“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” The question is What Raw Material did He use? 4 new man-made elements were added to the periodic table on Dec 31, 2015; Next up Atomic #137 aka David Bowie’s “Darkstar” aka Ra Material. The DNA of Light or Lucifer the “Light Bearer” if you prefer is 137, combined with the Fine Structure Constant 1/137 is ONE. A World seen as a giant Yin-Yang or Baphomet (Union of Spirit and Wisdom) under Satanic rule of ONE in the New Aeon of Horus. The United Nations Planetary Initiative “Nobody shall enter the New Age unless he or she accepts a Luciferian Initiation”. STUR is the Chaldean “Dark Star”; gematria 666, symbolized by the Six Pointed Star of Saturn aka “Mark of Cain”; accept that and Hell awaits. At Ground Zero (Zoroaster=Star Seed) the Millennium Hilton stood next to the Twin Towers and now stands next to the One World Trade Center, modeled precisely after the Black Monolith in 2001: A Space Odyssey. The choice God gave Adam and Eve was the Tree of Life or Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. JESUS is the Tree of Life; choose wisely.
Darkstar is not unique to David Bowie, Darkstar is a song by the band Darkstar, the album cover features the Egyptian Pyramids (used for Ritual Initiations) and Darkstar the 1968 song by the Grateful Dead for example. In Bowie’s “Darkstar” he is the “Agonia” sacrifice to Janus in the Satanic Jubilee. In Rome, on 9 Janus, Rex Sacorum (Sacrifice Priest is of Etruscan origin) offered a Ram (Abraham was ready to offer Isaac and a Ram symbolizing Jesus offering Himself at the Crucifixion became the substitute) as a sacrifice in honor of Janus, the January god of Doors and Gates; Bowie essentially opened the door of War through “War Magic”. WWIII is the Zoroastrian (Star Seed) battle of Good (Ahura Mazda-Light-Lucifer) against Ahriman the god of darkness and ignorance. Janus faces East and West serving as a countdown; 2016 is the Satanic Jubilee.
“Saturn will rule during Aquarius” Theosophical Society aka Cult of Saturn leader Annie Besant; Saturn is Satan; Aquarius begins now. Bowie’s Darkstar is about Man becoming a god through Crowleyian Initiation. In Gnosticism, physical death is not Death of the Soul; the Soul is released and becomes the Darkstar hence Bowie says “I’m a Darkstar” after his soul rose a meter and stepped aside on the day he died. Of course this conflicts with the Bible which says in Mat 10:28; Lk 12:5 “And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul; but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell” The main problem with Gnosticism and indeed most Religions is the false doctrine of “Immortality of the Soul”; Why Darkstar now?
11Q13 Prince Melchisedek Scroll “After 10 Jubilees, the Trumpet blast will herald the coming Melchisedek”. Jesus is Melchisedek! This Melchisedek will be the Alternative Messiah. Melchisedek “Priest of the Most High” authored the Covenant with Abraham, King David and the New Covenant (Ref Gen 14:18; Ps 110; Heb 7) 10 Jubilees=500 years from what? Black Cloistered Rosicrucian Monk nailed 95 Thesis against the Catholic Church to the Church of Wittenburg on Halloween 1517. Black Pope Leo X in 1513 bankrupted the Vatican Bank and signed the 5th Lateran Council of 1517 The first recognized by the Catholic Church and last before the Reformation was the first declaration of the Jesuit Lie “Immortality of the Soul”. Lateran means “Hidden Frogs”, the Spirits of Antichrist, False Prophet and Satan. The HQ of the Jesuits is the Arch-basilica of St John Lateran considered the “Mother Church of all Churches in the World”. 2016-17 Satanic Jubilee of the Melchisedekians is here.
“al-Mahdi” arrives after the great war in the 40th generation; the 40th Sayyid of Muhammad”
Sheikh Nazim abdul al-Haqqani, the 40th in the “Golden Chain” of Sayyids died May 7, 2014 al-Khidr is “Green Man”.
