Question: What did raw material did God use to create Heaven and Earth? Satanists believe it was “Ra Material”
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said. Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day…And God called the dry land Earth…And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years. And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth.”
What divides people on earth is the Spirit of God; the darkness overcome by the Spirit of God with “light” on Day 1 is not the “light” shining from the Sun, Moon and Stars created on Day 4. CERN aims to create the Prima Materia “Shadow Matter” God used on Day 1. An easier way to experience that “light” is to ask JESUS for it; it’s called the “Holy Spirit”
Amalekites aka Hyksos (Foreign Shepherd Kings) are at war with God from Generation to Generation, they settled in Egypt at Heliopolis, the center of the Ra Cult. Ra is the opposite of God, his tears created Man and from his blood came Hu (Hu + Man). “I am Ra; the Law of One”
1 Cor 13 KJV uses “Charity” 7 times; new bible versions change “Charity” to “Love”. The gift of “Prophesy” (Understanding the Word and being able to teach others) follows “Charity” (Value and Esteem of God) because it is God’s greatest gift. The first Commandment in the Law given to Moses “Have no other Gods before me” is the same as the first Commandment given by Jesus “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind” Mat 22:37; Lk 10:27 The second is “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets” Mat 22:39-40
Deut 6:4-5 KJV “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD: And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might”. It is written the same because Jesus wrote them both. The Rabbinical version used in the Mezuzah which is fastened to doors and gates or worn as a Phylactery is similar but very deadly “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is One”.
The Six Pointed Star, Sign of Shin and Shaddai are usually part of the Mezuzah; no problem? The Glory of the LORD departed the Temple and Jacob ceased to be called “Israel” because of the Six Pointed Star of Molech (Amos 5:2; 26; 7:2-3; 5-6); Shaddai is not God, the name means “Destroyer”; the Sign of Shin used in Talmudic Synagogues means Nail; the Nails used to fasten Jesus to the Tree.
The DNA of Light (137) X Fine Structure Constant “Alpha” 1/137=One. Gnostic Cathars are the “Church of Amor” (Amor=Agape=Love) The Unification of Religion and Science is here but the Love of Jesus, the Word made Flesh? You be the judge.
2015 is the UN International Year of Light and CERN’s Year of Light
Earth Dwellers with no connection to God or who have “Sold their Soul” in Secret Society Initiations revere the number 137. The number ties the Philosophy of Jung and Freud (Uncertainty Principle) with Biology (Photosynthesis), Physics (Fine Structure Constant), Astro-physics (Light, Time and Size of the Universe, Mathematics (Squares of fisrt 7 digits of Pi add to 137) and Kaballah. No folks, Kaballah is not Jewish, it is Chaldean.
137 is called the DNA of Light (Lucifer means “Light Bearer”). Astro-physicists claim the Age of the Universe if 13.7 Billion Years. Since light was created first and they assume it’s speed is constant “c”, the Age of the Universe if assumed to be 13.7 Billion years. Those assumptions are Dead wrong!
1/137, called the Fine Structure Constant is designated by Alpha, a title of Jesus, and the equation Alpha-1 =137. Think Jesus will be canceled out by the Fine Structure Constant “Alpha” Guess again.
Chlorophyll (C55H72N4O5Mg) has 137 Atoms, a molecule which uses Light to convert animal waste/plant food (Methane and C02) into Oxygen. Green Peace and Green Man may ring a Baal here.
Arthur Eddington said “The hand of God wrote that number but we don’t know how He pushed his pencil”. Jesus said “I am the Alpha and Omega” One can easily see 137=Alpha -1 the mathematical opposite of Jesus.
CERN claims to have produced the material “Dark Matter” out of which God created the Universe
137 is the key to Grand Unification Theory aka Theory of Everything (Iron and Clay TOEs of the Babylonian Idol may ring a Baal). TOE aims to Unify the 4 Fundamental Forces of Nature: Gravity, Electro-magnetism, Weak Interaction and Strong Nuclear. Of those Forces, only Electro-magnetism has been proven, but is still yet to be understood. Example: A magnet supplies a seemingly endless force which requires a source of energy; where does that energy come from? Atomic theory rests on these imaginary Forces which is why it is also called the “Uncertainty Principle”.
