
Modern Tower of Babel?
Two books become one book.
- Enter the Tower of Babel and Jesus removes your name from His Book.
- Enter the New Covenant and Marduk will remove your name from his Book.
Which one is your name written in?
Lehi a Scribe descended from Manasseh in Jeremiah’s Day (ca 600BC) was called by the LORD to leave Jerusalem and save his family from Babylonian invasion at least according to the Book of Mormon. Lehi was given a prophetic vision including the Tree of Life (America’s first flag was this Tree of Life and a slogan “An appeal to Heaven”), God, Jesus, the 12 Apostles, even Christopher Columbus’ “Voyage of Discovery”. He took with him the Brass Plates of Laban, and the Ark of the Covenant which currently resides in Mt Nebo just south of Salt Lake City. On the Ark, the family of Abraham’s eldest son Ishmael, his son Nephi (Nephites later marry into Ishmaelites) and Mulek, the only surviving son of Judah’s last King Zedekiah, setting up Solomon’s Temple in the Americas; presumably among the ruins of the Temple of the Sun and Moon at Teotihuacan, Temple of Quetzalcoatl, Pyramid of Chitzen-Itza etc. Traveling up the Mississippi River which Mormons believe to be the real Euphrates River to Adam-ondi-ahman, the original land where Adam dwelt in the Garden of Eden at Independence MS. America would become “New Jerusalem” and Salt Lake City “Zion”. The inspiration? Samson, the 13th Judge of Israel was delivered by his own people to become a Philistine sacrifice. Samson slew 1000 Philistines with Lehi meaning “Jawbone of an Ass”. Later, he pulled the Twin Pillars of the Temple of Dagan down, killing himself in what became known today as the “Samson Option”. The similarities between 9/11/2001 and this event are unmistakable.
Why would God save the family of Judah’s last King Zedekiah when 3 Old Testament books record “He did evil in sight of the LORD”? (ref Jer 52:2-11; Eze 17:16; 2 Kings 25:7)
He didn’t. Lehi, Nephi and Mulek are of course not found anywhere in Scripture: Lehi is derived from Samson’s first name for the Spring in Lehi “Ramath-lehi” meaning Proud, Great and Triumphant; after he realized his strength came from God, Samson changed the name to “En-hakkore” meaning Wanting and Dependent. If you want Independence from God, the Mormon Church is for you; if you are totally dependent on God, let Him know before it’s too late!
Lehi also has the meaning “Mortar” meaning Bitumen (Organic) Mortar (People) aka Slime used to build the original Tower of Babel (Secret Society Initiations) brought to Babel by Chaldean Magi aka Akkadian/Romani Gypsies (Aegyptios=Egypt ie Land of Gypsies) such as Mitt Romney. Where did the Slime come from? Slime Pits of course in the Salt Valley of Sodom and Gomorrah. Now can you see why Jesus calls Jerusalem “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” in Rev 11:8?
Brass Plates of Laban? Laban chose the Chaldean “Witness”; Jacob chose God and later “Wrestled with God” to become “Israel”; Laban means “To make White” or “To make Bricks”; the Mormon version is “White and Delightsome”. Babel is people held together by Secret Initiation toward the goal of creating Babylon “Gate of Marduk” (Marduk is synonymous with Melek, Mlk, Molech, Ilu, On, Osiris, Allah or Sin; the Persian version is Melek-Taus meaning “Peacock Angel”; the word Mlk means Lord) Mulek is a fictitious name derived from HaMelek “Son of Melek”. Mulek is not a Mormon invention. Irish Kings claim lineage from Zedekiah’s daughter “Tea-Tephi”, taken to safety by Jeremiah; A Lie on par with the Lehi story, but one that gave rise to the Stone of Destiny (Jacob’s Pillow) used to justify Irish, Scottish and English Royalty.
Nebo or Nabu is the Egyptian (Gypsy; Chaldean Priests of Heliopolis) god of Secrets, Secret Ciphers, Writing, Wisdom and Letters. Nabu’s Idol in the British Museum features a clay writing tablet, horned cap, robe and clasped hands of the Priest Caste. Nebo means “He who has been called”. Called to be a Priest? Jesus is the only Priest you need; he is Melchisedek not deluded Mormon men! Nebo is the keeper of the “Tablets of Destiny” containing the fate of every one on earth. Sounds like the Rabbinical “Book of Life” opened on Kol Nidre before the Day of Atonement because it is one in the same. Jesus has the real 7 Sealed “Book of Life” in Heaven because Jesus is the Tree of Life!!!
