Czar – Ron Bloom
- Border Czar – Alan Bersin (US Border is a Constitution Free Zone)
- Climate Czar – Todd Stern
- TARP Czar – Herb Allison (George Soros used TARP Funds in Silver collapse)
- Non proliferation Czar – Gary Samore
- Terrorism Czar – John O. Brennan (current CIA Chief and de-facto head of al-Qaeda, ISIS, Sinaloa Drug Running and Ukraine Coup)
- Science Czar – John Holdren
- White House Medical Czar – Ezekiel Emanuel
- Environmental Czar – Carol Browner (managed Deep Water Horizon and Fukushima)
- Domestic Violence Czar – Lynn Rosenthal
- Govt. Performance Czar – Jeffrey Zients
- Federal Reserve Bank (Privately Owned):
- Ben S. Bernanke: Chairman of the Board of Governors of Federal Reserve.
- Donald L. Kohn: Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors of Federal Reserve.
- Randall S. Kroszner: Member of Board of Governors of Federal Reserve.
- Frederic S. Mishkin: Member of Board of Governors of Federal Reserve.
- Kevin M. Warsh: Member of Board of Governors of Federal Reserve.
- Paul Volcker: Chair of Economic Recovery Advisory Board
- Alan Greenspan: Advisor to Board of Governors of Federal Reserve.
Federal Reserve District Bank Presidents:
- Eric S. Rosengren – President, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
- Charles I. Plosser – President, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
- Jeffrey M. Lacker – President, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
- James B. Bullard – President, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
- Gary H. Stern – President, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
- Thomas M. Hoenig – President, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
- Richard W. Fisher – President, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
- Janet L. Yellen – President, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Banks That Own The Federal Reserve System:
- Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin (Owns Sanofi Pasteur, Black Stone Group)
- Goldman Sachs Bank of New York
- Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York/Shearson American Express
- Lazard Brothers Bank of Paris
- Israel Moses Sieff Banks of Italy
- Warburg Bank of Hamburg, Germany and Amsterdam
- Lehman Brothers Bank of New York
- Chase Manhattan Bank of New York (David Rockefeller)
International Affairs
- Richard Holbrooke:Special Envoy to Pakistan/Afghanistan
- Stuart Levey: Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence
- Lawrence Summers: Chairman, National Economic Council
- Paul Volcker: Chairman, Economic Recovery Advisory Board
- Jared Bernstein: Chief Economist and Economic Adviser
- Peter Orszag: Director, Office of Management and Budget
- Jason Furman: Deputy Director, Office of Management and Budget
- Jeffrey Zeints: Chief Performance Officer to streamline government and cut costs as well as Deputy Director for Management at the Office of Management and Budget
- Gary Gensler: Chairman, Commodity Futures Trading Commission
- Mary Schapiro: Chairwoman, Securities and Exchange Commission
- Sheila Bair: Chairman, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
- Karen Mills: Administrator.
There is no way to be delicate with this. Occultists (Oc=Light=Lucifer) reject JESUS and Atone for Sins with the shedding of blood. You will either be in a one on one personal covenant with JESUS via the Holy Ghost or you will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire with Lucifer.
Crisis Actors at it again. Katie Foley is Alex Israel and Michael Foley is Adam Lanza “Classmate” Elliot Rodgers.
Not only was the beheading video fake, so were his sister and brother. Simply amazing these sick bastards get away with this in plain sight over and over.
Same garbage they pushed on us at V Tech with Cho. Not the same guy his classmates remember; only a stage actor with a lot of police help
A screenshot of material found on the computer. The files appear to be videos of speeches by ISIL clerics.
A laptop recovered from properties of the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) terrorist group in Syria reveals a series of secret plans including instructions on how to develop biological weapons, Syrian opposition sources say.
Rival militants seized the laptop during a raid on an ISIL hideout in Idlib Province close to Turkey’s border.