Similarly, Gravity produces Infinite Work; Gravity requires a seemingly endless Force applied over seemingly endless distances which produce “Infinite Work” (W=FD); once again this, requires endless amounts of Energy, so where does this imaginary energy come from?
2015 is the end of the 7th Shemitah Cycle; the 49th year since the 6th Blood Moon Cycle in world history (4 consecutive Lunar Eclipses on Passover and Tabernacles), a pattern God set up at the Flood.
The number 7 appears 137 times in Revelation, the book JESUS delivered to man solely via the Holy Ghost. The gift of Wisdom and Prophecy is 137 and CERN aims to create that.
2015: United Nations “International Year of Light”
“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground which didst weaken the nations” On Jan 19, 2015 the UN Inaugurated the International Year of Light in Paris (House of Isis) as the Sun entered Aquarius.
The Higgs Boson was predicted to have a mass-energy of between 125GeV/c2 and 140GeV/c2 The November 18, 2011 issue of the International Journal of Science “Nature”
claimed the hunt for the elusive Higg’s Boson aka God Particle or Graviton entered its endgame. Translated: Man believes he has the knowledge, ability and reached the appointed time to become a God.
On July 4, 2012 CERN announced 99.99% proof of the “God Particle” aka “Graviton” as the source for the magical Force of Gravity. The force carrier “God Particle” gives Mass to Matter and Order to the Universe at a theoretical mass/energy of 126 GeV. Daniel says Antichrist honours the “God of forces” Dan 11:38
Why 126? Perhaps because Ps 12:6 “The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified 7 times” Jesus is the Word made Flesh.
Dan 12:6 “How long shall it be to the end…it shall be for a time, times, and an half…all these things shall be finished” Perhaps Rev 12:6 “And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days”. “she” is the Bride of JESUS during the Great Tribulation. Hanukkah (Feast of Dedication and Festival of Lights) began 12/6/2015, it is a formal rejection of JESUS.
On Dec 5, 2015 “Krampusnacht” (Krampus is the Shadow of St Nicholas; Nico=Conquer + Laity; Christmas does exactly that) Hollywood released the movie “Krampus” timed with Krampusnacht and CERN’s attempt to create Strangelets aka “Shadow Matter” using Lead Ions (Lead is the basis of Alchemy). 1 PeV (Quadrillion) is obtained by smashing far heavier Lead Ions together. Strangelets are particles able to exist in different Time and Space dimensions; in theory they are the most explosive form of energy (Nothing new, Star Trek Antimatter engines or Star Wars “Hyperspace Drive” should ring a Baal).
On Dec 17, 2015 (Saturnalia; Six Pointed Star is the Star of Saturn aka Chaldean STUR=666; again this is a formal rejection of JESUS) CERN announced finding a Gamma-Ray emitting particle more massive than the Higgs Boson “God Particle”. My guess is the mass of this “Strangelet” will be announced as 137 GeV because 137 is called the “DNA of Light”.
137 is Kabbalah “Receiving Tradition”; received from God? Not on your eternal life. Kabbalah is Kof=100 Bet=2 Lamed=30 Hey=5 added is 137. Kabbalah is Chochma “Wisdom” 73 + Nevuah “Prophecy” 64 added=137. Rabbis believe the Angel of the Torah who delivered this mystical or esoteric tradition is “Yofiel” whose number in Hebrew Gematria “137”.
1/137 is the “Magic number with no understanding of man”.
1/137 is the probability an Electron will absorb a Photon; therefore a material with Atomic Number of 137 will absorb all Light and become “Black” or “Dark”. This is the origin of “Dark Matter” aka “Shadow Matter a theoretical material Fy “Feynmanium” named after Richard Feynman.
Jesus said He was “Alpha”, in Gematria “137”. The Divine Child on the Seat of the Black Virgin “Isis” absorbing all Light is thus the “Dark Lord” written in physics as Alpha -1 (Star Wars “Darth Vader” and “The Force” may ring a Baal; it made its debut on Saturnalia). In Dan 11:38 describes the “God of forces”. Dan 8:23 describes him as the “king of fierce countenance understanding dark sentences”.
