[frame_right][/frame_right]The Tunguska, Siberia explosion of 1908 was a test conducted by Nikola Tesla, not a Meteorite impact. Four fire balls were seen in Japan, Russia, Cuba and San Francisco on the Ides of February “Lupercalia” and in South Florida, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, UK and Timor on 2/17-18. What were they? In my opinion, Tesla weapons, not Meteorites. What about “God’s Rods” aka “Oribital Kinetic Bombardment”? These have been a bastion of Sci Fi for 50 years in books/shows such as Orphanage, David’s Sling, Babylon 5: Mass Drivers, Mass Effect 2, The Moon is a harsh mistress, Night’s Dawn, Thor’s Sky Hammer and GI Joe Retaliation. High Kinetic Energy is obtained by accelerating Mass (eg Tungsten or Uranium) to Orbital velocity and using them for Bunker/Tunnel busting; Expensive; Not the least bit Anonymous; Deadly to the environment and wholly unnecessary with Tesla based weaponry which solves all of those problems. Orbitting platforms (Satellites) are sitting ducks for Tesla weapons (eg Challenger and Columbia) and capable of being used on the nation launching them; for me I discount these type weapons. The point is Man has the ability to create simulated Meteorites, Plasma Shells and Fire Balls at will and all quite anonymously. Why now? My best guess is we are approaching the 7 Trumpet Warnings of Rev 8 and the start of “Great Tribulation”. We are not at Rev 9:11 nor the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ!
Six weeks after Yule and 6 weeks before Spring Equinox is “Imbolg” (Feb 2). 3/20 is also the Iranian “New Dawn” called “Nowruz”. Iran means “Noble Caste”, they used the date to conclude the 10 day “Dawn Ceremonies” by unveiling their new Stealth Fighter Q-313. Folks, I’m sorry if this is too blunt, but the Q-313 is BS! First, the world was treated to a plastic model of the RQ-170 Stealth Drone which Iran claimed to shoot down; since that bald faced lie seemed to work, why not a fiberglass/Plexiglas model of an “Indigenous” Iranian Fighter. Google this Masonic joke (Ayatollah Kameini is a Grand Orient Lodge Freemason) and you will see the whole thing is a Hoax on par with Sandy Hook. So what is the Q-313?
Q “Qaher” means “Dominant” or “Conquer”. On 3/13, 624 AD Islam’s first battle against followers of Jesus Christ was held. Perhaps not coincidentally, 3/13/2013 is the day the “Red Heifer” would be slaughtered to “Consecrate” the cornerstone for the 3rd Temple; whether this happens remains to be seen. Q also refers to Quelle meaning “Source”. The Gnostic Scroll of “Q” is the first ie oldest manuscript declaring Jesus Christ was not “God in Flesh”. The first of 313 ! in the Authorized Bible concerns Abraham’s plea for Ishmael to accept God’s plan; he did not; the last of 313 ! describes the fall of Babylon (Gate of the gods; ie “al-Mahdi”). Ismaelis are called “Hagarenes” or “Shia Twelvers” who await the arrival of the false messiah “al-Mahdi”. Shia “Twelvers” (called “Crazies” by many in the Islamic faith because Islam was never about a Messiah) believe when there are 313 sincere followers of Shia (Messianic) Islam , the occulted 12th Imam “Al-Mahdi” will be revealed. Folks, “al-Mahdi” is the Alternative Messiah aka Man of Sin. If you are not ready for him, get ready!
Galations 4 explains Hagar is Agar or Mt Sinai, the mount of Laws; physical Jerusalem is in “bondage” to this Law until the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ. Are you catching the significance of “Wilderness of Sin”, the “Wilderness Goat” in I Pet Goat II and the Arabian mountain “Jebel al Laws” aka Mt Sinai yet? Why now?
Thirty three years ago the Iranian “Green Revolution” (Green Man is Bacchus, Dionysus, Zeus etc) brought Shia Ismaelis to power in Iran (Iran means Aryan “Noble Caste”); Gnostic Cathars predicted in 700 years, the laurel will grow green again, that being the 1313 Council of Vienne. 3/13/2013 is 2 Nisan aka “Red Heifer” Day; at the Super Bowl, Beyonce gave the “Kohanim Hands” Priest Benediction; just a guess, but it seems Iran has just given its symbolic blessing. The Red Heifer will eventually be sacrificed and its ashes used to consecrate the Kohanim and install the Cornerstone for a rebuilt 3rd Temple in Jerusalem; think Iran wants this? al-Quds or Quds Force is Jerusalem Force; you bet they do, just like Israel, Britain and the US Government. British derives from B’Rith meaning “Covenant Men”. Of who? Ishmael and Esau!
