[frame_right][/frame_right]11Q13 “Prince Melchisedek Scroll” was found in Cave 11 at Qumran.
“The day of Atonement shall follow the 10th Jubilee when he shall atone for all the Sons of Light, and the people pre-destined to Melchisedek”.
Questions: 10th Jubilee from what? Who are the Sons of Light? Mitt Romney, a Mormon Melchisedek Priest has been told he is the “One, Mighty and Strong, bathed in Light” who will usher in the 2nd Coming; of Jesus Christ?
Folks, the name Jesus Christ was added to “Church of Latter Day Saints” long after Joseph Smith’s visitation by God, Jesus and the Angel Moroni.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been told his entire life his Divine Mission is to usher in the 12th occulted Imam “al-Mahdi” (He who rises) after the final battle of Good and Evil represented by Ahura Mazda “Sons of Light” and Ahriman “Sons of Darkness”. Sounds the same because they have the same Zoroastrian (Star Seed) root in Persia aka Iran “Noble Caste”.
Messianic Judaism is also waiting on the ressurection of King David and a Jewish Messiah; Benjamin Netanyahu sounded much like Ahmadinejad at the UN General Assemply because they serve the same Messiah “Lucifer”, as do Bahai, awaiting the persons of Bab and Baha’ u’ llah. Bab means Gate; Babylon means Gates of Lucifer aka On “Osiris” or Heliopolis; El “Elohim”; Allah; Sin or Marduk/Molech. Mormon means “Gates of Hell”. Theosophy aka “Thule Society” claims a transition from the 5th to 6th Root Race; 11 the 5th Prime Number and 13 the 6th. Rev 11 a Heavenly view of the Great Tribulation; Rev 13 an Earthly view. is the Venus/Lucifer date on the Mayan Calendar corresponding to 12/21/2012. Who Rises? The Sun, through the X (Ecliptic and Galaxy centered on the central Black Hole aka Tula/Thule) ; When? 11:11UTC. Make sense yet?
Pope Leo X (10th) was proclaimed Pope 3/11/1513, the son of Black Nobility bankrupted the Vatican, raized and re-built St Peter’s Basilica and ushered in Jesuit “Militia of Zeus and Minerva” control of the Vatican under control of a Black Pope aka Jesuit General and whose initiates are sworn in on a Black Crucifix; 10 Jubilees later equates to 700 years after the Council of Vienne in 1312-1313 stripped Knights Templar assets and murdered Grandmaster Jacques deMolay 3/18/1313. Yes, I’m well aware most sources point to 1314, but the funeral of Jacques de Molay was actually held 3/11/1313 ie before his death. Strange? …or part of the plan? “In 700 years the Laurel will grow green again”-Cathar prophecy.
Mitt Romney and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (nee Sabourjian “Cloth Weaver/Dyer”), both “Sons of Light” did not arrive at their respective pinnacles of power accidentally; both men worship Lucifer in the form of “Hilal”; the Mormon phrase “Pey Heylel” means “Marvelous Lucifer”; the Islamic Crescent also represents Lucifer. Notice the Flag (Ensign) of Iran is the Phoenix. “Root Race” refers to the Shabazz “Royal Falcon” Tribe; Malcolm X, a 33° Prince Hall Mason and convert to the Nation of Islam is the likely father of 32° Prince Hall Mason Barack “Lightning” Hussein “Handsome” Obama “He is with us” (in Farsi) aka Bari Malik Shabazz. Bari means Barque or Boat; Malik means Lord or Melek and the Falcon a symbol of the Son of Osiris “Horus”. “Yes We Can” is Langue d’ Oc meaning Language or Green, Yes, Oil and Birds. Put another way, the 33 yr old Green Revolution in Iran (Noble Caste) will “Inaugurate” the “Golden Age” in the Straits of Hormuz (Horus and Tammuz) when Oil shipments are cut off and America becomes “Desolate”. 33° Mason Henry Kissinger is the primary adviser to both Mitt Romney and Barack Obama, said “Control Oil you control Nations. Control Food, you control People”. What he meant by that is hidden in the words Nation meaning “Goyim” and Islam meaning “To Submit”. Submit to who? Lucifer.
Put in 1 more way, the first world war in Gen 13 was against Chedorlaomer the King of Elam ie Persia/Iran in his 13th year. Elam was Shem’s eldest son, the “Root Race” if you will. Ever wonder why Syria will also be involved? Syria is Aram, Shem’s 5th Son. How about America? Asshur is Shem’s 2nd Son; Chicago (Obama) and Detroit (Romney) represent the 2 largest stronglholds of the Assyrian Church of the East ie Lucifer the Rising Sun in America, a nation named after the Edomite god Amurru, Canaanite god Amar and Priests of Ameru meaning “Serpent Priests”. Turkey just authorized War on Syria Oct 3, 2012; Why? Shem’s 4th son was Lud meaning Lydia which became Turkey. Now how about the Birds? 33° Mason Ben Franklin proposed the Turkey to be America’s National Bird. Why? Turkomen were called Saracens meaning “Empty of Sarah” or Hagarenes; today known as “Twelvers”.
11Q13 proposes “Prince Melchisedek” will return property to its righful heirs after the 10th Jubilee. Who are the righful heirs? For those who deny God’s active influeince in world affairs and the Holy Ghost, the righful heirs are 1st born sons: Elam (Iran), Joktan (Arabs), Haran (Abraham’s elder brother), Ishmael and Esau. For those who have a relationship with God, the rightful heirs are Arphaxad (Shem’s 3rd Son), Peleg (Archipelago means Land Separated by Water; Born Again Christians are separated from the physical world by Living Water ie Jesus Christ), Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Carried forward, King David’s eldest son Solomon revered by Gnostics and Freemasons replaces David’s 2nd son Nathan; notice which son is with King David after the 2nd Coming in Zech 12:12! Nathan not Solomon!
Finally, what does “Pre-destined” refer to? By the way, John Calvin (nee Cohen) and his TULIP doctrine used in Protestant Churches is a LIE; nobody is Pre-destined to Salvation anymore than others are Pre-destined to Damnation. One prayer of forgiveness to Jesus Christ takes care of that! Pre-destined here means “Bloodline”, a connection to Jesus Christ and 1st born “Sons of the Covenant” (B’Rith) The problem is there isn’t one. The New Covenant is purely Spiritual; Mary and Jesus did not have children or escape the Crucifixion into Langue d’ Oc as the Cathars claimed. The mother does not impart a “Bloodline” to her child and Joseph was not married nor having relations with Mary when Jesus was “Conceived”. These are all Freemasonic Lies.