Jesus is Father, Son, Holy Ghost and the Word made Flesh (Jn 1:1;24 and 1 Jn 5:7 KJV) The occult Trinity is Father “58” + Mother “79”=Son “137”
137 and 1/137= Super Symmetry
Super Symmetry is Bull Shit. There are no words to describe the Battle of Armageddon (Rev 19:19) or the Battle of Gog and Magog (Rev 20:9; end of the Millennium) because nobody battles God and wins.
Lucifer/Satan/Dragon/Devil and God are not equals; Satan serves Jesus “Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve” Mat 4:10. 10/4 good buddy? A little Mirror Matter humor
The God fearing Nikola Tesla said “Einstein is a beggar dressed in purple, made king using dazzling mathematics that obscures the truth.” Tesla based Electro (Sun) Magnetic (Earth) based weapons will destroy the Earth and JESUS will return to “destroy them which destroy the earth” Rev 11:18
The Zionist idiot Albert Einstein ‘s Relativity Theories came from his 1st cousin/wife said “We don’t understand 137 and until we do we will understand nothing”
Wolfgang Pauli predicted correctly he would die in Rm 137 of the Rotkreuz Hospital in Zurich. Paul Dirac said of Einstein’s protégé Arthur Eddington “Solving the mystery of 137 took over Eddyington’s life”
Carl Jung said “Probabilities in quantum physics, laws of nature and patterns in the cosmos will be solved when we understand 137”
Werner Heisenberg (Uncertainty Principle may ring a Baal) said “Problems with Quantum Theory will disappear when 137 is explained” and “Grand Unified Theory rests on solving the mass of elementary particles”; that would be Fy “Feynmanium” Atomic Mass 137 fused together by Matter-Antimatter collisions 100’s of times more powerful than Nuclear Detonations. The equivalent of stepping in Bull Shit folks, nothing more.
The comic series Superman’s Girl Friend Lois Lane ran for 137 issues; coincidence? The Aussie band AC-DC song Whole Lotta Rosie with measurements 42-39-56 add to 137. Rosie? The Rosicrucian goddess Isis folks!
Obama means “He is with us” in Farsi; allegedly born in Hawaii “Water and Breath of Life”, a chain of 137 Islands ; coincidence?
Strangelets with a, Atomic Mass of 137 will be made entirely of Ismaili Bull Shit. Ishmael was renamed Ismail for violating God’s covenant with Abraham by marrying Canaanite women; Esau followed his uncle’s lead and was renamed Edom. Abram and Sarai became Abraham and Sarah after they entered Covenant with God. Ishmael was renamed Ismail when he forsook the LORD. “h” means “God is with me”; Ismail died at 137 years of age and al-Mahdi the Ismaili Messiah of the Hagarenes is about to exact revenge.
Star Wars made its debut on Saturnalia commensurate with CERN announcing the yet unnamed, heavier, new “Force Carrier” particle. The Millennium Falcon is Horus, the Divine Child in the lap of his “Black Virgin” mother “Isis” (Throne) born at Christmas. Gen 25 describes the Ismaili-Edomite (Rebel Alliance ring a Baal?) origin as does Adele’s (Adele or Yiddish Edel=Noble) “25”; “Chasing Pavements” refers to the Pavement where Jesus was scourged. “Rolling in the Deep…We could have had it all” refers to Ishmael and Esau’s 1st born right to the God’s Covenant with Abraham; “Turning Tables” the changing of the covenant from Cain to Abel, Japheth to Shem, Ishmael to Isaac and Esau to Jacob; “Skyfall” is about creating Heaven on Earth; “Hello” is about the coming meeting with Lucifer.
The White Horse rides forth with a bow to Conquer; the Red Horse takes peace from the earth; the Black Horse collapses the Economy and holds the Scales of Judgment; the Pale Horse is “Death and Hell follows because this is Spiritual Death and Hell lasts forever. Time to get right with JESUS people it’s all out in the open now!