Mormon White Horse aka Blood in the Streets Prophecy states “Elders of the church will step up to save the Constitution as daughter rises against mother, son against father, neighbor against neighbor and blood runs down the street from Ogden to Salt Lake as water down a storm drain”
Hopi “Great Purification” Prophecy States the 5th age will begin with the arrival of Blue Star and Red Kachina; Disease, Great Dying, Earthquakes and the World rocking to and fro. “After Blue Star arrives, Red Kachina, the “Purifier” will remove his mask in the plaza before the Uninitiated” and White Brother “Pahana” will be revealed. White Brother is Lucifer; the White bearded Jesus is a Gnostic creation.
“We corrupt in order to control” Jesuit, Mason, Witch MAFIA f(Mazzini Authorizes Theft Fiure and Poison is the basis of Crowley’s “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law” founder Giuseppe Mazzini. Jesuits have a nasty habit of corrupting truth; perhaps the most dangerous lie is the doctrine of “Immortality of the Soul”. Folks, God gave you your Soul and Spirit to connect to Him via the Holy Spirit. The Soul will be Judged at Death, thus Immortality of the Soul is conditional on establishing a One on One relationship with JESUS. Ok, more Lies: 7 yr Tribulation, pre-Tribulation Rapture, 7 yr Israel Peace Treaty are part of Jesuit Dispensatanalism (no pun intended) The “Covenant with many” (Dan 9:27) is not 7 years; it is the final Week (7 Days) before Jesus returns.
Israel is not Jewish, that ended in Amos 5:2 because of worship of the the Six Pointed Star (Amos 5:26) which is not Jewish but rather the Chaldean Star of Saturn aka Black Star.
Jesus said “Call no man Father upon the Earth” (Mat 23:9) Here are a few reasons why. Pre-Trib “Rapture” is the brainchild of Fr Francisco Ribera, Fr Roberto Bellarmino and Fr Manuel Lacunza; Big Bang Theory came from Fr Georges Lemaitre; Evolution Theory promoted by Fr Pierre Tielhard du Chardin; Vaccinations by Fr Edward Jenner; God Particle/Gravity Theory by Fr Roger Boscovich; the Holocaust “Final Solution” and Hitler’s “Mein Kampf was brought on by Fr Bernhard Staempfle; Pederasty/Pedophilia promoted by NAMBLA (North AM Man-Boy Love Ass) member Fr Paul Shanley); Protocols of Zion and the Federal Reserve System the brainchild of Fr Wlodimor Ledochowski.
To an occultist the Skull is the Temple of Wisdom. Waiting for a 3rd Temple? Guess what? You become the 3rd Temple when you ask JESUS to come into your life. Templars worshipped the Severed Head featured in Bowie’s Darkstar. “Ezekiel’s Temple” is made by God and comes down from Heaven after the Millennium and “Gog and Magog”. There is no Temple during the Millennial reign of Jesus Christ on Earth. This event is over 1000 years away. Daniel’s “70 Weeks” (Dan 9:24-27) is 490 days, not the convoluted Jesuit BS your Study Bible describes. These 490 days are the final 490 days of the 1260 day “Great Tribulation” occurring during the 5th Trumpet “1st Woe”. Not ready for the Great Tribulation to begin? Better get ready.
In this Biblical context it may make more sense what the Dark Material before God created “Light” on Day 1 is to an occultist who will not ask JESUS for the Holy Ghost.
Darkstar is Ra Material the Raw Material used to create the Universe according to occultists. Dark Sun of the Nazis and Aryans (Iran=Aryan “Noble Caste”), Tula (Thule) of the Egyptians, or Midnight Sun of the Thule Society. CERN is trying to produce Ra Material aka Shadow Matter; comical how the first glimpse was on Dec 5 Krampusnacht the day the movie by that name was released as the Shadow of St Nicholas. The DNA of Light is 137; 1/137 is the Fine Structure Constant; put together is “One” seen in the 33rd Prime Number; 33 the Age of Jesus at His Death/Resurrection, number of Atoms in Chlorophyll used in Light Synthesis (Photosynthesis) and number of Vertebra supporting the Skull among other things.
