The Holy Bible is God in written form.
There is only 1 Authorized Bible; all others are Gnostic facimilies; Gnosticism is the Satanic Alternative to Truth.
NIV 2011 Update: The Gender Neutral New International Version is out; Be careful! We are in a spiritual war and the 66 books of the Masoretic “KJV” Text is the Sword. Masoretic, Septuagint, Vulgate texts are not created equally. Compare Gen 27:40, Amos 7:2, Dan 9:24-27, Rev 11:8. These are a few of the key “Jots” (Greek Iota) that are changed. Folks, we are in the home stretch of a 6000 year battle, use the right weapon! Comparisons of the Septuagint can be found at and the 2011 NIV at
The “Word of God” is a 7000 year history of Creation written before Creation. The Word is God in written form, set in stone (unchangeable) since Creation. “Inspired Texts” were transmitted by God thorugh the Holy Ghost to Man (OT Scribes; NT Apostles). The Word is Father (Spirit), Son (Physical witness) and Holy Ghost as 1 John 5:7KJV states. God delivered His Word to Holy men moved by the Holy Ghost; there are no errors in the Word. The Authorized Bible (KJV) was translated into English from these Masoretic “Traditional” Texts; it is often in opposition to the words used in Newer Versions created by Gnostics BF Westcott and FJA Hort from un-inspired “Alexandrian” texts. 1st Un-inspired text was the Septuigint “LXX” and Apocrapha “Hidden Texts”; these were then used by Essenes in Qumram who wrote the “Dead Sea Scrolls”, the Theraputae (eg Philo, Origen) at the Alexandrian Library to write the “Nag Hamadi Scrolls”. The 5th century Aramaean “Syriac Peshitta” was then used to translate Daniel’s “70 weeks” as Weeks of Years, Daniel’s “2300 Days” as years or as fulfilled during the Inter-testament Period and “Gog and Magog” as a gathering of nations around Israel prior to the 2nd Coming and God’s restoration of Jacob. The Talmud and Zohar then sprang from Gnostics (Galatians in Turkey); they are not “Inspired” words of God. Syrian means Aramaean, Shem’s 5th son, the Syriac Peshitta changes Gog and Magog to China and Mongolia, to facilitate WWIII being confused with the end of Millennium gathering “Gog and Magog”. This is the essence of Chiliasm and Amillennialism, a culmination of the “Great Work”.
The Authorized Bible was completed in 1611; 400 years later in 2011 the gender neutral International Version will be released; let them explain that to God; get the Authorized Bible.
God’s Creation took 7 Days; Man was Created on Day 6 and at 6000 years, Jesus as a Man will return for the Millennium, 1000 years of Peace. Jesus was Crucified Wednesday, spent Thursday, Friday and Saturday in the Earth and rose first light Sunday=3 1/2 days. An Alternative Messiah will assume the Throne of Jerusalem in a rebuilt Temple 3 1/2 years before the 2nd Coming to begin the Great Tribulation. When reading Books of Prophecy such as Revelation or Daniel, or parts of books dealing with future events such as Ezekiel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Obadiah, Zechariah, Malachi etc it is necessary to do so: 1. In a 7000 year context. 2. Take a literal reading and meaning of Authorized Scripture. 3. Understand there are Spiritual and Physical meanings to most everything in the Word.
Let the Holy Ghost guide you through the book as it was written by ordinary men, moved by the same Holy Ghost we have access to today. There is absolutely no need for Congregations or Synagogues, Priests or Rabbis to interpret anything in scripture.
The KJV has and will in the future take the brunt of criticism as being a Masonic Bible, the private work of King James I, having been altered by Francis Bacon’s Rosicrucian “Knights of the Golden Helmet” or a document written in King’s English. This is a bold faced lie; it is the Authorized Word of God, the primary physical Witness of God and the Holy Ghost in written form.
Revelation is the Testimony of Jesus Christ; Alpha and Omega; Beginning and End. 7 Seals, 7 Trumpets, 7 Vials. 7 Seals release restraint on evil, Seal God’s followers and end when the Great Tribulation begins. This matches the “Dominion” in Gen 27:41 and Dan 7:6. 7 Trumpets last 42 months; the 5th Satan is cast to Earth is 5 months, the 6th is 13 months, millions of people gather to battle God. 7 Vials last 1 24 hour day; the 7th Trumpet is the Trump of God and body resurrection. 1000 years later “Gog and Magog” brings the final rebellion and Dominion in Dan 7:14. No pre-Trib Rapture, no 7 year Tribulation. Don’t make this complicated; it was never meant to be that way.