X-Files Aliens uses Zero Point Energy, Torroidal Energy, Gravity Warp Drive which utilizes Ununpentium Uup Atomic Number 115
4 new elements were added to the periodic table on Dec 31, 2015; Next up Feynmanium #137 aka David Bowie’s “Darkstar”. The DNA of Light combined with the Fine Structure Constant is ONE World under Satan
Agonia (Jan 9) a sacrifice is offered to Janus the Roman god of Doors and Gates ie Babylon “Gate of the Gods”; David Bowie became the Sacrifice opening the door to War. Before getting into Dark Matter, David Bowie (Bowman in 2001: A Space Odyssey also became a Re-born Star Man) the lifelong Crowleyian-Golden Dawn-Kabbalist needs to progress from Astronaut Major Tom (Tom=Twin), a Blind Man ascending to the Stars in “Space Oddity” (released just ahead of the fake Apollo 11 Moon Landing), as the Jewel encrusted skull dead astronaut to Ziggy Stardust, descending as a god “Star Man” to Earth as the Enlightened preacher with the Blackstar Bible; travel along the stations of the Tree of Life in Kabbalah from Kether (Crown) to Earth (Malkuth) as the “Trickster” and finally resurrected as the Blackstar, the Spiritual Sun, Black Sun of the Nazi SS or Midnight Sun, the “I AM the Great I AM” of Lazarus Rising.
Edwin Hubble or rather his Jesuit puppeteer Georges LeMaitre said “Earth is fixed, in a unique if not central position in the Universe, but the idea is unwelcome and must be avoided at all costs; replaced by Red Shift”. Gravity is real would contract or slow the expansion, so Dark Energy was invented to account for Red Shift, the accelerating expansion observed in the constraints of a constant speed of light proposed by the attention obsessed Albert Einstein in E=Mc2. For speeds faster than Light, more Energy is needed, enter “Darkstar”.
Science is handicapped by this Lie; Jesuit Neils Bohr’s Atomic Model has 4 Forces: Strong Nuclear, Weak Interaction, Electro-magnetism and Gravity; the theoretical material #137 would absorb all Light and force electrons to travel faster than the speed of Light; an impossibility, which is likely why the Word of God calls Science the “Tongue of the Chaldeans” and “Vain and Profane Babblings” (Ref Dan 1:4; 1 Ti 6:12)
The Chaldean Saturn or “Dark Star” (Dark Energy Star) is the name given to the primordial Aether or Quintessense, the so-called 5th Element (Kabbalist Bruce Willis movie 5th Element ring a Baal?). This 5th Fundamental Force can be either Attractive or Repulsive (now after 10 Billion years its Repulsive), but creating it may create a region of “Negative Pressure” called Vacuum Energy and suck everything into itself according to Stephen Hawking. Obviously the element is made of 100% pure Jesuit Bull Shit
Occultists believe it to be the material breathed in by the gods; the Time varying medium of Light and Gravity is the Holy Grail, the Philosopher’s Stone.
Giddy with excitement because the material was known to the Ethiopians like Obama and his Ethiopian partner Michael, related to Ethiopian Priests of Amurru (Serpent); Ethiopian Orthodox Rabbi Funnye Capers may ring a Baal. Shabazz refers to this mythical “1st Race”, the Race of the Hawk headed Horus created by the ancient astronauts featured in David Bowie’s new song Darkstar; Stephen Hawking may ring a Baal, the name means “Crown or Martyr of Horus”, the Egyptian son of the sun born at Christmas and Circumcised on Jan 1.
President Bari Malik Shabazz, son of Malcolm X aka Bari Malik Shabazz and Betty Shabazz is the Nation of Islam wet dream fulfilled in DAESH “Nation of Islam in the Levant”; DAESH is ISIS “Black Virgin” impregnated at Easter by the Sun; come on folks, you really didn’t believe Rabbits laid Eggs; did you? Don’t believe everything your Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing tells you from the pulpit.
Such is life when Satan is your god; how about getting a real God with real physics laws? Space is “Nothing”; Earth is “Fixed”; Creation is just under 6000 years. Light is not a Wave nor of constant velocity; the only thing Relative about the Adulterer, Zionist moron Einstein was his 3rd wife and 1st cousin he cheated on like the others. Stephen Hawking means “Crown of Horus”; a Jesuit sock puppet as confused as any Kabbalist Rabbi.