Dark Energy “Aether” is derived from Aethiopia meaning “To Shine”; the same meaning in Phoenix (Egyptian Bennu) is “To Shine” or “Rise Brilliantly”; Michelle Obama (Michael Robinson) is related to Ethiopian Priests of Amurru (Serpent) Secret service name is “Renaissance” (Re-birth). I mention this little tid bit because #44 is Crowley’s Mass of the Phoenix; America is the Phoenix. In the early days of Kabbalah a The Renaissance was created by the “Black Nobility” (Merchants of Venice). Recall his Black Widow Dress on Election Night on the spot Abe Lincoln won? or the #44 Jersey playing football for Oregon St? 44 is the sacred number of Horus; and number of times Beast appears in Revelation. Horus is the Soul of Ra aka Ra Material. Immortality of the Soul is the key concept in Occultism.
David Bowie plays the role of Astronaut David Bowman in 2001: A Space Odyssey; the theme song “Thus spoke Zarathustra” is Zoroaster “Star Seed”; Bowman enters the Black Monolith on Saturn (movie used Jupiter; Saturn/Satan was too obvious in 1968), to become reborn as a baby existing outside Time and Space, then returning to Earth. The same theme dominated Mormon Religion; Embryo Souls from the Star Kolob descend to Earth to inhabit earthly vessels. The same theme using Saturn rather than Jupiter is seen in the movie Interstellar; Matthew McConaughey “Cooper” (Cooper means Vessel; as in Light Vessel) plays the exact same role, a reborn astronaut through Saturnian Gnosis.
In Darkstar, Bowie is the Ram Sacrifice to Janus; the Gnostic version of Jesus. Paul Ryan (Little King) has an SS (Schwarze=Black Sun) codename Bowhunter (Bowman); on his watch the sacrifice of America will occur; notice he and Jesuit SMOM Biden (Celtic), the Puppeteers sit behind Obama (Zoroastrian “He is with us”) as he speaks between the Fasces. Satan is a Fascist folks!
Darkstar is David Bowie’s Saturnian Magnum Opus dedication to Aleister Crowley
Magick consists of a Pledge, Turn and Prestige. Janus (January), is the Roman god of Doors and Gates ie Babylon “Gate of the Gods”; David Bowie became the Sacrifice (Pledge) opening the door to War. David Bowie is Astronaut Bowman in 2001: A Space Odyssey who also became a Re-born Star Man on Saturn, the Chaldean “Black Star”. Bowie was a lifelong Crowleyian-Golden Dawn-Kabbalist who began his Initiation process as the Astronaut Major Tom (Tom=Twin), symbolized as a Blind Man , an un-enlightened body with buttons for eyes who sees the Light and ascends to the Stars.
One year after 2001: A Space Odyssey was released, Bowie released “Space Oddity” with “Major Tom” timed with the Kubrick-CIA fake Apollo 11 Moon Landing. NASA simply used Kubrick’s Paris set after “Dr Strangelove” wrapped up filming. “I’m closer to the Golden Dawn. Immersed in Crowley’s Uniform (He dressed like Crowley on the CD cover). I’m not a prophet or stone age man, just a mortal with the potential of Superman”-Quicksand Secret Society Initiations are indeed like sinking in Quicksand. The Serpent in the Tree of Knowledge told this Lie first.
In 2001: A Space Odyssey, astronauts evolved from the Apes 4 million years before, who became fascinated by the Black Monolith. The Monolith serves as the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden; the Monolith sounds like a Beehive because Bee is Word (Dabar) in Chaldean; Bees (Mellissa) are the “Priests of Cybele” aka Essen (Priest) called Essenes. The Apes that begin standing first, quickly learn to kill the other less evolved Apes (Cain killing Abel). Fast forward 4 million years, from the Moon, obviously Elite astronauts follow the Monolith’s transmissions to Saturn (Jupiter in the movie), concocting a Lie for public consumption to hide and finance the real goal; we see this in the Apollo Program, a near limitless budget to create Lies..
Back to Darkstar; A Hybrid (animal-woman ie Nephilim from Gen 6; Giant is the correct rendering not Nephilim) worships the Jewel encrusted skull of the dead “Ancient Astronaut”; this is Bowie’s character “Major Tom”. Tom means Twin; Saturnian Black Macick was on display as Crowley’s Ceremonial Magick AA11 (Argentinium Astrum Ceremonial Magick) and UA175 (Book of Uniting) became the “Turn” (Attention Diversion) used by the Magician to hide the demolition of the Twin Towers (Ahura Mazda-Ahriman, Horus-Set, Jacob Esau) making way for the One World Trade Center. The Millennium Hilton was built at Ground Zero (Zer-Ashta=Zoroaster “Star Seed”) to replicate the Black Monolith in 2001: A Space Odyssey. Hybrids are one of the reasons God flooded the Earth; Crystal Skulls/Nephilim may ring a Baal because today, the “Chimera Project” is producing Animal-Human Hybrids.
