CERN uses 666 “Mark of the Beast” Triskelion (Rotational Symmetry of 3 6’s) as their Logo.
Beast means “Wild, Unrestrained, Fool, Idiot”; Crowley’s “Do what thou wilt” should ring a Baal. Gnostics desire Independence from God and that’s exactly what God will give them for their final Hanukkah/Christmas. “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, Equality” is the Masonic Revolutionary motto; Liberty from God; Fraternity with like minded people; Equality with God. One problem with this; Satan Lied!
3 days after Solar Solstice, the Sun rises from the Sea; “Christmas” and “Hanukkah” both come the message God sent to Haggai “…from the four and twentieth day of the ninth month, even from the day that the foundation of the LORD’s temple was laid, consider it. Is the seed yet in the barn…” Haggai 2:18 The 9th Hebrew month is Chisleu (Kislev/December); miraculous burning of Oil at the Temple on 25 Kislev? Wrong Temple folks!
Jesus was Conceived at Hanukkah “Dedication”; His mother Mary became the Temple of the LORD, to be named JESUS (Mt 1:25). Christmas means “Sacrifice and Cannibalism of the Messiah”; no this is not a sick joke; Priests actually claim to call the body and blood of the Messiah into the Trans-substantiated Eucharist for consumption.
Christmas the Holy Day of Egyptian (KRST=Annointed One; Mes=Sacred Cake), Odinist and Mithraic Religion, not Jesus Christ. Satan means “Obstructor”; Satan obstructs Jesus’ plan of Salvation by 1. Trying murder Him. 2. Convict Him of Blasphemy. 3. Convict Him of lying 4. Attempting to disprove His Word (Science). Satan has accomplished none of those things.
Why 2300 days? Standing atop Glastonbury Tor, the mythical burial place of King Arthur aka Place of Apples is the Aquarian Cross and Chap 23 to the Book of Revelation written in Jerusalem by Wholistic World Vision. Jesus delivered 22 Chapters stating any subtractions would result in a person being subtracted from the Lamb’s Book of Life while any additions would result in the Plagues written in this book (Ref Rev 22:18-19).
2300 Days= 1040 + 1260. 1260 is 3 1/2 years; 42 months; Time, Time and Dividing of Time leading to the 2nd Coming of Jesus. 1040 is the number of America’s IRS Tax Form; Tax means Burden; America, the World’s Burden (Economic and Military) will be removed and declared “Babylon” (Rev 18), an Alternative Messiah will be accepted and the Great Tribulation will begin with the Mark of the Beast.
The final 1260 days will end with Daniel’s “70 Weeks”; 490 Days of pure Hell on Earth which start soon after Satan is cast to Earth at Rev 9:11 some 18 months (5 months or 150 days for the 5th Trumpet and 13 months or 390 days for the 6th Trumpet), 1 Week (70th Week) and 1 Day (God’s 7 Vials of Wrath).
Nothing like a Worldwide Flood, 10 Plagues of Egypt, Fire & Brimstone (Sodom and Gomorrah), Burial Alive (Korahites) and Fire from Heaven (Priests of Baal) to brighten the Holidays eh?
Christmas 2012: Gate of On “Osiris” aka Babylon
Creation is nearing 6000 years of age and when it is exactly 6000 years old, Jesus as Alpha will return when He said He would (Ref 2 Pet 3:8) Creation to Flood is in writing as 1656 years. 63 is 216. Santa + 9 Reindeer=10. Add the number of years per Astrological House of 2160 years (Aries to Pisces) + 2160 years (Pisces to Aquarius)=5976 years. Sargon of Akkad was declared “Legitimate King” at the biblical age of adulthood 21, because his birth occurred as the Vernal Equinox Sunrise in Taurus moved into Aries (Ram=Supreme Sheep) 5976 + 21=5997 years. Read 2 Pet 3:8-13 to see the importance of 6000 years in God’s plan. For anyone outside of a personal covenant with Jesus Christ, the 2nd Coming represents physical and spiritual death.
