Bilderberg 2016
Dresden Germany, the Free State of Saxony hosts the Satanic Elite in 2016. 100,000 people at Dresden were needlessly Fire Bombed “Holocausted” in WWII just as America will be in WWIII. June 9, 140 Satanic Elite will gather as Bilderberg Chair Henri Castries blows the Conch Shell (aka Pu Shell; Pu is also the Atomic Name of Plutonium) from the ancient Saxon “High Place”. Why a Conch Shell? Why Dresden? The oldest manuscript (pre-Mayan) from the Americas (Land of the Amorites aka Amurrucu or Amorica) is the Dresden Codex housed at where else but Dresden in Saxony. The Codex is an Olmec Era Lunar-Venus Calendar; the “Calendar in the Round” aka “Eagle Bowl” may ring a Baal; the Eagle symbolizes Esau; Jesus warned “Wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together” Mat 24:28. Who are the Elite? Gen 27:39-41KJV tells us Esau lives off the fatness of the Earth, by the Sword and Dew of Heaven; the Wealthy, War making Nicolaitanes Jesus hates and will destroy (Ref Obadiah).
Bilderberg 2016 Participant List
Olmecs (Large Round Head Idols) are from China (Xi or Xia Dynasty); Olmec means “Rubber People” who produced the misnamed Mayan Calendar; Ball Court Games depicting the 12/21/2012 Sunrise through the Ouroborus Serpent (Milky Way) and the Feathered Serpent Quetzalcoatl aka Kukulkan or Qucumatz. Shaman Religion in the Americas is of Hittite (China=Cathay=Heth=Hittite) origin; Mormons are taught Olmecs are Jaredites who sailed to the Americas underwater in wooden submarines like whales; rather fishy to say the least, just like Bilderberg 2016 in Dresden.
Why a Conch Shell for Bilderberg 2016? The Conch or Pu is blown at Sunset to call the Divine at the beginning of a Sacred Ceremony, such as War or Significant Earthly Events; (Famines, Pestilences and Earthquakes in diverse places may ring a Baal Ref Mat 24:7) Mormons are also taught Jesus was Quetzalcoatl; Bull Shit of course; Francisco Pizarro was mistaken for Jesus 500 years ago when Natives were slaughtered with War and Disease; it seems nothing has changed; Quetzalcoatl, al-Mahdi, Krishna are all Antichrists about to fool the world.
Topics: BREXIT, Migration, Gun Control. BREXIT “A disaster for everyone” Henri Castries BB Chair. “Dire consequences for Europe” NATO Sec Gen Jens Stoltenberg. British is derived from “B’Rith=Birth Covenant aka “Covenant Men”, a reference to Cain, Japheth (“the elder” in KJV), Ishmael and Esau. Saxons took control of Britain under Hengeist, in 476 AD by “Double Cross” using the “Seaxe” (Double sided dagger) after which they are named to stab 360 Briton nobles in an event called “Treachery of the Long Knives”; Saxons assumed the identity of British just as they would again in WWII “Night of the Long Knives” replacing the SA “Brown Shirts” with the Nazi SS “Schwarze Sonne” or “Knights of the Black Sun”; nothing particularly original as Saxons, Angles, Lombards are “Black Nobility”. Saxons are Germanic Pagans currently going by the Windsor name as most of Israel is Ashkenazic (Japheth-Gomer-Ashkenaz); Dresden is the ancient Saxon “High Place”. Henri Castries grandfather a Free French Forces officer; the “Cross of Lorraine” is in fact the “Double Cross”, is set to become CEO of of HSBC (Hong Kong Shanghai Bank Corp), the world’s largest Drug Money Laundry, in charge of Shipping Ports, Commercial Airports and Ground Equipment across most of the US and Europe. On a side note; Cathay (Cathay=China=Sina=Sin=Cathar=Heth=Hittites; Cathar Holocaust has not been forgotten) Pacific Airlines controlled by Sir John Swire began as “Air America” running drugs and “Operation Phoenix” Assassins in Vietnam. Another Double Cross is coming soon.