A commander in a rival militant group in Syria has told American magazine, Foreign Policy, that the computer belonging to a Tunisian militant, contained thousands of secret files in French, English, and Arabic.
It also contained lessons on disguise, bomb-making, stealing cars as well as ideological justifications for militancy, the commander added.
Western media reports say one of the documents included instructions on how to develop biological weapons and how to weaponize the bubonic plague from infected animals.
“The advantage of biological weapons is that they do not cost a lot of money, while the human casualties can be huge,” the 19-page document in Arabic stated.
The laptop also includes a 26-page fatwa (decree) by ISIL terrorist leaders on the use of weapons of mass destruction.
The Syrian government has reported of use of chemical weapons by foreign-sponsored militants three times in Syria– once near Aleppo, a second time near Damascus, and another time in Homs in recent years.
UN investigators said in May 2013 that they had found testimonies from victims and medical staff that show militants had used the nerve agent sarin in Syria.
Senior Syrian officials say Damascus is “genuinely worried” that Syria’s enemies could provide chemical weapons to armed groups “and then claim they had been used by the Syrian government.”
The Syria crisis began in March 2011, and many people, including large numbers of soldiers and security personnel, have been killed in the violence.
ISIL terrorists have been behind many of the deadly bomb attacks targeting both civilians and government institutions across Syria over the past three years.
– See more at: http://en.alalam.ir/news/1627842#sthash.JyGcQlsx.Gs35iqb0.dpuf
A man’s enemies shall be the men of his own household Mat 10:36
ISIS head Muhammad al Bahdadi is Simon Eliot; trined by the US at Camp Bussa and a Mossad Asset.
US Delivers Military Aid to Lebanese ArmyThis is just the latest in a series of deliveries that have arrived in the last 36 hours,” U.S. ambassador David Hale said at the event. Hale said the U.S. had so far delivered 480 anti-tank guided missiles, over 1,500 M16-A4 rifles, and mortars. “More mortars, grenade launchers, machine guns, and anti-tank weapons will be arriving,” he said.
After Hale spoke, a U.S. military aircraft that landed at the air base was opened to reveal wooden boxes full of weaponry. “This aircraft is full, chock-full!” said Antonio Banchs, defense attache to the U.S. embassy, as he surveyed the goods.
The weapons shipment is part of a region-wide response — which is still taking shape — to the rapid advances of the Islamic State extremist group, which has seized vast swaths of Syria and Iraq and threatens several U.S. allies.
The U.S. has said it would bolster Kurdish forces with new weapons as they try to fend off advances by the Islamic State militants into their largely-autonomous region of northern Iraq. The U.S. is also now conducting airstrikes to push back the extremists in northern and western Iraq, its first direct military involvement in the country since troops withdrew at the end of 2011.
US arming Lebanese Army which works with Hizbullah “Party of Allah” and Iran with plane loads of M-16 A-4 assault rifles, MANPADS, RPG’s, grenade launchers. UN Sec Council Res 1701 calls for “Disarmament of Lebanese Militias. Should be some Security Council Meeting for Obama on Sept 15th eh
Jesuit Hegalian Dialect: CIA now admits that There Creation (MOLE)President Obama is a radical Islamic .. Right after Prime Minister David Cameron UK Severe Terror Alert “Isis Here”, Fear Mongering Propaganda Psychological Warfare = 9/11Id Operation Blackjack, A New Dawn False Flag In The Making? (The Making of a Boogeyman) .Thanks for Confirmation Howard . I been telling people for several years Barack i sits UN Security Councilman(illusion of man because he a Sodomite) . What the Update on the New Constitution Planning of the Council of Governors???
Twice in history a US President has Chaired the UN Security Council General Assembly; Obama will chair the opening assembly of 193 nations Sept 2014 right after Jesuit Knights of Malta John Kerry and Chuck Hagel attend the NATO Summit in Wales calling for a board coalition to combat ISIS Genocide.
