[frame_right][/frame_right]Amalek has always and will always stand guard to the entrance of God’s “Promised Land”. Amalek is the “Valley of the Shadow of Death” Psalms 23 and the entire world is walking through it. Amalek’s Priests are “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes”. Amal: Strong’s #6000 symbolizes the 6000 yr point of Creation; it’s meaning is many fold: Dweller in the Valley, Rebel, Debase, Baseless, Irrational, Cowardice, Indifference, Doubt, Defile, Warlike, Brow Beat, Froward, Spine, Ruthless, Choke Collar (Yoke), Self Afflict, Adorn with Cheap Jewelry, Cretan, Confiscate, Bough, Trickery, Magick, Tyrannical, Merciless, Effeminate, Luxurious, Usury, Blood Licker, Resident of Mecca.
Location: Between Canaan and Egypt, Salt Valley and the Heart of Ephraim. Resident of Mecca is not the “Promised Land” Canaan. Amalek here refers to Abram’s Egyptian handmaid Hagar, Ishmael, Mt Horeb, Midian, Mt Sinai (yup, it is in Arabia, NW of Mecca), Quyraish Bedouins (Rebel Priests), Ismaili “Twelvers”, al Qaeda, Golden Calf, Moses’ Split Rock, Manna from Heaven and 40 yrs Desert Wandering in the Wilderness of Sin. Thought these places were in Egypt? It is because an Amalekite Priest told you that. These places are in Arabia guarded by Saudi Royalty ie Amalekites. Connecting Egypt and Arabia is a symbol of Amalek called the Phoenix. God sent Moses to rescue Israel from Egypt because a group of Amalekites “Hyksos” ruled over them with the intent to kill them; 10 Plagues, the parting of the Red Sea, Manna from Heaven, Water gushing from a Rock in the Desert, Fire on Mt Sinai, 10 Commandments on Stone and Water gushing from a Rock and still there were murmurings of “Is God among us or not” How is that for casting Doubt? Jesus allowed Thomas to put his finger in His side after the Crucifixion folks; just keep wrestling with God!
California theoretical cosmologist Sean Carroll announced on 9/19/12 “Science will arrive at a complete understanding of the Universe that leaves no grounds for God whatsoever” He is referring to Big Bang Theory, Quantum Gravity, Primeval Dark Matter and the God Particle here. Sounds a bit like Karl Marx aka Moses Mordechai Levi declaring “God is Dead” to me.
We first meet Amalekites when Abram and Lot separate over the issue of Sodom and Gomorrah in Gen 14. God was with Abram then as Melchisedek; today Mormon men like Mitt Romney assume that title. Imagine what the world might be like if an Amalekite had his hand on the Red Buttons of the worldwide nuclear arsenal and US Military? Believing the Book of Mormon was written on Golden Tablets, Amalekites are actually apostate Nephites whose skin turned dark because of Sin (Dark Skin=Curse of Ham; the bible doesn’t record Ham as being Cursed, only his son Canaan) and Jesus rescued Jaredites in wood submarines in the land of Nimrod and took them underwater to the Americas is a bit “Irrational” is it not? Maybe now this will make sense “Out of Ephraim their root is in Amalek” Judges 5:14 Can you see they Ephraim is not listed as one of the “Saved” tribes in Rev 7? Dan isn’t either. Mormon men claim descent from Ephraim; Mormon leaders from Dan. Now can you see why Jacob prophesied Joseph would be a “Bough” and Dan a “Judge”? Hey, isn’t a Bough something we see on Doors at Christmas? Don’t many Christians walk through that Door to the Grove (Tree)? Lk 1 spells out John the Baptist was born on Passover (14 Nisan; 1st month) and Jesus was born 6 months later on Feast of Tabernacles (15 Tishrei; 7th month) Isn’t it a bit “Foolish” to celebrate the day Pagans call “Dies Natalis Solis Invicti? Why would God fearing Jews celebrate Hanukkah with the Assyrian sun god Shamash in their Menorah? Maybe because their Rabbi is really Amalekite?
