Shavuot (June 11, 2016) is the real Pentecost; the Easter based Pentecost is Satanic nonsense. Shavuot or “Counting the Omer” is the day commemorating the Law given to Israel (10 Commandments) through Moses, which also happens to be the day JESUS gave the New Covenant Law to the world via the Holy Ghost; too bad the “Stiff necked and uncircumcised” reject the Holy Ghost; the New Covenant Baptism. JESUS (Mat 1:25KJV) is JAH (Ps 68:4KJV) is JEHOVAH, the Old and New Covenant NAME of God.
Omar shooting 103 people and a 3hr standoff with police doesn’t add up. “Lone Wolf”, Jupiter (Zeus) Security Guard Omar (Omer) Mir Seddiqe Mateen (Omer=10th Deal of Grain; Mir=Peace; Seddiqe=Saddiq=Descendant of Muhammad, the Quyraish Tribe of Korah “Rebel Priests” in Num 16; Mateen=Powerful) allegedly kills 50 and injures 53 on the 50th day after Passover in Orlando on “Shavuot” in the LGBTQ2 Night Club “Pulse” during a Gay PRIDE Event on Latin Night during Ramadan with an AR-15.
- Mateen’s ex-wife claims “He beat me…He’s Violent and mentally unstable”
- His father Seddique met with Congress and the State Dept; he is a Taliban supporting “Provisional Government of Afghanistan” presidential candidate who said “He was angry seeing 2 men kissing”; sure pops, Afghanistan is full of Homosexual Pedophiles called “Bacha Baz”who Sodomize, Sexually Exploit (Pimp) and Traffic “Dancing Boys” (check out the Documentary “Dancing Boys of Afghanistan”) US troops have orders to leave the Bacha Baz in the Taliban, Afghan Government, Police and Military alone; our job is to guard Heroin
- Mateen worked after High School at the G4S Juvieniele Detention Center, known for sexually abusing young boys (male guard arrested in 2014). Gay HS classmate Sam King says Mateen picked up lunch from Drag Queen restaurant “Ruby Tuesday”, went to Drag Shows and had no issue with LGBT’s.
- Witness (Crisis Actor?) Jackie Smith said “He had an automatic rifle, nobody stood a chance”; Witness Javier Antonetti said “It was constant shooting, Pow, Pow, Pow” Oops!
- ISIS puts out a Cyber Warning targeting Florida 3 days before. Mateen calls 911 moments before to declare his ISIS affiliation. Check the ISIS box
Arab League, Muslim Brotherhood, fake Christian Walid Shoebat is pushing the ISIS connection; in reality, ISIS propaganda is handled by SITE and Israeli Spy Rita Katz with help from the US Army at Ft Huachuca AZ where Mateen allegedly hauled illegal immigrants across the border in Jupiter Security operated vans with US Border Control authorization. Too hard to believe? So is sending Military Arms to the Sinaloa Drug Cartel; recruiting, arming, funding and training ISIS; supplying ISIS fleets of new Toyota SUV’s and guarding ISIS convoys with US Army Helicopters. Just remember, ISIS aka IS is DAESH, an Arab acronym for Nation of Islam in the Levant. DAESH has nothing to do with being Muslim; DAESH is a Canaanite (Horite and Amorite) Cult. If this is also too hard to believe, watch the short video “I Pet Goat II” It pretty much spells all this out.
“Terrorist” Mateen waltzes in passed security with a .223 rifle and 9mm semi-auto pistol just like Adam Lanza (Red Spear) at Sandy Hoax. Fake Jew Rep Adam Schiff (CA Democrat) says Mateen was “Pledged to ISIS” making this an “Act of Terrorism”. Mateen even called 911 to proclaim his allegiance to the ISIS Leader; that would be Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi aka Israeli tool Simon Elliot; well that proves ISIS did it for sure. Adam Schiff is the Benghazi Select Committee Chair appointed by Nancy Pelosi who calls the Benghazi Investigation a “Colossal Waste of Time”; sure Adam, arming, training, funding al-Qaeda and ISIS mercenaries and murdering people at the Consulate is not worth looking into and Clinton, Petraeus, Kerry, McCain had nothing to do with it; Benghazi is called “Cyrenne”, the “Synagogue of the Libertines” in the bible.
“Think of the News as a tool Dictators can use” NAZI propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels (mentored by the British father of modern propanda Edward Bernays with Mitt Romney’s father George)
Manipulating public opinion via the Front Page George Soros’ (Grigori Schwartz) “” sent out a petition to ban guns within hours. Knight of Malta Donald Trump says “ISIS is attacking Gays and Jews”; no Don, this like 9/11 was an “Inside Job”. Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Obama predictably called for “Gun Control”.