Ben Rhodes wrote the Benghazi Talking Points Obama, Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice used to blame the event on the Sheldon Adelson video “Innocence of Muslims”; John Kerry then allowed Hillary (Flu), Gen Petraeus (Adultery) and Gen Carter Ham (Adultery) to escape testimony to the investigation he was leading into Benghazi.
Benghgazi is used to Arm, Train and Finance “Friends of Syair” aka ISIS. John Kerry was in Jeddah Saudi Arabia waiting on a shipment of 50,000 tons of weapons aboard the Russian ship Mol Comfort when it broke in half June 17, 2013. The Turkish ship Nour M had 50,000 Khalishnikov Rifles headed for “Friends of Syria” when the Greek Coast Guard intercepted it a month later.
Imagine what will happen when Obama starts WWIII over a series of False Flags and the world finds out he is the son of Malcolm X, with no Passport, no US Citizenship using a false Social Security Card who does not E-Verify for employment. A Prince Hall Mason trained in a Madrassa School as a Mujahideen in Pakistan and not sworn to protect the US Constitution. A crack addicted, member of the Chicago Bath House “Man’s Country” living in the White House with partner Michael (Michelle) Robinson and a Santeria practicing mother in law.
Sarah Palin proclaimed April 2007 “Prince Hall Mason Week” and wrote the book “Going Rogue”. We are about to find out what she meant by that
Both times this has been Obama (He is with us in Farsi and title of Luo Tribe converts to Islam), Sept 15 is a Full Moon of the month Emperor Commodus named after himself, an avatar of Hercules (Movie premiere is no coincidence; neither is “The Rock”)
Obama will sit next to UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, a KCIA asset and Unification Church disciple of Sun Myung Moon who taught “Jesus failed his ministry and he was born to fulfill it”
Hold on to your hats folks!
In Rome, the event in honor of Jupiter was a “Nail Driving Ceremony” in the Temple of Jupiter. Capitol means “Womb of Jupiter” meaning Jah Pater or “Father Jah” Ever wonder why Ps 68:4 is changed from JAH (AV) to Jah? Same reason JESUS (Mat 1:25) is changed to Jesus.
Talmudic Rabbis open Synagogue with the Sign of Shin (Nail), the Victory Sign of Satan. Mormon attain the 3rd token of the Melchisedek Priesthood (Jesus is Melchisedek) with Pey Heylel (Marvelous Lucifer) and the pass phrase “Sure Sign of the Nail”.
Sept 15 is the 15th day of the 7th month of the Roman calendar; Jesus was born on the 15th day of the 7th month of the Hebrew calendar “Feast of Tabernacles”.
Catching on yet?
Ever wonder why 3 nails are under IHS on the Jesuit logo?
Interesting Founding Howard An Interview with Jake Tapper in regards to the Stage event in StLouis Ferguson . Where he:s interview a man in regards to Police Brutality. In Background a political social activist was Holding up sign saids ISIS HERE at the time of was 9;15 . Also Sept 15 is the 38th(Gematria JESUS 888) week of 2014. Watchful alert:::
Going rouge? Mabe more correctly, Going Down. I think we have struck an iceberg..
NATO Summit in Wales Sept 4 to direct NATO to assemble 10,000 rapid deployment force to combat Russia and ISIS; ironically made of troops sworn to protect their own Constitutions not NATO. Gen Phil Breedlove attended Bilderberg 2014 for a reason. Knights of Malta John Kerry and Chuck Hagel calling for a broad coalition to combat “ISIS Genocide”. Ironic since these Traitors are arming, training and financing ISIS.
Lamestream Magi(Median) using codeword words for Mole likeabout BArack suit TAUPE (Old French) Brown Tan War drum abit
Extraordinary Synod of Bishops will celebrate Jesus’ Birthday on Oct 8, 2014 declaring Gay, Transgender, Women, Bi-sexual Priests in the Catholic (Universal) church have common ground with Buddhists, Taoists, Muslims, Talmudists; presumably even the ones who claim Jesus is in His own boiling excrement in Hell forever.