Professor Karen King heads Harvard University Hollis Chair of Divinity and believes a new found Gnostic Scroll from Egypt proves Jesus had a wife who was also His apostle. Guess that makes the Word of God wrong and Born Again Christians in the Wedding Party of the Lamb are committing Adultery eh? Rather “Baseless” to assume Mary Magdelene and Jesus were parents to some Christ kids isn’t it? Especially since Merovingians of France claimed descent from a mythical Sea Beast “Merovee”. Amalekites are most assuredly still with us! Oh, and Karen, read 1 Cor 14:34-35 and 1 Tim 2:12-13 “Silence is golden” after all; especially with “Irrational” nonsense like this.
“Amalek is the first among nations but his latter end shall be that he perish forever” Num 24:20 Ouch! First among Nations? Oh, that would be Cain and the land East of Eden where Angel Moroni faces with his trumpet and lady Liberty lights with her Torch. “And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble…there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it” Obadiah 18 Ouch! Amalek was also Esau’s grandson, born to a Horite concubine “Timna”. Horites were aboriginal “Native” Idumaeans; today represented by Jordan’s King Abdullah II; his name means “Servant of Allah”; Allah was known to the Akkadians as “Sin”. Sounds a bit Amalekite eh; Saudi King Abdullah has a name that means the same; can you see why Barack Obama would bow to King Abdullah now? Obadiah means “Servant of JEHOVAH” Sounds a bit like Jesus doesn’t it; He is describing the 2nd Coming at the 6000 yr point. Read Oba 20 “…captivity of Jerusalem, which is in Sepharad” Now read Gal 4:22-26 “Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia” Hey isn’t that where Amalekites of Mecca dwelt? Arabs tell of Hagar (Agar) and Ishmael meeting the angel Gabriel at the well of Zamzam receiving water; what a coincidence, Moses got Water from a Rock there! Abd=Servant; Allah=Sin; if these Kings are Servants of Sin; who is their LORD? Pretty obvious it’s the “Man of Sin”.
Haman is a descendant of Agag, King of the Amalekites. Talmudic Rabbis absolve Sins of the congregation on Kol Nidre before the Feast of Atonement 10 Tishrei/Ethanim (26 Sept 2012) and make Haman cakes and put pictures of Haman on the soles of their feet to “Stamp out any remembrance of Haman” on Purim. Neither of these days are one of God’s 7 Holy Feasts and Jesus said never call any man on earth Rabbi. Why do they do this? They have no fear of the LORD because they believe they are gods. Jesus is Melchisedek (ref Heb 5-9) not Mormon men. Only an Amalekite would boastfully declare Jesus is in Hell boiling in excrement or that Rabbis debate God and win!
“The love of money is the root of all evil” Money is created out of thin air by Usury which is why God prohibits the lending of money at interest. Jesus was Crucified for turning the tables of the Money Changers over. In Europe, Usury began with the Norman invasion by William the Conqueror in 1066; Mitt Romney claims kinship with this clown as does Prince William, the 1000th Knight of the Garter. The Normandie Beach invasion was a bit “Ruthless”; I mean landing on Omaha, Sword, Juno and Utah’s flat beaches amid fortified gun emplacements at low tide. The Usurers of William the conqueror were from Rouen in Normandy; they were finally kicked out because of their ruthless money lending in 1290, exactly 700 years before George Bush Sr began the Gulf War on Purim that still rages on today. Purim means Cast lots for Marduk; Iraq is Babylon meaning Gate of Marduk. Question: Where does one find the highest per capita concentration of Title Loan sharks? Utah. Jesus returns to destroy Amalekites at Zion; can you see why Mormons call Utah “Zion”. Ironic that the Trans-continental Railroad met in Zion between the Jupiter and #119 and Iraq and Iran both have Area Code 119 eh? Joseph Smith was even buried with a Talisman of Jupiter. Can you guess why?