The “Samson Option” applies to the intentional self immolation of Israel and the US; a Chaldean falsification of Rev 18 and 19. Persian (actually Medean) Mithraism, popular during the Roman Empire is identical. Mitt Romney (Welsh Gypsy=Wales=Culdee=Chaldee) has been told he is “The One, Mighty and Strong, bathed in Light” to usher in the 2nd Coming of “Christ”; Jesus? No way, “Lucifer” the Light Bearer. The Tree of Life seen by Lehi is of Druid “Knowers of Trees” origin. America is the Druid Amorica named after Amurru the Edomite serpent and shepherd god and Western Land in Nimrod’s Day; Amar the Canaanite god of the west, and Ameru the Serpent.
- The UN LOST (Law of the Sea) Treaty gives control of the Seas and vessels on it to the UN. America’s Navy will be used against the US.
- The CLEAR Act (Consolidated Land, Energy and Resources Act), and Agenda-21 give control of all US Assets to the UN.
- CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports aka the real “Books”) record accurate accounting of all personal, private, corporate, and government assets.
- Universal Health Care Act decides what medical services each person may obtain.
- Operation Garden Plot (Rex-84 “Civilian Inmate Detention Facilities”) are “Debtor’s Prisons” paid for with US taxes.
- The TPP (Trans-Pacific) and TAP (Trans-Atlantic) Partnerships allow America to be pillaged and divided for gain.
- NDAA 2012 allows US Citizens to be arrested and detained indefinitely without Due Process, Habeus Corpus or Trial.
- CISPA allows warrantless wire taps and access to all personal information.
- MAP-21 allows FEMA and DHS to remove US Passports from citizens who cannot pay a pro-rata share of America’s $50 Trillion National Debt.
- Codex Alimentarius controls food production and transportation from seed to table.
- NERC (National Electric Reliability Corp) is a US NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) adjusting the frequency of the Power Grid; the only outcome is destruction of the 60Hz Power Grid and with that goes coolant flow to 104 US Atomic Reactors which will go into Meltdown similar to Fukushima.
- SCYTL is a Barcelona based Vote Counting Corporation who will not only Count Votes in over 1000 jurisdictions in the US, they will soon after count the votes cast in a referendum of Independence from Spain as the independent nation of Catalonia.
America is to be destroyed as a Scapegoat “Babylon”. Mitt Romney has sworn the Mormon “Oath of Vengeance” on America and Gentiles for this reason.
Utah Area Code 435 is interesting. Chapter 435 is the Book of Esther Chap 9 which describes “Purim”, an Akkadian (Gypsy) word meaning Cast Lots for Marduk. Lots means Horoscope and every Federal Building has had an Astrological Chart Cast and recorded at the Library of Congress. There are 435 members of the House of Representatives representing the 435 Districts proclaimed on 3/13/1913; all 435 members of Congress are Traitors and know full well Congredi means “Meet for War”. Just a guess, but 2 Nisan, 1492 was the date Moses sacrificed the 1st Red Heifer; 3/13/1313 may be the last. The ashes of the Red Heifer were used to consecrate the Chief Priest and Cornerstone for Solomon’s Temple. If your Lot is cast for Marduk, the Mormon Church is for you; if your Lot is with Jesus Christ, you may want to let Him know.
The UN Charter states “Planning, preparation or initiation of an attack against a nation that does not pose an imminent threat of attack is the highest of war crimes” Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya were only a prelude to Syria and Iran. On Oct 9 NATO Pres Anders Rasmussen stated “NATO has plans to protect and defend Turkey” (Turkish RF-4’s and NATO supplied Free Syrian Army rockets provoked this) Also on Oct 9 Foreign Affairs (a CFR publication to which Mitt is an initiate) Editor stated “The US and Israel have a surgical strike plan in place to attack Iran” An October Surprise? Time will tell. When? The New Moon of October will begin the Haj next week; with 2 million Muslims in Mecca, NATO War plans in place, Super-carrier George HW Bush near Syria and 4 US Aircraft Carrier Groups at the Straits of Hormuz, a lot of Samsons are in place to be sure.
Lehi split off from of the Israeli Terrorist group Irgun on 9/11/1940 to become the Stern Gang with the goal taking “Eretz Israel” by force. The goals
- Redemption of the land God promised to Abraham (Nile to the Euphrates) Remember, Mormons teach the Euphrates is really the Mississippi River.
- Sovereignty: Folks, Israel means “One who wrestles with God”; Exactly how can a person be Sovereign and yet “Wrestle with God”?
- Re-establish the Nation “Israel” God told Amos Jacob-Israel would no more rise. If you want to become “Israel” you need to accept Judah-Israel and have no part of the 3rd Temple (ref Eze 37:16; Rev 13:1).
- Re-build the 3rd Temple. Folks, Amos 7:2-3; 5-6 states Israel is no more; Jacob lost the right to be called Israel 2700 years ago; the Six Pointed Star represents Molech/Melek not JEHOVAH.
Lehi’s stated claims “Unknown soldiers without uniform, drafted for life until death, when thousands of others will fill our places. Our will is to be free, built with tears of bereaved mothers and the blood of pure babies…we mortar the cadaver’s building blocks”.
