While widely celebrated in Judaism, Purim is not Jewish. Puru means “Casting of Lots.” Assyrians cast lots for Mar.tu a.k.a. Marduk and Molech. Purim originated in the Achamenid Persian era as a reversal of Jewish fortune; Haman the Agagite (Edomite) killed rather than Jews led by Mordechai and Esther.
It’s interesting to observe what’s happened on Purim just in recent history.
- Purim – 13 Adar “Crush, Bring to Naught, Destroy; Cast lots for Marduk” In short Purim is the “Language of Yes” or “Yes We Can”
- Purim 1991 – The 100 Hour War aka Highway of death slaughter; a 48 hr ultimatum to Saddam Hussein over Purim ended Gulf War I with the death of 150,000 Iraqi’s under White Flag. NBC war commentator Gen Barry McCaffrey slaughtered several thousand Iraqi prisoners 2 days after the Cease Fire on Hwy 8; he is called the Butcher of Ramaila for a reason.
- Purim 1994 – Cave of the Patriarchs Massacre at the Mosque of Abraham in Hebron by Baruch Goldstein; can’t get a more Jewish name than that eh? This particular Purim was also coincident with Ramadan. Goldstein was anything but Jewish; a patsy used by Meir Kahane, founder of the Kach Movement “This is the way”. Killing Palestinians and blaming Jews for it is not the way. Jesus is Jewish; He says Love God; Love our Neighbor; Purim is Vengeance and no its not Jewish.
- Purim 2003 – “Shock and Awe”: Shekinah means “Presence of the Deity” (Queen of Heaven) in Kaballah, symbolized by the Lightning Bolt; Tomahawk Cruise Missiles rain down on Baghdad after Saddam Hussein, a Carlyle Group investor and Baathist (means Rennaissance or Re-Birth) Sunni Muslim who believes himlelf a re-incarnation of Nebuchadnezzar is falsely accused of involvement with 9/11, al-Qaeda and of using WMD’s.
- Purim 2008 – Sichuan China was hit with a 7.8 Scalar EM caused Earthquake; NPR prepositioned reporters in position in the remote area; nice planning eh?
- Purim 2010 – Concepcion Chile is hit with an 8.8 Scalar EM caused Earthquake; Concepcion has a Twin City “Bethlehem” What? Didn’t think we would notice?
- Purim 2011 – Libya War begins with 160 Tomahawk Cruise missiles raining down on Tripoli; Congress recessed just before the attack and has still not authorized the war; the Central Bank of Benghazi is set up in the first 2 weeks; Qadaffi, a Shia Ismaeli of Berber descent cooperating with the Shia “Twelver” plan to reveal the occulted Imam “al-Mahdi”.
Purim 2012 – March 7-8, 2012 The FBI stated their intent to shut down Rogue DNS Servers corrupted with DNSChanger Trojan on Mar 8. “Rogue” means Gnave or Maverick eg Saddam Hussein, Muammar Qadaffi, Hosni Mubarak, Bashar al-Assad, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and yes, Barack Obama. Khandahar aka Alexandropolis after Alexander the Great is home to Pashtuns, many of whom are Yousafzai “Sons of Joseph”; recall Ephraim came to be called Israel. On Mar 7 or 8, 2012 US soldiers accuse Afghan civilians of setting off an IED, specifically telling Pashtun Tribal leaders “We will get revenge…You and your children will pay for this with the death of at least 20”. Soldiers doing this are way out of line. On the anniversary of Fukushima 3/11/2011 16 Afghan men, women and children from 2 separate villages are raped, killed and their bodies set on fire by “Lone Nut Gunman” Sgt Robert Bales on 3/11/2012 leaving the base alone before sunrise. This too is way out of military protocol. The odds 1 man could leave the base at night, accomplish all this by himself and fulfill a prophecy made 3 days earlier are Nil; but that’s what Purim is all about. Purim 2012 may have been the death knell for US Military now cut-off from supplies and universally hated by Taliban (Pashto for Student) and Shia Muslims from Pakistan, to Afghanistan to Iran, to Iraq.
[frame_left][/frame_left]In 2007 Gen. Wes Clark said the 5 year plan was to invade 7 nations in 5 years: Syria and Iran are the only 2 left. Star Trek had a 5 year mission. The USS Enterprise is scheduled to transit the Straits of Hormuz in a show of force; Conicidence? The Enterprise finished its last Exercise on Valentine’s Day simulating a Theocracy “Garnet” invading its neighbor across a 40 mile strait. Enterprise left port on the Ides of March for its final voyage to Iran.
In 2007 Sarah Palin proclaimed Prince Hall Freemason Week and wrote (Ghost Wrote) her book Going Rogue wearing a Garnet colored coat; Edom=Red. Barack Obama is a Prince Hall Freemason. Pretty hard to figure this out eh?