In Darkstar, Bowie’s next act is symbolically returning to Earth Enlightened (a counterfeit Jesus); this is Bowie’s Androgynous “Ziggy Stardust”, the “Alchemical Androgyne” character sent to Earth by the “Infinites” to announce the arrival of the Star Men; Indigo or Star Children may ring a Baal. Baphomet (Union of Spirit and Wisdom) worshipped by the Templars is depicted Androgynous as the Union of Male and Female. The Skull descending as a god, a “Star Man” sent to Earth (Avatars) becomes the Enlightened Preacher with the Blackstar Bible preaching Saturnian Gnosis based on Immortality of the Soul. Folks, JESUS judges the Soul, I suggest getting right with Him. Crowleyian Magick is what most Priests and Preachers tell their bewildered congregations; the mindless shaking reminiscent of Pentecostal and Charismatic Preachers.
In 1976 Bowie released “Station to Station” Bowie travels along the stations of the Kabbalah Tree of Life “Here are we, one magical movement from Kether (Crown) to Malkuth (Earth). In this plase of Darkstar Bowie becomes the “Trickster” (Turn) in his Saturnian Initiation; it is during this cocaine addicted phase in his life, he can’t remember anything about.
“One the day of execution (more likely a Michael Jackson Tupac Shakur fake death), his spirit rose a meter and stepped aside”. “In the Villa of Ormen stands a solitary candle in the center of it all”. The Black Candles used in Satanism may ring a Baal; Orthodox and Roman Catholic Priest Mitres of Dagan are shaped like a flame; the candle fuel usually made of Bee’s Wax (Chaldean Word=Bee). David Bowie is resurrected as the Blackstar exactly as Astronaut David Bowman was. You may recall the 1966 Swedish album “Ormen” aka “The Serpent”; Orm means “Worm”. The movie Interstellar showed this concept as the “Worm Hole” near Saturn. Black Star is the Spiritual Sun; a counterfeit “Holy Ghost”; Nazis called it the “Black Sun” or “Midnight Sun. Bowie “I AM the Great I AM” is Lazarus Rising. This is the Prestige, the 3rd and final act in Chaldean Magick. Crowley wrote Liber 44: Mass of the Phoenix; America was founded to be the Phoenix out of whose ashes the New World Order will rise brilliantly as the Plumed Feathered Serpent.
Notice the dates in 2001: A Space Odyssey. The Lunar astronauts in 1999 find the Monolith which sends them on a mission in “Discovery” in 2001 to Saturn (Jupiter in the movie; Saturn in the book). On 9/11/2001 Crowley’s 11 (number of Argentiniuim Astrum Ceremonial Magick=AA 11), Liber 77 (Argentinium Astrum Magical Perfection=AA77), Liber 175 (Book of Uniting=UA 77), and 93 (number of AIWASS the demon channeled for AA) were all put on display at the Twin Towers (Major Tom=Twin)
Edwin Hubble (his Jesuit puppeteer was Georges LeMaitre) said “Earth is fixed, in a unique if not central position in the Universe, but the idea is unwelcome and must be avoided at all costs; replaced by Red Shift”. Gravity if real (it is not) would contract or slow the expansion, so Dark Energy was invented to account for Red Shift, the accelerating expansion observed in the constraints of a constant speed of light proposed by the attention obsessed Albert Einstein in E=Mc2. For speeds faster than Light, more Energy is needed, enter “Darkstar”.