Folks, I could go on about Lehi, Nebo, Mulek, the Ark of the Covenant, Adam-ondi-Ahman, Zion and the Brass Plates but isn’t this enough to show you the extreme urgency to establish a 1 on 1 relationship with Jesus Christ? America will soon become the Chaldean “Burnt Offering” (The Douay-Rheims translation even goes so far as to change “Burnt Offering” to “Holocaust”) Mitt Romney’s father George Romney even supplied Aluminum to the Nazi Luftwaffe for their Holocaust.
The Trumpet, the Angel Moroni holds facing East toward the Rising Sun atop 160+ Mormon Temples around the world heralds Lucifer “Light Bringer”; when the Trumpet sounds, the 7 Trumpets of Rev 8 will begin the 3½ year “Great Tribulation”. You think it’s hard to figure this our now? Jesus will send the “Strong Delusion” and there will be no more admittance to Heaven (Rev 6:14) because everyone on earth will have their names written in Nebo’s “Tablet of Destiny”. I suggest you make your personal covenant now. Time is getting quite short for the Cadaver called America! Read the part about using the blood of innocent babies; the Jesuits swear the same Oath because the Mormon Church is a Jesuit creation. Now what about Lehi’s vision of Christopher Columbus 1100 years earlier?
Columbus Day or Thanksgiving Day in Canada, is a celebration of Harvest and Blessings in the New World aka New Jerusalem. Salvadore Fernando Zarco “Hermetically Sealed” secret correspondences between King Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile with a Kabbalist Signet containing his “nom de plume” Christobal Colon and his supposed birth name Fernando Zarco. The Triangle shaped Signet was similar to Gravestones found in the Cathar region of Langue d’ Oc in Southern France/Northern Spain. Explorer? No, Kabbalist and Sephardic? Yes. Are Sephardics Jewish? 2 Kings 17:30 describes Sephardics as Babylonian, Medean, Hamathites, and Canaanite imposters of Israelites brought in by the Assyrians due to treason by the Tribe of Ephraim. Medeans are Chaldean Magi in Persia; the Tribe of Ephraim is claimed to be represented by the Mormon Church. Mormon means “God of the Living Dead” because Ephraim is not listed as “Saved” in Rev 7. Essentially, the Mormon Church has cast their Lots with Marduk rather than Jesus Christ. Are Kabbalists Jewish? Kabbalah is called the “Work upon the Sacred Tree”; that Tree is the Crucifixion Tree. Ka’aba has a common Root meaning “Sacred Enclosure”; The Black Stone in the Ka’aba is described in scripture as the “Stone that fell from Jupiter” (Acts 19) venerated by worshippers of Diana; her priests were “Bees” aka “Essenes” in the Temple of Diana. Bees and the Beehive State should make sense now; Jupiter means “Best and Greatest”; Cretans called Jupiter “Zeus”; maybe now you can see why Joseph Smith was buried with a Talisman of Jupiter or why that Talisman is identical to the logo of the Society of Ormus aka Theraputae of Heliopolis. Druids are “Knowers of Trees”, their Sacred Enclosures were called “Groves”, so Kaballah is more of a Druid Church of Allah aka “Sin” than being a Jewish religion. Now, was Columbus a Mormon?
Zarco and his “Book of Privileges” proclaiming him Admiral of the Seas, Governor of the New World in perpetuity with associated Titles, Revenues, Powers, and Privileges he granted to himself and signed by the King and Queen boarded the ships on 9 Av 1492, the date commemorating the destruction of the 1st and 2nd Temples and Moses leading the Israelites across the Red Sea in 1492 BC. Hyksos “Foreign Shepherd Kings” were Amalekites whom God swore He would be at war with from generation to generation (ref Ex 17:16). They were expelled from Egpyt just prior, for instigating War with God’s people. Seeing Red yet? Just wait until the Red Kachina takes his mask off before the un-initiated in the plaza; Mormons call this little gem the “Blood in the Streets Prophecy”.
Nobody seems to know where Zarco/Colon was born, what language he spoke, where he was buried or his religious affiliation; only that he had been in the service of Rene d’ Anjou who ihas been claimed to be a Grand Master of the Prieure of Sion (There are no Grail Guardians and there is not Sacred Bloodline; it’s all a Lie) of the believed himself descended from the Race of Nephilim and Cain. Nephilim is not in scripture, Giant is; Amalekites were often Giants, as Joshua and King David found out. Descendants of Cain, can only have 1 source, Ham “Hamathites”, whose incest with his mother produced Canaan. There is your Titanic Bloodline; too bad a mother’s blood is not passed on to her son eh? That goes for Mary too folks! Jesus answers prayers, not Mary! Rene d’ Anjou did however invent the Cross of Lorraine aka Cross of Free French Forces or “Double Cross”. “A man’s enemies shall be they of his own household” and Rene was definitely one of those, as was his daughter, largely responsible for the War of the Roses.