Beginning St Lucia “Bride of Lucifer” Day Dec 13, the Waxing Moon symbolically reversed “Mirror Image” the Solar Cycle; Important to occultists because the Moon is a reflection of Sol; the first Sin being the promise of the Serpent for Man to become as God. In archery, Sin means “To miss the mark”; a metaphor for building the Tower of Babel or Jacob’s Ladder. Allah is a modern version of Sin; the Papal Chair of St Peter has the Shahada “There is not God but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet” written under it for this reason.
Sagittarius became the symbol of the Assyrian/Akkadian “King of the World”; viewed from Sagittarius, the Milky Way appears as a Serpent eating its own tail. Occultists (Gnostics) call this “Oroborus”; on 12/21/2012 the Sun symbolically rose through the Serpent in the Dark Rift of the Galaxy (lying astro-physicists call this a Black Hole). An X (Cross of Constantine) is formed by the Galaxy Disc/Serpent and the Ecliptic (path of Sun, Moon, Planets); thus the Sunrise formed the Chi-Rho (Royal Christ) seen in Catholic (Universal) Church iconography. Sunrise at the Pyramid of the Sun and Moon (Ball Court between them was built to symbolize this event) in Teotihuacan Mexico occurred at 11:11UTC in Greenwich at Stonehenge Sunrise between the Trilothon (Father-Mother-Son) has been a Druid “Knowers of Trees” tradition for nearly 2000 years. Before Stonehenge it was knows as Woodhenge; Jesus Crucified on the Holy Wood and the Foundation Stone rejected.
The falsely named Mayan Calendar is the “Calendar in the Round” or “Eagle Bowl”. The Idol os the US was to be the fattened/domesticated Turkey, but was changed to the Eagle, the symbol of God and of Esau exalting himself as the Eagle. Hitler’s Nazi Eagle’s Nest” may ring a Baal here. The date was recorded as; 13 the number in Gematria representing “Rebellion”.
A rare Solar occultation of 5 planets occurred on July 4, 1776; for this reason Rosicrucian,Sovereign Mason, Hell Fire Satanist/Child Murderer Ben Franklin and British Astrologer Ebenezer Sibly (no not Scrooge) chose this as America’s Natal Chart, now posted in the ceiling of the Library of Congress (Book of War). “Property” was changed to “Happiness” (Lucky) in the Declaration of Independence because America was to become a Nation of Indebted Chattel Slaves with a superiority complex blinded (Hoodwinked) to the fact they are fattened Sacrifices for the World’s Sins.
On Independence Day July 4, 2012 CERN (Cernunnos is Horned One or Green Man) announced 99.99% proof of the God Particle. After a 1040 day hiatus CERN will attempt the final proof. Amurru is the Edomite Serpent and Shepherd god, the source name of America. Druids called their western land Amorica. Egypt called the West the “Land of the Dead”. Amar is the Canaanite god of the west; Santa the Hittite god of the West; Ameru means Serpent. America offers its Fiscal Year Sacrifices on the Assyrian New Year (April 15 or Ides of Venus) on IRS Form 1040 and this is no coincidence; the IRS is the collection arm of the Edomite Federal Reserve.
Mar 2015 CERN will power up to begin the final Vanity (Vain means Blasphemous Contempt of God) trying to prove Gravity gives Mass to Matter and Order to the Universe via “God Particles”. Particle collisions are scheduled for May 2015. Why then?
8 times in the last 2000 years, a Tetrad of Lunar Eclipses have occurred on Feast of Passover and Tabernacles Passover represents the birth of John the Baptist and Crucifixion of Jesus as God in Flesh, the Word made Flesh, and Holy Ghost (Ref Jn 1:1; 1:14; 1 Jn 5:7KJV). Tabernacles represents the Birth of Jesus. In 2015, they are preceded by Solar Eclipses on God’s New Year 1 Abib (Mar 20) and the Rabbis Civil New Year 1 Tishre. The odds of this occurring by chance are astronomical.
