“To the intent that the living may know that the Most High ruleth in the kingdom of men…”
– Daniel 4:17
[frame_right][/frame_right]Strange is seeing all the seemingly coincidental events of 9 Av; stranger is an Au-Ag (Gold=Au; Silver=Ag) plaque installed under the apocalyptic artwork at the Denver Airport; Stranger still is having a Hepatitis-B Virus developed with name Australian Antigen “Au-Ag” which matches it and stranger still is having an Australian from Oz win the Australian Masters with its Gold Jacket and win against an Argentinean for the US Masters to win its Green Jacket. Seems Dorothy with her Silver (Ag) slippers has reached Oz “Emerald City” on the Yellow Brick (Gold) Road at the end of the Rainbow exactly 700 years after Cathars predicted “In 700 years the Laurel will grow green again”.
Strange isn’t it?
So is the Australian golfer being named Adam Scott; Cathars believe the coming Messiah is the 3rd Adam; Scotti were the original Pagan founders of Ireland “Emerald Isle” and he was battling an Argentinean named Angel Cabrera “Angel from the place of wild animals” from Argentina where Jesuit Pope Francis I is from. 47, the Atomic Number of Silver matches the years since 1966 “Anno Satanae” when the Church of Satan was founded and Ismaili Dervish Stanford University professor Ibn Sayyid Qutb first mentioned “Al Qaeda” meaning “Solid Foundation”; strange eh? Gnostics think Lucifer is a solid foundation but Jesus assures us Lucifer is the Devil and Satan who is headed for the Lake of Fire Rhodes Scholar, Benghazi Gun Running Liar, UN Ambassador Susan Rice takes over leadership of the UN Security Council in July some 60 years to the day after the Korean War Armistice; she was indoctrinated as a child (I shudder at the thought) by 33° Freemason, “Rainbow Coalition” founder Jesse Jackson. The refraction angle of a Rainbow is 42° which matches the number of months in the Great Tribulation and the number associated with the Alternative Messiah “Beast”, a so-called Spiritual Perfection (7) of Man (6)=42 described in Dan 7:6 or the announcement of God to destroy the earth by Flood in Gen 6:7 or its arrival at Gen 7:6 or when Syria and Ephraim conspire against Judah in Is 7:6 or God proclaiming the end of Israel in Eze 7:6 or the Pale Horse is released at Rev 6:7. Pretty strange eh? Remember, New Agers openly refer to themselves as Riders of the Pale Horse “Death”.
I could go on, but you get the idea..
God is active in every situation on earth.
God is active in every situation on earth.
“9 Av” or “Tisha b’ Av commemorates Jewish calamities..
9 Av is called “The saddest day in Jewish History” Jesus was Jewish – His followers are “Born Again”, grafted on to the covenant Jesus as Melchisedek, made with Abram; Abram then became Abraham (H means “God is with me”). Isaac was offered as the first Holocaust “Burnt Offering” and accepted the Covenant, his brother Ishmael did not and was renamed Ismail. After “Wrestling” with Jesus, Jacob accepted the Covenant and was renamed Israel; his brother Esau did not and was renamed Edom “Red”. Israel are followers of Jesus by Blood and Covenant; they are in Diaspora, scattered all over the world. This is why Jesus said “Except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh remain”. Think 33° Luciferian Freemason, Jesuit Knight, Skull & Bones “Brotherhood of Death”, Knight of Malta, Bohemian Grove, CFR, Bilderberger, Benghazi Gun Runner John Kerry (Kohen) just visited Palestine, Israel (Wore a Yarmulke at the Wailing Wall), Jordan (Edom), Afghanistan, Korea, China and Japan to ensure Peace?
..guess again.
The Georgia Guidestones
[frame_right][/frame_right]9 Av is soon to be saddest day in Christian history because Christians are the New Covenant Temple, soon to be the center of a Holocaust “Burnt Offering” the likes of which the world has never known. Don’t believe this? Read the inscriptions on the Georgia Guide Stones or quotes from Ted Turner aka RC Christian (financier of the Guide Stones), Jacques Cousteau, Maurice Strong, Henry Kissinger, Prince Phillip, Richard Dawkins or Ezekiel Emmanuel (Obama Science Advisor).
- After the Exodus, rejection of the 12 Spies report on Canaan on 9 Av, ca 1492 BC lead to the death of adults 21 and over during 40 years wander in the Arabian Desert. The Korahite Priesthood arose out of rebellion to Moses and Aaron and Korea took the name of this Priesthood Jude refers to as the “Gainsaying of Core”. I repeat “Arab Desert” NW of Mecca at Jebel al Laws is Mt Sinai not the fake Mt Sinai in Egypt.
- The destruction of Solomon’s Temple (ref Eze 8) on 9 Av in 585 BC occurred due to abominations being committed at the altar and worship of Tammuz. God does not allow “Ancients of Israel” worshipping Idols, committing Bestiality and Sodomy on the Altar anymore than women “Weeping for Tammuz” on the porch!
- The destruction of the 2nd Temple occurred on 9 Av, 70 AD. God was rejected as King of Jerusalem and Priest of the Most High “Melchisedek”. An Alternative Messiah will come in his own name and be accepted.