A letter from Italian Revolutionary Giuseppe Garibaldi (The Israeli Terrorist group Lehi aka Stern Gang aka Irgun fashions themselves after Gideon, Samson, Tito and Garibaldi) to Abraham Lincoln says it all “To another of the free children of Columbus”; Honest Abe is seems was the leader of the Rosicrucians in America “AMORC”; same Red Cross from an order allegedly dating back to Pharaoh Tuthmoses III. Why him? His stepmother Hatshepsut was likely Moses’ adoptive mother. Toth is today seen in the Scales of Justice and the Emerald Tablet of Toth-Hermes which begins “That which is above shall be that which is below” Heaven brought to or rather built on Earth if you will, by Secret Societies. The letter goes on “I don not admit any intermediary between God and Man” Well, there you have it; rejection of Jesus Christ as Intermediary between God and Man; rejection of Jesus as Melchisedek “King of Jerusalem” and “Priest of the LORD” and rejection of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ through the Holy Ghost is the only “Unforgivable Sin”. How does that St Christopher Medal look now?
Zarco was an initiate of the Portuguese “Order of Christ”; Jesus Christ? Heaven’s no, these were survivors of the Knights Templar purge by King Phillip of France and Pope Clement V in 1312 who founded the New Order of Christ in Portugal using King Joao II, the Sephardic/Latin counterpart to King Robert the Bruce in Scotland if you will. Zarco was more Cathar Military than Catholic. Think Mormon Mitt Romney got to the pinnacle of power in the US in 2012 by accident? Guess again.
The Order’s Ensign is the Red Cross, but not just an ordinary one mind you. The Foundation Stone of the World is regarded as the Rock under the Al Aqsa Mosque where Abraham offered Isaac (Ishmael in the Quran), Jesus was Crucified after ejecting the Money Changers from the Temple and where Jesus will establish “Zion” at the 2nd Coming. These “Bankers” were ejected in 1290 AD from Briton for “Usury”; 700 years later the Gulf Wars began; what they have planned for 2012 is becoming pretty obvious; Financial Collapse and War in Iran and Syria and destruction of the Dome of the Rock.
The Dome of the Rock has 8 sides because Jesus Christ represents the 8th Covenant between God and Man. Connecting the 4 central pillars to the outer pillars yields the Ensign used by the Order of Christ; basically 4 Pillars meeting at the Rock where the 3rd Temple will be constructed, the Cohen Gadol will be installed and the ashes of the 3rd Red Heifer used to consecrate the Chief Priest and Cornerstone of the Millennial Temple. Jesus Christ is of course the Chief Priest-King and Judge of Jerusalem “Melchisedek”; He is also the “Cornerstone” not cut by hands that will smash all this nonsense. Folks, God builds the Temple, not Man. Read Acts 7:48 Mormons sure do love building Temples though!
Christopher Columbus, is itself a pseudonym meaning “Christ=Messiah; Taufr=Red” in Norse/Norman language. Cathars were Normans; Vikings were Norman “6 Kings”; Mitt Romney ancestor George Romney adorns the entrance to the Cistercian Abbey in Dalton in Furness, Wales where William the Conqueror laid claim to1/2 of the world. Mitt knows this! Columbia is the Roman goddess of Freedom and Liberty from God; She stands facing East with her back to the Nation in NY Harbor and atop the US Capitol. Columbus, an initiate of the “Order of Christ” set off to found “New Jerusalem” aka “Zion”. Mormons were first called the “Church of Christ”; they claim descent from Ephraim and Masasseh “Stick of Joseph” (ref Eze 37:16; Rev 13:1) and Dan meaning “Judge”. Their goal is to set up “Zion” in America. They hold the Melchisedek Priesthood of Jesus Christ, revere the “Sure Sign of the Nail” that held Jesus to the Tree and chant “Pey Heylel” (Marvelous Lucifer).
Longitudinal navigation requires accurate time keeping, accurate knowledge of the size of the earth and Star Charts for each, Latitude and Time; Columbus didn’t “Discover” anything.
Columbus was a Sephardic, Kabbalist, Murderer and Gold Thief who brought Smallpox and “Blood Hounds” to “New Jerusalem”, hanging natives 13 to a row on “Gibbets”. He kidnapped and sold Slaves, so future Conquistadores could sail up the Mississippi River to “Adam-ondi-Ahman”, the land where Mormons claim Cain killed Abel and where Prince Melchisedek will soon hand the keys of Government over to a person called the “Christ”? Hopi Indians call this “Christ” “Red Kachina” for a reason! Jesus said the “Truth will set us Free”.