ALS “Ice-Bucket Challenge” May be Funding Embryonic Stem Cell Research
The Ice(CUBE) Bucket Challenge = Hell (EL) On Earth People are participating in Ritual unto there DEMISE
The ALS ice bucket challenge. No one in my household did it. I refused.
Be careful of following any fads. Think them through. Oprah, George W. Bush and endless other celebrities did this challenge. Never trust the celebrities.
You know sometimes I just sit and think about some of the strange stuff going on. I thought to myself “What is this some kind of mass ritual?” I went and googled to see if anyone else had this thought. A few others did. It seemed like it was a weird mass Luciferian Ritual baptism, or a “voluntary water torture” as it were. If you want to give to charity why not just send the money instead of having someone give you an ice bath? Co-founder of “ALS Ice Bucket Challenge” drowns at age 27 . 8:33 code ou heard the phrase 86ed before? It means you got iced…essentially 86ed means dead
First atomic bomb was used on a country was in 8/6/1945 (Hiroshima)
Abram was 86 when Ishmael was born
Average life span of people with ALS is 14 months; Stephen Hawking is over 40 years with ALS
Fauci like Rumsfeld (Patent holder of Swine Flu Vaccine) were awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom for their work toward implementing the New World Order. Gulf War liar Gen Colin Powell won it twice; other recipients: Dick Cheney, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Henry Kissinger, Gen Wes Clark, Jesse Jackson, Alan Greenspan, David, Laurence and Nelson Rockefeller, George HW “Magog” Bush, GW “Gog” Bush, Bill Clinton, Stephen Hawking, and my personal favorite Noahide Law, Chabad Lubavitch Rebbe Menachem ben Schneerson.
Ben Rhodes wrote the “Benghazi Talking Points” used by UN Ambassador Susan Rice; Rice becomes Obama Nat Sec Adviser; Samantha Power takes over and accuses Assad of using Chlorine Gas in Kfar Zeita on April 11-12, 2014. The UN releases its report Aug 27, 2014 claiming same. No evidence, no pictures, no tweets claiming this nonsense, but Obama will use the report to justify pre-planned attacks on Syria that will likely ignite WWIII.
Glaxo-Smith-Kline and NIH managed by Jesuit educated, AIDS researcher Anthony Fauci (name means Sickle used by Chronos “Grim Reaper”) to begin Ebola Vaccine trials Sept 3. GSK is fresh off a $3B fraud judgment. NIH and CDC created AIDS. BEE Careful
Fauci says “Jesuits taught me how to formulate my thoughts”
So its the been 152 years since Jack the Ripper(Randolph Churchill) masonry ritual killing .ICREACH: How the NSA Built Its Own Secret Google -The InterceptThe National Security Agency is secretly providing data to nearly two dozen U.S. government agencies with a “Google-like” search engine built to share more than 850 billion records about phone calls, emails, cellphone locations, and internet chats, according to classified documents obtained by The Intercept.
The Birth of the Modern Police Departments
Establishing the exact date to mark the beginning of modern policing in the United States is difficult, since the evolution of older systems like the Constables, Night Watches, and slave patrols into the “new police” was slow. However, we can take the mid-1800s as the years in which the present system of law enforcement dependent on a permanent agency with full-time paid officers was first conceived.
Among the first cities in the country to create such agencies were Boston in 1838, New York in 1845, Chicago in 1851 and St. Louis in 1855; 2014 hmmm???? There truly nothing new underthesun???
A soft approach for restructuring the institution was taken at first. This proposal estimated that police officers could turn into some sort of “social scientist” collaborating with social workers and teachers to understand what the roots of crime and social instability were. In the end, a more enforcement-like strategy, with a “scientific and technologically advanced methodology of social control” which included a “machine-gun” school of criminology and a stricter legalistic framework was developed. In 1934, FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover, would attach the concept of war to policing when he declared the first “war against crime”.