The 7 year Tribulation is not part of the Word of God; 2300 days is. In the company of Angel Gabriel (Muhammad and Joseph Smith both laid claim to visitations by Gabriel) who told the aging parents of John the Baptist about their impending conception, Daniel was given the prophecy in Dan 8. Jesus was also there which is why Daniel fell flat on his face. After beingmade to understand this prophecy, Daniel fainted and got sick for days; learning of a worldwide bloodbath has that effect on moral people.
Dan 8:13 (no coincidence 13/8=Phi “Golden Mean” either) describes the last 2300 days covering the Daily Sacrifice, Transgression of Desolation and the host (Little Horn/Beast/Satan) trodden under foot. 2300 days=1260 + 1040. July 4, 2012 + 1040 days is May 10, some 50 days after the Solar Eclipse on Ostara (Mar 20). The Holy Ghost was delivered to man on Pentecost, 50 days after Passover; the Great Tribulation begins with the “Strong Delusion” when the Holy Ghost is removed and followers of Jesus are “Sealed”. If you want to be in that group let JESUS know right now; Green Man/Little Horn is about to be revealed.
CERN (Cernunos=Horned One or Old Horny) Physicists pass an idol of the Hermaphrodite Hindu god Shiva aka “The Destroyer”; trying in vain to proving the God Particle and String Theory. Shiva is the Hermaphrodite Hindu god with 1 Testicle, 1 Breast, 1 Penis and 1 Vagina. Shiva destroys “God made Man is His own image” eh? An Asexual God like a Magic Mushroom or Baphomet? Not from the real God who said “Go forth and multiply” and who gave “every plant and herb to man” CERN will be blamed for creating a “Black Hole” and the “Earth will reel to and fro as a drunkard” Is 24:20. Making sense yet? Then go warn others and tell Satan to F— Himself; Time is very short!
Satan is the “God of Forces” Ref Dan 11:38. Gravity, Black Holes and String Theory, like everything else Luciferian/Satanists say and do is a Deception. “The world is also stablished that it cannot be moved” Ps 93:1 If Gravity and the God Particle is real, God must be a Liar. “All liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death” Rev 21:8 Folks, the second death lasts for eternity, the Gravity (No pun intended) of this cannot be overstated!
Green Language is the Language of Yes (Oui), Oil, Birds (Augury derived from Ouissex); the Divine or Angelic language Luciferians believe was used in the Garden of Eden. Oil prices are manipulated and plummeting; this artificially created economic Oil War is being used against Russia, Iran and Venezuela; all claim break-even prices above $100/Bbl. Russia began installing Nuclear Missiles in Cuba in 2012. The US disabled the Southern Radar Missile Defense in Mar 2013. Venezuela installed Iranian made Shahab (Luminous in African) 3 Missiles during this same period. Is it coincidence Russia, Iran and Venezuela all claim to have break-even Oil prices above $100/Bbl?
Oil means Yes. The US has over a Trillion BBls of Oil under pressure with a pipeline network in place in the Gulf of Mexico. The US has a Trillion Bbls of Oil in the ANWR with a pipeline in place. Low Oil prices will give Russia reason to come and get it. Pretty tough to figure this announcement on Cuba out eh?
WWIII will turn America into a Wilderness; Venezuela is hosting Iranian made Shahab 3 Missiles; Cuba began hosting Russian “Oak” Strategic Nuclear Missiles in May 2012. Fidel and Raoul Castro are Jesuit tools, as are Joe Biden, John Boehner, John Roberts, John Kerry (Kohen), Martin Dempsey et all; Luciferian Masons Marx and Lenin would be proud of these modern day Bolsheviks, and no Bolsheviks were not Jewish!