In 2012, Columbus Day also happens to line up with the 8th Day of Feast of Tabernacles, the 22nd day of the 7th Month. 22/7=Pi The Circle of Heaven was brought to Earth and Circumcised in fulfillment of the Law. His Law now is “Love God” and “Love our Neighbor” not conduct Crusades around the world. One prayer in your Prayer Closet will help you obtain a real Spiritual Circumcision; why not cast off a few Lies and become truly Free?
Adam-ondi-Ahman “Land of God where Adam dwelt” is in Jackson County, Missouri near the confluence of the Mississippi (Euphrates) and Missouri (Tigris) Rivers at the original “Garden of Eden”. Jesus Christ taught Jaredites to construct Arks like Wooden Submarines for the journey from the “Land of Nimrod” back to the Garden of Eden “Adam-ondi-Ahman” essentially backtracking the route Noah took in the Ark which made its way from “Adam-ondi-Ahman” to the Gulf of Mexico and across the Atlantic some 101 years earlier. Preposterous? Absolutely, but the next US President believes this. The third incarnation of Adam as Prince Melchisedek aka Archangel Michael handing the keys of Government to Jesus Christ? Really? Why? Langue d’ Oc “Language of Yes” or Oil if you prefer.
On Tisha b’ Av 1492, the date commemorating the destruction of the 1st and 2nd Temples, Columbus set sail for “New Jerusalem”; Mormon Mitt Romney intends to finish the “Great Work”. Mormon means “Gates of Hell”; Mormo, an infernal name of Satan used by Anton LaVey in his more theatrical than Satanic “Church of Satan”; his original partner Gen Michael Aquino is the head of the more thoroughly Satanic “Temple of Set”, and is the highest ranking member of the NSA whose Data Collection “Spy” Facility in Utah just south of the Mormon Temple will open in 2013.
Pey Heylel, a Mormon chant said at the 2nd token of the Melchisidek Priesthood means “Marvelous Lucifer”; the same as the Arabic “Hilal” meaning “Crescent” is proudly worn by Freemason members of the Noble Arabic Order of Mystic Shrine aka “Shriners”. Iran means “Noble Caste”; the false Messiah “al-Mahdi” equivalent with the Mormon Messiah enforced by the Muslim Mafia which is equivalent with the Mormon Mafia. A little harsh? Just wait.
SCYTL, a Barcelona Foreign Equity “Vote Counting” Firm in the independent nationality of Catalonia with ties to Bain Capital and George Soros will ensure Mitt Romney is elected and Scuttles America; Mitt is sworn to avenge the blood of the prophets on America and Gentiles; a prophecy known as the White Horse Prophecy or Blood in the Streets Prophecy. Jesus returns to a lot of blood at Armageddon and sets up Zion in Jerusalem; the Mormon version of Jesus returns to a lot of blood in America and sets up Zion in “Adam-ondi-Ahman” in a fake version of Armageddon “Mount of Slaughter” called “New Jerusalem”. Why America?
Dan 11 covers this. The “God of forces” (11:38) was announced July 4, 2012 as the “God Particle”; a Lie to be sure, the false scientists at CERN walk past a statue of the Hindu Destroyer “Shiva” everyday. “Gold and Silver” (11:38) has been used for 500 years in America to honor this false God known to Mormons as Quetzalcoatl; Ft Knox and the World Trade Center Gold is gone, used to fight wars since WWII in Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan and Iraq to control Oil set up Heroin pipelines. “Dividing the land for gain” (11:39) is a function of the TAP (Trans-Atlantic) and TPP (Trans-Pacific) Partnerships; Foreign Corporations bidding on America’s assets; come plan eh? “Egypt, Libya, Ethiopia” (11:42-43), under firm control of the Muslim Brotherhood and Sharia Law. Where? “And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him” (11:45). The Tabernacles? Mormons call them the “Temples”; soon, more will be built for the “Elect” in Jackson County MS. The Seas? That would be the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.
Mitt Romney’s version of Jesus, “Lucifer” will copy Jesus Christ and His “Wrath” described in Rev 16. Note: Destruction of the Roman Catholic Church will falsely fulfill “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT…” of Rev 17 and the destruction of America will falsely fulfill “Economic Babylon” of Rev 18; all part of the Gnostic “Great Work”. In America, some 15 Nuclear Reactors sit on the New Madrid (Madrid is also part of the Cathar region of Catalonia) Fault. NERC (National Electric Reliability Corp) is set to alter the frequency of the National Power Grid which will destroy the Grid including the transmission lines and generators. Diesel Fuel is used in “Gas Fracking” along the New Madrid Fault; this will be blamed for Earthquakes similar to the Scalar EM energy caused “Earthquake” at Fukushima over Lent in 2011. Wonder why America would use Diesel Fuel to pollute Ground Aquifers when every form of transportation from Air, Sea, Rail and Trucking depend on it? Treason!
The 6th Vial of Wrath dries up the Euphrates River which Mormons teach is the Mississippi River; a Lie obviously, but the Mississippi River is nonetheless, drying up from manufactured drought. Do not underestimate the role of the Mormon Church in this plan.