“Hoover liked to compare law enforcement officers to the soldiers and sailors who protect the state in times of war. Law enforcement was an instrument of law against disorder, a strategic weapon of war to be used against an internal enemy that was to be eradicated as an enemy of state”
Jack the Ripper aka Winston Churchill’s father was the Coppers creating the Crisis that would be the casus belli for arming the police
Public Law 97-280 “Year of the Bible” was written by Luciferian Masons Tip O-Neill and KKK member Strom Thurmon during Freemason and honorary Knight of Malta Ron Reagan and Jesuit/Mason GH W Bush’ term. 1983 + 33 years is the “Jubilee Year”. Operation Garden Plot began the following year as did Iran-Contra by Methodist Minister Rev Oliver North with money laundering by Mormon Melchisedek Priest Mitt Romney and Iranian Arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi.
As Jesus is the Word made Flesh and the Word that was with God and was God died at 33 years, Jesus will be replaced by Lucifer during the Jubilee Year.
That’s what I think of Public Law 97-280 Satanists need war to have people like Jesus give up their lives for them.
http://whofortedblog.com/2014/08/21/synchromysticism-seth-macfarlane/ Robin Williams died a day after the August ‘superMacFarlane’s lantern’. Some historians claim the name MacFarlane refers to Partholón, a Gaelic folk hero who led the Irish to Ireland 300 years after the biblical flood. Partholón means “Sea Wave”. Of interest are the higher tides during a ‘supermoon’, with our largest natural satellite being at perigee or its closest point to Earth.3
Ptolemy is an ancient astronomer best known for tabulating astronomical data into ephemerides.4 The Egyptian Ptolemaic dynasty was founded by… Ptolemy the First who declared himself to be a savior. The most famous member of their clan being Cleopatra, famous for allegedly committing suicide by a snake bite to her breast. Again, we return to snakes and suicide.
Scottish Independence vote in Sept may see Clan MacFarlane claim kingship for the Tuatha De Danaan (Offspring of Zeus)
The Synchromysticism Of Seth MacFarlane
The show’s producer, Seth MacFarlane, denounced the video as ‘abhorrent’,1 which was subsequently removed from YouTube, only to be immediately reposted in observance of the Streisand Effect.2 Fox followed suit, removing Turban Cowboy from their website and Hulu, with no intention of airing the episode again. Depending on your financial means, the episode is available on Amazon’s streaming video service, or anywhere fine bittorrents are hosted.
robin_williamsOf particular interest was BBC Three airing a repeat from May 20th, 2012, on August 11th, titled “Viewer Mail 2″, featuring the vignette “Fatman & Robin” 25 minutes before the announcement of Robin’s death. In Fatman & Robin, Peter’s struck by lightning, granting him the ability to turn people into Robin Williams. After turning his wife, Lois, into Robin Williams he attempts suicide several times. Juxtaposing suicide and Robin Williams in the same episode, the same sketch, around the death of Robin Williams begs further examination.
Martin Luther was hit by lightning too.
Time Warner and Comcast are seeking to merge and become the most dominant Internet service provider in the country. SMH good Club meeting in NEW YORK was for ????
from the era of Alexander the Great, archaeologists claim that it is highly unlikely that the Greek king was buried at ancient Amphipolis. However, they believe that an important
Macedonian official was buried there.
Source: http://greece.greekreporter.com/2014/08/14/archaeologists-ready-to-enter-tomb-in-amphipoli
Howard what do Know about the PUBLIC LAW 97-280 issue by Ronald Reagan 1983 ???
Add Ben Rhodes to the list; he is Obama’s mouthpiece and speechwriter advocating attacks on ISIS in Syria; of course another fake Jew
Ben wrote Obama’s speech in Cairo proclaiming a “New Beginning for Islam” in 2009
Chatham House Chetoff GroupNSA/GCHQ: The HACIENDA Program for Internet Colonization – Internet Heist is was already in there Plans Karl. We probably 3-4 decades behind . Has anyone ever heard about the internet technology could came out in 1934>??????