Revelation Diagram in Word format
Revelation Diagram: Dan 8 ends the 8th and Covenant between Man and God through War on Hwy 8 and acceptance of an Alternative Messiah, the Leopard in Dan 7:6. Heaven and the Lamb’s Book of Life will be Sealed and Heaven will close (Rev 6:14) via the “Covenant with Many” (Dan 9:27). 9/10/2010
KJV Talking Points in Word format
KJV Talking Points: Dan 2:39 “Brass” changed to “Bronze”; Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages are Gnostic Lies; Gold, Silver, Brass, Clay/Iron are the ages and the Age of Grace is Brass; Alexander the Great did not fill the Bronze Age. 9/21/2010
Daniel2 in Word format
Daniel 2: Nebuchadnezzar’s idol of Gold, Silver, Brass, Iron and Iron mixed with Clay is destroyed by Jesus Christ, the Stone cut without hands. The Brass Kingdom achieves rule over the earth; That did not happen in the Bronze Age; Brass(KJV) is not Bronze, the word used in new bible versions. 9/23/2010
Daniel7 in Word format
Daniel 7: This prophecy of 4 “Beast” Kingdoms covers 7000 years including the Millennium which corresponds to God’s rest on the 7th Day. Pre-flood; Flood to Crucifixion; Crucifixion to 2nd Coming; Millennium. Gog and Magog, Judgment Seat, Restoration of Israel are Millennium Events that cannot be fulfilled now. Material added to previous posting 1/23/2008
2300 Days in Word format
Daniel 8 says 2300 days of Daily Sacrifice ending when the sanctuary is cleansed; I doubt the cleansing will be with a broom. 10/15/2008
Daniel 9 Days in Word format
Daniel 9:24-27: “70 Weeks” to bring an end to sin. If this happened during the years between the Persian Empire and birth of Jesus Christ there is no need for concern. If there is still sin in the world, you may want to re-read the words of this prophecy as Daniel wrote them rather than accepting someone’s “Private Interpretation”. Timeline Diagram added to previous posting. 2/2/2009
Authorized Bible in Word format
Authorized Bible “Received Bible” (KJV) was received by Man via the Holy Ghost and Authorized by God. Denying its accuracy is rejection of the Holy Ghost.
Seventy Weeks in Word format
Dan 9:24 “70 Weeks”: The source of interpreting 70 weeks as 490 years rather than 490 days is in the Syriac Peshitta (Aramaean Bible). Billy Graham and Joel Osteen are pushing the New Living Bible, the first supposed Greek (Western) bible to actually change scripture to reflect this lie. Original article Dan 9:24 is still posted. 4/22/2009
2300 Days (May Update) in Word format
2300 Days: 7 Yr Tribulation, Rapture and a Peace Treaty in Jerusalem are Aramaean (Syrian) Myth. The last 2300 days begin with “Daily Sacrifice” and it’s not going to be animals. 5/13/2009 Original article is still posted; this has Syriac Peshitta information.
Red Sea in Word format
Red Sea: An Edomite Gauntlet from Egypt to Saudi Arabia where Sharia and Noahide Law proscribes the Death Penalty for Christians. It’s the only way to Jerusalem which is now in Heaven and the only Judge is Jesus Christ. 12/1/2009
Red Sea Crossing in Word format
Red Sea Crossing: Mt Sinai is in Arabia, not Egypt. Red Sea does not mean Reed Sea; that one is in De Nile. The book is called Exodus and God wasn’t kidding. 5/30/2008
Witness in Word format
Witness: Jeger-sahadutha “Chaldean Witness” or Galeed “Unseen Witness” aka Holy Ghost. Word: Authorized Bible or New Bible Versions or Septuigint, Dead Sea Scrolls, Nag Hamadi Scrolls or Syriac Peshitta. You had better choose wisely. This article focuses on Syriac Peshitta vs KJV updated frequently last additions, ESau’s Dominion vs if Esau Repents, Easter vs Passover and virgin acquired for a price vs virgin espoused. This is a big deal. 4/9/2009
Romans 13 in Word format
Romans 13: Justification to kill is not ordained by God
Joel in Word format
Joel: The great and terrible day of the LORD occurs after Judah is held captive in Jerusalem and Jesus Christ is with them. That’s 1000 years after the 2nd Coming but Charismatic and Pentescostal Ministers are teaching it happens now. This is what Sarah Palin is taught. 9/21/2008
Millennial Temple or Throne of Antichrist? in Word format
The Millennial Temple will be God’s home. Is this the 3rd Temple?