Science is handicapped by this Lie; Jesuit Neils Bohr’s Atomic Model has 4 Forces: Strong Nuclear, Weak Interaction, Electro-magnetism and Gravity; the theoretical material #137 would absorb all Light and force electrons to travel faster than the speed of Light; an impossibility, which is likely why the Word of God calls Science the “Tongue of the Chaldeans” and “Vain and Profane Babblings” (Ref Dan 1:4; 1 Ti 6:12)
The Chaldean Saturn or “Dark Star” (Dark Energy Star) is the name given to “Prima Materia”, “Aether” or “Quintessence”, the so-called 5th Element (Kabbalist Bruce Willis movie 5th Element ring a Baal?). This 5th Fundamental Force can be either Attractive or Repulsive (now after 10 Billion years its Repulsive), but creating it may create a region of “Negative Pressure” called Vacuum Energy and suck everything into itself according to Jesuit sock puppet Stephen Hawking. Obviously the element is made of 100% pure Jesuit Bull Shit
Occultists believe it to be the material breathed in by the gods; the Time varying medium of Light and Gravity is the Holy Grail, the Philosopher’s Stone.
Obama is from Kenya (Kennites ring a Baal?) and his Ethiopian partner Michael who is related to the Ethiopian Priests of Amurru (Serpent) are the new Priest of Ra; Ethiopian Orthodox Rabbi Funnye Capers may ring a Baal. Shabazz refers to the mythical “1st Race”, the Race of the Hawk headed Horus (Soul of Ra) created by the ancient astronauts featured in David Bowie’s new song Darkstar; Stephen Hawking may ring a Baal, the name means “Crown or Martyr of Horus”, the Egyptian son of the sun born at Christmas and Circumcised on Jan 1.
President Bari Malik Shabazz, son of Malcolm X aka Bari Malik Shabazz and Betty Shabazz is the Nation of Islam wet dream fulfilled in DAESH “Nation of Islam in the Levant”; DAESH is ISIS “Black Virgin” impregnated at Easter by the Sun; come on folks, you really didn’t believe Rabbits laid Eggs; did you? Don’t believe everything your Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing tells you from the pulpit.
Such is life when Satan is your god; how about getting a real God with real physics laws? Space is “Nothing”; Earth is “Fixed”; Creation is just under 6000 years. Light is not a Wave nor of constant velocity; the only thing Relative about the Adulterer, Zionist moron Einstein was his 3rd wife and 1st cousin he cheated on like the others. Stephen Hawking means “Crown of Horus”; a Jesuit sock puppet as confused as any Kabbalist Rabbi.
Aether (Aethiopia) means “To Shine; in “The Shining” Kubrick showed Danny Torrance wearing an Apollo 11 shirt next to Rm 237 (Distance to the Moon); Aether also means “Incinerate or Burn”. Tammuz means “Purify by Fire; TULA or Dark Sun of the Nazis is that of ancient Egypt seen in the Thule Society aka Brotherhood of Death or Skull & Bones. Physics class is in session folks, Professor David Bowie, the coke addicted androgynous Ziggy Stardust on the Science pedestal with Newton, Einstein and Hawking ; whoda thunk it?
Kurdish Brit (Kurds are Devil Worshippers of Kurdistan; Brit=B’Rith=Birthright Covenant) Kameran Failey says “David Bowie sent to warn of Planet X “Nibiru” rendezvous in Aug 2016, causing Volcanic eruptions, Pole Shift, Tidal Waves.
First, Nibiru, the planet of the Anunnaki is Sumerian Bull Shit just like Gravity Theory. Bowie’s “Space Oddity” is simply Bowman’s “Space Odyssey”; Dark Star is simply TULA, the Egyptian “Dark Sun” of the Nazi SS and Thule Society aka Skull & Bones.
This could be written off as crack pot Bull Shit except that NASA and FEMA are actively prepping for the event which will be as Jesus said “A man’s foes shall be they of his own household” i.e. caused by our own Governments using Scalar EM weapons (Earth=Magnetic + Sun=Electro) and Project Blue Beam (Ion TV “Positively Entertaining”)
Adding to the mix is Nibiru is being equated with Blue Star/Red Kachina, the Hopi Prophecy written on Prophecy Rock AZ. This is the arrival of Marduk (Molech, Quetzalcoatl etc) who will pull his mask off in the plaza (UN Plaza likely) for the “Uninitiated”. Google “Prophecy Rock” and notice humanity splits with this arrival. “Nobody shall enter the New Age unless he or she accepts a Luciferian Initiation” UN Planetary Initiative.
The plan has been around for decades; Planet X is now Planet 9; Plan 9 from outer space is a real Hollywood Gem with Airline Pilots spotting the arrival of Aliens.