Bro Howard what happen to the search engine on the website???? Its not in the top left corner anymore.
They are talking Bout sensor ing the Internet .. Lets hope that they have not begun..
Obama vows to continue fighting IS despite warnings of continued violence. He does this by bowing to their financiers King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia; playing golf with their support group in Jordan King Abdullah II a Hashemite (Edomite) 33 degree Grand Orient Lodge Mason; arming and training them in Benghazi and wiping the non-semitic ass (Netanyahu is an Ashkenazi son of Japheth not Shem and 33 degree Luciferian Mason) of Israel’s PM Netanyahu, the man behind Mossad asset Elliot Simon aka Mohammad al Baghdadi.
Obama is a title given to Luo Tribe converts to Islam; it also means “He is with us” in the Chaldean/Medean language of Farsi. He as you may recall was the title Jesus used “I Am He” because it means “God is with me”.
Williams was a follower of Swami Paramahansa Yogananda of the Self Realization Fellowship.; Karmic Cleansing and Reincarnation. The Swami has quite a following including spin off Eckankar where Eck is the Universal Soul of the Celtic god HU. In World’s Greatest Dad he lies about his son’s accidental death from auto-erotic asphyxiation to cleanse his Karma and launch his own writing career. In The Final Cut he erases past Karma Debt (Sins) by erasing memories, implanting new ones and writing flattering eulogies for their funerals. In Saddest Man in Brooklyn (just now coming out on video) he says “By the time you see this I will be dead”.
Life imitates art as they say.
Williams allegedly killed himself on the Feast Day of Lucifer on the Super Moon.
Is their a pill or something that crazy people can take to make them sane ?
Martial Law Primer ( August 19 , 2014 ) — US Army’s Civil Disturbances Manual …..US chemical weapon usage at Ferguson ( Tear Gas = chemical weapon ) ……. Amnesty International comes to Ferguson ( and US for the first time EVER ! tear gas — which, it turns out is technically banned for use in warfare as a chemical weapon. The history of how that came about, as this State Department notice on tear gas discusses.
robin Williams 63. He was 63 years and 21 days old to be more precise. 21:7 7 7…
Robin Williams career took off with the sitcom Mork & Mindy:One of Williams’ final roles is as Teddy Roosevelt in the 3rd installment of Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb:
Both Jesuit Black pope (Adolfo Nicholas) have been Trained in Belgium just like Jesuit Fr Jean-Pierre De Smet . I think these the sicko(JESUITS) Have Two headed Black Pope dividing both side to fulfilled the WW3 Nicholas have his expertise in Syria Lebonan and Egypt Japan to familiarize himself with Japanese language and culture.. Where Retire(FALSEHOOD) peter hans kolvenbach has his Expertise in Europe and North America. Also do you thinkAs to national identity, Black Pope Nicolas is a Spaniard; -Black Pope Kolvenbach is a Dutchman; . Can you change that Psyop term of Pedophile(ChildLove) into what these people truly are child abuser and molesters . For the Last 4 years Howard I go Been class here I didn”t need a Loan nor a Grant of Druid to get understanding. Indeed
Essentially 2 White Popes and 2 Black Popes both in Vatican City with agents in control of Washington DC and the City of London
Roman festivals – Vinalia Rustica celebrated in honor of Venus Libitina commemorating the founding of the oldest known temple to her, on the Esquiline Hill, in 293 BC on this date. What the Significants of National Aviation Day????
Thanks Howard For the Exclusive(I didn’t know that) to Who was the other the was Co conspirators of the Book to the Protocol of Zion Pyotr Ivanovich Rashkovsky ??? Do You have in detail or reference you can point me to. Also it about time we expose those Liarer who use Jesus Name in vain for the Conquer the elevation of the clergy agenda. Where Is Brother Craig its been a While since he been on Here???? Also Doesn”t JJesuit Fr Jean-Pierre De Smet have Cemetery name after him in St;Louis???
De Smet Cemetary and Prep-school