Thor is the Norse god of storms so Hitler’s Storm Troopers (Thor’s Army) gave way to the SS or “Swarze Sonne”. Complete with the Cross of St George (Maltese/ Prussian, Templar, Hospitaller, Greek, Iron Cross), Swastika, double headed phoenix, and a single chevron “V”, these soldiers were Knights of the Black Sun. First, the Swastika was not his invention. For 3000 years, it has gone by the name of the Hindu Sun Wheel, Good Luck Cross of Jaina (John the Baptist), Hammer of Thor, and Broken Jew, only Hitler’s swastika was drawn in reverse of the Hindu symbol. Second, the chevron is also quite old. For occultists, “As above, so below” is a dictum they actually believe, so the “V” has many meanings. For them, Heaven is created inside the earth as well as in the stars when neither are the case. For them, the earth is essentially alive as a female deity called “Gaia”. This underworld or “Womb of Gaia” is the realm of St George, the Biblical Beast from the Earth who accompanies Antichrist. The “V” represents the square to Freemasons, who build their Temples along Gaia’s magnetic Ley Lines. The “V” also represents the female side of god which they call “Shekina”, thus Adam came to earth as a divine spark called Adam Kadmon and essentially became a woman (the Black Virgin) to begin humanity with the divine child (Horus, Tammuz, etc.). This is of course false because the Bible is very specific that Shekina is God’s glory which was removed from the Jewish Temple twice before as it was defiled by King Zedekiah and then by the Pharisees, and Adam was made in the likeness and image of God, not a God himself. Eve was then made in the image of Adam so that humanity could begin. Sorry, there never were any monkey/humans, just one race of man who continually kills itself off when they listen to the Black Sun rather than God. Third, Jaina is really John the Baptist whom the Romans knew as Janus. His symbol is the old mentor back to back with his protégé just like the movie Back to the Future or the double headed phoenix symbol used by the Roman Legions, Napoleon, Prussian soldiers, Hitler, Hillary Clinton and many more. Perhaps beginning in Ethiopia, Black Virgin Statues began to appear throughout Europe, carried there by barbarian hordes and the Knights Templar, but who exactly is the Black Virgin and who is her divine offspring the Black Sun? Note: Antichrist will be revealed at adult age, not birthed, and Black Virgin statues are always shown presenting her male offspring, not birthing him.
Phoenician merchants taught the Mayans to sacrifice virgins and thousands of others to the rising Sun god whom they called Quetzalcoatl and/or Kulkulkan. The KKK stands for the 11th letter times 3 because 11 is the number of Antichrist in Kabbalah, and he is a Trinity which copies Jesus Christ’s age at crucifixion, 33. Kulkulkan not only made it to America but into Scotland as well as the Society of the Horseman’s Word (the forerunner of the KKK), whom the world knows today as St George the dragon slayer, and consort of the mother goddess, Gaia. Is that clear? I didn’t think so. The 6th Sun is black not because he is from Africa, but because he is exactly opposite of Jesus Christ. John the Baptist was born 6 months ahead of Jesus, hence occultists use him to hide their Black Sun. Characteristics of his followers include pedophilia, pederasty, homosexuality, effeminate behavior, habitual lying, oath swearing, stealing and having no regard for laws which they write for the masses and disregard themselves. St George can be seen at Westminster Abbey or the UN stepping on the dragon or at Hayne’s Point Park in Washington DC, where he is trying to climb out of the earth. That’s the below part, now for the above part.
The Bible says there will be signs in the moon and stars, earthquakes, natural disasters and the like which are essentially delivery “Birth Pains” or Gaia’s contractions, but are they actions from God? NO. I may be wrong, but I want to be very clear because by exposing my material to everyone, I will be held accountable for its accuracy and possibly your reaction to it. My read on scripture says God gets involved only when hope and free will are gone, or when his chosen people are in serious jeopardy, and you can become “chosen” right now, with one prayer!! Noah’s flood was God’s judgment of an entire world (save for eight people) that had gone astray in fornication with demons and violence. Sodom & Gomorrah were destroyed because everyone there was homosexual or incestuous. Santorini Greece was destroyed in 1491 BC because the Hyksos had turned Egypt against the Israelites and turned the entire island of Thera into a brothel worshipping a goddess. The Greeks later renamed the island Santorini or St Irene, another Black Virgin. If God hadn’t provided an escape route for the Israelites across the Red Sea in 1492 BC they would have been blamed for the Semitic Hyksos doctrine (war and human sacrifice) and killed, thus God’s promise to Abraham was in jeopardy. Now let’s fast forward to the Tribulation.