3/20/13 Spring Equinox, Ostara, Nowruz; a new Archbishop of Canterbury in Communion with every pagan religion on earth will be enthroned as the head of the Anglican Church. An Oil Executive who knows the Stone of Scone myth and that British Petroleum is and always will be the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company. Is is coincidence their largest refinery is on Abadan Is (Abadon means Destroyer)?
The last Roman Catholic Pope according to St Malachy will be the next and will be elected in Conclave during March. On 3/21 the Serpent will descend the Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent at Chichen Itza; Good time to begin the Great Tribulation? We will soon see, but one thing is certain, when Jesus returns, it will be at Feast of Tabernacles; His original Birthday and only Millennial Holy Day (ref Luke 1; Zech 14:8) Is it coincidence Mercedes highlighted 3/20/13 and 9/20/13? Ahead of the April 2013 “Carrington Event”? Comet ISON at Christmas 2013? Project 911 completion by Christmas 2014? 4 consecutive Lunar eclipses on Passover and Tabernacles and 2 Solar eclipses at 1 Abib and 1 Tishrei? I would’t bet on all this being coincidence!
I want to be perfectly clear here: Barack Obama is not the Alternative Messiah, nor will the next Roman Catholic Pope be. There are no Nephillim (Hybrid Race) on Earth. There are no Aliens. There will be no Rapture; only a body translation of Born Again Christians at the Last Trump (2nd Coming). America and the Roman Catholic Church are on the verge of destruction and an Alternative Messiah is on the verge of being Revealed. “All War is Deception” and folks, we are in a spiritual war of epic proportion. The only defense is to put on the “Armor of God”.
Mardi Gras (Carnivale/Fat Tuesday) begins 40 days honoring/weeping for “Tammuz”. Pretty telling when Carnival “Triumph” lost power eh? Pope Benedict XVI announced his resignation effective Feb 28 on Mardi Gras; fittingly, a lightning bolt hit the Dome of St Peter’s Basilica Twice. On 2/23 “Purim”, Pope Benedict (Nazi Youth, John Ratzinger) will meet with Italian President Giorgio Napilotano seeking immunity from prosecution. St Malachy predicted Rome would burn when Pope #112 is elected. Why Purim? Pur means “Cast the Horoscope” or “Lots” for Marduk; Gulf War I ended on Purim and Gulf War II began on Purim. Likely Ratzinger will become a fugitive from International Law in exile at the Vatican (Vatis=Divine; Can=Serpent). An Diplomatic letter detailing an impending arrest warrant has been issued by the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State in Brussels; no suprise, it was created by the Club of Rome and a replica of the “Tower of Babel”; ever heard of the Beast Computer? It’s there too.
The letter was sent to Vatican Sec of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone. A Commercial Lien has also been placed on Roman Catholic Church property and wealth. The Vatican Bank will now be headed by Nazi banker/U-boat manufacturer and current Knight of Malta Ernst von Freyberg. Freyberg founded Daiwa Corporate Advisors; famous as Daiwa Securities, the finance managment firm of 330 Freemason and Japanese Emperor Hirohito; you may recall Barack Obama bowing to his son a few months prior to the intentional Fukushima Nuclear disaster. Eventually, Fukushima will cause a mass exodus of Japan. Akihito is a member of Queen Elizabeth’s Royal “Order of the Garter”, essentially 24 modern day “Knights of the Round Table” attempting to control the world’s resource wealth. Why now?
Knights of Malta intend to re-acquire the illegally confiscated assets of the Knights Templar 700 years ago at the Council of Vienne. “In 700 years, the Laurel will grow green again” Cathar prophecy. Want another prophecy for 2013?
Lightning hit the rebuilt Basilica Twice; the Basilica commissioned by Pope Leo X after the Vatican coffers were bankrupted exactly 10 Jubilees ago. Why now? The Gnostic “Prince Melchisedek Scroll” predicts the arrival of Prince Melchisedek after 10 Jubilees; what a coincidence the son of Leo the Magnificent was elected in March 1513 some 10 Jubilees after the X (Greek Chi=Christ=Messiah) formed in the Heavens on 12/21/2012 and 700 years after the assets of the Knights Templar were seized eh? How about another warning?