How about reading the Bible instead; “Earth is Fixed on a Foundation shat shall not be moved”, not moving around the Sun and through the Galaxy around the Dark Star folks; Gravity is made up Bull Shit just like Planet 9.
Zika virus that is infecting people comes from, apparently you can buy it online! Did they put it in the GMO mosquito’s that have been released on the population, the vacc’s or the Chemtrails?
Blood from experimental forest rhesus monkeys Rockefeller foundation J Rasals
Read more: http://www.patentsencyclopedia.com/app/20150361132#ixzz3yfXzOCqs
St Louis enchaplitis, Omsk hemorrhagic fever virus and Zika virus. …..
Use of Pesticides: Report of the President’s Science Advisory Committee, May 15, 1963 (the report to President Kennedy which found Rachel Carson’s book to be scientifically accurate, and which recommended federal action to study pesticides and study tighter regulation of pesticides; largely out of print since 1963, and tough to find in libraries
From the RockefellerFoundation Book ANNUAL report of 1950s The West Nile virus is related to Zika virus
Mr. Spock, Leonard Nimoy passed away at the age of 83. He was perhaps best known for his symbolic hand gesture of the V for Vulcan on the hit show Star Trek.
Also it with the index finger and mid finger variation. Like the Baphomet. Also I seen Renegade Obama as well as Weather man for CnN the two finger jester of Vulcan. Mar 3 20@5
Doomsday Clock hands remain unchanged, despite Iran deal and Paris talks (PBD)
In addition to a news event at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, the Doomsday Clock also was unveiled by a panel at Stanford University in California featuring: Jerry Brown, Governor of the State of California; George P. Shultz, Thomas W. and Susan B. Ford distinguished fellow, Hoover Institution, and former U.S. Secretary of State; and William J. Perry, senior fellow, Freeman Spogli Institute, and former U.S. Secretary of Defense.
Hundreds Of DHS Badges, Guns, Phones & Naval Intelligence Missing
OneEvil.org sets the release of the Pale Horse Death at the Date 12/21/2012 “Day of Divine Redemption”. This is the Mayan Calendar date, the beginning of the 6th Age (of Saturn presumably); the Calendar is a Venus based Time, Venus is the Morning Star Lucifer called Uzza “Mighty One” by pagan Arabs, a daughter of Allah.
In the movie Plan 9 from Outer Space Aliens led by Eros (Aka Cupid or St Valentine or Nimrod) is saluted using the X sign; Planet X is “Planet of the Crossing” envisioned (told to) Constantine by his Druid advisers/mother. Not a planet but rather the X in the sky formed by the Ecliptic and Zodiac
Notice the shape of the Ecliptic and Zodiac with respect to the Earth’s Axis https://jcconwell.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/celestial-coordinate-system.jpg
It forms a Pole (Stauros is used in Scripture for the Crucifixion Tree meaning Pole) with an X affixed to it; specifically an X that looks as 4 Wings of a Fowl described in Dan 7:6. Leopard skins were worn by Priests of Babylon. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pazuzu Recall Pazuzu a hybrid animal-serpent-human type figure is the Babylonian god of storms, drought and famine has 4 wings (forms the X) and was the demon from the Exorcist movies. http://www.imdb.com/media/rm2164038656/tt0265349?ref_=tt_ov_i Notice the X shape used in Mothman Prophecy about an Alien; UN Space Alien Ambassador M.Othman may ring a Baal.
Now back to Travis’ description of X-Files and Alien re-colonization. Syndicate means Group of people working together “Caretaker or Administrator of a Trade Union” ie “Organized Crime” or “Conspiracy”. There are no Orbits or Aliens; Planet 9 is about the Worldwide Trade Union seen in One World Trade Center (TPP; TTIP; TISA) the end of National Sovereignty and rule of One in Dan 7:7; 77 being Aleister Crowley’s “Magical Manifestation of Spirit in Matter”. We saw this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16bPTlsf1Fc manifestation in the smoke of WTC 2 with “Ahriman” appearing at impact of UA175 Crowley’s Liber 175 “Book of Uniting”. Remember Mahmoud Ahmidinejad stated 3 years at the UN America is Ahriman the god of darkness and his role is to usher in al-Mahdi.