Apocalypse means “To Reveal” not punish. Tribulation only refers to a trying time, not judgment so don’t blame God for the signs of the times, blame followers of the Black Virgin using Scalar Electro-Magnetic weapons. God will become involved only when hope is gone and His home on earth is defiled. That’s the beginning of the Great Tribulation, a time marked by a statue of Antichrist set up in the 3rd Jewish Temple and everyone on earth either dead or wearing a Mark of the Beast. Sorry folks, no Rapture yet! Jesus died for you, so you probably will for Him.
Black Virgin worshippers have written their plans in stone at the North Georgia Guidestones. “Geo” means earth, so guess who Georgia is? The Black Virgin who’s consort is St George, the patron saint of all knights, that’s who. The UN Biodiversity Treaty and UNESCO’s re-wilding program calls for the elimination of 5 billion people from the earth, a return to an agrarian economy, no motorized transportation and vast areas of wilderness separating small controllable cities of less than 20,000 people. In the movie The Matrix, humans were described by the “Agent” as a virus, and that’s exactly what Robert Malthus said in the late 1700’s to encourage his Malthusian population control measures using war, and what “Sea Shepherd” founder Paul Watson says we are. Protein stains are best removed by using protein and paint thinned with thin paint, so the best way to kill human viruses is not war, but with a virus. Their plan is so out in the open, it’s alarming. New Age enthusiast Ruth Montgomery wrote Herald of the New Age and The World Before by automatic writing when she was under the influence of spirit guides. Here’s how her spirit guides envision the scenario: World famine, followed by a global war, then a shift of the earth’s axis brings global upheaval, followed by a world leader who is thereafter exposed as the Biblical Antichrist and removed from power which then paves the way for a global 1000 year era of peace. This is the most alarming thing I have ever read, but first let’s look at the timing, and the “V” again.
Phoenicians left the Mayans a calendar over 1000 years ago which describes the end of this age occurring on Dec 21st 2012. This is certainly not God’s timing, but it’s what spirit guides were striving for nonetheless. Dec 21st is the solstice today, but in another hundred years or so, it won’t be. What signs in the Heavens could occultists use to usher in the New Age? Hopi Indian prophecy foretold a grand planetary alignment on May 5th 2000. They probably got this information from Phoenician and/or Celtic and Iberian merchants as well, but that’s what “Cinco de Mayo” represents anyway, not Mexican Independence. The 5th and 6th planets are Jupiter and Saturn. Remember, the Nazi swastika was drawn backwards so it’s not surprising that NASA launched the Cassini space probe with 72 lbs (Jewish Sanhedrin has 70 judges plus Antichrist and False Prophet) of fissionable Plutonium-238 at the 6th planet, Saturn with the intent to end its mission in 2008. If Cassini collapses in the atmosphere, a nuclear fission explosion could initiate a fusion explosion of Saturn’s atmosphere, lighting up the night sky as never before. It doesn’t take a genius to see Saturn is named after Satan, and most people know Antichrist will be incarnated by Satan, so let’s look at the possible 2008 timing of Saturn’s explosion. In 2008, travel into the US by land, sea or air will be restricted and require a passport beginning on Jan 1. A solar eclipse of North and South America will occur on Feb 7th . A lunar eclipse of North and South America will occur on Feb 21st . Rastafarians anticipate the 33 year old resurrection of Ethiopian leader Haile Selassi on Passover in April. Israel will celebrate it’s 60th year of existence on May 8th . Cassini is scheduled to end its mission on May 12th . The movie Dark Knight will be released on July 18th . The Space Shuttle Atlantis (Francis Bacon said America was the New Atlantis) will make its final flight on Sept 11th (nice date eh?). The UN “International Day of Peace” will occur in Sept 21st . The movie Star Trek XI will be released on Dec 25th . “11”, are you kidding me? I wonder what this alien will look like? Let’s ask Leonard Nimoy, he’s an avid Kabbalist! Verify these dates at Wikipedia.