The Black Stone of the Ka’aba is surrounded by the Sacred Mosque “Masjid al Haram, the site in Arab myth Abram and Ishmael built to worship Allah and where the Angel Gabriel (Arabic Jibril) met them, kicked the ground and created the well of Zamzam. Gabriel then met with Muhammad to reveal the Quran and later with Joseph Smith to reveal the Book of Mormon. The Quran and Book of Mormon? A bit “Ridiculous” isn’t it? The Black Stone is described in Acts 19 as the “Image which fell down from Jupiter” made black (recall Nephites turned black from Sin in Mormon myth?) from Sin. Ephesians worshipped the Goddess of ”Witchcraft” Diana with the Crescent and her Image from Jupiter is then given to Abraham and used to build the Ka’aba? Seriously? Now go back to Dr Karen King’s assertion Jesus had a wife; is it just coincidence Mecca (Arab Mechus) means Adultery? Now can you see why Saudi Arabia guards the secret of Mt Sinai and the Wilderness of Sin (Sinai) so closely? Crescent=Hilal; as Mormon men accept the Melchisedek Priesthood they chant Pay Heylel; perhaps they should also read “The wages of Sin is Death” Rom 6:23. Amalekite religion influences all of us; make sure Jesus is with you in the Wilderness of Sin! Haram means Sanctuary; in Dan 8:13-14, Jesus comes with Gabriel to tell Daniel about the final 2300 days from Daily Sacrifice to the Abomination of Desolation to the Sanctuary and its host being trodden under foot. You may want to make Jesus Christ your Sanctuary rather than an Arabian Harem 2300=1260 days +1040 days. Quite literally, the Abomination of Desolation is the Gate way to the 1260 day Great Tribulation. Want an initiation number? www.One-heaven.org/ has this 18 digit number in 3 groups of 6 waiting for you and Divine Judgment of the Pale Horse scheduled for 12/21/2012. Don’t believe this date is a big deal? Notice the Amalekite Logo at the top of this article has the Chi-Rho (Sun rising through the X formed by the Galaxy and Ecliptic on Dies Solis Invicti 12/21/2012) between the Alpha and Omega “The Beginning and End”. The Internal Revenue Service is a collection arm for the Federal Reserve, foreign Tax collectors charging Usury; cute how the Amalekites collect Taxes on Form 1040 eh? Got Jesus with you now? You might not be able to when the Solar Christ and his Moon bride “Sin” are Crowned.
When the “Wise Men” arrived, Jesus was in Egypt, a “young child” of 1½. You believe the “Nativity Scene” at Christmas because Amalekites didn’t tell you Christ Mass celebrates the “Death” of Christ not His “Birth”. Herod, the Amalekite ordered the “Cowardly” act called the “Slaughter of Innocents”. If you are “Indifferent” about Abortion, it is because Amalekites told you life begins at birth. Amalekites chasing Moses across the Red Sea were known for killing the weakest, often pregnant women and children. If you are “Indifferent” to Euthanasia, murder of Natives or caring for the Elderly, it is because Amalekites tell you they have no value to society.
God swore that He will be at war with Amalek from generation to generation (Ex 17:14) and He will obliterate the memory of Amalek from under the heavens (Deut 25:17-19). We need to remember that folks, because whether you realize it or not, everyone on earth is walking through the “Valley of the Shadow of Death” (Ps 23) with Amalekites on every side. We just don’t often recognize them because they wear “Sheep’s Clothing” and use it to “Pull the Wool over our eyes”.
I enjoyed this writing. Thank you. You make some great points. Kindly consider doing a bit deeper research into the links between Islam, Mormonism and Catholicism. I believe they are all under Amalek spirit.
If christians who have visions are “misled” explain Joel 2:28-32
I thoroughly enjoyed this article. Thanks for the insight.
I was just reading I Samuel 15:2 where it refers to Exodus 17:8 and the Amalekites. Unfortunately, old King Saul disobeyed God and did not wipe them out entirely as commanded. We are still in the middle of the Hatfields and McCoys with Ishmael and Isaac too. I came across your site here while Google-ing Amalekites and was truly impressed with the truth you share. You summed it up in your “Author” paragraph where you state,” No earthly Priests or man-made Churches will save you, only a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is all that is required to set you free from a bondage you may not even be aware of.” Thanks Howard for sharing this with the world and I pray that many will begin on their path with the Lord Jesus this very day!