Planning for the new Cuban Missile Crisis, the US Southern Radar Missile Defense was shut-down Mar 2013. For a good review of False Flag Ops, Google Operation Northwoods. Will Nuclear Missiles destroy the US? No. Nikita Khruschev announced to the world in Nov 1960 “We have a fantastic new weapon that if used unrestrained would wipe out all life on earth” Demonstrations of the so-called “Tesla Howitzer” followed with the USS Thresher attacked and imploded at depth; Space Shuttle Challenger (Endo-thermic ie Cold Explosion; 32F frozen O-Rings? It’s -70F 2 minutes after lift-off for Pete’s Sake) and Shuttle Columbia (Ionospheric Heating). Oak is a name derived from Druids (Men of Oaks); Druids may be planning one Hell of a Solstice Sacrifice. By Missiles? Heaven’s no, UN Agenda 21 silly! Time to get right with JESUS. His birthday 3 months ago and no, the Chaldean Wise Men didn’t visit Him in the Manger!
Usury: Rigged Game of Edomites
Prohibited in the Bible among followers of God, by its nature, Usury ensures Debt always exceed Credit; Debtors are always Slaves to Creditors. Central Banks are Edomite (Rothschild) controlled; Edomites obtain “Dominion” (Gen 27:40) by these Banks. This “Sting” is Satan’s plan and opposite of God’s plan which is why in Reverse Speech “Yes We Can” means “Thank You Satan”. Central Banks control Money Supply, and are exempt from Federal, State and Local Taxes; Banks as Creditors are in business solely to make Slaves of Debtors as the Bible warns (Eze 18:8). Usury creates Bank wealth; Debt based Currency and compounding of interest builds wealth exponentially from Debtors. Banks own and control the Media (Propaganda Apparatus)
The Media elects Politicians who create War (Congress means “To meet for War”); Banks finance both sides of all Wars. Education means “To train or bring up”; this reality is never taught in school because the best Slaves don’t realize they are Slaves. The New Covenant is SPIRITUAL; JESUS is the only PRIEST who forgives all Debt. JESUS collects no Tithing. Only Levites were allowed to collect Tithing; Jesus is Melchisedek from Judah. Edomites posing as Rabbis, Priests, Reverends, Bishops, Imams and Masters are the World’s Shepherds in the Synagogue of Satan and illegally collect Tithing; Jesus referred to them as “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes”.
J&J Announces Start of Phase 1 Clinical Trial of Ebola Vaccine
January 7, 2015
Ebola Vaccine Safety TrialsJohnson & Johnson this week announced the start of a Phase 1, first-in-human clinical trial of a preventive Ebola vaccine in development at its Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies.
The trial is being led by the Oxford Vaccine Group, part of the University of Oxford Department of Paediatrics. Recruitment in the trial is underway, and the first volunteers have received their initial vaccine dose. Enrollment is expected to be completed by the end of January.
Johnson & Johnson also announced today that Janssen, in partnership with Bavarian Nordic A/S, has produced more than 400,000 regimens of the prime-boost vaccine for use in large-scale clinical trials by April 2015.
A total of 2 million regimens will be available through the course of 2015, with the ability to quickly scale up to 5 million regimens, if required, over a 12- to 18-month period. This increased projection is an update to Janssen’s previous goal of producing more than 1 million regimens by the end of 2015, with 250,000 regimens for broad application in clinical trials by May 2015.
Modelling by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine to advise the World Health Organization (WHO) indicates that to bring the epidemic under control, current projected demand for a preventive vaccine ranges from a minimum of 100,000 doses to protect frontline workers to a high-end of 12 million doses for large-scale adult vaccination in the three affected countries.
– See more at:
Can anyone answer why the NIH and CDC hold Patents on Ebola and its Vaccine since 2005?
UN MTG in Geneva says “Regulating the Internet to stop hate speech is top priority” No wonder “For I have hated Esau” -God (Mal 1:3; Rom 9:13) Exodus 17:16 says God will be at war with Amalek (Esau’s Grandson) from generation to generation.