Now look at Jupiter, the King Star. Jupiter’s largest moon, Ganymede was named after the myth about a son of the King of Troy whom the Atlantean god Zeus took to Mt Olympus for a little man on boy time. For this reason, Jupiter, Jove and Ganymede often refer to the mentor based, pederastic lifestyles of the Spartans, Trojans, Theban and Greeks. Galileo used the telescope to view moons orbiting Jupiter, concluding with the later help of Isaac Newton, they were held there by the force gravity. According to expansion theories of matter, just its relative size can account for this interaction, but the age of gravity as a force of nature was born nonetheless by a Grandmaster of the Prieure of Zion. The Galileo spacecraft was launched in 1989 by the Space Shuttle Atlantis for a rendezvous with Jupiter with a similar nuclear payload that exploded spectacularly in 2003. A test? If so, how might an explosion on Saturn be viewed in conjunction with some of the other events in 2008? Remember, these signs won’t necessarily be created by God, so be careful laying blame on Him. Now let’s look at the “V” one last time.
The movie V for Vendetta portrayed a resurrected Guy Fawkes’ attempt at setting fire to the British Parliament in order to blame the Catholic Church. The Knight’s Templar were arrested in 1307 by Pope Clement V, thus the transition from the 5th Sun to the 6th Sun will essentially be revenge. Watch out for this stage show, because one Antichrist (possibly a Catholic Pope) will be replaced by a man of peace, and as Daniel told us, by peace, this man shall destroy wonderfully. Other things to note about this deception will be the destruction of America. Oh, it’s coming alright, but in my opinion, America is not Babylon, nor is Iraq. Babylon refers to an entire world system of beast worship called Black Magick or Kabbalah. The whore of Babylon is not the Catholic Church. A whore maybe, but no worse than the Protestant Church or Islam. There’s a special blessing promised to people who read the book of Revelation, why not take Jesus up on His offer. Disregard everything I’m saying, but read His book. The time to figure this out is now, not when a tsunami hits New York, the Yellowstone Caldera explodes, a magnitude 9 earthquake hits the west coast or Atlantis makes its final flight. No matter what it looks like or how many theologians say “There He is”, remember what Jesus said in Mat 24:24-26 “there shall arise false Christs and false prophets…believe it not.” Jesus is not coming to bring peace. That was 2000 years ago. Here’s what Jesus will look like when He comes the 2nd time.
He will have eyes of flames and be wearing a robe dipped in the blood of His followers who will all be behind Him. He will wear a sign that nobody on earth will know called “The Word of God”. Christians are not paving the way for Jesus. Zionists are paving the way for Antichrist. Jesus is coming to save the world from destruction, because Satan is convincing us to do exactly that. The grass is always greener, and humans have always taken it by force. Notice too that “Man” was made in God’s image and likeness, not Human. “Hu” was the Celtic/Druid version of god, and humanists have long written that humans are merely more highly evolved animals. Illuminati literally means “Enlightened Humanity”. These are the self appointed leaders of the New Age who have advanced farthest. For them, death is only a change to a higher state of being. Their religion is evolution, but evolution is the exact opposite of God’s world which since the beginning a mere 6000 years ago, has been designed to illustrate the need for a Saviour. Ignorance is fine up to the age of accountability, which for Israelites was 21, but ignorance will be no excuse if you show up for your interview with the Creator of the Universe wearing a Mark of the Beast in your right hand or forehead. Interestingly, the date for implementation of the National “Real ID Act” was scheduled for May 2008, but has been pushed back to 2009. Mayans put the end at Dec 21st 2012 and the Great Tribulation lasts 1260 days (3 ½ years). Any correlation here? Nope sorry for the interruption!