Mormons teach a great sign in the heavens will appear and the righteous will be caught up; sounds like pre-Trib Rapture Doctrine because it is. The sign? By Nov 2013 Comet ISON will (allegedly) become 15X brighter than a full moon, visible during the day; 2nd Coming Day? No way. Mormons teach that Elijah appeared to Joseph Smith in 1836; sorry, but Elijah will be one of God’s “2 Witnesses” with Enoch during the Great Tribulation; Gnostic Johnitters taught this same error 2000 years ago. Mormons teach the building of the New Jerusalem Temple in Independence MS where Adam (Mormon version is Archangel Michael) will turn the keys of government over to Jesus Christ. Following this destruction of America whom Mormons consider the “Pale Horse”, will be the building of the 3rd Temple and Jesus Christ Judging the Nations from the Throne. Scripture of course tells us there is no Temple during the Millennium; that one will contain the Throne of Pergamon “Satan’s Seat” currently held in the Berlin Museum.
Requisites for the 3rd Temple: Cornerstone, Garments for HaCohen HaGadol “High Priest” and the Altar for sacrifices to resume. Temple Mount Faithful have a Mobile Altar awaiting rapid deployment to the Temple Mount when the Al Aqsa Mosque is removed. On Oct 16, 2 million Muslims will begin the Haj pilgrimage to Mecca to circumambulate the Black Stone and toss stones at the Obelisk, the Idol of Bel. In Is 46:1 you can see what God thinks of idols of Bel and Nebo! Ashes of the Red Heifer are all that remains and 3/13/13 (2 Nisan) is the next appropriate date. Just where would fake Jews acquire ashes from a worthy “Burnt Offering”? Remember, Mormons believe America is “New Jerusalem”!
On Oct 6, 2012 HR 6566 was passed on Sept 28 and posted “Mass Fatality Planning & Religious Considerations Act”. FEMA is planning right now for mass fatalities due to Natural Disaster or Terrorist Act; millions of bodies buried or cremated within 48 hrs. Maybe now it makes sense why DHS has purchased a total of 1.7 Billion rounds of hollow point ammunition for domestic use in the last year.
Anonymous aka Jesuits using that name, posted a video on Oct 6 saying “We are preparing for a massive Civil War”. 4 US aircraft Carrier groups: Enterprise, Lincoln, Eisenhower and Stennis are sitting at the gates of the Straits of Hormuz and the HW Bush is off the Syrian coast. Something big is planned to be sure.
By the way, Mormon/Freemason President Gordon B Hinckley said in Oct 2001 “Joel’s prophecy had been fulfilled” Uh NO! Joel is describing the Battle of Gog and Magog after the Millennium when the spirit of the LORD returns to the body of the Lord Jesus Christ as it was in the original Garden of Eden before Sin entered the world. Dan 7:14, Eze 38 and Rev 20:8 also describe this event when Creation is 7000 years old. Creation at this point is 5996 years by my count. Ready for WWIII? If not get ready, it’s coming; Mormon means “Gates of Hell” and “God of the Living Dead”; the Pale Horse “Death” precedes “Hell”. If you can’t hear Moroni’s Trumpet yet, you will.
11Q13 “Prince Melchisedek Scroll” was found in Cave 11 at Qumran “The day of Atonement shall follow the 10th Jubilee when he shall atone for all the Sons of Light, and the people pre-destined to Melchisedek”. Questions: 10th Jubilee from what? Who are the Sons of Light? Mitt Romney, a Mormon Melchisedek Priest has been told he is the “One, Mighty and Strong, bathed in Light” who will usher in the 2nd Coming; of Jesus Christ? folks, the name Jesus Christ was added to “Church of Latter Day Saints” long after Joseph Smith’s visitation by God, Jesus and the Angel Moroni.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been told his entire life his Divine Mission is to usher in the 12th occulted Imam “al-Mahdi” (He who rises) after the final battle of Good and Evil represented by Ahura Mazda “Sons of Light” and Ahriman “Sons of Darkness”. Sounds the same because they have the same Zoroastrian (Star Seed) root in Persia aka Iran “Noble Caste”.
Messianic Judaism is also waiting on the resurrection of King David and a Jewish Messiah; Benjamin Netanyahu sounded much like Ahmadinejad at the UN General Assembly because they serve the same Messiah “Lucifer”, as do Bahai, awaiting the persons of Bab and Baha’ u’ llah. Bab means Gate; Babylon means Gates of Lucifer aka On “Osiris” or Heliopolis; El “Elohim”; Allah; Sin or Marduk/Molech. Mormon means “Gates of Hell”. Theosophy aka “Thule Society” claims a transition from the 5th to 6th Root Race; 11 the 5th Prime Number and 13 the 6th. Rev 11 is a Heavenly view of the Great Tribulation; Rev 13 an Earthly view. is the Venus/Lucifer date on the Mayan Calendar corresponding to 12/21/2012. Who Rises? The Sun, through the X (Ecliptic and Galaxy centered on the central Black Hole aka Tula/Thule); When? 11:11UTC. Make sense yet?