Obadiah says “None of the House of Esau shall remain”
No wonder they want to stop Hate Speech They are the Walking Dead
Forgot to mention this past year got info in regards to 758 got this number on feast of tabernacle interesting that congress sign bill 758 to make war against Russia China north . Also the factor are 2*239 which America will be 239 year 2015.
Babylon falls (Rev 18) on 2 fronts with ships watching from offshore on both sides. There are 318! in the Authorized Bible, Babylon is the last; these are Woes in Authorized Scripture but Hallelujahs (Hail Jah) in all new bibles. 318 is the number of men Abraham took to Bethel/Dan to rescue Lot.
Travis, this is just an observation but you hit the nail on the head here; this 2 front War with China and Russia is also about TAP/TTIP in the Atlantic and TPP in the Pacific with FISA Courts in the middle distributing the Booty.
Knuckleheaded Traitors in Congress (Congredi “To meet for War) have divided the land for gain as promised in Daniel 11:39.
Now couple this with your timing of 239 years for America. CERN resumes May 2015 with particle collisions to prove the Graviton aka “God of forces” in Dan 11:38 after a 1040 day hiatus (Tax Form 1040? Check out the Green Tie in the new H&R Block (Henry Bloch is Ashkenazi) commercial)
In my opinion, this Hallelujah “Hail Jah” illustrates why we are to pray to JAH-JESUS. Jah is the Human Messiah.
Bro Howard do your have future generation that will Carrie on the work the holy spirit has put upon you? Also holy spirit led me unto your work
Bro Howard do your have future generation that will Carrie on the work the holy spirit has put upon you? Also holy spirit led me unto your work
I became a Born Again follower of JESUS Oct 15, 2004. As for a future Generation to carry this on? I have o idea; my 3 boys know how the world operates and I pray this site opens people’s eyes. I know people have thought they were the last “Generation” but just look at the timing and you will see most of the Dominoes are stacked up and ready to be toppled in this “Generation”.
One key point: Jesus does not refer to “Generation” as Parent-Child; He refers to “Generation” as the Generation since Pentecost with the Holy Ghost up to the point He sends the “Strong Delusion” and the Great Trib begins. I honestly believe that period will be inaugurated with America’s complete destruction, WWIII, revealing of the Alternative Messiah and False Prophet and God’s 2 Witnesses Enoch and Elijah. We are not quite there yet, but getting close
This portrait was unveiled at Union Square Park April 29, 2009 showing Obama in a Tekhelet Blue Jacket, Red Tie, Crown of Thorns parting the Temple Veil leading to the Presidential Seal. Union Square Park sits at the end of 7 Left Hand Forks down Broadway from Columbus Circle and the Lincoln Center. The Flag is topped by a Dome and supported by the Fasces. It sits in front of the Red Virgin Bldg and 17 digit Midnight Countdown Clock.
The meaning here is America will be Crucified on the Altar of the Golden Age as Jesus was on the altar of the Age of Grace. Amar=Canaanite god of the West ie Land of the Dead; Amurru is the Edomite Serpent and Shepherd. Ameru is Serpent; Priests of Ameru are related to Michelle Obama which is why she word the Black Widow Dress on Election Night.
Alert for occult communication in HR Block Commercial. Affordable Care is Obama Care or Universal Health Care; an unconstitutional eugenics program enforced by the IRS, the collection arm of international banks.
Closeted Sodomite, Jesuit, LBGT Lawyer, Bush Jr (also a Sodomite) appointee John Roberts was the swing vote to make that forced commerce a “Tax” and therefore not subject to the Commerce Clause (Art 1 Sec 8 Clause 5) .
The color Green is Hidden Language aka Bird Language, Language of Yes (Thank You Satan in Reverse Speech), Divine Language, Enochian Language where everything is reversed ie Life comes through Death.
Obama’s Prince Hall Mason designed Logo (Sun setting amid Red and White Stripes) is identical to the Carbon Fund Logo only the latter is Green. The Green Tie is a literal “Dead” Giveaway
Green highlights Tax (Burden) versus Obama Care. Obama means “He is with us” in Farsi (Zoroastrian), the language of WWIII (Ahura Mazda (White) Versus Ahriman (Black)) and Green Man, the Arab Messiah “al-Khidr” who arrives with “al-Mahdi”.