An amazing coincidence is AR-15 owner Astro-nut Mark Kelly and Gunrunner David Petraeus formed a “Gun control group” just hours earlier. Even NBC (Rockefeller) Liar Brian Williams came back for the stage show repeating over and over “It’s obviously a terrorist event” No “Life of Brian” it’s not; it’s paid “Crisis Actors” playing us for fools.
Hours of video coverage, no Ambulances and only one minor leg injury visible? FBI claimed Adam Lanza shot 26 people at Sandy Hoax and the impossibility of the event becomes readily apparent; the FBI claims Mateen shot and killed 50, injured 53 more and had a 3 hr gun battle with law enforcement and the impossibility of the event is over the top ridiculous. We are to believe Mateen waltzed in passed night club security carrying 2 guns and hundreds of rounds managing to shoot 103 people in a dark night club with a rifle. Bull Shit.
Mateen worked for Jupiter Security (G4S), an International British Security Company since he was 20; he has been interviewed by the FBI 3 times for among other things running illegal aliens in vans across the Arizona border to Phoenix and his connection to alleged ISIS suicide bomber Moner Muhammad Abu Salha.
Mateen’s father Seddique (Saddiq means Descendant/Priest of Muhammad) is the leader of the Provisional Government of Afghanistan who had his own TV Show promoting the Taliban (Talib means Student; Mujahideen means Warrior of Allah) and was a candidate for Afghanistan President. Sounds a bit like Christmas Bomber Farouk Abdul Mutallib (Muhammad’s Uncle Abdul Mutallib originated Islam), the son of the Nigerian Defense Minister evading Customs with an Underwear Bomb (read Bull Shit).
Crisis Actors (no tears, face in hands); Christine Leinonen “Somebody please do something about Assault Rifles”; Fake blood (exactly like Boston; Mateen was even connected to the Tsarnaev brothers; what a coincidence), allegedly dead, lone gunman killed in a hail of gunfire (exactly like Paris), no bodies (exactly like Sandy Hook); no ambulances; spontaneous vigils and banners proclaiming solidarity (exactly like MH-370; I mean really Chinese mourners in Beijing making professional quality signs in English within hours?).
Why Pulse? “Push, Drive, Wield, Swing, Shake, Tremble”; push the LGBTQ agenda perhaps? The GoFundMe Gay website received $90K in 10 hrs; sounds a bit like Mormon Robbie Parker setting up his charity for Emily before Sandy Hook even happened and raking in donations. Pretty coincidental this occurs right after the Transgender Bathroom Mandate and Canada’s Bestiality High Court decision eh?
Why Orlando? Orlando is the Italian form of Roland, a character in Shakespeare who provided us with “All the world’s a stage” and “A fool, A fool, I met a fool in the forest”. Shakespeare? Oh that’s Sir Francis Bacon and the Knights of the Golden Helmet. Disney World in Orlando is marketed as the “Happiest Place on Earth”; happy because Disney bought all the land from the Mormon Church who controls the largest 501c3 cattle ranch “Deseret Land and Livestock”; Deseret means “Honey Bee”; Bee is Dabar in Chaldee meaning “Word” aka “Bald Faced Lie”. Happy? Oh, that means “Wise” in Welsh; we in America, the land of the Amorites (4th son of Canaan) have no Constitutional Rights to own anything including Property or Guns; we only have the right to “Be Happy”.
Why Shavuot? Shavuot rejects Jesus as God and with that the New Covenant made possible through the Holy Ghost, delivered on this day nearly 2000 years ago, 50 days after the Crucifixion brought an end to the Old Covenant by JESUS, the only New Covenant Messiah (Christ/Saviour). The Satanic version of the descent of the Holy Ghost and outpouring of the Holy Spirit is symbolized by the Rainbow and Aquarian Age; an age ruled by Jupiter (hence Jupiter Security in Jupiter, Florida) and his mythological Pederasty and Rape of the Cretan Prince Ganymede on Mt Olympus. Count the Omer folks, this is Sandy Hoax part deux.
What a coincidence Teresa May’s husband Phillip is a director and large stock holder in G4S Security aka Jupiter Security, the company Omar Mateen worked for bussing illegal immigrants into the US in Tuscon with Customs approval.
The Sunway TaihuLight supercomputer based at the state-funded Chinese Supercomputing Center in the city of Wuxi, Jiangsu province, a two-hour drive from Shanghai. China already held the top spot on the list of fastest supercomputers with the Tianhe-2, but that featured processors built by Intel, a U.S. company.
