”And after thee shall arise another kingdom inferior to thee, and a third kingdom of brass which shall bear rule over all the earth”
– Dan 2:39 KJV
“And after you shall arise another kingdom (Mede-Persian) inferior to you, and still a third kingdom of bronze (Greece under Alexander the Great) which shall bear rule over all the earth”
Alexander didn’t bear rule over the entire earth.
Bronze: Alloy of Copper and Tin
Brass: Alloy of Copper and Zinc
Bronze is not in KJV Scripture; Brass appears over 150 times: Brazen Sea, Brazen Serpent made of Brass. Brass Pillars, Fetters (shackles), Grate, Rings, Sockets, Pots, Bars, Wheels, Altar, Oxen, Scaffold, Walls, Bulls, Vessels, Taches (Buckles), Pins, Laver (Baptismal Fount), Shoes, Helmet, Shekels, Target, Idols, Pillars, Chapiters, Cymbals, Plates, Doors, Shields.
Bronze Age: 3rd Age of Man between the Stone Age and Iron Age. “And Zillah, she also bare Tubal-cain, an instructor of every artificer in brass and iron” Gen 4:22 (130 years after Creation). Bronze Age is obviously a lie as are all Freemasons who proudly wear the Masonic “Two-Ball-Cain” lapel pins.
Nebuchadnezzar dreams of a statue, the Astrologers, Soothsayers, Sorcerers, Magicians had no idea what it meant and the Chaldeans said:
“There is not a man on earth who can shew the king’s matter…except the gods whose dwelling is not with flesh”.
Chaldeans denied the Holy Ghost in Jacob and Laban’s day ca 1750BC (Gen 31:48) and did in Nebuchadnezzar’s day (604-561BC) as well. Nebuchadnezzar promptly sent his captain Arioch to slay every “Wise Man” in his Kingdom i.e. the world. Why? If Daniel dies, so do his prophecies. Daniel receives the interpretation in a night vision. Why at night? “God said, Let there be light…divided the light from the darkness…called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day” Gen 1:3-5 God provides Wisdom of Day Light using the Holy Ghost in the Evening; Chaldeans use Sun Light from the East in the Morning; Chaldeans are Gnostics.
Daniel’s interpretation: Nebuchadnezzar was ordained to rule over the entire earth by God as the head of fine gold, the inferior kingdom after him of silver was the breasts and arms, the third kingdom would be given rule over the entire earth was the belly and thighs of brass supported by his legs of iron, with his feet part iron and part miry clay. The stone cut without hands then smites the image upon the feet of iron and miry clay, made of iron, clay, brass, silver, and gold, broken as chaff on summer threshing floors. The stone then becomes a mountain that fills the whole earth.
I, like you am well aware most every theologian interprets this statue as representing Babylon, Mede-Persia, Greece under Alexander the Great, Rome under the Caesars and the 10 toes, a revived Roman Empire (EEC/ Club of Rome). Everyone studying bible prophecy from Tim LaHaye, Jack van Impe, Hal Lindsey, Chuck Missler, to Charles Ryrie, Zondervan Publishing, John MacArthur Study Bible notes and hundreds of others can read this and see the EEC (European Economic Commission) has divided the world into 10 Economic Zones. They are Gnostic Liars and here is why.
Brass is not bronze, and there is no such thing as a Stone Age, Bronze Age or Iron Age; Man received knowledge of metal working soon after he was cast out of Eden. 1656 years after Creation, Noah built the Ark with metal fasteners, and as soon as Flood waters receded, forging and smelting resumed, especially among people instructed by Tubal-cain and his philosophical descendants. Copper and tin rarely occur together, their acquisition requires Merchants and Sea Trade, both require ships. The Hyksos (Amalekites, Ishmaelites, Edomites) in the 18th century came to Egypt from the Mediterranean with Swords, Shields, Knives, Chariots and King Solomon later provided Ships of Tarshish in the 10th century BC to Phoenician Merchants; Copper from the Americas, Tin from Cornwall in the British Isles, foundries in Cadiz, Spain (Strait of Gibraltar aka Gates/Pillars of Hercules) for Bronze weapons, armor and building materials. America BC by Barry Fell is an excellent source for this information as well as the brass navigation instruments used.
