[frame_right][/frame_right]America is named after:
- Amar – the Canaanite god of the West
- Ameru – the New Age Serpent god
- Amurru – the land of the West, also known as the Edomite Shepherd and Serpent god.
America is the the New Atlantis “Isle of Atlas” whose self-immolation by fire will complete the Pyramid “Amid the Flames” to create the Rosicrucian “New World Order”. Lucifer will rise from America’s ashes as the Phoenix “House of Enoch”.
The US was created by Rosicrucians as the New Atlantis a.k.a. the Scapegoat “Babylon”, the Gate of On, El or Ilu (Marduk) of Revelation chapter 18 in order that the Alternative Messiah may be revealed, thus falsifying Revelation 19:7. The actual time frame will be Rev 6:7. Why 2012?
- Executive Orders 10995-11005 allow the President and unelected Cabinet ministers to take control of Water, Food, Transportation (Air, Land, Sea both Private and Commercial), Money, Drugs, Housing, Energy, Commerce and Communication.
- SCYTL a Barcelona based vote counting company will handle the 2012 elections. Foreign Private Equity funds Spinnaker, Balderton and Natua Capital own SCYTL and its US subsidiary SOE, based in Tampa. “He who votes, counts for nothing. He who counts votes, counts for everything” Joseph Stalin This is why Mikhail Gorbachev said “Socialism will come to America, not bu the sword, but thorugh the ballot box” America is to be Scuttled.
- Operation Gun Runner DOJ Attorney General Eric Holder supplied tax payer financed weapons’s including .50 cal sniper rifles, pistols, automatic rifles, body armor, night vision goggles and anti-aircraft weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels, financed by Sec of State Hillary Clinton’s “US Direct Commercial Sales”. Hard to get more treasonous than this except perhaps NERC.
- NERC National Electric Reliability Corp. is an NGO altering the frequency of the US Power Grid. The US Power Grid operates at 60 Hz; any other frequencies will end the US Power Grid. The likely outcome will be irreparable damage to power generators.
- DHS No-Fly List removes a person’s ability to travel by Air and the “Right to Bear Arms”.
- NDAA 2012 authorizes the military to arrest and incarcerate US Citizens indefinitely without Charges or Writ of Habeas Corpus.
- Enemy Expatriation Act (Not passed as of 4/20/2012) strips US Citizenship from “accused” or “suspected” of acts of “Dissent” against the Government. Notice “Dissent against the Government” is now defined as “Treason”, by Traitors who wrote the law.
- MAP 21 legislation allows the IRS to Withhold Passports of US Citizens owing more than $50,000; 300 Million people divided by $15 Trillion Debt means we all owe $50,000 at birth. Via the FBI and DHS “No-Fly List” this treasonous legislation allows the IRS revoke the “Right to Bear Arms”. The IRS is a branch of the US Treasury which itself is a branch of the IMF. Austerity means “To Shine”; this Treason is Luciferian religion at its core.
- HR 4388 introduced by 26 Congressmen as “Right to Habeas Corpus Act”; it is not. It does nothing to guard against violation of the Posse Commitatus Act; the US Military is not prohibited from arresting US civilian citizens. Writ of Habeas Corpus is the constitutional foundation protecting citizens from their Government. HR 4388 specifically omits providing Habeas Corpus protections to US citizens, state department or military living abroad. It underlies every other constitutional law. Habeas Corpus only applies to US Citizens; notice that under MAP-21, every US Citizen owes $50,000; if MAP-21 and the Enemy Expatriation Act are made law, anyone without the means to pay their debt may have their citizenship and passport revoked. No rights above that of any other animal. Think about that when the UN imposes a universal “Carbon Tax”. The destruction of our bodies will be the only remedy, which is why 800 Civilian Inmate Detention facilities have been created in the US by DHS and FEMA. No can you see why DHS is purchasing, with IRS tax revenues of course, 450 million rounds of ammunition designed only to kill? Romney’s Homeland Security adviser is ex-FEMA chief Michael Chertoff for a reason. We are forced to build our own prison and carry our own cross.
- CISPA (Cyberspace Intelligence Sharing Protection Act) allows NSA and Private Security firms to monitor, censor, collect and send E-Mail, My Space, Twitter Google searches, Phone records, GPS data, Credit/Bank transactions etc to the Pentagon. CISPA essentially provides a “Cyber-security exemption to all existing laws”. So ends the 4th Amendment right to privacy. The House of Representatives passed CISPA April 26th, the Senate will debate CISPA in May.
- NSA Utah Data Collection Facility in Utah will collect, analyze, predict and distribute electronic information; call it the Beast Computer, because that’s what it will be. The highest ranking member of the NSA people rarely hear of is Gen Michael Aquino, co-founder of the Church of Satan and 40 year leader of the Temple of Set. Former NSA director Gen Michael Hayden is Mitt Romney’s Cyber Security adviser.
