[frame_right][/frame_right]Seven consecutive blood red moons (Lunar Eclipses) have occurred on Passover and Tabernacles in 2 consecutive years the last 2000 years; this is called a “Tetrad”. Passover marks the birth of John the Baptist and Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, ending the 7th Covenant between God and Man. 162-163 AD; 795-796 AD; 860-851 AD were the first three times. In the 2 years following the Alhambra Decree (Tisha B’ Av 1492 AD marked the expulsion of Cryptos and Marranos from Spain) the Voyage of Columbus, a Rosicrucian was timed with this date commemorating the destructions of the first and second Temples, consecutive Lunar eclipses occurred on Passover and Feast of Tabernacles, the latter marking the birth of Jesus Christ. Thus, the next time this God ordained astronomical warning happened was 1493-1494 AD as somallpox began decimating native populations in the Americas. Remember, God set the Sun, Moon and Stars in the heavens to tell time and seasons.
Again, this happened after the 1948 Declaration of Israel’s Independence. The 1949 AD Armistice Agreement, called by displaced Palestinians as the “Palestine Catastrophy” was signed by Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria in 1949 and the Tri-partite Declaration between the US, Britain, and France in 1950 AD. The lines agreed to in these agreements held until the 1967 6-Day War. (Note: Israel is still in Diaspora; God does not use the Star of molech, Rabbis, the Talmud or Kaballah).
The 1967 “6-Day War” for the Golan Heights saw the same warnings come in 1968-1969 AD, perhaps not coincidentally when NASA 330 Sovereign Freemasons claimed to plant the US flag on the Moon. Why? The Golan Heights and Mt Hermon are “Sion” (not Zion), the place where “Sons of God saw daughters of men and took wives of them…” in Gen 6; this is the basis for “Sacred Marriage” rituals, a ritual rejection of the Holy Ghost; the Moon is the Assyrian god “Sin”.
The 7th time 4 consecutive blood red moons will occur on Passover and Tabernacles will occur in 2014-2015 AD. In addition, 2 Solar eclipses will occur on 1 Nisan “God’s New Year” and 1 Tishrei “Rosh Hashanah”, the Rabbinical “Head of the Year” in 2015. 2015 will thus begin on God’s New Year with a Solar Eclipse, followed in 2 weeks by a Passover Lunar Eclipse, followed 6 months later by the Rabbinical New Year Solar Eclipse and 2 weeks later by a Lunar Eclipse on Tabernacles. God’s 7th and last Holy Feast is the only one with 8 days 15-22 Tishrei. Is is also coincidence Chap 22 is the final book of Scripture and 22/7=Phi the Golden Proportion or Ratio of Life? I would’t bet on it.
What will happen is anyone’s guess, but if the Pale Horse rides on 12/21/2012 and begins the 1260 day Great Tribulation 2015 would line up with the 5th Trumpet, Rev 9:11 when Satan is finally cast to earth 18 months before the 2nd Coming. The point is, time may be getting short and these are not the only warning signs.
Mar 20 “Nowruz” Iranian “New Light” 700 years ago on Mar 20, 1312 the King of France ordered the Roman Catholic Pope Clement V to issue a Vox in Excelso “Voice from on High” confiscating assets and property of the Knights Templar; the decision was handed down in writing on 3/22/1312; hence, the Skull & Bones aka Brotherhood of Death logo uses a Skull, Crossed Bones and 322. Cathar military guardians were aware of the Languedoc prediction “In 700 years, the laurel will grow green again”. Languedoc “Language of Yes; in Old French the Language of Oil; in New French Language of Ouissex or Birds. Augury or Inauguration is forecasting the future through the flight of birds. “Yes We Can”, a familair Obama mantra in the Language of Yes; Green is the Pale Horse. On 3/20/12 Iran stopped oil transactions using the $US yet Agriculture Corporations Cargill and ADM inked a deal for Iran to purchase up to 400,000 tonnes of US Wheat. How’s that for being sold out?