Pope Leo X (10th) was proclaimed Pope 3/11/1513, the son of Black Nobility bankrupted the Vatican, razed and re-built St Peter’s Basilica and ushered in Jesuit “Militia of Zeus and Minerva” control of the Vatican under control of a Black Pope aka Jesuit General and whose initiates are sworn in on a Black Crucifix. 10 Jubilees later equates 1313 and 700 years after the Council of Vienne in 1312-1313 stripped Knights Templar assets and murdered Grandmaster Jacques de Molay 3/18/1313. Yes, I’m well aware most sources point to 1314, but the funeral of Jacques de Molay was actually held 3/11/1313 ie before his death. Strange? or part of the plan? “In 700 years the Laurel will grow green again”-Cathar prophecy.
Mitt Romney and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (nee Sabourjian “Cloth Weaver/Dyer”), both “Sons of Light” did not arrive at their respective pinnacles of power accidentally; both men worship Lucifer in the form of “Hilal”; the Mormon phrase “Pey Heylel” means “Marvelous Lucifer”; the Islamic Crescent also represents Lucifer. Notice the Flag (Ensign) of Iran is the Phoenix. “Root Race” refers to the Shabazz “Royal Falcon” Tribe; Malcolm X, a 330 Prince Hall Mason and convert to the Nation of Islam is the likely father of 320 Prince Hall Mason Barack “Lightning” Hussein “Handsome” Obama “He is with us” (in Farsi) aka Bari Malik Shabazz. Bari means Barque or Boat; Malik means Lord or Melek and the Falcon a symbol of the Son of Osiris “Horus”. “Yes We Can” is Langue d’ Oc meaning Language or Green, Yes, Oil and Birds. Put another way, the 33 yr old Green Revolution in Iran (Noble Caste) will “Inaugurate” the “Golden Age” in the Straits of Hormuz (Horus and Tammuz) when Oil shipments are cut off and America becomes “Desolate”. 330 Mason Henry Kissinger is the primary adviser to both Mitt Romney and Barack Obama said “Control Oil you control Nations. Control Food, you control People”. What he meant by that is hidden in the words Nation meaning “Goyim” and Islam meaning “To Submit”. Submit to who? Lucifer.
Put in 1 more way, the first world war in Gen 13 was against Chedorlaomer the King of Elam ie Persia/Iran in his 13th year. Elam was Shem’s eldest son, the “Root Race” if you will. Ever wonder why Syria will also be involved? Syria is Aram, Shem’s 5th Son. How about America? Asshur is Shem’s 2nd Son; Chicago (Obama) and Detroit (Romney) represent the 2 largest stronglholds of the Assyrian Church of the East ie Lucifer the Rising Sun in America, a nation named after the Edomite god Amurru, Canaanite god Amar and Priests of Ameru meaning “Serpent Priests”. Turkey just authorized War on Syria Oct 3, 2012; Why? Shem’s 4th son was Lud meaning Lydia which became Turkey. Now how about the Birds? 330 Mason Ben Franklin proposed the Turkey to be America’s National Bird. Why? Turkomen were called Saracens meaning “Empty of Sarah” or Hagarenes; today known as “Twelvers”.
11Q13 proposes “Prince Melchisedek” will return property to its rightful heirs after the 10th Jubilee. Who are the rightful heirs? For those who deny God’s active influence in world affairs and the Holy Ghost, the rightful heirs are 1st born sons: Elam (Iran), Joktan (Arabs), Haran (Abraham’s elder brother), Ishmael and Esau. Can you see why Lehi took the family of Ishmael with him according the Book of Mormon! For those who have a relationship with God, the rightful heirs are Arphaxad (Shem’s 3rd Son), Peleg (Archipelago means Land Separated by Water; Born Again Christians are separated from the physical world by Living Water ie Jesus Christ), Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Carried forward, King David’s eldest son Solomon revered by Gnostics and Freemasons replaces David’s 2nd son Nathan; notice which son is with King David after the 2nd Coming in Zech 12:12! Nathan not Solomon!
Finally, what does “Pre-destined” refer to? By the way, John Calvin (nee Cohen) and his TULIP (Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace and Fixed Pre-destination) doctrine used in Protestant Churches is a LIE; nobody is Pre-destined to Salvation anymore than others are Pre-destined to Damnation. One prayer of forgiveness to Jesus Christ takes care of that! Pre-destined here means “Bloodline”, a connection to Jesus Christ and 1st born “Sons of the Covenant” (B’Nai B’Rith) The problem is there isn’t one. The New Covenant is purely Spiritual. Mary and Jesus did not have children or escape the Crucifixion into Langue d’ Oc as the Cathars claimed. The mother does not impart a “Bloodline” to her child and Joseph was not married nor having relations with Mary when Jesus was “Conceived”. These are all Freemasonic Lies.