Bronze has been corrupted by Man to hide the reference to the 3rd Age of Man “Bronze Age”. The word has connotations such as Tanned, Parched or Burned by the Sun. Brass has a completely different meaning.
Strong’s Hebrew # 5178 Ne choseth: Brasen, Chain, Copper, Fetter, Filthiness, Steel
Greek #5475 Chalkos: Vessel, Brass, Money.
Slang meaning: High US military rank/important official; Brazen (Debased; Pretentious); Excessive assurance; Impudence; Presumptuous; Effrontery “bare faced audacity” (Audacity of Hope may come to mind); Shameless. Compared to Gold, Brass is “Artificial” (“Whited Sepulchres” or “Those who say they are Jews, but are not” may come to mind).
Brasser: “To Brew” may come from Celtic “Warrior” word Braq for “Malt”; i.e. Brew with Yeast (Leaven). Jesus said a little Leaven, leaveneth the lump; interpreting Daniel’s vision in Chapter 2 as Babylon, Mede-Persia, Greece, Rome is in my opinion a load of leaven, but Chaldean mischief didn’t end with chapter 2. Chapter 7 receives the same interpretation. The 1st beast, a Lion with Eagle’s Wings is usually interpreted as Babylon; the 2nd beast, a Bear with 3 ribs in its mouth, Mede-Persia; the 3rd beast a Leopard with four wings of a fowl that is given “Dominion”, Greece under Alexander the Great and subsequently the division under his 4 generals; the 4th beast, Dreadful and strong with iron teeth and 10 horns that stamps the residue of it, Rome. Read the words of Authorized Scripture (KJV) as they are written and avoid “Private Interpretations”.
Dominion: Sovereign Authority to Rule; compare this word associated with the 3rd beast of Dan 7:6 with Dan 2:39 “bear rule over all the earth”. Alexander the Great never came close to bearing rule over the earth, nor was he ever given “Dominion” as only Jesus Christ can give that “Authority”. This article is focused on the ruler ship of Earth by a Man and specifically the Brass Belly and Thighs. “Dominion” has never been achieved in history, not by Alexander the Great nor by Hitler’s 3rd Reich (some theologians identify the Nazi 3rd Reich with the Leopard as Hitler used Panzer Tanks in his “Blitzkrieg” warfare) nor by any other Man. Jeremiah’s “Object Lessons” begin in Chapter 13 with the “Linen Girdle”; Masons wear that type apron to the Lodge, if you are in a Lodge read this chapter; it’s a warning just like my Brass Trumpet going off now. Jer 13:23 “Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots?
Strong’s # 5245 Nemar: Leopard #5246 Namer: To filtrate or become Limpid (Clear; Transparent); Spot; Stain; A Leopard by its Stripes. Laban “To make white i.e. sinless or make bricks” is also the source name of Lebanon aka Phoenicia; Masons believe by America’s “Stripes” they can be healed; Born Again Christians know that only by the “Stripes” of Jesus Christ is healing (remission) possible. Why? Heb 9:22 “…without the shedding of blood is no remission” Either Jesus Christ is God in Flesh or not; by the time those Masonic Lion Cloths are brought out in public it may be too late!
“And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority”. Rev 13:2
So if the dragon gives this Leopard his Authority, who gave the Dragon the Authority to do this?
Answer: Jesus Christ.
The are no known cognates for Brass beyond English; it can be used in phrases like “Brass Balls” (Brazen), “Brass Hat” (Military), “Brass Band” (Marching Band or Arm Protection) or “Brass Tacks” (Cloth measuring tacks, now usually referring to the “Meat of the Matter”; “The essentials of the subject”. One may also note Iran’s President Ahmadinejad claims to be Sabourjian “Cloth Weaver/Dyer”).