However, a chip built by the Shanghai High Performance IC Design Center called SW26010 is capable of achieving 125.4 petaflops (Pflop/s). That means it can carry out more than 125 quintillion calculations per second. The SW26010 is comprised of more than 10 million processing cores, and to put its performance in context, Tianhe-2 topped the list in 2015 with a performance of 33.86 Pflops/s.
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While the San Andreas GPS data has been publicly available for more than a decade, the vertical component of the measurements had largely been ignored in tectonic investigations because of difficulties in interpreting the noisy data,” lead author Samuel Howell, a researcher at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, explained in a news release. “Using this technique, we were able to break down the noisy signals to isolate a simple vertical motion pattern that curiously straddled the San Andreas fault.”
The U.S. already supports Voice of America and funds anti-Iran channels. But we ain’t seen nothing yet compared to H.R. 5181.
If passed, this legislation will allow cumbrously pro-‘American’ propaganda to infiltrate cable, online, and mainstream news organizations wherever the government deems necessary.
Edward Bernays is the father of modern Propaganda; this repeals the prohibition on Domestic Propaganda. He mentored Joseph Goebbels as well as George Romney
As of 9:43 PM June 19, the DEFCON warning system (private organization) has increased in severity to DEFCON 3. Here is the link;
The DEFCON severity was raised over what is occurring in Syria. The DEFCON situation brought to mind that Tisha B’ Av (8/14/2016) is being watched and it has a DEFCON 2 connection. Here is a repost of the watch from April this year.
Red (Strawberry)Dawn Alert ~ Full Moon on Summer Solstice: Shooting Spree, Assassination, or Quake Coming?
Reuters, AP, Google and Sun Times all have articles about the Orlando Shooting on June 11
it’s all about sparking the next civil war.
There never was a gun grab agenda. It’s actually opposite. They want to drive the people of America into buying massive amounts of guns and ammo.
Soon, they will collapse the economy and spark the worlds bloodiest civil war.
These shooting hoaxes are made to be over the top phony on purpose. This is to get everyone’s thoughts and true feelings on social media to record them, all data is complied and sorted by quantum computers (jade helm) to build profiles on every american. They will use this data to maintain control after the war.
I’m afraid when they crash the economy to make their final move we will have hell on earth here in America.
This is the reason they have moved us so fast with technology this past decade, all the cameras, devices, facebook, twitter, drones, made us switch over to digital TV – the Quantum computers are the Artificial Intel they are testing now in the public. They rolled it out for testing in Jade Helm last year and used it live on the Oregon situation – thus the reason you saw drones in action, This AI computer is able to use all these data points in real time, so it can make all decisions and take corrective actions quickly to get the fast results. This computer will be the one dispatching and coordinating law enforcement.
This will be very valuable after this civil war takes place to help gain back control of the country.
Never thought about that angle Glen, I think you are right. This Orlando thing was so over the top idiotic I can’t believe it gets any believers in the story. Thanks, I’ll put that in my article.
Interesting prospective Glenn. Confirmation from your insight as well. However, we have to remember that. UN world police is be set in place. The Fema civilian corps. UN just recent about being with the disarmament officers too. Along with DHS collecting bullets. Gun Runner exhibition of Obama Clinton Romney Kissinger. So we just have be intune with Jesus(HolySpirit) to look out for
Manitoba Canada and the coastline. For water purposes?? 204 is the Area code. July 22 in the leap year is the 204 day of this year. Also located near a weather station. MY question is it a cornerstone to water coast line or some sort. It’s also has Motto of Glorious and Free with the term of Liber in it
July 22 “World Youth Day” in Rio (Largest Idol of the Christ in the World; Ground Zero for Zika and upcoming Olympics) Pope Francis is giving time off Purgatory for following his Tweets from Rio de Janeiro (
River of Janus). 22/7=Pi “Behold I come quickly…” Rev 22:7
July 22 “World Youth Day” Rio De Janiero. Climb the steps Jesus once did to Pilate’s House, get 7 years off “Purgatory”. Following Pope Francis’ Tweets from Rio, the Vatican Sacred Apostolic Penitentiary Court provides “Indulgences” for Free. Purgatory (Mormon Telestial Kingdom) is Bull Shit. Apostolic Court? Jesus laid hands on the Apostles; want to become a Disciple? Cut out this Jesuit nonsense.
Howard familiar heard this Wackenhut’s
Mateen was an armed security officer for G4S, and the company was trying to ascertain whether any guns used in the attack were related to Mateen’s work, said a spokesman who declined to be named…
“The company is no stranger to controversy. It has come under fire from rights advocates for providing services to Israeli prisons holding Palestinian detainees, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation said in 2014 it sold its stake in G4S.