- April Fool “Month of Venus”; Venus is “Lucifer” the Freemasonic “Light Bringer” aka Assyrian “Shamash”; April 1 “April Fool’s Day” is the Assyrian New Year commemorating Jesus, sent from Annas, to Caiaphas, to Pilate, to Herod, back to Pilate and condemned by the Sanhedrin illegally. April 15 is the Assyrian equivalent to Feast of Unleavened Bread and not coincidentally, Federal Income Tax Day and the 100th anniversary of the intentional sinking of the Titanic; ever heard of “Too big to fail”? Titanic was scuttled intentionally on Tax Day.
- Article 23 “Covenant of One Heaven” claims the Black Horse rode 12/21/2011; this horse brings worldwide economic collapse; the IMF calls this “Austerity” (Aus means To Shine). Nowruz “New Light” celebrates the Persian Peacock King “Melek-Taus”. The brass idols “Sanjaks” have the same name as the idol worshipped by the Gnostic/Satanic “Yezidis” in the early years of Christianity. This is Assyrian Luciferianism in a nutshell and 2012 will likely be the year of Luciferian “Birth Pains”.
- Costa Concordia (In Agreement with Constantine ie in agreement with the 2012 Solstice crowning of the Assyrian sun-god Shamash) with 13 decks named after EU Nations (EU founded by the Club of Rome) sank on 1/13; it may seem strange but above the Chair of St Peter attendants carry Peacock Feathers; below the chair an inscription “There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet” Babylon means Gate of On, El, Allah or Ilu the Akkadian word for Lord aka Melek. “no God but God” eliminates Jesus Christ as God in Flesh and with Him the Holy Ghost. Why? The Roman Pope fills the role of Vicar of Christ because to him, Jesus died on the Tree (Cross) Constantine, the 1st Roman Pope used the X as the symbol of “In Hoc Signo Vinces” (By this sign conquer). X the 24th letter is matched by Art 24 “Covenant of One Heaven” which declares the Pale Horse rides on 12/21/2012 aka on the Venus calendar.
- Superbowl “Holy of Holies”; the Assyrian “Ishtar’s Descent into the Underworld” was enacted by Madonna (her name was changed to Esther in 2004) at halftime. Madonna said she is the “High Priestess” and the Superbowl is America’s “Holy of Holies” to Sodomite Anderson Cooper on his “360″ Show; 330 Sodomite Freemason Clint Eastwood proclaimed “This is America’s halftime”; in other words, this is America’s descent into the underworld according to Eastwood and Madonna. “360″ refers to the Sun passing the Galactic Plane aka the “Oroborus Serpent”. The Serpent is “Draco” which eats its own tail to complete the 12 signs of the Zodiac annually; this year is unique as the Venus Calendar will read; the 13th sign of the Zodiac? Ophiuchus aka Serpentarius “Serpent Holder” which Pedophile/Pederast Greek philosopher Plato called “God of the Underworld”. The “Grievous Sins” of Sodom of Gen 13:13 will come full circle in Rev 13. Joking? Ishtar was carried in on the shoulders of Egyptian Soldiers; Aegyptus means “Land of Gypsies”; Mitt and Ann Romney are Welsh Gypsies. LMFAO (Laughing My F…ing Ass Off) supported Ishtar on her return with the underworld demons; she groveled at the feet of CeeLo Green playing the part of the Green Man aka “Dionysus” or “Bacchus”.
- Changeling: Sargon the Great’s mother was High Priestess of the Holy of Holies in Nineveh and a Changeling; the Assyrian High Priestess of Sacred Marriage Rites at the Temple of Ishtar. Her daughter became High Priestess in the Temple of Ishtar in Haran (so named for Abram’s older brother); both presided over “Sacred Marriages” and “Divine Unions”, forming the basis of Matriarchal Bloodlines. Tikkun Olam means “Repair the Earth” which is why Superbowl 2012 was in Lucas Oil Stadium; Lucas=Luke “The Physician”; his name means “Bringer of Light”; Jesus? No He said “As long as I am in the world, I am the Light of the world”; Lucas refers to Lucifer “Light Bringer”. Venus essentially, Brings the Light (Sun) as a Morning Star (Jesus’ Title) and Evening Star. VEnus’ Solar Cycle is 8/5 (584/365), forming the Pentacle around the Sun every 8 years. This is why occultists refer to Phi (8/5=1.618) as the “Golden Mean”.