On October 3, 2012:
- Turkey authorized war on Syria giving Crypto/Marrano (Turkish “Donmeh” aka Sabbateans, Frankists or Kaballists) Recep Tayyip Erdogan license for 1 year to conduct War on Syria. Turkish artillery began shelling targets inside Syria immediately after the Parliament Vote. Erodogan, Assad and Ahmadinejad fill similar roles and have similar beliefs; Erodogan a descendant of Sephardic Satanists evicted from Spain during the Alhambra Decree on 9 Av 1492; Sephardics are not Jewish but they pretend to be Christian, Jewish or Islamic. Assad is Alawite, strict Arab Monotheists whose goal is Sharia Law. Ahmadinejad descends from Jews in Persian captivity who chose to remain, in the process they adopted Zoroastrian religion. All these men serve Lucifer.
- The US announced they will stand with Turkey. Why? Turkey is the central shipping point for the Afghanistan Heroin pipeline. Erodogan is a disciple of Fethullah Gulen a Heroin Billionaire living in the US. Chasing bin Laden was never the goal; setting up a Heroin pipeline was.
- Speaking with Charlie Rose, a Bohemian Grove initiate, Hillary Clinton and James Baker III (Bush Sr Sec of State) said “The slightest provocation will start war with Iran…let’s just get it done.” Hillary laughed at the prospect of an Iran War. Russia, China, Syria and North Korea all back Iran, as do 120+ Nations in the NAM (Non-aligned Movement) Some callous disregard for human life eh?
- Messianic fake “Jews” and Rabbis wearing religious attire and Kippah’s forcefully entered the Al Aqsa Mosque under Israeli military escort to proclaim the spot “Haram al-Sharif” meaning “Noble Sanctuary”. Folks, that is the “Sanctuary” Jesus “Cleanses” by fire at the 2nd Coming (ref Dan 8:14). Notice too, a man praying with his head covered violates 1 Cor 11:4; the Kippah aka Yarmulke or Zuchetto is the “Cap of Cybele”; it is not Jewish in any sense, nor is Herod’s “Wailing Wall”. Mitt Romney visited the wall, wearing his Kippah last month; Obama has done this many times. They are serving Edomite “Dominion” (ref Gen 27:39-41KJV)
- A symbolic decision in NY District Court by Judge George Daniels proclaimed Iran, al-Qaeda, Hezbollah and the Taliban guilty of 9/11/2001; a bit odd since he exonerated the entire Osama bin Laden family earlier; an uncollectable $6 Billion judgment was rendered for victims of 9/11. None of these entities has even a remote connection to 9/11, but it sure opens up a variety of fronts in the “War on Terror” eh?
On October 6, 2012
- Congress announced passage of HR 6566 “National Preparation for Mass Death”.
On October 9,2012
- NATO announced plans to defend Turkey and invoke Art 5 of the UN Charter calling on all NATO member nations to act as if the attack was on their home soil. The RF-4 shot down was over Syrian soil and the rockets used in the attack on Turkey are used by NATO and provided to the Free Syrian Army who are anything but Syrian.
- The CFR announced the US and Israel have war plans drawn up to surgically strike Iran. 2 squadrons of stealth F-22’s and hundred of Drones are in place for exactly that type of operation.
The 10th Jubilee may be here.
The 700 years is in fact, here. The anticipated Sign in the Heavens “Chi-Rho” on will soon be here and Comet ISON will become 15X brighter than a Full Moon by Nov 2012 (11th month 13th year? Cute eh?) 11Q13 Prince Melchisedek? Time will tell. What are you waiting for WWIII? That too is about here and 330 Mason/Confederate General Albert Pike told us it would be Zionism against Islam. Now go submit to Jesus Christ; it’s far easier than submitting to Sin “Lucifer” and the benefits last for Eternity!
Q33NY changes to 11Q13 changes to in Wingdings format. The Gospel of Q is the earliest Gnostic Scroll to proclaim Jesus was not God in Flesh. The Aircraft hitting the Twin Towers next to a Skull & Bones and Star of Moloch is pretty hard to dismiss. 2 folders becoming 1? Talmudic Rabbis have a Book of Life; the Babylonian god Nebo maintains the Book and decides who lives and who dies; Mormons claim the Ark of the Covenant is in Mt Nebo. One Tower is left; in NYC the “Freedom Tower”; It seems to me we have 2 choices; Declare our Freedom from God by seeking out the Tree of Knowledge or Submit to God. Just remember, Jesus, the Tree of Life has the real Book of Life in Heaven and only He can open the 7 Seals. He voluntarily allowed Himself to be Hung from the Tree; it’s time to stand up and be counted among those who will do the same!