Zoroastrians have long planned WWIII Ahura Mazda “God of Light” against Ahriman “Darkness” On Mar 25, (coincident with Easter and Planet X?) Superman:Dawn of Justice (Red and Blue=Visible Light) versus Batman “Dark Knight” 9 is the Number of Judgment hence Planet 9 or Plan 9. Superman is KA-EL; KA is the Immortal Spirit of a person; EL is Saturn/Satan.
The United Nations Planetary Initiative “No person shall enter the New Age unless he or she accepts a Luciferian Initiation”. M.Othman the Malaysian (High Place) UN Space Alien Ambassador making sense now? Lucifer the “Light Bearer” is Superman KA-EL the God of Light seen in the Saturn shaped UFO Spaceships in X-Files and Plan 9
Quite the Conspiracy isn’t it? Maybe Pope Francis will wear his Saturn Hat to the premiere?
Sorry, My mistake
One-heaven Not OneEvil is the site where a formal alternative covenant and rejection of the New Covenant is made. Can’t be more obvious than this site or the 6 just like it; an 18 digit number is accepted in 3 groups of 6 and one path leads through the arch to the New World Order
X-Files began Jan 22 as Aquarius began (7 colors absorbed=Darkstar) Ununpentium Atomic Number 115 featured as the Alien Gravity Wave Generator, Free Energy or Zero Point Energy or Electro-Gravitic Energy or Gravity Warp Drives. The Alien agenda is heating up. The series called it Torroidal Energy; Chaldean Priests of the Torriod “Konn-Torrs” recognized Solar-Earth EM Energy. X-Files is subtly saying Man is the enemy not Aliens, yet Alien Hybrids were featured in David Bowie’s Darkstar; X-Files will continue the Lie.
Set eight years after former FBI agents Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) laid to rest their now-long-dormant investigations into the paranormal, the new continuation show sees them reunite to re-open some of the cases and revisit their initial discoveries. Originally, the mythology that drove the show revolved around the gradual colonisation of Earth by a race of extraterrestrial beings that were last here millennia ago, when the last ice age drove them off the planet. Working with a secret government body that called itself the Syndicate, the two agreed on a colonisation date of 22 December 2012
Fox: F=6; O=15=1+5=6; X=24=2+4=6 Jesus called Herod that “Fox” for trying to kill Him, like his grandfather killed James and tried to kill Peter. In both cases an Angel of the Lord smote them both.
Mulder=Moulder of Stone Feed Troughs for Beasts.
Dana=God will Judge
Scully=Scolaire Scottish for Student thus descendant of the Scholar “One who lives at ease”
The prophecy Isaac gave to Esau (KJV) was to live off the fatness of the earth, off the dew of heaven and by the sword. Wealthy, Priests/Pastors/Imams/Rabbis living off Tithing; the Tenured Professors living at ease; Politicians living at ease sending the youth to War; Judges shielded by the Bench
X means Chi=Christ Just not Jesus Christ
Jesuit Pope Francis like Benedict XVI and John Paul II carries the Twisted Crucifix, wears the Pallium (Wool Cloak=Wolf in Sheep’s Clothes) and Saturn Hat. St John Lateran is the Jesuit Mother Church of all Churches Worldwide; the Cathedra (Teaching Seat) of the Hidden Frogs, the Unclean Spirits of the Dragon/Devil/Satan aka Saturn, Antichrist and False Prophet.
Aries 0 (Mar 21) is the Persian New Year “Nowruz” (New Light) of the 2016 Jubilee Year, the year Sidereal (Star) and Tropical (Solar) Years “Cross”. The Sun first entered Aries from Taurus just after the Flood.
1656 Years Creation to Flood + 2160 years Aries to Pisces (Symbolizes the Dying God) + 2160 years Pisces to Aquarius. Most astrologers place the beginning of Aries about 2224 BC, but remember Jesus was born 6 BC and Crucified 27AD some 191 years after Judah Maccabee instituted Chanukkah in 164 BC.
Using the Tropical-Sidereal (God given) method of dating the age of the Earth, Aries “0” 2016 should align both just 3 1/2 years before the return of JESUS on Feast of Tabernacles 2019, the Millennial New Year and Birthday.
Seems like the St Joseph Louisiana, Flint Michigan, NY all interconnection for UNagenda21takeover. All while TPP is eminent adwell. Coldplay and Beyoncé symbolizes IT. GOT EM