The Moon is considered the Soul of the Sun (for Gnostics) a mirror image or reflection of the Sun, Assyrians called “Sin”. It’s 28 day cycle matches a woman’s menstrual cycle and appears to affect the Earth’s Tides through “Gravity”. The Beast rising from the Sea is thus the Sun and an Alternative Messiah, born of Water. It is no coincidence, the sun-god Shamash is the center of the Assyrian Flag as well as the Hanukkah Menorah. On the 2012 Solstice. The Sun will rise between Orion (Osiris) and Sagittarius (Winged Archer above the sun-god Shamash is the symbol of Assyria; virtually identical with the Chi-Rho (Crowned Royal Sun), Assyrian Flag or Skull & Bones symbol. On Dec 21-22, 2012, the Moon “Sin” will rise in Aries (Supreme Ram); on Dec 23-24 the Moon will rise in Taurus (Golden Bull); on Dec 25 “Christmas”, the Moon will rise in Gemini (Twins; Horus/Set; Castor Pollux; Remus/Romulus; and the occult (false) version Jesus/Lucifer) Like the Moon mirrors the Sun, this cycle is a mirror image of the Solar Cycle from the Flood to the present.
- Sargon “Legitimate King” the Great took the throne of Assyria as the Vernal Equinox sun rose in Aries; 2160 years later the sun rose in Pisces; 2160 years later it will rise in Aquarius There are 1656 years listed from Creation to Flood for a total of 5776. 21 is the age of accountability and 3 1/2 years for Great Tribulation makes 2012 rather unique with respect to Jesus’ promise to return when Creation is 6000 years old (ref 2 Pet 3:8).
- Sargon worshipped the Assyrian “Asshur” as Lord of Heaven. Sargon II was Assyrian; he replaced Israel with Pagans listed in 2 Kings 17:30-31. Sargon III will be Assyrian; he will deify himself and the sun-god Shamash, currently the center caldle on the Hanukkah Menorah and god at the center of the Assyrian Flag which symbolizes the 2012 Solstice Sun rising through the X. Worship of the Sun caused the destruction of Solomon’s Temple. Rejection of Jesus brought Death and Hell to everyone who rejects Him; acceptance of the Pale Horse “Death” brings “Hell”, boldly proclaimed for 12/21/2012.
- “In 700 years the Laurel will grow green again”-Cathar prophecy. 2012-2013 is 700 years after the Council of Vienne. WWII started 700 years after the Cathars were burned at Montsegur. Catharsis means “Discharge of pent up emotion”.
- Prophecy of St Malachy” There will be 112 Popes from Celestine V to the last Pope “Peter the Roman” according to the Prophecy of St Malachy. Benedict means “Blessing”; he is #111; Rome is to burn under #112. The US Congress #112 presides during 2012.
- “Extermination Order #44″ was issued by Gov Liman Boggs to drive out or exterminate Mormons; Mitt Romney will run against President #44.
- US is Francis Bacon’s “New Atlantis” which burns and regenerates as a Phoenix; US Congress #112 ends near the 2012 Solstice. Barack Obama (Barack=Lightning; Obama=He is with us) is President #44; Mitt Romney’s ancestor swore and taught to Mitt’s generation an Oath of Vengeance against the US and the Gentile Race; Extermination Order #44 forced Mormons west from Illinois. Mormon theology is Assyrian; it is why the Angel Moroni faces East toward the Rising Sun. The Statue of Freedom, Statue of Liberty and the Angel atop the Cathedral of St John Divine in NYC all face east as well for the same reason.
