[frame_right][/frame_right]As Mardi Gras (Carnivale/Fat Tuesday) begins 40 days honoring/weeping for “Tammuz”, Pope Benedict XVI announced his resignation effective Feb 28; fittingly, a lightning bolt hit the Dome of St Peter’s Basilica as he did. This is the rebuilt Basilica commissioned by Pope Leo X after the Vatican coffers were bankrupted some 10 Jubilees ago. Why now? The Gnostic “Prince Melchisedek Scroll” predicts the arrival of Prince Melchisedek after 10 Jubilees; what a coincidence the son of Leo the Magnificent was elected in March 1513 some 10 Jubilees after the X (Greek Chi=Christ=Messiah) formed in the Heavens on 12/21/2012 and 700 years after the assets of the Knights Templar were siezed eh?
Benedict means “Blessing” of what? XVI (16). 16 Cauldrons of oil lit the 2nd Temple on Festival of Lights/Hanukkah; Rev 16 lists the 7 Vials of God’s Wrath to be poured out on the Desolate on the final day before the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ. The Scapegoat (falsification) for Rev 18 will be the destruction of the USA; the Scapegpat for Rev 17 will be the destruction of the Roman Catholic Church. If you aren’t ready for this, get ready by establiching a relationship with Jesus Christ.
In 1143, Irish Gnostic “St” Malachy predicted 112 Popes remained from the election of Pope Celestine II until “Rome, the seat of the Vatican, will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people”; Pope Benedict “Olive’s glory” is #111. Benedictines aka Olivetans know and have planned for this; March=Mars the Roman god of War and “UNKNOWN GOD” of the Areopagus (Mars’ Hill) Paul described in Acts; his idol is either a Lion (Leo=Lion) or a Rooster (Cock) heralding “Dawn” ie Eos or Lucifer.
Pope #112 will be “Peter the Roman”; Peter means “Small Stone”; Roman is derived from Romani Gypsies who built the original Tower of Babel, coming from the east to Babylon; in Persia they were called Medeans who espouse Zoroastrian religion; their New Year is 3/20 “Nowruz” meaning “New Light” or Lucifer once again. Need more?
Seven hundred years ago, the Roman Catholic Council of Vienne stripped Knights Templars (Cathar Military/Bankers) of their property; they predicted “In 700 years, the Laurel will grow green again”. Let’s be clear here, Lucifer is the Devil and Satan. Prince Melchisdek will be the Alternative Messiah, not Jesus Christ. The Laurel? The crown of Bacchus/Dionysus.
There are way too many symbolic events happening to stand by as a spectator. Get to you “Prayer Closet” (Anywhere) and accept Jesus Christ as Lord, Savior and Judge.
Rev 16 describes 7 Vials of God’s Wrath pured out on the Desolate in 1 day. Rev 17 describes who is destroyed with this Wrath as MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT,THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. The RCC was set up in 325 AD to become the Scapegoat for this SPIRITUAL entity.
Rev 18 describes a physical entity “Babylon” meaning “Gate of the gods”. America is a Masonic creation designed to falsely fill this role; both in order that an Alternative Messiah can be presented to the world; one that will falsely fill Jesus’ role in Rev 19.
Does that help? Just remember, we have not seen the Alternative Messiah “Revealed” yet, nor the 2 Witnesses, Red Heifer, False Prophet , Wormwood or the release of 200 Million Demons at Rev 9:11. Those events will be pretty hard to miss
If the RCC and America are the scapegoats for Revelation 17/18, who or what are those two chapters describing?
Sorry for the typos, I can’t see the writing very well before it gets posted
Apparently, a Commercial Lien on Roman Catholic Church property and assets has been issued by an International Tribunal.
Pope Benedict will meet with the Italian President on Purim to seek immunity from prosecution
The new Vatican Bank President ernst von Freyberg is a Knight of Malta and Nazi financier who also is tied in with the Japanese Emperor..
All this isi happening 700 years after Licet Pridem and the Council of Vienne illegally stole Knight Templar assets and exactly 10 Jubilees after Pope Leo X became the first Black Nobility (Jesuit) Pope who bankrupted the Vatican.
The Roman Catholic church is slated to fall as the Scapegoat for MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT and the US will fall as the Scapegoat for Rev 18 “Babylo19 the Supreme Court findings on Obama’s eligibility to be President will be released. on
19 Feb.
Interesting times eh?