Gun Control In front of the UN is a handgun with it’s barrel tied in a knot. War monger, Benghazi ISIS arming Gen David Petraeus and Concealed Carry Permit holding AR-15 owner Mark Kelley (Gabby Giffords handler) forming a Gun control Group to “Protect the Constitution and Homeland”. How about reading the 2nd Amendment?
UN is advertising for “Disarmament Officer” positions under the direct control of UN Sec General Ban Ki Moon (Disciple of Unification Church “Moonie” Sun Myung Moon) 7 yrs experience in Disarmament and Small Arms Control required.
The Club of Rome care called “World Citizens” (Clinton Global Initiative may ring a Baal); these people are Free of Laws as part of their various Secret Society initiations; this is the essence of Luciferianism. CoR was formally created in 1968 to divide the World into 10 Kingdoms (The 10 Kings/10 Horned Beast Dan 7:7). The CoR created the the EU; with the Whore of Babylon as it’s logo; BREXIT, will destroy it in 2016, the likely start of the Great Tribulation. CoR intends to reduce World Population drastically. Pagans sacked the Roman Empire through “Double Cross” in 476. Note: This is the Scapegoat for MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT… Rev 17 and “Babylon has fallen” Rev 18; the Messiah rising from the Flames (Holocaust) will be Antichrist (Azazel from Num 16) not the true Scapegoat, Jesus Christ.
The King Arthur, Holy Grail, Merovingian (Mary Magdalene did not produce kids with Jesus people; Merovee is a Sea Beast aka Beast rising from the Sea aka the Solar Christ) myths originated here as well; Arth means “Branch”; the arrival of the Antichrist in the 2016 Satanic Jubilee year (50 years after 6th Tetrad and Founding of Church of Satan)? When did you expect it? The EU Parliament, built as an Unfinished Tower of Babel, has the Whore riding the Beast out front with Seat #666 held vacant; they aren’t hiding this stuff people!
America is the “Phoenix of the New Age”; American gold coins in fact used the Phoenix rather than the Eagle. New Atlantis will rise from the ashes just as Sir Francis Bacon (son of Virgin Queen Elizabeth II and Walter Raleigh?), the real founder of America, wrote in New Atlantis 1620.
Desperation may be the 2016 theme as many of the participants are being investigated as 9th Circle Initiates (Child Kidnapping, torture, rape, ritual killing); maybe members Sen Lindsey Graham, Henry Kissinger, Gen David Petraeus, Gen Phil Breedlove (ex NATO Supreme Allied Commander), Christine LaGarde (IMF) et all will fill us in. It seems every Bilderberg Mtg invites people seemingly out of place, such as 2014 participant Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed (CDC HQ in Atlanta; Ebola scare); this year, 3 names caught my attention: Mayor of Le Harve (Normandy Beach; Areva MOX Fuel plant likely supplied Fukushima Uranium-Plutonium Oxide) Phillipe Edouard and Mayor of Rotterdam (MERS CoV, Weaponized Ebola) Admed Aboutaleb and Gen Phil Breedlove (ex NATO Supreme Allied Commander who says “We are ready for war with Russia”). Rotterdam’s Plague King Dr Ron Fouchier “Human to Human adaptation and aerosol transmission of even a moderately fatal virus will become a plague of unimaginable proportion” When asked why he ressurected the Vaccine created 1918 Spanish Flu to make it Human to Human transmissible, the good Dr said “Because we can” USAMRIID mouthpiece Dr Peter Jahrling “Ebola is Earth’s immune response” Obama Ebola Czar Ron Klain “Overpopulation is my primary concern”. Zika doesn’t kill or cause Microcephaly but the mandated Vaccine might. If you can’t see the Writing on the Wall, here is a quick refresher. MENE, MENE, TEKEL UPARSIM “The Kingdom is Divided, weighed in the balances and found wanting; it is to be given to the Medes and Persians. America is the Scapegoat for Babylon.