The Pale Horse is green because corpses give life (Green); he is Death and Hell follows him.
Just a guess, but April 15th “Tax Day” (Form 1040=1040 Days + 1260 Days= 2300 Days of Dan 8) may also be highlighted in this commercial; April 15 is the Assyrian New Year and its US HQ is Chicago. 6 years earlier Obama dressed like Jesus in robes and led a triumphant procession down Nimrod Blvd in Chicago wearing a Crown of Thorns, riding on an Ass. The following year he was on the cover of Newsweek aka Daily Beast wearing a Rainbow (LGBT Logo and symbol of the Flood) This may be the day he is Martyred.
Its interesting to Note that the movie Jack Ryan Shadow recruitment VS RUSSIA has so of the same similar as The Interview CIA ASSET to North Korea as well Howard Iran (Khorasan=Land of the Sun; Iran=Aryan “Noble Caste”) especially the City of London economics
Jack is John as in John the Baptist; Ryan is Irish (Emerald Isle) for Little King or Little Horn
James Franco the guy in the interview movie;is a member of the oto society (Crowley cult) if I recalled
Also what would be the significant if crude oil was at this 3.37 . Walter reed army center actually use for. Also seen this in the movie Au Ag (plague virus) price manipulation term derives from???
“Jack” could be a derivitive of Jacob.
The Trilateral Commission and its members are executing a coup right under our noses and nobody says a word.
Furthermore, I have carefully documented in my upcoming book, Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation, that the Commission’s so-called “New International Economic Order” is being specifically expressed as a Technocracy – that is, a replacement economic system to Capitalism run by scientists and engineers.
Ashton Carter is a perfect fit for Technocracy. As a Rhodes Scholar, he earned a doctorate in theoretical physics from Oxford University and then became a postdoctoral fellow at Rockefeller University and MIT.
According to the New York Times,
“In Ash you have a poster child for the guy who discovers that science and technology are the major drivers for some of the most important events in international affairs, and sometimes are the sources of the solutions,” said Graham Allison [Note: Allison was also a Trilateral Commission member], who recruited Mr. Carter in the early 1980s to come to the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard’s Kennedy School. “Here was a guy with a physics background who was fascinated by ballistic missile defense.”
Unfortunately, a very smooth confirmation process is expected when Carter appears before the Senate.
Ashton Carter Trilateral Commission technocracy
Exact Proof Jesuits Killed 7 US Presidents (Obama is next) thoughts ???
I read that and agree. the numerology he uses to prove his thesis got a little cumbersome for me, but it all seems solid
By whatever name Jesuits are merely a continuation of the Chaldean Priesthood. Inquisitions, Islam/Assassins, Pharisees, Templars, Protestant V Catholic Wars, Banking are all Jesuit controlled; in a nutshell they are the military arm of the Black Nobility.
Obama Fund launches Jan 2015 called MyRa. St Nicholas of Myra ringing a Baal here? He was the Nicolaitane Jesus hated for Elevating the Clergy. How about the Egyptian sun god Ra? Osiris was worshipped at the Solar Solstice; Obama rode into Chicago down Nimrod Ave on Assyrian New Year (IRS Tax Day April 15 or Ides of Aprilis/Venus/Lucifer) on an Ass wearing a crown of thorns. How’s that legacy? Bowing to Queen Elizabeth to “God save the Queen”; bowing to King Adbullah II and Emperor Akahito seem pale on comparison
Chinese blogger sent messages warning “International Black Hand” was targeting Air Asia after hijacking MH-370 and downing MH-17; Chinese should stay off Malaysia and AirAsia, sent on Dec 15, 16,17. BS, The US and Malaysian (read Edomite) Gov were conducting a Radar Drill during MH-370 with all Patent holders of Freescale Tech “Embedded RF hardware chips” on board except one, BlackStone Group.
