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Sorry, I didn’t address the “Window Closing”. The Strong Delusion does come; for me, I believe that will be Jesus releasing restraint (He is the Restrainer) on evil; Blue Beam, Blue Brain, Rapture etc being examples of projects designed to fool the world into accepting rule of an Alternative Messiah.
I posted this on http://www.Theresnothingnew.org/ http://www.theresnothingnew.org/index/5778_quot;Year_of_Shamashquot;
No prophecy predictions here, but I do believe Saturnalia/Hanukkah/Christmas 2017 will be rather interesting. It seems Sept 20 Rosh Hashanah, Sept 30 Atonement and Oct 5 Tabernacles may need a Leap Year correction according to Old Testament Law, due to the late Barley Harvest and Latter Rains; see what you think on that and let me know. If so, the dates move to Oct 21 (Cusp of Libra-Scorpio) Oct 31 (10th Jubilee from 1517 predicted/planned by St Francis of Asissi, Martin Luther, Pope Leo X, Rabbi Baal Shem Tov and Rabbi Judah ben Samuel long ago) Note the wording in 11Q13 “Prince Melshisedek Scroll dating from the Essenes (Essen means Priest of Cybele) 2000 years ago “After the 10th Jubilee the Trumpet blast will herald the arrival of Prince Melchesedek” Presumably that would be after 2017. The Trumpet blown in the Spring is on the New Year 1 Abib which would be Mar 17 aka St Patrick’s Day #77.
Research Liber Oz “Book 77” Book of the Goat; it’s a Thelemic Bible of sorts.
Oz is Emerald City, the end of the road; Emerald is the Stone cut from Lucifer’s Crown according to occultists. The Crowned “Once and Future” King Arthur (Branch) is Bacchus/Dionysus the Chi-Rho “Royal Christ” of Emperor Constantine; Jupiter the son of Saturn Crowned (Jupiter even has a blue Yarmulke at the North Pole for Pete’s sake). Patrick is Ptah the Master Craftsman and Architect of the Masons; the G in the Square and Compass crowned King of the World.