When a well packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic.”
– Dresden James (Pseudonym similar to Christian Rosenkreutz, founder of Rosicrucianism)
“I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”
– Jesus Christ
The “Nutshell” version goes like this. Abram submits to God by offering Isaac on the Rock where the Golden Dome of the Al Aqsa Mosque stands today; he tells Esau he (Edomites=Red) will obtain “Dominion” (Sovereignty) over Jacob in Gen 27:40. Jacob wrestles with God in Gen 32 and is renamed Israel “One who fights/wrestles with God”. In Amos 5-7 the name “Israel” is removed due their acceptance of the Golden Bull and Star of Molech (Six Pointed Star). Assyrians replace Israel with Medes, Babylonians, Edomites, Canaanites listed in 2 Kings 17:30 who impersonate Jacob (Jews and Christians); the goal of these ”Knights” is Sovereignty ie Freedom from God an His Yoke (10 Commandments). Gnostic “Theraputae” aka Order of Perfectibillists became Cathars and Abigens of Montsegur; “Every 700 years the Laurel grows green again” was fulfilled at the beaches of Normandy in 1944 by Secretary of War (he was also WWI Sec of War) Skull & Bones Henry Stimson 700 years after the Catholic Church burned them at the stake. In Oct 1311 assets of their military order “Knights Templar” were transferred to the “Hospitallers” (Hospital=Theraputae); WWIII will likely start in 2011 for this reason.
Religions and Secret Societies (32-33 degree Masonry= Sovereignty) developed to provide artificial Sovereignty and re-create Heaven on Earth “As above, so Below”. Modern Israel continues the Folly of fighting with God culminating in Zionism versus Islam “Submission to Allah” (Allah is the 4000 year old Assyrian god “Sin”) aka WWIII. At it’s end ”Heaven will depart as a scroll when it is rolled together” -Rev 6:14 and the 1260 day Great Tribulation will begin, led by “Earh Dwellers” from Jerusalem “Spiritual Sodom and Egypt” (Rev 11:8). The Israeli Airline El-Al says it best; it means “The Best home is in the World”; the Star of Molech is next to it. If Heaven is your goal, you need to tell Jesus Christ, not your Priest.