The 3rd Kingdom is Brass; it is the Loins and Legs of a Man who will rule over the entire earth, his covering becoming clear (obvious or clearly understood i.e. Naked), but that his kingdom will be broken by a Stone not cut by hands. On Day 6 God created Man, the 3rd part of the Man, the Brass part of this Statue of a Man is the reproductive part; we all know his number is “666”. Dan 2:45 “…thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay”. In London, the Vatican and NY Central Park are Obelisks likely created during the reign of Egypt’s female Pharaoh Hatshepsut; also likely is that she was Moses adoptive Egyptian mother. Baal’s Shaft mixing “Seed” with Man is not possible (this lie came from Gen 6 “Giant” being changed to “Nephilim”); the “Seed” is Spiritual; like the Pharisees in Jesus’ day, Masons have the Spiritual “Seed” of their Father “Satan” bombarding them in “Lodge” Cut stone altars to the LORD are an abomination (Ex 20:25); Free aka Ashlar Stones are near perfect cut stones, but an abomination just the same.
Dan 2:39-45 describes the kingdom of brass ruling over the entire earth supported by 2 Iron Legs on Feet of part Iron and Clay. a fourth kingdom strong as Iron then breaks it in pieces. The toes of iron and miry clay do not mix or cleave to one another, part will be broken, part will not. In the days of these kings shall God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed and a stone cut out of the mountain without hands then breaks the iron/clay, iron, brass, clay, silver, and gold. No Private Interpretation here: Miry Clay has not been Fired and neither Miry or Fired, Clay can mix with Iron. Ekklesia and Holy both mean “Separate”; there is no biblical admonition to attend Synagogue or a Congregation. Tubal-cain is synonymous with Vulcan (Canaanite god of fire aka Greek Prometheus) according to the Masonic handbook; swearing oaths in secret societies will eventually “Sear” your heart against the LORD. This is the foundation of the Statue. It is supported by Legs of Iron.
Comparing Gold, Silver and Brass (Body) with Iron (Legs); Iron is Ferro-magnetic. My article on Magnetism goes into more detail but the Earth is Ferro-magnetic (Magnetized Iron), a property caused by the Sun’s charged particles contacting the Earth’s Magnetic Field causes Auroras. Notice in Revelation (Testimony of Jesus Christ via the Holy Ghost), the 7 Trumpets begin the Great Tribulation and we are introduced to the term “Earth Dwellers”. If you “Cleave” to Earth religions such as Shaman, Totem, Tao, Gaia, Global Climate Disruption (yes it is a Cult), Wicca etc beware; fired clay pots break very easily.
The Statue represents an entire world system of government to be destroyed by a Stone not cut by the hand of Man, minus God’s people i.e. Miry Clay. What is it? Follow the Money. The Mitanni (ca 2300BC) reported Gold was more plentiful than dirt especially in Egypt; the Phoenicians then convinced Royalty their Purple Dyes and gold Jewelry set them apart and the Knights Templar then issued Usury based Fiat Script in place of Gold. The Gold now rests in the City of London (Ft Knox and WTC vaults likely have very little if not any left). The Gold Head is Babylon; Babylon was the post Flood attempt to unite Man in the attempt to reach Heaven; God separated Man, confounded Language; the Phoenicians created English out of Canaanite and Egyptian, settled the British Isles and English became the Universal Language of the Gold Head. In Heb 9:22 blood is required for the remission of Sin; no more efficient killing machine was ever invented than the British and their US Military “Brass”. Au-Ag is the chemical symbol of Gold “Aurum” means “Shining Dawn” and Silver “Argentum”; the Iraq War is now called “New Dawn” and a bronze plaque “Au-Ag” was just installed at the Denver Airport next to a Mayan (Maya means Illusion) mural depicting WWIII, next to Anubis, the Egyptian god of the dead to advertize the King Tut “Gold King” exhibit. Tut-ankh-amun means “Living Image of Amun”; Amun-Ra being the Sun god of Ammon; heard of the biblical Ammonites sired from Lot and his daughter Amon? Amun-Ra was considered to be the Lord of Truth, Father of gods, Maker of Man, Creator of animals, possessor of the Staff of Life; All Lies of course. Tut was the son of Ankhenaten and his sister; Tut then married his own ½ sister Ankesenamun (Ihmothep’s lover in the Mummy; note, the real Ihmothep was the architect of the 1st Pyramids “Amid the Flame”). Hollywood is Chaldean Magick, named after Holly Trees used in Druid Ritual, where else but Stonehenge near London at the Prime Meridian and the City of Angels eh?