- Department of Homeland Security contract given to ATK Thiokol (the Space Shuttle booster liars – a frozen O-Ring did not bring down Challenger), based in Utah. 450 Million rounds of .40 caliber hollow point ammunition is enough to wage war for over 10 years on US Citizens. The only purpose of Geneva Convention outlawed hollow point ammunition in war is killing. DHS is beholden to Sodomite liar Janet Napolitano, already knee deep in Operation Gun Runner aka Fast and Furious arming of Mexican Drug Cartels with night vision equipment, body armor, anti-aircraft weapons and .50 cal Sniper Rifles. I do not use the term Sodomite lightly; God uses the term Sodomite, not Gay, Alternative Lifestyle, LBGT or Homosexual; the word has a very specific meaning and purpose relating to God’s hardening of the heart to Sin.
- National Security and Federal Lands Protection Act will turn 54 National Parks along the US-Canada/US-Mexico border to the DHS and provide the authority to Un-constitutionally suspend all Federal Laws in areas managed by the Department of Interior. Enforcement? 450 million rounds of .40 hollow point ammunition purchased by taxpayers from ATK Thiokol; no wonder its sponsor is Utah Congressman Rob Bishop. Goal? Stop illegal immigration? No. Stop Illegal Immigration. From What? Debtors Prison. “Our Endeavor is the Discovery of Atlantis using Columbia to vanquish Enterprising Challengers” Cute eh? Still believe a frozen Thiokol O-Ring cause the Challenger crash?
- UN Agenda 21 is the overall treasonous agreement most nations have made with the United Nations, giving the UN Secretary General (Ban Ki-Moon is a Unification Church disciple of Sun Myung Moon) control over all world assets including those listed in Exec Order 10995-11005.
- Sodom is derived from CeDom “To Burn”; ref Rom 1. Gen 13:13 describes the Sin of Sodom and Gen 13 the rise of this Beast from the Sea (Solar worship=Luciferianism); on the Lucifer=Venus Calendar is 12/21/2012.
- Rio-21 is the basis of UN Agenda 21, derived from the 1992 Rio Earth Summit. In May Rio+20 will finalize plans for Rio-21 in May 2013. May Day is Beltane; the World Pillar/Pole “Obelisk” means Baal’s Shaft. Tax means “Burden”; the UN will likely obtain a Global Carbon Tax this May effectively taxing everyone’s breathing, eating, shelter and energy usage. The “Christ” Idol overlooking Rio de Janiero is the same “Christ’ portrayed as the “Christus’ Idol in the Mormon Visitor’s Center. Folks, those Idols are not Jesus Christ!
MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT… (Rev 17) is Witchcraft; the Scapegoat for this “Whore of Babylon” will be the Roman Catholic “Universal” Church. Capitalized letters in scripture refer to Spiritual entities rather than physical. Roman means “Man”; Romani is the Gypsy or Assyrian Church; Catholic means “Universal”. The Prophecy of St Malachy is a plan not a prophecy; it claims Pope #112 from Celestine V will end the Roman Catholic Church; this is coincident with US Congress #112 likely ending US Sovereignty; Congress is derived from Congredi “Meeting for War”. When the Roman Catholic Church falls, “Heaven will depart as a scroll when it is rolled together” (Rev 6:14) and the Great Tribulation will begin. The Chi-Rho symbolizes the Crowned Royal Solar Christ (Horus or Shamash); it adorns nearly every Catholic Cathedral as well as the Hanukkah Menorah. Astronomically, the date points to 12/21/2012. Art 24 Covenant of One-heaven also claims the Pale Horse rides on 12/21/2012; X is the 24th English letter; 2+4=8, the end of the 8th Covenant between God and Man; 2X3=6 the revealing of the Church of Man (Rom) and the Alternative Messiah “Antichrist”. Romney is a Romani Welsh Gypsy; his rise is not by chance. I would not discount these warnings in plain sight.
“Economic Babylon” (Rev 18) is the IMF, World Bank, BIS; the Scapegoat for this is the “Black Horse” aka the United States of America. Amurru=Edomite Serpent and Shepherd god. Amar=Canaanite god of the West i.e. Setting Sun called Amurru by the Assyrians over 4000 years ago. Ameru is the Ethiopian serpent god; Priest of Ameru are obsessed with the Queen of Sheba lie and restoration of the Ark of the Covenant. Hint idiots; Jesus took that to Heaven with Jerusalem (ref Gal 4) Amorica=Celtic Cathar land of SW France “In 700 years, the Laurel will grow green again” Cathar assets/military were confiscated 1312-1313AD. Pale Horse is Green. Iran=Aryan=Noble Caste; Green Revolution is 33 years old. Make sense yet? You have until Christmas aka “Festival of Lights” 2012 to figure it out. Jesus can help! The Jesus that is “Revealed” then will be the Scapegoat for Rev 19:7. Marry that Jesus and Heaven will depart as a scroll when it is rolled together (ref Rev 6:14). Now can you see they the name of the Pale Horse is Death? Hell follows him, so be very careful! Jesus requires no Oaths for any reason. No Marks for any reason. Open the door and let Him in!
Jesus is the Light created on Day 1 a.k.a. “Holy Ghost”; the “Festival of Lights” celebrates the “Lights” of the Sun (Shamash), Moon (Sin) and Stars (Ishtar) He Created 3 1/2 days later.