Aether (Aethiopia) means “To Shine, “The Shining” had Danny Torrance wearing an Apollo 11 shirt next to Rm 237 (Distance to the Moon); Aether also means “Incinerate or Burn”. Tammuz means “Purify by Fire; TULA or Dark Sun of the Nazis is that of ancient Egypt seen in the Thule Society aka Brotherhood of Death or Skull & Bones. Physics class is in session folks, Professor David Bowie, the coke addicted androgynous Ziggy Stardust on the Science pedestal with Newton, Einstein and Hawking ; whoda thunk it?
Wow, Amazing website…, I have been up all night, currently at the moment I feel kinda stupid…, oh & I started with the one about the Druids…, shit I thought I knew a lot, like thousands upon thousands of times more than most people but…, Good for you…, I suppose I have spent too much time in a state of spiritual oppression, & spiritual attack & a state of confusion Not Always O get these periods of clarity & Revelation , I mean I understand things in the bible that very few understand, but then there’s so many questions…, & so many things that forgive me but don’t sound correct but Still I have been drawn to Jesus Christ, & have been shown a lot of stuff…, the way you put all this stuff together though, I need to get back to the kind of state of Clarity I had for several months this last summer , felt totally filled with the holy spirit – all curses lifted…, but then mid September on through perhaps now, back in tribulation, feel more Human or something …, for several months after much prayer something lifted I suppose it could be called like a veil because all the spiritual attacks & the numbing of my mind & slowing of my body were pretty much gone, I healed much faster as I had before, everything seemed brighter, more vivid & more alive, my mind was so sharp & my spirit seemed untouchable , I felt light & strong like the weight of a thousand stones was off of my back…trying to get back to that , I fell into some trap or multiple ones not sure exactly where it began that I lost my way.., then got surrounded by nasty things, got some pictures even..
Hey Peter, Join the club. The way I see it is our relationship with God is like Jacob’s Wrestling with God (that was Jesus by the way); I tried to disprove everything from page 1 forward when I started into this in October 2004. I finally realized the Word means exactly what is in print. Don’t buy anyone’s opinion or interpretation; the Authorized Bible is the Sword the Jesuits fear most and as King James said “Nothing is more powerful than the bible in the hand of the common man”
The New Covenant is a Legal Contract with God; it is simple and easy “Love God” “Love your Neighbor”; it goes on to prove Jesus is the Father, Son, Holy Ghost and Word made Flesh; anyone who says anything contrary is Anathema.
It’s the Wedding of the Lamb (Rev 19:7) that is our only goal. We propose an Engagement by opening the Door; Jesus stands at our Door making it painfully obvious nothing in this world is as it seems, but He will not open it as the Calvinists claim. We propose and from there on as you say, you are a target for Satan and his legions of Demons; lots and lots of pitfalls and temptations.
Just know that JESUS forgives everything except closing the door ie “Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost”; that is our only lifeline and the thing you must value most. We all have different gifts, none better than another, just different and JESUS will guide you in the ways your talents fit best.
Glad you are on board! It’s a bit of a rough ride, but well worth it.
4 new elements have been added to the periodic table; Next up Feynmanium #137 aka David Bowie’s “Darkstar”
Edwin Hubble or rather his Jesuit puppeteer Georges LeMaitre said “Earth is in a fixed, unique if not central position in the Universe, but the idea is unwelcome and must be avoided at all costs; replaced by Red Shift”
Science is handicapped by this Lie because Jesuit Neils Bohr’s Atomic Model forces electrons to move faster than the speed of light in “Dark Matter”
Dark Star or Dark Energy Star is the name given to the primordial Aether or Quintessense, the so-called 5th Element (Kabbalist Bruce Willis movie 5th Element ring a Baal?). This 5th Fundamental Force can be either Attractive or Repulsive (now its Repulsive), but creating it may create a region of “Negative Pressure” called Vacuum Energy and suck everything into itself.