- Simon Bar Kochba led a revolt on 9 Av, 135 AD. Kochba was a fake Jew, self proclaimed “Messiah of the Star” and Revolutionary. 500,000 real Jews were massacred because Kochba was believed to be Jewish; Talmud, Zohar, Kaballah, Rabbis are like the Pharisees of old, anything but Jewish. Ashkenazi fake Jew Benjamin Netanyahu will lead another revolution in Israel.
- The razing of the Temple site and re-dedication as “Zeus Capitolina” was on 9 Av. Zeus’ Capitol can also be seen in Washington DC with Our Lady of Freedom still facing East.
- The 1st Crusade began on 9 Av, 1096; instigated by the Gnostic Military Bankers “Knights Templar.
- The Alhambra Decree on 9 Av, 1492 forced conversion and expulsion of fake Jews from Spain. Rosicrucian Christopher Columbus’ (Christ=Messiah; Taufr is Norse for Red=Red Messiah) set sail with Red Cross on his sails to found “New Jerusalem aka America in 1492 AD.
- WWI began on 9 Av, 1914; the Nazi build-up planned in advance by 33° Masons Albert Pike and Giuseppe Mazzini.
- WWII began on 9 Av, 1939. Hitler and the Nazi War machine was financed by Prescott Bush; George Romney supplied the Aluminum. Again, WWII was planned in advance as recorded by Albert Pike on 15 Aug 1871.
- Mass deportations of real Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto initiated the Holocaust on 9 Av, 1942. 6 million God fearing Jews who rejected Rothschild’s British version of Israel and the Zionist Star of Molech were gassed with Cyanide, burned in Ovens or Shot. Joseph Stalin’s Gulags and Ovens and Mao Tse Tung’s “Great Experiment” generated un-countable deaths exceeding 100 Million and Dwight Eisenhower’s D-Day landing exactly 700 years after the Cathar executions and murder of over 1 million German citizens during April 1945 largely go un-accounted in history books..
- George Bush Sr began Gulf War I on 9 Av, 1991 with the “Shock and Awe” 700 years after fake Jews “Bankers”, evicted from Britain and sent to Cyprus were betrayed to Egyptian prisons. The campaign initiated by a promise made via Iraq Ambassador April Glaspie to allow Carlyle Group business partner and fellow 33° Freemason Saddam Hussein to control the Kuwait Oil Fields; the oil is now being sent to Haifa, Israel.
9 Av, 2013=July 16, 2013
Albert Pike said WWIII would pit Zionism against Islam in order the true doctrine of Lucifer can be manifested to the world. In July, the US assumes leadership of the UN Security Council under Benghazi Gun Running Liar, Rhodes Scholar, Susan Rice.
- July 16, 2013 is not only 9 Av on the Hebrew Calendar it is the anniversary of the founding of the Islamic Calendar in 622 AD.
- July 16, 1790 Washington DC was set apart as a Sovereign 100 SQ mile territory not subject to the laws of the Republic; partitioned from Maryland and Virginia, the spot planned in advance to found “New Atlantis”; later the 77th Meridian “God’s Longitude”. The “Virgin” Ishtar, Cybele, Aphrodite, Mary is placed atop the Capitol and in New York Harbor.
- July 16, 1861 Rosicrucian Abraham Lincoln began the march to Bull Run Virginia on July 16, 1861 to begin the Civil War.
- July 16, 1945 The USS Indianapolis departs for Tinian Is with parts for the Atomic Bombs destined for Nagasaki and Hiroshima. The same day Manhattan Project (Man-Aton means God Man) manager 33° Freemason/Kabbalist J Robert Oppenheimer witnesses the Trinity Detonation and quotes the Baghavad Gita saying “I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds”. (Barbara Marx Hubbard also referred to herself as one of the riders of the Pale Horse “Death”).
- July 16, 1969 33° Masons Ken Kleinknecht (Apollo Program Manager), Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong “Hoodwinked” the world with the launch of Apollo 11. C Fred Kleinknecht (Sovereign Commander of the Supreme Council of the World) welcomed Buzz at the Supreme House of the Temple in Sept for successfully “Pulling the Wool” over so many eyes.
- July 16, 1994 Comet Shoemaker-Levy impacted Jupiter.
- July 16, 1999 JFK Jr is murdered for threatening to expose his father’s assassination in the magazine “George”; George Bush Sr could have none of that.
Beginning April “Month of Venus/Lucifer” 1945, Eisenhower starved 1 million German POW’s; Gen Patton was murdered for daring to suggest Stalin was an enemy of the US; FDR was murdered for unwillingness to create the State of Israel; Harry Truman was sworn in; Atomic Bombs were tested on innocent civilians; North and South Korea were divided; Stalinist Revolutionary “Order of Lenin” recipient Kim Il Sung was installed Communist Dictator for life; the CIA, NSA, Area-51, Mercury Nevada Test Site (tested fallout on “Downwinders”) and the Zionist British (B’Rith=Birthright of Ishmael and Esau) State of Israel was created. As soon as the United Nations was created and built on Manhattan Is, facing East on donated, Sovereign Rockefeller land War in Korea was a certainty. It ended 60 years ago July 1953 and its sequel is also a certainty.
Betting 9 Av 2013 will come and go without fanfare is a fool’s game. Folks, it’s time to Wrestle with God and become part of Spiritual Israel before the shooting starts.