Socalled subsidiary of GS4, the infamous Wackenhut security firm. Wackenhut was one of the trailblazers of the private security racket and has been a lightening rod for controversy decades before it became a part of G4S in 2004. It was originally founded in 1954 in Coral Gables, FL, by George Wackenhut, a former FBI man. While Wackenhut seems to have originally been founded as a private detective agency, it soon added.
the 1960s it had won lucrative contracts to guard the Kennedy Space Center and the Atomic Energy Commission’s nuclear test site in Nevada. Most famously, however, are the guard services Wackenhut provided to Area 51. Stories of amateur Ufologists being chased off the the site by brown-uniformed Wackenhut men are legion.
G4S has Security control over all 3 airports used on 9/11; Hoover Dam ($50 depicts destruction 2016 is 50 years after 6th Tetrad; San Andreas and Transformers also feature it); Area 51, Mercury Nevada Test Site (Divine Strake 1.4M Lb ANFO Bomb ready to loft Radioactive Isotopes into Lake Mede the water supply for Los Angeles), Schipol Airport (MH-17 with 2 dozen blood drained corpses and Christmas Bomber with no passport) and Israeli Prisons to name a few
China Tests DF-41 Missile Using U.S. Technology Clintons Gave Them
UN is advertising for “Disarmament Officer” positions under the direct control of UN Sec General Ban Ki Moon (Disciple of Unification Church “Moonie” Sun Myung Moon) 7 yrs experience in Disarmament and Small Arms Control required.
6/15/16 LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravity Wave Observatory) detects Gravity Waves from 2 coliding Black Holes for 2nd time. That’s right folks, God says Space is “Nothing” yet Gravity Waves traveling in “Nothing” (Vacuum) which is impossible, disturbing Space-Time from 2 Black Holes with Infinite Gravity (Violates the most basic Law of Energy) thus proving Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. On a visit to the new Mt Wilson Observatory, Einstein was asked what the telescope was for; he said “To determine the shape of the Universe” to which his 1st Cousin “Relative” Wife responded “Oh he decided that on the back of an old envelope”. By the way, she concocted the Theory of Relativity.
Here’s the thing.
The rifle used by the Islamist terrorist in Orlando was not an AR-15.
The rifle used by the Islamist terrorist in Orlando was instead a Sig Sauer MCX carbine, a modular, multi-caliber (able to swap to different calibers, including 5.56 NATO, 300 BLK, and 7.62×39) rifle system that sometimes utilizes STANAG magazines common to more than 60 different firearms, but otherwise has no major parts that interface with AR-15s in any way, shape or form.
Read More-
The family of AR-15 inventor speaking out against easy access to AR-15 Assault Rifles; too bad an AR-15 was not used at Pulse nor at Sandy Hook
Pet Goat, II predicts the Orlando shootings?
Apparently it predicted the Beltane Serbian Church Fire too
“Creator” won the Belmont after Exaggerator and Nyquist the Preakness and the Kentucky. Big things going to happen on and around June 21.
Antichrist is the Branch of the low ones; Cretans like the Priests of the lowest of them may ring a Baal; it’s why they teach Rapture and the 2nd Coming is imminent; JESUS is the BRANCH
Exaggerator (Lucifer exaggerates his role as Co-equal with God, seen in Dualist Gnostic Religions such as Zoroastrianism and the Final Battle of Good versus Evil; in fact Lucifer/Satan is tossed without any words devoted into the Bottomless Pit as Antichrist and False Prophet become the 1st residents of the Lake of Fire. The Triple Tiara/Crown worn by Roman Pontifex Maximus (Master Bridge Builders/Popes) symbolizes this Lie
Occultists believe Lucifer was the 1st Creator; Matter is the 2nd Creation by an Evil Demiurge. God said let there be light; guess who created the Light that was Good on Day 1? Lucifer the Light Bearer on Sunday of course.
Quite the planned deception eh?
Another rigged game is the NBA Finals with King James walking through the Golden Gate. Craigslist is even advertising for Donald Trump paid protesters at the Republican Convention. Trump “Card outranking others of same suit”; JESUS is the BRANCH. JESUS is the Trump of God.
You are right Kristine; better hold on to the Truth
June 12th is the birthday of both David “Prince of Darkness” Rockefeller and former U.S. President George H.W. Bush. A Luciferian mass sacrifice and birthday celebration all mixed up into one—now that’s truly diabolical.