MH-17? Sure, hackers loaded dozens of blood drained corpses on board first and got German Polich and Ukraine controllers to vector it over a war one during a NATO Radar Exercise “Rapid Trident”; NOT!
TUNE Insurance founder Tony Hernandez dumped 1 million shares by coincidence and Chi Man Choi just happens to be on board after settling the largest Bribery case in US history against Alstrom Power for $770M
Tony Hernandez, founder of TUNE Insurance owns Air Asia and dumped 1 million shares of stock last week; the same day Madonna (Esther) leaked the lyrics to her new tune “Illuminati”.
“The words of the LORD are pure words, as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified 7 times” Ps 12:6
The 7th purified word is the 1611 Authorized Bible aka King James. The List: Tyndale’s Bible (Tyndale was kidnapped, strangled and burned alive), Matthew’s, Coverdale’s, Great Bible (1st by Committee of scholars), Geneva (1st with Study Notes) and the 1611 Authorized Bible Latin Vulgate used in the Douay Rheims Catholic Bible and Syriac Peshitta are omitted; their source as are all new Bible Versions is Gnostic. Facsimiles of God’s Word as Lucifer is a Facsimile of God. The 6th purified bible Geneva Bible uses Jah in Ps 68:4 and Jesus in Mat 1:25. The 7th purified bible uses JAH and JESUS because the source of the Old and New Covenants/Testaments is SPIRITUAL through the Holy Ghost.
“We never made the case Osama bin Laden had anything to do with 9/11” Dick Cheney
“We never verified any Iraqi authority complicit with al-Qaeda for 9/11 or any other act against America” CIA Dir George Tenet.
“There is no proof Muslims were involved with 9/11/2001”. FBI Director Robert Mueller Osama bin Laden has never appeared on an FBI Wanted list in connection with 9/11.
“Al Qaeda had nothing to do with 9/11/2001” Senate report on torture Christmas 2014
Esau’s “Dominion” will be handed over to Satan (4th Beast), controlling both sides of the Dialectic via Antichrist and False Prophet. The European Parliament is built as the Tower of Babel with the Woman Riding the Beast aka Whore of Babylon out front and Seat 666 vacant. Parliament is a Secular and Ecclesiastical aristocracy summoned by a Sovereign Monarch (Satan) ruling with absolute authority a Sacred Assembly of Whores if you will. TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership), TTIP (Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and TISA (Trade In Services Act) will cover the 50 nations outside of NAM (Non-Aligned Movement) stripping all Privacy, forcing Sharia, Noahide Law and Privatizing all Courts, Public Services, Data Flow, Copyrights, Patents, Architecture, Food, Energy and Education. Nations votes will be sealed and held confidential for 5 years after signing the treasonous and Satanic agreements.
US Government has prepared a “Patriot Act” for the Internet
LEAKED: Secret Negotiations to Let Big Brother Go Global
“Much has been written, at least in the alternative media, about the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), two multilateral trade treaties being negotiated between the representatives of dozens of national governments and armies of corporate lawyers and lobbyists (on which you can read more here, here and here). However, much less is known about the decidedly more secretive Trade in Services Act (TiSA), which involves more countries than either of the other two.”
More at:…/leaked-secret-negotiations-to-let-
Jeb Bush resigns from board of health care company that reaped massive profits from Obamacare as he ‘actively’ explores presidential run
Effective Dec. 31, Bush will no longer be employed by Tenet Healthcare or multinational financial services firm Barclays
He has also stopped booking paid speeches, though he will follow through on previous commitments through early next year
Bush is disentangling himself from business interests that could cause conflicts if he declares his candidacy for the Republican nomination
He remains a partner in three private equity funds and is still listed as a board member of Rayonier
Tenet supports Obamacare and predicts it will make $100 million off of new Obamacare signups this year
Bush is against Obamacare yet remained on the hospital chain’s board from the beginning of the health care negotiations until now