A Tesla Howitzer caused the Tunguska explosion in Siberia in June, 1908, not a Meteorite. Nikola Tesla was developing a ” Wireless Torpedo” capable of creating 100’s of Millions of Volts pressure with a current of 1000’s of Amps, releasable at the Speed of Light; basically, a Radio Wave delivered Nuclear size detonation. Electric Fireballs, Spherical Plasmoids (these are used to create intricate “Crop Circles”) and Ball Lightning were all demonstrated. I do not buy the Meteorite explanation for the fireballs seen in San Francisco, Cuba, Russia and Japan on the “Ides of February”. Russian divers found no evidence of Meteor fragments at the site; no surprise, the perfectly round hole in the Russian Ice near Kazakhstan (Astana is a primary New World Order City) could not have been caused by a Meteorite. Valentine’s Day is a Gnostic “Day of the Wolf” (Lupercalia) stranger than any other on the Pagan calendar. Take a look at Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s Q-313 Stealth Fighter (it’s a fake model), noting its striking similarity to a Romulum “Bird of Prey” and then research Feb 13-15 “Lupercalia”, the celebration of Remus and Romulus being suckled by a she-wolf in the Lupercal; all this is significant. Julius Caesar was murdered by the Senate on the Ides of March, 1 month after rejecting the “Laurel Diadem” on Lupercalia. Now go back and look at Michelle Obama’s “Black Widow” Dress worn on Election Night in Illinois on the same spot Abraham Lincoln was elected.
Benedict means “Blessing” of what? XVI (16). 16 Cauldrons of oil lit the 2nd Temple on Festival of Lights/Hanukkah; Rev 16 lists the 7 Vials of God’s Wrath to be poured out on the Desolate on the final day before the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ. The Scapegoat (falsification) for Rev 18 will be the destruction of the USA; the Scapegoat for Rev 17 will be the destruction of the Roman Catholic Church. If you aren’t ready for this, get ready by establishing a relationship with Jesus Christ.
In 1143, Irish Gnostic “St” Malachy predicted 112 Popes remained from the election of Pope Celestine II until “Rome, the seat of the Vatican, will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people”; Pope Benedict “Olive’s glory” is #111. Benedictines aka Olivetans know and have planned for this; March=Mars the Roman god of War and “UNKNOWN GOD” of the Areopagus (Mars’ Hill) Paul described in Acts; his idol is either a Lion (Leo=Lion) or a Rooster (Cock) heralding “Dawn” ie Eos or Lucifer. Enough warnings? No, here is another.
Pope #112 will be “Peter the Roman” presiding over the destruction of Rome. Peter means “Small Stone”; the Roman Catholic Church was built on the ministry of Peter not Jesus Christ. Roman is derived from Romani Gypsies who built the original Tower of Babel, coming from the east to Babylon; in Persia they were called Medeans who espouse Zoroastrian religion; their New Year is 3/20 “Nowruz” meaning “New Light” or Lucifer once again. Need more?
700 years ago, the Roman Catholic Council of Vienne stripped Knights Templars (Cathar Military/Bankers) of their property; they predicted “In 700 years, the Laurel will grow green again”. Let’s be clear here, Lucifer is the Devil and Satan. Prince Melchizedek will be the Alternative Messiah, not Jesus Christ. The Laurel? The crown of Bacchus/Dionysus.
The US will fall and be declared “Economic Babylon” of Rev 18; Folks, the US is not Rev 18 “Babylon”; it is the Scapegoat. Obama is ineligible to be President and the results of the Supreme Court hearing on the matter will be released 2/19/13. I wouldn’t expect anything earth shattering as rarely do these decisions result in a full court trial; I would expect the International Community to become involved much as they are with the Roman Catholic Church. Debt, Immigration, Drone Wars and Constitution destruction will lead the world to believe the US is “Babylon” and the Roman Catholic Church is “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT”. Why? The Alternative Messiah must appear as though he is Jesus Christ.
There are way too many symbolic events happening to stand by as a spectator. Get to you “Prayer Closet” (Anywhere) and accept Jesus Christ as Lord, Savior and Judge.
HR—the pin on the New York-ish area of the map may indicate financial collapse as you have speculated. Notice “markets plunge” across the character’s eyes @ 3:00.
Also notice the subtle plumes of smoke coming out of the twin towers as the collapse, hinting at controlled demolition.
Also notice how this entire video takes place during the winter. If they’re going to do something, it may be soon.