Boston False Flag
Leonhard Euler’s birth on April 15th was celebrated in Boston with a “False Flag” event demonstration of a Micro Nuclear Fusion device (make up your own mind on this- go to link). Euler believed God could be proven to exist through the Natural Loge seen in Usury (Interest Rate Compounding) and Radiation Decay. Folks, things are going to get exponentially worse, both in Radiation and Monetary collapse from here on out. Time to get Jesus Christ on your side!
Goat = G.O.A.T. = God Of All Things.
The androgynous goat “Baphomet” (or “Pan”), is the Gnostic “Sophia”.. the “Logos” made Flesh and God of All Things – “Lucifer”. Science calls this “M-Theory” (promoted by Stephen Hawking). Rosicrucians call the Book of the World “Liber Mundi” or “M”. M is represented as the Egyptian Hierglyphic for Water. MI-6 Agent Aleister Crowley wrote Liber 77 – “Book of the Goat”. (Interesting how the head of MI6 is named “M” in the “007” movie franchise.) The Society of Ormus (aka Perfectibillists and Cathar Perfecti) use a stylized M to represent the Celestial Virgin with OURS written within it; Orma means Crafty or Shrewd, attributes of the Serpent.
It is time to choose sides.
The path to Heaven is through Jesus Christ, the “Living Water”. The path to Hell is through Lucifer, the “Sea Beast” Capricornus “Devil of the Tarot”. John 1:1;14; 1 John 5:7 refers to Jesus Christ not Lucifer.