The breast, heart and arms of Silver “Argentum” means “White or Shining”, it is universally interpreted as Mede-Persia; close, how about Anglo-Iranian Oil Company aka BP. Mede “Magi” centered Chaldean Magick in London; Silver is mined primarily in Mexico, US, Australia, Chile, Peru; commonly referred to as “New World” or “America”. America is not named after Amerigo Vespucci (Vespa=Wasp; WASPS are not Christian, only part of the Worldwide Bee Sting) or Richard America, it is named after “Amurru”, the Serpent and Shepherd god of the Canaanites/Hittites who married Ishmael’s offspring and the Edomites who married them in violation of Isaac’s admonition and Covenant with God “never take a wife of the daughters of Canaan”. Silver is used in water purification, milk storage, disinfectants, photography, mirrors and money etc. It is also used in myth to kill Vampires and Werewolves, but I digress. Mirrors refer to the Emerald Tablet of Toth (Hermes Trismegistus) “As Above, So Below” meaning what is created in the heavens needs to be created as a mirror image on earth; Masons refer to this as the “Great Work”. How did Au-Ag get to and from America? Ans: Iron Legs. What was traded for Au-Ag? Brass aka worthless knowledge (Astrology) and Lies (BS).
Sea Legs refer to one’s balance at sea (Salt+Water). Salt means King in Hebrew or Prince/Regent in Akkadian. Salt became Ammon; today the Hashemite King of Jordan is in Amman; Salt is rooted in Melek; Melek Taus is the Peacock King of Iran i.e. the Aryan Peacock whose feathers shade the Roman Popes throne. In Hebrew, the word is Molech whose statue is venerated annually at Bohemian Grove in Santa Rosa CA by 2000 world leaders. In Phoenicia Melkart/Melquart and the Ammonite National god Milcom derive from MLK (anyone you know go by these initials?) or the name Malcom X combines Milcom with the Egyptian Osiris; all are synonymous with Salt. A lot of people all over the world work together in secret to bring the rule of Earth under Milcom, the Phoenician Idol brought into Israel by King Solomon; doing so by walking voluntarily between the Twin Pillars “Jachin and Boaz” in search of the Light of Lucifer; it’s the wrong Light!
Columbus did not discover America; he murdered natives for Gold and Silver. The Age of Discovery was made possible by Ferro-magnetic Iron “Lodestone” and Brass navigation instruments such as the Astrolabe, Compass and Clock. Solar Radiation contacts the Magnetic Field creating a North and South Pole and Lodestone “Leading Stone” will point it out; a 13,000 lb (English unit of weight) Lodestone sits in the UN Meditation Room; just who will sit in the 11 chairs at the back of the room perhaps remains to be seen but an Alternative Messiah (Man described in Dan 2) will sit in one of them.
Brass is the 3rd part, critical because it mixes the seed of men in its bowels (America has always done the dirty work: CIA Coups, Staged Events (Boston Tea Party, Gulf of Tonkin, Pearl Harbor, 9/11), Operation Phoenix, Black Water Mercenaries, Depleted Uranium Munitions, Iran-Contra, Drug Trafficking (Golden Triangle/Crescent), Education/Training/Financing (Lenin, Trotsky, Hitler, Mao Tse Tung, Pol Pot, Suharto), Fake Religion (Billy Graham, Benny Hinn, Joel Osteen, Paul Crouch, Pat Robertson) etc. This Brass Belly and Thighs achieves rule over the earth. I’m not sure how to be delicate here; Brass is a Phallus Cult full of Bull Excrement. Most everything about it is a lie made to look like white, shiny truth. Gold, led to Silver and metal based currency led to Fiat Currency (Rome used Brass coins)-worthless. Brass vessels hold Priest consecrated Holy Water and Blood of Jesus-worthless. Brass Crucifixes/Crosses-worthless; Jesus carried His Stauros (Cross Bar) and was nailed to the Tree; the Cross is the oldest Pagan symbol of all. Where does the Seed of Milcom mix with Man? Ask your Freemason Baptist Minister, your Abortion Medical Doctor, your Jesuit/Knight of Columbus Catholic Priest, your Wiccan Unitarian-Inter-faith Minister, your Melchisedek “King of Salem” Mormon Bishop/Stake President (Stake refers to “Palo” a Pole used by Turks, Khazars and such persons as Vlad the Impaler in a form of Crucifixion or Burning; Salem Witch Trials may come to mind) or any of a dozen Science teachers at the expensive Universities (dozens of double standard, sports scholarships added to the tab with Professor Emeritus and Tenured Professor salaries of course) your kids attend telling them Man is causing Global Climate Disruption, God was not required to create the Universe or primordial slime “Evolved” into Man. Pretty Brazen eh? The Seed of the Woman “Zoroaster” is Iran; mixing (Witch’s Brew; Celtic “Braq”) will be completed in WWIII.