- Obama “He is with us” in Farsi; Barack is “Lightning” and “Emerald” in Arabic. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has stated 3 years at the UN his prophetic mission is the revealing of the occulted Imam “al-Mahdi”; al-Mahdi means “He who rises”. “Yes We Can” is “Thank You Satan” in Reverse Speech.
- The Mayan Calendar is a Venus Calendar; Venus is Lucifer “Light Bringer”; 12/21/2012 is; Rev 13 describes the Beast Rising from the Sea (Sun); the Gregorian date adds to 11, the number of Antichrist; Rev 11 describes the 1260 day Great Tribulation; Judgement of the Gentiles is not part of this; in other words don’t accept the Mark of the Beast.
- 400 years, Hebrews were in bondage in Egypt; rejection of the 10 Commandments and Joshua and Caleb’s report led to the death of every adult. God’s Word “Authorized Bible” (KJV) is 400 years old; Jesus is the Word. I would not reject it. When Jesus was rejected in Flesh, the New Covenant began and the 2nd Temple was destroyed. When the Word is rejected, the New Covenant temples will be destroyed and people in the New Age will accept a Mark of the Beast.
- Chi-Rho Symbol is prevalent in Catholic “Universal” Cathedrals as well as the Skull & Bones Logo aka Brotherhood of Death; it’s first name was “Jolly Rogue”. Chi-Rho symbolizes the 2012 Solstice and crowning of the Assyrian Sun-god Shamash rising through the Ecliptic-Zodiac and Milky Way; Collectively “Above”. “As Above, So Below” is the opening line on the Emerald Tablet of Toth-Hermes (aka Mercury or The Physician). Emerald means “Lightning”; a Green Stone “Lapis Exilis” occultists claim was cut from Lucifer’s Crown. This is the Symbol Emperor Constantine used to coerce Christians to fight in war.
- The Hiddekel (Tigris) River flows toward Assyria thus forming the land of Nod “East of Eden” where Cain was exiled as a vagabond. The Assyrian Flag features the 4 Rivers of Eden (Havilah, Gihon, Tigris, Euphrates. Cain’s descendants perished in the Flood except for Noah’s wife; Ham’s incest produced Canaanites, Phoenicians, Hittites (Ishmael and Esau married into these families), Jebusites, Philistines, Cretans and Hamathites, most of which are currently occupying Israel. Shamash is the center candle on the Hanukkah Menorah; Jewish? Heaven’s no. Shem’s 2nd Son Asshur adopted Assyrian religion , building Nineveh; America has its first Luciferian/Assyrian Gypsy (Cain=Vagabond) running for President. Collectively “Below”. This seems ready to complete the Hermetic Axiom “As Above, So Below” which will start the Great Tribulation.
- When Pigs Fly PIIGS (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece, Spain) fell, the EU is next; America follows; Debt is Bondage; America is a “Burden” on the world of $50 Trillion; America is also sitting on the largest oil and coal deposits in the world: Bakken, ANWR, Gulf of Mexico, valued at over $100 Trillion. America will soon be “Foreclosed” and it’s War Spoils divided as a “Scapegoat” for Rev 18 “Babylon” (Note: This will start the 1260 day Great Tribulation, beginning at Rev 8, not the 2nd Coming at Rev 19). N1N1 “Swine Flu” and H5N1 “Bird Flu”; Coincidence with “Pigs Flying”? The Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam genetically altered “Flying Pig” Influenza (Occult Infestation) more contagious than seasonal Flu and far more lethal. “I cannot think of a pathogen more dangerous than this… Anthrax is tame compared to this” Dr Paul Kleim Pathogen Translational Genomics Research Center and Bio-security Advisor.; Why then was the blueprint for this genetically mutated dealy pathogen published on the internet? Provide a plasible “Terrorist Scapegoat”. “A man’s foes shall be the men of his own household” Mat 10:36 The “Pigs are in the Parlor”.