Obviously the element is made of 100% pure Bull Shit
Occultists believe it to be the material breathed in by the gods; the Time varying medium of Light and Gravity is the Holy Grail, the Philosopher’s Stone.
Giddy with excitement because the material was known to the Ethiopians like Obama and his Ethiopian partner Michael, related to Ethiopian Priests of Amurru (Serpent); Ethiopian Orthodox Rabbi Funnye Capers may ring a Baal.
Shabazz refers to this 1st Race, the Race of Horus created by the ancient astronauts featured in David Bowie’s new song Darkstar.
President Bari Malik Shabazz, son of Malcolm X aka Bari Malik Shabazz and Betty Shabazz is the Nation of Islam wet dream fulfilled in DAESH “Nation of Islam in the Levant”
Such is life when Satan is your god; how about getting a real God with real physics laws? Space is “Nothing”; Earth is “Fixed”; Creation is just under 6000 years. Light is not a Wave nor of constant velocity; the only thing Relative about the Adulterer, Zionist moron Einstein was his 3rd wife he cheated on like the others. Stephen Hawking means “Crown of Horus”; a Jesuit sock puppet as confused as any Kabbalist Rabbi.
Aether (Aethiopia) means To Shine (movie The Shining ringing a Baal?), Incinerate or Burn; Tammuz means “Purify by Fire”; TULA or Dark Sun of the Nazis is that of ancient Egypt aka Thule Society aka Brotherhood of Death or Skull & Bones. Physics class is in session folks, Professor David Bowie, the coke addicted androgynous Ziggy Stardust; whoda thunk it?
Bowie the “Darkstar” became the “Agonia” sarifice to Janus. Jan 9 Rex Sacorum (Sacrifice Priest is of Etruscan origin) offered a Ram as a sacrifice in honor of Janus the January god of Doors; Bowie essentially opened the door, opened in times of war through “War Magic”. Janus faces East and West serving as a countdown; his right hand indicating the # of days remaining.
Darkstar is Ra Material the Dark Sun of the Nazis or Tula (Thule) of the Egyptians. CERN is trying to produce Ra Material aka Shadow Matter; comical how the first glimpse was on Dec 5 Krampusnacht the day the movie by that name was released as the Shadow of St Nicholas. The DNA of Light is 137; 1/137 is the Fine Structure Constant; put together is “One” in the 33rd Prime Number.
Dark Energy “Aether” is derived from Aethiopia meaning “To Shine”; the same meaning in Phoenix (Egyptian Bennu) is “To Shine” or “Rise Brilliantly”; Michelle Obama (Michael Robinson) is related to Ethiopian Priests of Amurru (Serpent) Secret service name is “Renaissance” (Re-birth). The Renaissance was created by the “Black Nobility” (Merchants of Venice). Recall his/her Black Widow Dress on Election Night on the spot Abe Lincoln won? or the #44 Jersey playing football for Oregon St? 44 is the sacred number of Horus or the Soul of Ra aka Ra Material; Crowley’s Mass of the Phoenix if you will.
Bowie is Bowman in 2001: A Space Odyssey who enters the Black Monolith on Saturn that is “Full of Stars” to become reborn a baby; Bowie was the Ram Sacrifice; the Gnostic version of Jesus. Paul Ryan (Little King) has an SS (Schwarze=Black Sun) codename Bowhunter (Bowman).
Satan’s ill fated plan is coming along quite nicely eh? I suggest a trip to your Prayer Closet and then hold on to your hats
This quite a check point here. 69 connection Crowley perversion of Psalm 69 in reversal unto David Bowie death. Coineddence
Ps 69:23 seems a direct hit in the video “Let their eyes be darkened, that they see not: and make their loins continually to shake” Bowie releases Darkstar and dies 2 days later when he is 69? I can’t help seeing Bowie as Bowman in 2001: A Space Odyssey entering the Black Monolith full of stars to be reborn
2016 Times Square New Years theme is “The World is One”; “Imagine” by John Lennon the theme song No Countries, No Heaven, No Hell, No Posessions only a World as One. The Fine Structure Constant 1/137 X the DNA of Light 137=One