Belteshazzar “Prince of Bel or Baal” was the Babylonian name given to Daniel “God is my Judge” while in captivity; Hananiah “God has been gracious” was given the name Shadrach “Servant of Sin” (Allah is the same moon god); Mishael “Who is equal to God?” was called Meshach “Shadow of the Prince” and Azariah “God has helped” was called Abed-nego “”Servant of Ishtar”. All preferred the 17 times heated furnace or Lion’s Den to bowing to the Gold, Silver, Brass, Iron, Iron/Clay Idol. Similarly, God gave Jacob the name “Israel”, but there is nothing “Jewish” about the Talmud, Rabbis, Synagogues, the Sanhedrin, the Zohar, Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, Kabbalah or the national symbol of Israel “Hexagram”.
The Idol is Babylon and completion of the Tower of Babel. Melek=King; Sargon=Legitimate King. Gold: British=B’Rith=Birthright; London=Prime Meridian=New Troy. Silver: Pound Sterling and Anglo-Iranian Oil “BP”; 8th Covenant with Man ends with war with Iran “Aryan” at the Highway of Death “HWY 8”, where Daniel received the vision of Dan 8 near Basra and where America’s heart will be pierced to inaugurate the Golden Age. Brass: Roman Coinage; Americas all Nations of illegal immigrants (Europeans originally stole Canada/US from natives; Spain stole Mexico/South America) i.e. Illegitimate in every respect, again sorry to be blunt but Roman Catholicism and the dozens of varieties of Protestant/New Age Churches flourishing in the US has made the Americas, the Fecundator of Flocks with BS. Very little Gold or Silver remains; all has been given over to the Beast Kingdom as Scripture said would happen; only Brass remains. Iron: Legs will be cut down with EM (Electro “Sun”-Magnetic “Earth”) weapons. An example in plain sight was 9/11, notice all the paper goods that floated out of the Twin Towers amid 10 million tons of vaporizing metal and concrete to the ground where hundreds of cars with vaporized engine blocks stood. A form of EM is Microwave Energy; notice how water in a clay vessel will boil but the vessel remains virtually unaffected. Iron/Clay: Our bodies have far too much metal in them. Fluoridated Water, Mercury Fillings, Fluorescent Lights, Leaded Gasoline, Iron Vitamins/Supplements, Aluminum Antiperspirant, Cookware, Salt, Baking Powder, Chemtrails, Uranium Munitions etc. Like the Earth, our bodies have become conductors of electricity and increasingly susceptible to ELF Energy such as the GWEN Network. Water boils in a Microwave; add metal and watch the sparks fly. The original Tower of Babel had Bricks (Laban chose Chaldean Magick as his Witness; his name means Brick) held together with Slime. See any difference today?
Babylon, Mede-Persia, Greece, Rome, Europe (EEC/Club of Rome) are not the Statue described in Dan 2, nor are parts of it already conquered; the Statue is standing right in front of us in plain sight and is very nearly complete. Jesus returns to break all of it except the Miry Clay. Dust of the Earth (Adam) mixed with Water is Clay; in this case “Living Water” aka Jesus Christ delivered via the Holy Ghost. Ask Jesus Christ for the Holy Ghost and this Statue will jump out at you like a Winged Lion, Bear and Leopard; serve Melek by bowing down to this Idol of “Mammon” and the Clay of your Soul will harden; i.e. Jesus will remove His Living Water. One way or the other, we all will be explaining our Words and Actions to the Creator of the Universe, and He ain’t Amun-Ra!