- Prime Meridian June 24, 1882 (Feast Day of St John) International Geographical Congress moves the Prime “0” Meridian from the Rose Line at the St Sulpice Cathedral in Paris to Greenwich, England, one cycle of Venus Transits from 2012; Odd? Man had been navigating the globe since the days of Solomon’s “Ships of Tarshish”. The change fixes the 77th Meridian on Washington DC, lining up the 555ft tall Washington Monument with the Executive Mansion aka White House and Pentagon, in perfect alignment with Sir Walter Raleigh’s “Meridian Hill”, placed in 1585 AD. Coincidence? Masons build the Supreme House of the Temple as an exact replica of the Temple of Halicarnassus (Temple of Artemis/Diana) in Ephesus on the same line. 100 years later, Flt #77 hit the 77ft tall Pentagon on the 77th Meridian on 9/11/2001, exactly 60 years to the day after masons placed the cornerstone; Hard to believe isn’t it? A Great Circle drawn from the Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan near Mexico City passes through America’s 1st 5 colonies: Washington DC, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Greenwich, Troy and Mt Hermon “Golan Heights”; all coincidental? The line also overlays the hypoteneuse (A=Male; B=Female; C=Son of the Luciferian Trinity) of “Satan’s Altar”, a 13,000 lb Lodestone “Leading Stone” Altar in the United Nations Meditation Room in NYC. Now, why June 24th? At the St John Divine Cathedral, the scupture of St George can be seen stabbing the Dragon above the Crab (Cancer) and a merging of the Sun and Moon. Why 77? “If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, truly Lamech seventy and sevenfold” Gen 4:24
- The Moon (Sin) is the Soul of the Sun (Lucifer) Gnostics believe they can become gods; mirror images or reflections of the Sun. Assyrians called the moon-god “Sin” for this reason; today Sin is equivalent with Allah. From St Lucia Day (Dec 13) to Yule (Dec 26), the Lunar phase will mirror (reverse) the Solar Cycle over the last 4300 years. It’s 28 day cycle matches a woman’s menstrual cycle which became the source of Mother Goddess worship. The Moon also appears to affect the Earth’s Tides through “Gravity”, hence Sin is the “Beast rising from the Sea”. The Beast rising from the Sea is thus the Sun and an Alternative Messiah, born of Water. It is no coincidence, the sun-god Shamash is the center of the Assyrian Flag as well as the Hanukkah Menorah. On the 2012 Solstice. The Sun will rise between Orion (Osiris) and Sagittarius (Winged Archer above the sun-god Shamash is the symbol of Assyria; virtually identical with the Chi-Rho (Crowned Royal Sun), Assyrian Flag or Skull & Bones symbol. On Dec 21-22, 2012, the Moon “Sin” will rise in Aries (Supreme Ram); on Dec 23-24 the Moon will rise in Taurus (Golden Bull); on Dec 25 “Christmas”, the Moon will rise in Gemini (Twins; Horus/Set; Castor Pollux; Remus/Romulus; and the occult (false) version Jesus/Lucifer) Like the Moon mirrors the Sun, this cycle is a mirror image of the Solar Cycle from the Flood to the present.
- Flame Virus turns on microphones, cameras, copies screen images, data, records skype conversations, Chats, E-Mails and IM’s and enables Bluetooth devices to serve as data mining beacons on Computers and Smart Phones; it cannot be detected by Anti-virus software. Why now? Flame means “To Shine or Burn”; Orthodox and Roman Catholic Mitres are Flame shaped because they are Luciferian symbols of “Dagan”. Flame refers to “Wench”, a woman of loose morals such as the Whore of Babylon aka Beast (Sun) rising from the Sea. The Chaldean word “Dabar” means “Bee” and “Word”; the flame made by Beeswax candles. The NSA’s Utah Data Mining Center in the Beehive State (Utah) will make good use of “Flame” eh? Now can you see why Mitt Romney is running for President?